Congratulations K-Duke. I've driven for 36 years without an accident or moving violation so I've earned the right to give young drivers like you advice. Here's my top 10 in no particular order. 1) Always consider the possibility that another driver is going to do something stupid. 2) Look twice in both directions before pulling out. Blind spots between windshields and side windows can be deadly if not considered. 3) Don't use your cell phone, smart phone, I-phone or any similiar device ever. (If you don't believe me just look at the driver the next time you see someone else coming toward you and crossing the center line in your path. 80% of the time you'll see them looking at an electronic device). 4) If you take a curve at 50 mph on Monday, 51 mph Tuesday and 52 mph Wednesday don't think you can go faster every day around that curve. Everything has its limits. Don't push them. 5) Don't tailgate. PLEASE DON't TAILGATE. It's stupid and dangerous. 6) If you think you can go as fast in the snow you'll soon find out that you can't. Hopefully you won't learn the hard way. Leave earlier to get to your destination. 7) Make sure your vehicle is safe, especially your tires and brakes. 8) Don't give into peers who want you to do something unsafe. You're better off being a live nerd than a dead cool kid. 9) Use your turn signals...not just for safety but for common courtesy as well. 10) Don't ever think you're the master of your vehicle. My grandfather once told me "As soon as you think you're in charge of a piece of machinery, be it a drill press, chain saw, lawn mower or vehicle, it'll show you real fast that you're not the boss. Overconfidence can kill." Now that I got that out of the way, have fun.....the right kind of fun. We're a big happy family here and we care about our young folks. You're the future of the HazzardNet!