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Everything posted by RogerDuke

  1. From "Ding Dong, the Boss is Dead" where was the public showing of Boss's body lying in the casket? (of course, he was only pretending to be dead) A) Boar's Nest Hogg's Funeral Home C) Hotchkiss Funeral Home D) County Courthouse
  2. compass (I guess I have a reputation for liking them dynamite arrows LOL)
  3. RogerDuke


    Nobody's posted anything here for a couple days so I hope we're still on for Monday at 9 (EST). I'll be there.
  4. Welcome to Hazzard County Jeremy....thanks for serving your country.... Air Force huh?...well I'm not surprised that you want your own General Lee since he spends a lot of time up in that wild blue yonder. You really sound like the kinda guy who belongs on the Hazzardnet so we're all looking foward to talking Dukes with ya. Just remember one thing, ya better buckle up for safety on this high flying website. I'm gone.
  5. Jesse *looking down at little Daisy while holding her hand and walking through the woods with flashlights* The two of them were heading toward the Old Indian Cave on a hunch. Jesse had overheard Luke talking to little Enos a couple weeks ago about running away from home and living in the cave because he got a whippin' for throwing a meadowmuffin at Daisy
  6. Sorry B.L. but that didn't help your streak any. North Meadow and Snake Nation Road were really on the show. I made up the other two....well, actually I didn't completely make up "Old North Church". There really is one but it's in Boston and it's the sight of the start of Paul Revere's famous ride...."One if by land, two if by sea..." Well, at least you and Lizzy didn't fall for that phoney Colonel Henry Duke feller.
  7. *walking with little Daisy with flashlights through the woods just east of the back 40, yelling out Luke and Bo's names*
  8. Which of these were on the show? Old North Church or North Meadow Snake Nation Road or Rattlesnake Bog Colonel Henry Duke or Gaylord Duke
  9. RogerDuke


    9:00 Monday sounds good....the more people the better. Hmmm, I wonder what episode Daisy's going to pick?.....since Daisy started this whole thing, I think she should pick the episodes....or she should pick the person that picks the episode. (She should pick herself this time since it's her turn) Am I confusing anybody. I know I'm confused.
  10. That sounds right to me Alex. After I posted that, I remembered the scene with Hard Luck Jones but I wouldn't have remembered the one with the Beaudry's without your help...thanks!!
  11. I know Alex...and I agree...ya can't blame a feller for havin' a little fun though. By the way, I'm pretty dumb with technology so I don't know what ya meant by "my flat panel monitor is in color" but I hope the color is orange. If not, I still have a little spray paint left over from coloring my computer.
  12. fugitive (I picked that word because the Dukes episode Johnny was in was "The Fugitive".....plus Johnny had occasionally had a little trouble with the law himself) By the way, that was clever DaisyMae
  13. You're right Tim and Alex. It was the outhouse (with Luke's car magazines inside) Alex has 59 in a row correct. Alex, I think you're right about that blown up still being repeat footage also. I can't remember what episode it was from originally but I think they used that same footage at least 3 times. Didn't the boys blow that up once with dynamite arrows because Boss was using the still to set someone up? It seems like there was another episode where that same footage was Boss's still and someone blew it up to get revenge on him. Does any of that sound familiar?
  14. RogerDuke


    I might be guilty of making some assumptions here so I'm sorry. I guess the best thing to do is post a time and if at least one person can join then that's great. That being said, Laura (and anybody else) do you want to try for Monday at 8 EST?...actually 9 would be better for me but that might be late if BoJamesDuke wants to join in considering the time difference in England.
  15. *raises hand to be noticed above the rest of the crowd (especially Alex)* Ooooh, oooh, pick me, pick me, I want to be a Hazzardnet administrator too. I realize it requires some computers skills and as soon as I figure out where the grease fittings are on this thing I'll (hopefully) have acquired enough techno skills to do the job. I already spray painted it orange and put a couple 01s on the sides. I bet Alex's computer is white or black or some other boring color.
  16. **continuing with flashback** Jesse *drying hands with towel after doing dishes then looks out window and mutters to self* I wonder what those kids are up to? I better git out there.
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