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B.L. Davenport

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B.L. Davenport last won the day on December 9 2022

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About B.L. Davenport

  • Birthday 12/28/1979

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  • Location
    Hazzard County
  • Interests
    reading,civil war,flower gardening,fishing
  • Occupation
    Waitress at Boar's Nest

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  1. Hoss you are close with your explanation of third cousin, my grandmother was great great grandmother to my first cousin's grandchildren. This is my thoughts on the relationship, does it make sense to anyone else? Jesse's wife is Grandpa Henshaw's daughter and had a sister she married a Duke too [likely Jesse's brother], they have a kid. The 3 cousins are most likely more brother's kids [we don't know how many siblings Jesse had but we know there are 3 more cousins with different parents] All of these are first cousins and Grandpa Henshaw is all their Grandpa. Jesse's wife's sister's kid has a kid and is Bo, Luke and Daisy's 2nd cousin and then 2nd cousin's kid is their 3rd cousin and that cousin gets married making their spouse a 3rd cousin but not blood kin because they are related by marriage.
  2. In the episode Duke of Duke, Jesse tells Bo and Luke that Gaylord is their 3rd cousin then Daisy adds he is "kin on Grandpa Henshaw's side meaning he ain't blood kin" but his last name is Duke. Does anybody have an explanation for this confusing relation explanation?
  3. I'm not quite sure why you say BL is a better writer, several passage are a joint effort with Dixie, I just have more free time so I proofread, correct errors and post. She has written way more stories than me.
  4. Saturday morning when Jesse Duke got up to cook breakfast, Luke was up and dressed sitting on the side of his bed putting on his socks. Bo was laying with his pillow hanging halfway off a top mattress corner and one foot sticking out from under the cover of the opposite bottom corner. Shaking his head and smiling Jesse closed the door and went to make breakfast and start coffee, a few minutes later, getting a coffee cup from the cabinet then pouring himself a cup of coffee. “Morning Luke, did you sleep ok without your wife?” Jesse asked when Luke came into the kitchen. “Morning Uncle Jesse. Like a baby, must have been the familiarity of the bed but don’t tell Dixie,” Luke replied. Bo came into the kitchen a short time later, not exactly bright eyed and bushy tailed but there was still a bit of a bounce in his step. “Morning Uncle Jesse, morning Luke,” Bo said, grabbing his own coffee cup, filling it. “Morning Bo, how’d you sleep?” Jesse asked. ‘Good, C’mon Luke we got chores to do before the family starts showing up,” Bo said, heading out the door. “Well that’s a first,” Luke said, following Bo. Following Bo, Luke called to Jesse behind him, "Ya might want to call Doc, he may be running a fever." Jesse couldn't help but grin at the two boys. Yes, to everyone else in the world, they were full green men, but to Jesse they were still his boys. In town BL was coming out of her room at the same time Dixie was coming out of hers and Luke’s headed for the bathroom. “Morning Dixie, I was just about to make a big breakfast because we won’t have time for lunch before the wedding and the reception likely won’t be until 3ish,” BL said, trailing Dixie to the bathroom. Dixie was never a morning person, but replied, "OK, but are you sure you aren't gonna be worn out tonight?" “5-6 cups of coffee and I’ll be fine,” BL, grinned adding “unless you’ve played a dirty trick and switched to decaf." "Trust me, I have not switched the coffee to decaffeinated." Dixie said, "But if you give me a minute, I'll come help. Take the pups, please." “Ok see you downstairs.” BL said. “Come on babies, I’ll let you out,” BL headed downstairs, the dogs yapping and chasing each other ahead of her. After letting the dogs out back BL left the door open so they could come back in when ready. In the meantime while waiting for Dixie, BL got flour, butter, and milk to make biscuits. A bit later, Dixie had put on comfy house clothes and joined BL in the kitchen. "You know, I'm up earlier today than when I work." ”It’s for a good reason though,” BL said, smiling. “You better get used to it, sleeping in is about to become a distant memory in a few months,” BL added, teasing a little. Dixie smiled, "But, I'll have plenty of help." About that time, the dogs raced in and past Dixie and BL and headed upstairs. "Daisy’s up." Dixie said. “If she’s not, she’s about to be,” BL chuckled, putting the pan of biscuits in the oven. Getting a bowl, BL started making pancake batter from scratch, instead of using the just add water, boxed mix. Daisy joined them a minute later. “Morning, ya’ll are up early,” Daisy said. “Alot to do, thought we needed a big breakfast to get us to the reception,” BL replied. Dixie asked, "You are making gravy, right? I'll do some hashbrowns with cream cheese and the eggs." Since she had a bit of coffee she was a bit more awake. “Yes I’m doing gravy. Do we want sausage gravy or chocolate gravy?” BL replied. Dixie looked from BL to Daisy, "You like chocolate best and it's your day, but I like sausage with a big breakfast. Daisy, it's up to you." “Why not both? Anything leftover the guys will eat it, we know that,” Daisy replied. “True, both it is then,” BL said. “I’ll finish the pancakes BL, if you want to make gravies.” Daisy said. The boys were done with the chores and headed in to wash up and to finish their coffees. Luke said as he came in, "Something smells great." “Eggs, bacon, biscuits and grits,” Jesse replied, putting everything on the table. When all three were seated, Jesse bowed his head to say grace, the boys did likewise. About two sentences in, Bo tried to sneak a biscuit but a look from Jesse and he put it down and pulled his hand back. “Bless today’s nuptials between Bo and BL, amen.” Jesse finished. The 3 men dug in, Jesse hoped to have the kitchen put back in order before his sisters - in - law arrived and took over, it’d take him until Christmas to find everything again. After breakfast, Dixie said, "Ya'll go ahead start the nails or hair or whatever you need to, I'm going to clean up the kitchen and then I'll be up there." Normally BL and Daisy would have said the job would go faster if the three of them worked together but both knew it was going to take plenty of time to get ready so they went upstairs to BL’s room. “You might want to change and just put on your robe before we start on your hair,” Daisy said. BL changed into her robe then plugged in her hot rollers. “Let me get my new manicure set and you can do my nails while the rollers heat,” BL said. “Ok,” Daisy replied, moving the chair that BL had in the room closer to the dresser. After Dixie finished the dishes and cleaned up, she took a pancake from a plate and broke a piece off and popped it in her mouth. She looked down to ask the pups if they wanted out but three sets of eyes looked at her. She gave each a bite of pancake then finished the plain pancake, let the dogs out and then went up to shower. “Are you nervous?” Daisy asked as she clipped here and there to even BL’s nails. “Not really, I’ve known Bo most of my life and I know things about him and he knows things about me that most people learn about over time or never,” BL replied. Daisy said, "Yes, that is true, but still. What about the wedding? Are you nervous about it? Oh, wow, after today, Aunt Pauline will be your aunt too." Everyone loved Pauline, but she was that relative that everyone seemed to breathe a sigh of relief when she pulled out on her way home. ”Maybe a little, everything has gone smoothly since Rosco put a wrinkle in the proposal Bo had planned. Yep,” BL replied, not too sure how she felt exactly about getting Pauline as an Aunt, she was a likeable even loveable person but Aunt Pauline could be pushy. BL had seen that for herself at Luke and Dixie’s reception weekend. Dixie had come in from her shower as Daisy and BL were talking. She said with a bit of dread as she thought of Pauline, "Daisy, you know her better than me. Do you think she'll know?" Daisy took a good look at Dixie and shook her head “No you ain’t showing,” “When are you and Luke planning to share the news with the rest of the family? BL asked as Daisy put the hot rollers in her hair. Dixie figured that part of her reasons for not shouting their news from the rooftops were the fact that the dates were at best going to be a bit off but she just also felt a bit self conscious. It was a strange feeling that she really couldn't explain. She shrugged her shoulders, "They'll figure it out." “In a few months when you do start showing but you're not the first mother to be, I’ve known to keep it to herself a while,” Daisy said, reassuringly supportive of Dixie’s decision. Dixie replied, "If she figures it out fine, but I just don't think I'll offer. “Upto you,” Daisy said. Dixie combed through her still wet hair as Daisy finished rolling BL's hair. "Have you figured out anything to do with my hair or should I just pull it back in a ponytail?" She teased. “Dixie Lee you are NOT wearing a ponytail to my wedding,” BL said, a little worked up a sign she was more nervous than she let on. “Relax BL,” Daisy replied, then asked Dixie as she finished painting BL’s nails a flesh color, “do you want to wear it up or down?” Dixie thought about it for a minute. The reason she usually wore her hair back was to be out of her face. She replied, "Up, I think. Or at least if you do it down pull the top front to the back. What do ya'll think?" “I can work with that and it will look great, so don’t worry BL,” Daisy said, beginning to work on BL’s makeup while her hair was away from her face. At the farm, Bo and Luke were giving General Lee a good cleaning up. Luke offered again, "Are you sure you don't want to use the truck?" “I’m sure but thanks for the offer, cousin,” Bo replied. A grey Cadillac signaled the arrival of Jesse’s youngest brother John,and sister in law Pauline turned off the road into the driveway. “There’s Uncle John and Aunt Pauline. I wonder if Jeb rode with them or if he’ll be along on his bike?" Bo said. Luke rolled his eyes at the question. "Really? Jeb will bring his bike. Come on, let's go greet them then we can finish up here." Luke said as he laid the shammie down and tucked his shirt tighter as he started toward the house." “It could happen, not likely to but it could happen,” Bo replied, tucking his own shirt tighter. “Howdy Uncle John, hello Aunt Pauline. That dress sure is pretty,” Bo shook hands with John and kissed Pauline’s cheek. Luke greeted John and Pauline in the same manner. Pauline was on her game early, "Luke, Dear. I didn't expect you here so early. I'll just get going in the house and see what Jesse needs help with. I can't wait to have a nice long talk with your bride. She was a little busy on our last trip." Luke rubbed the back of his neck, "Well, you might have to wait a spell on that Aunt Pauline. Dixie is in town with the girls getting ready for the wedding." “I stayed here last night,” Luke said seeing no reason not to be truthful, he’d already said Dixie was getting ready in town with the other girls Pauline wasn't sure she understood, "You mean you and Dixie stayed here last night night?. Right?" Luke couldn't explain why he felt about three years old right now, "No, Ma'am. Dixie stayed in town with Daisy and BL. You do realize that BL is Dixie's cousin, right?" He added, "They are as close as sisters and with BL's mother gone and all." Luke let his thoughts trail off. Pauline frowned but headed toward the kitchen, "Jesse, Jesse. What is going on between Luke and his bride?" Jesse tried to head her off, "Now, Pauline, don't go looking for trouble where there ain't none." “But Jesse, a husband and wife staying the night apart if the husband doesn’t travel for work, it just ain’t right,” Pauline fretted. “Luke was just giving the girls run of the house. He knew they’d all likely get ready together and him being the only man there, he‘d of had to compete for time in the bathroom,” Jesse replied. "But, Jesse, it just ain't right." Pauline declared. Jesse reminded, "You do remember that Dixie's and Luke's chosen professions, both cause them to work and be out of their home at odd hours, right?" “Yes,” Pauline answered. “Well you may as well know, Bo took a job that sometimes means he won’t be home at night. It don’t mean him and BL is having problems, just means he’s working,” Jesse said. Before Pauline could say more they heard Jeb’s motorcycle roar in, followed by a car engine. “There’s Jeb and I bet the other engine was Coy and Vance,” Jesse was saying as the trio came in with plastic protected suits to hang up with Luke’s. The five male cousins found plenty to keep them busy outside swapping stories and telling fibs until it was time to start getting ready to leave for town. LB had got home with Grandma Betty and he, Clyde and his Grandma were getting ready to go to the church. In town Dixie was waiting as long as possible to put on the dreaded dress. “What’s my time limit on keeping you in that dress? Luke’s friend Norm over at the newspaper is taking pictures,” BL looked up at Dixie from where she sat putting on pantyhose. Dixie grumbled as she pulled and tugged the hose, "I hate these things! Well, you get the ceremony, pictures if I have to and maybe to the reception. Depending on how comfortable it is and when the runners show up in these hose." Daisy looked confused, "Sugar, that's a new pair of hose. There's no runners in them." "Yet." Dixie replied, "I'm not in them yet and remember I said when they get a runner, not if. I bought three new pair for today." “Won’t nobody see the runners, dress is ankle length,” BL said. "Don't give me ideas. If they won't see runners, they won't see hose." Dixie pointed out quite proud of herself “Only if the shoe hides what the dress don’t cover,” BL shrugged continuing, “nobody said you had to wear hose, have you got any open toed heels? If not I have a pair you can borrow, ”BL said, giving Dixie a solution before she named a problem. Having countered Dixie's 'problems' in wardrobe for many years now. Dixie replied, "I don't have an opened toe shoe at all." “Why don’t you put on the dress then try on shoes without hose and see what looks and feels the best,” Daisy suggested. Dixie said, "I've got them on now. So far, so good. But the first sign of a runner they are gone. I just wished I'd thought about the no hose option sooner, though." “Ok let's get moving or BL’s gonna be late to her own wedding,” Daisy said. After Dixie and Daisy makeup was done, Daisy fixed their hair in a simple half up/half down style by pulling the sides and top away from their faces, flipping the tail through to make a knot on their heads at the same height as the back of their ears, clipping a barrette just below the knot. Next it was BL’s turn, Daisy took the rollers out and pinned BL’s hair up in a style similar to Shelby’s hair style in Steel Magnolias, BL’s favorite Dolly Parton movie. Putting on jeans and a button up shirt. “Will you hand me the garment bags on the rack in the closet please Daisy? It’s the dress Mary Lou T. and Becky Mae made and my wedding dress,” BL said. “Here ya go sugar,” Daisy handed BL the garment bags. Luke had showered, shaved, dressed minus his suit coat. He was currently giving his freshly shined boots another good brushing. He called across the hall to the bathroom, "Bo, if you don't stop primping in front of that mirror you're gonna be late." “This is why I'm never getting married, too much hassle,” Jeb said. “The right gal comes along, you’ll change your mind,” Vance said. On the porch, Jesse shook his head. Pauline asked, "Should you go in there?" Jesse replied, "Luke's got them." Bo came out of the bathroom at last, still fidgeting with his tie. Coy went into the bathroom as Bo came out, he wanted to take one last look in the mirror. “Now don’t you start,” Vance said, rolling his eyes, Bo and Coy were worse than Daisy when it came to primping in front of the mirror. Luke stood up, "Come here. Haven't you learned to tie a tie right yet?" Bo frowned, "I thought I had." Luke shook his head as he took over tying the tie. "John, did you hear that boy? Well, I ought just, ...." Pauline said as she started to get up. John calmly said, "Sit down, Pauline. If you'd stop pushing girls of your choosing at him, he might have time to do some looking on his own." “I just want the right kind of girl for him,” Pauline protested. “She may not be a saint Pauline but if he brings her home to meet his mama, she’s a decent girl,” Jesse replied. Pauline frowned, "The only friends he talks about are those motocross friends of his. They, of course, are all boys. Surely no girls would be at such a thing." Jesse checked his watch, "Boys. Let's get loaded up. It's time to go." “John, Pauline is it alright if I ride to the church with ya’ll?” Jesse asked “Of course it is Jesse, get in,” Pauline said, getting in the Cadillac's backseat, so Jesse could sit up front with John. Coy, Vance and Jeb all got in Coy and Vance’s car and Bo and Luke got in General Lee all heading off to town. Close to town, driving a Buick sedan, coming in from Tennessee was Jesse and John’s brother Elbert, their sister in law Bessie and their sons Jeb and Jeremiah. Luke pulled General Lee around to the side door of the church, and parked. Dixie and Daisy had just got BL into one of the back classrooms that doubled as a dressing room just before they heard General Lee. Dixie said, "There is one more reason to love the General. You hear him coming before he gets here." Cooter got to the Davenports after Luther had left. He needed to hurry, but he was feeling a mite like what the cat drug in the morning after. He hoped a hot shower helped. Last night had been just what the doctor ordered, well, at the time anyhow. Now he was paying for it. LB was in one of the front classrooms already when Bo came in. Luke followed like he was guard to the doorway, so Bo couldn’t make a run for it or hunt BL. Cooter showered, shaved and was dressed and on his way by ten minutes to 1, he was cutting it close but he made it just in time. Parking at the garage he walked over to the church. “Cutting it a mite close ain’t you son,” Luther said as Cooter walked up. Cooter just gave a nod and wisely didn't even try to explain. Daisy was giving makeup and hair one last going over. Dixie had help with the train and veil. In the other classroom, the men were tucking in shirts and straightening ties. Clyde came into the room the girls were in. Daisy started toward the door saying “Come on Dixie, let's step out a minute and give your uncle and BL some privacy. “Ya’ll can stay,” Clyde replied, then looked at his baby girl saying “You look as pretty as your mama did in that dress on the day I married her. You have become the woman she hoped you would and she would be very proud. I know I am.” “Thanks Daddy,” BL said, hugging Clyde she continued “I am who I am because of the way you raised me,” not finished, so she wouldn’t cry and mess up her makeup BL released Clyde and asked with a sassy grin “where did you go wrong with LB?” BL's sass saved the lump in Clyde’s throat from choking him along with a knock at the door. Daisy only slightly opened the door, making sure that it wasn't Bo. Jesse asked, "Can I come in just a minute?" Daisy stepped back from the door. Jesse took in the sight of BL in her mother's dress. He had been there also to see her mother in the dress, "My, my, BL, you sure do look like your Mama today. I just wanted to take a minute to welcome both you gals to the family. Them boys of mine have sure picked a couple good girls that might just settle them down just a mite. You know I love them boys, all five of them and Daisy there, but sometimes they still make me wonder why, but today isn't one of those days. This is a good day for the Dukes," he paused, looking at Clyde with his hand extended, "And the Davenports." Clyde accepted Jesse’s hand, giving it a strong shake. With one last look at the girls who were taking over looking after his boys, he went back out into the foyer, shutting the door behind himself. BL and Bo had chosen not to have ushers seating the guest mostly but had made a few exceptions such as Vance escorted Miz Tisdale to a seat, Uncle Jesse’s old girlfriend Lucinda Meadows sat a couple rows back. Enos slipped quietly in the side door, his plane had been delayed. The music started to play and Uncle Jesse walked down the aisle followed by BL’s maternal grandmother on the arm of Cooter. The only grandparent either one had left. Bo, Luke and LB stood at the front of the church as Dixie and Daisy came down the aisle and stood across from them. The big wooden doors between the sanctuary and foyer were closed and then the wedding march started to play and the guests stood. BL took Clyde’s elbow as those wooden doors were opened by Coy and Jeb. “Ready? Here we go,” Clyde whispered in BL’s ear. Pauline, the ever observant aunt, raised an eyebrow just a bit as she watched Luke's wife come down the aisle. She had only seen the girl once in years before today, but unless she missed her guess, Dixie had picked up a few pounds. Given it could be the dress, but Pauline took note to be more observant as the wedding march began to play. She turned her attention to the bride of the day.. Once Clyde and BL were down front Reverend Frawley welcomed everyone then asked, “Who gives this woman unto holy matrimony?” “I do,” Clyde responded, placing BL’s hand in Bo’s then taking a seat beside BL’s grandmother. Reverend Frawley then read a passage from the Bible on marriage. Afterwards he had BL pass her flowers to Dixie then she and Bo faced each other and join hands. Despite limiting their guest list for the wedding, the little church had a good many pews filled but Bo didn’t notice or care he only saw his bride. “Now Bo repeat after me; I Bo take you Brandy Lou to be my lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward. For better or worse. In sickness and in health. For richer or poorer, I promise to love, honor and cherish you.” Bo repeated each phrase at Reverend Frawley’s pause. “Now BL repeat after me; I Brandy Lou take you Bo to be my lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward. For better or worse. In sickness and in health. For richer or poorer, I promise to love, honor and cherish you.” Reverend Frawley said. Like Bo, at each pause from the Reverend, BL repeated each phrase. “Now to exchange rings,” Reverend Frawley said. Luke handed Bo the ring as Dixie did the same for BL. “Bo place the ring on the ring finger of BL’s left hand and repeat this vow. With this ring I thee wed. I give you this ring. A circle unbroken, a circle of my everlasting love and devotion. Bo slipped the gold band on BL’s finger, stopping at the middle knuckle as he repeated the words, slipping the ring the rest of the way with the final words. “BL place the ring on the ring finger of Bo’s left hand and repeat this vow. With this ring I thee wed. I give you this ring. A circle unbroken a circle of my everlasting love and devotion.” BL slipped the gold band on Bo’s finger, stopping at the middle knuckle as she repeated the words, slipping the ring the rest of the way with the final words. “I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss your bride” Reverend Frawley said. Bo had been waiting for this part, leaning in, Bo pressed his lips to BL’s and then the kiss deepened, seeming to last forever until Luke whispered, “let her up for air Bo.” After Bo stepped back Reverend Frawley announced, “It is my great pleasure to introduce Bo and BL Duke,” Reverend Frawley concluded. Bo and BL then proceeded to the back of the church and outside, followed by Luke and Dixie, then LB and Daisy, followed by the Reverend. The front pews followed the wedding party out to greet the couple. Luke shook Bo's hand, then said, "Welcome to the family BL and as the best man, let me be the first to kiss the bride." Luke said, trying to rile Bo just a bit. Dixie grinned wickedly at Luke, as she said to Bo, "So I guess that means I get to kiss the groom first." As Jesse, Pauline, Clyde, Luther and John stepped outside the first sight they got without hearing the explanation was to see the wrong cousin kissing the wrong bride. Jeb, Coy and Vance got the picture as Jeb called, "I'm next!" “No you’re not young man!” Pauline scolded her son. The group had moved to the sidewalk to let the rest of the guests out of the church. “Boys!" Jesse said in warning, the middle of town in front of Reverend Frawley no less was no place for their shenanigans. Jeb, Vance and Coy all slowed their pace just a mite as they still continued to congratulate the new couple. Bo and Luke had now traded back to their own wives. Unseen by the others, both Dixie and BL gave the men just a slight tap with an elbow. The meaning of 'straighten up here comes the preacher' was not lost on the men. Both Luke and Bo shook Reverend Frawley's hand, thanked him and invited him to the reception. Luke’s newspaper friend acting as wedding photographer,Norm took a few pictures of the wedding party as a group and then various shots of BL and Davenport family and Bo with the Duke family and the couple with each family. Then they all headed to the Boar’s Nest for the reception. “Bo honey, I know how important General Lee is to you but I’m not sure I can slide in and out the window in this dress. I brought something to change into at the reception,” BL said, looking at the orange stock car with uncertainty. ”I’ll help Darlin don’t worry,” Bo said. BL put her train over her arm, then Bo picked her up cradling her in his arms, sliding her in. Siding across the hood, Bo slid behind the steering wheel. Kissing his new wife, then they were off to the Boar’s Nest. BB in his sunday suit was waiting out front of the Boar’s Nest when Bo came roaring into the parking lot. BB followed the orange car to the side of the building where Bo parked for a quick and he hoped clean getaway after all the work he and Luke had done cleaning the car earlier. “Congratulations, sorry I didn’t make it, was doing a job that I thought I could finish in plenty of time to get ready and be there but it took longer than expected and I couldn’t just stop partway,” BB explained his absence at the event. ”It’s ok, we understand, don’t we Darlin?” Bo replied. “Of course we do, the job had to be completed but you’re here now,” BL said as Bo helped her, not really able to pick her up inside the car. BB figured the reception would be a far sight more fun than any wedding that he'd ever been to. Luke and Dixie were just about to get into his truck to head to the reception when Luke looked at the church and looked again, "Darlin' did you see your mother inside?" In all the preparation, ceremony and picture taking, Dixie hadn't really paid a lot of attention to anyone except Luke, BL and Bo. "No. I just figured she couldn't make it." "Well she did. She's talking to Uncle Jesse, Aunt Pauline and Uncle John." Dixie turned to see her mother at the church steps. "I guess we better go say 'Hi.' before we take off." Luke nodded in agreement. BL was getting a mite fidgety waiting on everybody to get from the church to the Boar’s Nest. “I wished everybody would hurry it up. It’s not a long drive. I’m ready to get comfortable, this train and veil are starting to bug me,” BL grumbled. BB snickered “you sound like Dixie, except with her it ain’t just parts of the dress she complains about, it’s the whole dress.” Boss Hogg and Lulu were the first to arrive. Boss Hogg wanted to make sure nobody was taking the bottled beer, since Lulu wouldn’t let him charge for beer. “Oh BL honey, you look just gorgeous. Don’t she JD?” Lulu gushed. As cantankerous as Boss Hogg usually was, he smiled and answered genuinely. “She certainly is pretty as a picture.” “Thank you,” BL replied. Next came Daisy, Jeb, Coy and Vance. Luke and Dixie were walking toward Jesse. Jesse looked up, "Ain't yall got reception duties to attend to?" Dixie grinned, "They will be just fine for a few minutes. I had to make sure Mother is coming to the reception. I didn't even see you inside." Katherine replied, "You were a little busy Dear." "It's good to see you again." Luke said. “Nice to see you again as well, Luke,” Katherine replied. “I hate to sound rude but if we don’t get to the Boar’s Nest, BL is liable to turn into a bridezilla, only difference between her and most is now the wedding is over, poor Bo’s in her direct path,” Dixie said. Back at the Boar’s Nest the little roadhouse was filling up, alot of the young ladies looked like they were at a wake but the Mamas and Daddies of these young ladies were all congratulating the newlyweds with all the enthusiasm they could muster. Luke replied, "Dixie's right. I need to go try to keep Bo alive. Ya'll are coming? Right?" Luke asked them. “The kids is right, it's BL and Bo’s day, we can visit at the reception,” Clyde said, heading for his pickup. “Ready Grandma Betty?” LB asked, getting behind the wheel of his and BL’s maternal grandmother’s car. “Yes, who was that pretty little thing you was talking to? The future Mrs. Longstreet Davenport,” Grandma Betty replied. “That was Carol Anne Murphy, I’m in no hurry to get married,” LB answered. Uncle Jesse, Aunt Pauline and Uncle John all got into Pauline’s Chrysler, a familiar Buick Sedan belonging to their sister in-law Bessie pulled onto the highway just ahead of them. Neither car load of Dukes was expecting the sudden appearance of Miz Emma Tisdale’s motorcycle. Elbert braked and turned the wheel to the left, barely missing the motorcycle. John heard the motorcycle, then saw Elbert brake and turn hard. John braked, then turned to the right to barely miss Bessie's Buick. Pauline gasped and held on until the car stopped. Jesse nearly swore, "Emmer, you're gonna get someone killed with that thing!" Emma spun the motorcycle around, headed back to the now stopped cars and yelled, "Come on! Let's get going! We don't want them youngin's having all the fun! Jesse Duke, the first dance is mine!" She gunned the motorcycle and was off again heading to the reception. Elbert got back on the road followed by John, Jesse and Pauline. Parking to the side of the parking lot the little group made their way inside. The whole Duke clan was present now, minus 15 year old Jed and 13 year old Jeremiah who were with their church youth group this weekend. Mainly because like their older cousins they were chasing girls but they weren’t about to tell Bessie that had been why they had wanted to go. Daisy picked up the microphone saying,”Can I have your attention please. Due to circumstances, nobody had control over years ago, we’re going to make a few changes to the norm.” Daisy paused, "We are about to do the Bride and Father-in-law dance, but in our case, Uncle Jesse and BL will have this dance and for the Groom and Mother-in-law's dance, Bo will have the pleasure of escorting Ms Betty Clark to the dance floor." My Wish by Rascal Flatts began to play from the jukebox because there hadn’t been enough time for Jeb, Coy, and Vance’s band to rehearse. Jesse got up from a nearby table and went over to BL escorting her to the dance floor. At this time Bo made his way over to where Grandma Betty Clark sat with her son in-law Clyde. ”Ma’am may I have this dance?” Bo asked, sticking out his elbow as if escorting the most important lady ever and next to his wife and Daisy she was. Not many of the parents of the girls that Bo had dated had ever seen the young man act so respectful. A couple of their mother's now wished that he were in their daughter's lives. The song ended and Bo escorted Grandma Betty back to her seat. “Thank you for the dance ma’am, it was a pleasure dancing with you,” Bo said. “It was sweet of you to ask,” Grandma Betty replied. Jesse escorted BL back to the table where the rest of the Duke and Davenport cousins sat. Daisy picked up the microphone saying, “We will now have the father/daughter dance. Coy was closest and selected My Little Girl by Tim McGraw on the jukebox and Clyde met BL on the dance floor. During BL's dance with Clyde, Daisy had managed to talk to Bo. When Clyde escorted BL back to Bo, Daisy said, "And now we'll have the Mother / Groom dance. Bo made his way over to his Aunt Bessie, "Would you do me the honors?" Bessie was taken by surprise but took Bo's arm as they headed for the dance floor just as Brad Paisley’s She’s Everything began playing. As they danced, Bo had explained that he planned to dance the first half with her and then finish the dance with Pauline. When the song was to the midpoint, Bo escorted Bessie back to Elbert, then quickly asked Pauline to finish. After the song ended Daisy announced as Bo was taking Pauline back over to John. “It's time for the bride and groom’s dance, then the best man’s toast, then we’ll cut the cake and everybody can eat, then gifts.” Bo led BL to the dance floor, holding her close as they moved about to Clint Black’s When I said I do. After the song finished Luke went over to the bar where Jesse poured and passed out glasses of the Duke family shine, which had been made by John because Jesse had other things to attend to. “Please raise your glasses to my cousin Bo and my newest cousin BL. To the Happy couple.” Murmurs of congratulations and clinking glasses followed.Sliding over behind the cake Bo and BL picked up the cake knife cutting a small slice to feed each other. “Bo please don’t get cake on Mama’s dress,” BL said, quietly. Bo liked to have fun and if she was wearing her normal clothes she wouldn’t care if he got cake on her. “I wouldn’t dream of it, Darlin. However I would do this,” with his final words Bo tapped BL’s nose leaving behind a small dollop of frosting. “Cute Bo,” BL wiped her nose with a napkin then fed Bo a bite of cake. “Fix your plates folks, I’ll be right back,” BL said then leaned up on her tippy toes, giving Bo a kiss. “Fix me a plate please hun, I’m gonna change real quick.” “Ok sure Darlin,” Bo replied. BL went over to Dixie whispering in her cousin’s ear,”you can ditch the dress I’m fixing to change now all the important stuff is over.” Dixie couldn't have been more ready. She looked around for someone not too busy or in a real big hurry to eat, "Could I talk my big brother into getting my bag out of the truck? Please??" She said super sweetly. Cooter looked from Dixie to Luke and back again. He thought for sure that now that Dixie had married Luke that all these things were his 'duty'. Dixie said, "He's busy with Bo." Luke said, "Never too busy for you Darlin'. But, Cooter, I do need to take care of another matter if you don't mind, buddy. " “While you’re going, could you bring my garment bag, my other dress is in it? Please?” BL said just as sweetly as Dixie. Cooter looked to Bo then BL then he looked for LB, he was the bride’s brother. BL said, “Bo’s busy and I don’t know what LB’s upto, it's in General Lee.” “Sure I’ll get it,” Cooter replied. A few minutes later he returned with the requested bags. “Here ya go,” Cooter said. “Thanks,”BL took her bag. After gathering everything they needed BL and Dixie managed to steal a few minutes to themselves to change clothes. Dixie asked as she hung her dress in the garment bag with BLs dress, "So how does it feel to be Mrs. Bo Duke?" “About as good as it feels to you being Mrs. Luke Duke. Come on let’s go eat, breakfast done wore off,” BL replied. Aunt Catherine probably wasn’t going to like it that Dixie had changed into pants but at least it was dress pants instead of jeans. Dixie hung the garment bag back in the closet with her bag then headed for the line just getting food. She managed to slip in behind Bo and in front of Luke. Everything looked great and she was starving. BL slipped in line in front of Bo and behind Cooter. There was almost every casserole you could imagine, they all smelled so good it made her mouth water and her stomach growl. She saw one of her favorites, chicken -n- dressing. There was a tater tot casserole, green bean casserole, corn casserole, and bbq meatballs. “I just put on 10 pounds just smelling all this,” BL said with a chuckle. Dixie tried a spoon of chicken casserole, some BBQ meatballs, deviled eggs, pasta and potato salads, baked beans, and a roll. Then she saw the vegetable dip. She moved things around to make a place for the dip, then put cucumbers, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, and olives around and on top of her food making her plate look fuller than it really was. At the end of the line she got a large glass of sweetened tea and headed to the table set aside for the wedding party. Pearl Crowley saw Dixie’s plate and whispered to her best friend Margarret Thornsby, “She keeps eating like that and she’ll be as big as a house, then let’s see how long it is before Luke gets a wandering eye.” Margaret nodded. BL’s plate didn’t have as many different foods on it but it still had enough to earn her a look from Pearl. She had gotten a hearty serving of chicken -n- dressing, a spoon of BBQ meatballs, baked beans, hash brown casserole. deviled eggs and a roll. Getting a glass of sweet tea she went over to the wedding party’s table sitting across from Dixie. Daisy finished eating and then waited for Bo and BL to finish before going upto the microphone. “It’s time to open gifts but ya’ll just keep eating, everything will be laid out to look at. “I hope not everything,” Bo said for only BL to hear, he remembered what he, his boy cousins, Cooter and LB had given Luke. Together they went to the chairs in front of the same booth near the door where Luke and Dixie’s gifts had been the month before. Luke motioned to Daisy, "Make sure Bo opens this last." He handed her an envelope that looked like a normal greeting card. Daisy gave him a questioning look but replied, "Alright." Dixie asked, "What's that?" Luke grinned, "Nothing much. Just a card." "My foot." Dixie replied. Word had begun to get around that the newly weds would be living with Luke and Dixie so folks knew the house was furnished, instead of toasters and the like they got 4 more sets of sheets, more towels,a couple of nice night gowns for BL , a wedding photo album, a couple of light blankets and a matching set of to go coffee cups. “There’s two more gifts under the table Daisy,” Dobro said, getting a good view from his seat. Daisy pulled out a large gift bag, handing it to BL. The tag said it was from BL’s Grandma Betty, inside was a hand stitched double wedding ring quilt. Daisy helped unfold it and hold it up for all to see. “Thank you Grandma, it's beautiful,” BL said, helping refold the quilt.. “You’re very welcome dear. Dixie there’s one in my car for you and Luke,” Betty replied. "Oh, wow! Thank you so much. I have always loved that pattern but quilting just isn't something I have ever learned to do." Dixie said truthfully. “You’re very welcome,” Betty replied. Daisy handed Bo the last gift, Clyde said, “That one’s from me and Luther, it’s for all 4 of you.” Luke and Dixie moved closer. Bo tore off the paper, it was a home CB base. “Hey Dixie, now we don’t have to go out to the vehicles,” BL said. "True." Dixie said. Luther added, "That way, if I need another truck, I don't have to have the switchboard call ya’ll." Luke gave a somewhat fake smile, "Right." Daisy checked all around to make sure no gifts had been forgotten, not finding any she gave Bo the envelope from Luke, “Luke said give you this last.” Bo looked to Luke, who was now grinning at Bo. Bo opened the envelope up cautiously as if he expected something to jump out at him. Finally, he took out the card and read it first to himself then to the others, adding most of the note inside, "Congratulations! This is a little something from us guys..... two nights at, ...." Bo purposely left the name of the hotel out, "hotel in the honeymoon suite. Luke, Cooter, LB, BB,Brody, Dobro and David Doolin, Coy, Vance and Jeb." “Thank ya’ll so much,” BL said then to Bo added “ we don’t have any bags packed.” “Me and Luke will go pack you a bag, while you do the bouquet and garter toss we can't participate anyway,” Dixie said. “Bo take Monday off, that way you don’t have to rush back, consider it a company wedding gift. I hope you ‘kids’ are as happy as me and my Rosalynn have been the last 42 years,” Bo’s boss Mr. Harvey said. “Thank you sir, I appreciate the day off,” Bo replied. Dixie got BL off to the side to make sure she got exactly what she wanted for their wedding night. Luke pretty much knew that Bo would have been fine without a bag but he'd get him some jeans and less dressy stuff for their return trip. As Luke and Dixie were about to make a hurried trip to town and back, Daisy said to the others, "Alright, now I got to give Luke a few minutes here. Everyone grab something to eat, get a drink refill or get out on the floor for a couple songs before we toss the bouquet. And, Rosco, Miss Lulu told me you are off duty, so you just sit right back down there so Luke can get back here." Rosco sat down. Luke gave Daisy a peck on her cheek as he headed out the door on a mission. “‘I guess I can hand out the birdseed while we wait,” Daisy said, getting her basket of birdseed and went around the room passing them out. Meanwhile Dixie and Luke were at the house in town packing one big bag, no need for separate bags, Bo and BL didn’t need much for just a couple of nights. “Let’s see, BL wanted her new negligee set, underwear, 2 tops, 2 pairs of jeans and her boots,”Dixie ticked off on her fingers. “What does she need 2 outfits for?” Dixie rolled her eyes thinking men had a one track mind, “Luke they won’t stay in the room the whole time, there’s lots to see and do in Atlanta.” Luke didn’t really see it happening but he packed Bo 2 sets of clothes and some boxer shorts. “A little something for later,” Luke put in a mason jar of shine and Dixie put BL’s small makeup bag with toothbrushes and toothpaste. “Can’t forget these,” Dixie put BL’s birth control in the makeup bag as well, tucking it in the big bag before zipping it. Luke laughed a bit and said, "She better hope she remembers to take them. We are back to them not leaving the room." Dixie rolled her eyes at him, "Men! You are bad." Luke replied as he wrapped his arms around her, "I'm very good at being bad." "Are you sure you got a room for them or us?" "Both." Luke replied. “C’mon we better get back,” Dixie said. “Yeah,” Luke agreed, so out the door they hurried, making it to the Boar’s Nest in record time. Dixie got out of the truck saying, ”I’ll put their bag in General Lee.” Luke already had the bag in his hand, "I got this. Remember, you should be taking things easy." Dixie said, "OK, but it weighs like five pounds." With the bag in the General Lee, Luke reached behind his truck seat. "Hang on a minute." He said, shaking up a liquid chalk marker as he climbed in the General, "Sorry, General but he's making me do this to you." Luke wrote on the inside of the windows 'Just married' 'Bo and BL'. Then he took a string of cans and other noise makers and tied it to the General's underneath where it would be difficult to remove. Finally, Luke said, dusting himself off, "Alright. You ready?" Dixie replied, "Sure." Inside Bo and BL were on the dance floor with a few more couples, Daisy saw Dixie and Luke come in the door, so as soon as the song ended she announced. “It’s time for the bouquet toss.” All the single ladies lined up, most in hopes they’d catch the bouquet and one of the remaining single Duke men. In particular Miz Tisdale had her eye on Jesse Duke. Daisy put the microphone down and stepped down into the crowd of single women. BL stepped onto the little stage, took a peek over her shoulder then turned away and tossed the flowers over her head, turning around just in time to see Daisy snatch it from the air. “Alrighty gentleman, your turn,” Dixie said, now manning the microphone. A chair was set on the stage while the men lined up. Just like at Luke and Dixie’s reception, Jesse protested as he was being dragged by his single nephews. “This is for you youngin's, not an old coot like me.” Bo took his place on the stage where BL had her foot propped in a chair. Bo was doing the same ‘fishing’ routine that Luke had done and like Dixie, BL had the good graces to blush, also like Dixie had, she held the long skirt of the dress with a hand resting on it. When Bo had BL’s garter off he turned his back to the gathered men and shot the garter like a rubber band over his head, it landed on Cooter’s shoulder. Everyone clapped and cheered. Daisy and Cooter both blushed a bit at being deemed, 'next to marry' as the tradition goes. Luke managed to get Bo's attention just long enough to slip him two crisp hundred dollar bills. "That's from us guys, too. Just in case you do leave the room or want to order out." “Thanks Luke but where did all ya’ll get enough money for 2 nights in the honeymoon suite plus this much left over?” Bo asked, putting the money in his wallet. “Don’t worry about it,”Luke replied. Bo nodded saying nomore about it,he was ready for some alone time with his wife. He went back over to BL “ready Mrs. Duke?” “Yes,” BL replied. Daisy saw that Bo and BL were ready to leave, "Alright ya'll, our newlyweds are ready to head out. Let's go give them a proper send off." Everyone headed outside. Each taking note of the General Lee all decorated up while getting their birdseed ready to toss at the couple as they headed to the car. Bo took BL’s hand dashing to General Lee as they were pelted with birdseed. Scooping his bride into his arms, Bo helped BL in the window. Forgetting that he was wearing nice clothes, Bo slid across the General Lee’s hood, sliding in the driver side window behind the steering wheel. “Bo those are dress pants not jeans,” BL said. “Good thing me and Luke washed and waxed the General, cleaned and waxed paint slides better,” Bo replied, smiling impishly. BL chuckled and with a blast of the Dixie horn, they were on their way to Atlanta. Jesse nearly fussed at Bo even though he knew his nephew wouldn't have heard him over the General's engine. Then he realized getting stains out of Bo's good clothes was no longer his worry. With General Lee quickly out of sight, the others began filing back inside. Katherine took the opportunity to sit with Luke and Dixie. BL scooted over to the middle of the seat, laying her head on Bo’s shoulder. “What are we gonna do in Atlanta?” BL asked. “What do you mean, what are we gonna do?” Bo returned the question. “Bo I can’t tell folks all we did was stay in the room, most folks make a weekend trip of activities out of it besides, THAT,” BL said rolling her eyes. Chuckling Bo replied, “we’ll decide when we get to the hotel.” About 30 minutes into the drive, Bo pulled over. “What are we doing?” BL asked. “I am fixin’ to undo Lukes handy work,” Bo replied. “You got a blanket to lay on, so you don’t get your clothes dirty?" “In the trunk Darlin,” Bo replied, getting said blanket, laying it on the ground. In just a few minutes Bo tossed the blanket and all in the trunk, getting behind the steering wheel pulling back onto the road. “We’re good to go,” Bo said. Luke had already motioned Daisy over before Katherine sat down. "Can I get you anything, Katherine?" Katherine replied, "Thank you, Luke. An iced tea would be fine." Luke turned to Daisy, "Two iced teas and a beer." Daisy replied, "You got it." As the drinks arrived, Katherine asked, "You aren't celebrating, Dear?" Dixie sipped her tea, "Someone's got to drive home, Mother." Katherine said, "True." Bo drove another 5 miles before stopping at a gas station, “I can’t see out the back glass, I’m gonna wash it off.” Bo parked so that he didn’t block the pumps, slid out and went to work on the back window with the squeegee but the writing wasn’t coming off “dang it! I don’t know why but this stuff ain’t coming off,” Bo fumed. BL tried not to laugh at Bo’s frustration as she slid onto the window sill. ”It won’t come off because it’s on the inside,” BL said. Bo swore, wondering why he hadn’t noticed. “Go in the store, get a bottle of windex and a roll of paper towels and I’ll clean it off while you drive and would you get me a cherry coke, please dear,” BL said. “OK,” Bo replied, going in the little store a few minutes later, he came back and handed BL the bag so he could drive. BL crawled in the backseat, being as ladylike as possible. Unzipping their bag to get her birth control pills, she found the jar of shine Luke had put in the bag. Not telling Bo yet, she took her pill and started cleaning the window. Dixie looked at Luke asking him an unspoken question. Luke gave her a look that said he was behind her decision. Dixie added, "Of course, there might be...." Luke interrupted, "Hold that thought just a minute." He stepped over to the table where his Aunt Pauline and Aunt Bessie were talking. "Would my two favorite aunts please come over and sit with Dixie, Katherine and myself a few minutes?" “Of course Luke,” Pauline and Bessie said in unison. The two ladies looked at each other then Luke before swapping tables. Dixie saw what Luke was up to. She waited until the ladies were settled. "As I was telling Mother, there just might be another reason, other than me driving home, that I wasn't joining Luke in drinking a beer." She paused to let that sink in. "It just might be because we have a little Duke on the way." Luke wished someone would have snapped a picture of his aunts at that exact moment. Pauline and Bessie probably could have been knocked out of their chairs with a feather at that moment. “Congratulations, it's about time we had a baby in the family again.” Bessie gushed. “Yes it is, when are you due? Pauline asked. Dixie tried to look more calm than she felt, "April." “April! That’ll be here before you know it. I just can’t wait to get hold of it and kiss those sweet baby cheeks,” Bessie said, nearly beside herself with excitement. “Have you started getting ready, like setting up a nursery?” Pauline asked. Dixie smiled at the older ladies, "No, actually, we're just really getting used to the idea." Katherine wasn't quite sure how to feel. Of course she was very happy for her daughter whom she knew had loved her husband for years but she wasn't sure how to feel about being a grandmother. “Well Katherine, cat got your tongue? You’re awful quiet,” Pauline said. She didn’t approve of moonshiners anymore than Katherine but she hadn’t ever even threatened to take Jeb and leave John. She had been young and a good girl looking for a bad boy but hadn’t decided she didn’t want a man who ran illegal booze after the baby came along like Katherine had after a second baby came along. Luther wasn’t even breaking the law according to John. “Surely you knew it’d happen eventually,” Pauline said, wondering if and when ‘eventually’ would come for her. She was ready to be a grandma. "Well, yes. It's just a bit of a surprise, is all." Katherine said. Then asked, "Is your father looking forward to being a grandpa?" Dixie looked at Luke, who replied. "We really haven’t talked too much about it with him, but his first reaction was turning that deep purpl e color that you may know." In Atlanta Bo parked in the hotel parking lot, sliding out of General Lee going around to help BL out. “Hand me our bag,” Bo said, hanging it from his shoulder while he helped BL out. Putting her empty coke bottle and the used paper towels in the plastic bag from the gas station to put in the hotel garbage can. At the desk the receptionist on duty asked, “Can I help you sir?” “I have a reservation for the honeymoon suite, name is Duke,” Bo replied. “Just a moment,” the receptionist said, checking the reservations, she continued, “Duke, here we are. Third floor, end of the hall. Enjoy your stay and congratulations,” the receptionist smiled, giving Bo a key. “Thank you,” The newlyweds relied, Katherine said tight lipped, "I know that shade of purple well." Luke added, "I figured as long as we can be in the same room and be civil, there was no need to poke the bear." The women were soon in an all out baby conversation. Luke decided to leave them to talk. Dixie looked at the clock on the wall behind the bar then smiled apologetically, although she wasn’t the least bit sorry. “I’m sorry but me and Luke need to go, the dogs haven’t been out since just before we left for the wedding,” Dixie said, standing, she headed to where Luke sat talking to her cousin Earl. In the elevator Bo pushed the button for the 3rd floor. When the elevator doors opened they were at one end of a long hall BL said stepping off, “only one way to go looks like.” At the last door Bo unlocked the door, opening it. BL took one step but before she could take another Bo said “wait!.” Bo scooped BL into his arms. “Bo what are you doing?” BL questioned. “Carrying my bride across the threshold,” Bo replied, kicking the door closed with his foot.
  5. Sunday morning saw Jesse Duke up early as usual but with noone but him home, he didn’t have to cook the usual breakfast for his ‘kids’, instead he did the chores so the ‘kids’ could sleep in. About noon as figured by Jesse the ‘kids’ started to come alive after not going to bed until about 5am. Luke was the first one moving, he came downstairs to let the three dogs out in the backyard. Trixie saw the three men in the livingroom and went round giving kisses until they were up too. Putting on coffee, Luke set out the leftover desserts for ‘breakfast’. Once everybody was at the table with ‘breakfast’ and coffee they planned their afternoon. The fellas were going to work on fixing some of the damage to last night’s race casualty while the girls went bridesmaids dress shopping. Cooter gave a low whistle as they got their first good look at the white Porsche. “I don’t know whether to fix it or bury it,” Cooter said to the others. Luke wasn't planning on doing much today except hang out with the fellas and go help Bo with chores later, so he reached for a beer as he stated, "Before you make up your mind, you might want to wait and see what the kid’s Dad wants done with it. I bet it's not even registered to the kid." ”Good point,” Cooter said, still tired from the night’s festivities. “We can take my car, if ya’ll want, where we going? Daisy said then tacked on her question. “Fine with me, I call shotgun,” Dixie replied. “I thought we might check out the mall at Coreyville. They should have dresses that ain’t too fancy, all the bridal boutiques and formal shops will be closed on Sunday and going shopping after work this week is cutting it close,” BL said. So getting in Daisy’s car, they struck out for Coreyville. Once at the mall, Daisy parked in front of JCPenny Dixie said as they got out of the car, "I only have one really important question for you two shoppers. Where are we eating?" BL and Daisy laughed, saying together “you choose.” "How about the buffet or the pizza place with the extra large calzones?” Her mouth started to water just thinking of the calzones, "Scratch that. If I'm picking, it's the pizza place." “Not that I’m complaining, those calzones do sound good but you do remember we had pizza night before last?” BL asked, grinning. Daisy liked shopping way more than either of them, so it was no surprise when she headed straight into the jungle of clothes calling back, “hurry up you two.” Dixie and BL followed Daisy as they talked. "True. You are right, but calzones are different. Let's give it a bit and decide. Go. Dress hunt." “I have a dress, the long white lacy one,” BL said, continuing “we’re shopping for bridesmaids dresses and YOU’RE the picky one,” BL emphasized you’re, grinning as she looked through a rack. Dixie replied, "I am not picky. I keep telling you my favorite dress is my favorite blue jeans. I only asked that it not be pink or horribly dressy. Are you going for short or floor length? “Floor length or atleast top of the foot. Maybe a maxi dress if you find one you like,” BL said, holding up a purple floor length dress with a V neck that wasn’t too revealing and a stretchy middle. ”Dixie said, "Well, I do like purple but I like this better,” Dixie showed BL a maxi dress with buttons down the front and a belt that tied slightly to one side . “How about this one, the belt is loose,” Dixie said. “Now that wasn’t so bad, was it?” BL said. “No I guess not, are we ready to go eat now?” Dixie replied. Daisy had wandered back over asking “find anything?” “Yes, it can be worn just as a casual sunday dress after the wedding,” BL said, holding Dixie’s dress up. “Pretty,” Daisy said, getting one for herself. Dresses purchased the girls headed back to the car and then the pizza place to eat. “That was good,” Dixie said, adding as she stood “I got to go to the little girls room, before we head home.” “Me too,” Daisy replied. “Wait for me,” BL said, following. Back in Hazzard the guys had piddled around at the garage a while then Cooter and LB went home and Bo and Luke went back to Luke and Dixie’s to get the dogs, then go out to the Duke farm to do evening chores. Daisy pulled in Luke and Dixie’s driveway to let Dixie and BL out, they noticed onlyDixie’s and BL’s cars were there which could only mean the Davenport men had gone home and Bo and Luke were probably doing chores at the farm. “Are ya’ll coming out to the farm?” Daisy asked. “Yes, Luke is probably helping Bo with chores, I’ll ride with one of ya’ll out then ride back home with Luke,” Dixie replied. "BL, you might as well ride out with us. You know you and Bo will go do something this evening. Even if it is wrong." Dixie kidded. “Cute”, BL said adding with a grin, “Is that an invitation to stay again tonight? We had to be on our best behavior last night, my brother was there to chaperone. Otherwise I need to get my car and follow you.” "The door is open. I'm not your parents but you deal with Uncle Clyde." Dixie said knowing full well that if Bo and BL wanted to be up to no good they wouldn't necessarily do it in town. “I try not to have to deal with him, the less he knows sometimes the better. Me and Bo are getting married a week from today, what’s it matter what we do? “One week or one day matters when you’re a girl with a virtue to protect,” Daisy said, heading to the farm. BL frowned in defeat. When they pulled into the farm, the race was on! All three dogs heard Daisy’s car and took off in a mad dash to greet the girls. “The guys must have been mean and they are telling on them,” Dixie said, grinning. The girls stopped where they were, giving the dogs plenty of petting and belly rubs. Bo and Luke walked over, giving their ladies deep,passionate kisses which Daisy had the good manners to look away saying, “I’m gonna go put my dress in my room.” “I get to do that everyday for the rest of our lives,” Bo said when the kiss ended. “Lucky me,” BL said, adding “can we go for a walk? I want to talk to you about something.” Bo asked, "You don't mind, do ya Luke?" Luke replied, "Go on. We'll feed the crew before we head out." Dixie asked, "Do you want me to take Sadie or is she going with you?" “You can take her if she’ll go but wait until I’m out of sight or she won’t go,” BL replied. “Sadie, stay.” Bo and BL headed in the direction of the south 40. Luke put his arm around Dixie as they walked to the barn, "She's not getting cold feet, is she?" Dixie laughed, "Anything but, I'd say." In the barn, Luke asked, "Want to feed the chickens and ducks? I'll get the hogs and horses." Dixie said, "Alright, but I want to give Blackberry a treat." Luke grinned, "What did she do to get a treat?" "Be cute." Dixie replied. "So what kind of treat do you want for being cute?" Luke asked. "I'll let ya know when we get home." Dixie replied. Luke replied, "Well, forget what I was gonna ask. You have a much better idea." "What was your idea?" Dixie asked. "It involved going out, being in a crowded room, having a beer or three, but like I said, I like your idea better." He said. Dixie replied, "Me too." After they had walked in silence a good ways, BL asked Bo. ”You remember we talked about me taking birth control? And we decided to just let nature take its course?” Bo nodded unsure where BL was going with this, "Yeah." “I changed my mind, I don’t know about you but I’m not ready to have kids yet. We should get used to just being married and enjoy it before we go thinking about having kids, don’t you think?” BL replied. It sounded pretty good to Bo, "Whatever you want Darlin'. Just as long as we get to practice making them, but what changed your mind?" BL couldn’t help the giggle that escaped, if Bo had his way they’d start practicing now. “Promise you won’t think I’m awful?” BL asked, blushing, she wasn’t a vain person. "Now, Darlin', why would I think you were awful?" Bo asked. BL looked down at the toes of her boots like she had as a kid, whenever she was in trouble with Clyde, “because part of my reason for changing my mind is just plain ‘ol vanity. I don’t want to gain all that weight, then not be able to lose it after the baby is born, like Millie that was in my class, she had a baby, junior year and didn’t lose the weight,” BL looked at Bo continuing “and Dobro’s sister in law was smaller than me but she’s huge. I know she’s having twins but..” BL trailed off. Bo hugged her, "They aren't you and I'd love you if you were as big as the house, but if you want to wait awhile or forever, then I'm good with that. But, I understand that practicing for a second baby gets rid of any baby fat you gain." BL put her arms around Bo wondering how she got so lucky enough to find such an understanding man. “I do want kids and I'm not getting any younger but they really don’t worry much until a woman hits 40-45 somewhere in there. She couldn’t help herself. She had to ask, ”who told you that my brother or my cousin, the mechanic." Bo replied, "Well, I've heard several people say it, but I think Luke said something like that awhile back." “I see,” BL said, not sure she believed him but she was going to be sure she told Dixie and Daisy. Giving Bo a sly grin BL added, "I'm staying with Dixie and Luke again, I need a ride back, know where I can get one?" Bo replied mischievously, "It just might cost you!” “What’s your price? We might have to negotiate or come up with a payment plan, so I can stretch out payment over time,” BL replied, eyes twinkling. Bo met the twinkle with a long kiss as his hands began to wander. BL returned the kiss, Bo’s fingers lighting fires everywhere he touched her. Bo accepted the challenge and continued his pursuit until his fingers found BL's bra hooks and in no time he had released the hooks with his hands wandering to the front. BL moaned as Bo’s hands found their target in front. By now she had his shirt untucked and was unsnapping the snaps. Bo wasn't sure how far this petting was going to go, but certain parts of him were already game as he felt his jeans suddenly get much tighter. He kissed BL deeper as his hands were doing their job, hopefully getting her as hot and bothered as he was right now. It had been a while and just knowing that he would soon be able to have her as his soon wasn't soon enough for Bo. BL was trying to keep her wits, so things didn’t go too far. Bo wasn’t making it easy though. With a frustrated sound, breathing heavy BL said, “Bo we got to stop before we get carried away and birth control ain’t necessary but soon I’ll be yours.” Bo moved his lips to her neck and whispered, "Just one more time won't make a difference." He blew in her ear slightly, then added, "I have protection." He pulled her to him so that she could feel his need even through both their clothes. BL shivered slightly when Bo blew in her ear. “You had protection last time and that didn’t help remember, we just got lucky,” BL said. "Come on Darlin'. That was a fluke. I got new ones." He whispered in her ear as his breath sent more chills down BL, Bo's fingers found her nipples. BL sucked in a deep breath at Bo’s touch on her nipples, deciding right that minute to see one of the doctors outside Hazzard tomorrow and it really didn’t matter who at the moment. “Bo, we can wait a few more days, it won’t be easy but we can do it,” BL said. Bo inhaled slowly and exhaled even slower, trying to regain some control over his body. "Alright." He managed as he gritted his teeth, wishing there was a cold mountain stream he could wade into. BL fixed her bra and shirt, as she'd asked, "You aren't mad, are you?" Bo gave a gentle smile, "No. I couldn't be mad at you." BL said, "Let's get back to the farm." "Darlin' I just ain't able to go anywhere right now, especially back to the farm. You got to give me a couple of minutes here." Bo said, adjusting his jeans, which didn't help at all. “If you’re not upto taking me back to Dixie’s, I’ll get Daisy to take me back,” BL said, the idea had been for Bo to stay and snuggle but it wasn’t fair to get him in the state he was in now, twice in one night. Sharing a bed might be too much temptation. Bo frowned but replied, "Of course I'm able. We can go to the Boar’s Nest, have a few beers, play some pool. Just give me a minute. My jeans are cutting me in half about now." “Take all the time you need, I’m not just marrying you for your pretty boy face,” BL said, grinning a little. "Thanks. I think." Bo said, trying to get his body on his side and calmed down. After about 10 minutes Bo was better. Taking BL’s hand mainly to see if his body was going to cooperate, they walked back to the farm. Dixie and Luke had gone home by now, so Bo and BL headed to the Boar’s Nest. Parking in his usual spot in front Bo slid out the General Lee’s driver side window then jogged around to the other side helping BL. They hadn’t been to the little bar together, alot lately and when they came in BL could feel all the icy glares on her but it didn’t bother her, she just smiled sweetly as Bo found them a table. ”I think the temperature dropped 20 degrees in here,when we walked in,” BL said. Bo shrugged and ordered them a beer. At Luke and Dixie's they were feeding the three dogs, letting them out to the back yard in preparation to head to bed early to do what young freshly married couples do when the phone rang. Luke answered, "Duke residence. This is Luke." The voice on the other end was male and said, "Officer Duke, please." Luke frowned. It wasn't a call he wanted to pass on but knew if he didn't, that Dixie would be peeved. "Dixie, phone is for you." Dixie took the phone, "This is Dixie." "Hey, this is Officer Bell. We need you to come in at 4." The caller said. Dixie really didn't want any overtime but couldn't really refuse it either. "Ok. I'll be there." She turned to Luke and said as she hung up the phone. "You wanted to head to bed early. Now, we have an excuse." She said as she cut off the big light in the kitchen, took Luke's hand and headed upstairs. “How about a couple games of pool?” Bo suggested, finishing his beer in one gulp. “Sure if you don’t mind getting trampled,” BL goaded. “We’ll see who gets trampled,” Bo retorted. “Set ‘em up, let’s see whatcha got hot shot,” BL said. Bo rounded up the colorful balls into the triangle mold then rolled them to the center of the table. Placing the white cue ball a few inches outside the mold.Lifting the mold Bo said, “you break”. BL broke strong and put balls both striped and solid in the pockets. She called, "Solids." Picked her number and called it into a side pocket and made the shot clean. Bo saw this game going downhill for him. BL made a couple more clean shots then feeling overly confident she had the game in the bag, calling a difficult shot, intending to show off by making it but instead she missed thus giving Bo a chance to redeem himself. “Aww too bad, move over Darlin, let me show you how it’s done,” Bo flashed his trademark smile. BL rolled her eyes as Bo made the shot he called. Back in town, the pups were settled as were Luke and Dixie. Luke was exploring his wife's body. Dixie was laying on her side. When Luke's exploring hands reached her flat belly, he noted just the slightest bit of a bump. Dixie asked as Luke's attention had gone to her belly rather than other places, "What are you doing?" Luke said gently, "You are getting a bit of a belly." "Luke! That is not the sort of thing that makes a girl feel real sexy." Dixie said only about half serious. "Under these circumstances, it should make you feel very sexy." Luke said, kissing her. Dixie noted that whatever Luke was seeing surely hadn't cooled anything about his desire for her. Bo made a few more good shots, then BL made one she called and gave Bo a sassy grin, there were only 4 balls left on the table. “Red, yellow and green balls in the side pocket,” BL called but only sank one. Bo called “8 ball corner pocket.” Bo took his shot and managed to not only make his shot but bumped the last two balls into pockets. “Show off,” BL said. Bo replied, "You owe me a beer, Darlin'." “Ok but how about another game to even things up,” BL replied. “Alright by me, if you want to buy me another beer,” Bo said. “We’ll see who buys for who,” BL replied, racking the balls. Bo laughed. He had BL going and he knew it. BL let Bo break and the game proceeded with Bo exclaiming after a bit. “Looks like I’ve gotcha again Darlin.” “Not yet you don’t,” BL said smugly as she made one good shot, then two more. Bo was about to push his luck, "Tie breaker?" “Sure, then we can get in a few dances, somebody’s got the jukebox playing all the good stuff,” BL replied. Dixie remembered that BL was supposed to spend the night as she grabbed her robe on the way to the bathroom. At the end of the bed, she had to step over Sadie, Trixie and Scrapie who all had decided to sleep in the room with Dixie and Luke. That only meant one thing BL hadn't come in yet. Getting back in bed was a lot harder than getting out had been. Sadie was curled up on Luke's feet. Scrapie was under his arm and Trixie was on Dixie’s pillow. BL came back to the table from the restroom, taking a sip of the beer the waitress had just brought. “Bo I got something to ask you,” BL said. “Shoot Darlin,” Bo replied. “Are you gonna be disappointed if you don’t get to have a weekend with all our cousins, the way Luke did?” BL asked. “Not as long as you are the consolation prize,” Bo replied with a smile. “There’s still plenty more warm weather ahead, maybe we can do it in a few weeks, would be fun all of us just hanging out, won’t be able once there’s a baby around and Dixie won’t want to sleep in the barn once she gets bigger than just the beginning of a baby bump,” BL said. Her man by Gary Allen started playing and Bo asked,”wanna dance?” “Love to,” BL replied, letting Bo lead her to the dance floor, taking her in his arms, swaying to the music. A few dances later Bo led BL back to their table. “I guess it's about time we slid on outta here, you got to go to work in the morning and I got to go do morning chores out at the farm.” Bo said. Daisy came by Bo's table, "Are ya’ll gonna need another?" “No, we're about to ease on out,” Bo replied. “I got to work tomorrow,” BL added. “Alright see ya’ll later,” Daisy said, going back over to the bar. “Better park at the garage and we’ll walk to the house,” BL said once they were in town. Bo drove around the square, pulling up to the garage. Sliding out of the General’s driver’s side window then went around helping BL. Hand in hand they walked down the sidewalk. “We better go in from the side incase Mrs. Kravitz happens to look out, she won’t see us,” BL said. “Why are we sneaking around, we’re adults for cryin’ outloud,” Bo grumped. “Where’s your sense of adventure Bo? I ain’t the only girl you’ve ever snuck around with. Them other girls had Daddies with shotguns loaded with buckshot. All we’re doing is avoiding a nosy neighbor,” BL took off her boots and socks in the driveway, carrying her boots in one hand and crossed the side yard to the porch. Bo followed and sitting their boots on the railing. Hoisting themselves up and over the railing, they cracked open the door enough their slender bodies could fit. Just as the door closed behind them, here came the doggie express! Sadie wanted her human! Scrapie and Trixie ran behind her, barking at the intruders! Bo tried to hush them. "We belong here. We'll, sort of, we will next week. I can’t believe this! I'm explaining to a dog why I'm here!" Bo fussed. BL giggled at Bo’s fussing. “I just thought we was being quiet and they wouldn’t hear us,” BL said, trying to quiet the dogs with lots of petting, hoping Luke didn’t throw a boot down the stairs at them. Instead, Luke called from upstairs, "Bo, let them out before you come upstairs. “How’d he know I was with you?” Bo asked. “Luke knows you as well as you know yourself,” BL replied, adding “I’ll wait for you upstairs, hurry so I don’t get lonely,” BL said, heading upstairs. “Alright lets go out, hurry it up,” Bo said, letting the trio out back. When Luke called down to Bo, after getting pounced by the three dogs on their way to BL and Bo, Dixie had stirred. Luke pulled her closer since they had the bed to themselves now, "Shhh, it's just Bo and BL coming in. They are taking the dogs out." "Ok." Dixie said, snuggling closer to Luke. BL was getting ready for bed while she waited for Bo. When he came upstairs, Sadie at his heels, the other two dogs ran back to Luke and Dixie’s room and hopped up on the bed, even though Trixie was technically Bo’s because he had rescued her. Bo stopped in his tracks, BL was sitting on the edge of the bed in a nightie that left very little to Bo’s imagination. “Ready for bed?” BL asked. "Bed, yes. Sleep, no." He said out loud, while silently wondering if BL was trying to kill him. Bo couldn’t seem to get his shirt and jeans off fast enough finally he got untangled and only his shorts were left. Leaning in his kissed BL with unrestrained passion. He'd respect her wishes not to go all the way but he was going to make sure they both enjoyed themselves. Sadie had no interest in whatever game the humans were playing so she hopped in the chair, curling up to sleep. Dixie’s alarm clock went off. She turned it off, sat up, grabbed her robe and went to the bathroom. She couldn't help but notice the light under BL's door. Luke was awake when Dixie returned, "You don't have to do this." He meant working crazy hours as well as working at all. Dixie said, "It's way too early, Luke. Yes, I do have to go in this early. I love you. Go back to sleep." BL nor Bo heard Dixie’s alarm go off nor her trip to the bathroom and back, they had fallen asleep with the light still on, a couple hours before after a long night of pre wedding fun even if they hadn’t gone all the way they had pushed right up to the boundary line. A few more hours and their peaceful sleep was disturbed when Sadie wanted out and whining and scratching at the door didn’t get either’s attention. Jumping up on the bed, Sadie nudged BL’s arm with her cold wet nose, this atleast got BL stirring a little, so she did it a couple more times then jumped down, going over to scratch and whine at the door. “Ok, just a minute,” BL said, still half asleep as she looked for her robe. Bo stirred when BL raised up off his arm. “What time is it? It ain’t time for you to go to work yet, is it?” Bo asked. “No it’s 6:30, Sadie needs to go out,” BL replied. Not ready to leave the comfortable bed or last night’s bed buddy, Bo got up and pulled on his clothes. “I gotta get going and get started on chores , I’ll let her out. Go back to sleep and I’ll see you after work,” Bo said, giving BL a kiss, turning out the light. Luke, Scrapie and Trixie met Bo and Sadie in the hallway. Bo let the dogs out. Luke started coffee, then got out two of his travel mugs and lids. Luke waited until Bo had the pups inside then spoke, "Bo, I'm not Uncle Jesse and I really don't aim to sound like him, but..... I know the wedding is less than a week away and so does the Tri-Counties, but ain't you pushing it just a little? "Only if anyone sees us both here late and don’t see one of us leave,” Bo replied adding “relax nobody knows we’re here, except BL’s car is in the driveway but it’s been there since saturday. I parked General Lee at the garage then we walked here. Snuck in like burglars,“ Luke replied, "Alright, but I've dealt with enough angry Davenport men to last me a lifetime, I'd really like not add Clyde to the list." “He ain’t exactly my best friend but it was BL’s idea for me to stay last night, I figured she knows how to get around Clyde. If you don’t feel right, both of us staying the night until we’re married. Last night was my last night, promise,” Bo said. Luke touched Bo's arm, "It's not for me to tell you what or how to do anything anymore, Bo. I just don't want to answer the phone or door at 3 am and have to deal with an angry Clyde." “Maybe not all the time,you don’t have to” Bo gave Luke a cheeky grin. Luke gave him a look. "I gotta get going. See ya at the Boar's Nest this evening?" “Yup, hey can you get me to the General, without me being seen by the neighbors? Bo asked. "Sure. Come on, Scrapie, we got to go." Luke said. Sadie had already run for BL and the bed. Scrapie headed to the door followed by Trixie. Luke said, "Stay here girl." Trixie looked very sad and started toward the stairs only to be followed by Scrapie. Luke said, "Scrapie we have to go." Scrapie stood between Luke and Trixie. Luke sighed, "I know I'm going to regret this. Come on Trixie. Let's see if we can put you to work too." Scrapie and Trixie both ran to Luke, out to the truck and up in the seat. ”Be there in a minute, just going to let BL know Trixie is going to work with you and Scrappie” Bo said as Luke was headed to the truck. Sadie had bounded onto the bed, laying on her back with all 4 legs stuck up in the air. Bo shook his head when he saw Sadie, giving BL’s arm a pat, “Trixie’s going to work with Luke and Scrappie,” Bo said, when BL cracked her eyes open. “Ok,” BL replied, closing her eyes again. Luke dropped Bo off and then headed out of town. On the way to work, he explained to Scrapie and Trixie how Scrapie needed to show Trixie what to do at work. Surprisingly, they both seemed to understand what he was saying. 