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Everything posted by DaisyMaeDuke

  1. Luke nodded a little, wiping at his eyes with the back of his hand. His mouth felt funny, but he didn't say so; Auntie said it was fine, so it must be. Tentatively he stuck his tongue through the gap. "Feels funny..."
  2. Luke looked up at her, his eyes hopeful. "I am?" he asked with a small whimper, glancing to Bo who watched him from the floor. He wanted to be a big boy...especially since Jesse had told him that one day Bo would look up to him.
  3. Tears gathered in the little boy's bright blue eyes, scared at the sight of the blood. His mouth felt funny, and as he stuck the tip of his tongue to where he cold taste the blood coming from, he looked at his aunt with a horrified expression on his face. "My...t-teef...auntie... my teef!" he cried pointing to his mouth where, sure enough, a wide gap showed where his two front teeth had once been. "Dey's gone!"
  4. Luke couldn't help but smile a little at Bo's banter, before giving him that trademark look that Bo knew so well. With a twinkle in his eyes, though his face remained perfectly straight, Luke returned calmly and matter-of-factly, "If he's cute, it must be me." He removed the picture from the album, looking on the back. "August...so you weren't quite a year old..." he began putting the picture away carefully. "I came runnin int' the house fer somethin...an' you was layin' on the floor playin' with your toys..." ****flashback**** "Auntie!!!! Auntie!!!" shouted Luke as he rushed in through the door, his blue eyes filled with excitement over the nest of newly hatched chicks he'd discovered. So filled with excitement, and his eyes searching for his aunt that he never saw Bo's toy dumptruck on the floor...not until he tripped over it and landed with a thud on the hard wooden floor, blood immediately beginning to ooze from his mouth.
  5. Luke looked at him. "What a funny guy," he said sarcastically. With those parting words, he ent to the bookshelf in the corner, thumbing through books until he came to one, taking it back to the coffee table and flopping down on the couch, picking up the book and thumbing through it. "There," he said gradually handing the open album to Bo. "That there is what got ya t' say your first word," he said pointing to an old picture of a little boy, no more than five years old, with plenty of dark, curly hair smiling wide, despite the two fron teeth he was missing.
  6. Luke smirked, turning Bo's head towards him before giving him a playful cuff upside the head. "Cute..." He shook his head, running both hands through his curls standing them more topsy-turvy than usual. He casually made his way to the living room motioning Bo to follow him. "Actually though, it was my face... kinda..." he added with a smirk.
  7. Luke chuckled giving Bo a playful shove as he "fought" with him for the water. Truth be told, he could have gone to the bathroom to wash up like most people would have done. But having an opportune time to spray Bo with water, didn't happen every day...he had to treasure these moments when they came. With that he pursed his lips and under pretense of washing his hands allowed some water to accidentally-on-purpose spray Bo in the face. "Your first word came out 'cuz ya was so scared..." informed Luke, continuing to wash his hands as if the accidental shower never took place.
  8. Luke smirked as he slipped the fish off of the stick and into the bucket of water Daisy always had ready when the boys went fishing. "Course I do," he said, knowing full well that the family would not doubt him. Luke Duke had a mind like a steel trap. He only forgot what he chose to forget, and those first memories of his baby cousin were ones he cherished.
  9. Luke reached into the trunk, grabbing the tackle box out of the back as well as the stick of speared catfish, taking both inside, though leaving the trunk lid open to air out. "If I recall you was about a year old when you said your first words..." he said simply, though a small smile was on his face at the memory.
  10. Luke shook his own head as he, too, slid out of the General Lee's passenger side window. "I did teach ya t' fish...just like I taught ya t' stand...an' talk...an walk..." The older Duke boy shook his head again, stepping out of the car, saying with finality, "You just don't remember nothin'... unless it's got two long legs stickin' out from under a mini skirt," he added with a smirk.
  11. I saw John yesterday and he didn't say a thing about there being a Dukesfest of any kind this year....I would think he would have said something if it is in just a few weeks.... If you look at the URL posted you will see that it leads to CMT's Dukesfest...to the best of my knowledge, CMT has not sponsored Dukesfest for a while (ever since they stopped showing Dukes)...I am wondering if the URL you found is an old one?
  12. These are tough...is no one brave enough to take a stab at it?! Kay...well I'll break the path but here's hoping my streak don't end here.... Miss Fanny Drucilla of Fanny's Fabrics Bobcat Flats near Morgan Airfield Summerville
  13. well since no one else wants to say Im gonna say Welcome Back Bo and Luke
  14. Believe it or not chapter 28 is UP! If you'd like to read it I'd appreciate your thoughts! http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3358348/1/Witness
  15. Sycamore Road Sweetwater County Hank Duke
  16. Im ok I guess....you?

  17. I really don't know how I remember...some of them are really tricky...
  18. sorry that was meant to be a pm...so much for staying on task Daisymae...lol
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