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Everything posted by DaisyMaeDuke

  1. He knew in his heart that he could no longer count on Sara. If he wanted things to get back to normal, he had to start relying on his family to help him...trusting in them. "Was...was like I was there again..." he said softly, as if the Vietnamese jungle would swallow him up if he spoke too loud.
  2. Luke swallowed. It was hard to tallk about with anyone... especially Bo. It wasn't that he didn't want to talk to his brother. He did. Bo was his best friend. Yet a part of him, the protective big-brother part of him, wanted to keep up the facade that was Bo's innocence. To him, the horrors of war was something he went through in the hopes that Bo wouldn't have to. Still, he supposed Bo knew better anyway...
  3. The Fortune Tellers Diamonds in the Rough Witness for the Persecution
  4. Buster.... and the answer: Elly's real name is Elvira
  5. I havent seen this since I was like 4 years old...but I do remember the Bears name was Ben... and Mad Jack had a mule named #7....lol Denver also narrated the show...(he was the balladeer)
  6. Note to self: Next time make sure the General Lee is turned off before examining the exhaust pipe.
  7. Ben Brady Bone Creek Oak Ridge Boys
  8. Hush! If I didnt know I wouldnt pretend I did (unlike some people) So someone tell me...what is Elly's real name?
  9. Ok fine you dont know...does anyone know what Elly is a nick name for?
  10. so lets ask our fellow Hazzardites... who wants Bo to prove he has the knowledge
  11. If you had the knowledge youd prove you had the knowledge but sadly you dont have the knowledge...you just think you do...
  12. I am entitled to change my mind...but if you dont know....well no one here will think any less of you...well...no one but me;)
  13. Haha. Well you were right....but I guess you dont know this one....hahaha
  14. Impressive young Padawan Duke...most impressive...let's try something a bit harder.... John is married to Elly. Elly is short for what name?
  15. You should! Now...what city in Michigan?
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