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Everything posted by DaisyMaeDuke

  1. Luke smiled watching Zac pet the old mule. Maudine had been his first friend when he came to the farm too. Maudine had silently witnessed the tears Luke had shed for his parents every day. To Maudine alone had he whispered his troubles, her ears flickering as if listening to every word. It had helped Luke to know that someone understood, even if that someone was an old mule. With any luck, Zac would feel the same way.
  2. No but little Charlie Dickens was....
  3. Welcome! Enjoy the site and keep it tween the ditches!
  4. "Maudine...she's a real good judge of character...she wouldn't do that 'less she thought you was pretty special..." put in Luke.
  5. "Sure ya are...look at Maudine...." As if on cue, the mule began to lick the apple residue off of Zac's still outstretched hand. "She loves ya already."
  6. Maudine reached down taking the apple gently from his hand. "Good job, Zac. You're a natural with animals...guess that's why George likes ya so much," said Luke with a smile.
  7. One Armed Bandits...."he's clean ruthless...you're dirty ruthless...give me dirty ruthless anyday!"
  8. "Course she does," said Luke nodding to her as Maudine reached over the stall door and nuzzled Zac's shirt looking for an apple. "Course if ya want her to really love ya you'll give her an apple..." With that he took one from the bag by the barn wall handing it to him.
  9. Luke smiled, watching as the old mule craned her head carefully taking the hay from Zac's hand and chewing contentedly. "I think she likes you..."
  10. Luke smiled as he handed some hay to Zac. "Now jus' let her take it from ya...nice an' easy like..."
  11. Luke smiled at the little boy. "She's big but she wouldn't hurt a fly," said Luke softly. He held out his hand allowing Maudine to eat graIn from it. "Wanna feed her?"
  12. "This is Maudine," introduced Luke. "You wanna feed her?" he asked as he petted the old mule.
  13. "How bout we go see the animals..." With that, he led Zac out to the barn.
  14. Luke got out, pocketing the keys, before going to help Zac out. "Wanna come in the house? Or see the barn?"
  15. Luke simply drove on, glancing to Zac every so often. Eventually he opulled up to the farm, scurrying chickens everywhere as he came to a stop. "Here we are."
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