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Everything posted by DaisyMaeDuke

  1. "I could if I had wanted to...I just didn't wanna...." countered Luke.
  2. ***END FLASHBACK*** "I shoulda aimed higher...maybe I coulda knocked some sense int' ya," said Luke with a smirk.
  3. Now some might say that Bo had the temper in the family. And this was true- to a certain extent. He certainly lost control of it the most. The truth though was that Luke's temper was just as bad, especially when he was younger... when the loss of his parents still weighed heavily on his mind...before the Marine's had taught him how to forget feelings in order to act. Of course at this time, Luke was a teenager...before the Marines...before he learned self control. Angrily he threw the book across the room. "Fine! Be that way!" With that he stormed out of the room slamming the door behind him.
  4. "When you take your test on Friday," retorted Luke. "Now do it or I'm gonna tell Uncle Jesse..."
  5. "I know of one time when you'll definately have to know it...and be up a creek without a paddle if ya don't," countered the dark haired Duke.
  6. "I don't hafta give ya an instance, just do it wouldja?!" exclaimed Luke, his dander having been ruffled as Bo kept challenging him.
  7. "You might...an' then what're ya gonna do? Ya ain't comin't'me for help, that's for sure..." promised Luke.
  8. "I doubt your teacher is gonna see it that way," replied Luke. "Why can't you just do things the way they's s'posed t' be done?" asked Luke with an edge to his voice.
  9. Luke put his hands on his hips. "I told ya why...if ya do it the other way you'll get the wrong answer...that's why."
  10. ****FLASHBACK**** "BO...look...ya gotta multiply these numbers before you add the rest...that's just how it goes..."
  11. Luke smirked. "He sure did didn't he? There was a few times I wondered if he would ever sit again..."
  12. Luke shot him a glance. "You weren't exactly a prized pupil all the time, ya know...in fact sometimes you could be just downright ornery."
  13. Luke shook his head. "That was your own fault Dais...you shoulda known Miz Applewood would call an see if they was on the mend..."
  14. Luke laughed. "They just wanted to say anything to get you to try to study...they figured since ya looked up to me so much that maybe...just maybe it might work...just goes to prove teachers don't know nothin..."
  15. Luke smirked. "Well maybe if it wasn't so boring I would have gone more...but I dunno that I woulda been any wiser," he added. Truth was Luke was smart already. He knew it, Jesse had known it, and the teachers...well, they never wanted to admit it. They never took kindly when Luke argued them out of a point they were trying to make. They always called it insuboordination, or disrespect, but Luke knew better...his many times to the principal's office had given him time to think if nothing else. It was plain old denial: denial that Luke knew some things they didn't. He had taken to skipping school mainly to avoid the principal's office, and the teachers hadn't said anything to Jesse. They just were glad to not have to deal with him, he supposed.
  16. Speaking of John's movies reminds me: Come Dance at My Wedding will air June 6th at 9:oopm EST on Hallmark and June 12th at 9:00ESTon Hallmark Ironically I will be dancing at a wedding myself at this time, so I will have to catch it June 12. But it's gonna be great!
  17. Luke nodded a little knowing that was true. In truth, she would always br proud of them, even if there was nothing to be proud of, their aunt would find something. It was the way she was.
  18. Luke smiled. "Yeah I guess ya do at that. Auntie woulda been real proud of the way you turned out," he added, unable to help but think about his aunt with al the reminiscing going on.
  19. ***end flashback*** "Course ya didn't stop," reflected Luke. "Ya never did do what I wanted you to do, when I wanted ya t' do it."
  20. "Why you little..." began Luke, grabbing hold of Bo and tickling him, holding him tightly so he couldn't get away. Lavinia laughed shaking her head at Daisy's inquiring look. "Boys will be boys Daisy-girl...sooner you make up yer mind t' that the better. Why don't you eat...sounds like those twoo might be a while," she added with a chuckle.
  21. Luke shook his head at his cousin. "Thanks a heap," he said as he finished washing his own hands, soon holding a towel out to Bo. "Gimme yer hands Bo-Bo."
  22. Lavinia smiled patting the little girl on the head gently, as she set three glasses of lemonade invitingly on the table. Luke, meanwhile, had gone to the bathroom with Bo, turning on the water to a comfortable temperature and helping the four-year-old onto his stool. "Make sure ya use soap," cautioned Luke squeezing some into his cousin's hands as well as his own. "You know how funny girls can be bout stuff like that..."
  23. Luke held his hand out to Daisy and, in big-brother fashion, hugged Bo's shouders as they walked inside. "Lunch ready yet Auntie?" he asked dimpling up at her.
  24. "Yeah...I see...now put the ant down...he wants t' go home an' eat...just like we gotta do...it must be 'most lunch time," observed Luke looking towards the house.
  25. Luke let out a sigh of relief, before hurrying over to his wayward cousin. "Hey! Didn't I tell ya t' stay put?!" he demanded, sounding very much like a small adult than the eight-year-old boy he was.
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