8 AM saw alot beginning in Hazzard as stores and other Businesses opened. BL stepped out of the Post Office to meet the mail truck as usual. ”Morning Joe,” BL greeted. “Morning BL,” Joe responded, driving away to his next stop after a little more chit chat. Across the square a Mercedes Benz pulled in at the garage. Bobby’s father Oliver Douglas a prominent lawyer in the town said to Luther, “I want to see Bobby’s car, he said he had a wreck Saturday night,” Mr. Douglas said. Luther sat his coffee cup down. "I haven't even been in the garage since Friday. Come on, let's see what we have." Mr. Douglas said, "I'm being told that Bobby ran off the road up at the lake." Luther looked at Cooter. Cooter shrugged slightly. It was the truth. Not the whole truth by any means but he wasn't offering that to the kid’s Dad. At least not right now. Luther opened the big doors to the garage bay and there sat Bobby’s white Porsche, which didn’t look too bad straight on from the front. Luther and Oliver walked in the garage and around the car, the back passenger fender still sported a very big dent from hitting the tree and Cooter pulling it away from the back tire and there was a long scratch in the paint. “Back axel’s broke too,” Cooter offered the unseen damage information. “How long will it take to fix?” Oliver asked. “A couple weeks atleast. It’s not our only job,” Luther replied. “Very well, I have to get to work, call me when it’s ready,” Oliver said, breezing out to his Mercedes Benz and left. BL carried a package addressed to JD Hogg, Sadie’s leash was looped around her wrist as the climbed the Hazzard County Building’s steps, almost literally colliding with Boss Hogg.Sadie, like Flash, growled at the fat man in white. “Watch where you’re going girl and get that fleabag out of here. No dogs allowed!” Boss Hogg grumbled. “We’re going, I just have a package for ya,” BL said, handing over the package adding, “have a nice evening Boss.” Going back to the post office to get the day’s mail to take to Colonial City. “I’m headed to Colonial City but I have to meet Dixie at Tri-Counties jail, when she gets off at 4, I gotta leave Sadie at the house before I go,” BL told Ellen Sue. “Alright, see you tomorrow,” Ellen Sue replied. Dixie had finished up her duties, did a final count of her floor and taken her paperwork to the Control Room. After the shift change, she clocked out and headed to her car. She then saw BL parked beside her car. For about a half a second she got worried about Luke or that something was wrong at home but figured that BL would have called her or came to the window if it was anything serious. "Hey. What's up Dixie asked." “You were going to go with me to see Dr. Quinn remember,” BL said, afraid the jail doctor wouldn’t see her without an appointment and it sounded like Dixie hadn't even talked to the doctor. BL didn’t think it a big deal, she wasn’t sick she just wanted birth control, no appointment necessary as far as she was concerned. Dixie replied, "It's been a long day. Sorry. Follow me. She shouldn't be busy this late." Dixie led the way to the doctor's office. BL pulled in beside her. They both made their way into the office where Dixie said, "Sarah, this is my cousin, BL. I talked to Doc earlier and she said we could drop by." Sarah said, "Just have a seat. I'll let her know you are here." A few minutes later, Sarah came back and said, "Doc's ready. Second door on the left." BL went to where they were directed, Dixie followed. Dixie asked, "Are you sure about this?" “Yes, the other side of the coin is being a couple months behind you and I’m not ready for all that yet and I don’t just mean weight gain,” here BL shook her head before sharing Bo’s ‘wisdom’ “speaking of baby fat gained during pregnancy, you won’t believe what Bo said he heard was a way to lose it. Practicing for another!” Dixie grinned, "Would you believe that I've heard that very thing. I'm not sure how much scientific backing that has but making this one was pretty fun." Doc had opened the door and heard part of the girls conversation. "How much scientific basis what has?" Knowing Doc a bit better, Dixie replied, "It seems we are being told that practicing for baby number two is a good way to lose the extra weight from baby number one." Doc nodded slowly. “And practicing for baby number three is a good way to lose weight from baby number two and so on. No wonder people used to have so many kids, they were either practicing/losing that excess baby fat in the women’s case resulting in another baby,” BL said. Doc smiled at the two. "Well, that practicing for a new baby may burn calories . That much is true, but there are far more exercises that burn calories but they just might not be as fun." After a good laugh, Doc asked, "So what can I do for you two today?" “I’m getting married on Saturday and I want birth control. BL replied, adding “my fiance and me talked about it and don’t feel ready to be parents yet.” Doc nodded, "Alright. I'll let the nurse get your medical history, vitals and such then we can discuss a few options and decide which may work best for you. I will advise you, no matter which option we choose, for the first month to six weeks it would be best to use an additional method until your body gets used to the birth control. “Maybe I should have gotten some at the beginning of the month when we were here to find out when Dixie was due,” BL said, brow creased. Doc just gave her a slight grin. "Mary Ellen will get you started. Oh yeah, she will also do a routine pregnancy test too while Dixie and I chat." "Chat?" Dixie asked as BL left with the nurse. Doc said, "Well, since you are here, I was seeing if you wanted to get your appointment over with today." Dixie shrugged, "Sure, why not." Doc asked Dixie to get into a gown, checked her vitals and weight, then had her lay back flat on her back. Doc took a tape measure and measured from just under Dixie's breast to below her stomach then across her belly from side to side just like she had done at the first appointment. She then let Dixie get dressed. Once they were seated again, Dixie asked, "Is everything alright " Doc replied, "Everything looks good. The baby is starting to grow. You've picked up a bit of weight, but not too much." Dixie said, "Good. There, for a while, I figured I had lost weight, but now it seems like I get hungry every couple hours." Doc nodded, "There is nothing wrong with eating small portions often. It helps keep your blood sugar level." Mary Ellen took BL to a little nursing cubicle where she got BL’s weight and height, “step up here for me, without your boots. Anything heavy in your pockets?” Mary Ellen asked. “Nothing in them at all,” BL replied. “Alright, have a seat,” Mary Ellen said, making notes on BL’s chart. BL sat down in the cubicle’s only chair, pulling her boots back on. While BL was doing this Mary Ellen asked all of the first time patient medical history questions. “Any heart disease in your family,” Mary Ellen asked. BL swallowed hard before answering, it still hurt like a knife to the heart all these years later, “my mother passed away from heart problems when she was 33,” BL replied Mary Ellen then took BL’s temp, listened to her lungs and checked her pulse rate. “Everything looks good, I just need to get a sample. Restroom is just around the corner,“ Mary Ellen handed BL a cup. When BL was finished she gave Mary Ellen the sample before returning to the exam room. BL was done with the nurse and joined Doc and Dixie. Doc said, "Alright, as you know, there are several different types of birth control these days. Two of the most popular being condoms and or birth control pills. Birth control pills can be up to 99% effective if used correctly. Allowing for mistakes, they are about 93% effective. Complications are rare, but they can be serious, so I have to tell you about them. These include heart attack, stroke, blood clots, and liver tumors.Condoms alone can be 98% effective. Typically, they are about 87 percent effective. Used together, they are usually very effective. So are you still interested in a birth control pill?" Doc asked. “Yes,” BL replied, Bo was more than ready to not having to use condoms anymore but they weren’t ready to be parents besides they were going to get plenty of parenting practice, living with their cousins and baby. Doc explained a couple of options. Together, they chose a newer one. Doc could write the prescription today and BL could get it filled and start taking it today based on her cycle. The pill should be effective in as little as a week. Dixie and BL thanked Doc and headed out toward Hazzard. It was only after Dixie left that Doc pulled her chart and compared her measurements and weight with those from her previous visit. Though Dixie's measurements were in the growth range, her weight was just a bit over the average weight gain. It wasn't a huge issue, so Doc made a mental note to look at it again on the next visit. BL and Dixie walked back over to their cars, “I’ll meet you at the Boar’s Nest. I want to get these before the drug store closes,” BL said. Dixie replied, "OK. See you there." In Hazzard, Danny, the pharmacist, had just finished putting up his latest shipment of medications that had arrived over the weekend. BL turned her prescription into the girl at the counter of the drug store, which had served Hazzard since it became a county. It still had the ice cream and soda fountain in it. BL ordered a fountain cherry Coke while she waited for her prescription to be filled. Danny took the prescription and pulled the appropriate medication from its drawer. It was a brand new medication that he had just unboxed from the new shipment. He made the label and bagged up the medication with the information pamphlet, then took it up front. "BL, you are lucky. We just got this in. Have a nice day." “Thanks Danny, see you later,” BL said, taking the bag and then paid Susan behind the counter for the cherry coke, “See you later Susan, BL added then she went out to her car, opening the sack and scanning the pamphlet before taking one of the pils, washing it down with the rest of her cherry coke. Heading back to the Boar’s Nest then to meet the others. Dixie pulled into the Boar's Nest and saw the General Lee, wrecker and Luke's truck was already there. Inside, she spotted the guys at a back table and signaled to Luke that she'd be there in a minute as she hurried to the restroom. At the table, Luke ordered the guys their first round of drinks and added, "Daisy, Dixie just got here, bring her an iced tea with lemon." Daisy was going back behind the bar as BL came in, “running a bit late today ain’t ya?” Daisy asked. “I had an errand to run,” BL replied. “Want a beer? I’m about to take everybody else's drinks back,” Daisy said. “Yes,” BL replied and made her way to the back table. “Hey Darlin, where ya been?” Bo kissed BL on the cheek. “I had to take care of something, remember I told you yesterday,” BL replied. Dixie got sat down just as Daisy brought the drinks. Dixie took a drink of tea, "Luke, why do you have Scrapie and Trixie?" Luke explained, "Trixie wanted to go this morning. I figured why not. All that could happen would have been to have been sent home, so I took her. Let me tell you, she was great. You'd think that she had all the training that Scrapie has had." “She can’t go on fires though without the training though can she?” Bo asked. Luke saw the same worried look that Bo got on his face each time he thought about Luke jumping out of a 'perfectly good' plane into a fire. He replied, "No, but she could be taught and she looked like she wanted to learn. She's smart." Dixie was watching Trixie, "She knows that you two are talking about her." “What woman don’t like hearing good things said about her/” Cooter asked, giving Trixie a scratch behind the ear closest to him. “Ain’t that right Trixi, sweetheart,” Cooter added. Trixie jumped up into Cooter’s lap for more attention and to give him all the kisses he could ever want. Between kisses, Cooter managed to say, "Easy girl." Dixie laughed as she explained, "She has her licker license." BL cocked an eyebrow at Dixie’s attempt at humor, “funny cousin”. Dixie replied, "I wasn't trying to be funny. She is a lover." Cooter fumed a bit, "The way my luck has been going lately, she's been the most attentive gal I've seen in weeks." Bo and Luke both gave Cooter a sympathetic look, it was not something either one had, had a problem with in a while. “Aww Coot you’re just going through a dry spell, I bet when it rains it pours and you’ll have more girls than you can shake a stick at,” Bo said optimistically. Cooter replied, momentarily forgetting his cousin and sister were listening, "I figured with you two off the market that things would be easy picking." Luke wisely chose not to respond, even Bo’s brain overrode his mouth for once instead of his mouth overloading his posterior. Luke changed the subject, "You had a long shift today. Do you want to grab something here instead of cooking at home?" Dixie replied, "Sounds like a good idea to me. I'd like a nice warm bath and my bed when we get home." Luke replied, "I can make that happen." He said, flagging Daisy down, "We want to give you an order." Daisy replied, thinking it was a drink refill or a simple order, "Shoot." Luke looked at Dixie to place her order. Dixie said, "Can I get a cheeseburger, lettice, tomato, onion, mayo, sweet pickle and sweet hot peppers? And a footlong hotdog with chili, onion, mustard and the nacho cheese sauce?"Luke gave Daisy a 'Sorry.' look. Daisy replied, "Sure thing, Honey, just let me get an order pad." Bo’s eyes were as big as saucers, he still hadn’t gotten used to Dixie eating so much, although Dixie had never pretended not to have a good appetite. “Dixie, eating like that is probably the reason you get heartburn still sometimes,” BL said. Dixie shrugged her shoulders replying, “can I help what baby Duke wants?” Daisy came back with an order pad saying, “alright hit me again,sugar.” Dixie repeated her order. Luke added jokingly, "Can I have a normal cheeseburger, lettuce, tomato, onion and mayo?" Daisy asked, "Can I get you all anything?" “Bring me a cheese burger too, just like Luke’s except no mayo and I’ll have some fries with that,” Bo said, adding “call and tell Uncle Jesse,he don’t have to cook supper if he don’t want to, I'm eating here.” “Sure thing Bo,” Daisy replied. “I’ll have the same as Luke on the cheeseburger and some fries. I’m gonna work on ole Bobby’s car,” Cooter said. “I’ll have one too no mayo on mine either,” BL said, feeling nauseous from her birth control, which the pamphlet said might happen on an empty stomach, she had skipped breakfast and her small lunch was hours ago. “Want fries?” Daisy asked. “Yes. Can I get a soda too?” “Sure thing. I’ll be back with your orders,” Daisy said. Friday evening found the Dukes and Davenports at the Boar's Nest as usual. It was the mill's payday, so the place was full. Luke and Dixie had talked about tonight way before it got here. Luke planned to stay with Bo at the farm and the girls could stay in town with Dixie. They just hadn't told Bo and BL that yet. After a bite to eat and a couple dances, Dixie said, "I think I'm about ready to head in. Tomorrow is going to be a long day and this has been a long week." Luke replied, "How about we all head back to the house for a spell." Bo was more than ready to get BL in a more private setting, so he readily agreed. In town, after letting the dogs out, Luke went upstairs. Everyone figured that he had gone to the bathroom, until he came downstairs with his suit, a small bag, his shaving kit, and shoe shine kit. He hung up the suit and sat the rest on the stairs. Cooter asked, "Buddy Roe, you ain't thinking of moving out are you?" Luke frowned at his brother-in-law, "Don't be ridiculous. I just figured to give the girls all the time and room they need to get ready for tomorrow. So, I'm gonna stay at the farm tonight." Cooter and Bo both said in unison, "You are?" They both looked at Dixie and again asked, "You are ok with that?" Dixie smiled, "I suggested it." Bo and Cooter looked at each other in disbelief. They just didn't seem to understand Luke and Dixie's relationship. They both knew girls who would have thrown one more fit in the same situation. After a bit, the men headed out to the farm. Even Cooter was going. When they reached General Lee, Luke beat Bo to the driver's seat. "What are you doing?" Bo asked. "Just felt like driving him tonight." Luke said. Cooter was following them as they left town. At the cut off that led to the farm, Luke turned off on the other road. "Let's go get a beer." Bo wasn't gonna argue. “I’m surprised Bo went willingly, it’s still early. He was hoping for some alone time before we were split until the wedding.” BL commented. She had seen the longing for privacy in Bo’s eyes and she was absolutely sure there would be no sneaking a quick rendezvous, with Daisy and Bo’s Aunts Pauline and Bessie keeping watch. Daisy was no doubt, hoping to get rid of the payday crowd as soon as possible, so she could get the Boar’s Nest cleaned up and in order, so the ladies aide of which Mrs. Lulu Hogg was President, could decorate for the reception. Dixie replied, "I think that's part of why Luke went to the farm tonight. He knows that you turn into a pumpkin real soon now." "Not until midnight, I still got a couple hours or so." BL grinned At the Boar's Nest, Daisy was a bit surprised to see Bo, Luke and Cooter come back in. They saw Dobro and Brody at a back table and headed that way. “I think I’m going to go take a long, relaxing bath. Use some of the stuff in the mini spa basket I got at my shower. NO I am not going to slide 2 stories down the drain pipe to go find Bo. So don’t even think it,” BL said. Dixie said, "OK, go get your stuff together and let me in the bathroom five minutes then you can have it. I'll take the pups and go get comfy." At the Boar's Nest, all the guys were taking turns buying Bo a beer as the guys were having a field day just hanging out and talking among themselves. Across the room, there was a table of girls checking them out. Dixie took the dogs out back while BL went upstairs, setting out her little basket of pampering goodies on the sink with a fluffy towel and washcloth. In her room BL got out her favorite short sleeve nightshirt with raining paw prints on the front. Dixie, followed by Scrapie, Trixie and Sadie went to the bathroom, then freshened up. "Alright, you three, let's go so BL can get in here. All yours." Dixie called from the hall. "I'll leave my door open so the pups can come and go. You can come hang out if you want when you are done." “OK,”BL closed the bathroom door but she didn’t lock it, incase Dixie needed in again. BL washed her face, and while the tub filled for her bubble bath BL looked through her facial basket and after pulling her hair up in a messy bun away from her face, she applied the facial mask. The tub now filled, The lavender scented candle lit. BL shucked her clothes and relaxed in the mounds of bubbles for the next hour. After draining the tub, BL rinsed her face then got in the separate shower stall to wash her hair. After stepping out of the shower, BL dried on the big fluffy towel and put on her nightshirt, blowing out her candle then going to Dixie’s room across the hall laying across the bed. “I thought this weekend would never get here,” BL said. Dixie gave a slight grin, "Well, it's here. So, now what? Is there anything we need to do tonight? Did Daisy get the birdseed bags together?" BL closed her eyes, checking things off the list in her head. “I think everything’s done.Yeah she told me one of the other waitresses helped her with them the other day,” BL said, then asked something that had been nagging her. “What about the groom and mother-in-law dance? I don’t have a mother. The closest I have is a maternal grandmother. Bo don’t have a father just Uncle Jesse so the bride and father - in -law dance is a go. "I'd say Bo would love to get your grandma on the dance floor." Dixie pictured it in her mind. One thing about Luke and Bo they could be very charming, especially to ladies much older than themselves, which was alright with Dixie. “Yeah I bet he would,” BL smiled “a dance with grandma it is then.” At the Boar's Nest, a shapely blonde flagged Daisy down, "Can I get a round of beers for us, ..... and a round for that table of hot guys over there?" “Sure thing sugar but you should know one of them is married and one is getting married tomorrow and neither woman will take you buying drinks for my cousins too kindly. The other three fellas are fair game,” Daisy replied. The blonde pushed her luck, "Well, all the more reason for us to buy the groom a round and it just wouldn't be neighborly to not include everyone at the table." She said with the most southern accent. “I’ll be back in a minute with this table's beers,” Daisy said, stopping by the guys table. “See that blonde over there, she’s a might eager to buy ya’ll a round especially Bo and Luke.” Cooter, Brody and Dobro had already been enjoying the eye candy across the room. Bo turned to look at the women in question. Daisy added, "I've already told them that you are getting married tomorrow and that Luke is married. So then they just wanted to buy ya’ll a beer to be neighborly." Daisy added more southern drawl. Bo added, "Well, that was nice of them and all." Luke took a drink of his nearly full beer, put his hand on Bo's shoulder as he got up, "I got this." He heard moans of disappointment from Brody, Dobro and mainly Cooter as he walked toward the ladies table. "Ladies," he addressed the table. The forward blonde gushed, "Oh, do sit down." Luke took the offered chair but turned its back to the table and sat in it facing the girls. "I just came over to thank you nice ladies for the offer of the beers, but as my cousin told you, I am happily married and my other cousin will be this time tomorrow night." The blonde wasn't backing down so easily, "Well Darlin' ya'll's ladies ain't here tonight, and what they don't know, ...." Luke stopped her, "Well, we would all know and my brother-in-law over there, my father-in-law over at the bar and the bride-to-be's father beside him would know, so at least two of us will be declining your offer, but the other three and that couple of good ole boys that just walked in would likely take you up on about any offer you'd make them. Do have a nice night ladies." Luke added more southern to his accent as he spoke. He stood up and returned to the table picking up his and Bo's beers, "Come on Bo. Let's go to the bar awhile. Good luck fellas." Daisy brought over the beers asking, “anything else I can get for ya’ll?” The forward blonde was a little put out that Luke had declined her offer for Bo and himself. All was not lost and she pointed to Cooter, Dobro and Brody’s table. “I still want to order beers for those three hotties and those two over there that just came in,” the forward blonde pointed at another table. Daisy got the beers, taking 3 to Cooter, Dobro and Brody. “These are compliments of the ladies, over there. Taking the last two beers to the newest customers, Daisy told them the same as she’d told Cooter, Dobro and Brody The five gentlemen left their two tables and moved to the ladies' table. Bo and Luke were enjoying the entertainment as the night progressed. The five couples actually seemed to hit it off rather well. Luke noticed the group getting up and looking to head out for a bit of privacy. He called to Cooter, "Tomorrow, church, ... 1 o’clock." Cooter waved him off by making an "ok" sign with his hand as they headed out.. Luther saw the group of young people leave and figured it was getting late but then he saw his son - in - law and Clyde’s soon to be son - in - law a ways down the bar so it couldn’t be real late. “Well little brother, I see those two scoundrels that have wormed their way into the family, got more sense to go off with those young folk that just left, my son among the bunch,” Luther said. “Good atleast we know they don’t go stepping out when our baby girls ain’t here with them,” Clyde replied, he still couldn’t say he was thrilled about tomorrow’s wedding but BL was happy and that’s all that really mattered. At the bar, Bo asked, "Think he'll make the wedding?" Luke said innocently as he finished his first beer since he and Bo showed up alone. "I gave a whole hour leeway,” Daisy asked, "Need another fellas?" Luke replied, "Yeah, bring us both one." He looked down the bar, "Clyde, Luther, care to join us for a beer before we head out of here?" Clyde and Luther looked at each other, Clyde shrugged, the boys were being gentlemanly, there was no reason not to be civil, The Davenport brothers moved down the bar, closer to their sons - in - law. “Thanks Luke,” Clyde said, taking a drink of the beer Daisy sat in front of him. "Yeah, thanks," Luther replied, then asked, "Where are the girls tonight?" Luke gave a small laugh, "The girls and pups have taken over the house in town. We came by for a beer before we headed to the farm." Luke paused, then said to Daisy, "Dixie said, come on by when you get off." “Alright, hopefully that’s soon,” Daisy replied. Luther took a drink of beer not wanting to fight but he was curious so asked. “How come you’re staying out at the farm, instead of in town with your WIFE,” Luther emphasized wife. Luke replied honestly, "They are in full wedding mode. The last thing they need is me in the way. Besides, .." He pointed at Bo who had drunk at least one too many, "Do you think he'll be up and ready for chores in the morning. I didn't see a reason to have to get up extra early to go do chores, get me and him ready and at the church nice and early." Luther had to admit grudgingly, “I see your point.” Luke waved his hand, "They can all have the house, the bathroom and can run around freely in robes, pj's or their underwear. The only male there is Scrapie! And, we don't have to fight to get a shower or bathroom time. It will be us two and Uncle Jesse tonight. No one is coming in until tomorrow. I was going to ask Cooter over, but he just left. I ain't seen LB tonight." “LB went to pick up his grandma,” Clyde said. “How is Ms. Betty?” Luther asked. “Her health is still good but she don’t see well enough to drive this far from home, so LB went to pick her up. He’s staying tonight and they’ll drive back in the morning,” Clyde replied. Daisy came over looking pointedly at Bo, who’d had one too many. “Luke, you might should be getting the groom home,” Daisy said. “Guess we should be on our way to brother, it will set tongues to wagging, if the bride’s father is late to the wedding,” Luther said. Now Clyde wasn’t the kind of man that over indulged but his baby girl was getting married tomorrow and her mother wasn’t here to see it and he had drowned his sorrows thus slowing his ability to use good sense, he replied. “Better late than never.” Luke finished his beer, "Daisy's right. It's gonna be a long day tomorrow.Lets get you home before you turn into a pumpkin." Bo slurred his words just a bit, "But I thought we left the girls before BL turned into the pumpkin." That was Luke’s cue as he and Daisy tried not to laugh out loud at Bo. "Night ya'll. Come on, Bo." “Night,” Daisy said, watching her cousins. Luther stood up from his stool, paying Daisy for his and Clyde’s beers. “Ok brother time to go, see you at the wedding Daisy” Luther said, walking out with Clyde. “C’mon I’ll take you home,” Luther said, remembering all the times he’d taken his little brother home after one too many. Luther got Clyde in the wrecker and hooked up Clyde's truck before heading to the Davenport farm on Jessop road. He’d keep an eye on Clyde tonight since noone else was home at Clyde’s. Luke parked General Lee in his normal place. He smiled when he saw the lights still on, though he figured that Uncle Jesse was in his room even if he wasn't asleep yet. Once in the house, Luke headed for Bo's room to put his suit up, leaving Bo in the kitchen, getting a snack. As soon as his hand touched the door knob he heard Uncle Jesse. "Luke?" Jesse said. "Yes, Sir." Luke replied as he entered the room, hung up his suit and set his bags down. Jesse was up and at the door. "Everything alright?" "Yes, Sir. Bo's getting a snack. The girls invaded the house. I came here tonight so I can be here for chores in the morning." "Good thinking. Dixie didn't mind?" Jesse asked. "She suggested it." Luke replied. At the house in town, Dixie and BL were still talking in Dixie’s room when the three dogs that were sleeping came alive and shot off the bed barking. “Daisy must be here,” BL said. “Hey you three it’s just me,” Daisy said, giving petting to the ‘guarders of the stairs’. “We’re up here Daisy,” Dixie hollered. The dogs finally let Daisy upstairs, poking her head in Dixie’ room, Daisy said “I’m going to shower and get comfy, be with ya’ll shortly.” Luke had told Jesse that Daisy was staying with the girls before Jesse went to the kitchen for more coffee. He asked Bo, "How are you doing?" Bo looked confused. "Are you nervous?" Jesse asked. Bo replied, with just the slightest slur, "No. It just seems unreal." Jesse patted him on the shoulder. "It's real. I'll be up if you need me and you got Luke tonight." Luke sat on his old bed as Bo came in from the bathroom. As they were taking their boots off, Bo said, "You don't know how much I've missed this." Luke knew what he was talking about, "Yeah, I do. Mind you, Dixie's a much better roommate, but I still miss this." He stretched out on his bed and it seemed to wrap around him. It felt very welcoming. “Gonna feel normal but strange, living in the same house again but not sharing a room,” Bo said, reflectively with a yawn, the alcohol was working with his bed’s comfort and the familiarity of having Luke in the bed across from his. “Yup but like I said Dixie’s a much better roommate and I bet you say the same about BL before long and not having her there will be strange,” Luke replied. “It’s just a strange feeling, cos we shared a room ever since we were little,” Bo was trying to explain his feelings. “You didn’t think we’d share a room forever, did you?” Luke asked, trying to not sound incredulous. “No, I just…never mind,” Bo said, then faced the wall. "Good night, Cousin. I love you." Luke said. “Goodnight Luke, love you too,” Bo replied and within minutes Luke heard Bo’s even breathing, signaling that Bo was asleep. Luke could consider his 'job or duty' complete for the night. Only now he could relax.
  6. Luther was under the hood of a truck when Cooter pulled in and began carrying in cases of beer to stock the fridge in the back of the garage. After a couple trips from the truck to the fridge, Luther got interested in what Cooter was doing and had to ask, "What are you doing?" "Stocking up the fridge." Cooter stated the obvious. "Stocking it up for what exactly? Is prohibition making a return?" Luther asked. “Me, Bo, Luke and LB are gonna work on General Lee,” Cooter answered Luther. Bo backed the flatbed truck up to the loading dock as the dayshift foreman motioned him to keep backing up. “Whoa,”the man shouted, holding up a hand for Bo to stop. Clipboard in hand, Bo got out of the truck going to the rear where the foreman watched four burly men unload the delivery. “Who do I see about a signature for delivery confirmation?” Bo asked. “Where do I sign?” the foreman asked. “Right here sir,” Bo said, holding out the clipboard. The foreman signed and Bo was on his way. Bo hadn't made it far down the road when he came up behind a car. Just as he came up behind it, a dog was tossed out the passenger side window. For a split second, Bo was almost torn between catching the car and rescuing the dog. Bo hurriedly stopped the truck, jumped out and ran around it to see a small mostly chocolate brown young adult dog looking very scared and confused. He had gotten a good look at her. Compared to Sadie she was quite a bit smaller. He approached the little thing gently and talked in soothing tones, "Come on Sweetie. Bo won't hurt you. It will be alright." Eventually he was able to get close enough to pick the little dog up. She was still shaking. Bo petted, cuddled and soothed her while trying to make sure she wasn't injured. Once in the truck he looked in his lunch box to find Daisy had put him several pieces of chicken from supper last night. "Here you go Darlin'. See if you like that." The pup eagerly accepted the chicken leg. After eating it, she curled up on the truck seat with Bo as he continued on his deliveries. Bo was coming back into town, having made all his out of county deliveries, he was picking up another load of local deliveries. “I got to make some more deliveries but I want you to meet someone first, she’ll take good care of you and it’ll be cooler with her than riding around in a truck with me, “ Bo said, scratching the little dog behind the ears. Not wanting to block traffic in front of the post office, Bo parked the truck around back. “C’mon Sweetie, you’ll like BL and Sadie too,” Bo said, picking the little dog up off the seat. “Well this is a surprise, where did you get your friend?” BL came closer to see the little dog. Reaching out to pet the dog, frowning with concern when it cowered, shaking against Bo’s chest. “It’s ok little one BL won’t hurt you,” Bo spoke in the soothing tone again. “Somebody threw her out the car window, I was behind them and stopped to check on her,” Bo answered BL’s question as he cuddled the scared dog. “Oh my goodness, the poor little thing,” BL said. “I need a favor. I got more deliveries, it’s hot in that truck. Can she stay here with you and Sadie?” Bo asked. “Of course,” BL said, letting the dog sniff her hand, then only using 2 fingers so she didn’t seem so scary, stroked the little shoulder a few minutes. Bo gently handed the dog over, giving BL a quick kiss, getting back to work. “Well Sadie girl, looks like we got company rest of the day,” BL said, to which Sadie didn’t look impressed about. Cooter spent the rest of the day cleaning the garage up a bit and getting everything out of the inside bays so they would have plenty of elbow room to work on the General Lee. Luther looked around the place, "Maybe, ya’ll should do this more often. This is the cleanest the garage has been in years." Cooter just nodded. He was sure no one would think that if they knew the reason for the boys all nighter. BL let Ellen Sue deliver the mail she didn’t want to scare the new little friend all over again. She had gotten the blanket she kept in the car and had made a bed. Dixie was on her way back to Hazzard at her usual time. She figured to meet BL and Daisy for the evening. Luke and Scrapie were heading into Hazzard from the other direction heading to the garage. BL locked the Post Office front door,closed the shades and turned the closed sign. “Ready to go girls?” BL asked the 2 dogs. Sadie ran over to the back door, waiting to be let out. “C’mon sweetheart, I got some friends I want you to meet. One of ‘em has 4 legs and a cold wet nose just like you,” BL said as she squatted down, picking up the little dog Bo had brought in, along with the extra blanket. Out to the car they went, BL drove around the square and over to Dixie and Luke’s, Mrs. Kravitz frowned as she watched BL carry in another dog, as if two yapping mongrels weren’t going to be enough racket, now she was bringing in a third. BL sat the new rescue on the ground to do her business then they all went into the house. Sadie bounded in the door looking for Scrapie, going to the kitchen, when he wasn’t in the livingroom, like a shadow the little chocolate brown dog followed. Seeing Scrapie’s bowls she ran over, lapping up the water like it was the first she’d had in days. BL figured it probably was, given the fact she’d been thrown from a moving car’s window. Sadie wasn’t having it though and let out a low growl, causing the other dog to cower in the corner. “Hey now Sadie be nice,” BL scolded, giving both their own bowls of water, refilling Scrapie’s. Picking up the phone extension in the kitchen BL said, “Maybelle will you get me Colonial City Veterinary Clinic.” “Colonial City Veterinary Clinic. Truvy Dee Smith DVM. How may I help you?,” Truvy Smith answered cheerfully. “Truvy Dee, this is BL Davenport, I have a situation that can’t wait til Monday. I know you’ll be closing soon and I wouldn’t be calling if I thought it wasn’t important” BL replied. BALLADEER:The reason BL’s calling so close to closing and likely getting in, is you see Truvy Dee was in the same class as BL and Dixie. “It's not a problem BL, I got some paperwork to catch up on, I wasn’t ready to go home. I’ll be waiting come on in the back door when you get here,” Truvy Dee said. BL hung up and picked up the reason for the call. “You’ll like Truvy Dee, she’ll take good care of you,” BL said, writing Dixie and Daisy a note. Gone to see Truvy Dee, be back soon, BL. BL left the note on the fridge, where Dixie was most likely to see it, then headed out telling Sadie, “be back soon.” Ten minutes later BL pulled into the parking lot, the sign on the building said, Colonial City Veterinary Clinic; Truvy Dee Smith DVM. Going in the back door BL called out “Truvy Dee, its BL.” Truvy came out of her office with a smile and a hug for her longtime friend, “so what do we have?” BL explained she just would feel better if Truvy Dee did a thorough check then she told the vet what Bo had seen. “Poor baby. Did Bo get the car’s license number?” Truvy Dee asked. “I don’t think so he was too worried about this little one,” BL replied. “Well she looks pretty good. I’m gonna sedate her a little, just so she’ll be still for some x-rays and such,”Truvy Dee said, giving the dog an injection that worked in minutes. Dixie passed the Boar's Nest with only Daisy’s car there. She would be off work in a bit. Dixie pulled all the way into the empty driveway so the others could park later. Going in the front door Dixie was met by a bouncing Sadie. "Hello, there girl. Where is BL? BL?" Dixie got no answer from either Sadie or the empty house. She made her way into the laundry room where the basket with her other uniforms were and tossed them in with the uniform she had worn today. As she came back into the kitchen she saw BL's note. "Sadie, why would BL go to a vet and not take you. Sadie gave her a look as if to say, ‘As long as I didn't have to go I don't care!’ A half hour later x-rays and an ultrasound had been done to check for fractures and internal bleeding. Truvy and BL were just waiting for the sedative to wear off enough for Truvy Dee to feel comfortable letting BL take the dog home. “And that is the story of how I got engaged,” BL chuckled, adding “poor Bo had planned the perfect proposal and Rosco loused it up. We did still go to Sunset lake and had a picnic. I felt bad for Bo, let him have a do over. BL had been petting the little dog while talking, feeling a little tongue lick her wrist. She looked at the exam table to find dark but still droopy eyes looking at her.“Well look who’s awake. Hey cutie,” BL said. Truvy Dee checked the dog’s lungs to see she was breathing ok and listened to see if the heart rate sounded normal. “Everything checks out fine, you can take her home,” Truvy Dee said. “Thanks, Truvy Dee, How much do I owe?” BL replied. “Not a thing, it's after hours. I was just helping out a friend,” Truvy Dee responded. BL knew arguing wouldn’t do any good, so said “come to my wedding next Saturday, it’s at the church in the square, 2pm.’ Saying their goodbyes, BL headed back to Dixie’s. Sadie ‘woofed’ and ‘yipped’ answering. Dixie wasn’t getting the picture though. BL pulled up behind Dixie’s car, they'd have to do some car shuffling, if they took Dixie’s car tonight when Daisy got here. “Dixie I’m back,” BL said, the groggy dog still in her arms. "In here." Dixie called from where she was putting her uniforms in the dryer. "BL, why are there two water bowls out? And you went to a vet and left Sadie?" Sadie was still more than happy that she didn't get to see the Doggie doctor. BL stopped in the laundry room doorway before answering. “Because just one was about to start a fight, Bo brought me a surprise, well after next Saturday I guess technically it’s all ours. Sadie didn’t need to go to the vet.” Dixie turned around to look at BL and saw the other dog, "Oh, my! What have you got there?" Dixie reached out to pet the little dog, "Why did you have to take it to the vet?" “Let’s go sit down and I will tell you the whole story,” BL said, going back to the livingroom, sitting on the couch, laying the little brown dog beside her, making room for Sadie on the other. “C’mon Sadie,” BL called Sadie, cuddling her a bit before sitting the senior ranking dog beside her. "I took her to the vet for a thorough exam. Some idiot threw her out the window of a moving car. Bo was behind them and he stopped to check on her, then brought her to me so he could finish his deliveries,” BL replied. "Oh, Lord! The poor baby. Is she alright?" Dixie asked with concern. BL nodded that she was. Dixie grinned, "So are ya’ll going to keep her?" Dixie asked. “I don’t know, we haven’t got to talk about it. Bo only had time to tell me what happened. He doesn’t even know I took her to the vet,” BL replied. Dixie grinned, "So, since you're keeping her, what's her name?" “I didn’t say we were keeping her, I said we haven’t talked about it. She don’t have a name although we should probably give her one,” BL said, emphasizing the word didn’t. Dixie grinned again, "You didn't have to say you're keeping her. It's written all over your face. She has you wrapped, just like Sadie does." “I still have to talk to Bo, it’s not going to affect just me,” BL said. Dixie just grinned wider ”Bo is just as wrapped, whatever you want he won’t say no.” BL opened her mouth then closed it, Dixie had her there. “You got Luke pretty well wrapped too,” BL said. Dixie grinned as she put her fingers closely together, "Just a little, but Lord, don't let that secret out." Luke pulled his truck in at the garage ahead of Bo, "Hey, Cooter." He said as he and Scrapie walked into the cleaned up garage. "Hey! Am I in the right place?"’ BL chuckled, then said,“I am going to take a quick shower before Daisy gets here. Delivering mail on these dirt roads with the top down, I have enough dirt on me to build a sand castle,” Bo came in the garage behind Luke and Scrapie. “Hey is there something going on in here tonight besides work?” “Can’t a guy clean up his workspace without it becoming a federal case?” Cooter replied. "Sure. Far be it from me to object. Fellas I'm gonna run to the house a quick minute. Luke pointed at Scrapie, then I'll be right back." “How about a beer while we’re waiting? Cooter asked Bo. “Sure, sounds good,” Bo replied. Cooter went to the fridge, when LB pulled into the parking lot. ”Better make it 3 beers, LB just pulled in,” Bo said. “Hey Bo, hey Cooter. Where’s Luke?” LB accepted the beer Cooter handed him. Bo replied, "I think he's trying to convince someone they would rather be at home than here." LB looked confused. Bo replied, "He's about yeh tall and about yeh long." Bo made motions of size with his hands. "Huh?" LB replied. Bo gave up. "Scrapie." LB took a drink of beer, "Oh, ok. Yeah." Luke parked out front of the house not intending to be at the house long, "Come on Scrapie." Scrapie was out of the truck door before Luke could get out. "Well, I didn't think you'd be that eager." Luke said. As he opened the door chaos happened. Scrapie ran in yapping. Sadie ran to him. He ran toward the sleeping dog who jumped up and growled at the new dog. Scrapie growled back since it was his house. Sadie rolled Scrapie and ran. Scrapie ran after her. The new dog ran after him while they all yipped, barked and now playfully growled at each other. BL dried off and put on her robe that she had left when she gave the house to Dixie and Luke and moved back to Clyde’s. “What is going on down here,?” BL asked, coming halfway downstairs. “Chaos,” Dixie replied. “That much I could tell from behind the bathroom’s closed door,” BL replied. Dixie replied, "It's either a game of tag or they are getting acquainted." Luke said to Dixie, "I just came over to change shirts and see if Scrapie wanted to stay. Since he does I'll be heading back out." Dixie gave Luke a look, "You are not leaving just yet." Luke just grinned. Dixie put the dogs out back to get over the zoomies and Luke headed back to the garage wondering where the new dog had come from. The girls hadn’t said and with all the chaos he didn’t get to ask. Daisy came in a few minutes later and headed straight for the bathroom, “I need a shower, smell like smoke. I’ll be ready to go in ten minutes.” “Whose car we taking?” BL asked then continued “if we take mine, I need to wipe the seats with a wet rag, there’s enough dirt from delivering the mail with the top down, bet I could build a sand castle and a village.” Daisy trailed off still heading to the shower, "We can take mine." Dixie looked at BL, "What about the pups? I know Sadie will be ok. Scrapie should be,but Luke won't want him left alone long. I don't know about leaving the new baby especially after she's had such a trying day." “We can just go get something to eat and rent some movies and just have a girl’s night in.” BL suggested, adding “I’m not real keen on leaving the new baby and Sadie running loose alone together. She’s so timid, Sadie growled at her cos she was drinking out of Scrapie’s water bowl, poor little thing ended up cowering in a corner, “ this explained the extra water bowl. Dixie nodded. "That's fine with me." “Ok with me too,” Daisy said as she came down the stairs. ”They just opened a new place in Cedar City, all you can eat seafood buffet on Friday night plus a regular buffet all week long,” BL said. Dixie called the dogs in and then they were off. Once away from all Rosco’s speed traps they were there in no time. “Good thing we came early, looks like it's going to be a pretty good wait for a table before long,” BL said when they got parked then headed inside. Dixie set out to make a small salad that ended up being piled high before she got back to the table. It had been a long time since her lunch at 11:00, and everything looked great. Luke walked into the garage where Bo and Cooter had just popped the hood on General Lee. He grabbed a cold beer and asked Cooter, "Where do you want to start?" "How old are these hoses and belts?" Cooter asked. Bo found the floor pretty interesting. Luke and Cooter knew the look. Luke said, "Bo, back out, and I'll set the ramps and pull back in. That way we can get to the engine and underneath at the same time. Cooter we need to go ahead and drain the oil and antifreeze too. Then, change the gas and oil filters." Cooter took the breather cover off and took out the air filter. "And the air filter." One look from Luke at the filter earned Bo another hard look, "Have you done any service to him since I've been smokejumping? Bo replied, "Now Luke that ain't fair." Cooter intervened, "Now fellas, we got too much work to do for ya’ll to be fussing." Luke had been taking out the number one spark plug. Once he saw it he couldn't stop the mumble before he said, "You're right. Add plugs and wires to that list." Daisy came back to the table with a plate of fresh fruit, she hadn’t been able to resist the strawberries, cantaloupe, watermelon and orange slices. “Oh that looks good,"Dixie said,looking at Daisy’s plate. “Help yourself if you want, I can get more.” Daisy replied. BL didn’t really care for salad or fruit so had gone straight for the food. They had her favorites: meatloaf, chicken n’ dressing and fried potatoes. “I may be eating more lately but you got a plateful of calories, better be careful or that dress will be tight next weekend,” Dixie said. BL took a bite of each thing on her plate, washing it down with ice cold tea. “I’m not worried. Mmm so good,” BL said. LB was sipping on a beer just standing by to do whatever needed done. Bo was a bit side tracked thinking about why he hadn't done a lot of the General's regular maintenance. Part of it was he had been busy giving BL his attention. Part of it was that things had calmed in Hazzard and the General just wasn't put through his paces as much as he had been when he was raced more often or had to be on his game to evade the law of the tri-county area. Luke and Cooter were getting their master game plan for the evening down. Soon the work began as all four men were up to their elbows in the General's engine. Daisy finished her fruit and went back for food. She came back with country fried steak, mashed potatoes and gravy, pinto beans and a biscuit. Dixie came back with two plates, she had fried shrimp, hush puppies and a baked potato on one. Baked honey glazed ham, the brown beans she liked, fried okra and a couple more things that she didn’t get very often. “What movie do ya’ll want to rent?” BL asked. “Something with Dolly Parton in it,” Daisy replied. “How’d I know you’d say that? BL said grinning. Dixie suggested, "How about Best Little Whore House in Texas or 9 to 5?" BL shrugged saying,“Why not both, the guys are working on the General all night so they won’t interrupt.” “Sounds good to me,” Daisy said. "Any others ya’ll want to see? We can get a couple more and cuddle with the pups watching movies all night like we used to do at sleepovers." Dixie suggested. “Steel Magnolias is a good one,” BL said. ”How about Smokey and the Bandit,” Daisy suggested. “Great, sounds like a plan. We should get going I guess, get the movies so we can check on the dogs” Dixie replied. “We gonna take the fellas something to eat, so that one of them doesn’t have to go get them something?” BL asked. “Sure,”Dixie replied, stopping a waitress and asking for to-go boxes and if they could add 4 carry outs to their ticket. Work on General Lee continued. It was a rather warm evening, so even with the garage closed for business the shop doors were opened wide. Luke and Cooter had just finished putting in one of the new parts and decided to grab a beer and take five before getting back to work. They were joined by Bo and LB a few minutes later. Cooter asked, "What are the girls up to tonight?" Luke replied, "I really didn't have a chance to ask. Things were chaotic when I took Scrapie home." "What do you mean?" Cooter asked. Luke replied, "You know how Scrapie and Sadie are when they get zoomies." Luke took a drink of his beer as he said what was just now crossing his mind, "But, there was also another little dog there. I got no idea who's it is or why it was there, but it seemed to join right in on the zoomies." Bo added, "That must be the little dog that I rescued today after the danged car in front of me threw it out the window. Poor thing. I wanted to catch up to the car and teach them a lesson, but figured checking on the pup was more important, right then anyway." The waitress brought over 2 sizes of carry out boxes, 4 big ones and 7 small for desserts. The girls having decided to eat their desserts later while they watched movies. It was an easy choice on what to put on the guys plates. There was catfish fillets, hush puppies and fried shrimp, a side of slaw and baked beans. Dessert wasn’t as easy, there were several choices, apple pie, lemon pie, cherry cheese cake, peach cobbler, blackberry cobbler, chocolate pie and coconut cake was what the girls chose, deciding the fellas could choose and they could take the rest with them to share. “Dixie, you think you can save your dessert until we get back home?” BL teased. Dixie hadn’t had much self control lately. "BL, you have been hanging around Bo too much with 'cute' remarks like that. The desserts should be just fine. I'm stuffed." Dixie said, picking right back at BL. “Couldn’t help myself,” BL said grinning. “You two sound like Bo and Luke,” Daisy said. Back in the car, Daisy drove a couple blocks to the movie rental store. The girls all went in and found the movies they were looking for and then decided to look around to see if they saw anything better or different than their choices. “This sounds pretty good,” BL said, reading the movie’s description. It was called ‘Gator’ and starred both Burt Reynolds and Jerry Reed. “I’m ready when ya’ll are,”Daisy said. Taking their choices up to the register the three were soon on their way back to Hazzard. With their beer drank and the mystery of the new dog solved, the men were back to work on the General. Talk of cars, racing and the 'kids' who needed to be taught a lesson picked up as they worked. Again luck was on their side as there was no sign of Rosco at any of his favorite speed traps, as the girls headed for town. “I don’t believe it, we got out of Hazzard and back in without Rosco chasing us,” Daisy said. “We ain’t made it to town yet,” Dixie said. Just a few more miles and they were almost in the clear as they entered town and headed toward the garage. BL and Dixie exchanged a look of relief when no vehicles were parked in the parking lot except Luke’s and LB’s trucks and General Lee was in the bay, up on ramps. “How’s it going fellas?” Daisy asked while BL and Dixie set out the desserts for them to choose. “We brought ya’ll some supper back.” Dixie said. “We didn’t know which dessert to get for who, so we got a few for you to pick from,” BL added. Luke had grabbed a bite before he headed home. He was enjoying his beer at the moment. He peeked inside his container. "It looks good, but just take it to the house. If I want it later, I'll slip over and grab it." He gave Dixie a kiss, "Thank you. What was Scrapie doing?" Dixie said, "He was a bit upset. We put Sadie in BLs room. He's in our room and the other pup is in the laundry room until we get back." ”We didn’t want to come back and find the house destroyed,” BL added. “Speaking of the new dog, are you going to keep the little cutie?” Daisy asked. 6 pairs of eyes were on Bo, mostly curious, BL was giving him puppy dog eyes. Bo asked, "Why is everyone looking at me?" Dixie replied, “I already asked BL and she said she didn’t know, that ya’ll hadn’t talked about it.” Bo replied, "We haven't talked. I figured at the least she could go to the farm and be a farm dog." Three sets of eyes turned on him and in unison they said, "She'll freeze." Luke snickered but helped Bo some, "It's eighty degrees." The girls promptly replied, "Well. It's hot for her outside." Bo looked to Luke for help. Luke grinned. "Anyone else need a beer?" “So you are just going to leave her at the farm when we move in with Dixie and Luke, abandon her after what all she’s been through. Lord only knows what that was before today’s incident,” BL said, laying the guilt on thick. Cooter looked at LB and got a headshake, he was too busy watching his sister guilt trip Bo like she had him since she was 5. “Naw we’re good Luke,” Cooter said. Bo frowned a bit, "We've had dog on the farm for years. Scrapie loves it. So does Sadie." “I know they love it but usually me, Dixie and or Luke is there too. I only leave Sadie occasionally and she knows I’m coming back because I leave my car,” BL pointed out. Bo asked, "Do you want to keep her, Darlin'?" BL nodded ‘yes’ saying,”I think it’ll be nice for Scrapie to have a wrestling partner his own size, that can’t get him down and hold him there with one paw and Sadie needs to learn she has to share me sometimes.” Dixie added with her own puppy dog eyes, "He was having so much fun with her. They were jumping and rolling each other all over the back yard." “Alright, she moves in next weekend when I do,” Bo said. Cooter and LB coughed to hide their amusement, Bo had been had by both their sisters. “Now that’s all settled, what’s her name?" Daisy asked another important question. “Trixie,” BL answered without alot of thought or so it seemed. Dixie replied, "Trixie's a good name." Luke nodded. “What deserts do ya’ll want? We need to get back to the house and let them out of their separate rooms,” BL said. “I’ll take the cherry cheese cake.” Cooter said. “Peach cobbler for me,” LB replied. “Apple pie for me, Darlin,” Bo said. “What about you Luke?” BL asked. There’s blackberry cobbler, coconut cake, chocolate pie, and lemon pie left,” BL said. Luke replied with a smirk, "I'll take whatever is left and if nothings left, that's OK too." He kissed Dixie's cheek. He pretty much figured the little Duke may want his dessert more than he did. “I want the blackberry cobbler,”Daisy said. “I want the lemon that was good at the Boar’s Nest the other day,” Dixie chimed in. BL wrote each of their names on a sticky note and stuck it on the lid of the person’s dessert choice. Daisy carried Luke’s food and dessert along with hers, Dixie’s and BL’s back out to the car, while the still relatively newly weds and the soon to be newly weds smooched. Back at the house the dogs were released from solitary confinement. Daisy took the food to the kitchen to put into the refrigerator, she could hear Trixie crying, “Just a second Trixie baby and I’ll let you out,” Daisy said. When she opened the laundry room door, Trixie was so happy to be free she was bouncing and wagging her tail and ‘talking’ to Daisy. Upstairs BL and Dixie were having ‘conversations’ of their own. Back in the livingroom, Daisy settled on the loveseat with Trixie in her lap. Dixie and Scrapie were in the recliner and BL and Sadie cuddled up on the couch to watch movies. “We should get a pizza so we can have cold pizza for breakfast like we used to,” BL suggested. Dixie replied, "See, I'm not the only one who thinks about food. I'm comfy. I'll pay if someone goes after it, but we might want to get two." Daisy replied, "I think I have a coupon. Let me look." While Daisy looked through her purse, Dixie asked, "Do you think the guys might want a couple too?" Daisy said, "I do have coupons. Buy a large and get a medium for a dollar." “I’ll go get it, since it was my idea,” BL said then answered Dixie’s question, “I’ll radio or go by and ask, if they do then they can call it in and tell the pizza place it’s being picked up with ours.” Dixie gave BL enough money for pizza for everyone, "Get extra cheese on them. If you call the garage then call in the order the pizzas can be ready when you get there, but that's up to you." “Be back soon,” BL said and two out of 3 dog heads shot up, BL asked ”who wants to go for a ride?” Scrapie wasted no time abandoning Dixie’s side. Sadie was always up for a car ride. Not wanting to be left out, Trixie lept from Daisy’s lap. Even though it was a nice night BL put the top up so Scrapie and Trixie could rear up and see out the window without falling overboard. Then she headed for the garage to see if the guys wanted pizza. If so it’d be easiest to order everything at once. Pulling up at the garage the dogs bailed out as soon as BL cleared the seat. Seeing Luke, Scrapie went straight to him, rearing up on Luke’s leg. Trixie recognized Bo as her rescuer and she made a bee line for him, yipping and turning circles like she was chasing her tail, then rearing up on his legs until Bo wiped his hands on a grease rag and picked her up. Once picked up his face was covered in kisses as Trixie licked profusely. “Aww how sweet she’s thanking you for rescuing her,” BL said. ”Back so soon? You know sis, it's starting to look like you’re checking up on Bo,” “Hush LB! I came to ask if ya’ll wanted a couple pizzas, while I’m going,” BL said. Cooter replied, "We're always game for food. Right guys?" The others agreed. Luke reached for his wallet, "What do we want?" He asked as he went to hand BL money. BL advised, "Dixie beat you to that." LB said, "Hey, free food is always better." “What do ya’ll want?” BL asked then added "If I call it in here by the time I get there, it should be ready.” "I like most anything." Luke said. The others agreed "Ok, get us a couple loaded pizzas." Luke said. “Do you want extra cheese? Dixie wants extra cheese,” BL said. "Of course." The guys said as if that should have been a given. BL made the call to the all night pizza place and ordered 4 loaded pizzas with extra cheese. “I’ll be back as soon as I can, pizzas should be ready when I get there, come on pups let's go ride some more,” BL said. Sadie ran behind BL, Scrapie looked to Luke then to Sadie. Luke told him, "Go on. You can go play." Scrapie yipped then followed Sadie. With Bo's face all washed, he sat Trixie down. "You go to go too girl." Trixie's feet were moving before they hit the floor chasing after Scrapie. All three ran to the car and jumped in while BL held the door open. In no big hurry so the pizzas would be ready for pickup, BL drove slower than usual, arriving at the pizza place BL said as she got out “ya’ll be good, I’ll be right back. Inside Mavis Perkins Red Perkins daughter was working the cash register. “Hey Mavis, I called in 4 pizzas, 2 large and 2 medium ones, loaded. I have a coupon for 1 large and then the medium’s a dollar” BL said. “Right here,” Mavis said. Ringing it all up, Mavis took the money and the coupon. BL was soon on her way back to the garage. The men figured they had enough time before BL got back to finish the current job on the General, so after a sip of their beer, they got back at it. While BL and the pups were gone, Dixie went to the bathroom then found the pair of loose stretchy pants of Luke's that had turned up at the farm and his shirt she had worn home with it. She grabbed her pillows and headed back downstairs. She also pulled a light blanket out of the closet and tossed on the couch. "Do you want something to drink Daisy? I'm gonna get a Pepsi. “No thanks I’m good but I think while we’re waiting for BL I’m gonna change into something more comfortable,” Daisy picked up her high heels she had shucked as soon as they got back from supper, then went upstairs, coming back down a few minutes later in capri pajama bottoms and one of the girls night shirts, she wasn’t sure who’s. She had gotten a pillow off the spare bed too and tossed it on the loveseat. “Ahh much better.” Daisy said, stretching out. BL parked in front of the garage, let the dogs out then got the guys pizzas from the backseat. “Pizza delivery,” BL said. “Thanks. Just sit it down somewhere,” Cooter said, each of them was working on different parts of the car. Cooter and Luke were under the hood and Bo’s and LB’s feet stuck out from underneath. One from the side, the other from the rear. ”See ya’ll later, come on pups,” BL said. Back at Dixie’s BL went in to find Dixie and Daisy stretched out and comfy. “I’m back, give me a minute to get comfy too,” BL said heading to the kitchen, deciding to let the dogs out back to run off the zoomies. It wasn’t dark yet. “Leave for 30 minutes and you steal my spot cousin,” BL said to Dixie on her way to change, coming back in a nightshirt with elastic waisted shorts underneath. Dixie replied, "You moved. You lose." After wiping their hands the guys all grabbed a piece of pizza and a seat on tires or buckets outside. A couple minutes later, Luke stood up looking across the square, "That was weird. I just saw Rosco. It's a bit late for him to be out and not be at the Boar's Nest, ain't it?" “Wasn’t I moved cos I was getting a midnight snack/breakfast,” BL said, adding “hand me the afghan off the back of the couch.” Popping another movie in, BL settled in the recliner,afghan over her legs. “Rosco’s weird anyway you look at him,” LB said. Cooter replied, "He has a point there." Luke added, "Well you got that right. Let's get back to work." Sadie was curled up with BL. Scrapie jumped down for a drink. He was followed by Trixie. When they came back, Trixie stood up wanting BL to pick her up. Sadie wasn't going to have it. She let out a low growl in warning. Dixie said, "Awww, come on over here baby." Both Scrapie and Trixie cuddled up to her and each other. Soon they had wiggled their way under the covers. “Sadie hush,” BL scolded, adding “you are going to have to learn to share me, Trixie is part of the family now.” Sadie huffed. At the garage the guys worked, ate, drank and talked. By now it was late, real late. Luke stepped to the garage door and again saw Rosco circling the square. "Bo. hey Bo, why is Rosco out so late." Cooter frowned, "He ain't even been at the Boar's Nest on payday after midnight in months.” “Maybe he forgot his way home,” Bo, Cooter and LB all came over to the garage door to watch the Sheriff. “He’s upto something and I bet dollars to donuts it's gonna bite a Duke or Davenport in the rear end,” Cooter said. At the house Daisy was having a hard time keeping her eyes open, it had been a long day. Dixie had snuggled down into the couch with Trixie and Scrapie under the covers. She wanted to see the end of the movie but wasn't sure she was gonna make it until she moved a little. She swore silently. "Pause it, BL. You guys have got to move." Dixie fought her way out from under the covers and headed to the bathroom. Once she was done and back downstairs, she asked, "Anyone need anything from the kitchen?" The pups followed her and asked to go out. “Bring me back a soda or coffee, if I don’t get some caffeine, I won’t make it to see the ending,” Daisy said. Sadie jumped down and went out with Scrapie and Trixie. “Bring back my chocolate pie, I could use a snack. It has my name on a sticky note on the lid,” BL said. Dixie and the pups came back with Daisy a soda, BL's dessert, and Dixie brought her dessert in also. "Sorry. You can hit play now." Soon they were resettled and watched the rest of the movie. Luke wasn’t the only to notice that late hours were being kept by a normally daytime worker, Rosco couldn’t see exactly what was going on at the garage but he could see lights on. “I wonder what’s going on at the garage?” Rosco asked Flash but all he got for an answer was a snore. At the house the girls were watching their movie and Dixie and BL ate their desserts, Sadie was staring a hole in BL waiting for a bite. “Sorry Sadie girl, this is chocolate, you can’t have any, it'll make you sick,” BL said. A bit later, as BL was switching the movies, Dixie said, "OK pups, I gotta get up again." She headed upstairs to the bathroom. When she returned she took the dessert containers to the kitchen and came back with a glass of tea and another dessert container while chewing something else. “Still eating?” BL asked, raising her eyebrows. She didn’t know how Dixie could eat so much and not be as big as Lulu Hogg. “What is it this time?” BL asked. "Luke’s dessert. Ya'll I don't know why, but after the morning sickness finally left. It seems like I am starving every two to three hours." Dixie said and then added, "And, I gave up counting how many times I go to the bathroom in a day." Daisy grinned, "It's just the joys of being a mother." Dixie thought about that before she replied, "I'm not sure what I'm experiencing is 'joys', Daisy." The part of Daisy’s statement that took Dixie by surprise was being called a Mother. Sure, she was pregnant and knew there was a little Duke on the way but had never thought about the fact that she was now very much a mother. Daisy gushed, "But the minute you hold that baby all that will go away." Dixie asked, "How exactly would you know that?" "Uncle Jesse is the best mid-wife around and I've helped him and seen it." Daisy explained. "There is no way, holding a baby is ever gonna make me not remember the morning sickness and the ten trips a night to the bathroom and I'm not even showing." BL couldn’t stop the smart remark on the tip of her tongue from rolling out, “keep eating like that and you will be.” “BL!” Daisy said. "I know she's just picking on me. There is nothing more that I have ever wanted than to be Luke Duke's wife and the mother of his kids, but I didn't realize how much more there was to it between the fun of making the baby and having it." Dixie said. “You’ll have something besides the baby when it's over, stretch marks will be your trophy, you can kiss your bikini wearing days goodbye,” BL pointed out. "I never really liked a bikini anyway." Dixie said but added, "If you are so concerned about your appearance, you might want to reconsider those birth control pills." BL looked at Dixie, she was only picking like Dixie had told Daisy but she hadn’t sounded like she was picking back just now. “I’m not concerned,” BL said, trying to sound convincing. She wasn’t really worried. Bo would love her no matter what, atleast that’s what she was telling herself. Dixie looked at Daisy, wondering if BL had convinced her. Daisy hadn’t jumped in this but an “uh huh” slipped out of its own accord, giving Dixie her answer on whether or not Daisy believed BL. “What does uh huh mean?” BL asked. Daisy said in a lighthearted manner, "It just sounded like you might be trying to convince yourself of a few things." BL didn’t say she was or she wasn’t but asked, “have ya’ll seen Dobro’s sister-inlaw Jeannie Ann? I know she’s having twins but Lordy, she was smaller than me. Should she be THAT big?” Daisy replied, "Give her a few months, chasing and doing for twins, she’ll drop any weight she's gained." "I hope I do. I've never been little by any means, but I'm not getting any younger." Dixie said. BL thought about Millie Jones that had gone to school with her but had dropped out their junior year because she had got pregnant and had not regained her figure afterwards and it wasn’t lack of exercise because she had been raising the kid on her own the last twelve or so years after her parents had thrown her out and the baby’s father had not married her. Over at the garage, the work was done on the General. Cooter shut the hood and said, "Well, ... that, .... ought, ... to just about, .... do it." Bo added, "Yeah, ... all we need to do now, is try it out." Luke shot him a warning look, "Oh, ... no, ... we don't neither. Not tonight. Tomorrow is plenty enough time." Daisy asked “BL something wrong? You got quiet.” BL focused on Daisy, “sorry, I’m ok.” “Hey Dix, can you get me an appointment with Dr. Quinn this week before the wedding?” BL asked. Dixie replied, "Yeah, it shouldn't be a problem, but you know for them to work right it takes a bit for them to get into your system." “I know that’s why I want to start them ASAP, the sooner I do the sooner they start working,” BL said. At the garage the guys were drinking beer and swapping tall tales just like they used to when they worked all night. BALLADEER: They were telling some whoppers. Kind of like a fish story of the one that got away, the fish gets bigger everytime it’s told. Somewhere in the back of Luke's mind, he had about half planned to walk home after Bo and the others went to sleep. None of the guys had hung out like this together in years. Luke knew a few things: 1. If he went home, the likelihood of his supper being intact was slim; 2. Dixie had likely fallen asleep long ago; 3. If he went home, either the girls but most likely the guys would think him 'hen pecked'. Luke reached for another beer as he listened to LB tell how he had just missed this wild boar. This was the third time he had told the story, but the boar was much bigger this time. BL was pondering over how she was going to tell Bo she had changed her mind about taking birth control atleast for a while, so they could get used to marriage before starting a family instead of handling it all at once. They had agreed to let nature take its course. Sadie and Trixie were enough ‘babies’ for the time being. Daisy stifled a yawn, the current movie was near the end but she wasn’t sure she was going to make it and stay awake much longer. Scrapie had turned upside down under Dixie's cover and she wasn't far behind him as she pulled the cover up a bit. Even with alot on her mind BL was finding sleep was trying to claim her. A bit later the complete silence roused BL. The TV screen had turned blue, they had all missed the movie. At some point Daisy had gotten her own light blanket, now she was stretched over the loveseat’s arms sound asleep. Dixie snored softly on the couch, two little bumps that were Scrapie and Trixie was under the cover pulled up to her chin. BL eased over the arm of the recliner so she didn’t disturb the others by letting down the footrest. Taking the tape from the VCR, she turned it and the TV off, then got back in the recliner the same way she got out and fell asleep again within minutes. Luke finished one too many beers, something he hadn't done in a long while. As he stood up silently for a nature call, he saw a grey sedan circle Hazzard Square. Luke glanced at the old clock on the wall. It was late, very late, but not late enough to be early morning. A bit later, from the phone booth on the edge of town, a call was being placed by Leroy who drove a grey sedan. "The only thing I seen going on anywhere was there were several vehicles at the local garage and lights were on inside." "Are you sure?" Asked the voice on the other end. Leroy replied, "Positive, Boss Hughie. The lights are off at the fat man's house. There was no sign of the law being out. The little bar was closed." Hughie hung up the phone, lit an expensive cigar and smiled. Used to getting up reasonably early, Daisy eased up from the loveseat about 5:30 am. She had just enough time to get ready and be at the Boar’s Nest to open at 6 for the breakfast crowd which wasn’t big, just a handful of long haul truckers. BL shifted in the recliner and cracked her eyes looking over at Daisy. “I have to work the morning shift, it’s the only way Boss would agree to the shower being at the Boar’s Nest,” Daisy whispered, adding “See ya’ll this afternoon at the shower.” After Daisy grabbed a soda and a slice of pizza she left. BL and Dixie slept a bit longer. “Wanna go get the guys some doughnuts? It is Saturday morning you know,” BL said. BALLADEER: The boys have been having a breakfast of beer and doughnuts at the garage on Saturday morning for years. "Sure, but I need a few." Dixie went upstairs to the bathroom. After using the bathroom for what felt like forever, she turned on the shower. She didn't feel sick, but she was off. A few minutes later, she pulled out some casual clothes of jeans and sleeveless top. As Dixie put on her underwear, she felt them dig into her like they had shrunk. Well, she did feel bloated this morning. She got her jeans up but saw there was no way they would button. She tried another pair and they fit the same way. She finally reached for a pair of stretchy jogger type pants. Grabbing a bra she hooked it fine but noticed she was over filling the cups. She reached for the bra she had worn to work yesterday and found it fit the same way. It would have to do. She put on the top and found it now was a bit lower cut than normal and more snug. She figured they were going to the garage not a fashion show so she pulled her hair back and headed downstairs. While Dixie was in the bathroom BL let the dogs out back and went upstairs to her room and put on a t-shirt and jeans and then pulled her hair into a ponytail then went downstairs. "We taking the dogs with us?" BL asked Dixie. "Sure, why not." Dixie replied. From an undisclosed location outside of Hazzard, Hughie Hogg read the Hazzard Gazette aloud, "Bo Duke and BL Davenport would like to announce their wedding Saturday September 1st at Hazzard Gospel Church at 2pm. Invitation only, followed by a reception at the Boar’s Nest." He puffed his cigar. "Well, now would you just look at that. This is perfect." ”Sadie, Trixie, Scrapie I’m leaving. Wanna go?” BL hollered as she and Dixie came out onto the front porch. The three dogs came around the house barking. “I’d say that’s a yes,” Dixie said as she opened the passenger door to BL’s car. The 3 dogs got in, followed by Dixie. BL in the driver’s seat headed for the bakery in the town square. “You wanna go in while I stay with the dogs or do you wanna stay and me go?” BL asked. Dixie replied, "It's likely cheaper if I stay out here." BL laughed “I’ll be right back,” “Mornin’ Betty Lynn, I need a dozen glazed doughnuts,” BL told the lady behind the counter. “Are you all set to get married next weekend?” Betty Lynn asked, putting doughnuts in a box. “Yes ma’am, I couldn’t have done it all so quick without Daisy’s help,” BL replied. Betty Lynn handed BL the box of doughnuts and rung up the purchase. “Thanks Betty Lynn, see you next Saturday,” BL said, heading back to the car. Betty Lynn waved while answering the phone. BL handed the box to Dixie so she could drive. “Try not to eat all those before we get to the garage,” BL teased. "They are pretty safe, but it's all the others in there that wouldn't have been if I'd gone in and seen them." Dixie said. BL pulled in at the garage, General Lee now parked outside to make room to work on other cars. “Breakfast,” BL said, Dixie sat the box on the desk. “What is it?” LB asked, earning him looks of ‘really’ from the other men, even BL and Dixie. Dixie replied as she took her normal seat since childhood at the register, "The same Saturday morning breakfast that's been in this garage since I could walk is all." Dixie was glad to smell coffee and turned to get some. She noticed that Luke was also drinking coffee, so he is likely the one who made it. LB reached for a beer, "Anyone else want one? BL? Dixie?" He asked, being polite and from habit. Luke said firmly as if he'd lost his mind, "Of course not." Dixie said a bit nicer, "I'll stick with coffee LB." BL wasn’t as nice as Dixie or even Luke, she smacked her brother in the back of the head with an open hand but it was still hard enough to knock his hat over his eyes. “She’s pregnant dummy, she can’t have alcohol,” BL said LB frowned at BL's actions and said, "Oh, yeah, I forgot. Sorry, Dixie, Luke. But, she sure don't look pregnant." Dixie smiled, "LB, don't pay them any mind. You might just be my favorite Davenport this morning." Cooter looked at his sister, "What did I do?" "Nothing yet." Dixie replied. “Bo you sure are quiet,” BL said. BL knew Bo wasn’t a morning person the same as Dixie but it wasn’t as early as he’d have gotten up at the farm. “Just tired, lack of sleep,” Bo replied. “Maybe a few too many,” Cooter said. Bo looked at Cooter, "Cute. I'm gonna grab a shower." Luke let Bo walk off before asking, "Did you ever fix the hot water in the shower?" Cooter replied, "Nah. Ain't really thought about it." Luke chuckled as he saw Cooter about to warn Bo, "Shhh. Don't say nothing." Dixie asked, "What's wrong with the hot water." Luke replied honestly, "Nothing." At that moment, Bo had gotten undressed, stepped in the shower and cranked open the hot water valve. The water hit him wide open but was nowhere near hot. Bo was now moving and jumping around trying to get away from the cold water. BL knew exactly what was ‘not’ wrong with the hot water just by looking at Luke and Cooter, Luke’s chuckle proved even more she figured right, “ya’ll are mean,” BL couldn’t hide her own slight grin. Luke replied, "He never asked." “His brain wasn’t firing on all cylinders yet,” BL said. “Bet it is now,” Cooter said grinning like the Cheshire cat. Luke replied knowingly, "Oh, yeah, that water is almost as cold as Jesse's well water." “How and why exactly do you know this?” LB asked, once again not thinking about what he was saying. "I used to shower here quite often when I ran parts and drove the wrecker." Luke said honestly. "The water hasn't been fixed since." Bo came back and he did not look happy. “Cooter, why didn’t you tell me the hot water don’t work?” Bo asked a mite perturbed. “Uh, Luke told me not to,” Cooter said, throwing Luke under the bus. Luke held his hands out in front of himself, "Bo, that hot water ain't worked since we were in high school." "You used to shower here often." Bo stated. Luke replied, "Yes, yes, I did." About that time, Dixie got up, squeezed between Luke and the counter, then walked out front to see what Trixie was doing. Luke watched her go. "There were reasons like that," pointing to his wife, "that made those showers welcome." “I reckon I better mosey on home, get some chores done, see ya’ll tonight at the lake,” LB said, getting in his truck heading home, just as Luther pulled in the lot. “I better get on home too,” Bo said. “Luke,you coming out to the farm later to test the General for tonight?” Luke grabbed a beer and a doughnut. "I'll ride with you. Dixie, do you care to bring the truck?" Dixie gave him a look about the open container. "I'm not driving." Luke reminded. "I'll get Scrapie and be behind you." Dixie called, "Come on Scrapie." She opened the truck door to put him in and before she could get him, both Scrapie and Trixie were in the truck. “I don’t think they’re done playing together, leave her with Bo. He rescued her besides she might have fun at the farm, lots to explore,” BL said. “Ain’t you coming out too?” Bo asked, giving BL his best ladykiller grin. “Yeah be right behind you when I get Sadie,” BL replied, then called “come on Sadie time to go, load up.” Sadie ran over to the convertible hopping over the side. Luther walked into a now empty garage except for Cooter, who had just taken a big bite of a doughnut. "Do I have the plague or something? I pull up to my own garage and all the help leaves." BL had started out bringing up the rear as they all left town but the dust Dixie was kicking up was killing her. Picking up her CB mic she said “Lookout Dixie I’m coming through, dust was not what I planned on having for breakfast?” BL said, swerving over. “I’m gonna stop by and get something nice to wear to the shower, so I can change at the farm and go then, and get Daisy’s clothes I borrowed the other day. Come on if you want something to wear too.” Dixie replied “10-4”. BL turned off onto the gravel drive to her house, pulling in the yard, eyes widening at the sight of Clyde and LB chasing goats. “Holy mackerel. C’mon Sadie, put’em back to the barn!