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  1. I hope it gets better for you Bud!! I gotta get to the hospital tomorrow ....they just called to tell me when my surgery is going to be....I KNEW IT!!!! !!!! 6:30 AM!!! And they're in the next county over!! ( Putnam!!) GRRR!!! It's called a Herniotomy...you got it! Hobie is now Hobie Hernia!! ( Hernia Hartkins???? )
    4 points
  2. Spike

    NASCAR news

    It's "Official" Chase Briscoe will drive the JGR #19 Camry in 2025 https://www.jayski.com/2024/06/25/chase-briscoe-joining-joe-gibbs-racing-in-2025/
    3 points
  3. RogerDuke

    NASCAR news

    I catch myself watching it once in awhile. It's unbelievable how athletic those guys who weigh over 300 lbs can be....doing flips and stuff. I bet Hobie is a WOW fan. I'm still waiting for Cousin Alice to show up. "Wanna rastle?"
    2 points
  4. RogerDuke

    The last 24 hours

    Still raining hard but the worst of it is over. Let us know how it went as soon as you can Hobie. When they ask you how you got your hernia are you going to be honest and tell them it was from lifting and moving your still because you knew the revenuers were on the way?
    2 points
  5. Spike

    The last 24 hours

    Roger batten down your hatches. Severe storms and torrential downpours that hit here will be heading your way later this afternoon. Good luck on your surgery Hobie.
    2 points
  6. Good luck Hobie! I hope it turns out ok for you. Not laughing cuz you have to have surgery. Laughing cuz of the new nickname you wrote.
    2 points
  7. Spike

    The last 24 hours

    Because they didn't want to see her like that. It's so funny I met the brother of the deceased Friday and left him a few phone numbers to someone that buys and flips houses and an estate buyer thinking it might help out down the road since he lives out of state. The friends of the deceased called me insensitive for doing that, but this was probably the only time I'm going to see him since he's from out of state and I figured I'd leave him some contacts that may come in handy in due time. Funny coming from them considering they called the brother every name in the book. And wouldn't come over and check on their friend when I contacted them last Saturday. Yesterday I took the day off. Went out to put a coat of wax on the car early in the morning and see 2 cop cars in the parking lot, then 4 detectives show up and then the coroner. One of the neighbors apparently passed away over the weekend. For the family's sake I hope it was natural causes. Btw thanks for the birthday wishes but it sucked. The plans my wife made went poof. My uncle was incessant that the home health aide needed some important papers so we dropped everything and drove all the way back home to find the papers and drop them off at my dad's only to find they left from my dad's already. So I figured it and mowed the lawns instead so I could at least get one day to sleep in on the weekend.
    2 points
  8. Garrett Duke

    NASCAR news

    Here y'all go again...talking something other than NASCAR on my NASCAR thread. HA. If you are going to be talking about another sport, at least make it baseball related instead. LOL. Sadly I agree. I feel like NASCAR has become more about the drama and less about the racing. I just read this afternoon where Kyle Larson cussed his spotter out and how his crew is tired of his attitude, because Hendrick wants him (Larson) to retaliate against Denny Hamlin and he won't listen to his crew and spotter to do it. Hendrick has always been the least aggressive (when it comes to wrecking and fighting) team out there, so it's disappointing to hear that, but I'm sure it's catching up with the team as a whole for not being in the spotlight even with drivers who are on top of the points and winning races. I am not a Denny Hamlin fan. He's wrecked Chase Elliott enough times as well as apparently Larson as well. He may need an attitude adjustment, but retaliating on the racetrack is seldom a good idea.
    1 point
  9. HossC

    A-Z Game

    No, I don't speak Russian. But I do watch the OLYMPICS. Waylon from 'Comrade Duke'. Kensington Palace is a royal residence in London now owned by the King. Although it's the official address of several members of the British royal family, I don't think any of them currently live there.
    1 point
  10. HossC

    Word Association

    Houses It's alleged that he never had a romantic relationship and died a virgin, so I guess that was his comeuppance for inflicting calculus upon us. On the plus side, he did design that cool Pink Floyd album cover.
    1 point
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