I got my six boards in the mail today and I love them! At first I was worried that when they arrived I'd be too sad about the farm being tore down to enjoy them but that wasn't the case at all. Fortunately we've had a couple years to emotionally prepare for the loss of the farm after NASH became a HazzardNet member and warned us it really couldn't be avoided. I've accepted the fact that the farm is history. I'm still saddened but there's nothing I can do about it and have no choice but to move on. Owning the boards is tremendously comforting. I hate traveling so I never got to see the farm but holding (and owning) something that is a piece of Dukes of Hazzard history is a very special feeling. I really can't describe it. Calling it spirutual isn't right because God is much more important than anything on this Earth but in a Dukes of Hazzard perspective, I guess I would descibe it as almost spiritual. After all, the farm in Georgia is where it all began. The Georgia episodes started something that has had a profound influence on my life. After God and family I can think of nothing else that has influenced my life more than the Dukes of Hazzard. More than three decades after those 5 historic episodes in the Georgia farmhouse, that's still true. Thanks so much to DoubleShot for originally making the story about the farm available on this thread. Thanks to Chuck Hewatt for giving us the opportunity to own a piece of history. For any of you still considering owning something, you can go back to the original post on this thread and then e-mail Chuck at hollis42@comcast.net. I'm not sure what's still available but time's running out. Don't miss this once in a lifetime opportunity. By the way, after corresponding with Chuck via e-mail I had no doubts about the authenticity of the boards but he sent 6 certificates that were notarized by a notary public from Walton County Georgia.....very professional! I'll value my treasures forever. I'm sure a lot of folks wouldn't be able to understand why....but that's one reason I love the HazzardNet so much...you folks get it!