“ BL said, getting out to help her father and brother. Sadie bailed over the passenger door ready to go to work. Spotting a couple drifters Sadie veered off toward them, heading them back toward the barn. As Dixie got out of the truck she said, "Stay here Scrap...." that was as far as her sentence got before Scrapie and Trixie were out of the truck and on the hunt. Not quite sure for a minute what they were hunting but after chasing Sadie who was herding the goats they got the idea. A baby just a couple weeks old decided to go exploring but didn’t get far before Scrapie and Trixie working as a team, sent it right back to its mother’s side. “Good work Scrapie, good job Trixie, that's right work together,” BL called out as she walked along behind to push stragglers. Dixie made her way to the porch swing to watch the activities. "Good job, Scrapie, Trixie!" Luke finished his doughnut and his beer before getting anywhere near the farm. Not wanting the empty container in the General Lee nor wanting to litter, Luke said, "Hey Bo, slow up at these mailboxes." Bo didn't have a clue what Luke was doing but slowed to a stop. Luke promptly placed the empty beer bottle in the mailbox, then said, "Pull out real easy like." Bo did. "So it was you!" "Was me? What?" Luke asked innocently. "That used to put the empty beer bottles in the mailboxes. I can remember back in high school, the old men would be fussing about finding them. Even Uncle Jesse found some." "Well, he had to or, everyone would have thought it was us." Luke reasoned. The dogs herded the last of the goats in the pasture and LB shut and chained the gate. BL loved on all 3 dogs and said “you all did great” The trio was pleased with themselves for a job well done and earned them love and praise, they all ran onto the porch barking and yipping, ‘telling’ Dixie about chasing the ornery goats back to the barn. BL plopped down on the other end of the swing. “We got us a multifunctional pack, some think a dog can only do the ‘job’ they’re bred to do but smart dogs like this crew can do anything,” BL said smiling. Dixie was petting and praising the pups when Clyde walked by mumbling something about goats and the place going to the dogs. Both girls laughed after Cldye got in the house. “I’m gonna get Daisy’s clothes and something to wear to the shower. Want to come in and look, I might have something that has elastic besides joggers or skirts,” BL said. "I just threw this on this morning figuring on going home. It would be great if you had some black elastic dress pants. It's dressy but not a dress." Dixie said. “Ya know what I think I might and there might even be some tops. You know the ones that fit up top but flare out on bottom? I need to get rid of some stuff so there’s room for Bo’s clothes. You can have anything that fits,” BL said. "Didn't you have some stuff that was a little too big for you? That way they should be roomy." Dixie asked. “Yeah they had the size I needed on the tag but were made big or missized,” BL replied. Dixie said, "Let's try those." Out at the farm, Jesse heard General Lee pull up. He took his plate to the sink and poured more coffee. At the sound of the back door opening, he asked, "Bo, do you want breakfast or have you already got full on doughnuts?" Luke spoke, "We're good on food but I'll take a cup of coffee before we get at it." "Well, alright. I wasn't expecting you this morning." Luke replied, "I figure I'd come out and we'd get done that much sooner. The girls are behind us somewhere." “Ok,” BL said. The girls went in the house to BL’s room. Digging in the back of the closet, BL laid a small stack of clothes on the bed. “I think most of that if not all of it will give you growing room,” BL said. “I’ll take a cup too,” Bo said, still feeling the effects of last night. Not really hungover, just rough. Dixie tried the clothes on which fit just fine. They were big enough to give her room but not too big. Jesse eyed the boys hard, "Long night?" Luke nodded 'yes', "Even with all four of us, there was still a lot to do, then those old Army cots weren't never comfortable. I'm not sure how we managed to sleep on them." Jesse replied, "Ya'll were a mite younger." "That we were." Luke said. “Here put them in this, so they're easy to carry,” BL handed Dixie a dark teal floral bag from her Vera Bradly luggage set. In the smallest matching bag of the set BL put Daisy’s clothes she’d borrowed, underwear and her denim skirt and short sleeved button up shirt, saying “Ready when you are.” Dixie said, "As soon as we round up the pups. I think LB was rewarding them." “Probably with Daddy’s bacon. Oh well if he wants to take his life into his own hands,” BL shrugged “I can’t stop him,” Both girls laughed. Before long BL, Dixie, Sadie, Scrapie, and Trixie pulled in. Jesse was sitting on the front porch and greeted the dogs and met Trixie. "Have you girls eaten? The fellas are out in the barn." BL replied, "We had leftover pizza and soda just like we used to at sleepovers." "That ain't no kind of a breakfast. I'll go rustle ya’ll up something proper." Before either of them could protest, the screen door was banging shut. “Good thing the fellas Aunt Pauline and Aunt Bessie ain’t here, they probably already think I can’t cook after Daisy sent the leftover from Sunday Lunch, home with Luke and me, now they’d think me a terrible wife, serving leftover pizza for breakfast,” Dixie said. “Nah they wouldn't. I'm the one who said we had leftover pizza and soda. I’m gonna get Daisy’s clothes out of the car then I’ll be right in,” BL said. In the kitchen, Jesse was mixing up a bowl of pancake batter. Dixie figured if Jesse was going to cook, the least she could do was help. She went to the kitchen and asked, "What can I do since I'm putting you to all this trouble?" "It's no trouble at all. Besides, it pleasures me to cook for that little one and you, of course." Jesse said. The pancakes smelled amazing as they started to cook. Dixie noticed Jesse had whipped up a lot of batter. Just then, Bo came in the back door, "What smells so good?" Jesse said, "The girls had left over pizza for breakfast. I'm making them some pancakes. " In true three year old Bo Duke style, he asked, "How come they get pancakes?" Jesse shook his head, "Dixie will you get out a stack of plates and the pitcher of milk?" Dixie did as asked. When she opened the fridge and saw the eggs she really wanted some eggs. She turned to Jesse, "Would you mind very much frying a couple eggs to go with the pancakes?" "Get out what you want. I’ll cook it. Eggs are good for you." Jesse said. "Thank you." Dixie set out four Jesse couldn't help but to smile just a bit. BL put Daisy’s clothes she’d borrowed on the bed then made her way to the kitchen to offer her help. “Anything I can do?” BL asked. “See if we need more coffee,” Jesse then asked “do you want eggs with your pancakes?” “No but can I have a couple pieces of sausage please?” BL requested. “Sure anything you girls want,” Jesse replied, never one to turn away a hungry mouth. “Sausage sounds good too, can I have a couple pieces too?” Dixie asked. “How about you Bo?” Jesse asked his nephew. “Yes, 2 please,” Bo replied. With Dixie and BL’s help, Jesse cooked them all what he called a ‘proper’ breakfast. BALLADEER: As late in the morning as it’s getting to be, city folks call it brunch Luke came in the back door and saw the table was set. “Can I get a couple of those eggs please?” Luke asked, changing his mind about eating. “Sure Luke,” Jesse replied, putting the food on the table. All the ‘kids’ dished up food on their plates,only Luke didn’t have eggs, pancakes and sausage he just had eggs and another cup of coffee When they were all done, Luke refilled his coffee cup asking, ”Uncle Jesse can I talk to you out on the porch? “Sure Luke,”Jesse said, then seeing a look in Luke’s eyes, added, “You don’t mind cleaning up, do you girls? Bo why don’t you check on the dogs.” “Of course we don’t mind cleaning up, you cooked, it’s the least we can do,” Dixie replied. BL started gathering up the dishes, while Bo went out the back door and Jesse and Luke took coffee to the front porch. “Uncle Jesse can I ask you something?” Luke asked, sipping his coffee.. “Dixie’s been eating alot more than usual, is that normal?” “Yes, don’t fret son that baby will let her know what it wants or needs,” Jesse replied. Then added, "Some of them may seem strange but as long as it's not dangerous they will be fine. And by dangerous I mean like wanting non food items like coal or dirt. Those things could mean she's lacking minerals or vitamins. But ice cream and pickles is fine." Luke frowned, "You aren't serious about the ice cream and pickles, right?" Jesse said, "Bo's mama wanted it. Cherry ice cream and sweet pickles." Luke mumbled, "I always knew he was strange." The girls got the kitchen cleaned up and then an idea hit BL, “we got a while before the shower right? Wanna help Daisy out and do her housework? She was up really late, then had to be at work early this morning to get Boss Hogg to let her have the shower at the Boar’s Nest, she’s gonna be dog tired. It's the least I can do to repay her,” BL said. Dixie agreed. They might as well pitch in since the guys were doing needed work around the farm. “Why don’t you dust and I’ll put laundry in to wash,” BL suggested, she was trying to give Dixie the light housework not because Dixie couldn’t handle the more strenuous stuff but because she didn’t want Luke on her case about letting Dixie do too much. Bo was awake now and well fed, "When are we gonna give General Lee a test run so we still have time to make adjustments?" Luke replied, "We gotta get done here. Where are you wanting to try him out at?" “Skunk hollow out near route 9-11,” Bo replied. Luke replied, "All right. Let's get this done, we'll tell the girls we need to run out for a bit. Hopefully, we can get out and back while Rosco is taking his afternoon nap." “Alright, let’s get busy, then cousin,”Bo said, splitting wood to make kindling, with renewed vigor. The weather was due to get cooler a few nights and days next week, Uncle Jesse would want to build a fire in the evenings to read his paper. In the house BL was sweeping and mopping while Dixie went over the rugs with the rug sweeper. A bit later, Bo and Luke came into the house to find it near abouts in tip-top shape. "Darlin', what are you doing?" Bo asked. “Housework, it’s the least I can do after all Daisy has done for the wedding on short notice,” BL replied. Bo said, "Darlin, no one expects you girls to clean the house." Dixie offered, "We wanted to, and before you say anything, the heaviest thing I've lifted is the feather duster." Luke took the warning tone to heart, "Well, ok. Just don't over do it. Me and Bo need to run out for a spell. We'll be back directly." Bo kissed the end of his finger and touched the tip of BL’s nose saying, “Don’t lift something and hurt yourself darlin’ we got plans next Saturday.” “Even if Daddy, Cooter and Luther have to carry me down the aisle on a plank, I wouldn’t miss our wedding but I promise not to lift anything heavier than a foot stool or laundry basket,” BL replied. Satisfied Bo and Luke went out, climbed in General Lee with Bo behind the steering wheel, tearing out like the tail pipe was on fire. “Their upto something,” Dixie said. BL nodded ‘yes’, Luke was shuckin’ and jivin’ and Bo was being extra charming,” BL said, adding “whaddya say we follow, see what they’re upto?” “Ok, we’ll take Luke’s truck, it’s black your red car will stick out like a sore thumb,” Dixie replied as the girls headed out to Luke's truck. Dixie never really expected to keep up with Bo but at the end of the drive way it was obvious Bo had turned left, so Dixie turned left. Wherever they were going it wasn't towards town. Bo was putting the General through all his paces when from out of nowhere they heard a siren. Luke looked over his shoulder out the back window and saw Rosco. “Bo we got company and if you don’t lose him we ain’t gonna race tonight because we’ll be behind bars and when we get out the girls are gonna kill us,” Luke said. “Bye, bye Rosco,” Bo grabbed another gear and put his foot to the floor. Dixie and Luke's truck may not have been as fast as Bo in the General Lee but when Dixie rounded a hairpin turn she nearly ran into Rosco as he pulled out after the General without looking the other way. Dixie hit the brakes hard and avoided Rosco as he sped after the General. Dixie and BL were just close enough to catch a glimpse of an orange streak and a cloud of dust way ahead of Rosco. “DIXIE LOOKOUT,” BL shouted, seeing Rosco a half second before he pulled out. Grabbing hold of the hand hold that helped someone pull themself into the truck and planting her feet firmly on the floor, BL braced for either impact or sudden stop, thankful it was the latter. After stopping for a split second, Dixie sped back up behind Rosco. "Any ideas? I can't catch up to the guys and really don't see getting around Rosco." “Yeah, run the lights, maybe Rosco will let you pass. He don’t know for sure it's Bo AND Luke he ain’t got that close. All he knows for sure is General Lee is flat gittin’ it on all eight,'' BL. replied, it was the only thing she could think of. "Even if I get around Rosco with the lights, I can't catch Bo." Dixie said. Luke saw an old moonshine road coming up, "Bo, listen to me. Slow down now, ...turn left NOW!" Bo had learned to listen to Luke at times like these years ago. He did as directed. Rosco went right by. Dixie saw a glimpse of orange as she went by. "Bo lost Rosco." She kept driving for two reasons: one, she didn't want to give the guys location away to Rosco; two, she didn't want the guys to know she followed them. “I guess now we know what they’re upto. Looks to me like they’re practicing for the race tonight. They’re still great drivers and can ditch Rosco but they don’t race every Saturday night nomore and they don’t race on a track in legit races as much anymore neither, BL said. Dixie added, "I know they are both professional drivers, and I love the General Lee, but those youngin's have got a much newer and more dependable car." “The General may be older but he ain’t ready to be put out to pasture so to speak. Didn’t them, Cooter and LB just spend last night working to get the General in tip top form?” BL replied. Dixie nodded in agreement, "Yes, they did, but stil “Maybe they are testing those new parts,” BL suggested as another reason the boys were racing around. Dixie nodded. "You are probably right." Dixie had begun to slow down so she could turn around without Rosco or the boys seeing her. “We better get back to the farm before we get caught following them. I don’t want to start things off with Bo thinking I don’t trust him,” BL said, adding “I want to hang out that last load of laundry too, then we better get ready for the shower. I want to take a shower before we go.” Dixie gave BL a look, "You don't want Bo thinking that you don't trust him? You mean you do?" Dixie kidded. “Ha ha, cute,” BL said, sticking her tongue out at Dixie. Dixie laughed as she turned the truck toward Jesse's, "Just thought I'd ask." “Do you trust Luke?” BL asked, wearing her best poker face but her eyes danced with fun. Truth was they both trusted both Duke boys with their lives. Dixie grinned widely, "About as far as I can throw this truck which is why we are in it and out here." BL laughed “good point”. Back at the Duke farm BL whistled when she didn’t see the dogs anywhere, they came running from the direction of the creek. Sadie was wet upto her belly and the two little pups were wet halfway up their sides from laying in the cool water of the shallow creek. “What in the world have you three been upto?” Dixie said, "It looks like they have been enjoying themselves on the farm." “Good thing Luke’s truck don’t have cloth seats or carpet. He can atleast take them back to your house and not have a mess to try to clean up,” BL said, getting her bag from the car. “Are you still going home to get ready?” BL asked. Dixie replied, "Yes, I still have no idea what I'm wearing." “Ok, see you at the Boar’s Nest in a bit,” BL said. Bo and Luke were still out racing around, neither had thought about the shower Daisy was giving BL and that the girls might need them for something. They were focused on tonight’s race. “General’s running smooth as silk, no way we can lose tonight cousin,” Bo said. Luke replied, "I still want to adjust the timing just a notch." Back at the farm, Dixie told Scrapie, "Stay with Sadie and Trixie. Luke will be back soon." She got in Luke's truck and headed to town. As she came into the square, Dixie did something that she seldom did. She pulled up in front of the Hazzard Emporium. Inside, she found a pair of grey dress pants a couple sizes larger than her normal size. After trying them on, Dixie was satisfied that they fit her well without being really big, yet they were nowhere near tight. She knew her friend Debbie's sister had sent her several tops that weren't maternity tops but were nice shirts she could wear for awhile. In that stuff there was a white dress shirt with layers of ruffles around the body and the three quarter sleeves also had ruffles on them. This was not her normal top but would be dressy and go with the grey pants really well. Dixie headed to the house to shower and dress. BL went into the farmhouse after Dixie had left, Jesse was at the stove making something that she guessed by the smell wasn’t edible. “Uncle Jesse, is it ok if I get ready for the shower here? The goats were out when me and Dixie went by Daddy’s and I helped him and LB get them up and I need to clean up. You should have seen Scrappie and even Trixie, they watched Sadie a few minutes then jumped right in herding the goats as fast as she did rat hunting/catching,” BL said. “I ain’t your Uncle Jesse,” Jesse fussed then added in a gentler tone “until next Saturday. To answer your question, yes, go ahead get cleaned up and ready.” “Thank you,”BL replied, heading for the bathroom. At the Boar’s Nest Daisy was putting up a few decorations in the front room, Charlie the bartender had helped her clean the mess up from the lunch crowd, he’d even washed dishes before he’d left. Daisy pushed 4 tables together in a row, it wasn’t a big party, just a few close girl friends BL had either gone to school with or had been friends with BL, Dixie and Daisy all for years. Dixie laid her clothes out, then took a nice warm shower. Being the only one home, she crossed the hallway to her bedroom in only a towel. After checking the time on the clock, she saw she had plenty of time to get to the Boar’s Nest. Stretching out across the bed Dixie figured on just relaxing a few minutes. “Timing seems ok to me,” Bo said. At the Duke farm, BL also took her time showering, noone else would be needing a shower for hours, as long as Jesse had enough hot water to cook or wash a few dishes he wouldn’t fuss. Getting out and drying, BL put on her bra and underwear, then her denim skirt and button up short sleeved shirt. Next came just a touch of eye shadow, mascara and lip gloss. Brushing her hair, leaving it over her shoulders, BL went to Bo’s room to borrow his boot brush then she got a damp washcloth, going to the livingroom to clean her boots up, a simple job since they weren’t shiny. Dixie turned over, hugged Luke's pillow and realized it was daylight. She checked the clock and saw the time followed by her clothes on the chair. Dixie sat up, gathered herself a minute, then quickly dressed, brushed her hair then pulled it back. Dixie soon backed out of the driveway heading to the Boar's Nest. She never heard the phone ringing in the house as she pulled out. Daisy hung up the phone then asked BL “I thought you said Dixie went home to get ready?” BL replied “she did” “Well I just called and got no answer,” Daisy said. “Let me go out to the car, see if I can get her on the CB before we get too panicked,” BL replied, going out to her car, reaching in to get the CB mic. Propping a hip on the door then keying the mic “Sweet Talker calling Little Shotgun, Dixie you got your ears on?” In Dixie's rush to get to the shower, she never even thought about turning on the CB. She was thinking of all the things she had planned to do to help Daisy. She pushed the gas pedal down just a bit further. Bo and Luke had continued to disagree on General Lee’s timing so had decided to go to the garage to get Cooter’s input, BL’s call had just come over the air about the time they were sliding out the stock car’s windows. “Bo let’s head back to the farm, maybe she had car trouble and her CB took out, so she can’t call for help. Maybe we’ll spot her along the way,” Luke slid back in starting the powerful engine as Bo was sliding in. “I’ll go by the house, see if she’s there, if not I’ll head for the Boar’s Nest, see if she broke down along the way…Holler if….,” Cooter said, the words “you need me,” spoken to air as Bo burned rubber. Cooter hustled to the wrecker, hopping in, he went around the square, then by the house seeing nothing he headed for the Boar’s Nest. BL had gone back inside to tell Daisy that Dixie wasn't answering. Dixie pulled in between Daisy and BL in case they needed to load stuff into her vehicle. She checked her hair, then got out and took a minute to straighten herself before heading to the door. The second Daisy saw Dixie she let out a relieved breath then saying, “it’s about time you got here, I called but you didn’t answer.” “Where were you? I gave you a holler on the CB but all I got was radio silence,” BL added. Dixie was looking at them like they had two heads. "The phone never rang at the house and I didn't hear anything on the CB. I made the mistake of laying across the bed, fell asleep, so then I hurried over here." Dixie said. “I guess maybe you had left already when I called, because it hasn’t been that long ago that I called,” Daisy said. Cooter had worked himself up by the time he got to the Boar’s Nest, he parked the wrecker on the side of the parking lot opposite from the girls cars so he didn’t see Dixie’s Thunderbird as he strode to the door, on a mission. “There you are. Why didn’t you answer BL?” Cooter asked. “I didn’t hear anything on the CB,” Dixie said again. She didn’t see why everybody was so wound up. Before Cooter could say more, the door opened and Mary Lou Pringle came in with a cheese ball and crackers. “Hey everybody,” Mary Lou greeted, sitting her platter on the bar adding, “be right back, I left the gift in my car. Not enough hands.” “Cooter why don’t you let Luke know, Dixie’s ok,” BL said, her subtle way of telling Cooter to leave, this was a ladies only party. "Yeah. Yeah, I can do that. See ya." Cooter was still not happy as he made his way out the door. "Lost Sheep, this is Crazy Cooter. Little Shotgun is at the Boar's Nest with the others. Everything is fine." Dixie groaned slightly. "Ya'll didn't get Luke worked up did ya?" “We didn’t have to most likely, you not answering me on the CB was enough to do it,” BL said. “Did you remember the chips?” Daisy asked. "Yeah, I've had them in the trunk for a week now. Let me run out and get them." Dixie said. She ran out and got the chips and headed back inside. Cooter was still sitting in the parking lot when Bo and Luke pulled in. "Say, Cooter, why don't you head out a few miles and let me check out Dixie's radio." Luke said as he pulled his key to her car out. "You got it." Cooter said. After trying the radio for several minutes and finding nothing wrong with it, Luke concluded the only thing wrong with it was that Dixie likely forgot to turn it on. That was ok, he could fix that. "Crazy C, I got this figured out. Run back here with some electrical tape and we'll fix it right up." In no time at all Dixie's Thunderbird had the hood up, doors open, the wrecker pulled in behind it. Cooter was under the hood, Luke was in the floorboard. Dixie was filling punch cups with punch when one of the new arrivals asked, "What's wrong with your car?" Dixie replied, "Nothing. Why?" “Cooter’s under the hood,” was the answer. Daisy was cutting the cake, so it’d be easier to serve. Everybody fixed a plate of the goodies of chicken salad sandwiches, veggies, chips and dip and got themselves a cup of punch, Daisy had decided they should have a late lunch instead of just snacks. Sitting back down at the lined up tables, everybody talked about the latest county gossip, some of it true, some not so much. Dixie sat her plate down, "I'll be right back." Dixie hurried out to her car and was just about to yell at Cooter until she saw Luke's jeans and boots hanging out from the passenger side of her car and Bo handing Luke something. She toned it down a mite before asking, "What are you three doing to my car?" Cooter looked up over the hood Bo giving him a look that was saying, ‘she’s your sister you tell her.’ “Fixing your CB problem,” Cooter answered. "I don't have a CB problem." Dixie said, crossing her arms. Cooter replied, "Oh. Um. Ok." Dixie made her way to the passenger side of her car and tapped her foot in the gravel while waiting on an answer. “Hey Luke, Dixie wants to know what we’re doing to her car,” Bo said, deciding that it had been his idea and Dixie was his wife, so he could explain. Luke mumbled something, then added more clearly, "Give me two minutes." Luke finished attaching the wire he had in his hand to the CB. Dixie continued to tap her foot while waiting. When Luke was done, he told Cooter, "Hook the battery back up." Cooter replied, "It's done." Luke turned the ignition key, then turned the CB on. He turned the ignition key on and off a couple of times, ensuring the radio came on with the key as long as the on button was in the on position. Then he scooted out and sat up. "There. It's done." "What exactly is done?" Dixie asked. "We hooked your CB up to the key switch. Just leave it on and it will come on each time the key is on." Dixie just gave Luke a look. "Thanks I think. If ya’ll are done, I'll head back inside." Cooter slammed the hood and headed for the wrecker, Bo waited for Luke in General Lee neither wanting any part of what was going on between husband and wife. “C’mon Luke we still got a couple things to do before tonight’s race,” Bo hollered out the window. Daisy poked her head out the door, “hurry up Dixie, we’re about ready to do presents.” Luke reached out as Dixie turned to go inside. He gently pulled her to him for a quick kiss. Dixie returned the kiss but gave him a look that said, 'it' wasn't over yet. Luke picked up the tools and put his keys in his pocket and locked Dixie's car up before he replied to Bo, "Alright. I'm coming." Back inside Daisy handed BL a gift basket full of things to pamper herself such as bubble bath, shower gel, lotion, bath pouf, a manicure set and a scented candle. Next was another small basket of assorted facial products. “Give her this one next Daisy,” Mary Lou Pringle said, handing Daisy the garment box she had brought in. BL untied the ribbon around the box, pulling off the lid to reveal a silk with lace trim negligee set, “It’s beautiful Mary Lou, thank you,” BL said. “You're welcome,” Mary Lou replied. Next, Daisy pulled out a bigger clothing box the sort that dress coats came in. Daisy read the tag, "BL, this one is from Dixie." BL took the box cautiously, as if she was afraid something would jump out at her, but it didn't. She pulled the ribbon and gently opened the paper. "You act like you don't trust me." Dixie grinned. BL replied, "Exactly, because I don't." Dixie frowned, "I'm offended." BL opened the box to find two soft fluffy robes. "Look at the pockets." Dixie said. BL opened the robes to find a "BLD" on one and a "BD" on the other. Dixie added, "I monogrammed them myself. I guess I learned something from Grandma Davenport about sewing that was actually useful.” “I guess you did, these are amazing, thank you. They will feel great when the dogs want to go out early in the morning when it’s freezing outside,” BL said. Dixie agreed but added, "I was thinking about the hallway between the bedroom and bathroom." BL laughed, saying “hope you made you and Luke a set too.” "Maybe." Dixie added. “This is from me,” Daisy said, handing BL another garment box, this one a little smaller than the one from Dixie. BL untied the ribbon, pushing aside the tissue paper, revealing a set of cotton pajamas for her and coordinating bottoms for Bo. “I didn’t get Bo a set just bottoms because he never wears a shirt,” Daisy said. “They're cute, thank you,” BL replied. Everyone had nibbled while BL opened her gifts. Daisy also handed BL several cards from various ladies in Hazzard. "While BL reads the cards, ya'll get some more snacks. No one wants to take anything back home. Then, we have a last gift." Dixie and a few others made a second trip to the snacks. In some of the cards a little money was inside, not much, just $10-$20. When everybody had sat back down, Daisy handed BL the last gift. “This is from Mary Lou T., and Becky Mae, they worked on it together,” Daisy said. BL untied the ribbon and removed the lid and pushed the tissue paper aside to reveal a lavender maxi dress with butterfly short sleeves, a ‘V’ neckline and a ruffled hem. “We thought you might need something special to wear at the reception, so you can change out of your wedding dress,” Mary Lou T. said. “Thank ya’ll it’s lovely,” BL replied. After fixing Dixie's CB, Bo and Luke went by the garage to let Cooter be the judge of whether or not General Lee's timing needed further adjusting. As the guys were talking, Bo made his way to the fridge. Luke saw where he was heading, "If you are driving later, you better be sticking to root beer." Bo gave Luke a look but replied, "Fine." Luke added, "So since you are driving, it means I'm not. So bring me a beer." Cooter shook his head, thinking that neither of those two had changed a bit. “You want something Cooter?” Bo asked, getting two bottles from the fridge. “I’ll take one of them root beers,” Cooter replied. Bo got another bottle from the fridge, giving one to Luke and one to Cooter. Over at the Boar’s Nest the festivities were over. While Marybelle and Becky Mae helped Daisy clean up and get everything ready for the Saturday night crowd, Dxie and BL started taking BL’s gifts to the car. “I’m gonna leave my gifts at your place, in my room. Seems easier than moving them from one house to another a week later,” BL said. Dixie replied, "Alright, but I know an easier way to get them out of the car and upstairs than us carrying them." BL grinned, “Bet I can guess, it involves 4 maybe even 6 or 8 strong arms and 2 maybe even 3 or 4 strong backs?” Dixie grinned back, "It sure does. They were so eager to 'fix' my radio earlier." BL had been busy and hadn't gotten the full story asked, "What was wrong with it, anyway?" Dixie gave her a look, "Nothing. I was in a hurry and didn't turn it on, so the fastest pit crew in the South decided to fix it so it cuts on with the key." “Seriously?” BL asked. “Yep,” Dixie replied. “Heaven help, when you start showing, Luke may take away your driving privileges, so you have to have a chauffeur like an unlicensed teen,” BL said, only half joking. She wouldn’t put it entirely past Luke to be that overprotective. "I don't know why any of you got excited anyway. So I was running a bit late. How many times have those two been late for something?" Dixie said. "How much more stuff is in there?" “You were an hour late. You were supposed to help Daisy set up, I was here ten minutes before any of the guests got here, Daisy called and got no answer so I stepped outside to see what your holdup was. I’m not saying those two haven’t been late their fair share but if they couldn’t be raised on the CB at least, it usually meant they were in trouble,” BL said, then answered Dixie’s question ”only a couple.” "I'm not those two." Dixie said with a laugh. "Besides, it was your little cousin here who thought I needed a nap." “He or she will think differently later on when napping is your idea,” BL smirked, forgetting she wouldn’t get to nap either, living in the same house. "Probably. Let's get going or our help may vanish." Dixie said. Inside Daisy had packed up the leftovers snacks to send back to town with BL and Dixie. "What time are you getting off?" Dixie asked. "Closing." Daisy said. “Think you’ll make it to the ‘lesson’ up at the lake?” BL asked. “I might if I can get help cleaning up after closing,” Daisy replied. “Ya’ll don’t forget, we’re going bridesmaid dress shopping tomorrow,” BL said, gathering up some of the leftovers, so she and Dixie could go. Dixie said, "We are off to recruit help carrying this stuff in." Daisy called back to them, "Good luck!" “Thanks again Daisy, it was a great shower!” BL called back. In town the four guys were hanging out at the garage, BL called to Dixie on the CB, “It looks like our lucky day, 8 arms and 4 backs.” Parking in front of the sign listing some of the standard services offered, BL got out of her car wearing a sweet smile. BALLADEER: Friends them boys is liable to get cavities if they look at that smile too long. Luke gave Bo a look, "Cousin, remember you can still run and by the looks of things you might want to real soon." LB was close enough to hear Luke and added “I’ve seen that smile, she wants something.” Bo ignored his cousin and soon to be brother inlaw, greeting BL with a kiss, “did you have fun Darlin?” “Yes we all had a great time, you got a couple gifts that’s just for you,” BL returned the kiss, replying Bo questioned, "I got presents at your bridal shower?" Luke laughed. He knew Bo was hooked. “Come out to the house and unload the cars and carry the stuff upstairs and I’ll show them to you,” BL said sweet as honey. “Told you she wanted somethin,” LB said. “I heard that LB,” BL said, giving LB a look. Dixie had now walked over to Luke. He had wrapped his arm around her waist and said, "So let me guess, you'd like me to come help? What are you gonna show me if I help?" Dixie grinned mischievously. Cooter groaned “Ya’ll are painting pictures I don’t want to see.” Dixie smiled ever so sweetly at her brother, "Well, you and LB could come help and chaperone too. I might even share snacks with y’all afterwards." LB said, "I knew it was a trap." “I'll do you one better than just snacks, I’ll cook supper before the big race,” BL said. You’ll make “chicken ‘n’ dumplings? Cooter asked, his stomach doing his thinking now. Dixie offered, "Well, if you are cooking I'll cut, peel, slice or dice stuff up for you." “Deal! There’s a chicken in the freezer, if you’ll d-bone it?” BL replied. "I will and cut up the onion and celery too. I just can not get the dumplings right. I know everyone else likes them when I make them, but I don't." Dixie said. Before BL or any of the others could say anything, Cooter spoke, “The sooner we get the cars unloaded, the sooner we eat.” The guys all piled into LB’s truck, following the girls cars to the house, where as usual Mrs. Kravitz was fussing with her flowers, frown deepening the wrinkles in her forehead when she saw the girls park in the driveway and LB’s truck then parked on the street and the guys got out. “Probably having a wild party, at least that girl of Jesse’s had enough sense not to party with them.” Gloria said to her flowers. Luke sent the three wild pups to the back yard to run off some energy. Dixie and BL showed the guys what needed to go in while they grabbed the snacks. It took all four guys to empty the cars and close the trunks. The dogs could be heard yapping and grring as the fellas made their way onto the porch and in the house with arm loads of bags and boxes. While the guys carried the gifts upstairs, BL and Dixie took the snacks to the kitchen. “I’m gonna thaw the chicken and d-bone it while you show gifts to Bo,” Dixie said. Gloria was about to get vapor lock, seeing how much stuff the four young men had gotten out of the car's trunks. “Abner, them ruffians robbed a store or something. I saw with my own two eyes,the boys all taking bags and boxes into the house,” Gloria babbled. “They didn’t rob noone or nowhere, look at this with your own two eyes,” Abner said, showing Gloria the Hazzard Gazette with Bo and BL’s wedding announcement and Gloria fainted. Abner layed Gloria on the couch. He started for the smelling salts but decided he'd wait awhile. It was peaceful. Dixie got the big pot, put water, frozen chicken, salt, pepper and a bit of garlic powder in it and turned it on high. She got out an onion and celery to chop while the chicken thawed and cooked enough to get off the bone. While she waited she grabbed a couple of the chicken salad and pimento cheese quarter sandwiches to nibble on then opened the back door so the pups could come in when they got bored outside. LB, Cooter and Luke went back downstairs after everything had been taken to BL’s room. “Ya’ll leave the door open,” LB said like they were a couple of kids, his warning was half serious. “What’d I get?” Bo asked like a kid. BL opened the robe box and put the plush robes, side by side on the bed. “These are from Dixie. Look at the pockets, she monogrammed our initials.” “She did a good job, where’d she pick that up?” Bo said, it was no secret Dixie didn’t sew much. “Grandma Davenport showed her.” BL replied, opening another box. “Daisy got us these,” BL layed a set of pajama shorts with a tank top and coordinating pajama pants on top of the robes. Bo looked a bit confused then said, "These are nice and all, but one of the perks about being married means I don't have to wear clothes around you and even better you don't have to wear clothes around me." “True,” BL agreed,adding” but the lady across the hall said we had to wear clothes to and from the bathroom.” Bo nearly blushed at the thought of meeting Dixie in the hallway. "Yeah, I see what you mean." “I made it a house rule, everybody has to wear clothes to and from the bathroom or things could get very awkward around here. I gotta get cooking now or my cousin and brother are going to think I’m welching on our deal, now that I got what I wanted,” BL said, heading back downstairs. “Yeah it could,” Bo agreed, his arm around BL’s waist until they reached the livingroom, then separating as BL went to the kitchen. “Bo wasn’t as thrilled about the pj’s and robe as he was about getting gifts before I showed them to him,” BL said to Dixie, getting out milk and flour and a big mixing bowl, it’d take alot to feed all 6 of them. “Why, didn’t he like them?” “He was a little disappointed, he thought marriage meant we didn’t need pajamas and such,” BL said grinning, adding,”then I told him you said we had to wear clothes to the bathroom and back. He decided real fast that was a good point.” Dixie had d-boned the chicken for BL while she made the dumpling dough. Next BL added the chicken meat and dumplings to the broth with the celery and onion. In no time they were all sitting at the table, talking about the race. Cooter kept looking at BL and Dixie like he wanted to say something. “If you got something to say Cooter spit it out,” Dixie said. “We were talking while ya’ll cooked this great food…,” Cooter said, stalling. “And?...’ BL prodded. Cooter looked at the other 3 men,hoping someone would jump in, but they didn't, so he pushed on,”we don’t think you girls should come tonight.” “Come again?” BL said, sounding none too friendly. “We don’t know how much Bobby’s been running his mouth and Rosco or Cletus might show up and we don’t want you to get caught up in it all,” Cooter tried his best to explain the guys' reasoning. Dixie crossed her arms, "But, it was ok for you BOTH to take me up there when I was fifteen? You're taking the wrecker. If you are so concerned about me brother, I can gladly leave my car here and ride with you." “The idea is for ya’ll not to be there, in case there’s trouble,” Cooter said. "I'd be with my big strong brother in the wrecker, for goodness sake. Besides, there could have been and was trouble about every weekend when we used to go and I haven't got to see the General race in forever." Dixie looked at Luke. Luke knew exactly where Cooter was coming from but Dixie was also very correct in everything she had said. He put his arm around her as he looked and spoke to Cooter, "She's going. It's better she goes with us than behind us." Dilxie gave Cooter the sweetest little innocent grin. “Besides, if Cletus or Rosco come poking around, we’ll hear them on the CB and can intercept them before they get there. Lord knows they can’t maintain radio silence,” BL added. Dixie replied, "True. So, who am I riding with?" Luke replied, "You may as well ride up with us, but stick close to the wrecker in case we have to cut out or something." “Dixie can I drive your car, even in the dark they’ll know my bright red car, in your burgundy atleast I can pull off into the trees or down a deer path and lose them,” BL asked, since none of the guys had specifically said she couldn’t drive up. “No way, no!” Bo objected. “Why? You need another car to be a distraction or even a getaway car maybe, so you can hide General Lee and we can be gone before the law gets there,” BL replied reasonably. She was met by a chorus of "No." from Bo, Cooter and LB. Luke chose to stay out of that fight. Dixie wasn't real fond of anyone driving her car, let alone using it as a blocker, but she figured to see how far the guys got at discouraging BL before she answered. BL folded her arms saying “Give me one good reason, why not?” Bo replied, "We used to race up there often. We always had it under control. We got this." BL cocked an eyebrow at this “you got this do you, how many saturday nights were you a guest at Rosco’s iron bar hotel?” BL asked. Bo frowned but said, "We knew those risks before we decided to take those two down a notch. It's not like we want to go to jail, but ..." He realized he was about to speak for him and Luke as his sentence trailed off. Luke picked it up where he left off, "but we'd rather spend the night watching Rosco gloat than for either of you to get involved." Bo said, "Besides, the General has a reputation of winning races and losing Rosco." “Fine I won’t drive another car,” BL huffed, adding “but I am still going!” BL put emphasis on ‘I am’. Luke gave Bo a look suggesting that he should take that as a win. “OK,” Bo said. “So who am I riding with or is all 4 of us going in the wrecker?” BL asked, looking from LB to Cooter. Bo said with a bit of a defeated tone, "You may as well ride up with us." “Ok” BL replied. Smiling a bit triumphantly adding “if everybody’s done eating, I’ll get started on the dishes, unless ya’ll want some of the snacks we brought home from the shower.” Dixie said, "If you want to rinse the dishes, I'll wash them when we get in, in the morning." Luke added, "We're going to head back over to the garage for a bit. We'll come by about midnight to pick ya’ll up. Come on, fellas we have to clean up, I don't want Luther to show up with us gone and everything left spread out." At a secret undisclosed location Huey Hogg looked at the pictures of Daisy and the girls from the shower. The hidden camera his men put out had worked great. He saw Daisy, he'd know her anywhere. Then there were the Davenport girls. He just couldn't believe after all these years that one of them had come back to Hazzard and actually got Luke Duke to marry her. Then there was the other Davenport girl actually engaged to none other than Bo Duke. He looked at all the rest of the Hazzard fillies. All of them just as sweet and pretty as a Georgia peach and none of them had ever or would ever give him the time of day. That was ok. He was about to cause more trouble for all his old enemies and all those stuck up little gals that thought those Duke boys were so special. He laughed and he might just catch that not so saintly Daisy Duke in his trap to boot. All he had to do after tonight was set back, wait and watch. “Are you sure you won’t be too tired after such a busy day today and late night tonight?” BL asked, adding “how about I help you when we get back? It won’t take as long if we work together. I want to change out of my good clothes before the race, it’s a miracle I haven’t already dropped or spilled something on them,” BL headed upstairs. At the Boar’s Nest, Daisy couldn’t help but notice business seemed a little slow for a Saturday night. Taking a tray of beer mugs and a pitcher of beer to the booth closest to the door, she stopped at a table halfway to the bar to speak to one of Uncle Jesse’s ridgerunner buddies. “Can I get you another beer Amos?” Daisy asked. “Yes, thanks Daisy,” Amos replied. After bringing Amos his beer, Daisy went to take the order of a new arrival. The new arrival ordered a beer. "Coming right up, Sugar." Daisy said. She went to the bar and got a mug of beer. "Here you go." "Thank you. Keep the change." He said, laying a five on her tray. "Well, thank you. You just let me know when you need a refill." Daisy said. "It will have to be next time. I've got to head out up to the lake, I hear there's a hot race up there tonight. It seems there are some kids who think they can drive and are hot driver talent racing against some old clunker car. I need to go see if those kids can drive half as good as they think they can." Daisy just smiled and listened, taking in all the stranger had to say. Daisy wondered if the guys, Dixie and BL knew news of the race was out. Having suffered the consequences of illegal Saturday night races often in the past, Daisy was pretty sure her cousins weren’t spreading the news around, nor her friends either for that matter. Not wanting to chance the law finding out, if they didn’t already know she couldn’t risk a CB call nor telephone call, so she’d just keep listening to folks and hope she got a chance to talk to her cousins before they went to the lake. Daisy scanned the bar, other than Amos and the stranger, there were only a couple of people there. She went to Roxanne, "Sugar, I've been here since opening. It's slow. Most everything is done up for closing. Would you care to close alone tonight?" Roxanne knew Daisy seldom cut her hours unless it was important. She replied, "No, not at all. Is everything ok?" Daisy replied, "Yes. I just want to keep it that way. I owe you one." Daisy said, grabbing her purse and heading to the door. At the lake the scene was much like it had been on Saturday nights long ago now or so it seemed to the parents, aunts and uncles of the young folks who were gathered around a blazing bonfire drinking from their coolers, while others raced to see who had the fastest car in the county. BALLADEER: You see friends, these young folks have heard so many stories about the good ole days, they decided to have some fun of their own, not just watch the big race between Bobby and General Lee. Just about midnight, Bo slid the General Lee real quiet up in front of the house. Dixie grabbed her jacket as BL and she made their way out to General Lee. Luke was out and ready to help both girls in the window, so they could slide to the back seat. Both girls knew with something going on, Luke wouldn't be any other place than riding 'shotgun' up front. Everything was peaceful on the drive up to the lake, right up until Bo turned the last curve onto the long straight stretch at the lake. If no one knew better, it looked like a pep rally!! complete with a bonfire. Luke looked at Bo, "Just a simple one on one race?" “Nothing is ever simple in Hazzard, is it?” BL said from the backseat, adding “Atleast it’s dark and noone will report seeing the smoke from that bonfire. Cooter and LB rumbled up in the wrecker, they got out looking at all the activity. “This looks like Saturday night used to when we up here racing ‘bout every week,” Cooter said. Dixie replied, not really happy about the activities. "Yeah, it sure does. Did any of you bring a cooler?" Cooter reached toward the back of the wrecker. "Sure did, and just for you, it only has sodas in it." "Really. Thanks." Dixie reached for a drink. LB said, disappointed, "Really? You only brought sodas?" Cooter replied quieter, "I said this cooler only has sodas in it." It took a minute but they all saw the ‘lightbulb’ come on when LB realized Cooter had brought two coolers. Daisy had gone to town in hopes of catching the others to tell them news of the race was out. Seeing the garage was locked up tight, she’d gone out to the house but it was dark, she headed upto the lake, parking beside the wrecker. “I see ya’ll have already found out word about the race is out,” Daisy said, no happier about it than Dixie or BL judging by the looks on their faces. Dixie nodded 'yes' as she took her normal spot on the hood of the wrecker, it always had a great view of all the action. The guys were checking something under the General's hood. BL had joined Dixie on the wrecker’s hood and Daisy was getting a soda from the cooler Cooter had fixed for Dixie when she saw Bobby heading that way. “Here comes trouble,” Daisy muttered under her breath. “I see you got this hunk of scrap iron up here,” Bobby needled. “How about a little wager, $50 says General Lee crushes that wimpy thing you call a car,” Cooter said. “Let’s make it interesting, let’s make it $100,” Bobby goaded. Anyone who knew Bo, knew how protective of General Lee he could be and the goading was sure to spark Bo’s pride, BL just hoped good sense prevailed. “Bo count ten,” BL said loud enough for only Dixie beside her to hear. “You’re on,” Bo said without a thought. It was Luke who opened his wallet and mouth. He took a hundred dollar bill out, "Put up or shut up." He said, handing Cooter his money. Dixie leaned toward BL, "They feed off each other." Bobby took out his wallet, took out a hundred dollar bill and handed it to Cooter then sauntered back to his car, confident he’d already won that 100 bucks. “Good thing Luke had the money, I’m not sure the lot of us could have scraped it together,” BL said, knowing between the 7 of them they’d have tried because none of them would have wanted to see the bet backed away from. Dixie remembered that BL hadn't got to go to the races much as a teen. "I'd almost bet Bo's got some money from somewhere in his wallet with him tonight." Daisy nodded in agreement, adding, "That will likely get passed off to us should the law show up unexpectedly. BL nodded, the guys were putting in the racing safety harnesses on General Lee but she noticed nothing being done to Bobby’s car. “Must be getting close to go time,” BL said. Dixie noted Luke putting the racing harnesses in the General Lee. She used to worry about these two nut jobs when she watched them race, but this used to be fun.Tonight wasn't really feeling like the fun she remembered. In no time flat, Luke was done and had put out his and Bo's racing helmets. From across the way, Bobby's friend yelled, "All that fancy gear mean ya'll are just a little bit chicken tonight?" “Did they used to do all this?” BL asked, continuing “I know they always do for legit races on the dirt track but those races have rules and safety regulations.” Daisy replied, "They didn't have most of it when they raced up here. They began getting it when they started racing in the bigger races and winning more races." Luke replied, hoping to keep Bo's temper under control, "We've just raced enough to know how to do it safely." “What'd ya say we shut him up now? Bo asked. Not waiting for Luke’s answer, Bo eased in the driver's side window, put on his helmet and then Cooter helped him get his harness on snug while LB assisted Luke saying “Give him what for fellas.” Daisy grabbed a scarf she had in the car while Bobby and Jody got in their car. She took her place at the start / finish line. Cooter spoke up loudly above the crowd's chatter. "Alright, fellas! Daisy is the starter! This here is the start and finish line. The course is once up past the big oak at the end of the stretch. Turn them around and race back to here. If you turn before the tree, you are disqualified. We're gonna send Dobro and Brody down to the tree," he signaled them. Dobro fired up and pulled out. "to make things real fair. If the law shows up, grab another gear and keep moving. Ya'll can run it again later." Bo pulled up to the starting line and Bobby pulled up alongside with Daisy between the two cars, raising the scarf Daisy said, “Ok fellas, on your mark, get set, GO!” Daisy let her arm fall to her side. Bo beat Bobby off the line and took the General through the gears ahead of Bobby. Bobby pushed the gas to the floor in his 2017 Porsche but the V6 engine just didn't have enough power to pass the orange stock car with the V8 engine. ”I guess that ‘hunk of metal dinosaur’ ain’t so worthless after all, General Lee is making Bobby’s ‘tin can’ look like the toy it is, " BL said Dixie replied, "General Lee and the new in it. Those kids don't have a clue." Bo and Luke were a good distance ahead of the much newer car. Bo laughed as he checked his mirror. "Don't get overconfident, just yet." Luke warned. Bo wasn't even pushing the General Lee hard as he passed the tree, swung the General Lee around into a one hundred eighty degree turn and headed toward the finish line. Bo was already back in high gear as he passed the Porsche just before it got to the tree. Bobby passed the tree, down shifted to turn the car around and even with the Porsche being much smaller than the General Lee, Bobby misjudged the turn and had to back up to make a three point turn before heading to the finish line. Jody was yelling, "What are you doing, man?" "Shut up!" Bobby had gotten so worked up that he missed second gear as he geared up. Everyone heard him miss the shift. Now, Bobby was doing his best to get all the speed he'd ever had out of his car. It was suddenly really hot in the car as he was sweating bullets.. “He’s not so hot under pressure,” Dixie said, when they all heard the missed gear. Daisy saw General Lee coming and moved toward the ‘track’ to wave her scarf to signal the end of the race. ”When and IF I ever get a different car, remind me not to get a Porsche, even if it's a convertible so Sadie can still help deliver mail,” BL said. She didn’t plan on getting a different car as long as Cooter could keep her GTO running. Bo checked his mirrors. There was no way Bobby was going to get close to him. He decided to do something Luke had done when he raced Ralph Green just out of high school. Bo took General Lee out of high gear and into neutral. The General Lee slowed considerably but had enough speed to still be moving quickly toward the finish line. Bobby saw the General slowing. He pushed his car harder. He could still win this. Bo crossed the finish line and came to a stop. Bobby crossed the finish line with a full head of steam behind him. He sailed past the stopped General Lee, swung his car right to turn around, he suddenly felt the car go into a slide, he tried to steer, braked so hard he locked the brakes up as he sailed right toward an old oak tree that was as big around as the General Lee's hood. Jody saw the tree coming up fast toward his side of the car. He cursed and tried to get as close to Bobby as he could before the car made a sudden stop with the back quarter panel wrapped around the tree. Luke was still in his harness when he heard and saw the crash. He hit the release, came out the window and tossed his helmet as he ran toward the newer car. He yelled before reaching the car, "Stay still. Are you hurt?" Bobby was quick. He got his door open and came out ready to fight! Dixie had gotten off the wrecker to go congratulate Bo and Luke when she heard then saw the crash. She also had taken off running toward the car, thinking the boys could be hurt. She stopped when she saw both boys out of the car squared off and talking crap to Bo and Luke, "Ah, hell, here we go!" BL too was on her way over when she heard metal and tree connect with a crunch. Next thing she knew Bobby and Jody and Bo and Luke had squared off and it looked like things were about to come to blows. “LB get the spotlight from behind the seat, so we can see how bad the damage is,” Cooter said. LB opened the wrecker’s driver side door, leaned up the seat, got the big spotlight and headed over to the combative racers. “Here ya go cousin,” LB handed Cooter the light. For now the 4 racers relaxed their stances and watched as Cooter and LB inspected the damage. Thankfully, Bobby was more concerned about his beloved car than he was about his reputation. He glared at Bo and Luke as he turned his attention to his car. Jody was a follower. He, too, turned his attention to the crashed car. Dixie had reached Luke's side, "Are they alright?"" Luke held his hands up in his defense, "They are both out of the car, moving and were ready to fight, so they seem fine to me." He said as he wrapped his left arm around his wife. BL came to a stop at Bo’s side asking, “anybody hurt?” Bo mimicked Luke, putting his left arm around his fiance but noone noticed that he had copied Luke, like he had since they were kids. “Just Bobby’s car,” Bo replied. Cooter turned to Bobby, shutting off the spotlight. “I can pry and hammer and then paint the repaired spots, be good as new in a week, maybe two, depending on how busy things get at the garage. Bobby sounded about two, "Hammer?" Cooter almost laughed, "Before it moves, it's gonna take a hammer and a pry bar to get the fender off the tire. Then, if the back axel is alright, you can drive it home, but if the axles broke. It's gonna need towed. Do you want me to pull it away from that tree so we can get a better look?" “I think he might cry,” BL whispered to Dixie. Dixie nodded slightly. “Yeah.” Bobby replied. “I’ll get the wrecker.” LB said, running back to where the wrecker was, hopping in and driving back to the small group gathered at the car. Turning the wrecker backward, LB backed right upto the Porsche, then rejoined the group so Cooter could do his job. Luke said, "I'll give ya a hand so we can get this thing outta here." He grabbed a couple J hooks and chain and stepped up to the car. Bobby stepped in front of his car, "I don't want either of these guys near my car." Luke replied, "Fine by me, but we'd get it out of here a lot quicker if I help." Bobby stood his ground. Luke laid the equipment down and turned to walk away. Cooter saw his opportunity for a good time. "So how about you run the truck? I'll hook up the car." Dixie rolled her eyes at her brother and husband. "Sure." Luke said, stepping to the controls. Cooter took the cable as Luke released it from the truck to the car. He hooked up the J hooks to the car and chain, then the cable to the chain. He motioned to Luke. Luke slowly worked the controls to pull the front, then the back, then the front and back again until he had the car a couple feet from the tree. Cooter took the light and went to the back fender and back passenger tire. As he pried the fender back, he could see the back axle had given in the impact with the tree. "It's not going anywhere under its own power. Axle broke. Do you want me to tow it into the garage?" Bobby had never had to make such decisions on his own. He struggled for the answer. "Can you take it home?" Cooter tried to be sensible, "I can if you want two wrecker bills. It's gonna need to be in a shop for the repairs." Jody looked at the mangled car then his best friend. “Man oh man if your Dad sees this car, he’ll kill you.” Bobby nodded, Jody was right. Oliver Douglas would blow a gasket if he saw this mangled mess, that had been a perfectly good car a few hours ago. Jody’s words in his head, Bobby said, “take it to the garage.” Once that was settled, Cooter, Luke and LB got the car hooked up. Everyone had pretty much got ready to leave as soon as they saw there wouldn't be a fight. Bo and Luke had put their helmets in the trunk and helped the girls into the General Lee. Back in town Boss Hogg, Rosco and Huey's men had met at the drugstore. Boss happily paid for the discount medications. He left the huge boxes on the counter for the pharmacist to put up in the morning. Huey's men took the money and eagerly headed out of town. Boss went home. And Rosco circled town and satisfied all was calm headed out of town toward home. Rosco met a long line of cars but he was too busy trying to figure out what his 50 percent of 50 percent of 50 percent came to, to pay attention in the dark and didn’t notice one was Daisy’s yellow roadrunner, one was General Lee and one was the wrecker towing a white Porsche. “Must have missed the sign up for a parade,” Rosco mumbled to himself. Luke saw Rosco coming and said, "Bo." Rosco kept going. No brake lights. No blue lights behind them. Luke checked the mirrors. Bo also had one eye on his mirror, "Luke, what just happened there?” Luke replied, "I don't know but just keep doing what you are doing. I think." “That could have been bad, had he decided to stop us,”Dixie said. The harnesses were tucked out of sight but they couldn’t have denied racing completely. Luke stated the obvious, "We had been up there too long. I didn't want to take the time to unhook all that up there." “I see your point,” Dixie said. “Yeah,” BL agreed. In town Cooter pulled up to the garage. Bo had swung in also. Luke climbed out of the General. "I'll get the doors." He could tell Cooter was planning on putting the night's race casualty inside the garage. Cooter tossed Luke the garage keys and once the doors were open, he backed the wrecker up until the car was inside. Luke and Cooter got the car unhooked and reclosed down the garage. Cooter called, "I'll catch ya’ll later." Luke frowned. "Come on over. You know Bo and BL want to stay. It's late. I have beer." The last part got Cooter’s attention. "You talked me into it." LB was fishing around in his pocket for his truck keys when Luke said that Bo and BL was most likely staying with him and Dixie. Pretty sure Cooter would keep an eye on the two, LB also knew how Bo could sneak into BL’s room if he wanted and Cooter would be none the wiser. BL would either assist Bo’s sneaking or throw a fit and tell Cooter to mind his own business. “No sense waking Pop, mind if I join the party?” LB asked. “Nope more the merrier,” Cooter replied, even though the house wasn’t his. The Davenport cousins got back in the wrecker and headed out to Luke and Dixie’s. “Looks like we’re having a sleepover. Bo hand me the CB, no sense in Daisy bothering Uncle Jesse so late, if she’s not home yet,” BL said. “Here ya go Darlin,” Bo said, stretching the coiled cord to the back. BL keyed the mic, ”Sweet Talker calling Bo Peep you got your ears on?”? ”Bo Peep here, what’s up Sweet Talker,” Daisy answered. “What’s your 20?” BL asked. “I just turned onto Cottonwood lane,” Daisy replied. “Ok, we're all staying with Dixie and Luke, if you want to stay too,” BL said, adding “I’m gone.” “10-4,” Daisy replied, turning back toward town. Everyone tried their best to ease into the driveway or a spot in front of the house. As soon as the first boot hit the porch, the dogs went nuts. Dixie made a beeline to the back door to put the three out back. While in the kitchen, she remembered the snacks from the shower. She pulled the sandwiches out and grabbed a couple quarters of the sailboat cut sandwiches. After changing, Daisy asked the others in the living room where Dixie was. Luke replied, "She went to let the dogs out back. I'll go see what's keeping her." Luke reached the kitchen and saw Dixie with a plate of snacks. He grabbed a quarter sandwich then reached in the fridge for everyone a beer. Stepping to the back door he whistled and the pups came running. Gloria Kravitz was coming back to bed after a trip to the bathroom when she heard vehicles with loud motors and saw the headlights of whoever had parked in front of the house. Next thing she knew, those mongrels they had were barking their heads off. “Abner, Abner wakeup you have GOT to go over and tell those ‘hoodlums’ some of us are trying to sleep,” Gloria Kravitz shook her husband roughly. “They aren’t hurting anything, put some cotton in your ears and go back to sleep,” Abner said, stuffing cotton in his ears. Once the dogs were back in, Luke asked, "Are you coming in the living room for a bit? I figured to drink a beer with the fellas." Dixie picked up a napkin, grabbed 2 more sandwiches and replied, "Yeah, set these back in the fridge and grab the tea please." Dixie got a large cup with a lid on it and filled it with tea and put the tea back, then they headed to the living room. Cooter noticed Dixie's snack, "Two o'clock feeding?" Dixie gave him a look, but replied, "Something like that." Luke added, "I'll take it. At least she's not sick in the mornings and most of the day." Dixie nodded, "Yeah, there is that." Everybody settled with a drink, the dogs all settled down to nap, Scrapie settled on the recliner armrest since there wasn’t enough room for him and Dixie both beside Luke, Sadie had lay stretched out between BL and Bo on the loveseat. And after thoroughly ‘washing’ Bo’s face, Trixie had curled up beside him. After having a couple drinks, Cooter, LB and Bo bedded down in the livingroom, which did not make Bo very happy when BL went upstairs. Dixie and Luke went to their room and Daisy went to the spare bedroom, all of them planned to sleep until at least noon. Luke shut the door behind himself, Dixie and Scrapie. They had just got settled and snuggled in when there was a scratch at the door. Luke looked to see Scrapie upside down in front of Dixie. There was another scratch and a whine. Luke eased out of the bed and cracked the door to find Trixie in the hallway. "Come on in." Trixie did just that and jumped up on the bed, crossed over Dixie's hip and insisted on getting under the covers with Scrapie. Dixie had been nearly asleep but automatically lifted the covers for Trixie. Luke closed the door and got back in bed before his place was overtaken.
