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Everything posted by DaisyMaeDuke

  1. Emy... I dont need to call reinforcements if I want to fight.... I can handle myself thank you very much. It's not my fault if people agree with the truth. You keep saying the same stuff and as Bo has tried to point out and me and Jessi you have no idea what you are talking about. Bo makes an excellent point: Think about the sponsors of those events you talk of... If John had all the publicity the parade has....or if he had sponsors' names plastered all over his General Lee like a NACSAR vehicle, maybe then he could afford to have someone other than his WIFE to be his EVENT COORDINATOR. Elly didn't get paid for all that you know... she does it cuz she loves and supports John. John is not sponsored like that and neither is Dukesfest..they had a hard time getting sponsors, but they ran Dukesfest anyway. Can't you just be thankful we had Dukesfest at all and for once quit trying to argue with everyone? It gets old real quick...
  2. Rog! I got big news for ya!

  3. I wonder if Steve would do it... he's the other side of Cleveland...how far is that from Canton? I dont remember. Would be nice to see him and his Lee again. Who did it last year? I dont know if I can come or not...though it would be nice to see y'all again...hmmmm What day will she be there?
  4. I think BL is right on the first one but Im not sure so I am not answering that one! I do disagree on the second though BL (least I think I am right....) Catfish Creek Rosco's Mama
  5. Emy...find out what you are talking about before you argue with me. Dukesfest was PROMOTED as the 30th anniversary....by John himself!!! So if you have an argument there, take it up with him, not me. As to blaming the economy for everything, I don't and never said I did. But facts are facts and if you worked with struggling families and such, as I do, and were from the area I am, maybe you would understand what I am saying...but you dont so I guess it's a mute point EXCEPT to say that John himself said that it depended on the economy whether there would be one this year. I am just reitterating what he said. So again...take it up with John if you want to argue. I am not interested in doing so. He's just as busy now as he was last year, and he didnt plan it anyway, so, say what you want, but his busy schedule isn't the reason.
  6. Call it what you want Emy...it don't matter to me. Truth be told John wasnt the one who got it all together. He may have had ideas and done a few of the contacting of people, but he was too busy to do most of the planning. So really, if you want to get technical,the reason it is not taking place is not because of John's schedule. He's just as busy this year as he was last year. The economy is bad and it costs a lot of money for people to make the trip down though, especially if driving General Lees who dont get much mileage per gallon. And again I say be thankful he had it last year at all- he took a chance, especially making it as big as he did for the 30th anniversary.
  7. well...I stand corrected...I didnt do too bad though considering I dont have the movie...
  8. I wasn't arguing with you...I was stating facts. I do not disagree that he is busy. I DO disagree that it was a bad idea altogether and that Ben should have given it to someone else. If John thought that he wouldn't have taken it on... John and Elly are definately the people best suited to take it over because they have the money to help with initial costs and John is the one out of all the cast who embraces Dukes the most. All I am saying is that you need to be thankful he took it on at all because, truth be told, it was a gamble with the economy as bad as it is....
  9. I agree Jessi. Anyone who saw Elly during Dukesfest could see how stressed she was, and that isn't even counting the stress leading up to the event. Add to that the fact that Alma, Ben's wife, has set up shows and things like this for years as part of her profession and that Elly is not an event coordinator by trade, and like you said they have teenagers still at home, Karis's games to attend, Chasen's plays to go to, etc. etc. PLUS the fact that John has a hectic schedule...if hectic is even the right word for it. John and Elly do what they can do, but they do have a life outside of Dukes, and family comes first for them. But to bash them and say that it was a "bad idea"- like Jessi said, it would not have happened at all if it werent for them. Be grateful.
  10. It's an older movie Rog...made after Dukes by a few years
  11. Ok well...my streak may end here these are tough.... Shorty's All Night Rib Shack and Pool Hall on Swamp Road Walter's Paint Shop in Possum Hollow Dixie Deli
  12. Yeah....such a sweet movie....what is really sad though is that my dvds have made it to England to spend Christmas with you and I have yet to do so:(
  13. there is however still going to be smaller Dukes events to take part in...like the Canadian one up my way... Hopefully the economy will pick back up and John will be able to make it profitable enough to have it the year after next ... you can tell by the surplus in merchandise that they anticipated many more people than attended...so unless they sell it, that's all a loss....plus a lot of the things they added to make it better, didnt (I doubt Adam West came for free) Besides he's so busy doing his movies, and Elly has a lot of stuff too with Karis's games and Chasen's performances and just the stuff of being mom on top of being John's wife which, God love him, has got to be challenging when he is away... so all that to say, I guess maybe they didn't know what they were getting into when they took it over....guess we can look at the bright side-all that money we were saving for Dukesfest can now be put into our General Lee funds;)
  14. The Return of Hughie Hogg Cool Hands Luke & Bo Vance's Lady
  15. Speak for yerself Rog...I am NOT an old-timer!!! LOL Welcome Red...be assured we all arent as rude as Rog on here lol
  16. I loved that level! LOL I'm quite a ways past it now though...LOL
  17. Well...my day YESTERDAY was in a word HORRID. Today has GOT to be better...
  18. Morgan's Airfield Rimfire Lane Road Pirates
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