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Everything posted by DaisyMaeDuke

  1. I get to post about Rog.... when he chops wood he looks just like Luke Duke!!!! (in his own eyes at least) hahaha Love ya Uncle Rog!
  2. Your best bet would be to purchase it....
  3. Im going out on a limb and disagreein with ya BL.... Bib Tarkey Swift Creek Hazzard Hustle
  4. http://www.mixintlmedia.com There is a place where you can still pre order but whether or not they are still available I dont know. It says that the copy I have is a limited edition out of 1000. All you can do is try....
  5. No...Tom isn't shy....in a chat one night when asked what his biggest pet peeve is he replied fans that treat celebrities like they are so much...he said that they were no different than anyone else...they have their own problems too...and in fact celebrities often have more. Tom has had obsessive fans that went far beyond what they should have prying into his private life, stealing from him, stalkers, etc. I sure don't blame him. I have NEVER heard of him speak openly about his mother's death and highly doubt that he would being as private of a person that he is... not only that, no good interviewer, in my opinion, would ever bring that up. So, I guess I'll believe you when I see it for myself, Kay. I'm not even famous and talking about my mom's death is something I wouldn't do with just anyone... I can't ever see Tom going into detail about it...
  6. You heard it from the horse's mouth? What does that mean?

  7. I'll see what I can do...I never save the links I find though...so it might take a while
  8. I don't know if it is going to be avilable in stores...you might have a better chance ordering it through Mix Intl media
  9. I havent gotten mine yet...but I am supposed to get autographed copies and stuff....so it might take longer.... sure hope they filmed my good side
  10. Ugh....I guess I better not say anything....it's not worth the battle... EXCEPT that I believe that, since she was killed in 1959, that would make Tom, who was born in 1951, estimated about 8 years old...granted I didn't look at the months and stuff...I didn't think it was that important....I just knew off the top of my head he was older than 6...it sure is aggravating though when people are so eager to prove you wrong though...
  11. Tom's mother was killed in an auto accident involving a train when he was about 9....I'll have to look for links again....
  12. Gosh, Kay...you certainly have a way with words sometimes....that came across kind of mean...in my opinion anyway... Bo's right...you can't always believe what you read on fan sites... If I remember correctly, it was a gift from his dad upon graduating high school or something like that...I think someone once asked him that in an interviw...and if you look at another interview, Tom mentioned that his dad never told him (in words) that he loved him, but he knew he did....if you put that all together, along with the fact that his dad raised him and his brothers and sister, it is understandable why he wears it all the time.
  13. season (To everything...turn turn turn....there is a season...turn turn turn...)
  14. We have a tradition in our family that my hubby and I started a few years ago...and that is every year, instead of making baskets for our kids or ourselves, we make a basket to give to someone else. This year my son made his for our pastor, my daughter made hers for her former foster-dad, my hubby made his for a Diabetic friend at his work (with sugar free candy) and I made one for my mom (who has not had an Easter basket in over 50 years given to her- she was so surprised and has thanked me a dozen times already today. This is my favorite part of Easter. It helps remind all of us about the real meaning behind Easter, that is God's gift to us. I also got to spend time with my brother, which is a treat any day. I love Easter!!!
  15. Hey I wanted to just wish all of my HazzardNet family a happy Easter. I hope you all get to spend it Duke-fashion, with family and friends all around. God bless y'all.
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