  7. Luke's crew was packed up and ready for the plane to fly back home before Dixie's clock went off. When the clock went off, Dixie was mildly sorry for the sleep she lost last night eating today's lunch. After a quick shower, she returned to her room to dress. She sat down on the edge of the bed, put on underwear, her BDU pants, socks, and boots before she stood up to put her bra and shirt on. Once she had everything on, Dixie tucked her long uniform shirt into her pants, pulled her pants together to button them to find that there was no way the pants would button. They were close but would not button. All her work pants were the same size so switching them for another pair seemed useless. Dixie zipped the pants, got out a safety pin to hold the top of the pants closed, untucked her shirt and looked in the mirror. There seem to be no changes as to why the pants weren't fitting this morning, but they weren't. Dixie pulled up outside the offices of Tri-Counties Jail about ten minutes before she was due to start her shift. Seeing one of the girls arriving, she got out of the car. The girl spoke to her. "Morning. Now help. I've got a wardrobe malfunction." Dixie said as they walked into the building. Dixie explained her issue, and in a few minutes, Dixie had a pair of pants, which fit several more of various sizes and a velcro adjustable belt. "Thanks. I got to run." Dixie said as she made her way back to go park her car in her normal spot. BL was only slightly regretting her and Bo’s late night swing and then the midnight snack with Dixie that was well after midnight as Sadie nudged her elbow and barked, needing to go out. “Alright,alright I’m coming,” BL said, getting up and going downstairs, letting Sadie out into the backyard. Glad to be in town this morning, she could go back to bed a little while and still get to the Post Office by 8 and that is just what she did. Setting her alarm for 7:30 BL laid back down, putting a pillow over head. When the alarm went off, BL went downstairs to let Sadie in. “You can eat breakfast while I shower and get dressed,” BL put dry food in Sadie’s bowl then went back upstairs for a quick shower and to get dressed. At ten to 8 BL was dressed in a peach t-shirt dress that reached just below her knees. ‘Time for work,” Sadie trotted to the GTO jumping in. The mail truck was pulling up to the curb as BL was unlocking the front door, “morning Joe.” Daisy heard BL pull out and knew she should be getting home. She reached the farm in enough time to fix a good lunch for Bo and Uncle Jesse before they got in from the chores. She started laundry and began cleaning up the house some, then began working on bridal shower things. Scrapie was nearly as eager as Luke was for the plane to be in the air and heading for their home base camp. Bo came in to get him and Uncle Jesse a drink. Daisy was at the table working on all things wedding related, the bridal shower being top of the list because it was in just a couple days. “Hey Daisy watcha doing?” Bo asked. “Working on BL’s bridal shower and ya’lls wedding,” Daisy replied. “Did she tell you what we decided about the guest list, last night?” Bo asked. “No she was leaving just as I was getting up this morning,” Daisy answered, “Wait, last night?” Daisy asked, giving Bo a curious look, she hadn’t heard General Lee but maybe that’s because she’s used to the sound. Bo sighed he knew Daisy wouldn’t be satisfied until he explained, even if she didn’t come right out and ask. “I went to the Boar’s Nest for a while after unloading a load of stock. When I came through town I went by Dixie’s house to check to see if BL was there. She heard the General I guess and came out. We talked about how long the guest list is already, so we decided just close kin and only 10-20 friends.” Bo then fixed 2 glasses of lemonade going back out. "Bo? Bo Duke! Bo? You can't be serious! Can you??" Daisy asked hot on his heels. “We want to keep it small, so yeah I’m serious," Bo replied. "Bo, this is the biggest event all year! Come on! With Luke married out of the County and all, everyone in three Counties wants to be there!" “No Daisy! This is our wedding and this is what we want,” Bo said, in a forceful tone he never used with her. "Bo, ..... Bo, come on, the more people, the more presents." Daisy tried to reason with him. She knew she wanted everyone at her wedding and couldn't understand why Bo and BL wouldn't want the same. “Daisy we have everything we need,” Bo said, trying to get Daisy to understand. Jesse had been close enough to hear and though he missed the start of this conversation that had started in the house he had a pretty good idea what it was about and it looked like Bo might need some backup. “Uncle Jesse can you believe him, he only wants his and BL’s close kin and only 10-20 friends at his and BL’s wedding,” Daisy said, indignant. “That’s their call to make, I know of church weddings with less people there and they wasn’t elopements neither,” Jesse said, taking a drink of lemonade. "But, Uncle Jesse? Everyone will want to be there!" Daisy protested. “I’m sure they will but it just ain’t going to happen. Even if they invited 3 counties of folks, some wouldn’t come,” Daisy looked hopeful, Uncle Jesse was starting to understand. Jesse’s next words didn’t sound so understanding. “I said, IF they invited 3 counties of folks, the church wouldn’t hold ‘em all, even if some didn’t come,” Jesse said patiently. He knew Daisy only wanted the best for her cousin and friend. Bo explained, "Daisy, I just don't need to be gawked at by everyone who is just there to see what they can see. We want the people who mean something to us to be a part of this. Why do you think Luke and Dixie skipped out on all the drama?" Jesse hoped that was the reason Luke and Dixie had eloped. Daisy opened her mouth to argue that because Luke and Dixie eloped their family and friends had missed a very special time in their lives but Jesse cut her off. “That’s enough Daisy, you will respect Bo and BL’s wishes, is that understood,” Jesse said, putting his foot down. "Yes, Sir, Uncle Jesse." Daisy answered automatically. Daisy left for work a little early; she had a few errands to run before going in, the first being the bakery to order a cake for the bridal shower Saturday. She also wanted to get orders in for the wedding cake. Becky Lynn was just finishing up with another customer when the bell above the door signaled Daisy’s entry. “Morning Daisy, what can I get you today?” Becky Lynn asked, smiling warmly. “I want to order a sheet cake for a bridal shower, I’m giving Saturday,” Daisy replied. “Oh how nice, who’s the lucky bride to be?” Becky Lynn asked. “BL Davenport,” Daisy said, then wanted to know, “ Will you be open Labor Day?” “Oh my, that’s wonderful. Yes we’re open, always busy we can’t close shop for every holiday,” Becky Lynn replied. “Good, the wedding is Saturday, September 1st,” Daisy said. “Who she marrying?” Becky Lynn asked. Daisy lowered her voice before answering, “my cousin Bo but don’t tell, I’m on my way to put an announcement in tomorrow’s paper. “I promise not a word. I guess you want to order a wedding cake too, it’ll be here before you know it,” Becky Lynn said, ready to write it down. “I have a drawing of what BL wants,” Daisy pulled a folded piece of paper from her back pocket. Luke, Scrapie and the crew were back at base camp by noon and though they would have liked to have headed home there was a lot of unpacking and putting away of equipment before they could go their separate ways. Gloria Kravitz was ever present on her porch as Luke and Scrapie pulled into the driveway. Luke headed Scrapie to the backyard to run off some energy and to potty. Gloria ran in the house, "Abner, Abner, the oldest Duke is over there to get his stuff while his wife is at work." Luke finished his coffee he'd been drinking coming home, "Come on, Boy." Scrapie was on his heels. Luke looked in the freezer. He found a large roast and put it in the crock pot. He added spices and a bit of water and turned it on. He also put on a pot of coffee. Then, he headed upstairs for a shower. Freshly shaved and showered, Luke came down in pajama pants. After checking the roast and getting his coffee, Luke headed to the back door. Scrapie wanted back out to play. Luke sat on the porch steps watching Scrapie play. He figured he may as well get his bag out of the truck so bare footed and in only pajama bottoms Luke went to his truck, grabbed his bag and started back to the back yard. Gloria had stepped to her back porch in time to see Luke with his bag but couldn't see that he was wearing pajama bottoms. Gloria called out, "I'm sorry to see you leaving." "Leaving?"Luke repeated, confused. "Yes, it's such a shame when young people's marriages don't last. Especially when it's been such a short time." Gloria said. Luke had been taught manners and knew the woman was the town's busy body, but he was tired. "Look Mrs. Kravitz, I don’t know what you think you know, but you are way off base and you'd do yourself and all of us a favor if you don't concern yourself with what goes on over here." Luke walked up the steps, called Scrapie and went into the house to put his things in the washer. Mrs. Kravitz then got a glance of Luke dressed in only pajama bottoms and replied to Luke's rant, "Well, I have never." She stormed back into the house. Daisy went over to the Hazzard Gazette office after leaving the bakery then she planned to make a quick stop at the emporium for pretty but premade wedding invitations. “Hi Daisy, how are you and what do you need?” Norm, Luke’s newspaper buddy asked. “Hi Norm, I want to put an announcement in tomorrow’s paper,” Daisy said. “Ok just fill this out,” Norm handed Daisy a clipboard. Daisy wrote Bo Duke and BL Davenport would like to announce their wedding Saturday September 1st at Hazzard Gospel Church at 2pm. Invitation only, followed by a reception at the Boar’s Nest. Norm read over the notice and whistled lowly, "Wow! There's gonna be a lot of hearts broke when this comes out. If they want a photographer, I'm available." Daisy said, "Alright. I will let them know." Luke had his clothes in the washer. He stopped in the kitchen to add potatoes, carrots, onions and part of a beer to the roast. Refilled his coffee and went to the recliner in the living room. Scrapie made himself comfy between Luke and the chair for a nap. Luke picked up a newspaper from the days he'd been gone and comfortably settled down to do nothing until Dixie got home from work. Daisy wasn’t the only Duke with errands to run before work, Bo left in plenty of time to go by the Post Office and ask BL out to the farm for supper and hang around for a little bit if things weren’t busy. “Hey Darlin how’s it going?” Bo asked, leaning down to pet Sadie when she came over. “Pretty good, I guess,” BL replied. “Got plans after work?” Bo asked. “Not really, thought I might see if Daisy wants to work on the guest list some. Luke’s coming home so Dixie probably won’t want to hang out,” BL answered. Bo replied, “come for supper and ya’ll can work on it. She gets off at 6,” Bo said. Just then 3 customers came in so Bo stole a quick kiss saying;“See you at supper” then he headed out. Making a loop around the square, Bo saw Luke’s truck home, with some time to kill Bo turned the General in that direction. Luke heard the General coming around town and knew Bo would stop. He put his feet on the floor just as Bo parked. "That didn't last long." He said as he went to the door. Bo pulled in the drive behind Luke’s truck, slid out of General Lee and headed to the porch. Luke opened the door before Bo could knock or barge in, Bo cocked an eyebrow as he looked Luke up and down. “Pajama pants and bare feet in the middle of the day?” Bo asked then said “must be nice. Some of us still have work to do,” Bo managed to keep a straight face, while giving Luke a hard time. "Well, I did my work for the week in the past few days." Luke replied. Bo sniffed, "Something smells great. What did Dixie put on for supper?" Luke shook his head. Leave it to Bo to smell food, "I happened to have put a roast on so it will be done when Dixie gets home." "Ohhh." Bo teased, "Wow, has Dixie got you trained already?" Luke gave Bo a warning look, "Bo." Luke said simply. Bo held up his hands in surrender, “ok,ok I quit.” Bo took a seat on the couch; “Guess you and Dixie don’t want to come out to the farm for supper?”’ Bo asked. “Not tonight Bo, I just want to kick back and relax with my wife,” Luke replied. “I was hoping between Dixie and BL they could keep a handle on Daisy,” Bo said. Luke asked, "Now why would they need to keep a handle on Daisy?" He scratched Scrapie's head as he talked with Bo. “To keep her from inviting everybody in 3 counties to the wedding. She about had a conniption this morning when she found out we’re only inviting blood kin and just 10-20 friends,” Bo replied. Luke grinned, "Sorry." Bo gave Luke a questioning look, "Sorry for what?" Luke gave Bo a slight grin, "For eloping and making your wedding the first family 'event' she's had a hand in planning." "A hand in it, my foot. If we had let her, all we'd had to do was show up." Bo mildly complained. Luke held his coffee cup up in toast motion, "Understood." Luke said, then sighed, "But, she does it out of love, Bo." “I know she does, it's just too much sometimes. We just want a simple and small wedding. I tried talking BL into us just going to Chickamahoney and then having a big party like you and Dixie, she wouldn’t hear of it,” Bo told Luke all his frustrations, like he always had. “Oh yeah I almost forgot, it was Bobby Douglas that challenged us and General Lee to a race. He came to the Boar’s Nest last night. I told him it had to wait until you got back,” Bo said. Luke replied, "That figures. You know him and that bunch of young brats he runs around with need to be taught a few lessons. They drive around in cars their parents bought them and don't show anyone any respect from Rosco to the General to normal folk." “We need a plan to keep Rosco and Cletus out the way while we teach him a lesson. You heard Cletus. If I get myself arrested before the wedding BL will kill me,” Bo said. Luke nodded, "Yes, she will." Bo added, "And you know Rosco would just love to send us to Tri-Counties." "He might, but Boss would hate to pay that bill for housing." Luke hoped Boss's wallet would always be the deciding factor in whether or not to send them to the larger jail. “Speaking of Boss and Rosco, I seen them in town last night and it was pretty late, bet they’re upto something,” Bo said. Luke replied, "Got to be, but as long as they leave us alone, I don't care." “Amen,” Bo nodded, agrement, “I gotta get to work, catch you later cuz,” Bo said as he stood up. Luke replied, "Alright, Bo be careful." "You got it." Bo said heading out the door and to the General Lee. He cranked the engine to life and pulled out with the arch of the tires. Luke patted Scrapie's head who was tucked between Luke's leg and the chair snoozing. Luke thought he might have just enough time to close his eyes before Dixie got home. Dixie snacked at work as usual and ate lunch, but by the time she was nearing Hazzard she was hungry. She was trying to figure out what would be quick to make for supper. She planned to check the Boar's Nest first if Luke wasn't there, then she would head home. Dixie wasn't who would make it to Hazzard first. Unknowing that Luke was home with supper nearly ready. BL made a couple money order transactions, put up wanted posters and had opened a new PO Box before lunch, not to mention all the other daily duties of running the post office. She had been looking forward to maybe leaving a little early but that thought had gotten squashed when Ellen Sue called to say she had an out of town emergency. She knew Bo was at work so before going to the Boar’s Nest and finding herself alone, she made a loop around the square. Cooter was at the garage under a car’s hood and she could see Luke’s truck home, Dixie would be home soon probably. Dixie checked the Boar's Nest parking lot, only Daisy's ride was there. As she rounded the Square a pleasant sight met her, Luke's truck was in the driveway. Pulling in behind him she got out and grabbed the bag of new uniform pants then headed for the front door. As she opened the door she was met by the sound of a barking Scrapie. "Scrapie, it's me." Luke had managed to get his eyes open and met Dixie with a kiss. He reached to take the rather large bag. "What's this?" "Never mind that." Dixie wrapped her arms around Luke, "I missed you." "Well, I missed you too." Luke said, hugging Dixie back and leaning into another kiss as Scrapie jumped at their legs. He wasn't giving up until Dixie picked him up for a hug and kiss too. "I missed you too! Did you take care of Luke?" She was met with a sound like Scrapie was trying to tell her he had. "Well, did he take care of you too?" Dixie asked. Scrapie again tried his best to talk to her. "Really? It was bad? Oh, no, they didn't feed you? And made you jump out of perfectly good airplanes? Oh my!" Dixie said. Luke replied, "You know he's lying. Right?" Scrapie did his best to look pitiful and innocent. Dixie hugged him tighter, "You wouldn't lie would you?" Scrapie laid his head on her shoulder. Dixie now got a whiff of the roast. "Oh, Lord. Something smells good." Luke replied. "Surprise. Do you want to get comfy or eat first?" Dixie had already changed at work, she replied, "Eat. I'm starved." BL went by home first to get the invitation list that she, Dixie and Daisy had started last night, maybe she could get the addresses to the Duke kin that didn’t live in Hazzard, while they waited for Bo and Daisy to get home. “Hey Uncle Jesse,” BL said as she came in the back door. “I ain’t your Uncle Jesse…yet,” Jesse gave his usual response whenever a Davenport ‘kid’ called him ‘uncle’ but then in a gentler voice “tacked on the ‘yet’. “I guess Bo told you about our guest limit?” “Yes he did, him and Daisy wasn’t seeing eye to eye but don’t worry I straightened her out, told her it was yours and Bo’s decision to invite as many or as few as you want,” Jesse said. “Thank you,” BL said simply. “Anything I can help with,” BL asked a few minutes later. “No, the pork chops will be done, just about the time Bo gets home from work and Daisy won’t be far behind,” Jesse replied. “They smell great. How about giving me your brother’s addresses while we're waiting, so I can put them on the invitation list,” BL suggested. Jesse went to the desk in the livingroom, opening one of the drawers he retrieved a well used address book. Coming back to the kitchen he laid it on the table. “Here ya are,” Jesse said. “Thanks,” BL said, finding the addresses,writing them down. Luke had a good-sized helping of roast and veggies with bread and coffee. He found himself stuffed. Dixie had eaten a helping about his size. He stood up to rinse his plate, "Want me to rinse yours?" As he turned, he saw Dixie digging in for a second helping. "In a minute." Dixie said. Luke refilled his coffee cup and let Scrapie out back. He sat and watched Dixie as a slight grin made its way to his face. "What?" Dixie asked as she felt him watching her. Luke knew Dixie had never been one of the girls too shy to eat in front of someone, especially him, but he thought his Uncle Jesse a much better cook and said so, "I know that I am not the cook that Uncle Jesse is, but it looks like I did ok." "It's great, Honey. You got to show me how you did it." Dixie said, sopping up the last of the juice with a piece of bread. "I didn't do anything special. How about I put the rest in a container for your lunch tomorrow?" Luke offered. "Ok. I'll give these dishes a quick wash while you do that then." Dixie said. Once the dishes were done and the kitchen wiped up, Luke threw his clothes in the dryer, let Scrapie in and locked the back door. "Do you want to hang out down here?" Dixie replied, "Do you think we could get away with relaxing upstairs without a crisis arising?" Luke locked the front door, "We can sure try. Come on Scrapie." Scrapie headed upstairs ahead of them and curled up on Luke's pillow! BL and Jesse had talked while Jesse finished up supper and had started a new invitation list in her notepad, writing down the addresses she had by the correct name. Just as Jesse had said Bo was the first one home. “Hey Uncle Jesse, smells great,” Bo said, leaning in for a kiss when BL stood up and Jesse’s back was turned toward them. “Hi beautiful.” “Hi,” BL replied. ”I’m gonna do the chores then shower before we eat. I figure Luke’s got other things on his mind other than coming out here to do the chores,” Bo said, and went back out the door. BALLADEER: Looks like Ole Bo is right. As Dixie snuggled close to Luke, about to drift off to sleep, something struck her funny bone, and she couldn't contain the laugh. Luke was almost asleep until he heard Dixie laugh, "What?" Dixie laughed again, "You know it's a good thing I'm pregnant." Luke asked, confused, "Why?" "Because if I weren't already pregnant, I sure would be now." Dixie said. Luke thought a second about earlier events, "Yes, you mostly would have been, but I missed you." "Good." Dixie said, moving even closer to Luke. Bo was thinking about the wedding in just a little over a week. BL would be his to hold whenever he wanted and they could do whatever they wanted, he was glad he was alone outside as these thoughts made his jeans a mite too tight. He finished up with the chores and went around front, he didn’t want Uncle Jesse or BL seeing his frustration. “Be through directly, gonna shower,” Bo called on his way to get clean clothes. A second later Jesse and BL heard the bathroom door close. “Daisy’s home,” BL said, hearing Daisy’s roadrunner. Daisy came in, “Hey BL give me a minute to shower and change, get this smoke smell off me.” “Bo’s in the bathroom,” BL informed her. “Ok, but I gotta atleast change,” Daisy replied, going to her room. A minute later she came through with her work clothes, putting them in the washer. Dixie was awakened by the nagging feeling of having to go to the bathroom. She didn't want to get up. She was perfectly comfortable in Luke's arms. She tried to ignore the bathroom call, but soon gave up. She tried to easily slide out of the bed without waking Luke. Once done in the bathroom, Dixie wanted nothing more than to go back to bed, but the little Duke had other plans. She found herself in her packed lunch making a cold roast sandwich with mayo and ketchup. The sandwich hit the spot. So much so she fixed a second one. Bo came out of the bathroom dressed but still tucking in his shirt, going back to his room he sat on his bed to put his socks and boots on. Combing his hair he went back to the kitchen to find the others at the table waiting for him. Sitting by BL they had a nice meal, afterwards Daisy said, “You cooked Uncle Jesse, I’ll clean up, Why don’t you take your coffee and sit in your chair, relax and read the paper.” “I’ll help, it won’t take us long,” BL volunteered. “Thank ya girls,” Jesse replied, pouring a cup of coffee. Once the two girls were alone Daisy asked, “do you really only want family and just 10-20 friends at the wedding? Or is that all Bo?” “No it’s not all Bo, we agreed. If we were planning on lots of guests, we should have sent out invitations weeks ago,” BL replied. “Ok,” Daisy said simply, taking BL’s reasoning better than she had Bo’s excuses. Once the kitchen was back in order BL and Daisy sat down at the table to work on the guest list. Having a few names to add, Bo joined them. “Don’t forget your Aunt Kate, Bo. Think I’ll turn in,” Jesse said about 10 pm, it was his subtle way of telling BL it was time to go home. BL took the hint and gathered her stuff, outside Bo walked her to her car. Taking her arm load of stuff he put it on the passenger seat. "Breeze is nice out here tonight." Bo paused, "Want to take a walk down by the creek before you head home?" “Yeah it is,” BL replied, not answering Bo’s question right away but deciding that it wasn't the end of the world if something happened, they were getting married in a little over a week, “sure.” The summer night couldn't have been more perfect, warm breeze blowing, night sounds, the ripple of the creek. Bo took BL in his arms for a long kiss once they reached the creek. Once the kiss ended he said, "I've been wanting to do that all evening." “Well if I had known what being alone with you was going to get me, I’d have changed into shorts or jeans and then I could have helped you with the chores,” BL said, as she gently brushed Bo's chest down to the first button that he had buttoned, which was the 4th button from the top. Bo took that as an invitation to let his hands start doing some roaming of their own while kissing BL again. BL more than welcomed Bo's advance and finished unbuttoning Bo's shirt to let her hands wander over his sun tanned chest and back. Bo moved his lips downward and began nibbling on BL's neck. BL then moved to gently blow in his ear before moving to his neck. “Couldn’t you have worn something besides this,” Bo said in frustration. BL’s hands wandering over the skin of his chest and back was driving him crazy. “This activity wasn’t on my agenda, when I got ready for work this morning,” BL replied. Bo’s lips skimmed over her neck, sending chills down her spine. Bo and BL's petting was getting hotter and hotter. From out of nowhere, a deer came into the clearing for a drink of water. "Hoo, hoo, hoot!" Came from a startled nearby owl.’’ All the disturbance pulled BL back to earth, taking her hands away from their current activities and her lips from his, breathing hard she said “I better go it's late, Uncle Jesse is probably still listening for my car to crank.” Bo nearly whimpered, but he knew she was right, but he tried to protest, "Darlin', can't you stay a little longer?" The night had sure gotten hotter since they came out here and his jeans seemed to have shrunk. ”You know I can’t, just a few more days and we never have to leave each other again,” BL said, not quite sure who she was trying to convince more herself or Bo. Truth was she was all hot and bothered and wanted to stay as much as Bo wanted her to stay. Bo was glad it was dark outside as they walked back to the car. Once back at the house, BL left after a few more long kisses, which hadn't helped Bo's situation. As Bo started toward the bathroom, he heard Jesse call softly, "Bo." “Yes sir,?” Bo asked, going into Jesse’s room. In town, Luke had woken up to find his bed empty, except for Scrapie. He got up easily and went to check to make sure Dixie was alright. She wasn't in the bathroom. Luke eased downstairs, finding a small light on in the kitchen, he moved quiet as a mouse toward the light. He found Dixie eating a second cold roast sandwich. He had to grin just a bit. He would have liked to have stayed in the shadows and watched his wife, but said quietly, "Two o'clock feedings already?" Dixie about jumped out of her skin! "Luke! You scared me to death!" BL was glad the top was down on her car; it would give her a chance to cool down before she got home. Once home she hoped to sneak in the back door and to her room, without Sadie notifying the whole house that she was home. Opening the back door just wide enough to slip through, so it wouldn’t squeak, BL turned just as Sadie ‘woofed’ lowly. “Shh, please don’t bark,” BL said, picking Sadie up, easing down the hall to her room. "Kind of late on a work night for you both ain't it?" Was what Jesse asked, but it was what he didn't say was what Bo heard loud and clear, by the tone of Jesse's voice. “Yes sir I suppose it is, we just lost track of time,” Bo replied, leaving out any further explanation. He didn’t want to mislead his Uncle but he wasn’t going to give details either. Jesse simply said, "Good night, Bo." Bo replied, "Good night Uncle Jesse. I love you." "I love you too, son. Remember, a week isn't that long." Jesse said. Next day BL sorted the mail then worked on wedding invitations in between interruptions, trying to either get them ready for mailing or to just deliver when she delivered the mail. Hazel, the only other woman deputy Hazzard ever had besides Daisy, came in the post office with a copy of The Gazette in her hand. “I’ll be, I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t just read it. Another one of Jesse Duke’s boys getting hisself married.” Luke wasn't in too big of a hurry as he watched Dixie getting ready for work. She had her uniform pants on. Unknown to him, that was a size up from her old ones. She was standing facing the mirror with her hands up brushing her hair and putting her hair up. Luke studied her from behind. It was still early for her to be showing, but knowing her body like he did, he could see that she had gotten ever so slightly wider in her hips. Luke knew better than to say anything about her 'gaining weight', but he couldn't help the slightest look of contentment, or maybe it was satisfaction of knowing his baby was growing. Dixie turned around and saw the look on his face. It was the same look he had last night watching her feed her face at 2am, "What?" Luke stood up and wrapped his arms around her from behind. "I love you." Dixie laughed at him a little, "Well, I love you too, but I gotta get moving." Luke couldn't let her go without cupping each of her breasts for a bit of a squeeze. Dixie leaned into him, relaxed and was enjoying the attention just a bit too much when she suddenly teased and said, "Ow." Luke let go. "What?" Dixie took his hand and guided it gently over her breast to the area he had been squeezing. "Right there it's sore.” “I guess you’re here to get your mail? Not just to talk about the announcement in the paper,” BL said, the light catching the diamond on her hand, making it sparkle. “Wow that’s a nice rock you got there,” Hazel said. BL looked at her left hand smiling. “It was Bo’s mother’s ring,” BL replied, giving Hazel her mail, then Hazel was off with a wave. ”Hello, Duke farm, this is Jesse,” Jesse laid the firewood in his hands, on the stack before answering. “Just a minute,” Jesse held the receiver out to Bo, “it’s for you.” Bo came over and took the receiver, talking a few minutes then saying, “be there in 15 minutes Tom,” Bo hung up. “That was my foreman, one of the driver’s is sick and Tom needs me to fill in,” Bo picked up his shirt and headed inside. Within less than 5 minutes Bo had washed off a bit and put on his work shirt and headed to work. "I'm sorry." Luke said, then asked, "Are you alright?" Dixie replied a bit puzzled as to why she would be sore there of all places, "Yeah. Fine. It just took me a bit by surprise. I must have bumped into or hit something. I got to hurry." She said, glancing at the clock. Luke replied, "OK. I should be home at the normal time. Are we stopping at the Boar's Nest tonight?" Dixie grinned mischievously, "Only if you put that other roast on to cook before you leave." She tossed her head to the side, batted her eyes and gave her best puppy dog eyes as she gave him a smile. "That, I can do. Get out of here so you aren't late." Luke said. Dixie replied, "I just got to stop by the kitchen and get my snack, that used to be my lunch." BL postmarked the invitations that she was mailing out, so she could take them up to Colonial City later today with the rest of the day’s outgoing mail. Bo loaded the truck, then checked the route of the driver he was filling in for, it looked like he’d be going over into Chickasaw County. He’d atleast be able to meet up with the others after work. Luke finished getting ready, let Scrapie outside while he put the roast in the crockpot with the veggies and set it on low. He then grabbed his small bag with his extra change of clothes that he kept in his truck and headed out. As he left, he saw the curtain move at the Kravitz home. He shook his head and turned out into the Square. Bo was cruising along at a steady pace as he drove toward the county line with his load when he saw Luke’s truck. He gave a couple blasts on the horn to get Luke’s attention, wishing the horn had a distinctive sound like General Lee’s. Luke reached for the CB mic, "Aren't you out early?" Bo replied, "I was about to ask you if you were running late?" Luke replied, "No. An added bonus from being out of town this week." ”Ah, ok. I got called to fill in, so I’ll be able to meet everybody at the Boar’s Nest after work,” Bo said. Luke replied, "Sounds good. Catch ya later." Cooter took a break from the engine repair he was making on Mr. Wilson's pick-up truck. He got a soda and stepped out to the curb to get a breath of fresh air. Walking back inside, he said to Luther, "Town sure is quiet today." “Probably because your sister’s husband and his cousin are both working. I seen Bo go through earlier.” Luther replied. Cooter replied, "You know you could be right. Rosco isn't going to have much to do now days at all." BALLADEER: Rosco only wished that were true. Rosco was currently waiting outside of Boss Hogg's house. When Boss came outside Rosco asked, "So why am I driving you this morning instead of your normal driver?" Boss said, " Because I said so, besides your cut is less than his to keep his mouth shut." Rosco drove Boss Hogg out to the abandoned building of Hogg’s icehouse where they were meeting Boss Hogg’s partners in his latest deal to spend less for medication at the drug store in town. “Vic, Jack good to see you,” Boss stuck his cigar in his mouth to shake hands. Vic and Jack eyed Rosco suspiciously, a sheriff was never mentioned. Rosco had been in regular clothes the other night in town. “You didn’t say he was a sheriff the other night, this better not be a trick Hogg.” Vic said, menacingly. Boss Hogg back peddled just for a second, "Oh, oh, no, no, it's nothing like that. This is MY Sheriff. He's my brother in law, don't ya know. He's the best Sheriff my money can buy." Rosco beamed, "Awwww, that's nice Boss!" "Would you just shut up you numb skull." Boss Hogg said. "So here's the list of inventory and what we are paying." Jack layed out what he could supply the same inventory for. “I want the first delivery Saturday night,” Boss instructed. “We can do that, just make sure you’re at the drugstore at 1am” Jack replied. “Good, good. Me and the sheriff will be waiting,” Boss Hogg said. Their business concluded the 4 men went their separate ways. Dixie was off work, had changed clothes and was enjoying her drive home. Checking the time, she figured to pretty much meett Luke in the parking lot. Luke and Scrspie were coming from the other direction. Luke for one was looking forward to a nice cold beer. BL had started the mail route a little early today so she’d have time to hand deliver invitations, except where there was noone home, she had put those in folks' mailboxes. When she got back to the post office she had run the day’s outgoing mail she had collected and what was dropped off at the post office up to Capitol City. After she got back from there she’d done a few things and then changed into some shorts instead of the jeans she’d worn to work but was now headed to the Boar’s Nest. Bo was almost at the Chickasaw county line, a quick vehicle trade and he’d be on his way for a well deserved cold beer. It was hot today and the truck’s AC was broken. Dixie pulled into the lot right behind Luke and Scrapie and pulled in beside them. Luke looked over as Dixie pulled beside him, "Hey, Lady. Got a date for tonight?" Dixie nodded, "Afraid so with my husband." Luke replied, "Oh, ok. Sorry to bother you." Dixie shot him a look, "Luke!" Then asked, "Scrapie, what am I supposed to do with him?" Scrapie woofed as he and Luke got out of the pickup and came around to open Dixie's door for her. BL had been the first to get to the Boar’s Nest as she often did, Bo was usually right behind her but today he was working. When Dixie and Luke got to the table, there was Sadie laying beside BL’s chair in her K9-Postal worker vest. “It’s too hot to leave her in the car," BL explained. Daisy had come over to get their drink order and food for Dixie too and heard BL’s explanation said “and get Rosco’s goat too,” BL grinned replying, “maaayybeee”. “Luke, BL ya’ll want a beer? A cold glass of tea for you Dixie?” Daisy asked “Can I have the honey BBQ wings and fries with slaw on the side too? I missed lunch.” BL replied. Bo came up about then, kissed BL “bring me a beer too, will ya Daisy?” Bo asked petting Sadie. “Coming right up, then I’ll get the dogs some water,” Daisy said, going back to the bar. Dixie was trying not to order food right away, but if Luke had done as asked, they had a whole beef roast at home. As Daisy brought back BLs wings, she snitched one. Taking a bite confirmed that she needed an order, "Daisy? Can I get an order of Buffalo wings and extra blue cheese dressing?" "Sure, Honey." Luke asked, "Won't it bother your heartburn?" "I haven't had heartburn in a couple of weeks." “Hey! Get your own,” BL said. Dixie replied as she munched on BL's wing, " I did, you can have one of mine." Daisy passed out the drinks asking Dixie, “do you want a platter or just a wing snack, (which was just a basket of wings). "Just the wings but the double order " Dixie replied. “Ok, be back shortly,” Daisy said, going back to the bar. A minute later Bobby Douglas came up ”you old timers ready to eat my dust? Bobby taunted. Luke was moving his chair back as he calmly said, "Let's take this outside. Bo?" Outside was good with Bo. He moved his chair back as he said, " Alright." “This probably won’t be good,” BL said , watching the three guys walk out. Daisy brought Dixie’s wings and bowls and a pitcher of water, “Where did Bo and Luke go?” Dasy asked, setting a bowl down for each dog, filling it with water. Outside Bobby looked at the infamous Duke boys then at General Lee, “you really think that hunk of can beat my mustang?” “With his eyes closed,” Bo replied. About that time Cooter pulled into the lot in the wrecker. He saw the three men squared off and decided to see what was up. He walked toward them in time to hear Bobby ask, "Where and when?" Luke knew the best place to race was up by Hounddog lake on the straight stretch. At least there they stood a chance not to get Rosco involved. "Up at the lake, ...." “Saturday night, 1 am” Bo replied. Cooter added, “I’ll bring the draggin’ wagon.” The men then parted company, Bobby going back inside, while Bo, Luke and Cooter stayed outside to talk. “Did you get that part for the General?” Bo asked. “Came today,” Cooter replied. “Great, we can work on the General tomorrow night, spend all night getting him ready. Just like we used to do to get ready for a race,” Bo said. Luke handed Cooter some bills out of his wallet, "Stock the fridge." "You got it!" Cooter said. "Let's get back inside." Luke suggested. The girls had seen Bobby come inside alone. “I wonder what’s up?” BL said. “They are probably just talking and will be in,in a minute,” Dixie replied. She had barely finished speaking when Bo, Luke and Cooter too came in. “See,” Dixie said. Daisy came over as the guys sat down she asked Cooter, “What can I get ya Cooter beer, coffee or soda?” “Beer,” Cooter replied. Daisy had just sat Cooter's beer down when Luther came in and took a seat at the bar. Cooter said cheerfully after taking a long drink of his beer, "I'll be right back just as soon as I hand these keys off." Dixie laughed, "Dad can never say that his son isn't glad to see him at least once a day." BL chuckled and munched on her fries giving one to Sadie because she knew Sadie would stare a hole through her until she shared. Unlike many dogs BL had seen that yipped and whined carrying on, begging for food their owners were eating, Sadie had found staring quietly was more effective, carrying on had got her scolded. Back at the Duke farm it was drizzling outside and with Bo and Daisy both not at home, Jesse figured he might as well call Elbert and John and break the news about Bo’s wedding, in case the invitations were late for some reason. Cooter now sat back down contently to finish his beer. Dixie looked over at Luke, "Well?" Luke didn't want to talk too much in the Boar's Nest, "The walls have ears Darlin'." "How did I know that was going to be my answer?" Dixie said reaching for another wing, content to wait until they were home for the information she wanted to know. Luke reached for a wing. "Careful, you might draw back a nub." Bo said. Dixie and Luke both replied, "Cute, Bo." Jesse called his brother Elbert up in Tennessee first to tell them the good news of Bo and BL getting married. Elbert’s wife Bessie answered “Duke farm, this is Bessie.” “Bessie, this is Jesse, how are ya? How’s Elbert and the kids?” Jesse asked his sister inlaw. “We’s all fine Jesse, is something wrong? Give me a minute and I’ll call Elbert, “No nothing’s wrong, just thought I’d call and tell ya’ll the news. We’s going to have us a wedding in about a week,” Jesse said. “What?! Daisy or Bo?,” Bessie asked. “Bo,” Jesse replied. “Who’s the girl?” Bessie asked. “Dixie’s cousin BL,” Jesse replied. "A week?! Elbert!" Bessie called, then continued to talk, "You know that Pauline and me just knew once one of them boys settled down that the rest of them would follow, but a week isn't much notice. I hope you all have known longer....Elbert, Jesse is on the phone. No, nothing is wrong." Bessie said. Jesse looked heavenward, he knew Pauline was going to be twice as bad as Bessie. “We’ve known about three and a half weeks. They just didn’t want everybody to know right off,” Jesse said. Bessie didn’t understand why the ‘kids’ would want to keep such big news quiet “why not? Getting married is one of the most important days in a youngster’s life,” “I don’t rightly know why, just wanted to let you know in case the invitation is a few days late for some reason. You know how slow the mail can be,” Jessie said. As everyone finished their drinks, Luke suggested, "How about we drop off your car in town and go out to the farm. I can help Bo with chores and Scrapie can chase something." Dixie laughed. Sometimes Scrapie seemed to hunt without knowing exactly what he was hunting for. "Fine by me." At the Duke Farm Jesse was making the call he was looking forward to the least, Pauline stopped icing her cake to answer the phone, whoever it was better be quick before her icing started to set "Duke Farm." "Pauline, this here is Jesse. I don't suppose John happens to be nearby, is he?" "No, he shouldn't be back til supper time. I was just icing the cake I baked earlier," Pauline said. The two exchanged the usual ’is everything alright and how was everyone' before Jesse took another drink of coffee. He both looked forward to spreading this news in Placid but also dread of what he knew would follow...... Jesse smiled just a bit as he said, " Pauline, I have some good news for a change. news that should make you very happy." Pauline asked, cradling the receiver between her chin and shoulder. As she went back to frosting her cake, “What’s that Jesse?” “Bo is getting married next Saturday,” Jesse replied. Pauline dropped her knife in the bowl of icing,"I knew once Luke took the plunge, the other boys would start to follow,” "To whom? I never knew he was dating anyone steady. Do we know the girl?" “BL Davenport,” Jesse said, then added “I’ll let you get back to your cake, just wanted to tell you the news in case the invitation was a little slow getting there. I better get supper started, Bo’s got hisself a part time job now and he’ll be hungry when he gets home.” Jesse ended the call before Pauline could question him to death. “Darlin why don’t you drop your car off at home and I’ll pick you and Sadie up and ya’ll can come out to the farm too? Sadie can hunt with Scrapie,” Bo suggested to BL. “I need to wash a load of towels if anybody’s taking showers tonight or in the morning. I want to change sheets on my bed, I didn’t have time this morning, I’ll come out in a little while,” BL replied. Bo looked a bit disappointed but agreed, everybody then went their separate ways. At the Duke farm Dixie went into the house to see if Uncle Jesse needed any help while Bo and Luke did chores. “Hey Uncle Jesse, need any help?’ Dixie asked. Jesse replied, "You can set the table. I think I have everything else under control." Dixie turned to get the plates when Jesse noticed Dixie's jeans. "You know I usually don't butt into things, but I got to ask. When are you going to stop wearing those jeans?" Dixie looked at her jeans, thinking that Jesse meant that particular pair of jeans. "These jeans? What's wrong with them?" She asked. Jesse corrected, "Not those specifically, but jeans in general. Ain't they kind of tight around your waist?" Dixie tugged at her waistline a bit and put her fingers between her still flat belly and the jeans. Never mind that they were a size bigger than her daily jeans, "They aren't tight." Luke had stepped in the back door in time to hear Dixie's protest. Jesse replied, "Well, I ain't saying that you need maternity pants yet, but some stretchy pants may be more comfortable for you two." Dixie and Lukd both knew Jesse only had everyone's best interest in mind. Dixie replied without ever knowing that Luke heard the conversation, "I'll look around and dig some out." She kissed Jesse on the cheek as she went back for the silverware. BL put a load of towels, wash cloths, dish towels and a dish wash rag in the washer, it was a small load but they needed clean bath towels and washcloths. Going back to the kitchen and starting a lasagna for supper. “What’s for supper Sis? LB asked, coming in the back door. “Lasagna,” BL replied. LB sat his lunchbox on the counter then said “going to help Dad with chores.” While the lasagna baked, BL changed sheets on her bed, then made a salad and cooked a pan of pre-made rolls and set the table. Clyde and LB came back in, just as BL put the lasagna on the table with the salad and rolls. “Perfect timing, wash up,” BL said. “Ain’t you eating?” Clyde asked only seeing two plates. “No, I missed lunch and was starving so I ate at the Boar’s Nest. ” BL replied, adding, “I’m headed to the Dukes, Dixie and Luke are there. I shouldn’t be too late,” BL said, hurrying out the door before Clyde could give her the third degree. Jesse had let a pot of beans cook all day. Then, made cornbread and fried pork chops. He had used one chop to season the beans. Several fresh green onions were cleaned and put in a small glass of water on the table to be chopped into the beans if you wanted them. In a pot on the back of the stove was fresh buttered and seasoned greens that were set on the table. Luke hadn't eaten since lunch, except for the wing he snitched at the Boar's Nest and being home he dug in. Dixie had made a small plate just to be polite since she had eaten wings earlier. Bo ate his plate and got a bit more. Dixie had gotten a small piece of the cooked chop in her spoon of beans with a small piece of cornbread and a bite of greens. Once her plate was empty she found she needed a bit more. The logic she tried to use with herself wasn't working. It seemed that she had not ever tasted better pork chops than the piece of one in the beans and the greens. She wasn't sure what Jesse had done to them but she had to have more. While everyone else was ready for dessert, Dixie was content with real food. "What did you do different to these beans and greens?" She asked. Jesse said with a slight grin, "Nothing that I haven't been doing to them for the past fifty years." "You had to. I've eaten plenty of beans here, but these are different." Dixie said. Jesse just gave her smile.Daisy and Dixie were just finishing the dishes when BL pulled up. Bo and Luke were under the General’s hood tinkering when BL pulled up. As soon as the car stopped Sadie bailed over the side to catch up with Scrapie who was on the hunt for something. BL wasn’t sure what but Sadie was more than eager to help him find it, as BL went inside. “Looks like I got here at the perfect time, ya’ll look about done,” BL said. "Planned it that way?" Dixie kidded. BL replied, "I didn't want to show up in the middle of supper." Dixie said to Daisy, "Or middle of dishes." Jesse had moved to the porch with his coffee and paper but was having more entertainment watching the boys, the pups and listening to the girls in the kitchen. He was content. His boys were happy. There were women in his house (family) and there was even a new little Duke on its way. Scrapie caught the scent of something and ran to the corner of the barn with Sadie beside him. There he set into digging with dirt flying. Sadie watched him then figured if digging was ok that she would help. Scrapie woofed, whimpered and woofed in Luke's direction then dug some more. Again he woofed toward Luke. Luke finally went over to him, "What?" Scrapie woofed again frantically. Luke said, "I can't move the wall." Scrapie barked as if that was exactly what he wanted. Luke went in the barn and moved a board on the other side of the wall. About ten rats of all sizes ran in different directions. Scrapie was on one and grabbed it just outside the barn door. Three shakes it was dead and he was on another one's trail. Sadie kept digging for a minute, then a rat scurried by getting her attention. Sadie ‘woofed’ and pounced, grabbing up the rodent and giving it a good shake before dropping the dead one to snatch up another giving it the same treatment. Jesse was having fun watching the dogs from the porch. "Lift that tarp on the old tractor." Rats ran. Dogs pounced. "I need to borrow those two one day. Good job Sadie. Scrapie, that one is as big as you." Jesse said. Dixie asked the others, "What are we missing?" “Let’s go find out,” BL said. The girls went out back to literally find a rat race going on. The dogs were filthy from their digging expedition but were having a great time chasing, catching and killing rats. Jesse had even made his way out toward the barn. He knew where the rats were that traps and cats had managed to miss. He was directing Bo and Luke to move certain things, causing rats to scatter. Any old barn with years of animal feed in it always had its share of varmints. "Do you believe them?" Daisy asked. Dixie replied, "Dachshunds were bred to hunt badgers." Daisy frowned, "I meant the three men, not the two dogs." “I guess there’s still a little boy in every man, no matter how old the man is,” BL said, watching the antics of Jesse directing Bo and Luke every which way,rats scattering and the dogs giving chase. Sadie was really getting into it, grabbing a rat and giving it a good shake. Seeing the girls now she brought her prize over, laying it at BL’s feet. “A present for me,” BL said, less than enthusiastic. Daisy and Dixie laughed. “She’s filthy, she needs a bath before she gets in my car or my bed,” BL said as Sadie was on the hunt again. Dixie laughed at BL. Seeing Scrapie after another rat, she said, "Get it, boy!" Scrapie indeed got it. Three shakes later the rat layed lifeless. Jesse stated, "I need these two out here like this on a regular basis." He laughed at the pups. "Scrapie is two up on Sadie." Sadie acted like she knew what he was saying and promptly caught up with Scrapie. Bo replied, "Not anymore Uncle Jesse. It's a tie now." Dixie looked at Daisy and BL, "Do you believe it, they are keeping score?" “I’d believe anything about now. I wouldn’t have believed it this morning if you had told me I’d be watching a literal rat race this afternoon,” BL said. Both dogs were still going strong but Bo and Luke were losing steam. Luke finally said, "OK, Scrapie, let's go get you a drink and cleaned up." Bo protested, "Hold up a second. Sadie needs one more to tie him." He moved a board and one rat scurried out. Sadie was closer and pounced it." Jesse said alright as soon as you get the dogs watered and cleaned up. Dig a hole and put all those rats in it away from here so the dogs won't try digging them up later." Dixie looked at BL, "Well, at least you got out of having to clean Sadie up." "True." BL remarked. Jesse said, "Come on to the porch girls the pies should be cool by now." "Pie?" Dixie asked eagerly. “Daisy, will you bring us the dish soap?” Bo asked. “Sure Bo,” Daisy replied, going into the house. Coming back out she had also brought a small washtub, “here ya go fellas. Luke I brought the small washtub, thought it’d be easier than trying to get to Scrapie on the ground.” Before Luke got one word out BL squealed, hands out like she was reaching for something. “Sadie no don’t!” Too late, Sadie shook water all over BL. Bo threw his head back and laughed hard, that is until BL turned the hose on him. When Bo got control of the hose, he tried to soak BL who managed to get away; he instead got Daisy who was standing a mite too close to Bo and right by Luke who had just filled the wash tub. He promptly threw the water on Bo. Scrapie used this distraction to make his escape and ran into Dixie's lap and arms. "Scrapie!" Dixie was relatively dry still compared to the rest, Luke turned to Dtxie, somehow he’d gotten control of the hose, “let me help sweetheart,” Luke said with an innocent look, just before he sprayed his wife. “Lucas Keith Duke, I'll get you for that,” Dixie threatened. Jesse was watching from the dry, safety of the screened in back porch “not as growed up as they think they are,” Jesse chuckled. Luke may have held the nozzle of the hose, but Dixie was able to get Luke's arm and wrist in such a way that she caused him to spray both of them. Luke finally tossed the water hose to a hopefully neutral zone, then wrapped his arms around his wife, picking her up and only letting her down once he reached a large mud hole. Dixie wasn't having any of being the only one muddy and managed to trip Luke up. The next thing anyone paying attention saw was the couple basically mud wrestling in the mud hole. Daisy spotted the abandoned hose about three feet away, making a dash grabbing it off the ground. She had a score to settle with Bo, who didn't see her mad dash because he was too busy watching Luke and Dixie wrestling in the mud. “Hey Bo,” Daisy said, giving him a soaking when he looked her way. Bo ran and caught Daisy, finally getting the hose back, but not before he was soaking wet. Bo pointed the hose at BL but he just shot a stream of water at her a couple times, just enough to set her on the run as he advanced, when she saw a chance she circled around intending to sneak up behind him and cause him to spray himself but his alertness from moonshining days were tingling. Whirling around Bo let loose a rebel yell as he sprayed his retreating fiance. "Bo!" BL screamed! Bo was dying laughing. Daisy grabbed the hose momentarily kicking it so the spray of water came out as a trickle.. Bo turned facing Daisy, she pointed the trickling hose right at him, she had backed out of reach the minute she got control. “Take one step and you’re toast, soggy but toast nonetheless,”Daisy said. BL had filled an empty 5 gallon bucket from the spigot while Daisy had his full attention. Bo felt cocky he’d taken the hose once from Daisy already, so he took that ill fated step. “NOW BL” Bo was assaulted front and back as Daisy turned the hose on spray in front and BL dashed her bucket of water from behind. Bo grabbed BL taking her to the ground in the now wet, muddy yard. BL grabbed a handful of mud and slimed Bo. Soon mud was flying and hands were wandering, much like what was happening with Luke and Dixie. Jesse gave Daisy a look to put an end to the nonsense so that everyone could get cleaned up and things squared away before it got dark. It was a good thing it was a warm evening or they would have all caught their death! “Ya’ll we gotta stop, the dogs still need cleaning up, them dead rats need burying and we all need to get cleaned up before dark.” Daisy said but the others weren’t listening. Their minds were on all the places their busy hands wanted to go. Spraying off her hand, shaking off the water Daisy put her thumb and middle finger in the corners of her mouth, giving a sharp whistle, getting the others' attention. “And pie to eat,” Dixie added, more ready for it than before their water fight. Everyone looked like they were professional mud wrestlers getting up and trying to wipe the mud off. Luke said, "That's not gonna work." He went over to the hose and began hosing himself off with the cold well water. "Who's next?" Daisy was less muddy. "Here. Then I'll go get towels." Luke figured exactly what Daisy was going to do and moved to the side of the house away from the back porch. "Come on Dixie. Daisy will meet you on the back porch with towels so you can strip down on the back porch and head to the shower." Daisy had indeed dropped her shorts, top and shoes on the back porch. Luckily she had a dry load of towels in the dryer. She wrapped a towel around herself and took the rest to the porch. Dixie took the hose and started to say something. Luke answered her before she could say it, "You didn't have a problem with it being cold when you sprayed me." "True." Dixie giggled at the sight of the others as she hosed down then dripped dry enough to not be soaking wet before going to the back porch. Luke asked a bit louder than intended, "Need any help?" Dixie never got the chance to answer. Jesse replied with a bit of a warning tone, "Luke. The others have to shower too and it is not quicker for newlyweds to take one shower. When Bo gets the mud off ya’ll take care of the dogs again and then the rats." Dixie just grinned and went on the porch to strip off and head to the shower. Daisy had grabbed a robe and was taking everyone's wet clothes to the washer as they took them off. Since she was mainly just wet, she would shower last. She also emptied the coffee pot and made a fresh pot to go with the pies. Bo had turned his back toward the house, giving the girls some privacy. “My turn,” BL said, taking the hose, rinsing off the worst of the mud. Bo could feel his wet jeans getting more uncomfortable by the second as his mind insisted on flashing images in his head of just what BL was doing behind him. BL peeled off her shorts and tank top. BL giggled when she discovered Bo’s muddy wandering hands had left prints on her belly. Clothes and shoes on the back porch BL wrapped a towel around herself saying as she stepped inside, “All yours Bo”. Bo turned around and picked up the hose, glad the well water was cold. Dixie quickly showered, wrapped a towel around her and cracked the door to find BL waiting on her. "Is coast clear to Daisy's room?" BL replied, "Yes, now let me in, I'm cold." Dixie made her way to Daisy's room looking for something to wear. She, BL and Daisy had always shared clothes and figured if it fit you, wear it. Opening a drawer where Daisy kept some of her looser jeans, Dixie found a pair of jeans she had worn before then grabbed a top with spaghetti straps. She even found some of her own underwear that she had left behind. Once dry she put on the underclothes then the jeans, but they felt tighter than usual even in the thighs. Once she pulled them up, she saw there was no way they were zipping. She took them off, folded them back and went back to the dresser. BL showered and gave her hair a quick wash, drying off then scrubbing the towel over her hair, soaking up water before wrapping the towel around herself she made a dash for Daisy’s room after checking to make sure the coast was still clear, Dixie was still only half dressed, rummaging through drawers, “Thought you’d be dressed and ready for pie,” BL said opening what had become ‘her’ dresser drawer over the years. “I’m looking for jeans, Bo must have done laundry and shrunk the ones I was gonna wear,” Dixie said. “Dixie I love you like a sister but maybe it’s not the jeans that shrunk,” BL found her extra underclothes and then put on one of Daisy’s sleeveless tops and a pair of jeans, she was still a little chilly. Looking in the mirror she brushed tangles out of her hair. Dixie gave BL a look, then said, "It's too early for me to be showing. See?" She stood up straight and stood sideways in front of the full mirror." “Just because you're not showing don’t mean you’re still the same size you’ve always been,” BL said, eyeing Dixie closely. "Well, I may not be but I haven't really noticed any changes. I've just felt, I don’t know, bloated maybe." Dixie gave up on the pants search for a moment and put the low cut top on to find that it too seemed to have shrunk. “I don’t know what to tell ya, maybe Daisy has some pants with elastic in the back she don’t really wear atleast and a button up shirt that fits looser,” BL suggested. As if on cue, Daisy came in to get changed after getting a shower before the guys came in from bathing the dogs. "Help." Dixie said. "I've always worn this outfit and it fit fine. Now, not so fine and, you hush." She playfully said to BL. Daisy tried to hide her grin, but opened another drawer and found joggers which were big on her and a regular t-shirt. "Try these. If they work, you will at least make Uncle Jesse happy." Dixie put on the outfit, even though it wasn’t her normal style she had to admit they were the most comfortable clothes she had worn lately, ”thanks Daisy,” Dixie said. “No problem sugar,” Daisy replied. Daisy put on a low V necked, form fitting t-shirt and jeans. “Now how about some pie, I’m hungry after all that exercise,” BL said. Dixie and Daisy were quick to agree, so they went to join Jesse on the front porch. Luke stepped out onto the porch freshly showered, shaved and carrying his wet muddy boots. He knew to leave some clothes here when he took his things to town, but he hadn't expected to have to change due to a mud bath. Dixie was just telling Daisy how comfy the clothes were as Luke stepped out. Luke said, a strange tone to his voice, "You're welcome Darlin and thank you for finding them. I've looked for that shirt for a while now." Daisy innocently replied, "It must have ended up in my drawer by mistake." "So tell me about the joggers." Luke said. Daisy replied, "Now, Luke, the shirt may be yours but the pants I've had forever." Luke nodded, "I had gave up on them years ago but I'm betting if you look right about here," He flipped the waistband down to show the printed words. He smiled, "You'll see why they lasted so long." Imprinted in the waistband was, "Duke, L. USMC" "I wonder how those got there?" Daisy asked. “I don’t think you’ll be getting them back anytime soon but at least you know where to find them now,” BL said grinning. Dixie made room on the swing for Luke to sit beside her. Bo came out, his hair still wet, feet bare and his shirt unbuttoned and untucked showing off his tanned chest and belly. “Did you two get them rats and the dogs took care of?” Jesse asked. His question was answered affirmatively. Luke said, "Sadie and Scrapie are clean and watered and in the barn to get dry and stay out of the mud. He was working on trying to get his boots clean but decided he'd just go bare footed until he got home. He wasn't really wanting to dig his work boots out of the truck. “I’m ready for some pie, is anybody else?” Daisy asked. The question was met with a chorus of yes. “I’ll help,” BL said. “Me too,” Dixie added. Three girls went inside, coming back a few minutes later with the pie, coffee pot, forks, saucers and coffee cups for all of them. Using a couple crates turned up on their ends for tables, they sat their loads down. Daisy served pie while BL poured the coffee. After the pie, the girls cleared the dishes and got the kitchen in order, then returned to the porch to talk, cuddle and just enjoy the evening. Jesse got up a bit later and went in the house. No one paid it much attention until a bit later when Luke suggested that he, Dixie, and Scrapie head home. Jesse said, "Daisy, go get that basket on the table for Dixie." "Basket? For me?" Dixie questioned. "A snack for later. Lunch for tomorrow. Whenever the little tyke wants it." Jesse said. Dixie replied as she gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek, "Thank you, but you didn't have to do that." "I like to see people enjoy my cookin'." Uncle Jesse said, then added, "This bunch has gotten tired of it." “I ain’t , it's my own I get tired of,” BL said. "There could be reasons for that." Dixie kidded. “What might that reason be, cousin dear?” BL asked, cocking an eyebrow. "You've eaten your cooking right?" Dixie poked. “Cute, you never complained when we lived in town together and I had supper cooked and waiting when you had to work over,” BL retorted. "I'm picking on you. Don't be so sensitive." Dixie said. "Night ya'll." Luke asked, "Do you want Sadie when I get Scrapie? It's still muddy out here." ”I’m not mad, it's all good,” BL said to Dixie then to Luke “Yes please, just put her in the car and tell her to stay. I’m going soon. I told Daddy I wouldn’t be late.” Luke replied, "I'll tell her, but there is mud out here." Luke wisely carried Scrapie to his truck and continued to tell Sadie to go to the car and stay til BL got there. He opened the truck door for Dixie and put Scrapie in, "Night ya'll. Bo I'll meet you at the garage tomorrow evening." “I better get going too, Sadie stays where she’s told for however long I leave her but if she hears me talking eventually she’ll come to me. See ya’ll later,” BL said, getting up to go. Bo got up to walk her to her car. “Daisy I’ll bring your clothes to the shower Saturday,” BL said. “No rush, you got more important things to think about,” Daisy replied. The lovebirds walked hand in hand to BL’s car, BL’s head resting against Bo’s arm. “What did Luke mean he’d see you at the garage tomorrow evening?” BL asked. Bo knew he could use the excuse that they needed a tool Cooter had or that they hadn’t got much work done this evening. The first was probably true and the second definitely was but BL had heard them called out over the CB so he decided to be straight with her. “You heard us get called out on the CB,” Bo said to which BL nodded ‘yes’. “Me, Luke and Cooter are gonna work on the General tomorrow night, to get ready for the race up at the lake Saturday night,” Bo said. “I heard what Cletus said too Bo Duke. You better NOT get yourselves arrested! If Rosco has to send ya’ll to tri counties jail for whatever reason, it WON’T be pretty. Dixie has no desire to see either of you professionally,” BL fussed. “Believe me honey, we ain’t got a desire to see her professionally either,” Bo replied. After a long kiss goodbye, BL went home, Clyde looking her over seeing she wasn’t wearing her own clothes. “Didn’t you have on shorts when you left?” Clyde asked. As Luke pulled onto the road, Dixie was in her normal place, the middle of the truck seat with Scrapie laying on one of each of Luke’s and Dixie’s legs. Dixie had her head on Luke's shoulder, "Why are you meeting Bo at the garage instead of the Boar's Nest?" She felt Luke tense before he answered. "We planned to work on the General tomorrow night, you know, like we used to when we had a big race coming up." Luke said. "Oh. Ok. Why? There's not a big race coming up anytime that I've seen advertised." Dixie said. "Remember when we all used to go up to the lake and race on weekends?" Luke asked. Dixie said, "Yeah, if you weren't racing and had the wrecker I even got to go sometimes. That's when everyone treated me like I was three. Used to be a lot of fun. I even snitched a bit of beer when you'd pass it to me to hold." Luke was thinking that this may go better than he thought. “Yeah I did, helped Daisy with something and got filthy, needed a shower. Daisy loaned me some clothes,” BL told a slightly edited version of the story. Dixie added, "So what does that have to do with meeting Bo at the garage?" Luke replied, "Well, we haven't officially raced the General in a bit, so we gotta get him ready." "Ready for what?"Dixie asked. She must be tired because this wasn’t fitting together in her mind. "You know those young punks that have the car they think is so hot?" Luke asked. Dixie nodded, "Yeah I've seen them. They are dangerous! You and Bo have always driven fast, but there's a difference in fast and dangerous. They are Rosco type dangerous. No control." Luke said, "That's why Bo and me plan to take them down a notch or two." "How, .... do you plan on doing that exactly?" Dixie asked, drawing her words out slowly. Luke replied quietly and rather quickly, "We're gonna race him Saturday night up at the lake." Dixie's head nearly spun around she turned her head so quickly, "Luke for a second I thought you said that you and Bo were gonna race. We all know that racing on the roads is illegal in Hazzard and the Hounddog lake is in Hazzard." Luke waved his hand in dismissal, "It's not like we're gonna race up there all evening like we used to. We're gonna meet, race, go home before Rosco could get out of bed and get to the lake. No one has raced up there in years, so he don't watch it anymore. Besides, the only ones that knows is us and them." BL looked at the big picture clock above the couch after she’d put the towels in the dryer, it was still early and she needed to talk to Dixie but didn’t dare use the phone or CB, both had ears she didn’t want listening. “I need to talk to Dixie, don’t wait up, I may stay there if it gets late,” BL said. She was out the door with Sadie on her heels before Clyde could say a word. As soon as she heard BL’s car, Mrs. Kravitz was at her window. “Here we go again, I wonder what they're upto tonight? This used to be a quiet street,” Gloria fussed. Luke and Dixie had put their earlier conversation on hold. They were relaxed on the couch with Scrapie and a rented movie on the vhs player. The movie was just about to get good when they heard BL coming around the square. She stopped in front of the house. Luke paused the movie and got up to open the door with Scrapie behind him. When Luke opened the door Sadie ran in and a case of zoomies hit both dogs. BL didn’t waste time with pleasantries instead getting straight to the heart of the matter. “Does your wife know what you and Bo are planning?” BL asked adding “Cooter apparently ain’t the only one that ‘crazy’ for a CB handle is appropriate.” BL's entrance took Luke by surprise. He shut the door behind her, "Now BL just wait a second." He said as he crossed back to the couch. Dixie gave a slight nod of her head to let BL know that she did indeed know their plans. “Wait a second? Luke, Bo is getting married in a week, now is not the time for him to let his pride override good sense.” BL fumed. Luke just gave her a look, "BL, that's why we set it up for this weekend. We'd never set it up next weekend." Dixie waved her hand toward Luke as she looked at BL, indicating that they had already gone over this exact point. “You’d be a coupla dead men if you had,” BL then sighed saying, “Ya’ll ain’t got the sense the good Lord promised a turkey.” Luke tried to calm BL down, "We used to race up there about every weekend. No one has raced up there in years. I don't think Rosco even goes out that way anymore." “Cletus heard ya’ll on the radio so I wouldn’t count on him or Rosco not going up there, they probably been checking a couple nights a week along with Saturdays trying to catch you and Bo, that’d just tickle Rosco pink.” BL said then asked “did anything bad ever happen?” "Cletus wouldn't know where we used to race besides after we took the conversation off the air. Maybe he'll think it's resolved." Luke said. Seeing both girls' looks, he added. "It's not like he saw us go talk at the Boar's Nest or anything." Then Luke answered BL's other question, "Some paint got exchanged, Ralph wound up in a ditch a time or three, ...." Dixie added, "Luke and Mark were arrested...." “Cletus might not know but if he got babbling before he forgot, he mighta told Rosco he heard ya’ll accepting a race. Rosco ain’t completely senile, he may have forgot alot of stuff but when and where you and Bo caused him trouble probably stuff he won’t forget,” BL said then asked “why wasn’t Bo arrested?” Luke replied, "He wasn't eighteen and I was the one doing most of the racing. Rosco hasn't worked night shift since Bo and I came off the NASCAR circuit." "I told Bo he better NOT get himself arrested and I don't advise you to either. Told him if he did, it wouldn't be pretty, that Dixie had no desire to see either of you professionally if Rosco had to call Tri Counties for whatever reason," BL looked to Dixie to back her up. "BL, Luke and I have been all through this. They are racing Saturday night. I'm no more happy about it than you are, but I'm going. He's no more happy about that than I am about them racing." Dixie said. “I’m sorry Luke I didn’t mean to jump all over you, the closer the wedding gets the more wound up I get if things start looking like it’s going to go sideways,” BL said now that she was all out of air like a deflated balloon. "Those kids are gonna hurt someone. You. Dixie. Uncle Jesse. Rosco. We got to prove to them they are not hot sh--! Until then, they are gonna try to prove they are." Luke explained. “I know you’re right, if they don’t hurt someone else they could hurt themselves. Atleast when we were young and dumb, driving skills or lack of them was proven at the lake Saturday nights,” BL replied. "So relax. We'll go up beat them and beat them good. It should be settled from there." Luke said. He and Bo had tamed a lot of want to be hot shots through the years and General Lee was still very respected in several counties even if he didn't race regularly nowadays. “Well I’ve interrupted ya’lls movie long enough, reckon I’ll go home now,” BL said, heading for the door. “C’mon Sadie, let's go home. See ya’ll,” BL said. Sadie was in a playful wrestling match with Scrapie but backed off, going to BL when called. Luke assured, "Everything will be fine. Trust me." Dixie replied, "We'll talk tomorrow. Night.” “Ok, night,” BL said. Gloria had dozed off in her favorite chair, by the big bay window in her livingroom. Waking with a snort when BL cranked up, Gloria watched the car until the tail lights were out of sight. What seemed like a normal weeknight in the quiet little town was not so normal as Boss Hogg and Rosco prepared for Saturday night’s delivery to the drugstore.
  8. Bo wasn’t up as early today but he was still up with the chickens. “Morning Uncle Jesse,” Bo said, coming into the kitchen. “Morning Bo you’re up early,” Jesse said, surprise in his voice. Daisy had closed up the Boar’s Nest last night and wouldn’t be up for a couple more hours, so Uncle Jesse was cooking breakfast. “I want to get the chores done so I can head to work a little early, so I’m not late because of Rosco,” Bo replied on his way to the barn. Clyde Davenport like his brother Luther was an early riser, he was up making coffee so he could drink a cup in peace while he read the paper. Even with the time difference, Luke and his crew were up before Dixie turned over. They had eaten breakfast, loaded their tools and equipment onto the jump plane and were now getting loaded themselves. Today, looked like another long day of jumping in ahead of the fire and trying to get fire breaks cut in to protect areas and cut the fire off so that it could be contained. Scrapie would again be jumping in with Luke. He was bouncing and letting out the occasional excited yip as he was ready to go to work. Dixie woke up just before her alarm was set to go off. She felt the urgent need to go to the bathroom. Dixie would have preferred to have stayed in bed the other few minutes. She closed her eyes and tried to ignore her body's demand for her to get up. Seconds later, she knew she had to get up now. After finishing in the bathroom, Dixie went ahead and dressed, then headed to the kitchen. Thankfully, this morning, she didn't feel at all sick. In the kitchen, she took a Sprite from the fridge but a look across the kitchen and the coffee pot was calling her. Dixie figured that a bit of coffee occasionally wouldn't hurt, so she put on a pot. While she waited on the coffee she gathered some tuna salad, crackers and some fruit for lunch. The more she looked and dealt with food the more she realized she was hungry this morning. That was really unusual for her as she had never been one to get up and eat first thing but this morning she was 'starving'. Figuring her body knew what she needed, Dixie got out cereal and milk. A couple bites later she knew she had made the right choice. As Dixie filled the cereal bowl for a third time she was now glad she had gotten up a bit earlier. She finished the cereal, rinsed her bowl, poured a to go cup of coffee and as she put up the milk the orange juice called to her so she filled a to go cup of juice also. Dixie headed to the car with the two to go cups and a cooler of lunch goodies. Dixie spotted Mrs. Kravitz on the porch again watering her flowers. Dixie got in her car without a hello or wave to her neighbor. She backed out and headed off to work. Bo finished up the regular morning chores came in, poured himself a cup of coffee sitting down to a plate of eggs, bacon, a bowl of grits and biscuits. “This looks great Uncle Jesse,” Bo said. Jesse smiled, he remembered fixing a breakfast like this, every year of the ‘kids’ first day of the school year. After breakfast Bo went back out to work on the chicken coop he was building to replace the old one that was falling apart. He was almost finished when he realized there wasn’t enough chicken wire, so he went to talk to Jesse. “Uncle Jesse there ain’t enough chicken wire but if I drive all the way into town and get it, I won’t have time to put it on the new coop and drive back to town for work,” Bo explained. ”Just leave a bit early, pick some up before work and bring it home after work,” Jesse replied. Bo cleaned up and headed to town for wire before work. Just as he came on the crossroads he heard Rosco before he saw him. Bo checked his speed. He was doing 54 mph. "Dang it, Rosco!" Bo said aloud. He checked his time. He didn't have time for Rosco. "Come on General!" He back shifted to speed General Lee up in hopes of losing Rosco. Bo entered town Square with Rosco still hanging on. BL was getting the mail ready for delivery when she heard General Lee go by followed by Rosco. BL looked at the clock, she hadn’t expected Bo in town until almost time for him to go to work but here he was early. Picking up the mic to the used CB she’d bought from Billy Joe Fong so she could listen to the Hazzardnet. “Sweet Talker to Lost Sheep 2, what’d you do now to ruffle Rosco’s feathers?” BL teased. “Har har, I got no idea, I wasn’t even going 55,” Bo replied. “Need any help?” BL asked. “Nah I can handle it,” Bo said. “Ok, holler if you need me. I’m gone,” BL replied, putting down the mic. “10-4,” Bo replied, racking his own mic. Bo looked behind him to make sure Rosco didn’t see him turn down the alley to the feed and seed store. Bo parked where Rosco couldn’t see General Lee from the street, then went in. “Afternoon Mr. Tompkins, I need a roll of chicken wire,” Bo said. “It’s in the back, I’ll get it for you Bo,” Hank replied, disappearing into the store room. A few minutes later he came back putting it on the counter. “That’ll be $13 Bo. How’s the family?” Hank asked. “They’re fine, Luke’s gone to a fire in Texas,” Bo replied, paying Hank Tompkins. “How’s his new wife taking it?” Hank asked. “Just fine, Dixie knew this was part of Luke’s job before she married him. Speaking of jobs I better get or I'll be late my first day,” picked up the bundle of wire and waved. Bo had managed to give Rosco the slip before, he hoped to not even be seen as he made his way to the drive-thru deli for a corned beef sandwich with lettuce and tomato and an RC cola for lunch. Dixie was working the Control Room of Tri-Counties jail today. She glanced at the clock. It wasn't even close to 10:45 count time, but she was already reaching for her lunch to snack on. Rosco saw Bo though as Bo was about to turn onto a side street so he could maybe park and eat his sandwich. Making a U-turn, Rosco turned on his lights. “Dangit Rosco!” Bo said, stepping on the gas a little harder. BL was making her rounds of businesses and townsfolk who had mailboxes instead of a PO box and saw the chase, so she decided to get in on the fun. “Sadie we’re about to ruin Rosco’s whole day,” BL said, coming out of a side street, causing Rosco to have to swerve or be hit, not wanting Boss Hogg to yell at him for wrecking another patrol car. Which only half worked, he might not have hit BL but he had run into a fire hydrant and now Hazzard had a geyser. Rosco fussed and fumed before getting on the CB to radio the garage for the wrecker. BALLADEER: Just wait til the guys at Hazzard Power and Water see this mess! After Luther showed up with the wrecker and Hazzard Power and Water shut off the water to make repairs, a soaking wet Rosco carrying a wet Flash made their way over to the Courthouse in search of a towel and dry uniform. Luke's crew had gotten a good bit of fire break cut and decided to take a quick break for lunch in a clearing before continuing the fire line. Dixie checked the clock. It was just before two o'clock. She had eaten her snack that she intended to be her lunch before lunch. Got a tray from the kitchen for lunch, which had a hamburger, baked beans, and mixed veggies on it. She checked her bag and found she was out of anything to nibble on, so she poured a small cup of coffee and then decided to check out the vending machine. Surprisingly, the iced honey bun looked really good. Figuring with coffee that it may do the trick, Dixie bought the sticky snack, which was normally a good enough reason for her not to buy it. After a few seconds in the microwave, it made the perfect snack. Leaving the Control Room to wash the sticky off her hands, Dixie passed the vending machine again. She washed her hands, and this time, on her way back to the Control Room, she stopped, pulled out more change, and got a second honey bun. Bo finished his lunch then gathered up his garbage to throw away on his way in the building. “Hi Shirley, how are you?” Bo greeted the secretary, putting his trash in the big trash can by the door. “Afternoon, Bo, is that right?” Sherry asked, she already liked the pleasant young man better than a couple of the other drivers. “Yes ma'am. Is Mr. Harvey busy? He told me to come to his office when I got here and he’d introduce me to the foreman,” Bo said. “Go right on in, Bo,” Shirley replied. “Thanks Shirley,” Bo said, knocking on Mr. Harvey’s door before entering. Hello Bo, follow me and we’ll get you a company work shirt, then I’ll introduce you to Andy the foreman,” Mr. Harvey said, leading Bo out of his office. First they stopped at a closet full of tan and grey work shirts. Then it was on through a door to the garage/shop. “Tom, I’d like you to meet Bo, our new part time driver. Bo this is my forman Tom Nelson” Mr. Harvey said. “Welcome aboard Bo,” Tom said. The two shook hands “Thank you Mr. Nelson. “Please call me Tom,” Tom said, then showed Bo a map of the county and what his route was. Cooter had been under the hood of a truck when Luther left to get Rosco's car off the hydrant so the water could be shut off and the hydrant fixed. He had missed all the commotion of Hazzard trying to avoid getting wet. A bit later, he heard Luther pull in with the wrecker. Luther slammed the truck door and stomped into the garage boots, squishing as he walked. "The next time that bird brain crashes you or Luke can go get him! Especially when it was his cousin who caused Hazzard to nearly be washed off the map." “Sure it was Bo? He’s a working man now, he don’t have time to play with Rosco,” Cooter pointed out. "If Luke is in Texas or somewhere in a fire, do you know any other person in an orange Dodge Charger with a big 01 on it?" Luther fumed. Cooter scratched his head, "No, but ..." "But, nothing. I'm going to the house and change before I catch my death. Then, I'm going to grab an early beer. Here's the wrecker and lock up the place when it's time." Luther stomped away, saying, "Wait til Clyde has to deal with him for a son-in-law! At least Luke won't be around for weeks at a time!" By this time BL was out on the backroads of the county, still tickled at the sight of Rosco all wet and getting wetter by the minute as the hydrant continued gushing. “Don’t guess Rosco will need his Saturday night bath this week,” BL said to Sadie, referring to when folks had to fill a washtub to take baths because they had no indoor plumbing and bathed Saturday night before church on Sunday. Bo hadn’t seen Rosco crash into the hydrant and was whistling a tune as he headed out on the day’s deliveries delivering tractor parts to some of the farms in the county. Bo loaded his flatbed truck and headed out through the county to make his deliveries. After making several stops, Bo was parched and near the Boar's Nest. He stopped in for a large iced tea to go. Once inside, he asked Daisy for a tea. Leaning against the bar while waiting on his drink. Daisy gave Bo his drink and a straw asking ”hey Bo have you and BL picked a definite day? I was thinking about putting an announcement in the paper tomorrow.” “Thanks Daisy. We ain’t really had any time to ourselves the last few days, ask her I’m good with whatever she wants,” Bo replied. As usual Rosco managed to get his times wrong as he approached Bo at the bar, "Alright! Bo Duke! I got you now! Where were you at 12:15 today?" Bo replied honestly, "All clocked in and on the job at work." He tugged at his work shirt as he spoke. “Horsefeathers! At work my foot, everybody knows you ain't never had a steady job,” Rosco said with a smug look on his face. ”Well, I do now and I gotta get back at it, I just stopped for some tea,” Bo replied, making sure to tell Rosco exactly what was in the foam cup, so Rosco didn’t try to arrest Bo for drinking and driving. Bo also tugged at his work shirt as proof he was on the job. Rosco looked at Bo’s shirt, it didn’t have a name patch but it had Roadhog Supply Trucking monogrammed on the upper right front of the shirt and the flatbed truck out front had the company logo on its doors.While Rosco was still processing it all, Bo walked right past Rosco, out to the truck and headed out to make his next delivery. When Dixie got off work, she changed as usual and got into her car. As she drove toward Hazzard, she felt as if she hadn't eaten all day. Dixie knew that was far from true, but she found she was mind driving the route faster and she was trying to figure out where to stop for a bite to eat. Normally, she would just wait til she got to the Boar's Nest, but today she didn't think she wanted to wait. There were a couple of chain food places in town that she went by, so she figured that she would just swing through a drive-through. At the next place, she turned in and ordered a burger, fries, and a drink that she ate as she drove. Coming into Hazzard, Dixie decided to see where BL was. She grabbed the CB mic and yelled, "Hey, Sweet Talker, do you have your ears on? This is Little Shotgun." BL was just locking up when Dixie yelled, Mrs. Whittier had stopped by the post office demanding to know why the mail was being delivered in the afternoon now, when Miz Tisdale had delivered it in the morning for the last 15 years. BL had done her best to explain, afternoon worked better for her. Still not happy about the change but knowing there was nothing she could do Mrs. Whittier had left in a huff . “I always got my ears on,I’m running a little late today was just locking up. What's up Little Shotgun?” BL replied. "Are you heading to the Boar’s Nest this afternoon?" Dixie asked. “Maybe for a little while, Bo’s still at work and me and him are usually there first unless you or Luke are off, Cooter’s usually on a wrecker call or doing something he can’t stop in the middle of. Daisy wants to talk, she met me at the mailbox today,” BL replied, hoping Dixie figured it was wedding plans Daisy wanted to discuss. Only their Hazzard family members and Lulu Hogg knew about her and Bo being engaged and she didn’t want to announce it on air, that was as bad as the Hazzard telephone operator spreading it. Dixie replied, "OK. I'll meet you there." She pulled in a bit later and heard BL pulling in as she got out of the car. Daisy's car was already there too. Daisy was already working her shift when Dixie and BL came in, “Hey Charlie I gotta talk to BL. Can I take a break?” Daisy asked. “No problem Daisy, Polly will cover for you,” Charlie replied. Daisy got Dixie some iced tea and BL a beer taking them to the table with her, “Looks like it’s just us girls for now anyway,” Daisy said, sitting down. "Yes, at least for a couple more days before Luke gets home." Dixie said. "Has anyone heard how Bo likes his job?" “He likes it just fine I reckon, he was in here earlier to get an ice tea to go,” Daisy replied then continued. “Rosco came in after him and was harassing Bo about where he was at 12:15.” “Rosco’s feathers was probably still ruffled, he got his Saturday night bath a little early. He ran into a hydrant and set a geyser to gushing,” BL chuckled, thinking about how Rosco had looked all wet, with water spewing in the air. "Oh Lord. I bet he was hot!" Dixie said. Daisy said, "He still didn't seem happy about it. Bo didn't say anything about that when he was here." “Bo don’t know what happened, Rosco was on Bo’s tail and Bo wasn’t even doing nothing, so far as I could tell, he was going to work. So I decided to run a little interference, so Bo wouldn’t be late, first day on the job,”BL replied. Daisy asked “what did you do?” “Just made my turn onto the street, wasn’t my fault Rosco swerved to miss me and hit a hydrant,” BL answered, shrugging. They all had a good laugh. Daisy said, "OK, so out with it! When is THE date? And when are ya'll going to tell everyone?" “We really haven’t had much chance to talk about it” BL replied. Daisy said ”that’s what Bo said when he was here and I asked him,” continuing she added “he said whatever day you picked was good with him.” “Well it’s a holiday weekend so most everybody will be off work on Friday August 31st but those that have to work, usually have Saturdays off anyway, so Saturday the 1st is probably the better day,” BL answered after looking at the little calendar in her purse. Daisy tore a sheet from her order pad, so she could write it down. “As for telling everyone, you are released from your vow of secrecy,” Daisy grinned at BL writing herself a note to put an announcement in the Hazzard Gazette tomorrow morning when she went to the bakery to order a cake for the bridal shower, Saturday. “We need to get invitations out too,” Daisy said. BL could see the wheels turning a mile a minute in Daisy’s head. BL held up a hand saying. “Holdup Daisy, me and Bo want to keep it small, just family and a few close friends.” BL looked over at Dixie and said, “me and Dixie will make a guest list,right Dix? There ain’t no need to send an invitation to everybody on it though, only aunts and grandmas keep them as keepsakes. Everybody else just keeps them until THE day or a few days after.” "Right." Dixie said as she fiddled with the menu. "BL, you know I love you and all. Like I said, I will wear a dress but please not pink." “Pink goes so good with purple,” BL said, tormenting Dixie just a bit. The look of displeasure but resigned to her fate made BL laugh, “I promise you do not have to wear pink,” BL replied. "That's better, but I still hate dresses." Dixie fussed like she did about age four. Daisy said, "I'm sure Uncle Jesse will have all the Duke relatives notified just as soon as we give him the go-ahead. ”We know,” BL and Daisy said together. “I got to get back to work. Yell if you need me for anything," Daisy said. Dixie sighed just a bit before she said, "Daisy, can you bring me the double BBQ platter with slaw on the side and a box to take some of it home?" Daisy beamed and touched Dixie's arm, "Sure thing, Sugar. “If you’re not too tired, we can get started on that guest list when we leave here. I'll call home and tell’em I’m staying with you tonight to work on wedding stuff” BL said. "That sounds good by me, but you might want to get you a snack for home." Dixie said, sipping her tea. Daisy started to turn away but remembered something she was going to tell BL and Dixie. “Bridal shower is Saturday at 2pm. Dixie, can you bring chips please?” “Yeah no problem,” Dixie replied “Daisy will you bring me a bbq plate with slaw on the side too, that sounds good,” ”You got it sugar, do you need a double and a to go box too?” Daisy asked, adding the order to her pad. “Just a regular is fine but I do need a box to take some to work tomorrow,” BL replied. “Ok, be back shortly with ya’lls order,” Daisy went to put the orders in. Dixie went to the restroom while the food was being made and by the time Daisy placed it on the table her mouth was watering. The first bite was oh, so good. Dixie was enjoying each bite. She ate the last French fry, took a drink then ate the last bite of the second sandwich before realizing she had eaten both sandwiches instead of taking one home as planned. BL stopped Daisy as she started to walk away, “Daisy can I get another, I was thinking there’d be enough for two meals, I guess.” What BL had been thinking was Dixie had ordered more food than normal again and just a regular order would be plenty. "Daisy, ... that was really good, .... can I get another double platter to go. I seemed to have eaten my lunch for tomorrow already. And I need a piece of pie too, to go." Daisy smiled from ear to ear, "Sure, Honey. Which pie?" "Surprise me. I've never met a pie I didn't like." Dixie joked. The truth was they all sounded good and if she had chosen she might have taken a piece of each home. “Be back in a bit, girls. BL do you want pie?” Daisy said, before going to place the order. “No thanks, I still want to fit in Mama’s wedding dress in a couple weeks,” BL replied. Dixie was going to need a dress with elastic at this rate. Dixie shot BL a look as she stood up, "I'll be back." Dixie headed to the restroom again. It was weird. She had just gone but really felt like her bladder was going to burst. BL didn’t pay any attention to Dixie’s look, she was thinking about all that her and Bo still had to do for the wedding even though Daisy was taking care of alot and she knew Dixie would help anyway she could too. Still it seemed like alot to do in a short time. While waiting for Dixie to come back BL decided to call and tell Clyde or LB, whoever answered the phone, her plans to stay with Dixie and work on wedding stuff. She hoped LB answered because she didn’t want to deal with Clyde accusing her of having plans to meet up with Bo, so they could spend the night together. “Maybelle will you get me Clyde Davenport please,”BL said,waiting to be connected. Luck was on her side, LB picked up on the first ring, “Hello, LB here.” “Good it's you, I’m staying with Dixie tonight to work on wedding stuff,” BL said. All LB said was “ok.” BL had expected her brother to give her a little grief but he hadn’t, that must mean he was expecting a call likely from a girl. Lucky for him she didn’t have time to drag out her call to annoy him, Dixie came out of the restroom. “I gotta go,” BL said, hanging up at the same time Daisy put their to go order on the bar. Daisy saw Dixie approaching, "Hear you go, Sugar. I hope the little Duke there likes lemon pie. His Daddy does." Dixie couldn't help it, her mouth was watering at the thought of the taste of the pie. "Daisy, believe me, I think he or she will like it just fine. If you want to come over when you get off, come on." ”Ok, I get off at 7. If there’s any lemon pie left, I’ll bring it with me,” Daisy said. “Great! See ya about 7,” Dixie replied. “Dixie, you ready to go? I left Sadie at your house because I didn’t know how late I’d stay and I didn’t want to leave her in the car in the heat and I didn’t want to bring her in and mess with Rosco,” BL said. “Yeah let’s go,” Dixie replied. Going to their cars the cousins headed back to town. At Dixie’s they saw Gloria Kravitz sitting on her porch drinking a glass of lemonade. The girls went in the front door and were met by a barking Sadie. BL said, "Sadie, it's us." Sadie changed from barking to bouncing. Ready to go, play, whatever the evening held. Dixie said, "Why don't you take her out back and I'll put this in the kitchen." Gloria couldn't help but conclude that the newlyweds were surely having difficulties. The oldest Duke hadn't been around in days, ... well nights! Dixie put the food in the fridge. Poured two glasses of tea and put the pitcher back. Spotting the pie, she had to have just a bite. Three bites later, she made herself put the half a piece of pie back in the fridge before joining BL and Sadie. BL was throwing a ball for Sadie, the dog had lots of energy to burn after being in the post office pretty much all day. ”Thanks,” BL took the glass of tea, sitting on the railing so she could keep throwing the ball and talk to Dixie at the same time. ”I’m starting to think you and Luke did the smart thing by eloping. Who knew there was so much to do even for a small wedding,” BL said Dixie grinned, "Well, that was at least part of our thinking. Besides with Luke, the oldest and first to marry, we knew Daisy and all the Dukes would go way overboard." Dixie shrugged, "while knowing that Daddy and the rest of the Davenport men would have issues with it. It would have been like rubbing salt in an open wound." “Daisy’s trying to control herself, I’ll give her that,” BL said. BL gave a little sigh saying “You were on Uncle Jesse’s front porch the other day, Daddy ain’t exactly thrilled,” Dixie nodded, "True, but he and Bo have nowhere near the history that Luke and Daddy do. He will be fine." Dixie assured BL. “I hope so,” BL said as Sadie brought her the ball again. ”I need more tea, be right back,” BL went inside, taking the ball with her. The only way her arm would get a rest was if she left the ball in the house. Dropping the ball BL washed her hands, got more tea and the notepad and pen from the junk drawer, which didn’t have much in it yet. Then she went back out with tea, notepad and pen in hand, sitting down on the bench beside Dixie. “Ok let’s get started on the guest list while we wait for Daisy.” Dixie thought, "Mother, I suppose." Dixie took the notepad and wrote the address down. BL sipping her tea said, “you make it sound like, it’s the wicked witch of the west or something. She’s the only aunt I have, mama was an only child.” Dixie replied, "I know, you know how it is with her and Daddy around each other. Besides, you get her around Luke's Aunt Pauline for very long, they might start adding two and two and coming up with THREE." Dixie said as she patted her still basically flat belly. BL frowned “oh yeah, well we’ll just have to find a way to keep her and Uncle Luther separated AND keep her and the guys Aunt Pauline preoccupied or their liable to come up with 6! If ya know what I mean,” BL said. Dixie replied, "I wouldn't be surprised, but in our case it's pretty close to the truth. So, who else?" BL thought a minute answering “Miz Tisdale but I don’t have her new address with me. Miss Clara Coltrane.” BALLADEER: The two might be apples from the same family tree but Rosco got the worm. "Don't forget Mama Coltrane. We'd never hear the end of it." Dixie said. "And, of course, there is Miss Lulu, Mabel Wooster, Rose Ellen, from the bank." BL chuckled a little “do you know mama Coltrane’s name? I don’t, she told me when I was a kid and called her Mrs. Coltrane to call her Mama Coltrane, everybody did,” BL wrote the names Dixie called off then named a couple, “can’t forget Laverne at the bank either and Grannie Annie.” After getting back to Base Camp and getting his crew settled, Luke made his way to the Command Tent where he met their Supervisor. "You all did good today, Duke. If the lines hold tonight we might be out of here in the next day or so." "Well, this year, I can't say that I mind that at all." Luke said. Dixie said, "I figure Cooter will get in touch with Cousin Earl." “Don’t forget Grandma Betty. She’s been wanting to meet Luke I bet and she’ll want an invitation for a keepsake,” BL said. Dixie said, "You know she will. Sadie, are you about done? I think I'm about ready to finish my pie." BL asked, "Finish it? When did you start it?" "When I took it out of the bag to put in the fridge." Dixie said innocently. "Besides, I've got to go to the bathroom again." Gloria had moved down the yard, checking her back yard flowers and hoping to hear the girl's conversation. Something was wrong over there. She just knew that Duke wouldn't stay with one girl long. Here, he'd left in the middle of the night and not been seen anywhere in town or home for two more nights. Sadie ‘woofed’ and met Dixie at the door at the mention of food. “She didn’t say anything about sharing,” BL laughed and followed them in. Gloria heard the backdoor bang shut and then silence. While Dixie was in the bathroom BL added Lori Mae, a waitress from the Boar’s Nest. “You know because we’re inviting Lulu Hogg, we get JD by default doncha,” BL said, when Dixie came back. Dixie knew all that before she mentioned Lulu. "It's your party. See that’s another reason we eloped. There are so many people you want to share with, then there is the group that you just 'have' to invite. Watch, your small only family and friends will be a church full before you know it." Dixie got her pie from the fridge and the pitcher of tea. "Do you want anything now?" BL shook her head ‘no’, “I’m good. We may have to disappoint some people, 50 guests is all we’re inviting 75 tops.” Dixie finished her bite of pie, "BL, 50 nor 75 people is small." “It is compared to 100 or more and we could likely get that many easy.” BL said then changed the subject “shouldn’t Daisy be here soon?” Dixie took the last bite of her pie, "Yeah, she should be. I hope they had pie left over." Dixie said as she rinsed her fork off. She was thinking about a BBQ but would wait to see if Daisy brought more pie. As if just talking about her had conjured her up, Daisy’s car pulled up out front. Gloria was still tending her flowers and almost pulled one up instead of a weed as she watched Daisy get out of the car, then get a pie out. It was only a matter of time before that orange eye sore with that blonde troublesome Duke boy with his swagger, showed up. “I brought half a pie,” Daisy said, putting the pie on the counter instead of the fridge incase Dixie or BL wanted some. Dixie proved Daisy's notion right as she got back up for a saucer and a fork. "Are ya'll joining me?" Daisy replied, "No, but help yourself. I just need five minutes in a shower and I'll be ready to help with the wedding. There seemed to be more smoke in that place tonight than in a long time." Daisy headed for the shower. True to her words, she was right back in a big, thick terrycloth robe that was hanging on the back of the bathroom door. "I borrowed someone's robe too. Hope ya don't mind." Daisy said as she dropped her clothes in the washer. "Dixie, do you have anything to make a load out of this?" "Clothes basket to your left. Put in whatever fits." She said, finishing a piece of the pie Daisy brought. "Be right back." Dixie said again, going to the bathroom. It was hot tonight, so while she was upstairs, Dixie changed into her gown, which was a bit longer than her normal nightshirts. Just as Dixie came back down the steps, the phone rang, "Luke Duke residence." "It's nice that you answer that way when I'm not around." Luke teased. "Luke!" Dixie said in surprise that he was calling so early. "How's the fire? I miss you and Scrapie." "Well, that is what I'm calling for. We got lines in today and rain about an hour ago. So, you better kick that other fella out of our bed, we'll be back at Base Camp sometime tomorrow and as soon as we get the equipment back in order, we'll be heading home. I just might beat you home tomorrow evening." Luke explained. "That's wonderful!" Dixie said then added, "And there ain't no one here but BL and Daisy. "We are working on plans." Luke didn't want to give anything away, "Well, you just keep my part in this simple. Remember KISS!" "Yes, keep it simple stupid. I know, but I'm working with Daisy and BL here so I'll try." Dixie said. "Try hard." Luke said, "I love you but the quicker we get things done here the quicker I'll be home." "I love you too. Pet Scrapie for me and get home soon, just be careful doing it." Dixie said. "Always. Got to go. Love you." Luke said. "Love you too." Dixie said as they hung up the phone. As she stood up from where she had sat on the step for the call, she swore just a little, then called to BL and Daisy, "I'll be right back down, again." Dixie said as she returned to the bathroom. Daisy asked, "Has she been doing that a lot?" BL replied, "I'm not sure what a lot is, but more than me." “I’ve had a beer at the Boar’s Nest and two glasses of tea since we been home. Be right back, since ya’ll are getting comfy I am too,” BL said going upstairs to change into a gown or something. Bo headed to General Lee he’d just finished putting up stock he’d unloaded, now he was headed to the Boar’s Nest hoping someone to hangout with was there. He’d missed the after work usual meetup because he had to go home, do evening chores and get back to work to unload a big truck. Pulling upto the front of the bar he saw that LB, Brodie, Dobro and Cooter were all there. Scanning the crowd he found his friends at a table near the bar, he went over pulling up an extra chair. “Well if it ain’t Hazzard’s newest working man. How was it?” Cooter said. “Not too bad, I just got off, had to unload a truck and put up stock.” Bo replied. Dobro and Brodie had a surprised, almost shocked look on their faces. “I thought BL said it was part time ain’t it kind of late to be getting off?” LB asked. “I got to go home to do the chores then went back to unload and put up stock,” Bo replied. Lori Mae brought over a beer. The guys chatted about their cars and what they had recently done to them, when Bobby Douglas walked up. “Bo we got some business to discuss and I’d like to do that outside if you don’t mind,” Bobby said. “Sure Bobby,” Bo recognized Bobby’s voice as the same as the challenger on the CB the other night. In town, the girls were changed and comfy. Daisy looked over the wedding list. "We all know Uncle Jesse will get the Dukes, but I'm sure Aunt Pauline will want an invitation to keep." ”What about your Aunt Bessie?” BL asked. ”She probably will too,” Daisy replied. “Now that I think about it, we might need two lists, one for people to give/send invitations to and one with everybody invited, just to get a head count,” BL said. Dixie gave BL a look, "I'm telling you, it's gonna be bigger than you think real quick like. I'll be right back." Dixie said as she headed upstairs to the bathroom. At the Boar’s Nest Bo and Bobby stood at the back of their cars, propped against them. Bobby had parked to the side of the parking lot, close to where Bo had parked General Lee in front of the building. “Ok Bobby what’d you want to talk about?” Bo asked. “The race you old geezers agreed to or have you chickened out,” Bobby retorted. “We ain’t chickened out, Luke’s out of state for work and might not be back for a few more days and I’m getting married next Saturday, so let me get back to you on that,” Bo replied. “We can eliminate a third of the female population now, cos Bo dated ‘em,” BL said when Dixie came back, only partly joking. "And also any Luke dated that just want to show up to be nosey." Dixie said. “See there goes another third,” BL said with a grin. Daisy giggled and then asked “ya’ll want to go shopping Sunday afternoon for bride’s maids dresses? We’re running out of time and we can’t go Saturday because of the bridal shower.”Sounds good to me,” BL said. "Sure. Where do ya'll want to go?" Dixie asked. Daisy said, “it’ll have to be one of the bigger towns, not many local stores open on Sunday.” “How about Capitol City, if we was looking for fancy stuff, I’d say maybe even Atlanta,” BL suggested. "Well, I for one would like to stay closer to home. Luke's been away most of the week. I'd like some home time before next week." Dixie said. BL and Daisy both understood, nodding in agreement, “Capital City it is then,” BL said. “Can ya’ll think of anybody else to put on the list right now? I want to get these out by Saturday at least so the one’s being mailed will get to their recipient by Tuesday or Wednesday, the rest I can deliver in person when I run the mail route. “Enos, I have his address out in LA, he writes every week so he can keep upto date on what’s going on here,” Daisy replied. Dixie currently had the notepad and wrote down Enos's information. Then stood up, "I got to go upstairs again." She started up the steps and along with the feeling of needing to go to the bathroom she felt really bloated and suddenly really tired. "Hey, ya’ll can come hang out up here if you want but I'm not climbing these steps again." Soon Dixie, BL and Daisy were stretched across Dixie’s bed making plans. Daisy had swapped the terrycloth robe for a shorts and tanktop pajama set of BL’s. The girls and Bo weren’t the only one’s making plans, Boss Hogg was meeting with a pharmaceutical representative to buy medication for the drugstore at a very discounted price. BALLADEER:Something about this meeting don’t smell right. Before BL and Daisy noticed, Dixie was fast asleep. Daisy motioned to BL. They got up to head to BL's room when Daisy whispered, "Is her clock set?" BL checked. The alarm was set, but Dixie hadn't turned the alarm on yet. BL flipped the switch so it would go off for Dixie the next morning. Bo had gone back inside the Boar’s Nest after he had finished talking to Bobby, “What did he want?” Cooter asked before Bo even got sat down good. “To see when me and Luke wanted to race, punk thinks his car can beat General Lee,” Bo replied. This news got amused scoffs from the other young men at the table. “What’d you tell him?” Dobro asked, Bo never turned down the chance to race. “That Luke was out of town for work and we’d set it up after Luke got home,” Bo answered. “That reminds me Coot, Luke wants me, you and him to work on the General like we used to before a race, ya know pull an all nighter. When will that part be in?” “Ah the good ole days,” Cooter said wistfully adding “should be in tomorrow”. Bo replied, "Alright! I haven't talked to Luke in a day or so, but we'll plan this just as soon as I know he's heading home." Bo said, eager for a guys night out. “Bo, Luke is married now he probably prefers the company of his wife more than yours and Cooter’s,” Dobro said, wiggling his eyebrows at Bo. “Hey now, that’s my sister, you’re paintin’ pictures I’d rather not see,” Cooter said. Dobro, unfazed by Cooter’s protest continued “you’re getting married soon, if you had a choice between spending the night with BL or Luke and Cooter, who would you choose?” Bo got a silly grin on his face just thinking about BL being his wife and how he’d be spending the night after being away from her like Luke had been Dixie. LB saw the grin and said “don’t answer that!” Daisy and BL planned for a bit longer before Daisy went to the spare room to turn in. Bo was on his way home from the Boar's Nest, a bit lost in his thoughts. What would his life be like in five years, a year, six months, or for that matter a month from now. He was thinking of how things had already changed for him over the last year without him even making any major changes himself. Instead of heading right home, Bo circled the Square to check on Dixie and see if BL was in town. Just as he saw the Courthouse, something caught his eye. Boss Hogg’s Cadillac was out front with Rosco's patrol car behind it. Bo checked the time and wondered what Boss was doing out so late. At Luke's, Bo saw Dixie's Thunderbird, BL's GTO, as well as Daisy’s Roadrunner at the house. BL heard General Lee making a loop around the square, getting out of bed and putting on slippers. She headed downstairs. “Stay, you’ll bark and give me away if I let you go,” BL said to Sadie at the door before easing out. Bo saw BL step outside as he made a second pass by the house. He cut the motor and drifted into the space in front of the house. He climbed out of the car and met BL on the porch ..... “Hoping for one last fling before you’re tied to a ball and chain?” BL teased. “Cute,” Bo said, the shadows hiding his grin. “I know but I like it when you tell me,” BL said, a breeze ruffling the knee length hem of her cotton gown with multicolored paw prints on it. “What have you girls been upto?” Bo asked, tucking BL’s hair behind her ear. ”Working on the wedding guest list, Dixie says there’s no way we’ll keep it small” BL replied ”How many you got so far?” Bo asked. “Um I’m not sure about a total head count but we have somewhere between 10-15 invitations, some will be more than one in the household,” BL replied. Bo sighed. He really wanted to do this with about ten to fifteen people. Somewhere deep in him, he wanted to ask BL if she was sure they couldn't just go to Chickamahoney and have a big party later. ”Before you even ask, I’m absolutely positive we can’t just go to Chickamahoney,” “Why not? We can do like Luke and Dixie and have a big party later,” Bo used his most charming voice. “What if we make it family only,?” BL compromised, she had been planning her wedding since she was a girl and she wasn’t about to forfeit wearing her mother’s dress or her father walking her down the aisle. Bo conceded, "How about blood family and ten to twenty friends?" “Ok I’ll go along with that,” BL agreed. They now sat on the porch swing in the dark,swinging gently while they talked. Mrs. Kravitz had been sound asleep until she heard the General Lee's engine cut off. She had gotten to the window just in time to see Bo Duke and BL Davenport smooching on the swing. Smooching wasn’t all that was going on, Bo’s hand slipped under the gown’s hem and was making its way up her thigh but midway was as far as it could go. BL held it down tight against her lap. Pulling herself in check before they got carried away BL asked, “how did your first day on the job go?” “It was pretty good, except Rosco said I caused him to hit a hydrant about 12:15 but I was already at work,” Bo replied. “Whoops, he was tailing you and I saw and knew you’d be late messing with him, so I took matters in hand. I can’t help it, Rosco can’t drive defensively,?’ BL said, laughing a little. "You? What did you do?" Bo asked. BL replied, "Just pulled out in front of him." BL tried to look innocent. Bo gave her a look that said he was not buying her look… BL laid her head over on Bo’s shoulder and yawned, the rhythm of the swing’s motion and his arm around her, hand rubbing her bare shoulder and the late hour was making her sleepy. “You should go on back inside and go to bed Darlin,” Bo said. ”Don’t wanna m’just fine right here,” BL replied sleepily. “It’s late, you need your beauty sleep,” Bo said. “I guess, hey you didn’t tell me what you’re doing in town this late?” BL questioned, no teasing this time. “I had to unload a truck after hours, then I went to the Boar’s Nest to see if anything was happening tonight. Cooter, Dobro and Brody were there, then Bobby Douglas came in, he was who challenged General Lee the other night. Wanted to set up a race, told him I couldn’t until I knew when Luke was coming home,” Bo filled BL in. Now it was BL’s turn to update Bo, “Luke called Dixie earlier, said he’d be home tomorrow.” Bo gave the swing another push with his boot, "Good. That will give us a couple of days to get General Lee in shape to show those kids what a real car is." BALLADEER: Luke and most of his crew were nowhere near ready for bed. They were busy packing. Well, most everyone but Scrapie. He was currently keeping the team in eye sight, but he was laying under the tail board of a bear by engine out of the welcome rain. Scrapie doesn't like water unless he is drinking it folks! Bo and BL spent a few more minutes just cuddling as the swing gilded back and forth in the dark with nothing but the night sounds coming from the woods behind the house. ”I better go, morning chores come early” Bo said, giving BL a long slow kiss. After the kiss ended BL held out her flashlight “need this?” ”Nah I’m an ex-moonshiner, got eyes like a cat,” Bo replied. BL stayed on the porch until she heard General Lee’s engine growl to life, then she turned and slipped back inside, assuming the other occupants of the house hadn’t even missed her. Dixie had been sound asleep when General Lee parked outside. Now, she woke up and headed to the bathroom. As she started back to her room, she remembered the pie and barbecue in the fridge. It was late and she knew it, but her mouth was watering at the prospect of another piece of pie and she knew she would have enough barbecue for a snack and lunch tomorrow, so she headed to the kitchen. Only after she got in the kitchen did she turn on a small fluorescent light to give her some light to eat by. She pulled out the rest of the pie and the barbecue and a Pepsi. Dixie couldn't help it; she took a bite of pie to hold her until she could make the barbecue sandwich. Also, in the to go platter, they had put a couple of dill pickle Spears. Dixie wasn't a dill pickle fan, but she figured ‘why not’ as she took a bite she was pretty sure she may have just found a new love for dill pickles. Seeing the faint glow from the kitchen BL headed that way instead of back upstairs, she didn’t think they had forgotten to turn out all the lights but maybe they had “You ain’t gonna have anything left for lunch at the rate you’re going,” BL said, standing in the kitchen doorway. Dixie looked at her plate, then BL, "You are probably right. Did I wake you?" BL replied ”No, I was already awake.” She didn’t elaborate though on why she was up. "Want some pie?" Dixie asked. “Maybe just a small piece. You were right about the wedding guest list getting out of hand quick, me and Bo talked, he tried to get me to go to Chickamahoney when I told him how many was already on the list. We decided blood kin and 10-20 friends is all we’re inviting,” BL replied. Dixie took another bite and grinned, "I won't tell you I told you so, but I told ya so. Have you tried these dill spears at the Boar's Nest lately?" BL shot Dixie a look, then replied, "No, but I didn't think you liked dill pickles." Dixie replied, "It's not that I dislike them, it's just they aren't my favorite. Or, I should say, wasn't. They have got to have done something special to them." “Are you sure you’re only eating for two?” BL asked, finishing her own piece of pie. "Yes, don't be silly. I guess I'm making up for being sick." Dixie said, "But, it's strange. Like those pickles, they are great. I never really liked them before. And then, there is the pie, if I would have gone back to bed without at least a bite, I don't think I could have slept. It was like I needed it, you know, as in had to have it." “I’m not being silly, you were only told by Dr. Quinn when you were due. Shouldn’t you have another appointment and a sonogram just to check on the baby?” BL asked, not knowing anything about pregnancy care. Dixie smiled, "I do have another appointment. A month after the first one. As for the sonogram, Doc said she could have one scheduled at Tri-Counties Hospital if I want or she sees a need, but I told her unless she needs one I want to be surprised. Besides, Doc sees me several times a week at work too." Dixie finished the last bite of her second barbecue sandwich. "Are you ready to go back to bed now?" She asked finishing her Pepsi. “Ain’t it too early to tell what you’re having? You’re not even showing yet,” BL said, finishing her Dr Pepper. “Yeah, morning will be here before we know it,” BL put their dishes in the sink. "Yes, it's still pretty early to tell right now, but it will be here before we know it." Dixie said, as she laid her hand to her still rather flat belly, "along with me not being able to see my toes. Hey, I know you didn't come down for a Dr. Pepper and pie. Why are you up?" “Seems you have had a ‘body guard’ while Luke’s been gone and my guess would be he’s laid eyes on you everyday but today, because he had to work and he came by to make sure everything was ok but wasn’t planning on stopping until he seen me come out on the porch,” BL replied. "Body guard? What? You were outside?" Dixie asked. It was late and it was showing in her level of sharpness. “I know you had to have heard General Lee, likely everybody on the street did. Bo must have seen me come out, so we sat on the swing and talked a bit,” BL said as if explaining to a child. Dixie smiled, "No, I didn't hear the General unless that's what woke me up, but I really had to pee, so I figured that's why I was awake. Bo was likely looking for you in the first place." Dixie said as she topped the stairs. “Probably and he figured if I was in town, I’d be here at that time without him. Night Dix,” BL turned to go to her room as Dixie went into the bathroom.
