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Everything posted by DaisyMaeDuke

  1. Yeah...well there are inconcistancies...but we dont know if Bo was the first to live there, or if he had been talking of when Bo's folks came to visit...or what...
  2. another thing to consider... in a boys best friend Luke mentions being about that age (7/8) when his folks died but not being that sad cuz he had Bo and Daisy...in one episode Jesse mentions that Daisy was six when whe came to the farm... so that kind of works too, asuming their folks died at different times... Though of course the real story is they supposedly all died together
  3. I'm not saying she won't...but I doubt if she does that she will plan it...she'd likely hire someone to do that...
  4. I'm sorry to say you are both wrong. It is actually Joshua. Next question: This is probably pretty easy.... Tom Wopat got his professional start at the "Barn Theatre." Where is the Barn Theatre located?
  5. whether or not you go is a big deciding factor...it's not like I aint met her before
  6. well...in a 90 minute movie there isnt time to explain everything...if everything about the Dukes was always explained the only one talkin would be the balladeer... part of the fun of the show is to "get lost" in what is Hazzard County, not over-analyze it...
  7. As JOhn has said before though, it isnt up to him. Elly was the one who done it all last year...John just signed autographs and sang...and as stressed as Elly was, I am kind of doubting she will willingly take DF on again
  8. I always thought that Bo was 18, Daisy 20/21, Luke 22 or 23.... reason being is on Happy BDAY GL Bo is about 18 (just outta high school), Luke just ooutta the Marine Corps (one term of active duty would be about 4 years of service age 18-22), Daisy selling alcohol...Id think shed need to be 21
  9. nose (sorry but it WAS the first thing I thought of LOL)
  10. we'll give one more day for anyone else to test their knowledge. Good luck!
  11. You sure are an old softie Roger...
  12. Also from Carnival of Thrills, when Bo said his final goodbye to Diane and watched her go From Officer Daisy Duke...when Enos hurts his ankle and tells Daisy to go on... There's so many...
  13. LOL That's ok... We'll see if anyone attempts it...
  14. Widow Baxley...LOL no doubt she became a widow when whatever Baxley brother she was married to did a stunt that didnt go over so well!
  15. you arent supposed to look on the net...it's trivia. The idea is to see who knows it off the top of their head... there'd be no point to doing trivia if people just looked it up! Anyone can do that! LOL Good luck!
  16. It was suggested by Roger that I start my idea of a trivia thread of Star-related things...for example: I might ask about other movies Tom and John were in, things about the cast members lives now, etc. Hopefully you will enjoy. I'll update as much as I can, though Roger and Bo James might have to help me... Here we go. The first question of the thread.... In the movie Collier and Co., what does the J in J.R. stand for?
  17. DARN IT!!!!!!!! Me and my big mouth! Bo shoulda hit me with my rollin' pin so Id keep it shut!
  18. LOL I wonder if he is tall enough to see over the steering wheel...not like I am one to talk...and no smart alek comments from you Bo!
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