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Everything posted by DaisyMaeDuke

  1. Nah...this is something that just came up within the past two weeks...LOL I'll let you know more when I hear more
  2. Bo and I have a few connections and thus far...that's the word...there is talk of something near Hazard KY, but so far it is just talk.
  3. hey you goin to trivia?

  4. Rule (as in do onto others as youd have them do onto you...ROGER!!!! LOL)
  5. Traffic Cop (Typos indeed...you better watch it Rog or you will be the family member I disown for Christmas!!! LOL)
  6. go (I resent that Rog! I am younger than you! But yes they did....)
  7. you are my honorary uncle Rog...you are already in the family
  8. Now Bo come on...all them parties you go to? I hardly call that boring.... and bwgath...you get to carry a gun..it's gotta be soemwhat exciting right? Or are you on probation like the Dukes and guard with a bow...now that might make it more interesting!
  9. I got a few Dukes items...and all my others are Dukes related in some way...lemme expain cuz I am bored: I got a DOH watch from the 80's, Cooter's book (though I've read it twice already) and also the book The Roads Back to Early Hazzard. Also: My bro got me a really nice pen and journal (with which to write Dukes fics), a nice sweater (to wear if I go see Catherine this month), wii games to play (when I aint watching Dukes), movies to watch (when I aint watching Dukes), perfume (so that when I next see John I will smell just as good as he always does), nice fuzzy blankets (with which to curl up with and read Cooter's book or watch Christmas Comes to Willow Creek), a digital photo frame (for my Dukesfest pics of course), etc. etc. So you see....everything is tied to Dukes somehow.... LOL
  10. trust you to notice that my friend... LOL you realize knowing that makes you a Duke-nerd, don't ya? (said from one to another) Haha uh oh...he's got the shot gun an is givin me the eye...I'm gone:escape:
  11. Ive read it twice from the library but I got it for Christmas too :)We should read it together and do a book club on it or somethin...and I dont know...Bo wont be...I know...

  12. Got a job....Had a job...want to get a job? Do you like it? Love it? hate it? I'm just curious...what do you all do, want to do or have done? I'll start. I'm a school and community liaison and a certified teacher. My job is to help coordinate after school programs in 117 schools in our county. Love my job. Love it love it! I'm working towards my Master's in curriculum administration and literacy which ties into the field Im in. Now...what bout you?
  13. Roger friend Roger!!!!!!!!

  14. Well...like he said...they probably made great presents for someone... it just wasn't them Is very sad though...they even had already bought Christmas presents for them Very very sad
  15. I won't say that John has given up hoping for Marley and Paisley to get returned (Dukes don't give up) but he has decided not to replace them and just to love on their poodle to make up for it... What a good life for a dog...
  16. I agree with you BL... and unless I am mistaken Razorback Mountain was from Mason Dixon's girls... so I am not sure if that is what Rog means or nnot...
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