  9. Morning came way too early, Sadie demanded to be let out at 6 am as usual, normally BL got up right away but usually she hadn’t still been out at two am, “Not now Sadie,”BL groaned, which only got her a persistent bark. “Ok, ok I’m up,” BL said. Downstairs BL let Sadie out into the backyard while she put on coffee, figuring they all needed it, this morning. Bo got up as soon as BL left the room, he had alot to get done this morning. Getting dressed he went to the bathroom, washed his face and not having his own, used BL’s toothbrush. Dixie heard Sadie bark. Scrapie jumped straight up and ran out the bedroom door down the stairs behind Sadie and BL. Dixie turned over, snuggled back to Luke, throwing one leg over his. Luke moved slightly, then went back to sleep. All of ten minutes later, Luke's clock went off, followed by Dixie's a minute later. Both scrambled to hush the offending noise. Dixie moved way too quickly. Last night's pasta sauce was back, at least to her chest. The instant heartburn followed nausea. "Oh, no." Luke had sat up, taking a minute to wake up, and looked at Dixie. She appeared a bit 'green around the gills'. "What's wrong?" She shook her head 'no' while putting her hand to her mouth and hoping she wouldn't be sick. BALLADEER: Sometimes we should be careful what we hope for. BL had let Scrappie out with Sadie and then got ready to make pancakes, it wasn’t the hearty breakfast Uncle Jesse made but it beat nothing. Bo was just coming out of the bathroom, when Dixie pushed past, hand still over her mouth “Dixie, you ok?” Bo asked as the door was slammed in his face. “Here we go again,” BL muttered, hearing the door slam. Luke pulled on his jeans following his wife “Dixie it’s Luke,” Luke said, opening the door enough to slip in. Luke found Dixie sitting with her head over the toilet, but she hadn't thrown up. He got a cool, wet cloth and gave it to her. Dixie wiped her face and back of her neck. She had managed not to throw up, but she was still very nauseous. Several minutes later, Dixie managed a weak, "I'm sorry." "Sorry for what? It's as much my fault if not more that you aren't feeling well. Do you want me to go call us in to work?" Luke offered. Dixie shook her head 'no'. "I'll be alright. I'm gonna try to go in." Luke gave her a look. "Do you really think that's smart?" "If I can't do it, I'll turn around or leave early." Dixie said. "The other day I was fine in a couple hours. I think it was the pasta sauce. It came to haunt me. Maybe some heartburn medicine." "You are sure?" Luke asked. “Yes, I’m sure,” Dixie replied. Bo slipped on his boots as he came through the livingroom, Pouring himself a cup of coffee he kissed BL on the cheek as she took up more pancakes. “Good morning beautiful, mmm those sure do smell good,”Bo said. “Morning, don’t sound like Dixie’s in the mood for breakfast,” BL replied. Bo replied as he took his seat at the table, "No, I about got run over coming out of the bathroom." BL let Scrapie and Sadie inside. Scrapie ran upstairs looking for Luke. Sadie ran upstairs in hot pursuit of Scrapie. Dixie, who had sat on the edge of the tub trying to decide if she was going to live, suddenly had a lapful of Scrapie. He had jumped in her lap and was washing her face in an effort to make her feel better. "Thank you, Scrapie. Good boy." Dixie said in an attempt to stop the little tongue but he licked more. Luke watched for a minute, "Why do I think I'm losing our K-9?" Dixie replied, "Only until you say the w o r k word. One or both of you. We have to get ready." A bit later, Dixie, Luke and Scrapie came into the kitchen. Dixie was in uniform and appeared ready to leave for work even though she wasn't feeling great. She just hoped that she looked better than she felt. “Morning you two, I made pancakes and coffee if you have time and want breakfast,” BL said. “Good morning BL, no time for breakfast but I’ll take coffee to go,” Luke replied, pouring himself a travel mug of coffee. "BL, I love you. If you love me, please don't get any food near me." Dixie reached for a really cold Sprite. “I got to get, see you tonight at the farm BL, you too Bo,” Luke said, kissing Dixie asking, “Are you gonna be here after work or at the farm if you get off on time or miraculously early?” “Daisy is expecting us. I’ll meet you here and ride out with you,” Dixie replied. “Alright see you after work. C’mon Scrapie,” Luke said, heading to his truck, Scrapie zoomed ahead. “See ya’ll at the farm, ”Dixie saId, going to her car. “Give me 10 minutes and I’ll be ready to go,” BL said, laying down the dish towel. “Ok, I’ll take the wrecker to the garage, Luke didn’t have time, plus he plumb forgot. Luther ain’t open yet, so he’ll never know,” Bo replied. BL went upstairs putting on a minimum of makeup, putting on a sundress and pinning her hair into a bun. Sadie had rode to the garage with Bo, BL was waiting on the porch swing when they got back. Gloria Kravitz gave a deep sigh of relief when General Lee left, maybe she could get some rest now. Dixie sipped the Sprite on her drive to work. Going inside Tri Counties, she hoped to act like nothing was wrong and pray she felt better soon. Bo pulled General Lee in behind BL’s car when they got to Clyde’s, so he wouldn’t be blocking LB’s truck, when LB needed to leave for work. Clyde and LB were walking up from the goat pasture below the house, when they saw General Lee, not wanting in the middle of a showdown, LB cut across to the back door as Clyde headed straight for the orange stock car, by now Bo had sat Sadie on the ground and was helping BL out. “The prodigal daughter returns,” Clyde said, his tone dripping with sarcasm. “It’s my fault she didn’t come home last night sir,” Bo said, standing straight and looking Clyde in the eyes. Clyde folded his arms and waited for Bo’s explanation. “We was on our way back here but I wanted to talk to Luke, it was real late when me and Luke got done talking,” Bo said. “I went to bed while they were talking, in my room ALONE, Bo hadn’t you better go home and get those chores done?” BL cut in before Clyde could speak. “Uh yeah, see you at supper, what I mean is see ya’ll, LB too. Daisy’s cooking for everybody like she did when Luke and Dixie got married,” Bo started to kiss BL but one look at Clyde changed his mind and he went home. One look at Dixie by her boss and the older woman knew she was having a rough morning. The lady was the day’s shift commander who made the work assignments. She had assigned the other officers but had not given Dixie an assignment. "Where am I?" Dixie asked. "In here. I have some work to do in the main office, but I'm not in a rush. I'll keep the book and such for a while. " Bonnie said. "Are you sure?" Dixie asked. "Grab you a seat and get yourself feeling better. Hang out in here with me unless you're needed to do something and about ten I'll turn this over to you." Dixie said, "I appreciate it. I didn't want to miss work and feel fine in a bit." Bonnie reassured her, "You are a good officer and work hard. I'd rather have you here and not a hundred percent for a couple of hours than not at all." Dixie replied. "That was about the way I saw it. Thanks again." BALLADEER: Both ladies were right by 10 o'clock. Dixie was herself and on the job. At Base Camp, Luke and the supervisors were following a fire and weather at a fire near Big Bend National Park. It looked to be turning into a big fire. All through the day on breaks and at lunch they checked in on it. At the end of the day the supervisor said, "There hasn't ever been a jump in Texas, but when they have had bad fires, this base camp wasn't established yet. I'm not saying that we are gonna get called to it, but we've let them know we can be there if they need us, so be ready to fly boys and girls." Luke added, "And dogs?" The supervisor gave a questioning look. "I don't know. Do you know anyone that can take care of him?" "He could stay with my wife." Luke said. "If we fly, I'll make sure you know before you leave home." He said. Luke replied, "Great." He and Scrapie headed to Hazzard. Luke had been concerned about Dixie working today, but she had insisted. He planned to corner Uncle Jesse tonight. BL had cooked breakfast a second time this morning when Bo dropped her off at Clyde’s to get her car, making scrambled eggs, bacon and toast. After getting LB off to work BL cleaned up the kitchen and still made it to the post office with five minutes to spare. Daisy had come into town to get a few things she needed for tonight’s supper. She had parked her car at the garage because she couldn’t find a parking spot on the street in front of the store. “Hey Cooter, Luther I came by to invite ya’ll to supper, I’m cooking for Bo and BL the same way I did for Dixie and Luke,” Daisy said. “Did they elope too, instead of a wedding?” Luther asked, still a mite peeved over Luke and Dixie eloping. “They're still having a wedding, us girls are going to work on it after supper,” Daisy replied. “We’ll be there, what time?” Cooter said. “About 6, see ya later,” Daisy said, heading back to the farm. BL worked the Post Office until noon when Ellen Sue took over. BL had just left on the afternoon mail run when Luther came in to get the garage and house mail and to get some stamps. Clyde also just happened to be in town and decided to stop in the Post Office. "Hey, Brother. What are you doing?" Clyde asked Luther. "Paying everyone else what I just made." Luther said. Gloria had seen the men go into the Post Office " suddenly felt the need to check her mail. As she entered, she paid no mind to the girl at the counter but addressed the two men, "Afternoon Mr. Davenport and um... Mr. Davenport. I'm Mrs. Kravitz. I live beside your daughter and, at times, your daughter, too." She paused a split second and then got her second wind, "And, that's what I want to talk to you about. Now, I know your daughter married that oldest boy of Jesse Duke.” she said to Luther then addressed Clyde. “But, I also know that your daughter has been running around with that other Duke boy at all hours of the night. I know because those loud cars, trucks, and even the wrecker wake me up. Why just last night the wrecker left after midnight and didn't get back in until after 2 am.” “ Then, that other Duke boy showed up with your girl and her dog," Gloria added, speaking to Clyde. “Then, the dogs started barking. Well, I was left with no other choice but to call that nice Deputy to go over there and quiet them down, and then the dogs barked again,” Gloria complained. “ But, I think it is just disgraceful how your daughter is running around at all hours with that Duke boy,” Gloria again addressed Clyde. “And all of them staying over there at the house right beside me, don't you know, and those two not married. And last night wasn't the first time either." BL had barely stepped in the post office door after the afternoon mail run, when Ellen Sue came out of the bathroom “good your back!” “Ellen Sue, is something wrong?” BL asked, thinking maybe Ellen Sue had an emergency but had waited for her instead of just closing. “Your Daddy came in while you were gone, your Uncle did too,” Ellen Sue paused mustering up the courage to continue. “So did Mrs. Kravitz,” Ellen Sue then told what she’d overheard. “Ellen Sue, do you mind closing? I need to take care of something,” BL didn’t wait for an answer, she needed to talk to Bo now before supper and they both were in Clyde’s crosshairs. “Sweet Talker to Lost Sheep 2, you got your ears on? Bo I need to talk to you,” BL called out over the CB. “I’m right here Darlin, what’s on your pretty little mind,” Bo replied. “We might be in trouble, can you meet me at the Choctaw Indian caves?” BL asked. “I can be there in about 10 minutes,” Bo replied. “10-4, I’m gone,” BL said, racking the mic. At the Indian caves BL started talking as soon as Bo slid out onto General Lee’s window sill. “Be ready for anything at supper, Daddy came by the post office and Mrs. Kravitz came in and started talking…” BL said. “Oh Lord,” Bo replied. BL told him all that Ellen Sue overheard then added “we can’t even try to convince him, he misunderstood because Uncle Luther was there too. Like I said, be ready for anything, he will have had all afternoon to stew, so our goose is cooked,” BL said. Dixie had gotten off work on time and arrived home in time to get out of her uniform, grab a shower and walk into the bedroom in a bath towel when she heard Luke's truck pull into the driveway. Luke took Scrapie out back then they came in the back door. Not seeing Dixie downstairs, Luke headed upstairs to find Dixie wearing only a towel gathering her clothes to wear to supper. "Can we skip supper?" He asked as he stole the towel. "Luke." Dixie said. He leaned in kissing the back of her neck. Dixie turned around and kissed Luke back. “We better get to the farm before Daddy or he’ll think I bailed on work, just to spend the afternoon with you, I did leave about an hour early,” BL said. “You hollered at me on the CB so won’t he know we ain’t been together?” Bo asked. “Not unless he was in his truck, the cabinet shop, don’t have a CB,” BL replied. So Bo and BL headed to the Duke farm, Bo following her in General Lee. Luke and Dixie managed to get dressed a bit later than planned and headed out to the farm with Scrapie putting nose prints on the truck window. On the way out Luke told Dixie they were watching a fire in Texas but it wasn't real likely they would get called out, but that they were 'ready' if they were called. He also mentioned that Scrapie may or may not go. BL was helping Daisy carry everything out to the picnic table, not just because she always pitched in but because she was trying to keep Clyde from ambushing her, she was beginning to think Dixie hadn’t gotten better and Luke and Dixie weren’t coming, when they finally drove up. Luke sat Scrappie down and a game of chase ensued as he and Sadie got a case of zoomies. Luke turned back to assist Dixie. Seeing Bo, Cooter and LB tinkering with General Lee he joined them, “Hey ya’ll,” Luke greeted the others. “I was starting to think you and Luke weren’t coming,” BL said, looking relieved.’ Luke grinned “sorry got occupied.” Cooter caught the drift, “hey, hey now, Dixie’s your wife but she’s my sister!” Luke grinned again, “I didn’t say anything about Dixie.” Cooter said, ”you didn’t have to. I know that grin, so just hush.” “Hushing,” Luke said with a wider grin. “Ok ya’ll wash up, let’s eat,” Daisy called the rest. They all sat down to a hearty meal of corn on the cob, mashed potatoes, baked beans, toasted bread and bbq chicken. “Daisy, this is great,” LB said. “Thanks sugar, save room for dessert because I made peach cobbler,” Daisy replied. Supper was nice and enjoyed by everyone. All was still sitting at the picnic table talking when…Dixie and BL offered together, "I'll help with the cobbler and coffee." The girls went to get dessert. Bo seemed more nervous than a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs. Clyde had been looking at him all through supper. Finally, Clyde spoke, "Jesse, could you, me and Bo have us a little private talk?" Jesse nodded, "Sure, Clyde. Ya'll excuse us, we'll be back directly. Bo." Bo knew his name was called and it wasn't an option. He stood up to join the two men while looking at Luke for a rescue. They hadn't had a chance to talk privately. Luke shrugged, not knowing what was going on. "Yell, if you need me." He said for only Bo to hear. Bo dropped his head. He was sunk. Bo looking like a man being sent to the gallows or his own hanging as he went along with the older men, stopping near the barn, Clyde propped his foot up on a haybale, looking at Bo he said, “Jesse, I was told some distressing things today when I ran into Gloria Kravitz. We both know Gloria is one of the biggest gossips in the county and she don’t always get her facts straight but I don’t think she’d get something wrong that practically happened in her own front yard,” Clyde stopped to collect his thoughts and get his second wind. “Jesse, she was complaining about the kids coming and going at all hours with their loud vehicles, now I just figured she was exaggerating ‘all hours’ but she told me and Luther, was there too, that she heard the wrecker leave about midnight then come back around 2 am. Then she heard the General Lee and Sadie barking along with Luke’s dog. She said she had to call Cletus to go quieten them down. Things got quiet alright because Bo here kept my girl out all night, they stayed with Luke and Dixie and it wasn’t the first time she said that it’s happened. That's just unacceptable in my book. A young man should have a girl home before the wee hours.” Jesse looked at Bo, who was looking at his boots; they'd become more fascinating with Clyde’s words of his encounter with Gloria Kravitz. “Is what he said, true Bo?” Jesse asked gruffly. “Yes sir,” Bo said, head still hung. Jesse Duke wasn't happy. Engaged or not, it wasn't right for the 'kids' to be acting married already. "I'll deal with you in a bit, but for starters, you can apologize to Clyde." Bo did as he was told. "I'm sorry, Mr. Davenport." Inside BL looked out the kitchen window as she was getting dessert plates and coffee cups seeing the three men get up and walk away from the others “uhoh…” BL said. “What?”Dixie was pouring coffee. “Daddy, Uncle Jesse and Bo just took a walk away from everybody,” BL replied, as if that were explanation enough. “So,” Dixie didn’t see the big deal. “While I was making the afternoon mail run, Daddy came by the post office and ran into Mrs. Kravitz. Ellen Sue told me, she overheard their talk,” here BL proceeded to tell Dixie everything Ellen Sue had heard. Dixie took coffee out for Luke with iced tea for herself. She leaned in and whispered, "You might want to go check on Bo." Luke replied with a smirk, "I wasn't invited.” “Luke, you know we weren't causing a ruckus last night." Dixie said. "I know that and I'll explain that to Uncle Jesse in a bit." Luke said. BL came back out with a tray of plates of dessert, coffee and coffee cups. Sitting it down on the table for everybody to help themselves. Bo, Uncle Jesse and Clyde came back over and sat down, Clyde and Jesse both poured a cup of coffee. After finishing their dessert, the younger men went back to their tinkering while the older men took their coffee to the front porch. The girls took everything back inside. “Ladies, we need to talk about the wedding after we get these dishes done. It’s only a couple weeks away,” Daisy said. Once away from the older men Luke asked, "Everything alright?" Bo frowned and simply said, "For now." Dixie put the last plate up and was more than ready to go sit down on the couch in the living room. Daisy and BL joined her in the living room. Daisy got a notepad and pen from the desk, “alright BL, what do you want the wedding to be like, it is YOUR big day,” Daisy said, pen at the ready. “You already know, I’m wearing my mother’s dress. It’s long with no frills, really just a short train and long lace sleeves and the veil has little flowers on the bottom,” BL replied then continued, “I am going to change before the reception so I don’t accidentally ruin Mama’s wedding dress.” “What kind of flowers?,” Daisy asked. “I want purple, japanese irises for my bouquet,” BL said. “What about a cake?” Daisy asked. “Chocolate cake let me see that pen and paper to give you a basic idea of the design I want,” BL took the notepad and pen, drawing a sketch of the idea in her head. “Bridesmaid dresses?” Daisy took back the notepad and pen. “Something simple that can be worn again, like just a church dress,” BL replied, looking at Dixie, if she was going to wear it, even though she hated dresses, BL thought she should have a say in it. Dixie replied, "Only for you and I'm changing when you do." BL said, "You two can match or be slightly different since Dixie is gonna be the Matron of Honor and Daisy, if you will be the Bridesmaid." Daisy said, "Great, when can we go dress shopping, so that we can compare. Are you having just the two of us?" BL nodded ‘yes’,"yep, just the two of you, told ya I want to keep it simple,” BL said. “Well, I already told ya’ll I’m off on Saturdays,” Dixie said. “Me too, Ellen Sue agreed to work all day Saturdays,” BL said. “We can’t go this Saturday, the bridal shower is from 1 to 3,” Daisy replied. The girls continued to talk about the shower and wedding. A bit later, Daisy noticed Dixie had gotten quiet. She looked over to find Dixie comfortably napping on the couch. BL saw Dixie was asleep and said “guess Luke needs to take her home,” BL got up to go tell Luke that Dixie was asleep, so he should probably take her home, when Clyde came in,. “I’m going home, be home at a decent hour,” Clyde might have sounded like he was just making a statement or even asking a question but after talking to Mrs. Kravitz, he expected to be obeyed, even if she was an adult, “Yes sir, I’ll be home in a little bit,” BL replied. As soon as Clyde was gone, BL continued her original mission, going out to where the guys were all at, tinkering with General Lee, “Luke, you might need to take Dixie home,” BL said. “Is she ok?” Luke asked worriedly as he wiped his hands on a grease rag. “She’s fine, she’s asleep on the couch and I thought she’d be more comfortable and rest better in her own bed,” BL replied, going back in the house. Luke nodded and continued to clean up. "Alright, Cooter when that stuff comes in, we'll bring the General over to the garage and work on him one night like we used to do." Bo looked surprised, "Pull an all nighter, at the garage?" They hadn't done that since Luke and Luther parted ways years ago. "Sure. Do you see any problems?" He was looking at Cooter. “The only problem I see is your wife might object to you not coming home, " Cooter replied. Luke gave Cooter a look as he was hurrying to put up his tools, without looking like he was in a hurry. "I meant with us using the garage or with Luther." Cooter shrugged his shoulders replying, “shouldn't be.” "Ok. I'll catch ya'll tomorrow. Bo, if you run into those loud mouths, set something up for Saturday night at the earliest. so we can get those parts on the General." Luke walked to the house where Jesse sat on the porch. The Davenport elders had both left by now. "Uncle Jesse, I don't know what all Clyde heard, but Bo, Daisy, BL, and Cooter have all stayed at the house even when it was BL's. There wasn't any messing around going on." ”What about when its just been Bo and BL? I didn’t just fall off the turnip truck, I know last night couldn’t be the only night it’s just been those two,” Jesse said. Luke didn’t want to dig Bo’s hole deeper, he’d most likely do that himself, so Luke only said “there wasn’t any messing around going on then either.” After Luke woke Dixie enough to walk out to the truck, he helped Scrapie in and they all headed home. After Luke, Dixie and Scrapie left, BL decided it was time she went home too, it likely wouldn’t be wise to push Clyde’s button’s. “Leaving so soon?” Bo asked, walking her to her car, Sadie at their heels. ”I don’t want to antagonize Daddy,” BL answered. Parking behind Clyde’s truck, BL headed inside, Sadie sensing BL’s nervousness was sticking like velcro to BL’s leg, inside Clyde put down his newspaper. “Brandy Lou, sit down,” Clyde said. BL sat down on the couch, this wasn’t going to be good, if he was already using her first and middle name instead of her nickname. “I saw Gloria Kravitz at the post office this afternoon and she had quite alot to say,” Clyde said, then he proceeded to repeat what Gloria had said. BL already knew what he’d been told, Ellen Sue had already told her. “I already asked this once before, are you and Bo sharing a bed?” BL dropped her head, so she couldn’t see Clyde’s disappointment, “We have a few times at Dixie and Luke’s,” BL quickly added ”but it’s NOT like you think, NOTHING dirty went on, we SLEPT in the same bed that’s ALL.” BL said, emphasizing key words. Clyde's face had progressively turned to a reddish purple, but he held his temper with his daughter. "Brandy Lou, it's not proper. Just not proper at all." The mental image of his baby wrapped in Bo Duke's arms flashed into his mind. "Just remember, you are not married yet." He got up and trotted out of the house. BL got up and went to her room flopping across the bed. The song Daddy’s Hands by Holly Dunn had always fit her relationship with Clyde. He had ‘patted her back for something done right, ‘been soft and kind, when she was crying’, and ‘hard as steel when she’d done wrong;. Sadie hopped up on the bed, washing BL’s face in kisses. Dixie headed to the kitchen for a Sprite while Luke took Scrapie out. Then they all headed upstairs to get comfy. Luke wasn't ready for sleep, but with Dixie napping at Jesse's, he figured if she fell asleep in bed, then he wouldn't have to wake her to go upstairs. He had taken his jeans off and opted for a pair of pajama pants. Dixie had slipped into her short gown and cuddled with Luke and Scrapie. Just as everyone settled down, the phone rang. Luke swore. Scrapie barked. Dixie laughed at them both. Luke had forgotten to get the stuff to run a jack upstairs, so he ran downstairs, "Duke residence. This is Luke." Maybelle said, " I'm connecting your long distance call now." Luke swore but couldn't help the adrenaline he felt even before his Supervisor came on the line. "Duke. We are flying. I need you and Scrapie here in the morning. We leave here for the great state of Texas at dawn. I'll see you by 4." Luke replied, "We'll be there." "Bring a pack for Scrapie. Food, his water and such." The Supervisor reminded Luke of what he knew already from training. "Got ya." Luke said. Dixie asked, "Who was that? You don't have the wrecker." "Work. Scrapie and I are heading to Texas in the morning." Luke said neutrally. He didn't like or want to leave Dixie alone, but smokejumping was his job. A job he liked. This season was going to be different for sure. "Promise me you two will be careful?" Dixie asked. "As careful as I can be in the middle of chaos. Always." Luke said snuggling back in by Dixie. "Scrapie, you get to jump with us tomorrow. Get some sleep." A couple minutes later Scrapie was upside down asleep. Jesse had waited until everyone had left and Daisy had gone to bed. Now he got up from his chair, went to the kitchen, coming back to the livingroom with two cups of coffee. He handed one to Bo before sitting down again. “Bo we need to have us a talk, Now I know I don’t usually get in you ‘kids’ love lives but I didn’t like what I was hearing from Clyde Davenport, nary a bit,” Jesse said. “I’m sorry Uncle Jesse,” Bo replied, head hung. ”Sorry you got caught or sorry for what you’ve done?” Jesse asked. Bo thought about those nights holding BL in his arms, what he was sorry for was getting her in trouble with her father, ”I’m sorry for this whole dang mess,” Bo replied. “Have you been taking marital liberties with that girl?” Jesse asked, not real sure wanted an answer. “No sir, just sharing a bed a few times, like last night but we was dressed. I borrowed pajama pants from Luke and BL wore shorts and a t-shirt. Sadie was between us,” Bo added the last part, hoping it would lessen the severity of Jesse’s look, it didn’t! “It don’t matter the dog ain’t a german shepherd or a coon hound, she’s easily moved. Sleeping in the same bed is a privilege for marriage,” Jesse replied. Bo dutifully replied, "Yes, Sir." Jesse further stated, "Engaged is one thing. Married is another. I'll expect you to remember that until your wedding night." “Yes sir, you have my word as a Duke,” Bo promised and he had no intentions of breaking his word. Jesse nodded, satisfied the matter was handled, he picked up his paper. Luke had managed to get a couple hours sleep but found himself awake before the clock went off. He cut the clock off then held Dixie a few extra minutes. He gently kissed her and tried to ease out of bed without waking her while telling Scrapie, "Shhh." Luke picked up his clothes and boots figuring to dress in the bathroom. Dixie said with her eyes still closed, "You don't have to try to be quiet." "I was trying not to wake you." Luke said. Dixie smiled, "I know when my husband leaves the bed." She turned over into the warm place he had left and hugged his pillow and Scrapie. Luke got dressed and was ready to leave. He sat on the bed and said, "I'm heading out. I have no idea when I'll be home. I'll call you if I can tonight. I love you." He said, giving her another kiss. "I love you both. You two take care of each other." Dixie said as she also gave Scrapie a kiss. Luke said, " Come on, Scrapie, let's go to work." Scrapie jumped at the word 'work'. He started off the bed but turned to lick Dixie right up the face from chin to nose then went off the bed 'talking' to Luke as they went downstairs. A couple minutes later, Dixie heard the truck fire up and back out. She was back to sleep before Luke was out of Hazzard Square. Gloria snapped awake as Luke’s truck fired up “now what?” Gloria fussed, then she heard Luke back out and the sound of the loud motor fade as he neared Hazzard Square. Gloria and Luke weren’t the only two awake this early, BL and Bo were awake too, BL hadn’t slept well for two reasons, one had been because she missed having Bo’s arms around her, even though it had only been a few nights and two she kept seeing the disappointment in her father’s eyes. Giving up on sleeping any more than what little restless sleep, she had gotten she got up and was now out in the back yard with the livingroom rug over the clothesline, taking out her frustration and removing dirt at the same time by beating it for all she was worth with an old badminton raquet. At the Duke farm Bo had been restless, missing the feel of BL in his arms and seeing Luke’s empty bed across the room just made things worse because he had noone to talk to. He was now out doing chores, trying to forget his troubles. "Thump, thump, thump, ..... thump." Clyde heard the noise. Now that it had him nearly awake, he was trying to figure out what in the world made that noise. "Thump, thump, thump." He stepped into a pair of work pants, grabbed his shirt and a rifle and headed out to find out. He noted the living room and kitchen lights on as he went. Going out onto the back porch he heard, ‘thump,thump,thump’, looking to his right in the early morning light, stood BL wielding the badminton racquet like a bat giving the rug what for. “BL, what in tarnation are you doing?” Clyde asked, propping his rifle against the wall. “Getting the dust out of this rug, been needing it for a while,” BL said, breathing hard from her exertion. ”Fine but if you keep at it like that, you’re gonna beat a hole in it,” Clyde said but BL kept whacking. Jesse got up and came into the kitchen to make coffee. The stove eye was on low and the pot was nearly full. Jesse walked back to the bedrooms to find Bo's bed in a crumpled mess and empty. Jesse turned back toward the main part of the house, Bo wasn’t in the bathroom, the door was open. Bo hadn’t been on the couch when Jesse had gone to the kitchen, so he checked the front porch but no Bo, Jesse was getting up a head of steam as he went around the side of the house, thinking Bo had taken off somewhere but General Lee was in his usual spot. Looking around, Jesse spotted Bo out beside the tree near the barn, going over there Jesse said “you’re up early,” Bo looked at his boots, "Yes, Sir." "Well, is there a reason you are out here two hours before dawn?" Jesse asked. "Probably." Bo said. Jesse fumed, "Bo, I love all you kids, but if there is a reason I'm out here in my long John's I'd like to know why." “I couldn’t sleep,” Bo replied simply. Jesse looked at Bo. "Son, there have been many nights you can't sleep, but I never found you doing chores before dawn." ”I didn’t want to wake you and Daisy, so figured I’d get started on the chores,” Bo replied. Jesse nodded. "Come on. Let's get breakfast started." Bo sighed. Put down what he was working on and followed Jesse back to the kitchen. As Dixie slept, Luke and Scrapie arrived at base camp. It was determined that Luke would wear the extra harness for Scrapie to jump. Luke attached his harness to his rig but put Scrapie on a leash for the flight. Luke as well as Lisa and Casey all brought supplies for Scrapie. BL brought the rug back inside, putting it down on the livingroom floor again, then went to take a shower before making breakfast but as she passed the kitchen on the way to her room to get clothes, Clyde said, ”Don’t worry about making breakfast, I’ve got it covered. I’ll make us some waffles, been a while since I made any.” “Ok, I’m going to take a bath,” BL said. A soak in a bubble bath was just what she needed, after last night. At the Duke farm, Bo sat down at the table. ”Uncle Jesse can we talk?” Bo asked. ”Sure, what's on your mind?” Jesse asked, sitting beside Bo at the table. Bo said, "night before last didn't help none, but you can see Mr. Davenport ain't real happy with me becoming his son-in-law. So, I been thinking on trying to get a part time job." ”You think that’ll change Clyde’s opinion of ya? Jesse asked “Yes sir, I think he’d like me more if’n I atleast helped BL make a living and part time means I can still help on the farm,” Bo replied. Jesse stroked his beard thoughtfully. "Bo, my issue here is that you are wanting to take on a part-time job to impress Clyde." Jesse held his hand up, "I know what we make from this farm ain't a lot, but you know it's has always been a full-time job for the four of us. Now, with Luke in and out of the County during fire season, that's gonna mean longer hours and trying to make up big jobs when he is home. If you are working long hours here, plus part-time somewhere else, when are you gonna have time for your wife and be able to sleep?" ”Luke manages to sleep and have time for his wife, I reckon I can too. It ain’t that I’m trying to impress him, I just don’t want him thinking I’m a lazy no-account that expects my wife to work to pay our bills. Daisy has a job plus she does most of the cooking and all the laundry and house work,” Bo replied. "Alright, Bo I'll support your decision." Jesse said, though he still wasn't sure Bo was making his choices for the right reasons. “Thanks Uncle Jesse, I’ll go into town this afternoon and see what’s posted on the board outside the courthouse,” Bo said. At Clyde's, LB banged on the bathroom door after a simple knock got no response from BL. “HURRY IT UP IN THERE, SOME OF US HAS THINGS TO DO TODAY!” BL had dozed off as the hot soapy water relaxed her, now she sat up quickly, draining the tub and scrambling out and drying off. “Alright, alright give me a minute!” Sadie barked at all the commotion going on. Clyde yelled, "Knock it off! All three of you!" Dixie decided to try something different this morning. She had set the clock a few minutes early. When it went off, she sat up slowly. She sipped a couple of small drinks of the Sprite she had taken up to bed with her, hit snooze and then the second alarm went off, she eased out of bed and to the bathroom, she was a bit nauseous but was ok.She was hoping the slower motions of getting up would keep the morning sickness at bay. So far, so good, as she got dressed, then headed downstairs and out to the Thunderbird to head to work. Quiet was restored when Clyde yelled, the ‘kids’ didn’t want to be on his bad side so early, considering the bad mood he’d been in last night. “All yours brother dear,” BL said, coming out in her robe. Daisy had gotten to bed much earlier last night, than when she worked and came floating into the kitchen, well rested. “Morning Uncle Jesse, morning Bo,” Daisy chirped. “Morning Daisy,” both men replied. Just like in practice, Scrapie was eager to head to the plane for an adventure! Luke and Randy continued to check weather patterns and updates on the fire. Once on the ground, at Base Camp, Scrapie would be with Lisa. Once on the jump plane, Luke would take him back and get him secured into his harness just before jumping at the fire scene. From indications, this was going to be a 'good' fire. No chance of it going out or rain putting it out anytime soon. Daisy finished cooking breakfast and by the time they were done eating, it was light enough, Bo and Jesse finished the rest of the chores. “Tell Daisy I’ll try to be back in time for lunch,” Bo said as he headed out on the tractor to cut hay for Nate Sumner, who’s tractor wasn’t running. “I’ll do that as soon as I give Wilbur his bottle,” Jesse said as he put the bottle’s nipple in the piglet’s mouth. Daisy had finished her housework and was getting in her roadrunner to go to work when Bo returned. “Sorry I’m late Daisy, I’ll make myself a sandwich,” Bo said heading inside. He needed a quick shower to wash the morning’s dirt off. Once showered and dressed in clean clothes, Bo made himself a sandwich to eat on the way to town, to look at jobs posted on the notice board outside the courthouse. BL was getting the mail all sacked and ready to deliver even though she was supposed to be off, Ellen Sue had called in sick. Bo saw only 3 notices that interested him so he took them down and headed over to the garage to ask if Luther would let him use the phone in the office to call about them. Cooter looked up from what he was doing as Bo crossed the street and came over. “Hey buddy roe, what’s shakin’?” Cooter said. “Hey Cooter, can I use the phone in the office? I want to check on these jobs,” Bo replied. ”‘Help thyself but I thought you and Luke once said you couldn’t leave the farm and Uncle Jesse for full time work? Well, Luke done made a smokejumper and works out of the county, out of the state even when there’s a big wildfire, now you’re looking for a job too?” Cooter said. “I’m just looking for part time, so I can still help Uncle Jesse with the farm but the farm don’t make enough to support uncle Jesse, Daisy, me and soon BL too, besides me and BL are going to live with Dixie and Luke, be easier to pay the bills if it’s a 4 income household,” Bo explained. Cooter went back to work when Bo had gone into the garage office and shut the door. Luke, Randy and the others got a glimpse of the fire on the way into base camp. There they got briefings on wind, weather, fire movements, as well as safe zones. These safe zones were the river, black areas that had already burnt which if cut off the smokejumpers could go to and be safe. That is if any place in a forest fire could be safe. Ground crews had been on scene for nine days. This would be a historical jump for a couple reasons; one, Smokejumpers had never jumped in Texas and two, they had never jumped this far south. The Sublett fire** in Big Bend National Park would certainly be a first. It had started from a lightning strike. The fire was progressing toward historical buildings in the park along with campgrounds. Campers had been asked, told even to pack up and leave. Most had done so, however there were a few still thought to be at the campgrounds. It would be the Smokejumpers job to find them and get them moving.Then try to put in lines around the historical buildings at least a hundred years old. They were briefed. They knew their job. Equipment was loaded. It was time to fly. Luke knew Dixie would be at work but he checked his phone signal just the same. Surprised, he had signal. Hoping to go get this mission complete and be able to call her in the evening, he made the call, "Load up." Scrapie was itching to get on the plane. Everyone was on board, the plane readied for take off. ** The Sublett fire in Big Bend National Park was a real fire that did go down in history for these reasons. Where the Smokejumpers came from, and era, along with the fact that all persons were accounted for were real. I am taking the liberty of editing these parts of truth to fit our story. Bo made his calls but only one place was still hiring, he told the secretary he could be there in an hour. Coming out of the garage office Bo waved at Luther as he was parking his truck. “Thanks a lot Cooter,catch ya later” Bo said. “Anytime, anytime, see ya” Cooter replied. Luther saw Bo pull out, "What was Bo up to?" He asked Cooter. “Calling about some jobs he seen on the notice board over at the courthouse, if you can believe it,” Cooter replied. Luther didn’t know what to believe, so just got back to work. BL met Bo, heading for Roadhog’s Supply Trucking, the only other place to go on this road was Herman’s Gas station and Bo had already passed it by, “Sweet Talker to Lost Sheep 2. Bo where ya headed in such a hurry? Rosco ain’t chasing you.” BL spoke into her CB mic. “I’ll tell you later, when we all meet at the Boar’s Nest after work like usual, wish me luck. Over and out,” Bo said. “Good luck,” BL replied, knowing Bo was upto something but not ready to tell yet. Bo parked in Roadhog’s parking lot, slid out of General Lee, tucked his shirt a little and went in. “Good afternoon Shirley, I’m Bo Duke, we spoke on the phone. I’m here about the job,” Bo said. “Have a seat, I’ll let Mr. Harvey know he has a visitor,” Shirley said, leaving Bo to wait. Dixie's day had been pretty routine as she drove back to Hazzard. She had already changed out of her uniform and was heading home when she passed BL, who was probably heading to the Boar's Nest. BL had, had a good day until the last ten minutes and Mrs. Kravitz had come in the post office, she’d been out of stamps and instead of leaving a note and some money in the mailbox like most people in the county, she’d made an unnecessary trip to the post office. BL had made her take a number and show her ID, just like Miz Tisdale had done. What BL had taken the most pleasure in was making Mrs. Kravitz wait while BL called for numbers 1-3, pausing to look around after each as if the Post Office was busy, before calling the next number. Now BL couldn’t wait to get to the Boar’s Nest for a cold beer. Bo shook hands with the owner of Roadhog’s Supply Trucking as he came out of the office. “See you Monday at noon Mr. Harvey,” Bo said. “See you Monday Bo,” Mr. Harvey replied. Bo waved at Shirley on his way out, now he was headed to the Boar’s Nest and a celebratory drink. Dixie hadn't really planned to stop at the Boat's Nest tonight since Luke wasn't home. She, like the rest of the Dukes, had the habit of finding trouble. She had driven by the Boar's Nest and was heading towards town when she passed Bo in the General Lee. "Lost Sheep Two, to Little Shotgun." Bo called. Dixie reached for the mic. "Go ahead." “You’re going the wrong way, the Boar’s Nest is the other way, you passed it” Bo said, keying his mic. “I’m not coming,” Dixie replied. “Why not?” Bo asked. “Because I don’t feel like getting into trouble, Luke ain’t home he was called to Texas, left this morning,” was Dixie’s answer. “You won’t, me and BL won’t let you,” Bo replied. BALLADEER: Friends and neighbors if you believe that, I got some ocean front property in Tennessee. Dixie grinned then keyed the mic replying “Bo no offense but you get in twice as much trouble as I do and more often than not BL ends up in trouble right along with me.” Bo said, "But, you have to come. I got something for us to celebrate. You don't have to stay long." Dixie sighed, "Alright, Bo Duke but I ain't staying long." Dixie said as she turned around and headed back toward Bo. Dixie and Bo pulled in the parking lot, parking on either side of BL’s GTO. Inside they stopped a minute just inside the door to let their eyes adjust to the dim lighting before going over to sit with BL. “Hey beautiful,“ Bo said, kissing BL’s cheek. “Hey, ok what were you doing earlier on the other side of town when I met you while delivering the mail?” BL asked. “You’ll find out when Cooter gets here,” Bo replied. “Bo that could be a while if he’s on a wrecker call, I’m not staying long remember?” Dixie said. Bo reassured Dixie, "Just give it a few. He'll be here." Dixie replied, "Alright. But, countdown has begun." Dixie turned to Daisy, "Can you please let the Hazzard operator know that I'm here in case Luke calls?" Daisy replied, "I got you. What do you want to drink?" "Iced tea. Plenty of lemon and ice." Dixie said. “Beer for you two?” Daisy asked Bo and BL. “Yes please,” BL said, then asked “Can I get a frosted mug, please?” BL continued “I had a good day up until about 10 minutes before closing and old battle axe Kravitz came in. “ “What was she trying to start now?” Bo asked through clenched teeth, he’d about had his fill of the busy body. BL replied, "Nothing obvious, but she kept giving me a look." Daisy saw Cooter come in just as she was about to bring the drinks over and added a beer to her tray. Cooter was just sitting down when BL spoke, “Ok he’s here, what’s the big news.” “I got a job at Roadhog’s Supply Trucking today. I start Monday at noon,” Bo said. Cooter said, "So you are really going to see work off the farm?" Bo replied, "It's part-time, so it shouldn't be too bad." “That means you’ll be out of the county most days probably,” BL said. Not far, I'll still be home at night,” Bo replied. ”Luke and you both out of the county, where Boss and Rosco can’t keep tabs on either of you. That will drive them nuts,” BL said. Dixie smiled at the thought, "Yes, it will be nearly as bad as when he found out that Luke had red lights in his truck and there was nothing he could do about it." Bo laughed, "Yeah there's an added bonus that I hadn't thought about." They all had a good laugh. “Hey Daisy, how about another round?” Bo said. “Bring me a soda please, I got the wrecker,” Cooter said. “How about you Dixie, more tea?” Daisy asked. There wasn't a rowdy crowd tonight and Dixie had gotten comfortable. The last thing she wanted to do was go home and cook so she replied, "Sure and while you are at it “bring me a burger with lettuce, tomato, onion, cheese and sweet pickle if you can find any back there." Daisy replied, "OK Sugar.” Dixie stopped her, "Daisy, make it a double and an order of cheese logs." Daisy asked, "Three?" "Make it six." Dixie said. Bo, Cooter, Daisy and BL looked at each other when they heard Dixie’s order. ”Did you skip lunch today sis?” Cooter asked, he’d never seen Dixie eat that much. She wasn’t like some girls who ate like birds but she didn’t usually eat this much all at once. Dixie looked totally clueless that her order was larger than normal and replied, "No. Why?" “Dixie I love you and I know you’re eating for two now but keep eating this way and you’ll be as big as Lulu Hogg,” BL teased. Dixie gave BL a look. "It ain't like we've never ate that before." “The sweet pickle is new, what’s up with that?” BL asked. Dixie replied, "It just sounded good. I'm not a fan of dill pickles but bread and butter or a sweet pickle just makes my mouth water. I think it will be good. Don't you?" “Not really, I’m not a fan of pickles period,” BL replied. Daisy brought out Dixie’s order, Cooter’s soda and Bo and BL’s beer asking as she passed it out “can I ya’ll anything else?” “Thanks Daisy, I’m good now,” Dixie replied. “On second thought I think I’ll have a burger too but no cheese or tomato and I’d like an order of tater tots,” BL said. “One burger and tater tots, coming right up” Daisy replied. Daisy turned back toward the bar but before she made even one step BL stopped her. “Daisy, can I get 2 bbq sandwiches and 2 large orders of onion rings to go, before I leave?” “Sure thing sugar, I’ll bring them over before you go,” Daisy replied. Once Daisy had gone, BL noticed Dixie giving her a questioning look. “Peace offering,” BL said, she knew it’d be way past supper time if she cooked because it didn’t look like any of them were leaving anytime soon. Most everyone figured Dixie would end up taking some of her burger and cheese logs home. Daisy was even coming to the table to see if she needed a take out box. They were a bit surprised when she cleaned her plate. When Daisy saw the empty plate, she had the good graces to ask, "Does anyone need anything else?" Dixie replied, "Can I get a to go iced tea and a piece of the peach pie?" "Sure. BL are you ready for your to go order?" Daisy replied. “Yes, I guess I should get home. You want to come hang out Dix, that way you ain’t gotta go home to an empty house,” BL asked while Daisy was getting their to go orders, “I got evening chores to get done since Luke got called out on a fire,” Bo said. Dixie replied, "I think I'll take a rain check. I want a long soak in the tub, a call from my husband and a nap. Not necessarily in that order." “Ok, holler if you need me, catch ya’ll later,” BL said, picking up her two to go boxes. Bo and Cooter followed her out. Just as Cooter opened the wreckers driver side door the CB came to life. “Duty calls, catch ya’ll on the flip side,” Cooter said and was gone in a cloud of dust. “I’ll stop by and see you before work, if I have time,” Bo kissed his finger and touched it to the tip of BL’s nose, “ love ya.” “Love you too, See you tomorrow,” BL replied, sitting the to go boxes in her passenger seat, then she headed home, Bo following until she turned onto her road. Dixie was ready to be home, get comfy and wait on Luke to hopefully call if he could get a call out from wherever he was in Texas. Pulling into the driveway, Dixie saw Mrs. Kravitz watering her flowers. At this rate she was going to need life jackets for the poor plants. With the time difference, Luke's crew was still hard at it. Their jump in had been textbook. Scrapie was right with them. The wind had changed, causing the fire to begin to head near a campground that was yet to be evaluated. Scrapie helped find some of the campers who were camping in the more rural areas of the campground. Mrs. Kravitz was waiting for Luke to park beside Dixie like most days her overactive imagination concluded the newlyweds were having marital trouble already. Paying more attention to her neighbors than her flowers. Mrs. Kravitz soon found herself with a small pond in her yard, prompting her to hurry and turn the water off. BL was met on the porch by Sadie when she got home. BL had dropped the dog off with Clyde at the cabinet shop, so she could hang out at the Boar’s Nest a little longer, it was still too hot to leave Sadie in the car for long even though humidity was down. “Hey girl, sorry but I didn’t bring you anything, I forgot,” BL said going inside, Sadie darting in the door first. “Thought you were going to leave me and your brother to fend for ourselves,” Clyde grumbled. “Daddy, why are you so cantankerous lately?” BL asked, heading to the kitchen with the to go boxes. “I brought you and LB back a bbq sandwich and onion rings,” BL added. “Ok, you're forgiven, Ain’t you gonna eat?” Clyde said, taking a bite of his sandwich. The Boar’s Nest might only be a bar but they had the best bbq in 3 counties. “Luke had to leave out early this morning for Texas, Dixie had any calls from him if there was one, sent to the Boar’s Nest and we was celebrating Bo’s new job, so me and Dixie had a bite to eat. I suspect she ate there because she didn’t want to cook for just herself,” BL said. "Texas?" Clyde asked. "Still not used to hearing these details about the elder Duke's job. "Why on Earth would he go to Texas?" BL replied, "There is a forest fire near a national park there. Luke's team was called in." “Ain’t Texas a bit out of his usual territory?” Clyde had heard the ‘kids’ talk about the places Luke had been on a fire but he’d never heard of Luke going so far south. “I don’t guess he has a ‘territory’, they just go where needed,” BL replied. Normally, Dixie would have spoken or at least waved to Mrs. Kravitz, today just wasn't that day. She got out of her car and went in her front door. There, she closed the door and the rest of Hazzard and the world out. She then put her pie on the kitchen table and let the Hazzard switchboard know that she was home. Being a bit lazy, Dixie went to the laundry room where she had a long night shirt. Deciding to change there instead of going upstairs to change and then have to carry the dirty clothes back downstairs. Dixie turned on the TV more for noise than anything else. She sat her tea and the phone on the table by the couch. Dixie eyed the downstairs closet and smiled a bit. She took out the pillows and a light cover that she left there usually for Bo and or Cooter. Going to the couch she placed the pillows and stretched out on the couch with the light cover. Dixie had always thought the overstuffed couch was comfortable, but today it was especially comfy as she snuggled into place to relax a while. Bo finished up the last of the chores and came in the back door just as Jesse was sitting the cornbread on the table. “You’re just in time,wash up before it gets cold,” Jesse said. Bo did as he was told and sat down, reaching to pick up a bowl he was starving but when Uncle Jesse cleared his throat, Bo withdrew his hand for Uncle Jesse to say grace. “Did you have any luck finding a job?” Uncle Jesse asked, still not sure it was the best idea but he’d go along with Bo’s decision like he said he would. “Yes sir, I start Monday at Roadhog Supply Trucking,” Bo replied. "What will you be doing?" Jesse asked. Bo replied. “Monday, I'll be making deliveries in the County in the afternoon. Then some days I'll have to be there really late at night or early morning to get big trucks unloaded and stock put up then I'll be home to do the morning chores." Bo took a sip of tea, "They also have mining supplies." Jesse said, "There ain't no mines in Hazzard." "I know. I'd have to take deliveries out of the County, maybe even out of State." BL had given Sadie a bath and now sat on the porch swing giving the dog a good brushing, while Clyde sat on the doorstep and whittled. Clyde stopped whittling and looked at his daughter. “What will Bo be doing? You didn’t say,” Clyde asked, “Making deliveries, mining supplies and unloading big trucks and putting stock up,” BL repeated what Bo had said at the Boar’s Nest. After getting the group of rescued campers safely turned over at base camp where transportation out of the park could be arranged, Luke went to check on his team. As soon as he stepped in the tent, Scrapie ran towards him and stood on his back feet. Luke stepped forward and picked him up, taking the leash from Lisa, "You did good today, fella." Luke gave him a treat as he petted the pup. He also made sure the team had food, shower access, a place to store their stuff and sleep awhile. After the team had the information, Luke looked at his watch which was set now to Texas time. "Randy, give me ten minutes. I need to make a call." Randy replied, "You got it." Luke tried to give Scrapie back to Lisa. Scrapie insisted on going with Luke. "Alright. Come on." Outside, Luke found as quiet a place as he could. He sat down on the tailboard of an engine and placed a call. After being transferred the house phone rang several times. Dixie was hearing the phone way off somewhere but could not tell what it was. After several rings, Dixie realized it was the phone finally answering…"Duke residence." Dixie said sleepily. Jesse stood up from his easy chair, picked up his bible and headed for his room. “Don’t stay up too late,” Jesse said. “Yes sir, reckon I’ll turn in directly,” Bo said. At Clyde Davenport's much the same was happening, Clyde headed to bed, BL and LB had gone to their rooms a little while ago, to do their own thing before going to bed. Realizing he had woken Dixie, Luke said, "Well it better be. I woke you up didn't I?" Dixie had opened her eyes and got a drink of her tea. "I dozed off on the couch." Luke grinned, "Set you an alarm clock before you stretch back out or you will be there at noon." "I will not." Dixie protested, even though she knew deep down he was right. "How's the fire?" Luke replied simply, "Hot." "How is Scrapie?" Dixie asked. Luke laughed, "He is soaking up all the attention everywhere he goes." Dixie asked, "Anything exciting going on?" "Same stuff, different fire." Luke said. The TV that Dixie had turned on earlier for noise switched to a news segment on a forest fire. Dixie looked up in time to see the Smokejumpers jump from the plane as the reporter was telling how this was a historical jump as it was the first time Smokejumpers had jumped into a fire in Texas. He went on to say that this particular crew even was getting help from a specially trained K-9, named Scrapie. He went on to say how Scrapie wasn't the normal K-9 that most people expected to see but that he was a miniature Dachshund that actually jumped with the Smokejumpers. The news shot then switched to an interview with Luke still wearing Scrapie's special harness. Then, it switched to Scrapie on his leash as the interview continued with more shots of the fire. "Luke, you are on TV!" Dixie said. Luke replied, "What are you talking about?" Dixie replied, "You were talking to a reporter who told about y’alls jump and Scrapie and even how ya'll saved some campers. It said Scrapie found them. Luke replied, "He did, but how are you seeing it?" Dixie checked the channel, "It's on the national news." Luke replied, "No, that can't be right. They had me talk to the reporter since Scrapie jumped with me, but it was a local guy." "Luke, I'm telling you, this was on national news." Dixie said as she picked up the phone from the table and took it to the kitchen. She found her pie and ate it while they talked. Luke reminded Dixie to set the clock when she got upstairs. They hung up after a bit more conversation so Dixie could go back to sleep and Luke could get back to the crew.
