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2 hours ago, RogerDuke said:

I sure wish everybody had a Cooter in their town. If your transmission needed replaced he'd do it in the time you walked to the store to pick up the dozen donuts he wanted to do the job. 

Not only are vehicle repairs crazy expensive now but vehicles have gotten so complicated that you can't work on them yourself anymore. There's just too much unnecessary high tech crap on them. But it makes the car companies more profit so they aren't going to change. In their defense, some of it is to comply with unnecessary government regulations. 

Thank you Roger. Yeah...they know everyone needs a car to get from place to place so that know people will be forced to pay for it all. I wouldn't know how to fix or work on it even if it wasn't all high tech. LOL. I am just glad to have my car back and put this behind me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Rough week around here. We just just commemorated my daughter's (would have been) 40th birthday and Monday will be the first anniversary of her death. It's tough because I feel like I can't win no matter what I do. If I think about it too much it hurts too much. If I don't think about I feel bad for not thinking about her. Life is all about finding the right balance I guess. 

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4 hours ago, RogerDuke said:

Rough week around here. We just just commemorated my daughter's (would have been) 40th birthday and Monday will be the first anniversary of her death. It's tough because I feel like I can't win no matter what I do. If I think about it too much it hurts too much. If I don't think about I feel bad for not thinking about her. Life is all about finding the right balance I guess. 

Sending hugs your way Roger. I am sorry you are going through this. Please know you gave her a great life and foundation for life and that she would want you to be happy and healthy. Please take care of yourself.  I am here if he you ever want or need to chat. I am not good with words, but I'll be glad to listen. 

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2 hours ago, RogerDuke said:

This evening I am going to be reliving the nightmare of 7-22-23 when I lost my only child.  Thank you all for all your support this last year. The accident was at 7:14 EST. If you are so inclined I would appreciate a prayer around then. If not, a loving thought. 

Praying for you and your family, Roger.

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1 hour ago, RogerDuke said:

Thanks. Made it through with a lot of tears. I'm happy it's 7-23. I have been dreading that first anniversary for awhile now. 

I've been out of pocket with some personal stuff and hopefully I'm back now on a more regular basis! Roger, you still have my heart and you also have my shoulder to lean on, my ear to listen  and my hand to hold !!  Bless you!  PM me or call  or text me any time you feel the need! I'M HERE FOR YOU! bless you!

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We had a rare sunny day coinciding with a weekend yesterday, so I took a trip to the beach with some friends. I even seem to have learned how to apply enough sunscreen not to come home burnt! On our travels we went through a place called Ballygarrett (Baile Ghearóid in Irish, meaning 'town of Garrett').

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5 hours ago, HossC said:

We had a rare sunny day coinciding with a weekend yesterday, so I took a trip to the beach with some friends. I even seem to have learned how to apply enough sunscreen not to come home burnt! On our travels we went through a place called Ballygarrett (Baile Ghearóid in Irish, meaning 'town of Garrett').

Woo hoo...I have a town! :D 

Sounds like you had a great time, Hoss. :) Always great to come home not burnt.

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I wish the government didn't allow monopoly's. So sick of dealing with my ISP who unfortunately is the only one that services our complex because we're on the wrong side of the street. Last month they talked my wife into a service ""upgrade"" that would save us $20+/month from our grandfathered in plan. That ""upgraded"" plan has doubled our bill this month since the associate completely fubar'd our account. Heck we couldn't even log in to see our bill until tech support unlocked it last night. He also looked at the account trying to figure out what the associate did and try to fix it. Unfortunately it looks like he was only able to knock $20 off the bill as our bill is still ridiculously high. I told the wife if they won't lower it to what they said then cancel it.

