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Everything posted by DaisyMaeDuke

  1. Luke nodded seemingly understanding the boy's body language. Quietly, he led him back to the truck strapping him in once more, before getting in himself and starting it up, heading off towards the farm.
  2. "So...you wanna go back...wanna go to the farm...or what?" asked Luke not willing to make him do anything he didn't want to do.
  3. Luke nodded with a half-smile. "Will do...thanks, Cooter." With that he led Zac out of the garage.
  4. Luke swallowed, feeling uneasy himself. "I guess we best get going..."
  5. Luke nodded swallowing as Zac jumped pulling his hand away. "Sorry, buddy," he murmured.
  6. Luke rested a hand on Zac's head, running a hand through his hair gently to reassure him. "What's goin' on today?"
  7. "Yeah...it has....I just...ain't had the heart to work on him lately," admitted Luke but quickly changing the subject. "How is business?"
  8. "Oh yeah? What was he up to?" asked Luke, a hand still on Zac's arm.
  9. "True," chuckled Luke. "Thought I might take him to the farm too...if he wants t' go...."
  10. Luke nodded in agreement. "He is a great kid, Cooter... really great. He hasn't been into Hazzard too often, so we's just looking around..." He didn't mention how Zac had been waiting at the window for his folks. Zac hadn't mentioned them since they left and Luke wanted to keep his mind off his troubles, if only for a little while.
  11. Luke shrugged. "They needed help," said the dark-haired Duke. "I volunteered," he finished, laying his hand comfortingly on Zac's arm, but letting him stay behind his legs until he was at ease enough to venture out on his own. Luke too, could remember vividly his first days in Hazzard. He had not been much younger than Zac when his parents were killed, and though he had his aunt and uncle, Daisy and the baby Bo, he had, for a long time, felt scared meeting new people,shy but also frightened...frightened that the more people he allowed into his life, the more people would leave him later on. Truth be told, he still struggled with that sometimes.
  12. I think most of us know about the infamous picture of you in your gunbelt, hat and boots put in the hat for Catherine Bach to look at.... Can you tell us about any other pranks that you or the rest of the cast had done on the set?
  13. "Orphanage," answered Luke quietly. "We just went an' got ourselves some ice cream."
  14. Hey Jimmie, You left us in the chat....what happened?

  15. "He's a bit shy...," explained Luke quietly. "It's ok Zac...he's a friend of mine...an' your a friend of mine...that makes him your friend too, see?"
  16. Luke laughed. "I feel more sorry for the hood of the car ya just dented. This is Zac..he's a friend of mine."
  17. Luke didn't notice, or didn't mention it if he did. He just continued story after story, as he showed Zac the sites, eventually walking into Cooter's garage. "Hey Cooter!"
  18. Luke took hold of his little hand, walking him down the streets of Hazzard, entertaining him as they walked, telling stories of how Rosco was always running into fire hydrants, and about the time they all had dressed as Santa Claus and delivered Christmas trees to their friends.
  19. Luke nodded, offering his hand to the little boy as he slid out. "You like cars? I could take you over to my friend Cooter...introduce ya...."
  20. "Would you like to walk around...see what Hazzard is like?" offered Luke.
  21. "You know...I don't gotta have you back til bedtime...is there somewhere you'd like to go?" asked Luke not really expecting an answer.
  22. Luke, too, had finished his cone and now sat looking out at the town. "S'busy today," he remarked.
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