  10. Morning came with a bang literally as Dixie jumped out of bed, praying she made it to the bathroom before throwing up. Shoving the door with a ‘SLAM’, Dixie ‘threw up’. The bathroom door slamming shut set Sadie and Scrappie into a barking frenzy. BL came out of her room in a gauzy aqua gown to try and quiet Sadie. Luke's clock had gone off, and he was about one leg in his pants when Dixie had jumped out of bed and ran for the bathroom. Scrapie had launched off the bed to follow and was now in the hallway with a barking Sadie. He took the time to get his pants on before going to the hallway where he met BL, Sadie, and Scrapie. The closed bathroom door didn't stop Luke from going in, followed quickly by Scrapie. Dixie was still throwing up and managed to even look a bit 'green'. Luke brushed her hair back, then got a cold cloth to put on the back of her neck and got a glass of water ready. "Can I do anything?" Dixie shook her head.'No'. She had thrown up everything in her system and still managed to heave. After what seemed like an eternity, she was finally able to be pretty sure nothing else was coming out and tried to get her composure while hearing the commotion from beyond the bathroom door. “Hush now Sadie, Luke is there now,” BL held Sadie under her arm, petting the dog, the dog still letting out the occasional woof. By now Cooter and Bo had appeared to see what the commotion was about. “What’s going on?” Cooter asked then frowned at BL standing there in her flimsy nightgown with its too low neckline and too high hem, atleast in his opinion. “Dixie’s sick to her stomach,” BL replied, adding “I’m gonna get her some soda and saltine crackers, see if that helps.” Bo couldn’t seem to take his eyes off his gorgeous scantily clad fiance “Anything I can do to help”? Bo asked “Will you take Sadie out to do her business?” BL answered. “Sure Darlin,” Bo replied, watching BL’s backside through her gown, as she went down the stairs, and he followed a little behind until they reached bottom. Out of Cooter’s sight, Bo rested his hand a bit lower than he should on BL’s lower back. “Come on Sadie,” Bo called as BL got a sleeve of saltine crackers and a glass of soda and headed back upstairs. “See if this helps, I got you some saltine crackers and soda,” BL said, handing Dixie the open pack of crackers and glass of soda. Dixie replied, "Thanks, but not now. Let things settle a bit before I try anything." She knew she needed to be getting ready for work, but the thought of crawling back in bed was so tempting. All she had trusted herself to drink was a bit of water. Dixie opened her closet where her uniforms were. "What are you doing?" Luke asked. "Got to get ready, or I'll be late." Dixie said as the urge to throw up hit her again. She went back to the bathroom. “BL, put some clothes on for goodness sake,” Cooter said as he heard Bo’s boots on the livingroom’s hardwood floor, he was still observing, something wasn’t right he just didn’t know what. “Yes sir,” BL said, being smart, then went to her room to do just that. Luke followed Dixie back to the bathroom. Cooter came downstairs where Bo was talking to Sadie. A bit later, Dixie once again returned to her bedroom, looking from the bed to the closet. Luke stepped up behind her and shut the closet door. "What are you doing?" Dixie asked. "I'm about to tuck you in bed and then go call one or both of us into work. I think our little secret is about to make itself known whether we are ready or not. Now, let's get ya’ll back in bed." Luke said. Dixie hugged Luke and did just that. The fact she didn't protest told Luke how badly she felt. "Do you want or need me to stay home today?" Luke asked. "One of us better work." Dixie said. "I have time built up. Just like you do." Luke said. "Go to work. I just want to sleep. There is no sense in you sitting there watching me sleep." Dixie said. "Alright but I happen to like watching you sleep." Luke said as he headed downstairs. He made two calls. One to tell Dixie's Sargeant that she was sick and not working. The second to call base camp and let them know he and Scrapie would be a bit late. BL put on a knee length denim skirt and a sleeveless top, she didn’t have to be at the post office until 8 but figured she might as well get ready now, she heard Luke calling Dixie in and knew Dixie must feel really bad if she was missing work. “Don’t worry Luke, I ain’t got to be at the post office for awhile still, so I’ll be here if Dixie needs anything and I got help in the afternoons, so I can come stay with Dixie until you get home,” BL offered, hoping to ease the worry Luke was trying not to show too much. Luke replied, "Thanks. Scrapie, let's get you outside real quick." Cooter couldn't put his finger on it, but there seemed to be something going on that he was missing. “I guess I best get back to the farm and get the chores done,” Bo said heading to the door. “I better get going too, with Bo on the road, somebody from Hazzard’s finest will need pulling out of the pond,” Cooter said, getting a look from Bo. BL said, "You are going to work?" "That's the plan at the moment, but I'm not in any hurry to leave. Dixie said she just wanted to sleep. I'll give her a bit and go see if she did get to go back to sleep." Luke said. “The smell of coffee brewing hit Dixie’s sense of smell like a ton of bricks. Usually she loved the smell of coffee in the morning but this morning she thought she was dying as she made another mad dash for the bathroom. “There she goes again,” BL said. “I remember, Mom being sick like that, when she was pregnant with Dixie,” Cooter said, not even realizing he’d guessed the secret they all knew but him. “Catch ya’ll later,” Bo said, kissing BL he hurried to General Lee, he didn’t want to be there if or when 2+2= 4 for Cooter. Luke couldn't help holding his breath even as he replied, "Yeah, Bo. You take it easy out there. Tell Uncle Jesse, I'm gonna bring Scrapie out sometime to get acquainted with the farm." Bo called behind him, "I'll do it. Come on Cooter. Rosco might be out already." Cooter nodded, "Right. Later ya'll." The door shut behind them. Luke replied to no one in particular, but since BL happened to be in the room, "Shhhhhh! Out of the mouths of babies and baboons!" “You said it. I’ve got Dixie if you want to go on to work,” BL said. “I got a little time, called and said I’d be a little late,”Luke replied. “Ok,” BL said, going back upstairs to check on Dixie. “Feeling any better?”BL asked, then continued before Dixie could answer. “You have got to go to the Dr. sooner rather than later, Cooter knows why you're sick, he just don’t know that he knows. Still want me to go with you? I ain’t getting birth control, since me and Bo are getting married in a few weeks but I’ll still go with you if you want.” BL had given Dixie far too much information in rapid succession for her to process right now, "What? Wait. What do you mean Cooter knows why I'm sick but doesn't know he knows?" “Before he left, he said he remembered your Mom being sick like this when she was pregnant with you,” BL said. "Oh, great." Dixie looked at the clock, "I haven't heard Luke leave. He should be gone by now." Dixie was about to toss the covers back when BL stopped her. “He called and told them he was going to be a little late, but here’s how it’s gonna work. Luke is going in a bit but I’ll be here until I have to leave to meet the mail truck, which will be about 5 minutes ‘til 8, then I’ll be back by noon, when Ellen Sue comes in to work her afternoon shift. You’re stuck with me until Luke gets home,” BL said, giving Dixie a ‘no arguments’ look. "Ok. So, I'm gonna go back to sleep. When you get here, I'll get ready and I'll have to just go to Doc's office. Lord knows I can't call a doctor's office for an appointment." Dixie said. “Alright, see you around noon. Call me if you need me,” BL said, wishing there was a CB base here that could be moved upstairs if necessary. She knew there was no CB at the post office either but she could leave the back door open and hear the one in her car. After BL left, Luke and Scrapie came to check on Dixie, then left for work too. Dixie knew they were just concerned, but she couldn't help sigh when the house got quiet. She wrapped up in the soft comforter and went back to sleep. Cooter had stopped by the bakery for doughnuts as he walked to the garage. When Luther got there,the doors were open, the coffee was on and Cooter was already under the hood of a truck. Luther got a cup of coffee then sat down at the desk to look over some invoices “I seen…” Luther started causing Cooter to jump. “Uh, Dad you done scared my dog, I didn’t know you were here yet,” Cooter said. "Well, I wasn't being quiet. I figured you heard and knew every vehicle in the County." Luther said. "I do. Just must not have been paying attention." Cooter said, rubbing his head. Luther laughed, "Something wrong with Dixie's car? Seen it at the house." “No ain’t nothing wrong with it,” Cooter said. Over at the post office BL was talking to Miz Tisdale on the phone, the elderly spitfire might not run the Hazzard post office now but it was still ‘her’ post office and she called for a report from time to time. BL was telling her about Scrapie and Rosco’s reaction. “Haha that’s a hoot, serves him right,”Miz Tisdale laughed. “One more thing before we hang up. Bo and me are getting married,” BL said. ”Congratulations! Now if I could get his Uncle Jesse hooked, we could be one big happy family,” Miz Tisdale said dreamily. Saying their goodbyes, BL hung up the phone grinning and shaking her head. Miz Tisdale might be old but she was feisty. Luther asked, "If Dixie works today, why is her car home, son?" "Oh, she's not working today." Cooter said. Thinking it was one of Dixie's extra off days for when she worked holidays and such, Luther replied, "Oh, ok." At noon right on the dot, BL heard Ellen Sue’s moped motor scooter park out back. “Hi Sadie,” Ellen Sue leaned down to pet Sadie, who made friends with new people quicker than Scrappie. “Hey Ellen Sue,” BL greeted then continued “You got the place to yourself this afternoon, I delivered the mail but you’ll have to make the run upto Colonial City at 3. Dixie was sick this morning and I’m going to the Dr. with her then staying with her until Luke gets home,” BL said. “Ok, hope she gets to feeling better.” Ellen Sue said. BL thought but didn’t say, ‘she will in a couple months’, then said “see you tomorrow, Sadie lets go?” BL. drove through the alley and by the church instead of by the garage, it was almost a straight shot to the house. “Honey I’m home,” BL called as she came in the front door. Dixie had been awake but was still in bed for a few reasons; she was about afraid of being sick again. She was enjoying the peacefulness of the empty house and she was being lazy. "I'm awake. Let me get a shower." BL came upstairs and started idle chit chat while Dixie started getting ready, "I had most everything done when Ellen Sue came in and I was telling her she was on her own because I was going to the doctor with you and..." Dixie stopped in her tracks, "You told her we was going where?" At the Post Office, Mrs. Mabry came in, "Hello, Ellen Sue. Are you here alone today?" "Yes, Ma'am. BL said Dixie wasn't feeling well, so she went to the Doctor with her." Ellen Sue reported. Mrs. Mabry replied, "Oh, Dear. I hate to hear that." "Hear what, Dear?" asked Lulu Hogg as she came in the door. "That Dixie Daven... Duke isn't feeling well." Mrs. Mabry replied. "Oh, Dear." Lulu said, concerned. "Being a newlywed and all, I hope it wasn't something she cooked. “I told her we was going to the doctor that you was sick. Ellen Sue can keep a secret,” BL said, adding “it’s not like I told her you are pregnant.” Dixie asked, "Did you tell her it was a secret? BL replied, "Well, no. I didn't really think it was." Dixie said, "Well, I'm only going to a doctor two counties away." “You’ll think of something to tell folks, if they ask why,” BL said, sounding very much like Bo. Dixie tucked her shirt in, "You have been around Bo too long." “What’s that supposed to mean?” BL asked. “Come on, the sooner we get there the sooner we can get done and back home,” Dixie said, not answering the question atleast not yet. “Whose car we taking?” BL asked once on the porch, a not very happy Sadie looked at them from the livingroom window. Dixie was fine being a passenger. "Yours. I'll ride." The girls had set out for the clinic where Dr. June Quinn the doctor that saw patients at tri- county jail, not knowing things was heating up in Hazzard. Lulu was excited about Bo and BL getting engaged, Daisy must be thrilled she thought as she hurried in the Boar’s Nest, so they could start planning before Daisy opened back up for ‘happy hour’ and the evening crowd. “Daisy you must be thrilled,” Lulu said, not wasting time on a proper greeting. “Thrilled about what?” Daisy asked, a bit confused. “Bo getting engaged to BL Davenport,” Lulu replied. “Lulu are you sure,?” Daisy thought Lulu might have gotten her wires crossed somehow. “Yes I’m sure, I heard it with my own ears,” Lulu replied, then told Daisy about Rosco arresting Bo and just how she’d heard Bo propose, even though she had missed the actual proposing part. Daisy couldn’t wait for Bo to come in, like most days and meet the others after work, she was going to give him a piece of her mind. Lulu left the Boar’s Nest and went to Clyde Davenport’s cabinet shop; she had a job for him. “Afternoon Miss Lulu, can I do something for you” Clyde was behind the counter, when Lulu came in the cabinet shop’s display room’s door. “Afternoon Clyde.” Lulu replied, then told Clyde what she wanted made. “It’ll be ready in about 2 weeks,” Clyde said as he finished writing the order down. “Thank you Clyde, oh and congratulations on the future son in law” Lulu said on her way out. Clyde had to talk to his daughter now and see what all this future son in law talk was about,. BALLADEER: Friends and neighbors I think the sheep dip is about to hit the fan. Dixie and BL arrived at Dr. Quinn's office, which much like Hazzard, was an old house remodeled and turned into a small clinic. Inside Dixie spoke to the receptionist, completed a couple forms and waited with BL. A short time later, Dixie was called back to the nurses desk. "Coming?" "Sure." BL replied. The nurse took down Dixie's vitals and asked why she was there to see the doctor. "A pregnancy test." Dixie replied. She and BL were put into an exam room. When Dr. Quinn came in, Dixie introduced her to BL. Doc asked a few questions. Dixie explained that she had already had not one but three home tests come up positive, she was late and the events of the morning. Dixie was given a cup and sent to get a sample for the lab. When she returned, the doctor told her she would be back in with the results soon and left. Dixie and BL waited. Dixie walked to the window, sat down, and got up again. "What is taking so long." BL said, "Dixie, it's been about five minutes." "That is beside the point." Dixie reasoned. In Hazzard, Jesse Duke pulled into the Boar’s Nest ahead of the crowd. Once inside he said, "Daisy, give me a beer, that blamed Maudine has got to be the most stubborn mule I've seen in all my born days!" Daisy got Uncle Jesse a beer from the tap, sitting it in front of him “there ya go Uncle Jesse,” Daisy said. “Thank ya,” Jesse replied. “Uncle Jesse, Lulu was in here earlier going on about wedding plans for Bo and BL. Why would he tell her before his own kin?” Daisy asked. “He didn’t mean to,” Jesse then told Daisy just how it was that Lulu knew before she did. “He still ain’t told me but I don’t know why,” Daisy said. Jesse took a drink of his beer replying “you’ll have to ask him.” “Believe me I will! Just as soon as I see him,” Daisy said, getting back to work. Doc finally arrived back in the exam room, "Well, it looks like you're gonna be a Mom." Dixie felt tears slide down her face. With those words, everything from age fifteen to now that she and Luke had been through finally made sense. Now she needed to know something important, "When?" Doc pulled out a round paper wheel with dates on it. "When was your last period?" Dixie bit her lip, "Doc, that's where this gets tricky. I want to give you the right date but then I need another date too." Doc nodded in understanding. Dixie said, "It was June 30th." "So conception would have been from July 9 to 16th. Your next period would be due July 28th. So your due date is about April 5th." Doctor Quinn said. Back in Hazzard Clyde decided to go to the Post Office and talk to BL and find out why Lulu Hogg knew his only daughter was engaged before he did. Parking his truck out front, Clyde held open the Post Office door for Mrs.Pruitt on his way in. “Hello Ellen Sue, can I see BL just a minute,” Clyde asked. “She ain’t here Mr. Davenport, she left when I came in at noon...” Ellen Sue said but before she could say why BL had left, Clyde was out the door. Back in his truck Clyde headed for the Duke farm where he’d likely find his daughter. Clyde turned down the Duke drive only seeing General Lee in the yard, BL probably had her car hid “Where is she?” Clyde demanded, when he saw Bo coming out of the barn. “Well howdy Clyde, where’s who?” Bo asked. “My daughter! Lulu Hogg came to the cabinet shop and was congratulating me on getting a son in law, imagine my surprise, when I didn’t even know BL was engaged,” Clyde told Bo, barely able to control himself. “I haven’t seen BL all day,” Bo said, not addressing the engagement until BL was there, Clyde was her father and she should be the one to tell him. As soon as Clyde took off, still looking for BL, Bo reached for the General’s CB mic “Lost sheep 2 to Sweet Talker you got your ears on? Come back.” Bo tried to get BL on the radio on several different channels but nothing but radio silence answered him. Dixie asked, "Ummmm, ... so what would the due date be if conception was say around August 5th?" Doc moved the wheel around and replied, "April 27th." Dixie nodded. The dates were off but not horribly. “You need to get started on prenatal vitamins, we used to prescribe them but you can get them over the counter now, so just pick up a bottle,” Doc said. “So about how far along am I?’ Dixie asked. Doc replied “about 6-8 weeks.” After leaving Dr. Quinn’s BL and Dixie headed back to Hazzard. “I promised Luke, I’d stay with you til he got home. I need to talk to Bo, I wasn’t thinking this morning when I talked to Miz Tisdale on the phone, and told her that me and Bo are engaged, hopefully for once Maybelle Tillingham ain’t been burning up the lines, we never got around to telling Daisy or Daddy yesterday, you feel like going with me” BL said. “Sure it's fine,” Dixie replied. BL turned off on one of the backroads that bypassed town and headed straight to the Duke farm. Bo just happened to be on that same road, going the other way, BL grabbed her CB mic, “Bo we need to talk,” BL spoke with a bit of urgency in her tone. “Boy howdy, we sure do. Go on to the farm we can talk there, I’m right behind you,” Bo replied, turning General Lee around. At the farm BL said as Bo walked over “I think I messed up, I told Miz Tisdale over the phone we were engaged.” “Darlin that ain’t half our problems, your Daddy came out here looking for you. Seems Miss Lulu came by the cabinet shop and was congratulating him on our engagement that he didn’t know about,” Bo replied. “Shoot!” BL said. Dixie could help let the slightest giggle out at their problems. Bo asked, "What's so funny?" "The fact that the problems are ya’lls and not me and Luke for a change." “Cute Dixie, you could try and help us figure out what to do,” BL fussed. Dixie glanced across the yard, "Well, first you likely need to go talk to Daisy. If you can get her on your side, see if you can get your Dad back over here to talk." Bo frowned, "If we're gonna talk to Daisy or Uncle Jesse, we got to go to the Boar's Nest." “He may just take Bo’s head off and MINE, once he sees that I’m ok,” BL said. “Great,” Bo said, rubbing his neck. “We’ll try, we don’t really have any other options.” BL said then asked “are you going to the Boars Nest too or do you want to go home and rest? You’ve had a kinda busy afternoon. If you want to go home, I'll try and get hold of Daddy to meet me back here.” Dixie said, "Luke should be along shortly, I'll ride along and meet him there." “He’ll likely fuss that I’m not at home with you, while you rest but ok, you know what you feel upto better than anyone, I’m doing just like I said I would, I said I’d stay with you until he got off work, I didn’t say where at,” BL grinned. “And ya’ll talk about my logic,” Bo said, shaking his head. Both girls shot Bo a look. "BL if you want to ride with Bo, I'll follow you in your car." Dixie offered. “Alright thanks” BL said, getting in General Lee. They set out for the Boar’s Nest, Dixie followed behind General Lee in BL’s GTO. When they got to the Boar’s Nest, they went in and Bo went to the table where Daisy was giving Jesse another beer, “Daisy we need to talk when you can take a break,” Bo said, part of him was afraid Daisy was going to fly off the handle and pour beer over his head instead of hearing him out. Dixie had taken a seat with Jesse waiting to see this play out. "Can I have an iced tea, Daisy, when you get a chance?" Jesse said, "Did you get off early today or have some sort of a holiday?" "No, I called in." Dixie hoped she wouldn't have to explain all the details at least until Luke got there. “Sure Dixie, give me just a minute, “ Daisy said, giving Bo a look as she went by. Daisy brought Dixie her iced tea, then plopped down across the table from Bo “I’m listening, so start talking,” Daisy folded her arm across her chest. Bo took a deep breath, looked around to make sure no one else was listening, "Yesterday I left the farm planning to propose to BL. Then Rosco got behind me, a tire blew, I was arrested, Rosco found the ring and wanted to charge me with stealing it. I had to tell him and Uncle Jesse why I had it. BL heard most of it. Lulu Hogg heard her accept. Rosco finally let me go and we went to Sunset lake where I could propose right. When we got back to town Luke, Cooter, BL and I had a few too many for us to drive home. All that is why you didn't know before anyone else. "You mean Cooter was told officially before me?” Daisy looked just plain hurt now. “It’s not all Bo’s fault, Cooter got told, I told Dixie and she got all excited, the windows was open and I guess the guys heard her get loud and we had to tell them, what was going on when they all came charging in the house,” BL said, hoping to make Daisy feel better, hurting her feelings was not what BL nor Bo had intended. Daisy couldn’t stay upset, she took BL’s hand “it’s gorgeous and looks just perfect on your hand, welcome to the family officially, you are like Cooter and Dixie, you’ve always been an honorary Duke,”Daisy said, getting up to give BL a hug. “I’ll drink to that,” Uncle Jesse said, raising his glass. Just then Luke came in with Scrapie, Cooter was right behind them. Luke came over to the table and kissed Dixie, "I thought you'd still be at home." Dixie stood up slowly and said, "Walk outside a minute with me." Luke motioned a waitress to bring him a beer to the table on his way as they walked outside. "Do you want to let them all in on this tonight? I went to see the doctor today." Dixie explained. Luke asked cautiously, "The other tests were right?" Dixie beamed, "Yes, it's official. You're gonna be a Daddy in April." He picked her up and swung her around in a circle. Sitting her back on the ground gently, they engaged in a very passionate kiss. Luther pulled in about then and although him and Luke had been getting along since Dixie and Luke got married, displays like this still got to him. Getting out of his truck, he shut the door a little harder than he meant to. Approaching the couple Luther cleared his throat, Dixie and Luke…separated. Luke said, "Luther, ... come on in, ... I'll buy you a drink." Luke and Dixie followed Luther back inside, Dixie said “sit with everybody else Dad, we got something to tell all of you.” Break’s over I gotta get back to work or Boss’ll dock my pay,” Daisy said getting up. “Daisy give us just a minute this won’t take long,” Luke said and so Daisy sat back down. Luke looked at Dixie, giving her the "floor" so to speak, " I know ya'll know that I called into work today. Since I was off, I decided it was a good time to go see my doctor about some birth control, .... as it turns out, ... I was a little late doing that." She beamed as Luke pulled her just a bit tighter. “Oh my gosh,you’re pregnant?!” Daisy half asked, half stated. “Well I always said Bo and Luke getting married and having kids was like hogs producing beef,” Jesse said beaming. Dixie nodded 'yes' to confirm any doubt Daisy may have. "Oh, my Lord. I know you've had beer recently..." Daisy was thinking back to some of the orders she had served the bunch. "No, no, Daisy. I ain't." Dixie said. Luke confirmed, "No, she ain't. All that tea and soda has been hers." Daisy was already seeing booties and bonnets, "We're ya'll trying for a baby this soon?" Luke couldn't help a slight grin. Dixie replied, "Well, we weren't not trying." Luther mumbled something under his breath as he got up from the table and stormed out. BL watched Luther storm out and remembered that her and Bo still had to talk to her father. “Bo, I think we better go straighten Daddy out now,” BL said, not real thrilled with the thought because Clyde wasn’t likely to be over the moon when he heard why Lulu Hogg knew his daughter was engaged before he did. “Alright Darlin lets go, he can meet us at the farm,” Bo looked at Jesse, he wanted a mediator there incase Clyde tried to pull a Luther. “Are you coming Uncle Jesse?” “I’ll be along directly,” Jesse replied. Bo and BL went out but this time BL got in her own car “I got to pick up Sadie, then I’ll be right there.” Bo nodded, heading back to the farm, calling Clyde on the CB enroute, while BL headed for town. Luke noticed Jesse didn't seem to be in too big of a hurry to head to the farm as he continued to sip his beer. "You ain't gonna let them deal with Clyde alone are you?" Jesse gave Luke a look that said, 'don't be ridiculous' then replied, "No, but it's good to keep Bo on his toes." Luke couldn't help but laugh at his uncle's antics. "Right. Are you feeling up to going out for a bit?" Dixie knew that Luke was itching to take Scrapie out to the farm, "I'm good." Bo beat BL to the farm by a good 5 minutes, when she drove up he was pacing the porch like an expectant father did in the old westerns, when it was time for his wife to give birth. Sadie bounced out of the car and ran around the house, jumping up on the porch. BL came around the house and up the steps onto the porch. “You're going to wear a hole clean through, if you keep that up,” BL said. Bo hugged BL close, kissing the top of her head then he kissed his finger, touching the tip of her nose, then he captured BL’s lips in a passionate kiss. After Jesse and Luke finished their beers, they along with Dixie got ready to head out when Daisy called to them, "Hold up just a minute. I traded shifts. I'm going too." The four and Scrapie got in the various vehicles and made their way to the Duke farm. BL heard Luke’s truck then Jesse’s followed by Daisy’s car, “They all came for moral support or a show,” BL said. “My bet’s a show,” Bo replied as Cooter in the tow truck arrived, he’d had a quick tow job to do before he came. “Judgment day is nigh, are you ready?” Bo said, as Clyde came up behind Cooter. As Clyde came up on the porch, Jesse came out the front door, “howdy Clyde.” “Now Daddy, just let us explain…” BL said before Clyde decided to throw a fit. “We didn’t exactly tell Miss Lulu we were engaged,” Bo said. “Then how exactly did she find out before I did, that my daughter was engaged?” Clyde asked calmly. “She wouldn’t have if Rosco hadn’t messed things up,” Bo replied. “How’s that?” Clyde asked. “He was chasing me, said I was speeding, I was going 55 like the speed limit says, General Lee blew a tire, Rosco caught me and arrested me.” Bo said. Clyde looked at BL, he’d told her that just because Jesse had raised Bo right didn’t mean he was as good as she thought. “Arrested? Boy that’s a habit with you, ain’t it,” Clyde said. “Daddy just listen…” BL said. “Clyde let the boy finish,”Jesse said gruffly. “As I was saying, Rosco arrested me, he found BL’s engagement ring in my pocket so tried to charge me with grand theft ring,” Bo said. “Show him sweetheart,” Bo said to BL then to Clyde as BL held out her hand, “it was my mama’s,” “Uncle Jesse came to bail me out and Rosco showed him the ring. I thought he’d listen to Uncle Jesse but he didn’t. By now I was getting frustrated, BL was waiting for me at the lake or so I thought. I told Rosco, I’d been on my way to propose, I looked up and BL was standing there...” Bo stopped to let Clyde process all that. “How did you know he was in jail?” Clyde asked BL. “I called her on the CB,” Cooter spoke up, none of the occupants of the porch had known he was there. Luke reminded Clyde, "You know how Rosco is Clyde. Neither of us has to do anything to be arrested by him." Clyde nodded ‘yes’ “You still haven’t said how exactly Lulu was first to know,” Clyde repeated his original query. “She came downstairs at the jail a couple minutes behind BL and heard Uncle Jesse tell Rosco to let me out of the cell so I could propose and give BL her ring. After Rosco let me go, I took BL to the lake and proposed properly,” Bo added the last, so Clyde wouldn’t think it was just a spur of the moment act and that he’d put some thought in it, to make it perfect. Clyde looked at BL, "You accepted?" “Yes and I want to wear Mama’s wedding dress,” BL replied. Clyde knew it had been BL's plan since childhood. He nodded, "Yes, Dear. I know. But, there's no rush." Nodding BL said “We don’t want a long engagement,” Clyde replied, "Well, a year or so is a proper engagement. Unless, there is a rush?" He looked right at Bo with that question. Bo had to clear his throat, so his voice didn’t squeak like it had when he went through puberty before he could answer “No sir there is no rush,” Bo said, emphasizing the word no. “A year! Daddy that’s a little old fashioned,” BL said, barely keeping an adolescent whine out of her voice. Jesse asked, "Well, have ya'll even talked about a date?" “Yes sir, Labor day weekend, we haven’t picked an exact day,” Bo replied. “Labor day weekend?! That’s less than a month away! You don’t have enough time to get it all planned” Clyde couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “Don’t underestimate a Hazzard girl’s planning abilities, especially Daisy’s,” BL said. Dixie figured she may be able to draw some of the heat away from Bo and BL, "I suppose you are gonna want me in a dress of some kind or another. If that is the case, ya'll don't want to wait three or four months for sure." “We do, well I do. I want you and Daisy to be my bridesmaids,” BL said. Why not Dixie”? Clyde asked, looking at his niece. "I hate wearing dresses and she knows that, but if I got to wear one, I'd at least like to have a waistline." Dixie said, momentarily forgetting that Clyde had not been at the Boar's Nest earlier. Clyde just looked at Dixie confused. "Daddy's gonna be a grandpa." She clarified. “That’s great honey! Congratulations Luke,”Clyde grinned, giving Dixie a hug and shaking Luke’s hand. “That’s why you couldn’t find me this afternoon, I went with Dixie to the doctor,” BL said, Bo had told her, Clyde came looking for her. Clyde hummfed, "I bet he was thrilled." Luke couldn't keep his mouth shut any longer, "He was about as thrilled as you are at hearing about this. It is one of your daughter's happiest events of her life and you both can't just be happy for them." Jesse said lowly, "Luke." "I'm sorry for speaking my mind, Uncle Jesse, but I thought when your children were happy that you should be happy for them." “Luke it aint that I’m not happy for BL, I just want her to not jump into something, she won’t be happy with and want out in a few months or a year or a few years from now.” Clyde said. “Daddy I ain’t jumping in, I’ve been thinking about what it would mean, a while now. I been making my own mind up, since I was 13. You taught me to stand on my own two feet,” BL said. “You’ve never made a decision that was a lifelong decision. I need a walk,” Clyde said, leaving the porch and heading away from the house. BL started to get up to follow her father. Bo saw Jesse and Luke looking at him. He stood, "BL, let me go." Bo caught up to Clyde between the house and the barn, "I know you don't like me much, but I love your daughter. We make each other happy. I promise no one will ever hurt her as long as I'm around." Clyde turned to look at Bo, pointing a finger at the blonde Duke boy “You better not neither, marriage vows say ‘Till death do us part’. I don’t want her to realize ya’ll made a mistake, a few months or a year or a few years from now,” Clyde said. Bo nodded, “I know Cly….uh Mr. Davenport, Uncle Jesse’s made sure me and Luke knew that since we was old enough to get a girl in trouble. On the porch, Luke was watching Scrapie checking things out. His nose was to the ground, and he was sniffing for all he was worth. Jesse asked, "So when are we expecting the little one?" Dixie decided that being vague wasn't exactly a lie, "April." Daisy added, "Oh, I just can't wait." On the porch Daisy’s excitement was bubbling over. “Do you know what it is yet? Can I feel it, oh I just can’t wait!” Dixie grinned answering, “It’s too soon to know what it is and I haven’t felt anything, so you probably wouldn’t either.” Around back Clyde was giving Bo the evil eye as he ground out. “Are you telling me BL’s in trouble?” Clyde felt the question justified after hearing Dixie’s news, BL said she had gone with Dixie. Bo took a step back in case Clyde took a swing at him. “What? No sir.” Bo said, adding “we’re getting married because we love each other not “because we ‘have to’,” Bo said. Clyde huffed, "You just make double damn sure you love each other enough for a lifelong commitment." “Yes sir we do, now don’t you think we should get back around there and you should atleast pretend to be happy for BL? I know you would move heaven and earth for her, do you really want to spoil one of the happiest times in her life?” Bo replied. Clyde thought for a minute, then turned to Bo, "Hurt her and you will deal with me." He extended his hand to Bo. Bo took Clyde’s hand, giving it a firm shake “I won’t hurt her, you have my word on that.” Bo said, the two men went back to the porch where the others were. Sadie dropped the ball in her mouth at Bo’s feet then barked, “You want to play?...Go get it,” Bo threw the ball and both dogs took off after it. BL was getting antsy because the two men had been gone so long, finally they reappeared. “BL, come here for a minute,” Clyde said from the bottom of the porch steps. BL got up off the swing and went to Clyde, “I hope you can forgive an old man for acting like a jackass, all I could see was losing my baby girl,” Clyde said, hugging BL. “You’re not losing me now, anymore than when I moved out,” BL said. Clyde frowned, "So I should expect you and Bo home by Thanksgiving?" He said in 'fun'. Once the others saw Clyde was joking they all had a good laugh. Scrapie and Sadie had got the ball and were heading back to the porch when Scrapie seen or heard something and took a turn toward the barn. Luke sat up watching. Scrapie was on a rat, grabbed it, shook it about three times, then brought it up to the porch to show Luke. "Good job, boy. Give it here." He reached for it and Scrapie grrrred at Luke. "Scrapie." Luke said firmly. Scrapie stood his ground with his rat. Luke stood up, "Scrapie. Drop it." Scrapie did but protested afterwards with a woof! Followed by grumbling. Dixie said, "It was his rat." Luke gave her a look. "Well, it was." Dixie said. "Good boy, Scrapie! You got it!" "Yes, you did, but you got to give it up. Here, let's trade. I keep the rat, you get a treat." Scrapie took the treat, but went to Dixie to be petted. “Hey BL where ya’ll going to live after you get hitched? Since you are letting my sister and Luke live in your house?” Cooter asked. Bo looked at BL and she looked back, they hadn’t talked about it yet. “They can live with us, my smokejumper team does it, I lived with them before I came back to Hazzard.” Luke offered a solution then added his reasoning behind it. “We’d be at each other's house all the time anyway.” Dixie nodded. It sounded reasonable to her. "Besides that, four more hands. What better form of birth control." BL opened her mouth to dispute the assumption, then she thought about the positions of the bedrooms in the upstairs layout. There were only 3 and one was right next to the other and the third was across the hall. These 2 rooms were hers and Dixie’s, making babies was going to be tricky. "Speaking of home, Luke, do you mind us cutting out pretty soon? I hope to work tomorrow." Dixie said. Luke replied, "I don't mind, not at all, but you might have to convince the hunter." Scrapie was on the trail of another rat that was just out of his reach. Sadie had gotten tired watching him and came back on the porch. Clyde stood up saying “I better head out too, got goats to feed.” “I’ll be home in a bit,” BL said. Sadie jumped up at the word home from BL but when BL made no move to go, Sadie laid back down on the porch. Before Dixie and Luke left Daisy asked, “When’s your next Saturday off Dixie, so I can give BL a bridal shower?” “Daisy that ain’t necessary, I have everything I need for the house, remember you were there when I bought it,” BL said. Daisy grinned, "I said bridal shower, not household shower." She wanted to point out that BL may have everything for the house, but maybe not for a marriage, but with Clyde and Jesse sitting there, she chose not to. “BL grinned back, she understood what Daisy meant and apparently so did Bo, judging “by the silly grin on his face. Dixie said, "I've got Saturdays off for now unless something changes. Give me the date and I'll make sure I'm off." “Let me see when Boss will let me use the Boar’s Nest,” Daisy said. “Talk to Miss Lulu, she’ll make sure you get it whenever you want it,” BL said. I’m going to be so busy planning and giving a bridal shower, planning a wedding and planning and giving a baby shower,” Daisy said, almost giddy just thinking about it. Jesse gave Daisy a look, "Daisy, Honey, don't you think the bride and groom may have just a few ideas too? And, as for a baby shower, that's a little bit away. “I guess maybe your right Uncle Jesse,” Daisy said, looking at Bo and BL. “We ain’t been engaged but 24 hours,” Bo said. “We'll talk about it and I’ll let you know in a couple days Daisy,” BL said. “Ok.,” Daisy replied Scrapie was trying to convince Luke that the barn wall needed to be moved for him to get a rat. "I have never heard so much complaining from such a little dog. Scrapie, let's go." Scrapie sounded as if he were talking back to Luke. "You can get it next time." Luke said. "Truck." Scrapie recognized that command from conversation. He left the area and headed to the truck but not without 'talking back' just a little. Luke opened the truck door and helped the long small dog up into the truck, "Dixie, come on while I'm ahead here. Night ya'll." Luke called, then helped Dixie into the truck before getting in the driver's seat. Dixie said her 'good nights' as Luke pulled out, Scrapie looking out the back glass much like a small child would. Jesse shook his head and laughed at the pup. Cooter just had gotten a call on the CB from Luther, there was a call for the big wrecker and he couldn’t turn loose so Cooter needed to swap wreckers and go. “Catch ya’ll later,” Cooter waved out his window as he headed toward town. Clyde had been sitting in his truck, while Cooter had stood outside his driver’s window now pulled out behind his nephew heading home. Luke heard Cooter's and Luther's radio traffic. "I hope they forget about me." Dixie replied, "Me too." Cooter hadn’t though and thought he might need both wreckers, picking up his CB mic, Cooter called “might be crazy but I ain’t dumb. Lucas Dukas, you home on the Hazzardnet come on.” “Luke here Crazy C, what’s up?” “I thought I might need both wreckers and figured since you’re going to town, I’d get you to bring the big guy.” Cooter replied. “10-4” Loke said, then hanging up the mic added “shoot!” “I better get going too,” BL said. “Will you at least stay for supper?,” Jesse asked. “I can’t Uncle Jesse, thanks anyway,” BL said, giving Bo a peck on the lips. “C’mon Sadie, time to go home,” Bl said, Sadie jumped up, ran to the car jumping over the side. Bo walked BL to her car, kissing her more deeply, now they were out of Uncle Jesse and Daisy’s sight. “See you tomorrow beautiful,” Bo said, watching BL. Luke sighed, "So much for forgetting about me. I'll stop at the garage and you and Scrapie can head on home." Dixie nodded, "You know, I think I'm getting old. Any other time I'd have raced you to the big truck, but tonight I'm not feeling it." "You've had a big day. Go home. I'll be along." Luke stopped his truck, kissed Dixie on the cheek and headed for the big wrecker. Dixie threw her hand up to Cooter and her Dad as she pulled Luke's truck away, heading for home. Luke took the big wrecker back to the garage after he and Cooter had gotten the bobtail semi and the ‘wide load’ escort pickup truck back on the road. Luke saw Luther was in the office doing paperwork, “Here’s the keys to the big guy,” Luke hung the keys up on a hook. Luther looked at Luke, "Are you happy now?" Luke was sure the question was meant more than its face value, but he answered it that way, "Very." With that, Luther came out of his seat. Luke stepped back a step or two. Luther mumbled something under his breath, then asked, "So when is it due?" Luke looked his father-in-law right in his eyes, "Dixie said, April." Luther did the math. August to April added up to eight months, not nine. "That's a might shy of nine months now, ain't it?" Luke did the math himself for the first time, then replied, "Well, they count by weeks or some strange way now, but you are barking up the wrong tree." Luke said what he’d said to Clyde earlier when BL and Bo announced their engagement. It is one of your daughter's happiest events of her life and you can't just be happy for her?” Luther huffed. Luke replied, "You asked me if I was happy. I am. My wife, your daughter, the mother of my child," Luke saw fire dance in Luther's eyes. "Makes me very happy. As for Dixie, the way I see it is, she has the life she wanted when she was fifteen. Would it have worked then? Who knows. But you should know, I'll break my back to make sure they have everything they need." Luke was still looking Luther straight in the eye. Luther worked his jaw, Dixie and it seemed Luke too was going to keep throwing it in his face, what they had done when Dixie was fifteen. "Look, Luther, I know Dixie could have done better than me, but she didn't. And if I make her happy, can't you just let her be happy? I told Clyde much the same thing tonight." “All his talk about her being a grown woman and him letting her live her own life is just him blowing smoke and he wasn’t too keen on getting a new son in law? Luther asked. “It wasn’t that so much as the when,” Luke replied. Luther snarled, "So when is the big day?" “They ain’t picked an exact day, just sometime labor day weekend,” Luke replied. Luther grumbled under his breath, then said, "So we can expect us another baby real soon like." There was so much Luke wanted to say right then, but he knew if they kept this up, it could end badly, "I'm going to the house." At Clyde Davenport’s, brother and sister sat on the front porch, BL was snapping green beans and LB was sharpening his pocket knife. “LB there’s something I want to tell you before you hear it through the gossip mill,” BL said. LB stopped sharpening his knife and looked at her, asking, ”what’d you do?” “I ain’t done nothing, it’s what I’m gonna do that’ll set tongues wagging. I’m engaged to Bo Duke,” BL replied. “Congratulations, when’s the wedding? LB asked, like Clyde he thought it would atleast be a few months from now. “Labor Day weekend,” BL replied. “Are you pregnant?” LB asked seriously, if the answer was yes he had half a mind to Knock Bo into the middle of next week. “WHAT? NO, Longstreet B you know better!” BL shot him an offended look. “Sorry,” LB said, going back to sharpening his knife. "Sorry, Sis, it's just that I know Bo. I've known him differently than you have and with the wedding date so close, ... and all. I just felt the need to ask. You are my sister and all." “I appreciate the concern brother but I ain’t naive, I know Bo ain’t no saint,” BL said. LB nodded. "As long as you are happy and he didn't take advantage of you, then I'm good. Me and Bo are friends, but you are my sister. You just let me know if he hurts you." “Bo hasn’t done anything I didn’t want him to do. I grew up with a brother and two boy cousins, I think I can pretty much take care of myself,” BL said, grinning. LB replied, "True, but I want you to know I got your back.” While Luke was gone, Dixie tried to figure out something that sounded good, was good for her, and yet was light enough that it wouldn't be too much for lunch tomorrow. She was in the middle of chopping sweet pickles, boiled eggs and onion into a bowl of tuna to make tuna salad when Luke came in. He had walked the long way around the Square to calm down from his and Luther's conversation. The morning had been a quiet one when Ellen Sue came in at 12 for her part time job at the post office. “Afternoon BL, did your father find you yesterday? He seemed upset when he was in here looking for you,’ Ellen Sue said as she put up the wanted posters, BL hadn’t got to yet. ”Yes he found me or well we met up actually, he’d heard something about me,” BL replied,while stamping some outgoing mail with Hazzard’s postmark. “It must have been bad,” Ellen Sue said. “It’s not, he was just upset that he heard it from Lulu Hogg instead of me,” BL replied. “Oh?” Ellen Sue was intrigued. “I’m engaged,” BL said, holding out her left hand with the diamond ring glinting in the light. Ellen Sue didn't get out a lot, or at least with the same people, BL did. She had seen BL around the Dukes but hadn't seen her even talk to anyone else. "Engaged? Wow! BL I haven't even known that you were going out with anyone steadily. Engaged to whom?" “Bo Duke, we’ve known each other since we were kids, dated a little over the years but we got serious over the last year, maybe a little less,” BL replied. "Oh, wow. I had no idea. I mean, I know he's in here a lot and all, but I never knew either of you were dating anyone seriously. Wow, it was hard enough to believe Luke Duke was gonna settle down, but now Bo, too?" “Speak of the devil,” BL said when General Lee pulled up out front and Bo slid out the driver’s window. “Hey Darlin, Ellen Sue,” Bo greeted as he came in. “Hi Bo, congratulations,” Ellen Sue said, heading for the restroom. “Thanks Ellen Sue,” Bo replied. Then asked BL “can you, help me later, say about 6?” “As far as I know, what’s up?” BL replied. “I told Sherry Tolliver we’d exercise a coupla horses for her,” Bo said. “Sounds good to me, we need to talk about what kind of wedding we want or Daisy’s going to go overboard,” BL said. “Ok, I better get going, Uncle Jesse sent me to the hardware store,” Bo gave BL a quick kiss before leaving. Dixie, thankfully, had a much better morning and day. She had changed clothes at work and was making the drive back to Hazzard. The temperatures were pleasantly warm. Dixie had the windows down, enjoying the warm breeze as she crossed the County line into Hazzard. From the other direction, Luke and Scrapie were also crossing into Hazzard when the CB came to life, "Hazzard garage to Lost Sheep 1." It wasn't Cooter but Luther calling. "This is Lost Sheep 1, go ahead." "Would you care to take the wrecker tonight?" Luther asked. That had not been anywhere in Luke's plans, but figured if it kept peace, he could go get the truck and babysit it. How many calls happen on a weekday evening? "I can do that. I'll meet you at the garage in about twenty minutes." Dixie was monitoring the CB and heard the traffic. "Little Shotgun to Lost Sheep 1." "Lost Sheep 1, go ahead Little Shotgun." Luke said. "I'll park at the house if you want to swing around and get me." Dixie said. "You got it." Luke replied. Then, said to Scrapie, "So much for a cold beer and quiet evening." Scrapie woofed. BL got to the Boar’s Nest just ahead of Bo, she planned to have a couple drinks with the others, go home and cook supper and then meet Bo at the Tolliver farm after supper. “What do you say we mess with Rosco, Sadie girl,” BL put the official USPS vest that she'd made, with assurance from Miz Tisdale that it didn’t violate any regulations. “Rosco’s just gonna love this,” Bo said, stopping to wait for BL so they could walk in together. Bo signaled Daisy for 2 beers. Daisy brought over two beers and a mug of water. "Bo, you didn't order Sadie anything." “I thought she was driving,” Bo grinned, thinking he was funny. “You have my deepest apologies Sadie, am I forgiven?” Sadie put a paw on Bo’s leg and woofed. Dixie, Scrapie and Luke came in a few minutes later. Daisy asked, "One beer, Scrapie a water and Dixie, what will you have?" "Iced tea with a lot of lemon." Dixie said. Luke almost switched his beer to a tea but he figured he'd have one beer and then switch to something else if they stayed longer. "Where's Cooter tonight?" Luke asked. Bo said, "He'll likely be along." "I'm not so sure. I inherited the wrecker tonight." Luke said. “Maybe all this getting engaged and marrying stuff sounded good and he decided to try it,” BL said jokingly. Bo nearly spit his beer everywhere. Daisy brought over Luke’s beer and Dixie’s tea, along with 2 bowls usually used for popcorn and pretzels. “I forgot to get this before for Sadie’s water,” Daisy handed BL the bowls. “Thanks Daisy,” BL replied, sitting a bowl of water down for each dog. “I’m off tomorrow, thought I’d cook supper for everybody, to celebrate Bo and BL;s engagement just like I did when Luke and Dixie got married,” Daisy said. She was met with a chorus of agreements. Daisy went back to the bar to get another table’s beers when in walked Rosco who immediately spotted Sadie. “Alright what is the meaning of this?” Rosco asked, coming over to the table. “What’s the meaning of what, Rosco?” BL asked, looking at the others, all of them were trying to keep a straight face. “You know what, you ain’t supposed to have that dog in here,” Rosco said. “Why not? She’s wearing a vest like Scrapie. She’s not running around bothering other customers and she isn’t on a table or even in a chair,” BL replied. Rosco looked at Sadie's vest. "Oh good grief! A vest! What does a vest have to do with anything? I could dress Flash up too. ”Rosco these vest means something, they ain’t just for dressup. They mean the dog wearing them is a working dog,” Luke said, laying it on thick. BL had made the vest navy blue, the color used to represent the US mail, it also had a US mail logo patch, making it look as legit as possible. "They don't look like they are working." Rosco said. "Working dog, my foot. What does she do?" He asked. BL explained that she delivered the mail to people on her route. “Good grief,” Rosco muttered “Just what does Flash do? The only time I see him walking is when you take him for a walk,” BL said, a murmur of agreement came from the others at the table. "Flash is a trained police dog." Rosco defended. BL replied, "Sadie is trained too." Rosco looked at Luke, "Rosco don't even go there with Scrapie. The cost of his training alone would probably equal your salary." Luke said. “Fine but you both better keep those animals under control,” Rosco huffed, leaving to go home. The dipstick deputy on duty could handle this bunch of riff raff. BL and Luke looked at each other then the dogs when Rosco said keep them under control. “How much more under control can we keep them?” BL asked with one eyebrow cocked. Scrapie was asleep on Luke’s lap and Sadie had laid down by BL’s chair. “Beats me,” Luke replied. “Hate to break up the party but we better scoot Darlin, if we are going to get anything done at home before being at the Tolliver farm by 6,” Bo said. Dixie said, "Ya'll have fun. We'll likely be heading out soon too. This place is going to the dogs tonight!" BL, Luke and Bo groaned “Dixie, I thought Bo was the one with all the bad jokes,” BL said. “Sorry couldn’t help myself,” Dixie replied. They all said their goodbyes and BL stood up “come on Sadie let’s go home.” Bo and BL with Sadie at BL’s side, went out to the cars. At BL’s car BL took off Sadie’s vest and leash telling her ‘load up’. Bo kissed BL saying “see you in a little while, Darlin.” BL replied “see you in a bit.” BL got in her car, Bo pulled in behind in General Lee, to follow BL until she turned off toward her house, as he often did, just incase she had a flat or car trouble. Daisy came by the table, "Ready for a refill?" Luke frowned a bit, "Not tonight. I have the wrecker." Daisy looked from Dixie to Luke for answers. Seeing none, she asked, "Why?" Luke replied, "I'm not real sure. Luther radioed me on the way into town and asked me to take it tonight. I figured if it keeps this civilized, I can park it at the house tonight." Luke was implying that he didn't expect a lot of calls for the wrecker, especially since it was a weeknight. After a meal of minute steak, gravy, mashed potatoes and fresh hot biscuits BL cleaned up the kitchen and fed Sadie. “I’ll be back in a couple hours,” BL said on her way out, leaving Sadie crying because BL had managed to slip out without her. “I’ll believe it when I see you drive up, you have a tendency to come up MIA lately” Clyde replied. “Horses don’t have headlights, Daddy” BL said getting in her car, heading to the Tolliver farm. Sherry Tolliver came out of the barn as Bo and BL pulled up, “Hey Bo, BL thanks for helping out, it’s tough to get all the chores inside and outside, plus exercise the horses too, since Burl broke his leg” Sherry said. “No problem,” Bo said. “Happy to help where I can. Where’s the horses?” BL replied. Sherry went back in the barn, leading out a chestnut with a white star on its forehead and a golden palomino. “The chestnut guy here is Rebel and the palomino is Dolly,” Sherry said. Luke, Scrapie and Dixie made their way home, parked the wrecker in the driveway and headed out back to let Scrapie run off some energy. Dixie cooked pasta with meat and tomato sauce with garlic bread for supper. She and Luke ate on the back porch to let Scrapie finish his adventures and enjoy the cool evening air. Dixie cleaned up their dishes and put the leftovers up for lunches and supper tomorrow, or she would freeze it for another night. By dark, they all went in and upstairs. Tonight was one of those nights when the newlyweds intended to find out if it really was quicker for two people to shower together. Bo and BL were riding side by side, enjoying the cool breeze and break in last week’s high humidity, Bo looked over at BL and asked, “What do you want the wedding to be , like, it’s your day not Daisy’s,” “I know she wants our day to be special but I just want a simple, traditional ceremony without all the songs during it and the candle lighting, writing our own vows and such. Mama’s dress ain’t fancy, so you don’t even have to wear a tux, a regular sunday suit is fine,” BL replied. “Sounds perfect,” Bo said, then nudged Rebel with his heels saying over his shoulder "race ya back.” Luke and Dixie found out the theory that two people could shower quicker together was wrong, at least when you are newlyweds. They had made it back to the bedroom and moved on to some slow love making. Afterwards, Dixie had fallen asleep on Luke's arm and he was just about to drift off to sleep when the phone downstairs rang. Bo and BL were having a great time until Dolly spooked and reared, sending BL to the ground with a startled yelp. Bo reigned in Rebel, going back to see what was wrong, when a riderless Dolly ran past, headed for the barn. Bo saw BL sitting in the dirt. “Are you hurt Darlin?” Bo asked worriedly, sliding to the ground from his horse. “No, just my pride, help me up,” BL replied, holding her hand upto Bo. Bo pulled BL to her feet, getting back on Rebel, holding his hand down for BL to grab and swing up behind him. BL wrapped her arms tightly around Bo’s middle as they rode back to the barn. “What happened?” Bo asked. “I don’t know, she spooked, reared and next thing I knew, I was setting in the dirt,” BL replied, sliding down from behind Bo. Sherry Tolliver came out of the barn after unsaddling Dolly, returning the mare to her stall. “BL are you ok? I was worried when Dolly came back alone,” Sherry said. Luke carefully eased his arm from under Dixie’s head, getting up he headed for the bedroom door, stubbing his toe on the dresser. “Ow dammit!” Luke yelped, causing Scrapie to wake up, going into a barking frenzy. Luke hobbled downstairs, his toe still throbbing with every beat of his heart, each step punctuated with a string of curses. “Tomorrow we’re having an extension put in upstairs,” Luke said to himself. Scrapie was still raising cane but had followed Luke downstairs. “Scrapie hush!” Luke scolded then answered the phone without really paying attention to his words although they’d be accurate soon enough, “Duke residence, this is Luke.” Maybelle said, "Luke, I hate to call, but it seems some of those teens in those souped up hot rods done ran Cletus off the road on County Route 7/11." "Of course they did. Tell him I'm on my way." Luke went upstairs with Scrapie on his heels. "Stay here with Dixie, Fella. I'll be right back." Dixie barely opened her eyes, "What's wrong?" As she tucked Scrapie in tight beside her. "Kids ran Cletus in a ditch. You know, one of these nights, me and Bo need to go teach those kids a lesson that only General Lee can teach them." Luke said, stomping into his boots. Gloria was sleeping good when Scrapie started barking, she didn’t know a little dog could make so much noise.. Just as she had dozed off, after Scrapie had stopped barking, Luke cranked the wrecker, its loud motor easily heard through the open window. Looking at the clock it said 12:00 am. “Now what, don’t those hoodlums think anybody ever sleeps” Gloria fussed while Abner slept like a baby. Luke got Cletus pulled out and the cruiser was basically fine. Luke made a ticket and put it in the clipboard then headed back home. It was just after 2 am when he eased the loud wrecker into the driveway hoping to be done for the night. Bo had fussed over BL all the way back to Clyde's where he talked her into going back out. So BL, Sadie and Bo had spent the evening up around still site number 3. It was pretty late as they neared town on their way back to Clyde's. Just as Luke put the wrecker in park, the CB came to life, "Thanks again Luke." Luke keyed the mic, "No problem, just keep things between the ditches." "You got it." Cletus said. Luke was reaching to turn off the CB when he heard, "Lost Sheep 2 to Lost Sheep 1." Luke replied, "Go ahead, Lost Sheep 1." Bo keyed the mic, “what mess did you have to get Cletus out of so late? General Lee and me ain’t moved an inch in oh 4-5 hours, since me and BL parked at still site 3,” Bo asked. “Some kids ran Cletus in the ditch. We oughta take General Lee one night and teach those kids a lesson,” Luke said. “That’s a big 10-4,” Bo replied. From somewhere, low and crackled came the reply. "Anytime old man. You just name the time." “How about Saturday night,” Bo keyed the mic saying. Before Luke could respond with agreement, Cletus cut in, “Now fellas ya'll know racing in Hazzard County’s against the law. Bo I don’t want to arrest ya so close to your wedding.” BL wondered how Cletus knew when the wedding was, the wedding announcement hadn’t been put in the paper yet. “I don’t want you arrested either,” BL said. Luke was tired of cleaning up messes these 'kids' had been making around the county. They were reckless and needed stopped, but he was wise enough to take Cletus's warning. "Ya'll take this off the air. We're at the Boar's Nest most any evening if you snot-nosed brats are old enough to come inside." Luke said, keying the mic. “Or brave enough to talk face to face,” Bo said. “Booo,” BL said. “What?” Bo replied. “On the air may not be the best way to have this conversion,” BL said. “What do you suggest?” Bo asked. “Let’s go see Luke and Dixie. I really don’t want to sneak in at 2am, you and Luke can talk freely too,” BL replied, Bo made the turn toward Luke and Dixie’s instead of Clyde’s. Bo replied, "Lost Sheep 1 leave the door open. I'll be there in a few." Luke clicked the mic in acknowledgement, cut the radio off and headed inside. Gloria’s sleep was once again disturbed as General Lee rumbled from across the street as Bo parked in front of the house. ”Good grief now what,” Gloria huffed. “Daddy’ll probably have a fit tomorrow but I ain’t calling this late neither. Come on Sadie,” BL said, climbing out the window then reaching back in for Sadie. Sadie smelled Scrapie’s scent in the yard and trailed him to the door. BL opened the door letting Sadie in. Luke watched Sadie head upstairs nose to the floor. “She’s hot on the trail,” BL replied to Luke's unasked question, in the meantime Sadie had tracked Scrapie to Dixie and Luke’s bedroom all the way to the bed, jumping up to continue following the trail. Dixie turned over without opening her eyes. When she felt Scrapie jump up she expected him to be greeting Luke. Just then she felt a wet, warm tongue lick her from chin to nose. Opening her eyes she was greeted by Sadie. Scrapie decided now was a good time to playfully bite Sadie who bit him back then the two took off in a barking chase with both dogs now having a case of the zoomies! “Life is going to be interesting with those two living in the same house, when me and Bo move in,” BL said leaning against the doorjamb. Luke opened the back door to let the two romp in the back yard and hopefully settle down. Gloria heard the dogs yipping and yapping in the yard as they chased each other around the back yard. “That’s it, enough is enough I’m calling the police,” Gloria stomped out into the hall, doing just that. “Sheriff’s office, deputy Cletus Hogg speaking,” Cletus said.. “Deputy this is Gloria Kravitz, I want to make a report,” Gloria replied. “Ok, what do you want to report?” Cletus asked, ready to write down the complaint. “Those Duke and Davenport kids! Starting at midnight it’s been one disturbance after another. That blamed dog Luke brought home, started barking its head off, then Luke left out in that loud wrecker,” Gloria complained, Cletus cut in before she finished.“That was my fault ma’am, I needed pulling out of a ditch.” “Then that boy with the orange car came not long after the wrecker returned, now the dog Luke brought home and that Davenport girl’s that helps her deliver the mail, have been barking for the last ten minutes, maybe you can quiet them down,” Gloria finished her rant. “Yes ma’am I’ll get right on it,” Cletus hung up with a sigh and headed out to his patrol car. Sadie and Scrapie had both found a human to snuggle. Sadie was with BL, and Scrapie had followed Sadie upstairs, so he was under the covers snuggling Dixie. Bo and Luke had kicked their boots off and grabbed a beer ready to discuss the young trouble making punks when there was a knock on the door. Before Luke could get up Scrapie and Sadie were at the door barking. Luke firmly said, "Quiet." Both dogs hushed before Luke opened the door a bit to see Cletus standing on the porch but not enough to let the dogs out. "Cletus. Don't tell me you are in another ditch." Luke said. “No Mrs. Kravitz called to complain about all the racket, ya’ll keep it down will ya” Cletus said. “We’ll be quiet Cletus, promise,” Luke replied. Satisfied Cletus said goodbye and left to go on patrol. “Who was that?” Bo asked. “Cletus, Mrs Kravitz called and reported us, making too much noise,” Luke replied. Sadie and Scrapie had gone back upstairs when Luke spoke gruffly to them, Scrapie had crawled back under the covers but it was too hot under for Sadie, so she laid on top with her head on BL’s leg. Bo asked, "What noise, Luke?" "I don't know but he's gone. I'd like to finish my beer and maybe get a couple hours sleep before I have to go out of here in the morning." Luke said. “I got to take BL home to get her car before she has to open the post office and then go on to the farm and do the morning chores. I reckon leaving here and going out to the farm to do them is a routine I best get used to,” Bo said. “Yeah and you might want to start looking for a part time job at least, so you can still help Uncle Jesse but show Clyde you're willing to work, not just let/make BL support you,” Luke replied. Bo and Luke talked about what to do about their faceless challenger, while they finished their beers. “Can I borrow a pair of pajama pants?” Bo asked as Luke was going into his room. “Yeah, hold on,” Luke replied, getting a pair from the dresser. “Thanks,” Bo said, going to the bedroom across the hall, changing then getting in bed beside BL. Luke snuggled into bed and wrapped his arms around Dixie with only the slightest grunt from Scrapie, who had to move just a bit. "Missed you. What was Scrapie's problem?" Dixie said sleepily. Luke replied, "Tell you about it in the morning. Oh, yeah, I'm pretty sure Bo is across the hall tonight." "Um, 'K." Dixie went back to sleep.
