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Everything posted by DaisyMaeDuke

  1. There aren't many episodes I don't like...but I have to say...that one was pretty bad....though as the Balladeer once said, if it could happen, it WOULD happen in Hazzard County. But I think the final season had some GREAT plots...Dr Jeckyll and Mr. Duke, Go West Young Dukes, Cool Hands Luke and Bo...just to name a few...
  2. Me?! Naughty?! Naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah never!
  3. You always have good ideas Rog... Tuesdays and Wednesdays are not good for me...but pretty much any other time is...
  4. (Hmmm it's not posting my reply so I will try again) "Hard Luck" Jones Spruce Lake Deputy Dukes
  5. I'll keep you both lifted up in prayer: comfort for you, healing for your fiance and wisdom for the doctors...
  6. Can you refer to a Santa hat? Technically, it's an adjective there and NOT the person himself...LOL
  7. Congrats! Quite the milestone Supreme Superior Commander! Have a drink-on the house!
  8. http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/Denver-Pyle one more for ya Rog
  9. It's called John's Acoustic Chrustmas...available at Johnschneideronline.com

    I love em...

  10. It's horrible. I can't imagine ever wanting a TickleMe Elmo so much I would kill someone over it! Or anything else for that matter. I feel bad for the people having to work retail on Black Friday. Not only do they have to be out of bed to open the store at 4:00 or 5:00, but they face angry customers all day who are upset because they got up early only to find the store was out of what they came for...and then the workers get blamed. I ventured to WalMart about 11:00 and found a couple wii games for my brother. Of course when I got to the cashier she was just leaving and I would have had to wait for someone to take her place...but she said that I was the first smiling, polite person she'd seen all day and would be happy to wait on me. So I thanked her for being there and wished her a Merry Christmas... So all that to say my shopping tip this time of year: Be nice to the cashiers...yours might be the only smile they see that day.
  11. 1. Wrapping paper or gift bags?It depends what the gift is and who it's for...mostly gift wrap though. 2. Real tree or artificial? Real! No pink aluminum Christmas trees in our house! Granted, you get the sap and needles, put my cats will climb their way up either...so might as well give their claws something to dig into than metal! 3. When do you put up the tree? Last year we put it up on Christmas Eve...hopefully this year we'll get it up within the next week. 4. When do you take down the tree? Day after Christmas usually 5. Do you like eggnog? Yup. 6. Favorite gift received as a child? Hmmm.... the one I remember most is coming down the steps into our den and seeing a dollhouse in front of me....my eyes were so full of the dollhouse, I didnt realize that along with it my parents had bought me a full size church organ 7. Hardest person to buy for? My dad- he lives in the Phillippines so I hafta make sure whatever I get him can fit in his luggage without making it overweight, or mail to him, or be something he can use while he visits. A hard job... 8. Do you have a nativity scene? Sure do. 9. Mail or email cards? snail-mail 10.Worst Christmas gift ever received? Fruitcake...blech! 11. Favorite Christmas movie? I have a bunch.... I guess Elf is my new favorite though... 12. When do you start shopping for Christmas? Black Friday 13. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? *blushing* No comment. 14. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? My Mama's Christmas Cookies and homemade fudge 15. Lights on the tree? course! 16. Favorite Christmas Song ? Oh my....ummm...any of John's from his two Christmas Albums... 17. Travel at Christmas or stay at home? Stay home 18. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer? Yes of course! 19. Angel on the treetop or a Star? Angel usually 20. Open the presents Christmas Eve or Christmas Day? One on Christmas Eve,,,,the rest on Christmas Day 21. Most annoying thing about this time of year. Crowds 22. Favorite ornament theme or color? Don't really have any theme or color...though when I was little our tree had blue ornaments and silver tinsel...it was beautiful. 23. Favorite thing about this time of year? Sledding, going to Frankenmuth and seeing all the lights, going carolling at the nursing home 24. What do you want for Christmas this year? socks....no j/k...um...What I would love is a plane ticket to Europe 25. Who is most likely to respond to this? Anyone who is anyone on the Hazzardnet...
  12. Hey y'all In honor of the holiday I thought I would send the link to a little one-shot story I wrote a couple years ago. Enjoy. http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3905627/1/Turkey_Surprise
  13. Emy....why don't you just be quiet? It's really aggravating. You start off saying it isnt the economy...and now you sound like a broken record saying you agree it's the economy but you dont leave it at that...you hafta keep adding things to stir the pot and get something going all the time. Is there a deep down need inside of you that is not satisfied unless you are arguing with someone or making trouble? Really... why do you hafta keep going on and on about it unless you are trying to start something? That is NOT what Hazzardnet is for. And as far as this goes: Gosh...that's awful big of you....almost sounds to me you are saying Bo should be thankful you are letting this slide...which sounds like a threat... Hazzardnet is not here for the sole purpose of you stirring things up against people. It's here for us to enjoy. When you act like you are it is not enjoyable. Why don't you act your age and not your character's age for a change?
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