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  1. Sitting in the backseat with the handcuffs tightly pinching his wrists, Garrett can't help but to laugh to hear the commotion over the radio. "You hush it, Duke!" Rosco yells back at him, "All this is because of you!" Garrett nods in satisfaction. "I know," he admits, still laughing; which is unheard of from him, "that's what makes this all the funnier." "Oh you Duke!" Rosco yells, "Before you showed up, I thought Bo and Luke were the worst it could get. You came and proved me all wrong!" "That alone makes this all the more worth it, Rosco," Garrett responds. "Tell me sheriff," he pauses for dramatics as the patrol car pulls in behind Boss's Cadillac, "what's gonna happen when they find out the truth of what you and that fat white marshmallow did?" "Garrett Duke!" Rosco yells as he throws open the door and Hogg comes to Garrett's locked door with a cigar in hand. Rosco runs around and pushes Hogg away to open the door, "You be nice the commissioner or you'll never make it Atlanta alive!" Rosco yanks Garrett out of the car only for Boss to shove him back down and blocks him. "What are you doing, Rosco?!" Hogg hisses, blowing smoke into Rosco's face, "This lugnut has caused Hazzard, you, and me all this issue. You take him out you giving him chance to escape! No, no, no. He's going to be locked into that car until the Atlanta boys take him back home where he'll be locked up with murderers and the worst of the worst! I'm looking forward to seeing how long you'll survive in there, Duke!" Hogg turns to Garrett at that and blows smoke in his face again. "Seeing on how I already spent time in there and gained some powerful friends there," Garrett coldly smiles in Hogg's face, "I'd say my chances of survival is better there than it is in your junk hole here!" Hogg looks at him angrily before slamming the door in Garrett's face. Turning to Rosco he yells, "Get this criminal out of my cave and out of my town. NOW Rosco!" "Yes sir, Boss sir," Rosco states before he climbs back behind the wheel. Backing out he states, "You gone and made Boss mad, Duke. You'll really gonna pay for it now." "That just makes my day," Garrett coldly responds.
    2 points
  2. Thank you everyone. I am sure things will work out. My parents are helping out a lot so I am blessed. I've read how the transmissions of the car were faulty. I think I read it right before buying it as well but the guy told my dad if that were to happen they'd fix it. But my dad had to bring my car to another place because where I got it was booked until mid July. I really like this car and am sad to see it having issues. I felt guilty leaving it on the lot Wednesday. It's Sunday and they still have it and no word on who is paying for it or how this will happen. Hopefully tomorrow. I'm just hoping Ford will cover it since obviously it's on them...but we will see. Thank you for your support. I almost didn't post it because I am sure you all have stuff going on as well and this is nothing compared to a surgery and having to pay for that on top of it. It'll work out, I just need to be patient...
    2 points
  3. "That dang blasted orange clunker car, dag nab it! That thing has caused me more trouble around here than Delilah caused Samson after giving him that haircut! You lugnuts better try your best to catch Jesse Duke, or else, you'll be demoted to night watchmen at the Hazzard Gravel Pit! Now move you dipsticks, on the double you hear me!?" The Boss bellowed angrily. Cletus and Enos looking dejected reply in unison"Yes sir Mr. Hogg sir!"
    2 points
  4. Val

    Word Association

    Queen (song lyrics Mississippi Queen If you know what I mean …)
    2 points
  5. Driving down the road with a handcuffed Garrett in the back, Rosco is excited and gets on the CB. "Boss, you ain't never gonna guess what I'm bringing you! I done arrested that Garrett Duke and I'm heading back to see ya." Boss responded quickly "Nice, nice Rosco! I'll see to it that there's a little extra in your pay for this...very little...what about the rest of that gang?" Rosco replied "Oh, don't you worry about them none Boss. My deputies are there to take care of them. They'll be cuffed and stuffed in no time. I just figured since Garrett was the ring leader I'd take care of him myself." Boss muttered to himself "dipstick deputies. I hope they don't mess things up like they always do." Rosco continued. "You aren't going to believe what Garrett and Roy did Boss. They snuck in the cave and made a tape of you admitting to this whole operation. The nerve of them thinking they could get the best of you." Boss panicked "What! A tape! Where is it now?" After Rosco explained it was back at the still site Boss got on the CB and told Enos and Cletus to confiscate the tape recorder immediately. Enos happily responded. "Mr. Hogg sir, we are two steps ahead of you. We already have the tape recorder, and everyone loaded up in the patrol cars. Everybody except Jesse. He said he'd come in to be arrested right after he went back to the farm and did chores." Boss responded "You lugnut. Oh well, I don't care none about Jesse anyways. Just get over here to the cave." Jesse broke in. "You should care about me Boss. Yer deputies have the tape recorder but I took the tape out and right now I'm heading to the state police in Capitol City." Boss was furious. "Enos, Cletus, Rosco. You go git Jesse now!" Cletus responded "I'm sorry to tell you Cousin Boss but he's got about a 10 mile head start so we don't have a chance." "So what Cletus. His pick up truck is slow as a snail." "Well, Cousin Boss, I'm sorry to say this but he took the General Lee."
    2 points
  6. RogerDuke

