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Everything posted by DaisyMaeDuke

  1. FYI For those of you that don't know Rosco's Hazzardous Roadtrip is still available at www.jamesbest.com Not only that but good news good news!!!!! Coming soon on DVD: Rosco's Rarities. Check the web site for details coming soon. I can't wait!!!!
  2. "I know...well...I dont know...but I can imagine he was..." She looked to her respectfully. I don't imagine anyone knows more about Luke than you do...not even Bo. That probably don't make Bo feel too great either..." she added.
  3. Daisy sighed looking towards her cousins' room. "Sounds like Luke alright."
  4. "I think Bo was hurt...that Luke opened up to you more than him..." observed Daisy. "Bo said he came so close tellin' him but in the end..." She sighed. "I guess there's just some things about Luke we won't ever know."
  5. Ok That is an easy one.... "Opening Night at the Boar's Nest"
  6. "Oh I ain't..I love my brothers...s'why I worry so much about em I suppose, " she added softly.
  7. "Comes from growing up like we did I guess," she said softly.
  8. Daisy shrugged. "They's like that. Both of em'd rather suffer than deny the other anything..."
  9. "Yeah...well...if Bo thought you were at all distracted from takin care of Luke he wouldn't talk to you anyway...so maybe there's no point," she said softly.
  10. "No," admitted Daisy looking quietly to the boys' room. "Usually it was Uncle Jesse...an Luke...these last few years...Luke especially."
  11. "No...he won't give himself time to..." said Daisy softly.
  12. "He's upset...everything's really gotten to him," answered Daisy softly.
  13. "I wish you could help Bo as much as you do Luke," said Daisy softly.
  14. Daisy bit her lip, watching as Bo left the house, worried for both her cousins.
  15. "I know...but it's still been a short time is all." She shrugged. "Guess time will tell...point is he's home...I never woulda thought he'd be home so quick...but he is..."
  16. "Because Luke ain't one to fall head over heels in love that easily...you are..." she said with a smirk, "but not Luke."
  17. Daisy looked shocked for a moment, but then shook her head. "I don't believe it...maybe he has formed a special bond with her sure....but...he wouldn't fall in love with her....would he?"
  18. "His love for Sara? Woah woah..." she saifd following him. "Back up the train you think...you think Luke is in love with her?"
  19. Daisy squeezed his shoulder gently. "You realize it's his love for us that brought him home...it wasn't what Sara did...you know that don'tcha?"
  20. "It's gonna be okay honey...it will..." said Daisy softly.
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