  11. Monday morning found Luke and Dixie heading out of Hazzard in two different directions. Luke had pushed his truck a bit harder than normal to get to work just minutes before he was late. This was totally unusual, so his crew was wondering where he was. As Luke pulled in he saw a Forestry truck that wasn't usually at Base Camp unless something was going on. He looked at the truck clock and mumbled curse words under his breath as he hurried inside. His crew had the good graces not to rib him in front of the Regional Supervisor. Randy looked a bit relieved to see Luke walk in. After greetings were made, the Supervisor asked to talk to Luke and Randy in the office. Once alone the Supervisor began, "I came over this morning because there is an experimental program the Forestry Service is wanting to try here." He paused, "with your team." Luke and Randy looked at each other, then back to the Supervisor waiting for more information. "It's gonna mean some extra training for you all, more for a few of you." He explained. Normally Luke was all in for additional training but he had a lot of new things on his plate, but he was interested in making his team better. The Supervisor explained that the crews on the East Coast didn't get as many calls as the crews out West, so they were wanting to incorporate canines that could be used on arson, rescue and cadaver calls. The trainers and dogs were on their way there. The crew would be getting one dog for now with the possibility of more later. The Supervisor then retired to the coffee pot while Luke and Randy explained all this to the team to see who was most interested. It didn't surprise Luke at all when Lisa and Casey were the most eager to be official handlers. Back in Hazzard BL was training her new help, Ellen Sue Henderson, a widow about 10 years older than BL herself. BL hoped with part time help she could take time off more easily to do things with Dixie and Daisy who didn’t really have a regular off day. She wanted off Saturdays too, so she could spend the day with Bo once he finished his farm chores. “You put the mail to be delivered here and mail going out here,” BL said. “Got it,” Ellen Sue replied. Luther Davenport circled Hazzard Square a bit earlier than usual. As he passed Miz Tisdale's house, he noticed both Dixie and Luke's vehicles were gone. Looking to the garage, he saw the wrecker backed in, ready to go on a call. He had been through several drivers since Luke last drove for him, so from habit, he walked to the door of the truck and tried the door handle, it was locked. Luther unlocked the truck and saw in the seat a tow ticket for the Sheriff's Department. The description read, 'Pulled Cletus's patrol car out of ditch.’ Luther took the ticket to put in the Sheriff's file. As he walked over to open the garage, as much as he hadn't liked the idea years ago, or a couple months ago, he couldn't deny that it was good to have someone around the garage who did things his way. As soon as the truck pulled in with the dogs, Luke saw Casey and Lisa light up. "They are not pets. They are working dogs." he cautioned. Luke was expecting German Shepherds, German police, or any other form of big working dog. What came out of the back of the truck were miniature Dachshunds! At the Duke farm, Daisy was hanging out some laundry to dry while she did the rest of her housework before going to work this afternoon. Boss Hogg might have given her the weekend off but was making her work overtime all week to make up for not having his best waitress those days. Bo was up on the house nailing down some tin, Saturday night’s storm had blowed loose. As Casey and Lisa turned from trained professionals to how most people do around newborn babies, Luke's mouth let fly what he was thinking, "What are they?" The trainers had several dogs with them. One replied to Luke's question, "Is it ready?" The supervisor nodded 'yes'. The trainer gave the dog a command, its nose went to the ground and began smelling the ground from side to side, pulling at its harness, trying to get the trainer to walk faster. As the dog went around the side of the building, there were two charred areas of dirt. It took a brief sniff at the first pile and hurried to the second, sniffed a few times and began a cross between a bark, a cry, and a total conversation as it sat down looking very proud of itself. The Supervisor nodded 'yes' again. The trainer explained the Supervisor had gotten there early, before anyone and set two places of grass on fire. One had an accelerant, the other didn't. The dog had alerted to the right one. The trainer said, "OK. Now that you all know their noses work. Let's go see what else they can do." One of the first questions was why they were using such small dogs. They were informed so the dogs could be harnessed to their chest and jump with them. In Hazzard BL was still showing Ellen Sue all the stuff she needed to know to run things at the post office if BL wasn’t there. “If someone’s wanting to rent a PO box, you need two forms of identification and one must be a photo ID. Then you look in this book here that’s under the counter to see what’s available.” BL said. Just as BL finished her instructions, a middle aged couple entered the post office. “Hello, how may I help you?” Ellen Sue asked. “We’d like to get a PO box, please,” the man replied. “Alright, I’ll need two forms of ID,” Ellen Sue replied. Getting the book from under the counter Ellen Sue asked what size box was needed, then found a vacant one in the list, wrote down the information and checked both forms of ID making sure all the information was correct, before accepting pay. “Good job Ellen Sue, you did that perfect! Now I don’t ask everybody to show ID and take a number the way Miz Tisdale did, I just ask for ID from those I don’t know very well, so ask everybody if that makes you more comfortable when I’m not here,” BL said. At Base Camp, Luke and his team got to know the dogs. See how they were harnessed up for jumps and searches. The instructor asked before the break, "So, are there any questions?" Casey spoke up, "Which one is ours?" The trainer laughed, "Well, if you all are on board with the new program, ..." He walked over and took the leash of a medium brown miniature Dachshund and brought him over to Casey and Lisa, "This is Scrapie. Why don't ya’ll get to know each other on break." Meanwhile back in Hazzard, BL was getting ready to show Ellen Sue how helpful Sadie was delivering the mail. “You ready Ellen Sue, delivering the mail is the funnest part of the job, for me and Sadie, Miz Tisdale seemed to enjoy it too. She tickled me the way she zipped around on her motorcycle,” BL said grinning. “Ready when you are. What's so fun about driving all over the county:? Ellen Sue asked. ”You’ll see, C’mon Sadie, time to deliver the mail,” BL replied. Sadie ran to the post office’s back door wagging her tail. In the car, Ellen Sue got in BL’s passenger seat and they headed out of town, first stopping at Grannie Annie Coggins “here Sadie take this to Grannie,” BL gave Sadie the small stack of mail. Ellen Sue was about to get out of the car and let Sadie out, when the dog leaped over the side of the car, leaping back in with one graceful jump, her task complete. The same performance was repeated at the Widow Baxley, Tolliver, Marley and Venible farms. “Wow BL that’s amazing, How’d you teach her to do that”? Ellen Sue asked, amazed “I didn’t teach her to take the mail to folks, just told her to and she did,” BL replied. At Tri Counties, Dixie was having her own difficulties. It was Monday morning and she was dealing with everyone who had been arrested, transported to tri counties over the weekend who had not bonded out but desperately wanted to contact friends, family, anyone who would come post bond for them. Dixie worked her floor with all the normal activities that went on while trying to give the inmates in the holding cells ample time in the booking room where they had access to the phone at an unheard of cost to call across town. By lunch, anyone who could have bonded out had done so. Dixie sat down after lunch was served on her floor for the first time in her shift. Her boots felt tight as she loosened her laces a bit. At Base Camp, Scrapie wasn't all that sure that he wanted to meet new people and managed to give a low growl as he was petted and loved on by all. In Hazzard, Daisy finished her housework, brought in the laundry and folded it but she didn’t have time to put it away before leaving for work so left Bo’s on his bed, Uncle Jesse’s on his bed and her own in the chair in her room, she'd put it away tomorrow. Bo was hoeing the garden as Daisy left, waving as she went by. Bo couldn’t wait for ‘happy hour’ at the Boar’s Nest. He was looking forward to a cold beer or 2 and hearing about everybody’s day. Back in the training room, the Trainers began going over the care that was expected for Scrapie. One of the requirements had the girls and even the crew begin to look from one to the other when the trainer advised that when not working or at Base Camp Scrapie would live with one of the handlers. He noticed something was amiss with the crew, "What? Is something wrong?" It was Luke who responded, "During fire season, these guys all share a house. There is a no pet clause." He said knowingly as he too had shared the house previously. "Well, that really should not be an issue. Scrapie is not a pet." the Trainer said. Luke nodded, "That may or may not work, but what if I take the training to be a handler? If their landlord raises a fuss, then I could take him home with me." The crew was all for that. "I don't see a problem. The more handlers we have, the better the program should do." At the garage in Hazzard, Cooter had tried to keep out of Luther’s way. So when a wrecker call came in from Dobro Doolin he wasted no time saying he was on his way, “be back as soon as I can Dad,” Cooter said as he walked toward the wrecker. What he saw when he got to the right place on route 4 was the two prettiest girls he’d ever seen, pulling around in front of the old Buick that was spewing steam like a geyser. Cooter parked on the shoulder of the road. “Whewee she sure is hot, where you ladies headed?” Cooter said then added “I’m Cooter Davenport.” “I’m Susie and this is my best friend, Katie Beth. We’re on our way to Dixville County” Susie replied. “Nice to meet you ladies, looks like its the radiator, tell you what, I’ll tow ya’ll back to town and while I work on your car you can go to the cafe or coffee shop, get out of this heat awhile.” Cooter said. In no time flat the car was hooked up and they were all headed back to the garage. A few minutes later, Dobro pulled up to the garage, slicked his hair back with his fingers and went into the garage trying to look innocent as he was looking around for the girls who were in the Buick. Not seeing them, he had to ask, "Where's the girls?" Cooter motioned toward town, "The coffee shop, Cafe, likely somewhere cooler than here." "You let them get away?" Dobro said glumly. "It's not like they won't be back for their car." Cooter said. "Is it serious?" Dobro asked, a bit hopeful. "Hole in the radiator. Some stop leak should have them on their way." Cooter said. Dobro looked at him like he had three heads, "Are you crazy? Surely, it would be better to drain the radiator, clean it real good, and weld that hole up proper like. That way we could get to know them a bit, maybe talk them into staying a bit longer, go to the Boar's Nest with us." Dobro was too busy talking to notice Cooter trying to hush him as the girls in question walked into the garage behind Dobro. “Well what's the problem,”Susie asked, getting straight to the point. “You got yourselves a hole in the radiator, ladies,” Cooter replied. “How long will it take to fix it? Katie Beth, spoke for the first time. “Well not long, maybe half hour to an hour, if I just use some stop leak of course that ain’t no permanent fix, you’ll still need to take it in to a garage and have that hole welded up,” Mary Beth spoke up again, asking “how long will that take?” “A few hours atleast, the radiator will need a good cleaning after it’s drained before it can be welded,” Cooter explained. “We got a nice hotel, real affordable if ya’ll got time to stick around. You should get that radiator fixed proper as soon as possible and Cooter’s the best mechanic in the state,” Dobro boasted. The young ladies looked at each other for a moment then Katie Beth asked “where’s the hotel?” “Hop in my car there yonder and I’ll take you,” Dobro said. “I’ll get those for you ma’am” Cooter helped Susie put a couple suitcases in Dobro’s car, adding “I'll get on this radiator first thing tomorrow, I got a coupla jobs to wrap up before I can start on this.” Dobro saw Cooter was being all business, so he knew if they were gonna ask the girls out, that he'd be the one asking. "Ladies, since ya'll are stuck here tonight and all, would ya'll maybe care to join us for a bite to eat, maybe a beer." "That sounds good, Susie said. “Ya’ll give me about an hour and we’ll all go over to the Boar’s Nest, the beer’s watered down but they got the best barbeque this side of the Mississippi,” Cooter replied. Dobro took the girls to the hotel and got them settled. At the garage Cooter did a few more small jobs then went to the bathroom in the back of the garage to get cleaned up and put on a clean shirt. An hour later exactly Dobro picked up Katie Beth, in his car and Cooter picked up Susie in the wrecker, then they all went to the Boar’s Nest, where Daisy saw the guys come in with two girls she’d never seen before, going over she asked, “what can I get ya’ll? I’m Daisy by the way.” “Daisy this is Susie and Katie Beth, they had some car trouble and are staying at the hotel tonight until I can fix it tomorrow,” Cooter replied, then continued as he looked at each girl, “is the barbeque plate ok with ya’ll? It comes with fries and coleslaw.” Both nodded ‘yes’ so Cooter ordered 4 BBQ plates and 4 beers. Dixie's day at Tri-Counties was pretty normal, if there was such a thing. She had changed into jeans and was heading home, figuring to meet everyone at the Boar's Nest. Luke's day had been anything but normal. After the training, it was decided that the best course of action for Scrapie until they could get it approved with the girls' landlord would be to go home with Luke. So with a carrier in the back of the truck, a blanket, toys, leash, food, food bowls and Scrapie himself in Luke's passenger seat, he set out for Hazzard. Occasionally, Luke reached over to pet the little guy who seemed content enough to be petted after he had warmed up to the crew. By the time they reached Hazzard, Scrapie was standing with his front paws on the dash, the window seal, then on the arm rest. His nose was constantly going, his ears were flipped back. He was enjoying all the new smells of the country. BL smiled as she checked to make sure the post office back door was locked, it seemed like Ellen Sue was going to work out just fine. “Well, what do you think Sadie, you think Ellen Sue’s gonna work out?” BL headed for the Boar’s Nest. Sadie woofed her approval from the passenger seat, watching all the cars they met. Bo sat the last haybale on the stack, then picked up his shirt putting it back on and walking over, getting in General Lee, “Cold beer here I come,” Bo said aloud as he headed for the Boar’s Nest. Dixie pulled into the Boar's Nest only seeing the wrecker, Dobro's car and a few more cars, but not Luke's truck, the General Lee nor BL's cars were there yet. She checked the clock and shrugged her shoulders. She must have been thrifty as she was a few minutes earlier than normal. She took a minute to run a brush through her hair and went in to see if it was Cooter or her father in the wrecker. As she walked in Daisy asked on her way to take drinks to a table, "Hey Sugar. What will you be drinking?" Dixie replied, "It's hot out there. Iced tea and a lot of lemon." She wondered how long she could not order beer without raising people's suspicions. Luke pulled into the Boar’s Nest, put Scrapie's official training vest on him, attached his leash and said, "Alright, Scrapie, ready to have some fun with Ol Rosco?" He let Scrapie explore and wash his tires before they headed inside the bar. BL noticed the wrecker, Dobro’s car and several other cars were at the Boar’s Nest as she turned in. Dixie’s car and Luke’s truck were there already, she had dropped Sadie off at the cabinet shop, it was just too danged hot to leave the poor thing in the car while she was inside. BL checked her watch thinking she was bad late because both Dixie and Luke had got there before her. Bo came in, dust flying as he came to a screeching halt, climbing out the window, his boots hitting the gravel hard, he hurried to catch up with BL. Putting an arm around her waist, making it look like they’d come together instead of just meeting in the parking lot. “Hey darlin,” Bo kissed BL’s cheek. ”Hey Bo,” BL replied. No one paid Luke anymore attention today than they ever did when he walked in. No one even noticed the leash he was holding. Dixie was at an empty table, but it was beside Cooter’s table. She looked up from her conversation, saw Luke walk in and turned her attention back to the conversation at hand, "You'll get to meet my husband in just a second. He just came in." Dixie said to Cooter’s date. Luke leaned across the table, greeted Dixie with a kiss, sat down and patted his leg. Scrapie jumped immediately into his lap for a couple of reasons; one, he was trained to follow the handlers and two, the room was beginning to get crowded and Luke was the only one he knew. Now, Luke was getting more attention than normal all at the same time. Dixie asked, "Luke, who is your friend?" She saw the vest and though she wanted to love on the little guy knew better. Daisy was bringing Luke a beer when she saw the dog in the bar, "Luke, Honey, your friend sure is cute and all but he can't be in here, you know that. Though I'd rather have him than most of the paying customers." She let her hand drop to pet Scrapie. He backed up closer to Luke but gave Daisy the lowest growl. Luke scolded them both, "Scrapie hush. Daisy, you know not to come at him that way. He don't know you." Bo and BL went over to where Dixie and Luke sat, not really thinking he reached to pet the little dog on Luke’s lap the same way he did Flash, getting the same low growl Daisy had. Again Luke scolded both dog and cousin, “Scrapie hush, Bo you're as bad as Daisy, you know better than to reach out like that. He don’t know you.” “Aww Luke don’t scold him, the dog that is not Bo. Scrapie was only giving Bo a warning, you’d growl too if you was his size and seen that big ol’ hand coming at you, could be trouble,” BL said then continued, grinning “I should know.” “Cute,” Bo said, pretending to be put out. “I know I am,” BL replied, smirking. Cooter cleared his throat to get the other’s attention “Susie, Katie Beth this is Bo Duke, Luke’s and Daisy's cousin and the sassy blonde there is mine and Dixie’s cousin BL,” “Luke you know Rosco’s gonna have a conniption if he sees that dog in here,” BL said. Luke didn’t look worried and replied, “let him, ain’t really nothing he can do about it, as long as Scrapie’s wearing his vest.” “Speak of the devil,” Bo said when he saw Rosco come out of Boss Hogg’s office with Flash in his arms. As Rosco walked through the bar, he glanced around, seeing the Davenports and Dukes. There was Cooter, Bo, Luke, Luke's dog. Rosco thought. Then he said aloud to himself lowly, "Luke's dog. Luke don't have no dog. Luke does have a dog. That dog can't be in here." He turned to Luke and said louder, "Alright, Luke Duke you can't have a dog in here." Luke knew all eyes were on him.Dixie gave Cooter's lady friends an assuring look. Luke took a sip of his beer and asked, "Why not?" “Dogs ain’t allowed. That’s why not!” Rosco replied with an attitude. Bo put a few pieces of popcorn in his mouth, watching Luke spar with Rosco was better than anything on television. “You got Flash,” Luke said. “That’s different,” Rosco replied. “How so?” Luke retorted. BL took a drink of her beer watching the ‘show’ like everyone else in the bar. “Flash is a police dog,” Rosco said as justification for the basset hound’s presence. “Scrapie is a certified arson dog,” Luke said, pointing to Scrapie’s vest which said Arson Response K-9 In Training. "Certified Arson dog. My foot. What's this in training about?" Rosco questioned. Luke took another sip of his beer. "He's fully trained in Arson Detection, but still in training while he and my team complete training with him. Right now, he's working on his social skills." “What’s he need social skills for if he detects arson?” Rosco kept coming up with a new question for every answer Luke gave him. Dixie decided to see if she could ‘help’ since she had some knowledge on dogs who sniff out drugs, bombs and even aided in finding lost people, “Scrapie ain’t just going to encounter the same people everyday the way Flash does, he’s going to encounter strangers and lots of them. He can’t growl at them or worse try to bite them just because they try to touch him.” “Ok well I see your point there, biting is a naughty, naughty,” Rosco said. BALLADEER: The entire time Rosco talked, Flash never acknowledged that Scrapie was there. Most likely because he didn't have the energy. Scrapie also just watched the Sheriff and paid no attention to Flash. Luke instructed, " Scrapie let's work. Rosco put your hand out and let him smell it." Rosco did. Scrapie sniffed the Sheriff's hand once, twice, then sat back down on Luke's lap content. Luke replied, "Good job." And then gave Scrapie a small treat. Bo said, "Now wait a second. He growled at me when I tried to pet him." Luke nodded, "Put your hand out for him to smell." Bo did. Scrapie took a couple sniffs and sat down contently. Luke said, "Relax Scrapie. Now Bo, pet him." Scrapie sat there and let Bo pet him, but watched him closely. Luke gave him another treat. ”I gotta get, Daddy was moaning and groaning this morning about me abandoning him all weekend and he about starved to death. Luke, why don’t you and Dixie come for supper and bring Scrapie so him and Sadie can play,” BL said. “You coming Bo?” BL asked. “You bet darlin, I never turn down food, unless it’s pecan pie,” Bo replied. Luke waited for Dixie to answer. Dixie replied, "Sure, just as long as ya'll don't let your Aunts know. They would be beside themselves if they knew I wasn't cooking Luke's every meal." Bo replied, "Well, he has gotten a little thinner." Luke shot him a warning look. “Keep talking about my cousin that way and I’ll see that Daisy puts starch in your shorts and gives you cold grits for a week,” BL threatened. “I’d hush while I’m still ahead if I were you cousin,” Luke said. “I’ll see ya’ll in a while,” BL replied, heading for the door. Luke gave BL a little wave, "We'll be along in a bit. We'll likely drop a vehicle off and ride together like we like each other or something." "Cute." Dixie said. Taking a line from Bo, Luke replied, "I know." "Lucas Duke, one of these days...." Dixie said playfully. BL went by the cabinet shop before going home, just to see if Clyde was working late and she needed to pick up Sadie, the closed sign was in the window so she headed home. At home, Clyde was sitting on the porch swing, Sadie lay beside him. LB pulled in the driveway behind her. Dixie, Luke and Bo are coming for supper,” BL said to the men. Sadie hopped off the swing, barking a couple times to get BL’s attention, “And Luke has a new friend he’s bringing for you to play with,” BL leaned down to pet Sadie. “Luke got a dog? Did he talk it over with Dixie? I know she likes dogs but…” Clyde asked. “Well not exactly,” BL told them about Scrapie being an arson dog. “Luke can tell you more about it when they get here,” BL went inside to change clothes and cook supper. About 10 minutes later Bo pulled up at Clyde’s farm, getting out of General he saw LB and Clyde coming back from the goat pasture “hey LB, what’s shakin’? “Howdy Clyde.” “Not much was just another day, another dollar earned,” LB replied. “Come on up to the porch Bo, BL’s in the house cooking supper,” Clyde said. After parking her car, Dixie waved at Mrs. Kravitz then opened the door to Luke's truck. Sitting in her seat was Scrapie. "Alright fella. You got to move it a bit." Scrapie just looked at her and rolled over. Dixie moved her hand intending to move Scrapie. Scrapie gave just the smallest low growl. Luke reached over and picked him up, "You can't be growling like that. Scrapie licked his face as Dixie got in the truck. "It takes him some time to warm up to people." Luke said. "Not that I mind, ummmm, .... how and why do we have Scrapie," Dixie asked. Luke had expected this conversation sooner, "He's a new program. He's gonna work with the team, the girls will be the primary handlers, but Mr. Short won't stand for 'pets'. Yes, I know he's not a pet, but out here in the country is better for him. Besides, it keeps the crew from being hassled. After getting a beef roast in the oven, BL came back out onto the porch. It would take the meat awhile to cook, so she had a bit before she needed to put everything else on. “The beef roast will take about an hour,” BL said sitting beside Bo on the porch, Sadie getting between them, the same way she had at the movies last night until BL had moved her. Clyde had been keeping an eye on Bo and BL the last couple months, he believed Bo was a good man but he’d also heard the talk around the county for years, he didn’t want to see his baby girl hurt. Dixie let Scrapie sit on the folded down armrest / console, but put her hand near him. Then let him smell her hand, then began stroking his head. Scrapie let her pet him, even licked her hand but occasionally gave just a grr or gruff of a growl. "Look, Scrapie, if you are gonna be around, we may as well be friends." Dixie said. Luke gave a slight grin and asked, "Do you mind?" Dixie smiled back, "You know I love animals. No, of course, I don't mind, but I do want to be friends." Luke reached in his pocket and handed her some treats. "Try these." Dixie laughed, "Bribery?" She fed Scrapie a treat, then said, "OK, Scrapie. I'm gonna pet you and you're not going to growl." Scrapie replied with a small whine. Dixie patted his head then scratched his ears. No growls. Dixie said, "See you are a good boy." She gave him another treat as they pulled into BL's. Luke got out of the truck then reached in to get Scrapie, although he seemed willing to be friends enough to let Dixie pet him, he wasn’t ready to let her pick him up yet. Putting Scrapie’s leash on but not the vest this time, he set Scrapie on the ground “alright Scrapie you be nice, no growling, ain’t nobody here gonna hurt ya,” Luke said, going around to open Dixie’s door. Dixie got out and walked with Luke and Scrapie toward the others on the porch. Luke had the leash in his left hand with his right gently around Dixie's waist. Clyde was watching the older Duke's interaction with his niece more than he was watching the new dog. Luke's familiarity with Dixie was easy, real easy. Clyde could see how that could get under Luther's skin. Sadie jumped to her feet emitting a low growl seeing a strange dog in her domain, not really a sound of aggression but definitely not friendly, “Sadie hush! What’s gotten into you, you don’t act like that with Flash,” BL scolded. “It’s alright BL, she just ain’t used to another dog on her turf,” Luke said, keeping Scrapie on a short leash, while BL held onto Sadie’s collar letting the two dogs get each other’s scent a safe distance apart for now. After a few minutes, both dogs seemed alright with each other. Luke and the crew had worked with Scrapie enough that Luke trusted him enough to let him off his leash. "Want to play? Here, Scrapie, go play." Luke said, unclicking the leash. Scrapie noticed Sadie was a girl. Sadie, who was much bigger than Scrapie, wasn't interested and ran. Scrapie ran after her. A playful game of tag ensued. Luke told Clyde and LB about the program the forestry service was trying out with the arson dogs and how his team shared a house but the girls that had trained to be handler, couldn’t take Scrapie home with them due to a no pets clause in their lease so he had taken the training and brought Scrapie home with him, meanwhile BL and Dixie finished cooking supper. “Why don’t we eat out here at the picnic table, that way we can keep an eye on the pups while they play,” BL suggested to everybody when she came to tell them it was done. “Sounds good to me, it was hot and stuffy at work,” Dixie said. The men agreed. So they had a nice supper in the cool shade of the oak tree. Sadie and Scrapie took a rest on the porch but were now back at it, Sadie was pinning Scrapie to the ground by putting her leg over him. To some watching at a distance it might’ve looked like the bigger dog was being aggressive but as soon as Scrapie got loose another game of chase ensued. After supper LB left to go see Polly Parker, a girl he’d been seeing off and on for a couple months. The girls left the rest of the men to watch the dogs and talk while they cleaned up, then returned to the porch. Dixie sat down on the step below where Luke sat resting herself against him as he talked. Luke had anticipated her movements and had changed position so she could sit down. Bo saw BL walking toward where he sat on the swing. He had shifted to the end of the swing with his arm on the swing back. When BL sat down, Bo's arm fell easily around her shoulder. He couldn't put his finger on why, but these little movements by the kids were getting under Clyde's skin. Then the why had hit him. He knew his niece was married to the oldest Duke, so he knew she had been in his arms and his bed. Clyde looked to his daughter and Bo Duke. Something had changed, this wasn't just his daughter beating him in pool. No, in his mind, something here had changed. The dogs had worn themselves out and came up on the porch, Scrapie flopped down beside Luke and Sadie went over to where BL and Bo were on the swing, flopping at BL’s feet, it was a bit cooler down on the cement porch. Luke was telling Clyde about how Rosco had reacted to Scrapie being in the Boar’s Nest. “You should have seen the look on his face when I told him about Scrapie being an arson dog and showed him the writing on Scrapie’s vest,” Luke chuckled. “Wouldn’t it really bug him if Sadie had a U.S.A postal carrier vest,” BL said. “Yeah it would, can’t you make one?” Bo asked, grinning. “Bo, I can’t just make a vest and pretend it's from the postal service, just to get Rosco’s goat,” BL replied then continued “can I Dixie?” BL asked her cousin, the only law enforcement in the county that didn’t try to pass off phony laws, usually at Boss Hogg’s orders. Dixie thought about it, "I don't really know, but we all know someone who knows those blamed postal regulations up one side and down the other. We can ask Miz Tisdale the next time we see her. Sadie does help deliver the mail, so it's not a stretch. If it can happen, she would be all game to get Rosco." They all had a good laugh. Luke looked down where Scrapie was laid out by his foot, "Scrapie, are you ready to go see your home away from home, at least for awhile?" Scrapie jumped up at his name, ready for anything. “I best be getting home too, still have to do the evening chores,” Bo said, not moving though. “It’s still early, we can come out and I’ll help ya,” Luke offered. “It’s alright, go on home and get Scrapie settled,” Bo replied. “Ok, we’ll see ya tomorrow, come on Scrapie let’s go,” Luke helped Dixie up, then put his right arm around her waist, leaving Scrapie off his leash as the three went to the truck. Bo finally stood up and BL stood with him, Sadie coming alive, not about to be left behind. Walking to General Lee, Bo put his arm around BL’s waist in the same comfortable, familiar way Clyde saw Luke do with Dixie and it just set the wrong way for some reason. Bo stopped when the cab of Clyde’s truck blocked the view of the couple from the porch. Bo pulled BL to him and cupped the back of her head, lowering his lips to hers for a slow deep kiss. BL and Sadie came back on the porch as Bo headed out. Clyde let his chair come back down on its four feet, looked at BL, and asked, "Ain't you been seeing a lot of that boy lately?" BALLADEER:Friends, this don’t look good. BL shrugged, not sure what the big deal was all of the sudden. Sitting back down on the swing, rubbing Sadie’s belly with her toes. Clyde asked, "So when is the last time you went out with anyone else?" “I don’t remember but what does it matter? I ain’t in high school now, back then a different boy every week was ok, they call girls my age trollips if they change guys as often as socks,” BL replied. Clyde wouldn't disagree with BL’s points but said, "It's just that how many young men are gonna ask you out if they think you are someone's steady date. You aren't, are you?" “So what if I am? Me and Bo have known each other our whole lives just about and I know just about all there is to know about him. Wouldn’t you rather I know a guy before things get serious than find out bad things he did after things get serious?” BL asked. Clyde said, "Well, Jesse raised them boys right, but as for bad things, he's done, .... I could likely make a list a mile long. Just for starters, he's dated every waitress at the Boar's Nest besides Daisy. He's led them on and then showed up with another one. If you look around that there Post Office of yours, I'm sure you'll find about a half a dozen wanted posters on Bo and Luke, for that matter. “I mean really bad things Daddy like forcing himself on a girl and taking advantage of her. He has played around I’ll give you that but so have alot of guys,” BL said, thinking LB for one. Her brother was on his third girl this month but she kept that to herself. The only wanted posters the post office gets are big time criminals,” BL said, having what she thought were reasonable explanations for all her father’s concerns. "It seems I remember one for bank robbery, another for armored car robbery. " Clyde knew Rosco and Boss, but he was trying to prove a point. “Those were frame ups and you know it! Bo nor Luke for that matter would ever do those kinds of things,” BL said, adding “anymore than I would commit mail fraud, which Boss Hogg framed me for and I was arrested,” BL was trying to make her own point. Clyde huffed, "Don't mention all that to me. My girl arrested for the love of God. Your mother would have a fit." Clyde took a breath, let it out and asked the question he knew he may not want to know the answer to, "Are you serious about that Duke?" “Yes sir, Bo ain’t flirted with or even really talked to another single girl since we’ve been going out," BL replied. Clyde shook his head. It was true. He hadn't seen Bo with any other girl but he hadn't been watching him closely like he now planned to do. "Alright, so ya'll are steady dating. BL, is it more serious?" BL knew exactly what she was being asked but wasn’t about to open a whole new can of worms so asked a question back, “what do you mean exactly by more serious?” Clyde suddenly stood up, walked to the far end of the porch then back stopping in front of BL, "I'm trying real hard not to be Luther. But, Brandy Lou Davenport, ... are you sharing his bed?" BL’s eyes opened wide, she could not believe he’d asked her that straight out. Not wanting to tell a bold face lie about being with Bo even though it was just once, she answered truthfully to the direct question “you know Uncle Jesse don’t allow no such behavior in his house,” BL continued before Clyde could say more “and he ain’t been in my bed either, he don’t have a death wish to do that in your house right under your nose.” Clyde felt he needed answers now or never, "You lived in town for months, Brandy Lou." He said sternly. “He stayed ONE night, during that time but so did Cooter, Luke, Daisy and Dixie,” BL said, putting emphasis on one. “The guys all camped out downstairs in the livingroom and us girls slept upstairs. Clyde dropped his head a bit, "I'm sorry, I just want what's best for you even if you don't agree with me all the time. I know both those boys seem to have calmed down some. But, I just don't see that one ever settling down. Just don't make the mistake of getting knocked up. He'd drop you like a hot potato if he was given half a chance." Clyde stomped off the porch. He needed a walk. BL put her head in her hands, she hadn’t told a bold face lie but she hadn’t been totally honest, truth was she knew the disappointment she’d have seen in Clyde’s eyes had she told him she had been with Bo. He’d been wrong about Bo’s actions if he ever got her pregnant, he’d stayed with her all week when he didn’t know for sure, he could have cut and run but hadn’t. “C’mon Sadie, Mama needs a drive,” BL went inside to get her keys and leave Clyde a note. Gone for a drive needed to think’ BL left a note on the door and went to her car and headed out to where she didn’t know exactly.. In town, Luke parked his truck behind Dixie's car. "Scrapie, do you want to see your yard boy? Come on." Luke, Dixie and Scrapie walked to the back of the house for Scrapie to explore and mark his territory everywhere that Sadie had marked it. Dixie watched the playful dog going from place to place peeing, "This could take awhile. Want anything?" "A beer would be good." Luke said. Dixie returned a few minutes later with Luke's beer, her iced tea and Scrapie a bowl of water for the back porch. "I figured he'd be parched by now as much as he has peed." Luke grinned as he took a sip of beer. He saw the iced tea Dixie held. Before Luke could say anything, both he and Dixie heard BL's car pass the house. "Wonder where she's going?" Luke asked. Dixie replied, "Well, it wasn't here, it's not to see Bo, ..." She said, noting the direction BL was heading. “Hang on, I’ll radio and see what she’s doing,” Dixie said, heading inside grabbing her car keys then going out to her Thunderbird, sitting in the seat and cranking it. Picking up the CB mic and keying it, “Little Shotgun to Sweet Talker, come back,” Dixie hailed her cousin. “Sweet Talker here,” BL picked up and keyed her mic. “Something wrong? Me and Luke heard your car pass the house but you didn’t stop,” Dixie said. “I got some things on my mind, was just driving and thinking,” BL replied. Dixie replied, "Alright. Yell or stop back by if you need anything. Scrapie is watering the yard so we are out back." “I could use a little girl talk, if Luke don’t mind me borrowing you for a little bit. Say at the old playground, where we all met up when we skipped school or work in Luke’s and Cooter’s case,” BL replied. "I can do that. Give me a few minutes." Dixie replied, then went to the backyard. "Would you mind bonding with Scrapie alone for a bit? BL needs to talk a bit." Luke waved her on, "Go ahead. I'm gonna take his crate in with his bowls, toys and such, then get him fed so we can all relax when you get back." "Sounds good. I'll be right back." Dixie said about to head to the car. Luke said, "Come on Scrapie, let's go move the truck." Luke said. Dixie nodded, "It would be easier that way." After Luke moved his truck, Dixie got in her car and headed to the old playground. BL paced back and forth in front of her car until Dixie pulled in behind the GTO and Sadie put a paw on the back of her leg. “I think, no I know me and Bo are busted,” BL said, by way of greeting. Dixie was confused, "Busted? How? What are you talking about?" “After you, Luke and Bo left, out of nowhere Daddy asked me and I quote, ‘ain’t you seeing alot of that boy lately?’, BL replied. Dixie nodded, "Gosh I hated those talks, though most of those actual talks came from Mom. I think that is why I just didn't go out much. But, you know, .... you have been seeing a lot of Bo." Dixie couldn't resist egging BL on just a bit. “Hey now! You’re supposed to be on my side. It got worse from there. Daddy asked was I serious about Bo, no big deal there really…But then he asked if I was sharing Bo’s bed. Dixie I was mortified,” BL replied. "Surely not as mortified as I was getting caught in the back seat of the General with Luke by two State Troopers." Dixie reminded. "You are an adult. You were living on your own. Wouldn't he rather ya’'ll to share a bed than roll in the hay." “No that was worse,” BL said remembering well. “He’d rather we don’t do either. I took the question at face value and answered literally, that he knew Uncle Jesse wouldn’t allow that to go on in his house. I added Bo didn’t have no death wish to be in my bed right under his nose. I left out the other night at the house in town, ALL we did that night was sleep, you should know cos you and Luke were across the hall,” BL said. Dixie gave BL a look. "You can tell him anything you want to, but if ya'll hadn't gotten real lucky, it wouldn't have mattered what you had told before. Everyone would have known just how close ya'll have become." “I know that. I would have told him if there was reason to but there’s not. So no harm done right?” BL said. "Right. So, why are we out here with you freaking out?" Dixie asked. “I don’t know, he just blindsided me. Go home to your husband and Scrapie. I’ll see ya’ll tomorrow. BL said. 'I'm here with you. Now, what gives that this is picking now for you to freak out about." Dixie said. “I don’t know,” BL said, she really didn’t know why she was so freaked out. Dixie replied, "So sit down over here and let's figure it out." Dixie said. BL gave the chains on the swing a good yank, the swings frame was rusted and so were the chains, it all seemed sturdy enough still, so she sat down on the swing’s seat replying. “Maybe I freaked because we were being watched closer than I realized.” Dixie knew the feeling of being watched too closely for her liking, "Now you know how I felt when I first got back." “Yeah I do and I have the feeling it ain’t over,” BL replied. Sadie had wandered a ways away once Dixie had calmed BL down, sniffing at some weeds the dog jumped back startled when a rabbit hopped out. Startled quickly turned into a chase. "Why do you think that? Have you and Bo come to terms with ya’lls 'near miss'?" Dixie asked. “Why do I think that?” BL repeated. “Because as reasonable as Daddy usually is, has its limits and like it or not, I’ll always be his baby girl. Same way you’ll always be Luther’s,” BL continued. “What exactly do you mean by 'come to terms’?”, BL asked. Dixie nodded. She knew BL was right about being Luther's baby girl. "I mean, there is only one sure way for it not to happen again. Are you both really gonna go back to holding hands or risk that happening again? Next time, it might not be a false alarm and if it's not then are you both prepared to face that?" Dixie added, "With Luke and me it was only a matter of time before we would have married. This just forced us to hurry things along." Dixie said, rubbing her flat belly. “No we ain’t going back to just holding hands. Yeah we are, the night of the reception we took Sadie for a walk and Bo asked me was I ready to settle down even if there was no baby,” BL replied. Dixie listened to her cousin. Then asked, "So,.... are ya’ll engaged? Officially?" She thought for sure this was something BL would have told her by now. Caught a bit off guard, BL nearly fell off the swing, “engaged? No, not officially or unofficially, that has been the only time the subject has ever been brought up,” BL shook her head ‘no’. Dixie couldn't help herself, she had to repeat what she was hearing, "OK, So ya'll are just gonna keep messing around and if and when you get pregnant, ya'll are both good with settling down because there is a baby coming? BL? Really?" “Dixie the ONLY baby coming is YOURS and LUKE’S,” BL said, stressing the words only, yours and Luke. “I told you I was getting birth control as soon as you went to the doctor, remember, unless you ain’t going anytime soon,” BL said. Dixie reminded, "No birth control is full proof." “I know that proof is sitting next to me. But maybe if Bo wears protection AND I’m taking birth control we’ll be atleast partially safe,” BL replied. By now Sadie had given up on her rabbit chase and come back, laying under the shade. "Maybe." Dixie said, "But if you want Bo as your husband, waiting until you might get pregnant may not be the best way to get him." “I agree but it’s not just the matter of me wanting him as a husband. He has to want me for a wife,” BL replied. Dixie replied, "Exactly. So if he asked you if you were ready to settle down, was that a proposal or not?" “Could have been, I really didn’t answer him. I suppose me and him should have a conversation and put all our cards on the table and make sure we’re on the same page, huh? BL asked, looking at Dixie. Dixie looked at BL. "You need to know where Bo stands and what you expect before you put yourself in a situation that you think that you know what you are expecting from him." “I know, it just never seems like a good time for what may be the most important conversation we will ever have,” BL replied. "I understand, but you both owe it to each other before you both continue. You both may be expecting far more of each other than either of you know and that's just not fair." Dixie explained. “You’re right, I’ll do my best this weekend to make time for us to go somewhere quiet and talk, BL said. Dixie said slowly, "You have to know where each other stands. Luke has my back no matter what. Just like with Scrapie, I have his. He didn't have to ask." “I hear you and understand,” BL assured her cousin. Dixie added, "Bo is a good guy, but you both need to know what the other expects. Now I got to get home before Scrapie thinks he can sleep in my spot." “Who says he won’t think that even if you’re home?” BL grinned, getting off the swing. “C’mon Sadie, let's go home,” BL called, heading to her car. When Dixie walked into the living room, Scrapie was up and barking. Luke laid his hand on the dog's back, "Easy fella, she lives here too." Scrapie gave another half woof and laid back down by Luke's left leg. Dixie went to the couch to sit beside Luke. Scrapie moved closer to Luke with a grunt of protest. "I think you are becoming his human." Dixie said, snuggling against Luke around Scrapie. "He'll learn that Lisa and Casey are his humans." Luke said. At the Duke farm, Bo was going through his dresser drawers, looking for the velvet ring boxes that contained his mother’s engagement ring and the wedding band his father had put on her finger when they got married. He couldn’t have really explained why it was so important to locate them, this very night but something told him it was. Daisy came in the house quietly after closing the Boar's Nest. As she quietly made her way down the hall she heard a dresser draw shut, then another. She could see the light shining under Bo's door. Knocking quietly, Daisy asked “Bo did you lose something?” “No, just didn’t remember which drawer I put the chore money I been saving in,” Bo replied. He knew if he told Daisy what he was really looking for, she’d wake the whole county and have his wedding planned before he even gave the ring to his girl. “Ok, goodnight,” Daisy said, going to her room. “Night Daisy,” Bo replied. Daisy heard several more drawers open and close before Bo laid down. He had laid down but sleep was nowhere near. He was trying to come to terms with what he would have done if BL had been pregnant. He knew after the fact, what Luke went through to convince Dixie he was not marrying her because she was pregnant. Bo drifted off into a half sleep....he and Luke were driving down a Hazzard back road when he glanced in his rear view mirror and saw a backseat filled with pink car seats. Bo sat up so fast he fell right out of his bed and landed with a loud thump on the floor. Bo scrubbed his face with both hands, he hoped atleast two of those carseats had belonged to Luke. Jesse Duke had trained himself long ago when the boys and Daisy were little, to wake at the slightest sound from their bedrooms and which room it came from. Hearing the loud thump, he got up and went to his nephew’s room, “Bo are you alright,”? Jesse asked as he came in just as Bo was getting off the floor. “Yes sir, I’m fine Uncle Jesse,” Bo replied. Bo got out of the floor and sat on the side of his bed. His breathing was short and fast as if he'd been running a foot race. Bo tried to go back to sleep but he kept seeing those pink carseats and he thought about David and Jeannie Ann having twins, the thought of having twins of his own scared him but not as bad as the idea of having twin girls. In town, Luke had set up Scrapie's small crate across the bedroom, put a small bowl of food and water out and an emergency training pad. As Dixie sat on the bed, she gave Luke the biggest puppy dog eyes, "You aren't gonna make him sleep in there are you?" Luke knew he was beat. "It's set up and open. If he feels more comfy there he can sleep there." Luke sat down on the bed leaving Scrapie in the floor. Scrapie checked out the pad, the bowls and went in the crate. He laid down looking out the open door giving his own puppy dog eyes. Luke merely said, "Alright,...." With that alone, Scrapie went to the bed’s edge to be picked up since he had been trained not to jump on furniture because it is bad for their backs. "Just don't rat me out to Lisa and Casey." Luke said as he and Dixie were being covered in wet puppy dog kisses. BL had gone home thinking about all she and Dixie had talked about, mentally exhausted from the talk with Clyde then Dixie, hugging Sadie as she drifted into a restless sleep. The next morning Bo came in first thing before the Post Office got busy, he had an important question for BL. “Morning Bo, you’re kind of early to pick up the mail, I just barely got started sorting it,” BL said. “It’s ok darlin’ I ain’t here for the mail. I wanted to ask ya something that ain’t nobody’s business but ours, so thought it best to ask in person,” Bo replied. BL said, “Ok, what is it?” Bo took a breath, picturing the General Lee’s backseat full of carseats “are there twins in your family?” BL replied, “I don’t think so, Mama was an only child.” Bo nodded, feeling a bit better, "What about in the Davenports? I ain't really ever paid attention before." “No just Luther, Daddy and BB’s dad Uncle Bufford,” BL shook her head ‘no’ replying, wondering why the family tree quiz. Bo took in a deeper breath, feeling that it might be safe to breathe now. "Ok. Good. Great, great, yeah,... really great." “Something else on your mind Bo?” BL asked, Bo was acting strange plus he seemed to be at a loss for words. "Do you think we could skip the Boar's Nest tonight? Maybe go for a drive up by the lake for a while?" Bo asked as the post office door opened for Mrs. Smith. “Sure, I can even let Ellen Sue close up for me, if I need to,” BL said, turning to Mrs. Smith before Bo could say anything. She wanted to get rid of the busy body as quickly as possible, so that the conversation with Bo wouldn’t become the latest gossip. “Hello Mrs. Smith What can I do for you this lovely morning? BL asked with a smile. “Morning Mrs. Smith ma’am,” Bo said politely, remembering his manners. “Good morning. Is my mail ready?” Mrs. Smith asked, seeing that BL was still in the process of sorting the mail. “Yes ma’am, here you go,” BL handed over Mrs. Smith’s mail and waved goodbye as she left. Bo suddenly felt better as he climbed in the General Lee heading for the farm. A bit later he glanced in his rear view mirror when a case of deja vu hit him as the image from his dream flashed before his eyes. It had been a slow day at the Post Office, giving BL plenty of time to think about Bo’s questions this morning and what he wanted to talk about at the lake. Ellen Sue was sick and had called midmorning to say she wouldn’t be in for her afternoon shift. “C’mon Sadie we gotta meet Bo at the lake,” BL headed out for Sunset lake once Sadie loaded up in the GTO. BL picked up and keyed the CB mic“Sweet Talker to Lost Sheep 2, you got your ears on? I’m headed toward the rendezvous spot, what’s your 20?” BL was vague about giving details over the air figuring Rosco was listening but he was going to have to look high and low to find them, if he had ideas of giving bogus tickets or false arrest. Luke, Scrapie and Dixie had all left pretty much together, but with Luke heading to Base Camp and Dixie toward Tri-Counties jail. When Dixie got to work, it was no surprise that the daily count was up. It happened over most weekends, but payday weekends were known to be worse. Dixie had poured a cup of coffee and began looking at the paperwork from the weekend when she couldn't help notice a particular name....Ernie Leadbetter. She couldn't help but both dread him being there and finding just a bit of humor in it. Luke and Scrapie arrived a couple minutes early. Today would be a day of routine training while adding Scrapie into the routine. Bo was just about to tell BL he was leaving the farm when he saw Rosco jump in behind General Lee as Bo passed Rosco’s favorite speed trap “dangit Rosco!,” Bo said to the empty car. “Alright Bo Duke, pull over so I can give you a ticket,” Rosco said in his CB mic. “No way Rosco, I wasn’t speeding,” Bo replied, pressing the gas pedal to the floor. “Hot pursuit, I love it, I love it. Buckle up for safety Flash,” Rosco said to his basset hound in the passenger seat. “Lost Sheep 2 to Sweet Talker, I’m headed that way too but I picked up 1 Rosco P. Coltrane, be there soon as I shake him,” Bo said. “10-4,” BL replied. Going down to the water, skipping rocks while waiting for Bo. Bo in the meantime was trying to outrun Rosco. Part of the training with Scrapie was for him to find a 'victim', which meant various team members took turns being the victim. Luke went out in the nearby wooded area, waded a small stream, stepped from rock to rock and did everything he could to make his tracks and smell hidden. When Scrapie was given Luke's jacket to smell, he took off in a flash, pulling and tugging on his leash. He took Casey over logs, rocks, in and out of the stream, up and down the creek bank. His ears were flipped back his nose on the ground, up in the air to catch the wind, back to the ground, then up stream on the creek bank to a large fallen log, over the log and onto Luke's back, up his torso. Scrapie then promptly began licking Luke's face while still standing on his back. Casey hit the stop watch, "Good job, Scrapie!" She praised. "Good boy! ... Here's your treat...." Scrapie kept licking Luke, who was trying to get up, with a face full of dog tongue. Finally able to sit up, Luke picked up the miniature dog, "Good boy, see, I'm alright." Luke said while Scrapie was still licking his neck, face and ears. "Come on boy. Let me up. You did good. You 'saved' me." The more Luke praised him, the harder Scrapie's tail wagged and the more he licked. Luke finally got Scrapie in a position where he could stand up, then tried to put him down. Scrapie was not having it. Luke ended up taking the leash from Casey and carrying Scrapie back to the others. At the garage Cooter was pounding out the dents in Cletus’s patrol car as Bo flew by in the General Lee with Rosco right behind him. Cooter looked up, grinned and went back to work. Bo led Rosco out of town on Mill Road, back shifted and sped up for a clean getaway when his right front tire blew, sending the General into a hard spin to the left. Bo gripped the wheel tighter, attempting to get the General back under control. He slid to a stop just after passing under a low hanging branch that just happened to break the CB antenna clean into. Bo slapped the steering wheel as he cut the car off and slid out the window. He was greeted by the familiar voice of none other than Rosco, who was having a much better day than he was. "Freeze, just freeze, freeze it right there." Rosco said. Bo didn't stop until his feet were on the ground. "Just get against the car. You are under arrest." Rosco said. Bo looked at him confused. "For not speeding or getting a flat and nearly getting killed?" Bo asked. Rosco was pulling his cuffs out, but Bo was so surprised at Rosco's reply that he never saw them until Rosco had him cuffed, "For resisting arrest!" Rosco giggled, "Now, I just got to search you for weapons." Bo replied as Rosco started patting him down, "I ain't got no weapons and you know it." Rosco felt a bulge in Bo's left front pocket, "No weapons? Then what is this?" Swearing to himself, Bo replied, "It's not any weapon. Rosco, don't open that!" Rosco had already retrieved the small box from Bo's pocket. "Rosco! Don't! Don't open that or you're gonna spoil everything!" "Tiddly tuddly! Spoil what? Your hiding weapons, or drugs, or, or, ....'" Rosco opened the box, "Or a ring! A ring!! Now, I got you, you have been gotten! You are under arrest for resisting arrest and grand theft ring!!!" Later, back in Hazzard, Rosco pulled up in front of the Courthouse towing the General with a chain behind him. When he stopped the unattended General Lee bumped the patrol car. Rosco unhooked the chain connecting the cars, tossing it in his trunk. “Jjit, your car done scuffed my patrol car! Get on out of there,” Rosco said, opening the back door of his patrol car. Cooter looked over at the courthouse and saw Rosco towing the General Lee, “Well now this can’t be good,” Cooter said, reaching for the CB in the car he was working on. Bo was only allowed one phone call and naturally he’d call Uncle Jesse but he had a meeting at the lake he’d be very late for, that is if he didn’t miss it altogether. BL had brought the mail on her way to lunch and said she and Bo were meeting up to talk instead of meeting up with the others at the Boar’s Nest like usual. “I might be crazy but I ain’t dumb, Crazy Cooter looking for Sweet Talker. BL you got your ears on?” Cooter waited a minute or two then tried again. “BL wasn’t hearing her cousin though because she’d decided to take a stroll along the bank, sure that Bo would show up any minute. Bo was taken downstairs to the booking area, uncuffed after Rosco had locked the gate at the bottom of the stairs. It took at least 10 giggles and a dozen "I have got you nows." to get Bo booked. "Can I use the phone now?" Bo asked, even though he was in no hurry to talk to Uncle Jesse, he knew he had to call soon or he'd be eating breakfast here. “Yes but make it quick, it’s nearly time for my supper break”, Rosco said. Bo picked up the receiver asking the operator, “Maybelle, will you get me the Duke farm.” Maybelle put the call through. Jesse was outside but had set the phone in the open window so he’d hear if it rang. “Duke farm, this is Jesse.” Bo asked, "Uncle Jesse, ... can you come down here to the Courthouse pretty quick?" “I’ll be right down…should I be bringing bail money with me?” Jesse asked even though he figured he knew the answer already. Bo sighed, "Yes, Sir. Maybe more than usual." Bo was glad Uncle Jesse hadn’t asked why he needed to come to the jail, he knew Maybelle had likely been listening and would have ruined all his plans. “I’m on my way,” Jesse hung up the phone, went inside to get all the bail money that was kept in the cookie jar, going back out to his pickup, heading for town all the while wondering what frameup Boss Hogg and Rosco had going this time. After several attempts to call BL on the CB, Cooter had given up but now decided to try one more time. “This here’s Crazy C looking for my sweet talking cousin. You out there BL?” “Right here Cooter what’s up?” BL propped one hip against her car door as she and Cooter talked. “I don’t rightly know what’s going on but Bo’s likely gonna be awhile if he gets to ya’lls meeting at all…..Rosco arrested him, I seen the General chained to the patrol car,” Cooter replied. “Much obliged for the info cousin,” BL said, not real sure what to do now…should she wait at the lake a bit longer, go home or go back to town to the garage. Jesse barreled down the stairs to the jail, "Alright Rosco. What in tarnation is going on and why is my boy locked up." Rosco gave Jesse a smug look, "Well, now Jesse, I'll tell ya. He's done, done it this time." Rosco giggled, telling Jesse nothing. Then said, "He was speeding, then ran from me, and when I searched him I found this." Rosco said as pleased as punch as he opened the ring box containing a ring that Jesse knew very well. "I got him on Grand Theft Ring!” “He didn’t steal no ring! That there ring belonged to his Mama,” Jesse said, he didn’t know exactly why Bo had the ring on him but that didn't matter at the moment. Bo piped up, "I've been trying to tell him that Uncle Jesse! He's gonna mess everything up!" Rosco said, "Just hush! His Mama's ring! Well, what in tarnation is he doing with that out speeding around in the General Lee." "I weren't speeding Rosco!" Bo said. BL had had enough waiting after another 10 minutes and decided to see for herself, what exactly was going on, “c’mon Sadie we’re going back to town,” BL let Sadie in the car then got behind the steering wheel, headed for town. In town Bo pinched the bridge of his nose, he didn’t know if Rosco was just being more ornery than usual or if he really was stupid. “Rosco, what does a man usually do with a diamond ring?” Bo asked more than a little exasperated. “He uh…” Rosco hesitated, unknown to any of the men, BL was coming down the stairs when Bo lost all patience blurting. “He proposes! Which I’d likely be doing right about now if you hadn’t arrested me.” BL came through the gate at the bottom of the stairs, Rosco had forgot to close and lock just as Bo spoke, looking up blue eyes met brown, ”See I told you Uncle, he was gonna mess everything up,” Bo looked like he’d been punched in the gut. "Pro,....pose?" Roscoe stammered, then regrouped, "Propose, my foot. Bo, you just lie! Bo Duke propose!! That's a good one!" While Rosco ranted, Jesse read Bo and saw the truth in his nephew, which soon turned to pain. Jesse turned to see BL coming through the opened gate. BL smiled, happy didn’t describe accurately how she was feeling. The talk she told Dixie she was going to have with Bo wasn’t necessary. Ignoring the line on the floor marking how close visitors were allowed to get to the cells. Which had never really worked anyway, BL reached through the bars taking Bo by the hand, what she wanted to do was kiss Bo but that was going to be hard with bars between them. “The answer is yes, I’ll marry you,” BL said. Jesse Duke had long thought that his boys would never get married, was in awe of the moment. He had actually seen Bo propose, well sort of. " Alright, Rosco, that there ring ain't stolen, now let my boy out of there." Rosco dug his heels in, "He was speeding and resisted arrest! I even had to change the tire on the General Lee to drag it back here and it hit my vehicle!" Bo had tuned both Rosco and Jesse out at the moment, "You will?" BL nodded, 'yes'. Jesse was adamant, "Rosco, you let that boy out so he can propose and give BL her ring without it being through bars!" Lulu Hogg was coming down the stairs looking for Rosco when she caught Jesse's rant..... “Propose? Rosco you let that boy out immediately, or I will!” Lulu threatened. “But Lulu, he….” Rosco started but was cut off by his older sister. “But nothing, unlock that door,”Lulu said. Rosco saw Lulu and Jesse both giving him the same look, "Ah, shoot!" He took the keys and unlocked the cell door. Bo stepped out and took the ring box from Rosco saying, “I believe this is mine.” He then hugged BL, lifting her off the floor saying,“I’m sorry Darlin’ this ain’t how I’d planned to propose.” “You can have a do-over if you want, we’ll go to the lake and you can do it just like you planned,” BL replied. Bo pulled BL closer to him with a rebel yell he then said, "Alright, but we ain't going to the lake." Bo hoped to throw Rosco off in case he had plans of wanting to follow them. “Ok,” BL replied. She didn’t know if Bo was pulling a fast one on Rosco or if he had a new plan, either way she was going along with it. “Congratulations you two,” Lulu said. “Thanks Miss Lulu,” they said together. Hand in hand they went upstairs and out of the court house, “I’m going to drop my car off in front of the house, so I don’t block Dixie or Luke from the driveway and change into something cooler, how about getting us a couple to-go plates from the Busy Bee or Dixie diner and we’ll have a picnic,” BL suggested. Bo liked that idea. It could fit right into what he had originally planned. "Ok, I'll grab us something, then while you are changing, I'm gonna check that tire. I don't exactly trust Rosco as my pit crew." “Hey Bo your CB antenna is gone,” BL said, letting go of Bo’s hand, heading toward her own car, where Sadie waited. BL had put the top up for shade, not knowing at the time, how long she’d be inside and there was no shade around. "Dang it!" Bo said, "I'll stop by the garage on my way around town and grab another one." Bo hurried off toward the garage and supper, while BL and Sadie headed to Dixie's where BL had left some clothes for days like this. Gloria Kravitz heard BL’s motor before the GTO convertible parked in front of the house, she stayed in her chair, the young lady was likely picking up something she’d left, nothing terribly interesting to concern herself with. "Sadie, what should I wear girl?" BL was torn between shorts or a sundress. Sadie yapped a couple times, giving an ‘answer’. “Shorts it is,” BL shucked off her jeans and put on a pair of hemmed denim shorts that were only slightly longer than Daisy’s. Bo had managed to catch the garage with only Luther there. He noticed the wrecker gone and figured Cooter had it. He got the new antenna, headed for the diner where the dinner special was fried chicken. He took their orders and headed around town to Dixie's where he checked Rosco's tire change. Surprisingly enough, Rosco had managed to do a right proper job. When Gloria heard the sound of General Lee’s powerful engine getting closer then stopping on the other side of the driveway on the street she got up from her chair. Going out to her sweetshrub bush to see and hear what the young folk were upto. “We ready?” BL asked, coming out of the house, Sadie bouncing around her, full of energy after being cooped up in the post office all day . Waiting for Bo, BL had fed Sadie, so she wouldn’t get hungry if Bo and BL stayed out a few hours. At Tri Counties, Dixie had been working the Control room. It was time for the arrestees that had not had a bond set to see the judge whose office was just down the hill and across the road. Dixie was glad that the officer transporting the inmates down was an old seasoned no nonsense officer. As she handed him the cuffs, key, and legions to him, Dixie said, "Pat this one is bad news. He is slipperier than a snake and twice as mean." Pat nodded his thanks, "Then give me a belt too." Dixie gave Pat a look of approval and passed him a long leather belt with a D ring in front for the handcuffs to go through after the belt was fastened in the back. Ernie was brought around to the booking area to be readied for transport. When he saw the belt and legions he began running his mouth. Pat explained the only way he was going down to see the judge was wearing the jewelry. Ernie was not happy but complied. A bit later, Pat returned with an even more unhappy Ernie after he learned the cost of his bond for last night's mischief. Then he got a glimpse of Dixie. He recognized her but couldn't remember from where but he was sure it would come to him. At the lake Bo parked General Lee sliding across the hood, reaching in the floorboard he got the sack with the food, sitting it on the car roof. “Oh boy Sadie girl, you been eating too many dog biscuits,” Bo sat Sadie on the ground then he helped BL out, giving her a kiss as he set her back on her feet. Grabbing the picnic blanket from the backseat, he got the bag of takeout and took BL’s hand, leading her to the shade of a big oak tree. Spreading out the blanket he sat the bag of food down. “Before we eat, there’s something I want to do first,” Bo said, getting down on one knee, taking the ring box out o hisf shirt pocket. Opening the box, a small diamond in a ring was nestled inside continuing Bo asked, “BL will you be my one and only for the rest of my life?” BL nodded ‘yes’,”yes”. Bo put the diamond on BL's left ring finger. It looked so much better on her hand than it had just sitting in the ring box. Luke's team was finishing up for the day and everyone was heading for the vehicles. Scrapie was right on Luke's heels just like he had been all day unless told to work with the others. Luke opened the truck door and before he could do anything else, Scrapie had jumped into the truck and onto the seat waiting on Luke to get in. Luke laughed at the little pup, "Are you ready to go?" Scrapie let out a woof and frantically wagged his tail. Bo took BL in his arms for a long, slow kiss. BL wrapped her arms around Bo’s neck, both lost in the moment until Sadie ran over carrying on, BL stopped kissing Bo long enough to look at the dog sitting beside them. She had stopped carrying on when the kissing stopped but she was still whining. “You’re just going to have to get used to sharing,” Bo told Sadie. “We better eat before the food gets any colder,” BL said. “Yeah, guess so.” Bo replied, he had other activities on his mind. Bo dropped his arm, releasing BL, Sadie hushed her whining making BL giggle. Bo sat down on the blanket getting one of the foam takeout plates and the can of orange soda, he set the other foam takeout plate and a can of 7up out for his new fiance. Dixie had hoped to get off work before Ernie figured out who she was. Unfortunately, someone called her over the radio by "Duke" and Ernie was close enough to hear. That one word was all it took to figure out who she was. Luckily, shift change happened before Ernie could stir up too much trouble. Casey looked at Scrapie, "I thought you were my partner." Scrapie never moved from Luke's side. Luke replied, "I think he's your work partner, but I promised to take him out to the farm soon." Luke lowered his voice, "There might be a rat in the barn for him to find." Scrapie woofed. Luke said, "We're going, be patient. I'll see you all tomorrow. " He headed the truck toward Hazzard. Dixie didn't take the time to change, so she'd run into town and change before meeting the others. At the house, she saw BL's car out front. "BL. BL?" Dixie called from the living room. Nothing. Dixie went in the kitchen to see Sadie's bowl with water and a few leftover crumbs. Upstairs, she saw BLs door was open, jeans and top on the bed, a sundress across a chair, but no BL. 'Oh, well.' Dixie thought to herself as she went in her own room and pulled out a top and jeans. She changed in a hurry and noticed the dryer must have been on high as she noticed her jeans just a bit tighter than usual. Dixie was in the car and headed to the Boar's Nest in no time. At the lake BL looked thoughtful for a minute then looked at Bo saying ”you know Daisy’s going to plan the biggest wedding, Hazzard has ever seen cos she didn’t get to plan Luke’s.” Bo sighed already dreading his cousin’s countless lists of things to be done or things she needs. “Maybe the less time she has to plan and get it together, the less she can go over the top.” Bo continued, “how do you feel about a short engagement?” ”How short?” BL asked, Clyde and lots of others would think she was already pregnant if they eloped like their cousins had done. “Labor day weekend too soon?” Bo asked. ‘BL shook her head ‘no“No that’s about 2-3 weeks away, I can have my wedding dress and the bridesmaid dresses can be bought already made,” BL replied. Bo let a rebel yell fly as he picked BL up and spun her around, which caused Sadie to bark at him. Dixie laughed as she went to pull into the Boar's Nest. She saw Luke coming from the other direction. They pulled in side by side. Dixie was out of the car and at Luke's door when she saw he was slipping Scrapie's vest on. "Did my fellas have a good day?" Luke replied as he sat Scrapie on the ground, "Better now." "I agree. Guess who showed themself in Placid last night and is currently a very unhappy guest at my place of work?" Dixie said chipperly. For half a second, Luke was concerned but saw Dixie's light mood. "Well, judging from your mood, it's not Jeb." Dixie gave a half grin, "No, not Jeb. Ernie." Luke laughed, "Really? Well, good. What did he do?" Because Ernie being in jail and his charges were all public record, Dixie wasn't telling anything she shouldn't as she ticked his several charges off. Luke replied, "Well, the best part of all that is that I wasn't anywhere around." "Right." Dixie said. BL laughed as Bo spun her around, then got serious, “Bo how soon do you want to start a family?” BL asked. Continuing before Bo could answer “I am still going with Dixie to the Dr. when she goes. I was going to get on birth control for extra protection from anymore scares like the one we just had, but I won’t now we're getting married if you want to start a family right away,” BL said. Inside the Boar's Nest, Luke asked, "What are you drinking?" "A Pepsi, and I'll be right back." Dixie said, heading toward the restroom. She had just gone in town but had to go again. Bo didn’t really know how to answer so was just honest “I wasn’t planning to start a family or not start one, if it happens, it happens and if it don’t, it just don’t,” “Ok works for me, I feel kinda the same,” BL replied. Bo was still being haunted by his earlier dream which spooked him a lot more than he wanted to admit to BL, but he did want to explore and totally enjoy all the perks that came along with marriage. Dixie found Luke and Scrapie settled at a table with drinks already there. Luke was talking to Cooter as she sat down and sipped on her cold Pepsi. It was good and cold and tasted great since she hadn't really had time to drink much at work today. Daisy wondered where Bo and BL were, they weren’t usually this late in fact they were usually the first to arrive after work. Taking a tray of drinks over to the two nearby tables she stopped and asked. ”Anybody know why Bo and BL ain’t here yet?” Dixie and Luke shook their heads ‘no’, Dixie said, “BL’s car was in front of the house when I ran home to change before coming here. Her bedroom door was open and there was a pair of jeans and a shirt on the bed and a sundress on the chair. There was a bowl of water and crumbs in the kitchen, where she fed Sadie no doubt.” “I saw Rosco towing General Lee earlier and he marched ole Bo off to the hoosegow,” Cooter said. Luke sat up putting all four legs of his chair back on the ground as he said. "What? Why?? And you're just now mentioning it?" "Didn't see no point. Uncle Mr. Jesse done come sprung him. General Lee was gone by the time that I got Cletus out of the ditch." Dixie shook her head at the two while patting Scrapie's head. Jesse decided to get a beer while he was still in town, he’d run a few errands after Bo was out of jail thanks to Lulu Hogg. Parking beside Daisy’s roadrunner, Jesse went inside, not knowing he was walking into a discussion he might not want to be a part of, he went over to the ‘kids’ table, “hey, how was ya’lls day?” ”Bo didn’t say nothin’ to me about him and BL having plans. Did she say something to you Dixie?” Luke asked. Dixie shrugged her shoulders, "No. Not to me." Jesse tried to change the subject, "Well, now I wouldn't worry about it." Dixie felt the sudden urge of needing to pee again, she’d just gone 10 minutes ago. Getting to her feet a mite too fast made her ‘swimmy headed’, making the room spin. Luther and Clyde had just walked up, each grabbing an arm and easing Dixie back into her chair. “Dixie are you alright? You look kind of peaked.” Luther said, as Daisy brought over a damp towel, giving it to Luke, who wiped Dixie’s face. Everyone was so concerned about Dixie, all thoughts of Bo and BL’s absence was forgotten. BALLADEER: Or atleast put on the back burner for now. Dixie took the cool cloth, "I just got up too fast. Must be the heat. I’m just a bit swimmy headed." Dixie replied. “I think it’s time me and you slide on outta here, get you somewhere cooler. Hey Cooter, you mind towing Dixie’s car home?” Luke said. “Consider it done, Lucas Dukas,” Cooter replied. Dixie opened her mouth to say she could drive home, it wasn’t far but one look at Luke, Luther and Cooter told her she’d be wasting her breath. Luke saw the look, "The air conditioner in my truck is better. Come on, Scrapie." He stood up, finished his beer as they headed for the door in one motion, "Take your time with the car Cooter." Luke called behind him. In the truck, Dixie said, "I'm fine. I could have driven home." Luke didn’t say anything he didn’t want to fight so he just cranked the truck And drove home. It was hot out at the lake too, Bo being Bo didn’t always learn from his previous mistakes, looked at BL in her short shorts that fit just a tad too tight to be decent and suggested without too much thought, “Let’s go for a swim”. “A swim? You do remember that’s what nearly got us in trouble already,” BL said. “We’re gonna get married next month, so noone will know if you’re expecting,” Bo replied. “Oh that makes it sound like a much better idea,” BL said but her hands were already removing clothes. Bo’s blood was nearly at a boil, watching BL undress. An image of the General’s backseat holding 3 carseats flashed in his mind, it was like a bucket of ice water had been dumped on him. Gloria saw Luke's truck pull in with both him and Dixie getting out. "Abner, Abner, that Duke boy pulled in with his wife, but they don't have her car. Just his truck and a dog. Another dog over there. I hope it doesn't ruin my flowers." Luke opened Dixie's door while letting Scrapie down in the front yard. Since protesting that she could have driven home, Dixie had been quieter than normal. "Come on, you ain't mad at me about riding home in good air conditioning, are you?" Luke asked. Dixie shook her head, 'no'. "No, I'm not mad. It's just I feel 'funny'. It feels like a burning deep down, like low in my throat." The feeling of ice water being dumped on him quickly passed when Bo got a good look at all 5’4” of the cute little blonde that was going in the water. Bo’s brain didn’t have to tell his legs to follow, Bo put his arms around BL from behind and started nuzzling and kissing the side of her neck “I can hardly wait to make you my wife next month,” Bo murmured against BL’s warmskin. “Me either,” BL turned to face Bo. It wasn’t long before kissing had turned into a heavy petting session and was becoming more rapid, until the image of those carseats in General Lee’s backseat flashed in Bo’s head leaving Bo with a ‘limp noodle’. “DA’ IT,” Bo fumed. “Bo, what’s wrong?” BL asked. Bo replied, "Nothing, Darlin." They went out deeper in the water, and the heavy petting continued. Bo was all in, except for one very important part of him that refused to join in on his planned activities. It might have been the cold water, maybe the image from Bo's dream, or maybe both, but the fact remained that in the water there was no way Bo was gonna be able to please BL or himself. When it was clear things weren’t going to cooperate, Bo scooped BL up in his arms, heading for dry land and he hoped for a lot more action. Laying BL in the soft grass, Bo was doing everything he could to please his fiance but nothing was working, he was broken atleast that part of him was, panic crept up his body as Bo thought about his wedding night. Luke had gotten Scrapie settled and was currently working to try to figure out Dixie's ailment when he heard Cooter out front. "I'm gonna go help Cooter get unloaded." Dixie replied, "Ok." She was not sure what was going on or what would fix it." Luke left Scrapie inside while he went outside. Frustrated that nothing was going as planned this afternoon, well after a hiccup because of Rosco, the asking BL to marry him, had gone perfect. It was now that there was a problem, that both frustrated and worried Bo. “I’m sorry Darlin, I don’t know what’s wrong,” Bo said. “It’s not your fault, maybe we should head back,” BL replied, adding ”it’s been a wonderful afternoon. Getting dressed and gathering the blanket and trash from their picnic and calling Sadie, the newly engaged couple headed back to town. "Lost Sheep 2 to Lost Sheep 1." Bo called on the CB. Cooter heard the call as he pulled up to Dixie and Luke's, in town. A second call rang out. Cooter frowned, but picked up the CB mic, "Lost Sheep 2, this is Crazy C. I'm at Lost Sheep 1's. Give me a minute to get him on the air." Cooter said as he saw Luke coming out the front door. “Luke, Bo’s hollerin’ at you on the CB,” Cooter said, holding out the mic. “Thanks Cooter,” Luke replied as he took the mic, keying the mic continuing, “It’s Luke, what’s up Bo?””Luke we need to talk, like NOW,” Bo replied, like it was a do or die situation. Cooter was trying to look busy as he listened to Bo near hysterics. Luke replied, "We're at the house. Come on by." Luke gave Cooter a 'I have no idea' look. "I guess we'll know when he gets here. Cooter went back to letting Dixie's car down into the road behind BL's car. Bo looked over at BL saying “hang on tight.’ BL still didn’t really understand what was wrong to put Bo in such a tizzy but she sat Sadie on her lap, putting both arms around the dog as Bo threw the stock car in gear, taking off cross country. ‘Bo what is the matter?” BL asked again as they bounced along toward town. Bo replied as he turned into Hazzard Square, "I just need to talk to Luke a minute." He said as he slid to a stop in front of BL's car. Gloria had tried not to look like she noticed or even cared what was going on with the young people but when Bo slid to a sudden stop she made no attempt to hide her curiosity. The street was lined with vehicles, one of which was the wrecker blocking her driveway. ”Abner there’s something going on over there, that blonde Duke boy just slid, that orange eyesore he calls a car, in the space on the street behind that girl that works at the post office’s car and the wrecker’s blocking our driveway,” Gloria said, craning her neck from her own porch. Bo climbed out of General Lee, heading straight for the wrecker where Luke and Cooter were. “I’m ok Bo, you go ahead,” BL muttered, not really mad though, she was perfectly capable of getting out of General Lee on her own, it was just strange that Bo didn’t help her. Grabbing the take out things to put in the trash, BL got Sadie, ”Sadie girl, let's go ask Dixie what’s going on out here,” going in the house BL asked “what’s Cooter doing?” Dixie was sitting on the couch with Scrapie with several partially drunk glasses in front of her. She was currently trying to drink some apple juice. The iced tea and soda had not helped the burning in the bottom of her throat. In fact, they seemed to make her feel worse. "Unloading my car, I figure." “Why would he be unloading your car? Did you break down?” BL asked, letting Scrappie sniff her hand before she tried to touch him, because he still wasn’t used to her yet. "No, I didn't break down. I just got a little dizzy at the Boar's Nest from the heat, I guess, and so I was banned from driving." Dixie said as she rubbed her lower neck / upper chest area and took another drink of the cold juice. The action didn’t go unnoticed and BL thought something must be really wrong “you sure you’re ok?” BL was concerned then asked grinning "what’s with so many glasses, you got Luke on KP duty and making sure he has plenty to do?” Dixie gave BL a look, then said, "No, Luke doesn't have KP duty. It's just that for the last little bit, I've got this burning in my throat. It's like right here." She again rubbed the area, "I've been trying to drink something cold. It feels good going down but then seems to make the burning worse. I have no idea why. So, where have you and Bo been?" BL didn’t have anymore questions, any advice she might have no matter how unhelpful all was forgotten as she held out her left hand, her ring finger now adorned with a small but decent sized solitaire diamond ring, “Out at the Sunset lake, Bo proposed,” BL said with a big smile. Dixie was now up and off the couch, "BO? Bo Duke? Actually proposed? Oh my Gosh! Are you sure he's not sick or something?" Dixie kidded, "That's great! Oh, just wait til Hazzard hears this!" “Oh, I figure Hazzard will hear, just as soon as Daisy finds out,” BL said. The three men outside, heard Dixie’s raised voice of excitement but couldn’t make out the words. “What in the world,” Luke said, walking toward the house at a fast clip and Cooter was right on his heels. “BL probably told her, I proposed,” Bo replied nonchalantly just as Luke yanked open the door, setting Scrappie barking, in turn setting Sadie off. Luke stopped in his tracks turning around, nearly getting mowed down by Cooter. "Told her, you did what?" Luke said, "Bo I don't think I heard you right." “You did, I said I proposed,” Bo replied. Luke started with a handshake, which quickly turned into a hug, "Well, congratulations!" Cooter wasn't far behind with his own handshake and back slap, "Wow, now that is news!" Dixie and BL were both now trying to settle Scrapie and Sadie down. "Abner, Abner! I think they are all in a fight or something over there. I heard the girls' voices, then all the men ran in the house! They are still blocking our driveway!" Gloria said to her husband, who was reading his paper. “Stay out of it, they’ll work it out themselves,” Abner said, he knew Gloria would call Rosco if he didn’t say something. After a round of back slaps the men came into the room, Bo sat on the loveseat beside BL and Sadie,putting his arm across the back. Cooter came over giving BL a hug. “Congratulations little cousin.” “Congratulations BL!” Luke said. “Thanks,” BL replied. Cooter declared, "This is call for a celebration." Dixie added, "Alright, there is tea, , and juice here." "That is not a problem!" Cooter said, extracting his garage key. "I'll be right back." He was up and out the door heading to the garage for the beer stash that was there. Once Cooter cleared the door, Bo gave Luke a look, "Let's take the dogs out while he’s gone." ”Alright,” Luke said, now he could find out why Bo had been in a panic when he and BL arrived. “Want to go out, Sadie?” Bo asked, Sadie jumped off the loveseat with a woof, in answer. "Come on Scrapie." Luke called. Scrapie left Dixie's side and headed outside. Luke looked at Bo, "Alright, what is wrong?" Bo said, "It's broke." "What's broke, Bo." Luke asked. Bo looked downward, "IT." Luke said, "Can you be a mite clearer?" Bo said, "We went out to Sunset lake and I proposed. We were going for a swim, you know skinny dipping and nothing. I thought maybe the water was too cold. We got out and nothing. Luke, I'm telling you it's broke." “Bo ‘it’ ain’t broke, there has to be an explanation,” Luke reassured. “How do you know it ain’t broke?” Bo retorted. “Did everything seem ok in that department at first?” Luke asked, figuring Bo was freaked out over nothing. ‘Well yeah but then I saw an image from my dream and all I had was a ‘limp noodle’,” Bo replied. ‘What dream?” Luke asked. Bo told him all about the dream then said “Luke we can’t have twins, I don’t know much about babies, especially a girl let alone 2!” Bo said, getting wound up again. “Calm down Bo, that there’s your problem. It’s all in your head, you’re getting so het up on a maybe that you can’t enjoy a sure thing, which is BL. Bo frowned, "Really?" Luke replied, "Really. Now, just calm down, that was just a dream. You know how dreams are, nothing to them." “Yeah you're right,” Bo said, relieved, trusting Luke’s words like he always had. "Good, now let's go have a beer, Cooter should be back soon." Luke said. "Alright! Come on Sadie." Bo called. Sadie ran by them with Scrapie on her tail as they ran in the house, through the kitchen and then made laps around Dixie and BL. Cooter came through the front door, a box of beer in both hands as Luke and Bo came in from the back. Luke said, "I didn't hear you pull back up." Cooter waved him off. "I left the wrecker at the garage. The curtains were moving when I went out." Bo began handing out the beer. When he handed Dixie one, she took it politely but had no intention of drinking it. Luke made a toast, "To the next Mr. and Mrs. Duke." Dixie went through the motions of taking a drink and then sat her beer on the coffee table with the rest of her undrunk glasses. A couple minutes later, Luke leaned up and put his empty bottle on the table and picked up Dixie's bottle. BL took a drink of her beer watching the two dogs making circles around the couch and coffee table then it was back through the kitchen and around the table. BL was also watching Dixie, something she had seen was teasing her brain, it had to do with the way Dixie had said her throat burned. “Dixie, can I see you in the kitchen?” BL asked, she didn’t want to say anything Dixie might not want the guys to hear. “I think I know what’s wrong with you, I remember seeing something awhile ago about pregnancy and heartburn. Have you got any tums or rolaids? I can run to Rhuebottom’s if not,” BL said. "No, I've never had heartburn, so I have no idea if that's what it is, but I'm willing to try it." Dixie said. "If you're gonna go to Rheubottom’s, grab something quick for supper. Luke hasn't eaten. Cooter probably hasn't either." Dixie reached for her wallet, handing BL some cash. “Ok, Bo and me had a picnic at the lake but by the time it’s ready he’ll probably be ready to eat again, I’ll get you something light, can’t skip meals now you’re eating for 2. Be back in a jiffy,” BL said. “You fellas need anything, I got to run to Rheubottom’s,” BL asked as she headed out. BL was met with a chorus, "More beer." "Why did I ask?" BL said as she left for the store. Figuring the fellas would be more worried about drinking than eating, she decided to get sandwich and snack foods. That way, they could all eat when they had a mind to. Once back to Dixie’s, she gave her a roll of tums and Roland's. Dixie read the labels of both and chose one while they put out the sandwich and snacks. A bit later, Dixie said, "I think that worked. I just may live." “Good,” BL replied. Everybody enjoyed the evening drinking a few beers and hanging out, as usual Cooter had switched from beer to a nonalcoholic beverage after a couple beers. Around midnight BL yawned, “ya’ll mind if I crash here tonight? I’m liable to fall asleep before I get home,” BL asked, her jaw cracking with another yawn. “Of course not, it’s still your house, we’re just borrowing it,” Dixie replied. “Mind if I stay too? I don’t think I should drive, those weren’t watered down Boar’s Nest beer and I had more than I should and drive,” Bo said, already thinking about testing Luke’s theory it had all been in his head and ‘it’ wasn’t really broken. “Sure Bo you're always welcome you know that,” Luke replied. “Hey Luke Dixie, ya’ll got room for one more?” Cooter asked, then continued “I got the wrecker tonight, figured since I was already in town, I’d let Dad get a full night’s rest without the phone ringing and disturbing him. The couch has to be better than sleeping at the garage”, Cooter had only asked because he wanted to keep his eye on Bo, he knew Bo and wanted to make sure he didn’t try to get the benefits of marriage before the wedding night. Luke looked over at Dixie to see what she said before he answered her brother, his best friend since they were kids. Dixie replied, "That's fine by me. There's pillows and such in the closet. Ya'll make yourselves at home, but I'm gonna head up." Dixie saw Luke put his feet on the floor, "It's still early yet if you want to stay down here awhile. I'm gonna rinse these glasses out first." Dixie said, picking up her three glasses. By the time Dixie had the glasses rinsed, Luke had his boots in his hand waiting on her, "It's not that early. Night ya'll." Bo looked a tad deflated, his plans for the night going out the window. Gloria looked out the window, still seeing BL’s car and General Lee parked on the street in front of the house. “Abner the blonde Duke boy and that girl that works at the post office is still there and I just saw all the lights go out, upstairs and down,” Gloria said. Bo hadn’t put his sleeping bag in General Lee before leaving the farm, so he made himself a pallet in the floor, while Cooter fixed up the couch. “Night ya’ll,” BL said, kissing Bo then following Dixie and Luke up the stairs, Sadie at her side. Scrapie was running in and out of Sadie's feet as he ran upstairs. Once in their room, Luke a, "Alright, spill it." Dixie looked confused as she slipped out of her jeans and top. Her boots had been long gone. She found her gown and slipped it on. "What are you talking about?" "First, the dizzy spell. Then, three glasses of something to drink which you might have drank one and now heading to bed this early. Not that I mind that at all. You are much better company." Luke raised his eyebrows and wrapped his arms around his wife. Dixie shrugged, "I just got dizzy for no reason earlier but since I've been fine. Then, I guess I had heartburn. That's why BL went to the store. The medicine seemed to help, but I didn't know what it was cause I'd never had it before." Dixie explained. Luke held her tighter, "Next time something is wrong, let me know, please." Dixie replied, "I will. I guess I'm just tired for no reason tonight." "Well, that I can fix." Luke turned to turn the bed down. Before the covers landed, Scrapie had gone from a low stool to the middle of the bed and under the covers. "Looks like you aren't the only one who's tired." Luke said. Dixie curled into Luke's arms. It wasn't even minutes before Luke heard Dixie's breathing change. He moved enough to turn out the light and lay there holding Dixie in one arm while petting Scrapie with the other.