    NASCAR news

    2 points
  7. Glad to hear you are recovering Hobie. I spent all day yesterday riding dirt bikes with a couple of other guys. It sounds like you'll need a few more days off before joining us. Keep us updated on your progress. I'll see what I can do about making a shine run to your house.
    2 points
  8. HossC

    NASCAR news

    Well, that was an interesting Austrian Grand Prix (i.e. Red Bull's home race). The sprint race yesterday went pretty much as expected. Lando Norris took the lead from Max Verstappen for one corner, and as Max retook the lead, Lando's team mate Oscar Piastri got past him too. They finished in that order. Max also took pole for the main race, but a different tire strategy and a slow final pit stop meant that Lando was able to catch him. We then had wheel to wheel action for about a dozen laps before the two of them had a coming together with seven laps to go. Both got punctures, and Lando had to retire from the race. That left the door open for Mercedes' George Russell to take his second F1 win. Behind him, Oscar passed Ferrari's Carlos Sainz for second. Max was given a 10 second penalty for causing the crash, and eventually finished fifth behind Lewis Hamilton. The race highlights are here. Next week is the British Grand Prix, which is shown live on free-to-air TV over here. It should be a good race with the field closing up.
    1 point
  9. So cool! Just showed it to my wife. Her favorite show is General Hospital but she'll watch Dukes on occasion and knows all the characters. The lyrics in this video are so well coordinated with the characters. I'd watch General Hospital if it had the General Lee.
    1 point
  10. Garrett Duke

    NASCAR news

    Y'all are way off track from NASCAR...and the season. It's almost July. LOL. Go Chase Go!
    1 point
  11. Thank you Roger. I am looking forward to seeing your post!
    1 point
  12. Sorry Skipper. I'm out of reactions or I'd give you a heart. Good to see you back in the role play.
    1 point
  13. First time I ever heard of anybody making payments on a moonshine still. (I couldn't resist the creative editing...lol)
    1 point
  14. I feel for you Garrett! Bud, I've BEEN there! If I was a rich man , I'd help you out! Right now I'm paying for the Hernia AND I STILL haven't gotten through it all!! I've got at least 2 more appointments with the Dr., which means more bills!! This whole thing is going to cost me like buying a car and it was a simple, quick operation! The Anesthetist said ( when I asked him how long this would take) that it would take him longer to put me out than it would fpr the surgeon to fix my Hernia!
    1 point
  15. Hobie Hartkins

    A-Z Game

    The General Lee was a VERY fast car!
    1 point
  16. Spike

    The last 24 hours

    Is your Focus a manual or automatic? That generation of Ford Focus had a junk automatic transmission. Ford was trying something new with a dry dual clutch automatic transmission, unfortunately every owner is finding out that it was a bad idea. Bad enough the engines were known to grenade themselves too but so do the transmissions. Other than that those were great little cars, many car magazines praised them as the best handling compact cars. Wish you luck Garrett.
    1 point
  17. Shucks Garrett. Your post is tough. I wish there was more that we could do but if helps at all......just know how loved you are by your family here. Usually when you have a run of bad luck that means you are due for a run of good luck. I sure hope that run starts soon for you. ❤ Edit: There you go Garrett. I added to the role play. That might cheer you up.
    1 point
  18. RogerDuke

    A-Z Game

    luke learned to fly ULTRALIGHTS in the marines
    1 point
  19. Oh yes!!!
    1 point
  20. Rosco plowing through the fruit stand during "can't stay in their lane" makes me laugh every single time. 🤣
    1 point
  21. That "Yeehaw!" in the beginning was just a happy accident in timing. The rest were pretty much planned. That was so much fun to do, but I'm tired. I was up til about 2:30am working on it. 😆
    1 point
  22. THAT was GREAT!! Thank You Ma'am!! I'm proud that you're our leader!! This was great music, well timed...PERFECT!!
    1 point
  23. Glad to hear you are recovering Hobie and hope you are not in too much pain. That sounds like fun, Roger. I never rode a dirt bike before. I am in need of Cooter as my car's transmission warning came on the other day on my way home from work. Once home we got a bad storm with big hail. So on top of my transmission problems, I now have a few dings in my car from the hail. Now that said, my car is no General Lee and most people may not think one ioda about it as it's only a 2014 Ford Focus. But it is my baby and it's by far my favorite car that I've had so far so both issues makes me upset. It is currently at the shop and the last I heard was that they were waiting on to see if Ford would pay for the clutch since it had a recall on the clutch, but it was past the recall date. (Go figure...though I don't see how there is a past recall date as a bad part is a bad part. I should be rewarded for it lasting this long. LOL) My landlady raised my rent starting on the first. I was already worrying about how I'm going to make that possible as I am already living paycheck to paycheck. Now to worry about my car on top of it all. Plus work stress and my college class...I'm ready to run far far away. (I'm still paying the bank for my car as well...)
    0 points
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