You know it's even part of a drinking game...every time the General is racing down the back roads of hazzard you take a drink...if he is chased by Rosco you chug! That is how common of an occurence it is! LOL Not that I ever play the game mind you;)
Hey y'all, I thought it would be ok to post this here since many of you are like a second family to me. My beloved aunt Dixie (honest that's her name) passed away this afternoon after a long battle with brain cancer. It's been a very hard couple of weeks for my family. Would you all just keep us in your thoughts and prayers? Thanks.
Here is what is referred to: It is about CMT's Dukesfest in Gatlinburg back in 06...showcasing Dukesfest as a reason to visit. No official Dukesfest this year...unless some of the car owners get together and cruise to the brand new Cooter's place opening up in Branson. I think that is as close as it'll get.
Im not sure about Dukefans but I think I agree with you Rog lol Here is a question: Finish the quote. From Cool Hands Luke and Bo "What we have her is a failure to__________...."
Youre the British one...and I didnt mean it to sound like that...but trying to explain exactly what connections I have would take a while, wouldnt you say?
Isn't that Kidd Rock song the song he sings about good ol' Michigan? LOL Not that I like to admit he and I have things in common (like our home state) but hey he can't be all bad,,,Kidd Rock does own a General lee