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Everything posted by DaisyMaeDuke

  1. Daisy followed him shaking her head. "I dont understand why you just can't tell me..."
  2. "Then who am I supossed t wake up? Youre the only one I know that'd sleep til sundown if he could that I know about..." she teased.
  3. Daisy ran up the stairs throwing her arms around him. "Jeb Stuart come for a visit?" she guessed. "Aint seen him in ages!"
  4. Daisy's jeep pulled up at the farm a few hours later. Thrusting it into park, she climbed out yelling, "Bo! Cousin where are you?!"
  5. Daisy grinned. "Good. Cuz soon as I hang up I'm on my way... I'll even cook dinner tonight!"
  6. Daisy laughed. "Well...just so happens I was calling to see if I could come home for a week...I miss you...."
  7. "Yeah I would...so tell me..." she giggled.
  8. "Hey Bo," said Daisy. "How you doin' honey?"
  9. The phone rang at that moment, its shrill bells echoing off the walls.
  10. Luke swallowed, his head screaming for Bo to stay with him, that he was afraid to be in the room alone. He didn't though and hugging his pillow close to him shut his eyes.
  11. (whoops...my bad...he was already in the room)
  12. Luke looked at Bo as he said those final words. It had always amazed him how Bo could speak from his heart like that. Luke never had been able to, or at least, that was what he told himself. Bo was the only one who came close to ever hearing true sentiment in words from Luke-he was more a person of action, He didn't talk about things, he just did them, and most people close to him understood his silent language. Now though, Luke found himself wishing he wasn't so closed up, wishing he could say to Bo exactly what he felt about him. It was true he had been getting better at it, thanks to Sara, but he had a long way to go before he would ever be like Bo. He supposed a lot of it had to do with the tremendous fear of rejection he had always had. Sara had been the one to lable it that and at first, Luke had laughed at her. Luke Duke had been the one to always have a date on Saturday Night...he wasn't afraid of asking anyone out... but of course Sara reminded him of the fact that for every no hehad received, there had been four times as many yesses. Luke wasn't generally rejected among girls...Luke would leave them first...or find a way for them to leave before he got hurt. His mind continued racing with these thoughts, mentally telling himself that maybe Sara would want to know what he was thinking, as he went into their room.
  13. "I hate t leave you with everything...looking after me like...like a baby," he scowled.
  14. Luke nodded a little, feeling more and more tired. Still, he felt a little bad about it. "You've done everything...on yer own for so long though..."
  15. Luke nodded. "So...so what...what can I do?" He wasn't used to having time to do nothing. Of course, he was used to being asleep about this time, indicative by the yawn that escaped him.
  16. Luke nodded a little. "I guess...we best...do chores..or...somethin'?" he asked. He wasn't sure how different things had been since Bo took over.
  17. Luke nodded, wiping his eyes, drawing a quivering breath, but managing to look at the chair and not break down this time. "M'sorry...just...seein it there...empty an' all..."
  18. "Somehow," whispred Luke. The trouble was that he didn't know how to do that. The familiar feeling of letting everyone down started to sweep over him. he felt he should know...that he should be able to be strong for everyone...but it had all gotten too much somehow...and he felt that he didn't know anything anymore.
  19. Luke leaned his head against Bo, weeping more as he felt Bo's hand across his arm. "How...how can we..." he choked back a sob, looking down at his lap. He didn't know how things could ever feel right again.
  20. Luke pulled away from Bo, looking down at his lap before letting his head lean on Bo's shoulder, slow tears dripping down his face as he clenched his hands in front of him.
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