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Everything posted by DaisyMaeDuke

  1. Luke nodded. "Good...good....George...now chew with yer mouth closed.." he added with a smile, watching the two of them.
  2. Luke nodded, smiling as he watched Zac take his first bite. "How is it?" he asked as he took a bite off his cone.
  3. Luke smiled nodding. "Just promise me George won't eat so much he makes himself sick..."
  4. Eventually, Luke got the ice creams going back to the table and setting the large banana split before Zac. "Hope it don't ruin your supper....but here..." He handed him a spoon. "Enjoy...you too George," he added as he ate his own cone.
  5. "Thanks," said Luke, paying her for the ice cream, with a glance to Zac who stood beside him still clutching his monkey.
  6. Luke nodded with a smile standing up. "How bout we get a banana split for George and he can split it with Zac...could ya put lots of whipped cream and sprinkles on it?" he asked giving her a wink.
  7. "I'll have the usual..." began Luke as he crouched down beside Zac. "You two see anything that looks good to yas?"
  8. Luke took him up to the counter. "Hey there Jenny..." he greeted the girl behind the counter, shooting her his famous smile. "Like you to meet a friend of mind...this here is Zac...and the one with the tail is George," he added.
  9. Luke smiled a little. "Well...time t' show ya what else is out there then..." he said as he pulled up to the ice cream shoppe in the square. Getting out he crossed over to Zac, helping him down before taking his hand and leading him up to the person at the counter.
  10. Luke swallowed as he pulled his hand away, afraid he had done too much too quick. "I asked what kind of ice cream you like..." he answered softly.
  11. Luke glanced at him stroking a hand through his hair. "Bet it'll be nice to get away from all that noise," said Luke as he drove out towards the town. He mostly was trying to make small talk, in order that Zac might feel comfortable with him. "What's your favorite kind of ice cream Zac?"
  12. "Good boy," reassured Luke giving the hand a little squeeze as he led him outside picking him up and putting him into the truck gently buckling him in befoore getting in with him, and heading into town.
  13. "I promise... we won't stay longer than you want to...but I think George would like a banana split to share with ya....and I'd like to hang out with you a bit...." said Luke still holding his hand out to him.
  14. Soon enough, Luke had hunted up Zac, holding his hand out to the little boy. "You ready?"
  15. Luke nodded as he followed her out of the room. Children ran rampant, sliding down the banisters, playing a game of hide and seek in the hallway.
  16. "Just came on the right day I guess," answered Luke. "I'll have him back before bedtime..."
  17. "Alright...I was wondering if it'd be ok if I took him out for an ice cream?" asked Luke, thinking it was no wonder Zac felt as alone as he did with so many children cumbered about the lady.
  18. Luke nodded smiling a little. "Tell ya what... You get yer jacket on an I'll go make sure it's ok... Then we'll go...ok?"
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