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Everything posted by LoriDavenport

  1. Hey :)

    It's been a while since we've spoken or last I logged on here, but just wanted to see how things were and hope everything is okay with you and Garrett, lol.

  2. I've been doing well, I suppose, heh. What have you been up to? ;) Garrett still givin' you trouble?

  3. How do you do, my long lost friend? ;)

  4. Hey Rog! :D Sorry it's taken me this long to reply, I've got spring fever. ;) All is good down here, save for those nasty tornadoes. None has ripped through here yet, but they've been mighty close. Hope everyone is doing okay on your end! I've missed ya too, pal! :)

  5. That should tell you something about him, then haha!. ;) I say name him Garrett! Ha! I'm only kidding. :) What did you name him, anyways? I'd definitely love to see pictures, I've never seen a Bichon breed...don't even know what it is! :D Course I'm not a huge dog lover either, only for Huskies, Laberdors, (I know it's spelled wrong) King Charles Cavaliers and pugs. I do like Corgis too, heh. Hope all is well with you, and that no tornado has blown you away yet. I'm not joking about it either. I'm trying to get up with BL, but no answer yet and I'm pretty worried.

  6. Haha, I'd say the older one isn't thrilled about it; means she (or was it a he?) isn't the "baby" anymore. ;) Or well, that's her way of thinking.

    What breed of puppy did you get? :)

  7. Yes, things around here tend to be done quite...different than on other sites. Welcome to Hnet, LD. I hope you enjoy your stay here.
  8. Two months late on posting my condolescences, but better late than never, I guess. Didn't really know she had passed as I never really check any news sites. She was a wonderful actress and LuLu was a personal favorite of mine, simply because she was the only thing close to having my grandmother alive; even though she was on t.v. Miss Rea looked and even had mannerisms mimicking that of my grandmother, which made it heart-warming for me to watch her. My prayers and thoughts are with the family.
  9. It's me in the flesh, figuratively speaking that is. ;) Everything's going great down this way, hope it is down your way as well. I'm still hangin' around ;) Got a little bored and decided to see what was going on here at Hnet.

  10. Favorite author of all time is J.R.R. Tolkien, favorite book(s) of his are as follows: The 12 volume History of Middle Earth Unfinished Tales The Adventures of Tom Bombadil The Silmarillion The Hobbit The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring " " " " " : The Two Towers " " " " " : The Return of the King The Children of Hurin ...haha, well. Anything that deals with Middle Earth, I'd say My second favorite author would be J.K. Rowling. I love the Harry Potter series. Third would be Dan Brown. I love Bad Omens, Angels and Demons and the Divinci Code. Fourth would be Stephen King, Rose Red and the Diary of Ellen Rembaur: My Life at Rose Red. Fifth would be Anne Rice. The Vampire Chronicles. The REAL non-sparkly vampires.
  11. HAHA! I simply adored that song! The words spoken made it that much more special! I loved it BoJames! :) And don't worry about what others think of your writing style. I KNOW you're a great writer as does the whole community of HNet! We'll all be there to back you up too! Usually, and I've had first hand experience with this, the ones who leave reviews and PMs are nothing more than 13 year olds thinking they can play some higher deity over others. You are an excellent writer and mentor ;) And I would recommend others to come to you if they need help in that department!

  12. Looks like the can o' worms has been opened again... The series, be it purely for fun or not, will always mean something different to someone; It's going to mean more to someone than it will to another person. So yes, people do tend to get serious about it when it comes to something they're passionate about. IE you join a Dukes site, be prepared for some serious die hard fans that hold the series close to their hearts; that's like with a Lord of the Rings site, a Harry Potter site and dare I even speak it...a Twilight site. ...even though for the latter of the choices you're more likely to find the psychotically obsessive fans. I know there's a few twi-hard fans on here, and I only hope you're not like this. With that being said, whether they are psychotically obsessive or not over a show (and I'm not saying Dukes fans are) there's always a reason as to WHY they are and that's what truly matters. So, "it is what is; fun and nothing else" may only apply to you and those who simply watch the show for just that; fun. Having spoken my piece on that, I will go on to say that I can't really disagree with SheriffRoscoPColtrane. While growing up, yes the show did mean something to me and it still does (it did help me grasp the concept of what's right and what's wrong) I can now say that I mainly watch the show these days, if at all anymore, to get a few kicks out of it. There truly was no one set plot line either (having the characters work towards something) UNLESS you consider the boys, maybe, working towards the end of their probation a plot line and a possible direction, in which case I would have to disagree with there being no one set plot line/direction to the story.
  13. Colossians 3:17 – "And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." Deuteronomy 8:10 – "When you have eaten and are satisfied, praise the Lord your God for the good land he has given you." Happy Thanksgiving Day everyone. Staying at home this year and eating Thanksgiving dinner, family get togethers with my family tend to end in horse shoe battles, hehe.
  14. He Rog! :) Things are doin' pretty good in Hazard. It's actually been quiet here lately! Shocking, I know! :p Hehe, I suspect though our moonshine runners around here are gearin' up, it's about that time of year.

  15. Army
  16. Spring
  17. Easter
  18. Sympathy
  19. compassion
  20. Thank you to my Grandfather whom fought in WW2. Thank you to my brother-in-law and cousin whom fought in Iraq. Thank you to a host of uncles who fought in the Korean and Vietnam war. And most importantly, thank you to ALL veterans, for allowing us to stay a free country and get a peaceful sleep at night. May God Bless the families of those who have served, passed, and who are serving.
  21. Rio- Duran Duran Haha, that actually sounds as if it's sung in Elvish (since it is comprised of both welsh and finnish) Hoss.
  22. Snowbird- Anne Murray Haha, that's nice Hoss.
  23. flower
  24. Amazed-Lonestar
  25. I would have to agree with you there.
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