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Everything posted by DaisyMaeDuke

  1. I agree- I know there were Indian caves but I am pretty sure they weren't called that
  2. Happy Birthday Mary Anne!!!!

  3. He says he doesn't feel any older... he sure don't look any older either....
  4. Hazzard Coffee Shop Bluebird Canyon The Great Santa Claus Chase
  5. I think everyone makes good points. It is certainly no fun being talked about behind your back or being bullied or harrassed...especially as a newcomer. I don't know what the situation was for you Jami but I am sorry you feel that way. Like Bo said, sometimes it might be banter that went too far...and though it sounds mean to say, sometimes there are existing friendships that go beyond Hazzardnet. When that happens (as is the case with Bo and I) we can get away with more stuff with each other (I'd gladly hit him over the head with a frying pan for no reason at all in a chat room and not fear that I'd be loved any less..while some people on here would get very upset if I even thought about doing the same to them). Also, if there is a problem, try to address it with the person first, and if that doesnt work tell the mods- they really are not that scary and are very helpful. By putting it on a public forum, it implies that everyone on here is like those you mentioned, and we aren't.
  6. Are your lyrics written with an English accent?
  7. Update: Just got an email....they should be sent out the end of this week...they just did some last minute footage in Atlanta and are doing some additional editing this weekend
  8. If I don't get it by the end of next week, I will give Richard Mix a call
  9. i just got in chat and you left!!!

  10. bad guy Jason Steel Rimfire Ridge People's Choice
  11. This one is tricky with so many names...kinda confusing:( But I'm going to say: Berl's Auto Body and Paint Shop near Artie Bender's cabin
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