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Everything posted by DaisyMaeDuke

  1. Luke hung on shakily, blinking his wet eyes. "I...I just...I...miss him...so...so...so..." he started to say, his words ending in chokes.
  2. Soon, the sobs died down into soft weeping. Luke still had his face buried against Bo's shoulder, his hand buried in his brother's blond curls, drawing from them what comfort he could. His knees felt weak, but he didn't move, not willing to go anywhere without Bo.
  3. Luke grappled for Bo, wrapping his arms desperately around him. He wasn't prepared for this. He could hardly stay upright...without Bo he probably would have fallen onto the floor. Now he just clung to his baby cousin, crying his heart out for the surrogate daddy he had lost.
  4. I read a lot of Dukes fan fic anyway so I'll sign up...maybe my cousin will join me...hint hint Bo
  5. Luke felt the squeeze on his shoulder and sighed gratefully. He didn't know where he would be without Bo. He slipped his arm around his cousin's waist, needing the closeness as he stepped inside the farmhouse. Everything was as he remembered it: nothing by any means fancy, but all indicative of home, from the faint scent of apples to throw rugs on the floor. And of course there was Jesse's chair...and there the similiarities stopped. The chair was empty. It was this fact that caused Luke to break down sobbing then and there.
  6. Luke's heart pounded as his feet touched the ground. "Guess...we best go in," he said softly trying to keep his voice from quivering and giving away the fear he felt in the pit of his stomach.
  7. (woops) *slid out the window (not opened the door)
  8. He didn't however. Instead he muttered under his breath "I can do this, as Sara had taught him and, inhaling softly opened the door.
  9. Luke let out a soft sigh, not having realized how homesick he had been. Still, a part of him realized he hadn't been home since Jesse had passed, and for that reason alone he almost dreaded going inside, much as he longed to see the place again.
  10. Luke glanced over noticing the smile on Bo's face. It looked more genuine than he had seen it in a long while, for which he was glad. Bo had always been the more social of the two, so Luke knew that being left to himself was probably tearing at him. In that respect Luke being home would be a step in the right direction... for Bo at least. Luke wasn't so sure about himself. He hummed along though, trying his best to act as normal as he could knowing that was what Bo wanted most.
  11. Soon, Luke was unconsciously humming softly beside him, looking out the window as they drove.
  12. Luke held his own hands instead, fidgiting slightly.
  13. Luke stared out the window. He was feeling a bit nervous still and almost wished Bo would drive with one hand so that Luke could feel the familiar scar with the other, but he was ashamed of thinking so, and kept quiet.
  14. "Some things...you never forget," he answered sliding in easily resting back against the seat with his eyes closed. "Been a long time."
  15. Luke swallowed hard as Bo told him that. Grasping his hand, they walked out to the car, Luke biting his lip but at the same time enjoying walking outside with Bo.
  16. "Holdin...yer hand...like...like a baby," he said digust in his voice.
  17. Luke grasped his hand as they walked out, willing to hold it all the way to the car. He changed his mind however, knowing he probably should refrain and quietly pulled his hand away. Sorry," he said softly.
  18. Luke swallowed looking up at Bo. "Guess..I can go now..."
  19. Luke shook her hand warmly letting it linger in her grasp a little longer than necessary. "Thanks again," he said softly.
  20. Luke swallowed hard, his heart pounding so loud he was sure Bo and Sara could hear it. "Thank you."
  21. Luke bit his lip looking tearily at the papers, hoping he wasn't making yet another mistake. With a trembling hand, he signed his name: Lukas K Duke.
  22. "Right," answered Luke giving him a warm smile.
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