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Hey Julie, What's your 20?

The town mentioned in those 2 episodes is Conyers (the original Hazzard).

In Repo Men, the Duke boys want to get a wrecked racecar so they can use it for parts on the General to make it faster. What NASCAR legend wrecked that car?

Hey Julie, What's your 20?

The town mentioned in those 2 episodes is Conyers (the original Hazzard).

In Repo Men, the Duke boys want to get a wrecked racecar so they can use it for parts on the General to make it faster. What NASCAR legend wrecked that car?

Cale Yarborough??


Right Elonora, Richard Petty it is!!!

In "Mary Kaye's Baby" Rosco actually shoots someone. I think the guys name is Leo. What body part did Leo get shot in?

By the way, BoJamesDuke pointed out to me that this is the only episode that doesn't have the General Lee.


;-) Yup that was my wisdom there - the one and only episode in which the General is not seen. Still so good though...can see why they didn't include the General though...it would be kinda hard to get a pregnant woman through the windows lol. Damage to the baby an' all lol.

And I don't know, I havent actually seen that episode in a while...

Here's a translation question for all you:

If you were to hear this conversation over the radio between the two boys, what do they mean in normal english?

Luke: Lost Sheep One to Lost Sheep Two, you got your ears on cousin?

Bo: I got my ears on and my eyes peeled, what's your twenty?

Luke: At the moment, lookin' at some time in the pokey with smokey after a knuckle buster with good ol' Ernie Leadbetter...

Bo: You got the pedal to the metal?

Luke: Course, but this Pick 'em up ain't doin' more than 80...

Bo: So you want some interference from the General?

Luke: You got it. You better get here before I start to get hunted by the smokey bears as well as our own Hazzad County Bears...

Bo: Ten-Four cousin, what's your twenty?

Luke: Down past Hazzard Lake

Bo: Alright, keep it 'tween the ditches, i'll be there in just a few. I'm gone

Luke: Ten-Four, i'm gone.

;-) Yup that was my wisdom there - the one and only episode in which the General is not seen. Still so good though...can see why they didn't include the General though...it would be kinda hard to get a pregnant woman through the windows lol. Damage to the baby an' all lol.

And I don't know, I havent actually seen that episode in a while...

Here's a translation question for all you:

If you were to hear this conversation over the radio between the two boys, what do they mean in normal english?

Luke: Lost Sheep One to Lost Sheep Two, you got your ears on cousin?

Bo: I got my ears on and my eyes peeled, what's your twenty?

Luke: At the moment, lookin' at some time in the pokey with smokey after a knuckle buster with good ol' Ernie Leadbetter...

Bo: You got the pedal to the metal?

Luke: Course, but this Pick 'em up ain't doin' more than 80...

Bo: So you want some interference from the General?

Luke: You got it. You better get here before I start to get hunted by the smokey bears as well as our own Hazzad County Bears...

Bo: Ten-Four cousin, what's your twenty?

Luke: Down past Hazzard Lake

Bo: Alright, keep it 'tween the ditches, i'll be there in just a few. I'm gone

Luke: Ten-Four, i'm gone.

LOL Well isnt that interesting! Now let me look this up in my Hazzard to English Dictionary...*flips pages* let me translate this for you!

Bo wants to know where Luke is, to which he replies hes on the run after a fight with Ernie. (More than likely a bar brawl, you know how the boys are! LOL)

Bo wants to know if hes driving fast to which Luke replies his truck can only do 80 max. Bo offers to lend a hand with the General Lee. Luke accepts the offer and then tells Bo to hurry before cops from everywhere, including Hazzard, catch up with him.

Bo replies okay and wants to know his location to which Luke replies Hazzard Lake. Bo then tells him to hold on while he gets there and to drive safely until he does. Luke acknowledges the message..

This conversation makes perfect sense to a DOH fan, all DOH fans are fluent in both CB and Duke! Dont you just love the way those boys talk! LOL ;)



Hey Bo, Find out from somebody if CBs were popular in England in the 1970s and 80s....just curious.

You're right Eleonora, Leo was shot in the foot...toe to be specific.

Here's one from "High Octane". When the Dukes still (vat) exploded, who said "I think I crushed my gizzard." ?

Hey Bo, Find out from somebody if CBs were popular in England in the 1970s and 80s....just curious.

You're right Eleonora, Leo was shot in the foot...toe to be specific.

Here's one from "High Octane". When the Dukes still (vat) exploded, who said "I think I crushed my gizzard." ?



Double x and Eleonora are right, it was Cooter that said that.

Sorry Julie, I should have better worded the question. I asked what your 20 was because we hadn't heard from you in a few days so I was wondering where you were. You had a trivia question posted a little while ago and we never got the answer. Shucks, now I forget the question.

Thanks for the info on CBs Bo. They're not that popular over here now compared to the old days but truck drivers still use them. The problem is static. The static goes away after it gets dark out though.

Here's a 50-50 question from "Swamp Molly". Did Miz Tisdale ever get jealous when Molly visited Jesse? Just kidding..here's the real question...What year did Molly save Jesse from the Feds? Was it 1926 or 1936?

Double x and Eleonora are right, it was Cooter that said that.

Sorry Julie, I should have better worded the question. I asked what your 20 was because we hadn't heard from you in a few days so I was wondering where you were. You had a trivia question posted a little while ago and we never got the answer. Shucks, now I forget the question.

Thanks for the info on CBs Bo. They're not that popular over here now compared to the old days but truck drivers still use them. The problem is static. The static goes away after it gets dark out though.

Here's a 50-50 question from "Swamp Molly". Did Miz Tisdale ever get jealous when Molly visited Jesse? Just kidding..here's the real question...What year did Molly save Jesse from the Feds? Was it 1926 or 1936?

Well, thursday I was doing some e-learning before work and my eyes were tired so I decided not to go online. Friday was payday so I wasn't online, Saturday I was at the Cleveland National Airshow 2007. Sunday I was at the Oktoberfest at Berea Fairgrounds in Cuyahoga County, and Monday the Library was closed.

Now back to your question I believe it was 1936.


Sounds like you've been busy Julie. Are you an Indians fan? They're doing great. You're right....the answer is 1936.

Here's one from "The Big Heist". Who spent most of the episode hanging on the wall? (I just wanted to jump into that TV and help him. He looked so pathetic)

Sounds like you've been busy Julie. Are you an Indians fan? They're doing great. You're right....the answer is 1936.

Here's one from "The Big Heist". Who spent most of the episode hanging on the wall? (I just wanted to jump into that TV and help him. He looked so pathetic)

Kinda of a Indains fans, I still got my 1997 World Series Sweatshirt that I won't part with.

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