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8 hours ago, RogerDuke said:

Almost midnight here. Just popped in to take a break from viewing northern lights. Anybody else see them? 

I unfortunately slept through them :cry: . I was so exhausted from mowing lawns and planting a flower garden that I fell asleep around 8:30 didn't wake up till 6 this morning. I had every intention of driving a few miles out into the country to see them. Local meteorologist say there's another chance we might see them tonight so I'll definitely stay awake tonight. 

I set another personal record, 11.29 miles I walked yesterday. I think I might split the lawns next week to two days though. My legs like jelly today. 

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They mentioned the northern lights on the radio yesterday, but I promptly forgot as I thought it was unlikely we see anything as far south as we are. My friend's son proved me wrong with some beautiful pictures taken only a few miles away. Maybe tonight if I'm still awake, but it's clouding in now.

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Unusually, we were still up at midnight last night, so we went for a little spin away from the city lights. The sky wasn't as clear as Friday, and the moon was partly hidden by clouds, but plenty of stars were visible. Sadly, if the northern lights were out here last night, we didn't get to see them. It sounds like we might have been too early.

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I've been up since 4am since local meteorologists said best viewing time was going to be 4-6am. Nothing but stars and moon. Even took a half hour drive around the countryside. Should have figured it would be as accurate as their weather forecasts this year :lol: . From what I've seen on Facebook and Reddit locally it was visible for about 15 minutes around midnight which that time was predicted to be a low chance to see them. Hopefully we'll get another chance this year to see them.

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Cloudy last night so no northern lights. Not much of a Mother's Day around here. We won't see any mothers or kids today. My wife's mom died on Mother's Day a few years ago and mine died earlier this year. And as you know, my daughter was killed in July. Her mother died of cancer 8 years ago. My one step-daughter lives in Virginia but we got to see the other one yesterday.

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  • 4 weeks later...

It's been a fun past few days... Tuesday at work I came out to a flat tire. My hypothesis is that the lawn crew accidentally shot a screw or bolt into the sidewall because the tire was fine until the mowed and left. On 1st break it was fine, on lunch it was fine, after work flat. In my wife's building they have a portable air pump so they brought that out and was able to get it to hold air long enough for me to get it to a nearby tire shop. Got the call yesterday that the tire is unpatchable because of where the screw/bolt was but they didn't carry the brand tire that was on it so I asked if it still held air and told them I'd pick it up after work since I found another shop that sold the same tire. Well somewhere between the lift and parking lot the object fell out and left a hole and the tire wouldn't hold air anymore. So I finally gave in and told them just give me the cheapest tire they got that they can get on it today since the only options I had to choose from where Chinese knock off brands anyway. Guess I'll ride on that for a month or two and buy a whole new set. Ever since a regional chain out of Detroit took over that locally owned shop last year it has gone into the crapper.

Also yesterday my boss got all defensive when I told him what happened with the tire. Thought to myself I'm not blaming you, just said it was most likely something got shot out of the lawnmower when they were mowing. During the winter when these guys plowed and salted the drive 4 coworkers got flats too so it's not like I'm the first one to complain about them. Heck if I didn't need the money I would call off from work today. 

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