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Everything posted by DaisyMaeDuke

  1. It's up and running. It looks great. Scott did a fantastic job! www.johnschneideronline.com It tells about the upcoming appearance in NJ with Catherine Bach too...check it out.
  2. "How can I? You constantly remind me," retorted Luke, washing his mug, rubbing the back of his neck as he stared out the window.
  3. Luke smirked back at him. "Cute Bo. Real cute." He got up, crossing to the sink to wash out his mug.
  4. Luke gave a small smile knowing that was true. He sighed softly just thinking over the events of the day. "I suppose yer right."
  5. In my opinion, it does put the pressure on...BUT at the same time it gives me a new goal to reach for (outdo last time). I'll be honest though...when I miss one...it upsets me because I AM competetive by nature and tend to be hard on myself when I make a mistake... and here Rog and everybody...which of these were on the show? (no consulting your notebook!) Benny the Quill or Lenny the Quill Indian Creek or Indian Lake (episode names) Vance vs. Coy or Coy vs. Vance
  6. Luke nodded a little sitting down beside him again. "Guess I'm just a worry-wort anymore..."
  7. His nurse Sara was filling out some forms in the hallway. Looking up she smiled softly at him. "Hi Bo."
  8. Luke sighed, but nodded a little. "Sorry," he murmured.
  9. Luke nodded slightly giving his brother a last lingering look, before allowing his eyes to drift weakly shut.
  10. Luke lay down obediently. "Will...will you stay...til I fall asleep?" he asked sounding a lot like a scared child.
  11. "Just in case," explained Luke. It'll help with the pain...and the swelling too I hope."
  12. Luke got up getting some painkiller out of the cabinet, getting a glass of water also, and taking them to Bo. carefully he put the pills in his mouth and held the water to his lips. "That should help." He supposed he was being a little over-cautious. Truth was though, Luke had learned the hard way that his loved ones could be torn from him in an instant. He wasn't letting that happen again. Not on his watch.
  13. Luke hissed. "Sorry...guess we best leave that ice on a might longer." He carefully put it back in place. "If the swellin ain't gone by tomorrow we best have Doc take a look." In the back of his mind he really wanted to rush Bo to the doc. Now. Just in case, but he said nothing of his fears.
  14. Luke swallowed. "I am a little tired," he admitted. "Just don't seem t' have the energy I used t'."
  15. Luke gave her a small smirk, removing the towel and gently touching his hands to see if the swelling had gone down any.
  16. "Well, he ain't gonna wanna enter no boxin' match for a few weeks...but I don't think he broke nothin...cept some blood vessels maybe from the looks of the bruises startin..." answered Luke.
  17. Luke nodded slightly laying back against his pillows with a long sigh.
  18. "The punching bag decided to hit back..." said Luke softly.
  19. Luke sat down beside him sipping his own. It definately wasn't like Auntie used to make...or his uncle...but it was warm and soothing.
  20. Luke nodded and set about making it soon returning with two mugs and a straw in Bo,s so he wouldn't have to hold it. "Try that..."
  21. "Msorry...guess I aint payin attention." He scooted over on the bed. "You...you can lay down a bit if ya want...."
  22. Luke's ever-observant eyes noticed. "Youre tired."
  23. Luke nodded, kowing Bo wanted him to show some enthusiasm. "Good idea."
  24. Luke frowned, not having any idea now why he was mad, but a feeling in his heart that it had something to do with Cassie. "You...you want a cup of cocoa? I was gonna make me some..." he added daring to hope a cup of cocoa would make things better as it used to do when he was little.
  25. (ignore the prior post=-dunno what happened there) Luke sighed but nodded a little. He could certainly understand not wanting to talk about a subject. At the same time though he silently reasoned out what he did know: A) For Bo to be attacking the bag with such danger to his hands, something had upset him, to the point he hadn't even bothered putting gloves on properly. Bo didn't want to talk about it. Bo was usually pretty open with Luke about things that went on, the death of Sara having brought them closer than ever before. He didn't want to talk though which led Luke to believe one of two things: either it was so fresh in his mind it was still paining him, or whatever the trouble was had something to do with Luke. Maybe even both. He wasn't sure which, so he would wait and see. C) He had been fine at the square, so something must have happened after Luke had gone and Bo had driven home... It was here Luke's jaw dropped realizing he had left Bo to walk all the way home. "Bo I know why you're upset." He pulled at his hair. "God Bo, I'm sorry. I wasn't even thinking 'bout anythin' 'sides gettin' Abi home. You walked all the way didn'tcha?" He shook his head as he held the ice on Bo with a hand that was starting to tremble with anger at himself and fear that Bo would be so mad he would leave. "I'm sorry brother."
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