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Everything posted by DaisyMaeDuke

  1. "I suppose," came his soft answer his eyes not wavering off of Bo.
  2. Sammy turned his head to look at her. "Ain't nothin' gonna happen. What happened with Sara was a tragedy...it's not gonna happen to me," she said softly planting gentle kisses on his forehead and temple.
  3. Luke sighed. "Just worried," he continued. He didn't say what he was worried about. It didn't much matter anyway. Daisy could see for herself.
  4. "Why shouldn't I? You're my husband. Besides, I'm havin' a baby...women do it every day...I'm fine" insisted Sammy.
  5. Luke shrugged a little. "Alright I guess...." He didn't feel like he should even be talking about himself.... not when Bo was in the shape he was.
  6. Sammy nodded stepping behind him and gently massaging his shoulders. "You need to relax Bo...just relax...."
  7. "Thought so," she said softly running her fingers through his curls. "Wanna talk about it?"
  8. Luke swallowed nodding a little just letting her speak.
  9. Sammy crossed over to him wrapping her arms around him. "Things gettin' to ya sweetie?" she asked softly, resting her head into his chest.
  10. I know whatcha mean Bo... Well I can tell you if we waited until I came online I would never get a point...cuz I work during the day, others have school, etc. And Rog doesnt generally come on til night....so I definately think it should just be offered and scored by who gets it and who doesnt. As far as streaks and stuff...well I am competitive by nature, I admit. But I honestlly dont care about streak and stuff...I just wanna have fun.
  11. That'd be nice...but I think his reasonong not to is two-fold. First, no offense, but Bo doesn't really have any "lines" he is known for saying...there isn't really a Bo-ism that you could hear and automatically say that's Bo talking...Rosco is a bit easier. Also, I think John just admires Jimmie a lot. That's probably why he always pays tribute to him, even calling Collier and Co. "Hot Pursuit," a phrase James Best coined. So there is my two cents...for what it's worth.
  12. Luke once again entered Abi's room, sitting on the bed beside her just running a hand through her long dark curls, satisfying himself that she really was still there, safe and sound. Sammy meanwhile had followed after Bo. "Bo...sweetie...you okay?"
  13. Luke swallowed. "He's still unconscious," he said softly mistaking the emotion in her voice for worry over Bo, not surprise that he was there.
  14. Cottonwood Gulley Gary Butler's Law Office Witness For the Persecution
  15. Did y'all catch the season finale of The Secret Life...this week? John's character is watching tv...and he breaks into a Rosco impersonation: "Kew-kew I love that character" Soooo funny. I love how he always puts a Duke tidbit in there though...it's almost like a special gift from him to us (the true fans that catch it)... what a great guy...I love him I love him!
  16. Luke walked back inside, stopping outside Abi's door and watching her sleep, though his mind on the words Enos just spoke.
  17. Luke swallowed hard as he held his hand, worried for him.
  18. Luke nodded a little gently rubbing Bo's knuckles with his thumb. "Be okay brother," he pleaded. "Please."
  19. Luke's breath caught in his throat as he saw him stumbling his way to him and taking his hand in his own IVd one. "Is he ok? Is he...gonna be ok?" he asked frightened.
  20. Luke swallowed. He was trying his best to be patient, but the thought of Bo, his baby cousin, somewhere alone in a hospital, when the site of a needle alone scared him silly, was almost too much.
  21. Luke meantime quietly followed Sammy inside, knowing that Daisy might be a while with Enos.
  22. "I ain't apologisin' for him...I'm just sayin'...he's got a lot on his mind...things might come out more direct than he means 'em to." He was going to say more when Enos brought up Sara. He wished he wouldn't. It almost felt like a sin to say her name as if it were part of the past. To Luke, she was still very much a part of him...the present. "Enos...please..." he started, but Enos didn't seem to notice and kept on talking. Luke knew he meant no harm... and maybe the Cassie he was talking about was in there somewhere. Luke didn't know...and frankly, he didn't much care. The only women in his life constantly were Abi and Sammy. Those were the ones he focused his attentions on...those were the only women he was comfortable with...and that wasn't about to change any time soon. He sighed softly, feeling bad that Enos was volunteering to leave, but knowing from the way he talked, he would rather make sure Cassie was okay then have her alone. Nodding he answered, "Some other time then." Sammy meanwhile had forgotten all about Enos and everyone so excited and chatting happily to Daisy.
  23. "I wanna see him now!" demanded Luke, his heart racing with worry.
  24. Luke wasn't sure what to think. Knowing Bo like he did he could tell that he was getting angry, but he had yet to know exactly what for. "He didn't mean to snap atcha Enos..." began Luke though the more he thought about it Bo might have meant to. "He just has got a lot on his mind. Hey Daisy," he added when there was a lull in her and Sammy's conversation.
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