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Well it's been more than just 24 hours, but work has been stressful. My boss has emailed me on Wednesday (on my day off) saying that the daycare won't be participating in the college scholarship that has been helping me pay for my online classes.  She said this on my way home from vacation two months ago, but my scholarship person was able to talk to her into signing up. But now that my contract is coming up in a week or two, she is withdrawing. So after two full years (halfway through) she is taking that away. There are other grants that I may be able, but I am not sure what to do now. We had DHS stop by last Monday and did a look over and she talked to everyone about stuff. My boss didn't like what she said to me or that I talked to the DHS lady . So Idk if that is what is fueling this. . .but that was stressful enough as it is. Then I was expected to do CPR on Wednesday (telling me Tuesday night) so the same day that she texted me all this, I had to spend 5 hours doing CPR training that isn't due until September. At least it is over. But it's the whole way she did it. I am currently thinking of applying at the school for a para position. The only problem is the breaks and summer and so forth and financially to do it - though it pays pretty much the same as where I am at right. But am already struggling financially and had to borrow money from my parents the other day.  


On top of it all, my left knee to my ankle has been killing me the past couple of weeks. Keeping me up at night and hurting worse when it's not moved for long periods. I know most of it is my weight. I need to lose weight, but with all this stress all I want is chocolate and french fries.  It'd be so much easier if I loved fruits and veggies and all that is good for me...but it's the opposite. 

Sorry to rain on y'all's parade. I know so many others have it way worse than I have it and it could be a lot worse. It's just been a stressful week and more. Luckily, I only work Monday and Friday and a couple of hours on Thursday this week due to my scholarship (I got 48 paid hours off a semester to work on schoolwork or rest. I had 18 hours left from the past semester, so my boss wants to use them up this week.) I am sorry for the vent. Thank you for listening. 

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You are always welcome to vent here Garrett. If we didn't love you it would be different but since we do, we don't mind a bit. That's what friends are for. Sorry to hear things aren't going well. Keep us updated. Usually when you have a string of bad luck it means you are due for a string of good luck. I hope that happens next. 

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26 minutes ago, RogerDuke said:

You are always welcome to vent here Garrett. If we didn't love you it would be different but since we do, we don't mind a bit. That's what friends are for. Sorry to hear things aren't going well. Keep us updated. Usually when you have a string of bad luck it means you are due for a string of good luck. I hope that happens next. 

+1 !! Don't hesitate to pm me if you want to! We all love you around here!

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Thank you. You all are the best. My scholarship person responded to an email yesterday saying that I won't have to pay anything back as long as I stay at the day care for a year. Which makes things even worse. I'd understand if it was I that was quitting the program, but it's the day care that's quitting it. In my mind, I shouldn't be the one forced to stay due to what they are doing. Maybe I am wrong and irrational. I really wish I never signed up for these classes now. I don't know. I emailed the person back with a couple other questions and she has yet to respond. So I guess we will see. 

On top of it all, I now got a bad cold. I was supposed to enjoy this week as I only work Monday and Friday. Now I have this to deal with.

Kenny Chesney has a song on his new album that is "This too Shall Pass". I am sure this will pass and maybe it's not as bad as I am making it out to be. I just hate the thought of being stuck at a place that I no longer feel appreciated at and no longer happy at. Though financially, I don't know where else to go or so forth.

Thank you for listening.

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8 hours ago, Garrett Duke said:


Thank you for listening.

Listening out of love is what people do when they care. Since this is HazzardNet and not Hazzard we can't drive over to each others houses and farms to give practical help but we can listen. We don't have the numbers here on the HN that we used to have but what we lack in quantity we make up for in quality. We are a tight knit group who really loves each other and we have each other's back...even if all we can do is listen. But it's not the listening that matters, as much as it is the caring. And you know we do. 

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11 hours ago, RogerDuke said:

Listening out of love is what people do when they care. Since this is HazzardNet and not Hazzard we can't drive over to each others houses and farms to give practical help but we can listen. We don't have the numbers here on the HN that we used to have but what we lack in quantity we make up for in quality. We are a tight knit group who really loves each other and we have each other's back...even if all we can do is listen. But it's not the listening that matters, as much as it is the caring. And you know we do. 

Thank you Roger. Perfectly said. :) 

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