  12. Daylight found the Duke Farm preparing for its company's departure. After helping with the chores and another hearty breakfast, Luke’s team packed up their gear and loaded it. Coy, Vance and Jeb all making plans to see Lisa, Casey and Debbie again soon. “I’ll see ya’ll tomorrow morning,” Luke said to his team as they prepared to leave, all of them congratulating him and Dixie again, “I’ll see you at work tomorrow Dixie. Congratulations again both of you, it was a great weekend.” Debbie said, smiling thinking of Jeb. After all the out of town company left, the rest began getting ready for church. “Hey girls, do ya’ll need something to wear this morning?” Daisy asked. “I’ll just wear the same skirt and blouse I wore Friday to the reception,” BL said. Dixie replied, "Do you have anything to go with my skirt that is a little less revealing? I had meant to go by the house for something, but I can make it work." Daisy thought for a minute, "I have just the blouse." Dixie took her word for it, "Great." Once everyone was ready, they headed off to town and the church. Jesse made it a habit, as did most folks in Hazzard of getting to church early. No sooner had Luke parked the truck than he and Dixie were converged on by several of the town's folk who would have not been caught dead in a bar. Congratulations and well wishing continued all the way up the church steps where Reverend Frawley greeted the congregation. On their way in Luke and Dixie were stopped by Reverend Frawley. “Congratulations to both of you, it's good to have you with us this morning”, Reverend Frawley greeted the couple. “Thanks Reverend,” Luke replied. “Good morning Jesse, you certainly have a crowd this morning," Frawley shook Jesse’s hand. “Good morning Reverend, that I do, I believe you know most of them but I’d like you to meet my brothers Elbert and John, their wives Bessie and Pauline and Elbert and Bessie’s boys Jeremiah and Jed,” Jesse introduced the small group behind him. “Welcome it's nice to meet you all, welcome,” Reverend Frawley replied. Halfway up the aisle was where the Dukes normally sat, today they took up two pews what with a new member in the family and visiting relatives. Much to the displeasure of the youngest Dukes, Bessie had made them sit with the elder Dukes, while the young adults plus one Davenport, sat on the second pew. Luke had taken a seat on the end with Dixie at his side and then Daisy and BL. Bo sat beside BL then Coy,Vance and Jeb. Behind the Duke cousins sat the Davenport boys. Jesse was pleased as punch to have two pews taken up by his family, the only other family there that came close to taking up that much space was the Halcomb family. Announcements were made, giving a list of events coming up, hosted by other churches and of Luke and Dixie’s recent marriage. The singing was especially good this beautiful sunny Sunday. Reverend Frawley began, "After hearing this week of Luke and Dixie's marriage, I have been moved to teach this morning about the five pillars of marriage. They are: Pillar 1: Love Pillar 2: Trust Pillar 3: Respect. Pillar 4.Faith Pillar 5: Understanding” Dixie and Luke felt the eyes of the entire congregation on them. As the sermon continued, Jed and Jeremiah became restless. Bessie had already given them the look. Pauline was just hoping that Jeb was getting something useful out of it. She could only hope that now that Luke was married that Jeb, Bo, Coy, Vance and maybe even Daisy would start taking relationships more seriously. “Pillar number 5 is understanding…” Reverend Frawly was saying when BL looked over, seeing 4 sets of jean clad legs stretched out to the pew in front of them. Pauline frowned when she glimpsed over her shoulder, 3 of her nephews and her son weren’t even paying attention, they were ASLEEP! Atleast Luke was taking the preacher’s words to heart she hoped. “...without these 5 things, NO marriage can survive,” Reverend Frawley boomed into the microphone, nearly causing the 4 sleeping Duke boys to jump out of their skins. Jeb opened his eyes a bit confused for a moment where he was until he saw his mother giving him a look. He forced himself to sit up a bit straighter and at least act like he was paying attention. By this time, Jesse's attention had been drawn to the kids behind him. In particular, to his younger nephews, who all were now trying to look really innocent. The young men all felt no older than their teenage cousins, trying not to squirm under the look that Jesse gave them, a look that promised a good talking to later. Reverend Frawley concluded his sermon then said, "Before I dismiss today I'd like to take just a minute to again congratulate the new Mr. and Mrs. Luke Duke and to also say what a joy it was to have so many Dukes here this morning. You all are welcome anytime. With that the services are concluded and we hope to see everyone back next week." As everyone stood up to head out, Luke and Dixie were again stopped by other well wishers which made the others exit much slower than normal. It was all Bo, Jeb, Coy and Vance could do to keep from yawning or stretching before they made it outside. Jesse introduced his brothers, sisters in law and two youngest nephews to a few people on the way to their vehicles, the rest of the Dukes that were visiting were leaving after lunch. Jesse saw Luther and Clyde Davenport standing by the wrecker talking and went over “Ya’ll come on over for lunch too, there’ll be plenty the kids will all be there,” Jesse said. Luther thought about it for a moment, then replied, "Ya, know, I think I will Jesse. It's been a long while since I've talked with John and even longer since I've seen Elbert." Clyde almost was not sure who this person who looked like his brother was but thought he might ought to go too. "Sounds good Jesse. I don't much like my own cookin' and BL has about deserted me." Jesse replied, "It will be good to have ya’ll. See ya out at the place." Luke was opening the truck door for Dixie when she asked, "What's Uncle Jesse doing?" Luke looked over to where Jesse was now walking off from the Davenports, "I'm not sure." Everyone headed out to the Duke farm, as Luke got out and went around to open Dixie’s truck door he saw Clyde’s truck followed by the wrecker turn up the driveway “I know what Uncle Jesse was doing as we were leaving the church. He was inviting Luther and Clyde to lunch,” Luke said. Dixie followed Luke's gaze, "Great, you know he's been a lot better than I could have ever expected, ..." Both Luke and Dixie said together, "But..." They were both wondering just how long Luther could and would maintain civilized behavior where their marriage was concerned. Their thoughts were interrupted by the others arrival. Daisy, Dixie and BL changed out of their church clothes and then went to help the Aunts finish lunch while the elder men sat on the front porch visiting and the younger men tinkered with General Lee. “Dixie, will you help me set the picnic tables?” BL asked. She wanted to ask Dixie a favor but she didn’t want Daisy or her Aunts to overhear. Dixie replied, "Sure." Out front, Luke stepped back from the General and over to a cooler filled with ice, soda, beer and several other beverages. He grabbed an ice cold beer and was about to open it when Luther spoke up from the porch. "Luke, before you open that, I have something for you." Luther said casually. Luke shut the cooler and stepped over to the porch beer in hand. Luther tossed a set of keys at him unexpectedly. Luke's quick reflexes helped him catch the keys. Luke glanced at the keys, the familiar keyring and keys. Luke knew them. He froze. Luther gave him only a look. Luke met his look. Both men nodded in silent agreement. "I work at 8 tomorrow." Luke said. "I'll head toward town about 7. You can park her at the garage if you think Ole Rosco can stay out of the ditches tonight." Luther said. Luke started to return the beer to the cooler. Luther said, "Drink the beer. I'm gonna be here a spell." Luke wasn't sure who the person was in his father in law's body, but if he continued to be that person, they could get along. He nodded and headed back to the General, but stopped at the picnic tables long enough to show Dixie the familiar set of keys that he had carried years ago to the wreckers, the garage along with the keys to both Luther's yard and the county impound lot. Dixie's eyes went wide at the sight of the keys. BL looked up about the time Luke showed Dixie the key ring, when he went back over to the General, BL asked “who is that man that says he’s your father?” “Funny, now what do you really want to ask?” Dixie said. When you get an appointment with the Tri-County jail Dr. see if you can get me one too, I’m gonna ask for birth control pills, I don’t want anymore weeks like last week. Atleast every third woman that came in the post office was pregnant or so it seemed. I’d have been a wreck if I hadn’t kept busy helping Daisy plan the reception,” BL replied. Dixie gave BL a look, "I needed that. But, yes I will." “Sorry, but thanks I didn’t want half the county knowing my business,” BL said. Dixie replied, "I can certainly relate." About then Bo decided it was a good idea to sneak up behind BL, grab her and goose her! BL squealed, startled by being suddenly grabbed “Eeep Bo!” “You’re just so darn cute, I couldn’t help myself,” Bo said, kissing the tip of BL’s nose, fully aware they were being watched by not just the other young people but Clyde and Jesse too. Jed and Jeremiah saw the interaction and promptly said, "Eww!" and "Yuck!" respectfully. "Lunch is ready, everybody get washed up ,” Daisy said, bringing out the baked ham. BL and Dixie took that as their cue to go help tote the rest of the food out. After lunch everyone cleaned up, Daisy had taken some of the 'to go' containers and as lunch was brought in she fixed a container of ham, each of the sides and some of each pie before putting the rest of the leftovers in the fridge. Pauline saw what she was doing but wondered why. "Daisy, why are you packing food into containers?" Daisy wished her aunt wasn't so observant at times like this, "I'm fixing Dixie and Luke something for later." Pauline looked surprised, "The girl does know how to cook, doesn't she?" "Yes, Aunt Pauline. Luke will be fine. It's just that they haven't really stocked the kitchen yet, and they both have to work tomorrow." Daisy said, knowing her aunts concern for Luke. Pauline frowned as she thought how a married couple hadn't stocked their kitchen yet. After Luke's first and only beer, he drank sweet iced tea. After the others headed home, it was time for Luke and Dixie to head into town. Luke got Dixie in his pick-up, and he followed her in the wrecker. Gloria Kravitz heard the wrecker but had to wipe her hands before moving the curtain aside to look, by this time though Luke and Dixie had gone inside leaving her imagination running wild, “Abner, that Davenport girl, the one married Luke Duke is home, Luke too I imagine but they ain’t alone. Cooter the mechanic’s boy is there too, I heard the wrecker. The other Davenport girl and Bo Duke and Jesse’s girl will probably be along,” Gloria was in a tizzy but Abner didn’t notice, he’d heard the vehicles and had put cotton in his ears before Gloria came in. Dixie put the leftovers in the fridge and came back in the living room to find Luke sitting on the couch with his boots off. She sat down by him. Pulled her feet up on the couch and snuggled into Luke's outstretched arm. Luke had already told a very confused Hazzard phone operator to route any wrecker calls to him tonight. Dixie rested her head on Luke's shoulder, "This is nice, what are Bo and BL doing tonight?" “I don’t rightly know but I betcha Bo’s doing everything he can to stay out of Uncle Jesse’s sight, after falling asleep in church this morning,” Luke replied. BL had told Daisy she’d help change sheets on hers and Bo’s beds so they’d have fresh ones to sleep on but the rest of the housework was going to have to wait until tomorrow because Sunday was the day of rest and no work was done but the necessary daily chores. With the sheets changed the girls figured Bo had finished up the few undone evening chores. Daisy took a fresh pot of coffee and four cups to the porch. Bo was just coming back from the barn as the coffee was being poured. He took a seat on the swing by BL as the four sat in silence for a few minutes, Bo finally spoke, “it seems so empty now.” “Yeah it does, we’ll have to think of a reason to have another weekend,” BL said. "What about a baby shower?” Daisy suggested innocently. Bo and BL got choked on their coffee hearing this, both was sure Daisy knew something. BL recovered fist saying “Daisy don’t you think that’s rushing things a mite? Today’s only been a week since they got married.” “I know, I just can’t wait to have a baby around,” Daisy replied. Bo shook his head, "I just mean without Luke here. Maybe we should see if they want to go to the Boar's Nest or maybe we should go by there awhile." Jesse looked over his coffee cup, "If ya'll are wanting any babies around, ya'll might want to give them some private time so as they have a chance to make them." “Guess you’re right Uncle Jesse,” Bo said, looking at BL from the corner of his eye, news of a baby on the way was sooner than Daisy or Uncle Jesse knew. “Yeah, guess so,”Daisy agreed. Bo looked at BL, "So what do you want to do tonight Darlin'?" “I don’t know but it can’t be another really late night, I gotta work tomorrow. I shouldn’t leave Sadie behind either, I’ve basically abandoned her all weekend,” BL replied, then having had an idea continued, “how about the drive-in movies?” Bo replied, "Yeah, we can do that. Right Sadie girl?" His answer was in the form of Sadie putting both her paws in his lap. “We better get going, if we want to catch the early show,” BL said standing, then pulling Bo to his feet. “Let’s hit it,” Bo replied, pulling BL close, his arm around her lower back. He might have let his hand wander lower but Uncle Jesse was on the porch watching. At General Lee, Bo helped BL in then picked Sadie up, handing her in the window to BL. “There ya go Sadie girl,” Bo said, getting in behind the wheel. Bo found a parking spot to his liking in the back row. He backed General Lee in, adjusted the sound on the speaker and started to move a bit closer to BL. Sadie took that moment to step in between the two. “I think someone’s jealous,” BL looked at Bo and grinned. Bo wasn’t amused, the farm had been crawling with people all weekend and Bo had been hoping for some cuddle time now that they were alone. BL picked Sadie up and scooted over so she now sat between the dog and Bo. Sadie lay down in the passenger seat, her head facing the door, in full pout mode. Bo and BL settled in as the movie started. In town, Luke noticed Dixie had gotten quiet. He looked down on his chest to find his sleeping wife using him as a pillow. Luke thought about waking her but instead wrapped his arms around her a bit tighter as he decided to just relax for a bit before waking Dixie. It was at that moment the phone rang. Luke reached for the phone, "Hello." "Luke? Cletus is hung up out on Route 11." The operator said. "Ok. I'm on my way?" Luke said, hanging the phone up. Dixie asked, "To where?" "Route 11. Cletus is hung up." Luke said getting his boots back on. "Need or want any help?" Dixie asked. = BL reached over, stroking Sadie’s hip since that was about all she could reach. BL laid her head on Bo’s shoulder, he tightened his arm around her as they watched the movie. “Want some popcorn darlin? Bo asked, when he got no answer he looked to the shoulder BL’s head rested on, seeing she was asleep he turned back toward the movie. Luke gave his wife a grin. "I got this, but if you want to go, I'm good with it." Dixie grabbed a jacket even though the night was warm, and they headed out. The Kravitz’s were almost asleep when Luke fired the souped up wrecker up to go get Cletus. Gloria looked at the clock, it read 11:15 she was never going to get another night of decent sleep as long as those girls lived next door. When the movie was over, it took Bo some time to get out onto the road. He could have gone cross country but he didn’t want to jostle and bounce BL and wake her up. He was enjoying having her cuddling close, so he headed for home at a nice slow but steady speed. One hand on the steering wheel, the other arm holding his girl tight. Luke pulled the wrecker on scene to find a frantic Cletus. Before the lights came on in the truck, Cletus was freaking out, "Cooter, great to see ya! Buzzards on a buzzsaw, Cousin Boss is gonna kill me!" The lights came on in the cab of the wrecker as Luke opened the door, "Cletus, just settle down." Luke said. "Wait, what are you doing with the Davenport's wrecker? You didn't steal it, did you?" Luke rolled his eyes, "Do you really think I'm gonna steal a wrecker just to come out and rescue you?" Bo’s attempt not to wake BL wasn’t going so well as he hit yet another pothole. BL felt like she was moving but hadn’t fully woken up until General Lee hit another pothole “what’s going on, where are we?” BL asked when it was clear they weren’t at the drive-in movie. “I’m sorry darlin, I didn’t mean to wake you, its these dang potholes. Movie’s over, we’re on route 7 headed home,” Bo replied. “The movie’s over and we’re headed home.” BL said more than asking for clarification. “I’m sorry Bo, I didn’t mean to fall asleep and miss the whole movie,” BL said. “No big deal darlin, holding you was better than the movie anyway,” Bo replied. Sadie had also woken up and reared up on the door then nudged BL’s arm turning to rear up on the door again."Bo can we stop a few minutes, Sadie needs to do her business?” BL asked “Sure sweetheart,” Bo pulled off onto an old moonshine trail then helped Sadie and BL both out, taking BL’s hand as they followed Sadie. Cletus thought about it a moment, then replied, "Well, I guess not." While Luke set to getting Cletus out of the ditch, Dixie got out of the truck. "Anything you need me to do?" Luke replied, "Just convince Cletus that I didn't steal the wrecker." After getting Cletus on his way, Luke and Dixie made their way back to town, parked the wrecker and made their way in the house. It was late by now, so they were both more than ready to head to Bo and BL got back on the road heading for the Duke farm so BL could get her car and go home. Bo helped Sadie out of General Lee, putting her in BL’s car then helping BL, holding her close, Bo tipped BL’s chin up for a long goodnight kiss. “See you tomorrow Darlin, sweet dreams.” “Good night, see you tomorrow,” BL replied, getting in her car, heading home.
  13. Saturday morning the rooster crowed, nearly scaring the smokejumpers and Dixie’s friend and coworker Debbie to death. Debbie sat straight up at the sound of Rodney telling everyone that he ruled the roost. Daisy opened ?” Debbie asked. "What was what?" Daisy was oblivious to the normal sounds of the farm. As Rodney crowed again, Debbie said, "That!" "What?" Daisy said again, listening extra hard. Rodney cut loose again. "That!" Debbie was nearly in hysterics. Daisy smiled, "It's alright, that's just Rodney. Do you want to meet him?" “Sure I guess,” Debbie answered. “Come on, we’ll gather the eggs,”Daisy replied. The rooster’s crow hadn’t just woke Debbie and the smokejumpers, the farm ‘kids’ were all beginning to stir. Jed and Jeremiah were moving the fastest though as they dashed out of the barn, hands covering their mouths. Coy looked to Vance as the kids ran out of the barn, "Come on Cuz. I think it's our turn to be the older cousins." Vance replied as he stood up, "Yeah, I think you are right." Bo, not really a morning person usually, drug himself up from the sleeping bags, he and BL had spread out to make a bed big enough for both of them. “Guess we better get the chores done, C’mon Jeb, let’s get at it,” Bo said, giving Jeb a nudge. “We’ll help ya’ll, so Luke can stay with his misses a bit longer,” Cooter said. Bo replied, "I'm sure your sister will appreciate that." Luke's voice filtered down from above, "Get Randy. Tell him what you need, and he'll motivate the rest of the crew." "How did he hear us?" Cooter asked. Bo waved his hand, "Don't ask. Randy, hey Randy, Luke said you could get the rest of the crew to pitch in with chores." Randy was awake and had also grown up on a farm. "I can. What do you need from us?" In the loft, Luke was snuggling with Dixie as the others came to life below. Dixie was very attentive to Luke's touches. Luke smiled at his wife's reactions to his touches as he entered her most personal spaces.Dixie was surprised and over the edge in seconds. One second, one movement from her and Luke was done. Trying to keep what was going on between them their secret, both struggled to be silent when they both wanted to scream in ecstasy. Bo told Randy what needed doing and Randy then told the rest of the crew where they were needed. Casey had been set the task of milking Nadine the goat. How hard could it be? She thought, getting a pail, Casey got Nadine up on the little stand where Jesse usually milked, sat the pail in place and then tried what she’d seen on TV, but nothing happened. “Ok, Nadine I’m new at this, give me your milk please,” Casey said. BL came back from feeding Sadie to find Casey still having problems. “Something wrong Casey?" BL asked. "Randy asked me to milk the goat but it’s not working like it does on television. I think she’s broken” Casey replied. “I’ll do this, why don’t you ask Randy or one of Luke’s cousins if something else needs doing.” BL said. Casey went looking for one of the others and BL got busy milking. Clyde had goats, so BL knew what she was doing . Jesse had put two pots of coffee on and figured to follow with at least two more. The eggs were in, the cows' milk was in, so he had breakfast underway as Pauline and Bessie came in the kitchen to help. ”Mornin Bessie, mornin Pauline,” Jesse said when his sisters-in-law came into the kitchen. ”Good morning Jesse,” Pauline answered, getting ready to make biscuits. “Good morning Jesse, have you seen the kids yet?” Bessie asked although she said kids as if including all the young people, she really meant her sons. Jesse went over to get something from the refrigerator and just happened to glance out the window in time to see Vance and Coy come from the side of the barn with Jeremiah and Jeb. Jesse made an about face, getting his red cap “Think I’ll go see how the chores are going, ain’t none of Luke’s friends or that girl that works with Dixie lives on a farm,” Jesse said headed for the barn. BL was just about to bring in the goat’s milk “here's the goat’s milk Uncle Jesse, where do you want me to put it?” “Set it on the table BL,” Jesse replied. Seeing where Jesse was heading and knowing what he’d find BL mumbled to herself, "uoh”. Jed and Jeremiah were taking turns being sick. Each time the one threw up, it caused the other to throw up again. Vance had to say it, "I told you that drinking that ‘water’ wasn't a good idea." Jed replied, "How would you know?" “Well I could tell you it’s wisdom that’s come with age but the truth is I’ve been right where you are,” Vance said, figuring being straight was better than sugar coating it. Jesse came in the barn, saw that he’d been right in his assumption of the situation from the sight he’d seen from the kitchen window Looking around and not seeing any of the other young folk, except 4 of his nephews, 2 of which were hungover, he asked “where’s Luke?” Coy and Vance both froze at the gruff tone their Uncle used. They both were smart enough to know that they were in hot water. Vance spoke up first, "We haven't seen him this morning. “Right here Uncle Jesse,” Luke said, coming down the hayloft ladder. Once on the ground, he finished buttoning and tucking in his shirt. “Where’s Bo and Jeb? I have a feeling they’re right in the middle of this,” Jesse said in the same gruff tone, it was no wonder his hair had turned white, he had earned gray hair. Luke had no real idea where anyone other than Dixie was. He looked at the others for answers. Vance spoke up, "Jeb is getting the chores started and, ... um Bo, ... is.... Coy was doing his best not to bring anymore attention to himself than there already was so, he was keeping quiet. Noone had to find Bo, as he picked that moment to walk in, whistling a tune. He might not have got the same amount of action he was sure Luke had but BL had been just as attentive last night. One look at the other guys and the tune died on his lips “what’s going on?” Bo asked, even though he had a pretty good idea. “Get Jeb,”Luke said. Bo left the barn to find his cousin, a few minutes later the 2 blondes returned. Jesse studied his nephews before speaking “Jeremiah, Jed why don’t you two go get cleaned up before your mama sees you,” Jesse said to his youngest nephews. ”Yes sir Uncle Jesse,” the boys replied at the same time and headed to do just that. Luke jumped in, " Boys, the shower out here is fixed, use it, we'll have someone get ya’ll a change of clothes." Jesse added, "That will be fine. Now, we's got us a bunch of company. But, don't ya'll be taking off anywhere, even you, Luke." There was a chorus of 'Yes, Sirs.' “There’s coffee made already, I’ll get you a pot. Hope we got enough cups to go around,” Jesse said more to himself than his nephews but they were still listening. He hadn't dismissed them and none of them would be disrespectful and just walk away. “Me and the other smokejumpers can use the cups in our gear,” Luke said. For the first time in a long time, Jesse wished he had borrowed the fifty cup pot from the VFW (Veterans of Foreign Wars). He would make it work. On his way out of the barn, Jesse spotted BL, "Come get this first pot of coffee." BL followed along with Daisy who heard the worry about enough cups. In the house, Daisy broke out a sleeve of large foam cups for coffee and foam plates for breakfast. Luke found Randy and the two came up with three more coffee pots and sent them in the house. BL came back with a coffee pot in one hand and a stack of foam cups in the other, “coffee”. Luke poured two cups, going back up to Dixie, he thought she would have come down by now. “Brought you some coffee,” Luke said. Vance was still feeling like he’d not kept a good enough watch on his younger cousins and thus partly blamed himself for their hangovers. “Here, drink this, you'll feel better,” Vance said, handing each boy a foam cup of black coffee. Everybody poured themselves a cup of coffee to ease their headaches, a combination of the late night and drinking. “Anybody want sugar, milk, or cream,” BL asked. Most drank their coffee plain, but a few accepted the condiments. Dixie accepted the coffee as she picked the hay from her hair, brushed it and pulled it back into a ponytail. "Thanks, Luke. I needed that extra ten minutes. I hope they all think I got a bit too tipsy last night." Luke had often handed her his glass or jar throughout the night. He also hoped no one found anything amiss this morning. "Ready?" "As I'll ever be." Dixie replied. Luke took her hand and pulled her gently back from the ladder, "Atttt, me first." He started over the top of the ladder, then down a couple rungs and stopped waiting for Dixie. Dixie stepped on the ladder like she had since she was about three, but this time Luke had his arms on either side of the ladder and was behind her so that she couldn't fall. Once on the ground… “About time you got up lazy bones, we all done put in half day’s work,” Cooter teased his sister. Dixie saw that everybody was sitting around with their own cups of coffee. The chores were finished now they were all waiting for breakfast to be ready. "I might not have been down here, but I was awake." Dixie fired back at her older brother. In the house Jesse left the breakfast preparations to his sisters in law and took Elbert to the front porch, to tell him about Jeremiah and Jed’s experimenting last night out of Bessie’s earshot. He knew Elbert would understand, being a Duke boy himself once. Elbert replied, "Jesse, this may do them boys more good than harm." Jesse was glad to hear his brother's observation of the situation. Dixie made her way to the house to help with breakfast, not because it was expected or that she was needed but because it was the right thing to do. "Morning, ya'll." She said chipperly as she entered the kitchen. Smells of frying bacon, sausage and eggs hit her nose, "What do you need me to do?" Before anyone could answer, Dixie's eyes went wide, then she bolted for the back door, much faster than she had come in it. Pauline and Bessie watched Dixie bolt out the door she’d just come in then they looked at each other. “Wonder what’s wrong with her,?” Pauline said out loud. “If I hadn’t seen her drinking at the reception, I’d say she was in the family way,” Bessie said. Pauline replied, "Couldn't be that, they haven't been married a week yet." Then, she heard what she said and looked at Bessie, "No, .... Surely not. Bessie just gave Pauline a look. The two sister-in-laws had been friends and family long enough to know each other very well. Bessie added, "Now, don’t go jumping the gun Pauline. Maybe the girl just had a bit too much to drink last night. Every time I saw her, she had a glass in her hand." Daisy was heading for the barn as BL came out with the coffee pot, it hadn’t taken long to empty with so many drinking out of it. Shaking the coffee pot she told Daisy and Dixie who looked a little peaked “barn crew, needs a refill. Daisy, will you get it, please?” “Sure, be right back,” Daisy said, taking the coffee pot inside to swap. While Daisy was inside “what’s wrong, you look peaked,” BL said to Dixie. “I feel a little nauseous,” Dixie replied. “You think it’s morning sickness?” BL asked. “Oh Lord, I hope not,” Dixie groand. Dixie was trying to downplay what she actually felt, trying not to draw too much attention to herself. If she was lucky, everyone would assume that she had drank too much too late last night. BL asked, "Well, if you are feeling better, are you ready to go help with breakfast?" Dixie had hoped the fresh air would make the nausea go away, but at BL's mention of food, Dixie's mouth began to water. She gritted her teeth determined not to throw up, she swallowed, then retched all the way to her toes. She swallowed several more times, knowing if she'd just give in that she'd likely feel better but tried desperately not to give in. Dixie lost the battle and threw up basically nothing but couldn’t stop dry heaving and retching. “Great,” BL said under her breath. Daisy came back with the fresh pot of hot brew “Here ya go BL,” Daisy said. “Thanks,would you take it out to the barm?” BL asked, continuing, “I gotta help Dixie.” “Sure, no problem,” Daisy replied as she headed for the barn. Both BL and Dixie let out the breath they were holding. BL had made sure she had blocked Daisy’s view of Dixie. Dixie finally got herself a bit composed and told BL, "I don't know what that was, but I don't want to do it again. If I go back in there... " Just the thought of the smell of the cooking bacon and sausage almost made her start to retch again as her stomach did a flip flop. ."I can't go back in there." “You don’t have to, I’ll bring out tablecloths for the picnic tables. That way you’re still helping,” BL said. BL went in the back door and asked, “Daisy, where’s the extra tablecloths?” ”That drawer on the end by the door,” Daisy replied. BL got out the tablecloths and took them to Dixie. “The aunts are going to set everything out buffet style, just get Luke to get you something, so you can stay out here. BL said. Dixie replied, "That should work." After helping with the tablecloths and putting out what was needed on the tables, Dixie went to get the others starting toward the tables. Seeing the cooler in Luke's truck, she took her chances. She hoped somewhere in there was something fairly cold and carbonated. She was in luck, there were a few drinks left. She grabbed a 7UP hoping that it would settle her stomach down. Everyone started filing into the house where they saw bowls of eggs, grits and gravy and a platter with bacon,sausage and ham along with a platter of biscuits and one of pancakes. “Mmm, Ms. Bessie, Ms. Pauline, smells great!” Cooter said, filling his plate as he went down the buffet style line. “Luke, can we talk for a second?” BL pulled Luke out of earshot of the others, without waiting for an answer. She told him how Dixie ran out of the kitchen and that she’d gotten sick. “Did my aunts see this?” Luke asked, worried they might guess what was wrong with Dixie. BL nodded a little and with a prayer that Bessie and Pauline thought Dixie had drank too much, the two went back to the others waiting for their turn to fix a plate. Luke took two plates and began to put food on each. He made one especially light. Pauline looked at Luke with question, "Where's your bride?" Luke replied, "She's making sure that the guys have coffee, milk and such, so I'm getting her breakfast. Jeb, understanding how his youngest cousins felt about being treated like little kids by their mother, recruited LB and BB to help the youngest Dukes get ‘lost’ in the breakfast crowd and avoid too much scrutiny from aunt Bessie. It was BL’s misfortune to be noticed by Bessie as she put sausage and pancakes on her plate. “BL dear, have you seen Jed and Jeremiah? I haven’t seen them come through to get breakfast,” Bessie looked ready to fix plates for them, then hunt them down and make sure they ate. “Yes ma’am I saw them and they had a plate,” BL replied. She just didn’t say there wasn’t much on those plates because even though the boys felt better, they were still a little green around the gills. The boys weren't the only ones green. Dixie tried to avoid sitting down to eat, but when she no longer could, she sat, took a bite of toast, and slid her bacon onto Luke's plate. A couple bites of egg later, she slid over the sausage. She turned down offers for coffee but drank an extra glass of milk. She willed the food to stay down as she repeated her claim to not be a breakfast or morning person. A fact many of the others would back her up on. Dixie tried her best to will away her nausea so she didn’t throw up and ruin breakfast for everybody. “Are you feeling better now? Luke asked only so Dixie heard. “A little,” Dixie replied. By now Bo had noticed Dixie didn’t look well and she was acting kind of funny. Bo, like several of the group of young people, knew Dixie wasn’t really a breakfast person or even a morning person for that matter. “Is Dixie alright?” Bo leaned closer, whispering to BL. “Feeling a little nauseous,” BL replied. She knew Bo really didn’t know much about pregnancy and she didn’t want to have a conversation explaining morning sickness so kept it simple. BALLADEER: Jed and Jeremiah had taken cool showers in the barn. Then it was strongly suggested that they drink strong black coffee. They made it to the table, looking almost presentable to everyone but their mother had she been outside. The boys put food on their plates. Jeremiah wisely listened to what the older men had told them. He chose toast and eggs. He slowly ate. Jed knew it all and put sausage, bacon and biscuits and gravy on his plate. He dug into his food like normal. About half way through his plate, he urgently asked to be excused. Before anyone could say anything, Jed bolted from the table. He made it just to the big oak in the yard when everything that went in came out. The sounds that made it to the table was enough to send Jeremiah to join him. Dixie tried a sip of soda, clenched her teeth. She felt herself get very hot just before she too left the table in a trot. As Luke stood to follow her,Vance asked, "Did she drink that much?" Luke looked to where Dixie had gone, then said “I better go check on her.” He hadn’t denied Dixie being hungover, same as the boys but Dukes don’t lie and tell the whole truth, that Dixie’s pregnant,not an option. “Are you alright?” Luke asked when he reached Dixie. The others continued with their breakfast, almost everyone anyway. After giving the boys a few minutes to pull themselves together, Vance and Coy went to check on them. Dixie replied, "I'll be fine." 'Eventually,' she silently added. "This is not, gonna be, FUN." She motioned to both families. "Just pull yourself together and let them think you drank way too much last night. No one knows what went on upstairs." Luke said with a bit of a wicked grin. Bessie HAD to see that her babies were alright, she hadn’t seen them this morning. Excusing herself she pretended to go to the bathroom but went out on the front porch quietly instead. Coy, Vance, Jed and Jeremiah were heading back to the others at the same time. “Good morning boys,” Bessie called. “Good morning Aunt Bessie,” Coy and Vance replied. Jed and Jeremiah mumbled a good morning to their mother, both were still not feeling upto par. “Jed, Jeremiah don’t you feel well?” Bessie asked, making her way off the porch and over to them. Seeing the familiar pale face and bloodshot eyes of a hangover, Bessie gasped, turning a pair of flaming eyes on her nephews who found their boots suddenly fascinating. BALLADEER: Bessie ain’t no stranger to hungover Duke men, she used to give ol’ Elbert that same look from time to time, back when they was young and first got married. When neither her boys nor her nephews would look at her, Bessie knew she was right. "Elbert! Jesse!" In the kitchen, both men let out a slight groan. Pauline knew if Bessie was calling the men that something was wrong with the 'kids'. She was moving toward the door. John winced at the sight of his wife heading outside. “Vance, HOW did this happen? I was counting on you and Luke to keep the boys from this sort of thing!” Bessie propped her hands on her hips. The rest of the elder Dukes came out as Bessie scolded her nephew. “We didn't exactly LET this happen. We did give them a taste, just like we was given a taste about their age, if we hadn’t we knew they was just gonna sneak it,” Vance defended himself and Luke. Pauline opened her mouth to say something but John stopped her, “Stay out of it Pauline,” John said quietly. “It ain’t all Vance and Luke’s fault Aunt Bessie,I gave them a little more after they had drunk all Vance give them,” Coy spoke up. “Coy Duke…” Bessie said, exasperated. Each Duke also admitted to giving the boys the slightest drink of shine, which added up to quite a big drink once it was put together. Jesse, Elbert and John saw what had happened. Jesse said, "Ladies, we'll take care of this. Ya'll can go back in the house." ”You ought to switch the lot, giving alcohol to children and getting them drunk,” Bessie fussed. “Bessie go on in the house now,” Elbert said. The older Duke ‘boys’ didn’t look too worried about their aunt’s suggestion, it had been years since Jesse had taken a switch to them. The two youngsters though were a mite more concerned about what their father would do to them, judging by his expression, somebody was in for it. “Dad it ain’t none of their faults we are hungover, we snookered them into giving us all that shine,” Jeremiah said, until now neither teen had said much. “Are you gonna whup us?” Jed asked,embarrassed that his older cousins would know about it. “No son I’m not, you’re too big for a whuppin’. Ya’ll want to be treated like your older cousins, so be it. You will abide by whatever punishment your Uncle Jesse hands out,” Elbert replied. Jesse said gruffly, "That can wait a spell, Elbert. We still have a bunch of company. You boys go help get the dishes in the house for now. “Yes sir,” Jeremiah and Jed both said. Since the men wouldn’t let them take part in the goings on with the boys outside, Bessie and Pauline had gone to the kitchen to clean up. Daisy and BL came in the back door and saw them about to get started. “Aunt Bessie, Aunt Pauline we’ll clean up, ya’ll cooked,” Daisy said. “Why don’t you take a cup of coffee and go sit on the porch and relax.” BL said. So the two older women did just that, grateful not to have to clean up, it’d been hard work cooking all that food without having to clean up too. The boys came in and got a couple big trash bags, “Uncle Jesse said for us to help,” Jeremiah said on their way back out with the trash bags. After making sure that Dixie was alright, Luke had managed to recruit the Davenport geniuses with wiring new lights for his pickup along with Randy's new siren box. Bo had been talking to Ryan and Bugs about some driving techniques which he planned to show them in the fields. Dixie eased in the back door of the kitchen hoping the food smells were gone so she could at least help out some. The smells of food were gone, it had been hot and stuffy, so Daisy and BL had opened the kitchen windows. “What do you want me to do?” Dixie asked. “You wash, I’ll dry and Daisy can put stuff where it goes so she can find it later,” BL replied. In no time the three young ladies had the dishes washed and the kitchen back in order. By the time the girls had the kitchen put back together and got back out to the barn, Luke, Cooter, LB and BB had the entire dash and headliner out of his pickup. Anyone who knew Luke, knew that this truck, next to General Lee of course, was his pride and joy. Dixie looked from Daisy to BL, "I know that bunch is great with the older cars, but I sure hope they know what they are doing.” Meanwhile Bo was on a mission of his own, he was calling on Mr.Partridge, who let him and Luke test new parts on General Lee or just get in some practice for a race. He was getting permission for him and Jeb to practice for the races both car and motocross, at the Hatchapee fair that was coming up. Plus he wanted to show the smokejumpers. “Thanks Mr. Partridge,” Bo says, putting Mr. Partridge's written permission in his shirt pocket. At the Duke farm Jeb was checking out his bike to make sure it was ready to race. Jeb asked Debbie, "Would you like to go for a ride?" Debbie wasn't really sure of herself and had never been near a dirt bike, let alone a racing one. "I don't know. I've never been around bikes." "I'll go real easy and you can hang on real tight." Jeb said, giving her a reassuring Duke smile. Debbie swung her leg over the bike behind Jeb, from out of nowhere it seemed to the others, he handed her a spare helmet, “hang on tight now,” Jeb said. As soon as Debbie wrapped her arms around his middle he took off. Bo was on the way to tell everyone they had permission to use Mr. Partridge’s land, when he met Jeb and Debbie. Slowing just a bit, Bo held his arm out the window giving Jeb a thumbs up and a blast of ‘DIXIE’ from General Lee. At the farm Bo gave everyone the news. Jeremiah and Jeb wanted to go too but weren't sure their parents would let them, especially Bessie. Not only did Elbert let his boys go, but much to Bessie and Pauline's displeasure, he, John, and Jesse also went. They even broke out Tilley to play with. Jed asked, "You mean you really ran shine in this old thing?" Jeremiah said, "They were doing it when the car wasn't that old." Jesse replied, "Well, you are right there, but even now Tilley and General Lee there can still show up these newer vehicles." "No way." Said Jed. The older men were having as much fun as the ‘kids’ doing donuts, spin outs, tail fishing, 180’s and Jesse did the most daring by hitting sand bags with two wheels, turning Tilley up on her side, riding the opposite two wheels a ways before coming back down on all four. They had traded places each taking a turn behind Tilley’s steering wheel. After a while Jesse asked the two youngsters in the car, “you boys want a turn?” The boys looked at their father with pleading eyes,” can we Dad,please?” Smiling Elbert said “I don’t see why not, we were driving in the fields as soon as we could see and reach the pedals at the same time, just don’t tell your mother.” Jeremiah was in the front seat with Jesse so he drove first, at first he was satisfied to go fast on the straight aways but once he had time to get a feel for the car, Jesse started giving him instructions on driving like a moonshiner. After letting the youngest Dukes have a little fun behind the wheel, the older men pulled up a tailgate with the young'uns to watch the festivities. Bo, with some help from the Smokejumpers, had set up a ramp that Jeb or the General could both use. Debbie asked, "What are they going to do with the ramp?" Dixie was in her usual place, sitting right on the hood of the wrecker. BALLADEER: Her father used to sit her there as a kid to keep her out of the way. Dixie replied, "Just watch. You'll love it." Jeb set up and took the first jump. "Oh Lord." Was all Debbie said as she saw the bike heading toward the ramp and not slowing down. Once Jeb was on the ground, Debbie asked, "Does he do that often?" Dixie and Daisy both replied, nodding their heads 'yes'. "And, you let me ride with him?" Debbie asked. Dixie grinned, "He promised to take it easy AND he let you hang on real tight." BL chimed in from her place beside Dixie on the wrecker’s hood, because it was the best place to watch from, “if there’s one thing a Duke boy can do, it’s drive anything on wheels.” Looking across the field, the girls watched as Luke slammed General Lee's hood. He put on his helmet and got into the passenger seat to hook up his safety harness. Bo was racing the General's powerful engine. Jed asked, "So, now what's so special about that car?" Before anyone could reply, Bo let out on the clutch, and General Lee raced through the field, hit the ramp, and flew through the air. Once on the ground, all the Dukes (except Jed and Jeremiah) and Davenports were overjoyed. Cooter said, "That looks like they might have just did it!" Dixie hopped off the hood, "I'll get the tape measure!" Now, most every onlooker was making their way to the ramp and the generals' landing spot. Cooter stretched the tape measure out, "Whewwee mother dog!" Bo asked, "Well?" "Eighty two feet!!!" Cooter said. Bo and Luke were out of the car in a flash. Sure enough it was an eight two foot jump! Luke exclaimed, "That's at least 2 foot over the last record jump we made!" Everything was going right along until Rosco happened to drive by on patrol, there was a big ditch on both sides of the narrow road and he couldn’t turn around without first going down the road a piece. BL heard the siren come on way before the patrol car came back into view. Rosco leaned out the window with his bullhorn. “Everybody FREEZE! You can’t be racing, it’s against the law in Hazzard county.” “On the road, racing is against the law but this here’s private land,” Dixie replied. By now the older Dukes and Cooter, LB and BB were gathering and listening, Cooter and Vance perched in the windows of Vance and Coy’s car they had been racing General Lee that Bo and Luke were now also perched in the windows. Jeb and Coy had been racing each other. Coy had borrowed his friend Jack Simmons' bike. “We ain’t on the road. Besides we got permission, Mr. Partridge said we could race all day if we wanted, gave it to me in writing,” Bo said, taking the folded paper out of his pocket. “I don’t believe that cos you Dukes just lie all the time.” Rosco laughed his trademark giggle. “Dukes don’t lie!” Jeremiah and Jed hollered even though they’d been taught better respect for their elders, especially the law. “Naughty, naughty you ought not talk to the law like that,” Rosco chided the youngest Dukes. “They’re telling the truth and you know it Rosco,” BL said. “Tell it like it is,” Cooter added. Rosco hadn't seen the oldest three Duke boys ease over. Jesse spoke calmly, "Now, Rosco, you know if my boys and their friends is together , theys gonna be racing. Now, I'm not wanting to have to call in Lulu's favor of you leaving them be, so they got written permission to be out here from Hank. Now, they are doing what theys supposed to do, so you just leave them be." John and Elbert were standing on either side of Jesse, making it clear, if Rosco bothered the kids, he'd have all three of them to deal with. “If you move any of these vehicles onto a thoroughfare, I’ll cite you 6 ways til sunday,” Rosco threatened, “I’ll do it,” he added but seeing the looks he was still getting from the oldest three Duke boys, he decided it was a good time to go and he did. With Rosco out of the way, Jesse said “Elbert, John why don’t we head home let the younguns enjoy their playtime without 3 old codgers around,” Jesse said. “Jed, Jeremiah come on boys lets go,” Elbert said to the youngest Duke boys, he figured the older ‘kids’ should get some time with their friends without keeping an eye on his boys. Coy fired up the bike he was on, and as he released the clutch, it died. He tried a couple more times but the bike failed to run. Jeb had made his way over and was now checking fuel lines, spark plugs, and anything else he could think of to make the older bike run. Nothing. He looked at Cooter and Luke who were largely the mechanics of the bunch, "Any ideas?" Cooter gave the bike a once over. "Carburetor, looks like the seals have had it." Coy replied, "Great. I can't take Jack's bike back not running. Cooter said, "Well, you are in luck cause you sure don’t live right, I just happen to have a rebuild kit for this very bike in my garage." Luke gave him a look. "That means going to town." Coy replied, "It means getting Jack his bike back, running." Luke sighed. Dixie said, reminding Luke of Rosco's warning, "Luke." He put his hand up "I'll go with him we'll take the wrecker. It will be fine." BALLADEER: If ya’ll believe that I have some ocean front property real cheap in Tennessee. Cooter walked over to the wrecker making a shewing motion with his hand, saying “ladies I’d like to borrow my truck if you don’t mind.” Dixie and BL slid off the wrecker’s hood, sitting on an open tailgate. Five minutes after leaving, Luke looked in the side mirror and saw Rosco behind the wrecker. “We got company,” Luke said. “Now how come you can’t find him when you do want him but he’s always around when you don’t?” Cooter said to noone, more than really asking Luke. Picking up the CB mic Luke called Bo for backup “Bo, you got your ears on?” “Right here cousin, what’s up?” Bo asked. “We picked up a tail, one Rosco P. Coltrane. We could use some interference, if we are going to get that kit and get back before supper,” Luke replied. ”What’s your 20?” Bo asked. “We’re almost to the crossroads,” Luke said. “10-4, be there in 5,” Bo replied. Everybody had heard the radio transmission and the remaining Dukes and Davenports who knew what Hazzard law was like, headed for a vehicle. “Come on Debbie, you don’t want to miss the fun,” Jeb said, giving her a Duke smile, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. Debbie wasn’t sure she wanted in on the ‘fun’ but she didn’t want to be left in the boonies. Besides, putting her arms around Jeb again was a very appealing thought, as she climbed on behind Jeb. Vance didn't want to take the younger boys, but didn't want to leave them either, choosing what he deemed the lesser of the two evils, he said, "Get in, hang on and shut up." The two teens were eager to see whatever that was about to happen, so they did as told. Coy settled in the passenger seat when the teens got in the backseat. Dixie jumped in with BL and Daisy as she silently planned her brother and new husband's murder. Jeb and Debbie tore out behind Bo, who had most of Luke's crew with him in the General Lee. LB and BB took the rest in their pickups. Hoping to get between Rosco and the wrecker, Bo keyed his CB mic “give me some room Cooter, I’m coming in for a landing.” Luke keyed the mic so Cooter could concentrate on driving “that’s a big 10-4 good buddy,” Cooter replied, giving the wrecker gas. Bo turned on a road that ran parallel and above the one Cooter, Rosco and the rest were on, hitting a dip in the road, General Lee took flight. “YEEHAA”, Bo yelled a blast of ‘dixie’ ringing through the air. “Coy, Vance did ya’ll see that? Bo jumped without a ramp,” Jed exclaimed now impressed. “Shoot that’s nothing you should see General Lee jump over a creek,” Coy replied. “We made it,” Randy said, opening his eyes wide when the stock car landed with a bone jarring jolt. Bo laughed, "Of course we did, but that was just about twenty feet, nothing like you Smokejumpers do when you jump out of those perfectly good airplanes." Bo said as he was turning the General Lee's steering wheel side to side to use all the road so Rosco couldn't get by, but he had also slowed the parade down a mite. Ryan asked, "Why are you slowing down?" Bo replied, as he pointed up ahead at the wrecker, gaining ground, "To give Cooter and Luke some time to get ahead of us." Bo saw the Hazzard County junkyard coming up, stepping on the gas a little more and General Lee picked up speed. Bo knew Rosco would follow him for 3 reasons, 1 Bo had been swerving all over the road, 2 he was speeding and 3 Rosco chased General Lee every chance he got. “Catch me if you can Rosco,” Bo said. Let’s go up on the top of rocky top to watch the show,” BL said. “Good idea,” Daisy replied, making the sharp turn. The rest of the older Duke and Davenport cousins followed as if they’d read her mind. The last in line was BB. He pulled across the entrance and exit of the junkyard, then stood on the bumper of the truck to watch the chase. Randy asked Bo, "How did you know he'd follow you?" Bo smiled widely, "He always follows me." Jed and Jeremiah leaned forward from the backseat, they couldn’t see the action down in the junkyard all that great but they didn’t complain, afraid they’d get a one way trip back to the farm instead of getting to hang out with the young adults, who were sitting on the window seals of their car. Jeremiah asked, "How does Bo know where he's going?" Coy laughed, "Most of us have been in every junkyard around looking for parts for years that we know these places like the back of our hands." From their view above the junkyard, Dixie was a little relieved that it seemed so far that Luke and Cooter were safely away from Rosco. She smiled to herself and thought it was a good thing she didn't have to kill Luke this early in their marriage. LB had turned his truck around and let the tailgate down “hey boys, why don’t ya’ll come sit with me, so’s you can see better”. The teens looked at Vance with hopeful expressions. Vance knew it wasn’t right to dampen the boys' fun, just because he wasn’t thrilled with having them along and if he was honest, he was still put out about their hangover this morning landing in his lap. Cooter and Luke pulled in at the garage, Cooter getting out, leaving the driver’s door wide open while he got the carburetor kit they needed. “Where’s the fire?” Luther asked. Cooter replied, "No fire. Just a wet hornets nest.... Rosco." With that he was back in the truck and heading around town. “Bo must still be playing hide and seek with Rosco cos I ain’t seen hide or hair of him,” Luke said as they left town, headed back toward the Partridge farm. “Yeah,” Cooter agreed. When they came upto the entrance to the junkyard, seeing BB’s pickup blocking it Cooter flashed his lights, Bo was just making another pass by, when he saw his way out was clear, he looked back, he’d lost Rosco in the piles of junk, a few turns back. “Show’s over, c’mon ya’ll can ride with me,” LB told the boys as he got up off the tailgate. “Alright!” Jeremiah said, the boys wasted no time getting in the cab of the pickup. Back at Mr. Partridge's open field, all the vehicles converged with the Dukes and Davenport men, each letting out a rebel yell and having a gut busting laugh at Rosco's expense. Their carrying ons was none the out of towners had ever seen. Being older, Randy had to ask, "So what keeps the Sheriff from just coming back here?" Bo replied, "He'll be awhile getting out from under a pile of cars he ran into." Bo saw the look of concern, "He was fine, just hopping mad." “Just a normal day in Hazzard,”BL said. “What if he calls out reinforcements?” Jeremiah asked, he might be just a kid but he knew even small towns usually had at least 1 deputy. “Cletus and Enos can’t hit the ground with their hats, when Daisy bats her eyes at them,” Dixie said. This brought chuckles from all the older Dukes and the Davenports. They got the bike fixed, raced and chased for a bit longer then figured it was time to head in for supper. Dixie told Luke, "I sure hope I can help more this evening, or your aunts are gonna think you married a lazy gal." “There’s so many of us, I doubt they know who’s helping and who ain’t,” Luke reassured. When they all came ‘tearing in’ as Jesse often put it, the three oldest Duke men were standing around Jesse’s smoker. He’d put on some ribs just before they all had gone to the Partridge farm. “Ya’ll have just enough time for chores before the ribs are ready,” Jesse said. The three oldest of their nephews replied, "Yes, Sir." As they walked toward the barn, it was Jeb who asked, "How is there always just enough time for the chores before the ribs?" Luke replied, "I think Uncle Jesse figures it into the cook time." The girls washed up and helped finish the rest of supper up, set the picnic tables, and got the iced tea pitchers on the tables. Jesse took the ribs in the house with the rest of the food that was set up buffet style just like breakfast had been. Jesse said grace and everybody fixed a plate and got a glass of iced tea but unlike breakfast the elder Dukes were eating outside too, they were all talking about the day’s racing and chasing when Jed innocently mentioned his and Jeremiah’s time behind Tilley’s wheel, earning Elbert, John and Jesse death looks from Bessie and Pauline. Elbert asked John to pass the green beans, John asked Jesse for more corn. Each now giving their meal far more attention than the chatter. Dixie was just glad supper seemed a lot more appealing than breakfast had. It was Bugs, Luke's Smokejumper who's middle name may as well be ‘Trouble’, who asked the guys, "So on a normal night, what is there to do around here for fun?" Bo being his usual helpful self spoke up, “the Boar’s Nest is alot more fun than it was last night.” Sounds of agreement came from the other 4 single Duke men. BL looked at Daisy and Dixie, all 3’s expression’s said ‘oh boy’ and it wasn’t a look of delighted anticipation but a bit of worry. Many a Saturday night at the Boar’s Nest had ended with whichever Duke boy or boys was there in the hoosegow and sometimes the Davenport men that were there and the girls ended up in the mix too. BALLADEER: After supper most of the Dukes, Davenports, Smokejumpers and Dixie's friend, Debbie were about ready to head out on the town. Only Uncle Jesse, the older Dukes and the younger boys were staying in, much to their unhappiness. There was a lot going on that was unsaid. First, Jeb seemed to be trying to catch a correctional officer, who just might want caught. Daisy seemed to maybe be trying to catch herself a Smokejumper but wasn't sure which one yet. Then there was Bo and BL who may have done a bit too much of catching each other. Not to mention the newlyweds who would just as soon have gone home alone. Look out Hazzard.... here they come. Jed complained, "We got to go last night. So why can't we go tonight?" Elbert quietly replied, "Because you got to go last night." Sadie had moped around the farm all day because she wasn’t used to BL leaving her behind more than a couple hours at the time but BL had left her all day. At supper the dog had laid directly under BL’s seat and had been stuck like glue all evening. Now she was bouncing around BL barking and wagging her tail thinking they were going somewhere, “Sorry you have to stay here but I bet the boys will play with you,” BL hugged Sadie, then let her in the screened in back porch. Everybody got into a vehicle, Jeb was borrowing BL’s GTO convertible because he didn’t think Debbie was ready for night riding plus she might need to drive back to the farm. They looked like a parade as they turned into the parking lot, General Lee in the lead. “Try not to get in trouble, Rosco’s probably got it in for you more than usual, after that little game of hide and seek, in the junkyard earlier,” BL said as Bo helped her out the window. “Me trouble?” Bo replied innocently. Dixie asked Luke before they pulled into the parking lot, "Is this a good idea?" Luke shrugged, "Probably not, but we can't let our guests go out alone, can we?" "Ok, but remember you are driving for us both again." Dixie reminded. Luke grinned wickedly, "That I can do Darlin"." "Great." Dixie said as they pulled in behind General Lee. “Is it always this busy on Saturday night?” Debbie asked as the group filed in, looking for a couple empty tables they could put together to make one big one. “Not always but it's pay week and it was closed last night for the reception,” Dixie replied. Finally spotting a couple tables, Luke held Dixie’s hand weaving through the crowd, the rest following. Somewhere along the way though, Coy and Vance had gotten sidetracked by Misty and Missy the Hopson twins. Misty and Missy were a pair of double trouble fun. Coy and Vance had messed around with occasionally when in Hazzard. Vance seemed a bit surprised by the two girls. Coy was just as surprised. Both Dukes knew these girls were pretty much a sure thing for a long night of fun, but they were trying for a different sort of fun. As the twins latched onto the boys, Casey and Lisa just kept making their way through the crowd with the rest of their crew. Vance smiled politely, giving Coy a nudge toward the tables everyone else in the group sat at, “nice seeing ya’ll but we better go on over to our cousins table, might not be back for a while we want to spend as much time as we can with them.” Misty wasn't so easily discouraged, "But, Vance, honey, we know your cousins too. In fact, we haven't had a chance to give Luke and Dixie our best." Vance nudged Coy on, "Well, as you see, they have a bunch of out of town guests, but I'm sure you'll see them around." Coy and Vance finally made it to the tables, grabbed extra chairs and squeezed in on either side of Lisa and Casey. Lisa grinned at Vance, "Friends of yours?" Vance ordered two beers with a motion to the waitress, "I haven't seen her in years. Now, where were we?" Lisa replied grinning “I believe you were about to ask me to dance.” Vance returned the grin, “care to dance?” BB was looking around to see who all was out tonight and spotted Hannah Rhuebottom,the daughter of Mr Rheubottom who owned and ran the store in town’s cousin. Hannah wasn’t what most of the guys in the county called pretty, she was kind of plain with mousy brown hair, gray eyes and plump. “Excuse me ya’ll,” BB said before going over to the corner table. Dixie tipped the beer before her to her lips, sat it back down as Luke took her hand and they headed for the dance floor. Rosco was doing his early evening patrol when he stopped at the Boars Nest to check on things, it being Saturday night on a pay week, things were bound to get rowdy. “Goody goody gumdrops, them Dukes and Davenports and them out of towners is all here,” Rosco said with glee, as he went inside scanning the crowd for his prey. Rosco wasn't sure who all was racing at the Partridge place earlier, but the Boar’s Nest parking lot held the vehicles. He started running license plates and filling out tickets. BALLADEER: By the time he was done, Ole Rosco nearly had writer's cramp. Rosco smuggly walked into the bar, crossed theoom and whipped out a ticket while giving his trademark giggle, "Here's a ticket for Bo and one here for Luke and Daisy too. He turned to the Davenports, "I have one for you, BB, LB, BL, and..." He crossed over to the elder Davenport, "You Luther." As Rosco turned toward the Smokejumpers, ..... Luther looked at the ticket then he looked at Rosco like he’d lost his mind. “Rosco, have you lost your mind? What are you giving me a ticket for?” Luther was confused and mad all at the same time. “Because your truck was at the Partridge farm and that bunch over there was racing,” Rosco replied. BL rolled her eyes at the explanation Luther got “how come I get a ticket then? My car hasn’t left the Duke farm since yesterday afternoon until now.” Rosco thought back, he couldn't swear BL's car was at the Partridge place, "Where they are, you are, and so is your car. Besides,it's here now!" Rosco explained. BL sighed, there was no point arguing, Rosco wasn’t listening he never did. Instead she gave Jeb a sweet smile, which he learned to be wary of long ago “Jeb this must be yours, since you're in my car tonight” BL said, sliding the ticket over. “What’s the charge?” Bo asked, causing the others to notice their tickets had no charge either. Rosco replied, "You know I write the tickets, Boss Hogg fills in the charges." Luke exclaimed, "What?!" "Now that dog don't hunt, Rosco!" "You can't do that Rosco!" Dixie said. "Can and did." Rosco replied. “Now as I was saying,” Rosco again turned toward the smokejumpers continuing “Now I got 1 for each of ya, so nobody feels left out,” Rosco said, giving each a ticket. “Rosco you can’t do that,” Bo said. “Can and did, now hush and don’t give no sass Duke boy,” Rosco said. Luke held his hand to stop the protests from his team, "Rosco this ain't over, but for tonight we're gonna go finish our beers and have a good time." He motioned everyone back to their tables. At the table, Randy asked, "so how much does a ticket for 'nothing' usually run around here?" He noted the blank charges. BALLADEER: Some days you can’t cram it into second, even if ya double clutch it. How about a game or two of pool, darlin,” Bo said putting his arm around BL giving his lady killer grin. “Sure, I don’t mind skunking you anytime,” BL replied,smirking. “Think, I’ll come watch,” Bugs, one of Luke’s team members, followed the couple to the pool table in the back. “Want to dance sugar?” Vance flashed Lisa a Duke trademark lady killer smile. “Yes,”Lisa smiled, standing up as Vance pulled back her chair. It wasn’t long before Coy and Casey, another of Luke’s team members, joined the couple on the dance floor. Rosco was sipping his coffee, eager for something, anything to pop off so he could arrest someone for something. Boss Hogg entered the bar from his office. Aside from the local regulars, there were several Davenports, Dukes, out of town Dukes and some strangers at the Dukes table. Boss went to the register and printed off a total sheet. He was very happy. Rosco moved to his side as he came out from behind the bar, " I'm ready. I just know something is gonna pop off and I'm just gonna get them." Boss Hogg replied, "No, no you ain't. " " I ain't? " Rosco was confused. "No, you ain't. At least not in here. You just let this bunch drink all they want as long as they ain't busting up the place." Boss instructed. “She some kinda pool shark?” Bugs asked Bo. BL had beat Bo twice and was headed for a third victory. Bo’s head wasn’t in the game, he’d been thinking all week about how he’d messed up and seeing Dixie unable to fully partake in the weekend’s festivities and also the reason for them in the first place just served to drive home how bad he’d messed up. “Huh, uh no I just let her think I can’t play worth a hoot,” Bo snapped out of his head with a cocky grin. “In your dreams maybe,” BL said, sinking the last 3 balls. “Excuse me gentlemen, I need to go to the little girl’s room,” BL said, leaving the men behind, making her way up front to the restrooms. Bo and Luke had long ago made a habit of watching the girls as they headed off on their own in the bar. As Bo watched BL's backside, a view he happened to be enjoying, his attention was drawn away when David Doolin, Dobro's older brother, and his wife walked into the bar. Bo couldn't help but notice Jeannie Ann, who had been a waitress at the Boar's Nest about a year ago, as she waddled her very pregnant self over to a table and was now surrounded by the other waitresses as David made his way over to Luke. He shook Luke's hand and gave their best wishes along with his explanation of working an extra shift the night before in preparation for the little one’s arrival. Bo suddenly felt ill. He broke out into a sweat as he suddenly pictured BL in a very pregnant state. He was now at the table hearing David going on about having to take extra shifts at work. Bo had never really held a job. He had worked the farm, he drove on the NASCAR car circuit, but that wasn't work. Could he even do a factory job? "Luke." Bo said. He got no response, "Luke." he said again, a bit more insistent. Luke heard Bo, but was trying to hear David as he talked. Bo was now tugging on Luke's sleeve gently and where no one else could see, "Luke." He nearly whined like he had about age three. Luke finally responded, "What, Bo?" "I need you to come check the carburetor on General Lee." Bo said urgently, as if he were telling Luke the barn was on fire. "What?" Luke asked, totally confused. "Yeah, it's bad. Come on." Bo insisted. Luke gave Dixie a look. He had to go see what was up with Bo, "I'll be right back, Darlin'" Dixie had been around the boys enough, she waved him on, "OK. Go on." Luke stood up, Bo latched on to him with a death grip and nearly drug him out the side door, even though the General was parked out front. Outside, Bo was frantic and freaking out, "Luke! Luke, did you see Jeannie Ann? Oh, Lord! What if, .... BL, ... oh, Lord! Luke, it was only once! I swear it was. Jeannie Ann was always so much smaller than BL and now,... Luke, BL just can't be PREGNANT!" Bo promptly picked that moment to violently throw up. In the bathroom BL wasn’t feeling so great herself, she felt dizzy as she went in the stall her head felt like it might explode any minute and she felt bloated but chalked that upto having made a pig out of herself on Jesse’s ribs, at supper. Dixie took Luke's absence as an opportunity to sneak off to the restroom herself. Outside, Luke had to at least grin a little at Bo's distress, right up until he saw Jeb, Vance and Coy standing behind him with their eyes bugging out. It was apparent they had heard Bo's last few words. BL was a bit surprised to see she had started her period, unlike Dixie she really didn’t keep track, when asked at her last physical she could only give an estimate. This was a welcome visit from her monthly ‘friend’, who always showed up at an inconvenient time but this time was more than a little convenient, it meant she wasn’t pregnant. Out in the bar, LB was getting better acquainted with Sara Grace Frawley, preacher JP Frawley’s great niece. BALLADEER: Friends don’t let her family relations fool you, she ain’t no saint. After a moment of stunned silence, Luke was now faced with a chorus as all three cousins spoke at once, "Who's pregnant?" "Pregnant, really?" "Pregnant??!!" Now Luke and Bo were trying to hush their three younger cousins, hoping no one else heard that word. BL’s first instinct was to tell Bo the good news but she thought better of it, the whole county would know their business if she told him here at the Boar’s Nest so she decided to wait until they were alone, having no idea that there was a discussion going on outside about the ordeal. Luther still not one bit happy about Cooter’s ticket on the wrecker being given to him because he owned it, had told Cooter he’d take calls the rest of the weekend, his look telling Cooter not only would they talk later but that the amount of said ticket was coming out of Cooter’s pay. Luke dropped his tailgate and got Bo sitting down, "You may as well explain before they start jumping to conclusions." Bo gave Luke a pleading look. "It's your story to tell." Luke said. Vance, Coy and Jeb were all ears as they gathered round their older cousins, which was making Bo more nervous than he already was. “I reckon you’ve all noticed me and BL are closer than just friends?” Bo said, three heads nodded ‘yes’. “Well lets just say we got caught up in the heat of the moment,” Bo said. The bugged out eye look returned to his cousins faces. “Bo tell us you weren’t dumb and didn’t use protection,” Jeb said incredulously, Bo and Luke but mainly Bo had been preaching to him since he was a teenager about it. “We did but it malfunctioned and now looks like I’m going to be a father,” Bo replied. “I wouldn’t want to be in your shoes, cousin when her Daddy and LB find out,” Vance said. Luke groaned, "Now, Bo, you don't know no such a thing. You are just panicking." "Well, why shouldn't I be? Ya'll saw Jeannie Ann and heard David, how he's been working all those extra shifts and such.... I ain't ever even had a real job, ever." Bo said. “Neither have I but you’ll do just fine,” Jeb said. “IF it turns out that way,” Coy said. Luke decided to have a conversation about things Bo knew, but the others had no clue, "Bo, come on, how many times, years ago, did we have a night of fun without a lot of thought about it. Sure, things can happen after just once, but we've done a lot of things I don't like to admit to and knock on some wood here, it always turned out ok." Luke was now admitting to being a lot less careful in his younger days than he ever wanted his cousins to believe. Dixie came into the restroom just as BL emerged from a stall and over to the sink, “Dixie we HAVE got to talk,” BL said “Ok but I gotta pee,” Dixie replied, going in the stall BL just exited. BL checked to make sure the other 2 stalls were empty, “I’m not pregnant!” BL said. “I thought we’d be raising babies together,” Dixie said. “Maybe next time,”BL replied. ”I can just see you with a houseful of little Luke Dukes running around,” BL grinned, turning and leaving the restroom. Dixie blushed but beamed at BL's picture, and then she saw it. Little Lukes in trees, on jungle gyms, in creeks, she replied, "Oh Lord, I hope not. I'm not getting any younger BL." Outside, Bo tried pulling himself together as his younger cousins digested the information Luke had provided. Bo said, "But, Luke, I just don't know if I'm ready for all that." "IF," Luke stressed the word, "she is, you danged better be." He added, "Do you really think David and Jeannie Ann were ready for twins so soon?" "Twins?" Bo asked. Luke nodded his head 'yes'. BL heard Dixie’s comment before the door closed and was laughing when she came into the main part of the bar again. Not seeing Bo or Luke or the rest of the Duke cousins she headed back to their tables but seeing David and Jeannie Ann she stopped at their table to chat after getting a beer at the bar. “Have ya’ll seen Bo,Luke or the rest of the Duke guys,” BL asked. No sooner had she asked than the 5 men came back inside. Bo still looked a little like he might throw up again but at least he wasn’t freaking out., excusing herself BL walked over to the cousins, Coy, Vance and Jeb were giving her odd looks. Luke even looked at her funny. Bo can we go for a drive? BL asked. “Sure darlin’ let’s go,” Bo replied. Sitting her half finished beer on Molly’s empty tray as the waitress walked by, BL went out to General Lee, stopping before Bo could help her in the window she turned accusing eyes on the blonde, “You told, didn’t you? I thought we were waiting until we found out for sure!” BL climbed through the window, glaring at Bo as he went around, getting behind the steering wheel, cranking up. “I didn’t mean to, I thought it was just me and Luke, I swear.” Bo said, trying to talk his way out of the hot water he was in. As the others hit the dance floor or the pool tables, Luke took a drink of his beer, looked at Dixie, "What's up?" "What do you mean?" Dixie replied. "With BL. First, she's drinking a beer, then she got Bo out of here real quick. Spill it." Luke said. Bo looked over at BL, his own expression not a happy one, he knew BL hadn’t had anything stronger than tea since their time at the swimming hole had gone to hell in a handbasket and he couldn’t figure out why she’d risk harming the baby now, ‘if’ there was one. He had to remind himself they didn’t know yet or he’d start freaking out again. Bo hadn’t really been going anyplace in particular and BL hadn’t said where to go but somehow they’d ended up at the lookout that overlooked Sunset lake. “So what were you fellas doing outside? I asked David and Jeannie Ann if they knew where you and Luke went but ya’ll came back before they could say anything,” BL said. “David was talking about all the extra shifts he’s been working, preparing for his own little one, then I saw Jeannie Ann and I freaked out,” Bo replied. “Well I’m not pregnant so you can stop worrying” BL said. “YEEHAA”!! Bo’s rebel yell threatened to make BL go deaf, they headed back to the Boar’s Nest to celebrate. Dixie knew here was not the place to talk openly so she tried to be vague, "BL needed to run home for some feminine products." Luke gave Dixie a blank look. Dixie knew Luke was a smart man, however, where women were concerned he was certainly having an off couple weeks! "You know the products I won't need for a few months." Luke caught on to her meaning but was still confused. "She's not." is all Dixie said. Luke let out a long sigh of relief, "Thank goodness." Dixie frowned, "Would it have been that bad?" Luke sipped his beer, "You didn't just have to talk him off a ledge. Come on, let's dance or something nice." Dixie smiled, "Alright." Bo parked General Lee right back where he’d been before, so it was likely no one would know the stock car had ever moved. Bo slid out the driver side window, then hurried around to the other side to help BL. “Hope nobody pays any attention to me, I don’t want to explain why I am drinking a beer but didn’t drink anything but punch last night and only soda so far tonight if I get caught,” BL said. “You won’t just a little shucking and jiving maybe,” Bo replied as they went inside. The tables the group was sitting at were empty, everyone doing their own thing. Bugs was at the pinball machine, with a couple ‘good luck charms’ watching. The Davenport boys were in a serious dart game, it appeared. Luke and Dixie, Jeb and Debbie, Vance and Lisa and Daisy and Randy and Coy and Casey were all dancing. Everybody was having a great time, “Let’s dance,” Bo pulled BL into his arms and held on tight as she rested her head on his shoulder. Near closing time the group decided to head back to the Duke farm. Rosco was making his last check of the night and grinned, seeing the group leaving “Ah ha I caught ya!” Rosco said, reaching for his cuffs. “Caught who doing what? We was just leaving,” Luke said. “Exactly I caught you Duke boys, all 5 of ya with the intent to drive under the influence,” Rosco replied. “Sorry, guess again Rosco,” BL said, holding up the keys to General Lee. Dixie, Lisa and Debbie all held up a set of keys for the sheriff to see. Outside they all had another good laugh at Rosco. Back at the farm, everyone settled down most with someone warm beside them and most had some of Jesse's finest to sip on. It was one of Luke's younger guys, Ryan, who spoke up, “what's with the local law?" Luke replied easily, "One of the joys of living in a small town." Dixie added, "What he's not telling you is that these guys have all out ran, outfoxed and out maneuvered him since before they had a license." How about a moonlit stroll,” Coy asked Casey, giving her an irresistible grin, something all the young Duke men seemed to have been blessed with. “Sounds nice,” Casey replied, the two headed off in the direction of the south 20. “That sounds like a good idea, bit crowded in here, care to join me Lisa?” Vance said. “Yes,” Lisa replied, nodding. Jeb took his cue from his younger cousins and asked Debbie, “Would you like to take a walk?” Yeah, where to?” Debbie replied. “You’ll see,” Jeb replied, heading for the meadow on the northeast corner of the Duke property. “Wonder what they’re all upto,” Bo voiced his thoughts as he and BL stood outside the barn with Sadie. “Well knowing how a Duke boy’s mind works, I’d say to get better acquainted with the ladies, without a crowd,” BL replied. “Now getting away from the crowd for a little while sounds like a good idea,” Bo said. “Yeah,” BL agreed, taking Bo’s hand heading in the direction of the old silver mines on the property. “Sadie come,” BL called to her dog. “Look,” Bo pointed at a distant flash of lightning. “Maybe it’s going to finally rain and cool things off,” BL said. Bo added, “Crops could use it.” As if the rain God's had heard the conversation, from out of nowhere came a downpour. It was one of those downpours that cleaned out gutters and ditches. Catching each of the couples out in the open completely soaking them to the bone. Bo and BL were closer to the mines than the farm, “come on." After making a run for it, they made it to the mines soaked to the bone. The night was hot. Bo reached up to brush the water from BLs face. One look at each other lead to a long deep kiss. BL pulled back, clearing her throat, “Bo we better cool it, we just got through one scare. Do we really want another?” Bo got a picture of Jeannie Ann in his head and heard David Doolin talking about how much he’d been working extra shifts in preparation for the arrival of twins, “No,” Bo replied. A streak of lightning split the sky and thunder boomed like cannon fire as the rain came down in sheets. Sadie whined and reared up on BL’s leg. “Hey easy, it’s alright Mama’s here,” BL said, sitting down and holding Sadie close, even though the dirt was sticking to her wet shorts, making mud. Bo squatted beside them to wait out the storm. The others found their own shelter and spent the rest of the storm getting better acquainted. Some may have gotten more acquainted than others but each couple enjoyed the storm. Luke had opened the upstairs loft door to let in a breeze while he and his bride enjoyed some much needed alone time in the loft.
  14. Friday promised to be a beautiful day but another scorcher, with no rain in sight, tonight was to be the biggest thing Hazzard had seen since the 4th of July celebration. Luke Duke had got himself a wife a week ago come Sunday. Everybody from both families was coming from far and near for the reception, Daisy was giving them tonight at the Boar’s Nest. BALLADEER: Friends this shindig is most likely to be a real barn burner Elbert Duke, Jesse’s brother, Elbert’s wife Bessie and their boys 14 year old Jeremiah and 13 year old Jedidiah (Jed) pulled up at the Duke farm in a blue pickup, much like Jesse’s white one. Jesse threw down the pitchfork he was using and hurried over giving Bessie and Elbert hugs. “Elbert, Bessie it's good to see ya. It’s been too long,” Jesse said. “It’s good to be back Jesse, this old place sure brings back alot of memories,”Elbert replied. “Where’s the happy couple?” Bessie asked. “Well they are staying in town, Dixie’s cousin has loaned them her house until they have more permanent living arrangements. If they took today off they’ll likely be out later. If they work a half day, they might come this afternoon, Could be tonight at the reception if they work all day,” Jesse said. Luke and Dixie had talked leading up to Friday and talked with their bosses. All agreed that even with chances good that neither would get stuck at work, the chance was there. Both agreed it would be better to take the day off. They hadn't made that final decision known to anyone but work so they could spend a morning alone. Luke knew a couple of things. One every Duke in two hundred miles would make an appearance in Hazzard this weekend. Two, the farmhouse was small with one bathroom. Three the barn would be used for the house over flow and the shower in the barn hadn't been used in 20 years. He planned to be at the farm by noon to get the barn's shower and bathroom in order for family. He knew this weekend was going to be full of chaos because of him, so he needed to be there before Duke Nation invaded Hazzard. Luke smiled at the thought. He hoped Rosco was up to it. Dixie planned to go with Luke to the farm, then leave in time to get ready at the house. She was going to take her Thunderbird, but after Luke told her how the farm would be this evening she was sure Daisy and BL may want to get ready in town. Noon found the newlyweds arriving at the Duke Farm in a flurry of activity in anticipation of family arriving from far and near. Jesse’s brother Elbert and his family had arrived about 9 am, but Coy and Vance hadn’t been with the family, instead they were bringing their own car, the Duke and Davenport cousins all planned to make a weekend out of it, except Jed and Jeremiah were still a mite too young to participate in the shenanigans that might land one or more of the young adults in jail, if Rosco had anything to do with it anyway. Coy and Vance arrived in their yellow car about an hour after Elbert. Jeb Stuart and Jesse’s brother John and sister in-law Pauline had a shorter drive than Elbert and wasn’t expected before 2 pm. BL was planning to close the post office early today so she could take a shower and get ready for tonight. Daisy and Bessie had started supper early. Jesse and Elbert were on the porch catching up while Bo, Coy and Vance made the barn ready for all the male cousins to sleep. Vance stopped and caught sight of Jed and Jeremiah thinking that they were exempt from chores, "Boys, come on. Ya'll will be camping out here with us so you can come on and help." Jesse and Elbert smiled at the older cousins making the younger ones feel right at home. Bessie had brought out tea and heard Vance's comment about the boys sleeping in the barn, "Elbert, is that such a good idea? They are so young to be sleeping outside of the house." "Bessie, dear, Jesse and I both have slept in that there barn at half their age without a half a dozen older cousins with us. They will be fine." Bessie wrung her hands and fretted a bit, but Elbert would know best. By 3 O’clock the Duke farm was beginning to buzz as Jeb, Coy and Vance got ready so they could meet Leroy, their old band’s drummer at the Boar’s Nest to set up and get in a little practice before everybody started arriving. At the house Dixie was just coming out of the bathroom as Daisy was coming up the stairs, she’d been helping put the final touches on the decorations. “Bathroom’s all yours,” Dixie said. “Ok,thanks,” Daisy replied, taking her dress to the spare bedroom. They heard BL pull in the driveway a second later. “Getting to be like Grand Central Station around here,” Gloria Kravitz fussed to her husband Abner, who was paying her no mind as usual. BALLADEER: She thinks this is bad, she oughta be out at the Duke farm, it’s busier than a one armed paper hanger. While BL was waiting for Daisy to get out of the shower, she fed Sadie and packed a bag with a couple pairs of jeans,boots and a sleeveless button up shirt, so she could get comfy later and a night at the farm was a possibility with all the cousins visiting. “There ya go girl, I likely won’t be back till late,” BL said. "You might want Uncle Jesse to stop by and get her on his way home tonight. Unless I miss my guess, with all the cousins in, we'll be staying at the farm tonight." Dixie said as she set her bag down, which contained her boots and jeans that went with the top she was wearing with the long full white cotton skirt that she had been talked into wearing. When BL and Daisy went to the Roadrunner, Dixie took a seat on the front porch to wait on Luke. He should be there anytime, but Daisy had wanted to make sure everything was ready before she and Luke arrived. “Right, I’ll see ya at the Boars Nest,” BL said, getting in the roadrunner, tossing her bag in the backseat. Daisy and BL pulled up at the Boars Nest, to find a few cars in the parking lot even though it was still a little while till the reception started. Heading inside, they heard the band warming up, inside it didn’t even look like a roadhouse. There was streamers, bells, netting and twinkling lights and all the other extra decorations Daisy had bought, the tables had white linen table cloths and a flower vase of tulips on them. “Wow Miss Lulu, this looks great,” Daisy said. “Hardly looks like a bar, it’s beautiful,” BL agreed. “Thank you girls, your sweet, we didn’t do much,” Lulu replied, waving a hand toward her fellow ladies aid members who were adding final touches, before going home to get ready for the reception. Others that had volunteered to bring refreshments were now arriving. Clara Coltrane brought in banana pudding, Mable Wooster came with a punch bowl and set to making punch for those who didn’t drink and the children who would be there. Luke pulled up a few minutes early. On the porch, he took Dixie's bag and her hand, "Are you ready to do this?" "Luke, you know I've waited since I was fifteen to do this." Dixie said. Luke took her in his arms for a very passionate kiss. Gloria Kravitz as usual was at the right place to see the goings on at the neighbors, “Those hoodlums are going to be the death of me,” Gloria despaired. At the Boar’s Nest, BB Davenport arrived a few minutes early to keep out the riff raff, namely Ernie Ledbetter. Luke helped Dixie into his truck and they headed off to the Boar's Nest. When the parking lot came into view, Luke said, "Wow. It looks like the mill payday and Christmas all at once with that crowd." "I don't think I've ever seen it that crowded before." Dixie said as she handed Luke her ID out of habit for him to put in his wallet so she could leave her wallet in the truck. "Remember, when I set a glass down with alcohol in it, just slide me your empty and take mine." "I can do that." Luke said, grinning widely, "Just remember that request later, dear." "Luke." Dixie gave him a look to which he just flashed her an evil grin. Inside BB,LB and Cooter were sitting together at a table near the door so they could watch for trouble. The Duke cousins were only a few tables away, near the stage where they had pulled a couple tables together. BL sat beside Bo. Jed and Jeremiah were sitting between Coy and Vance, much to Bessie’s displeasure but Elbert told her they’d be fine, she could still see them, there was no harm in turning them loose a little. Luther and Clyde shared a table near the end of the bar, close to the back room. Jesse was a couple tables away from the ‘kids’ table but he could still see the band. Luke and Dixie walked in holding hands, stopping in their tracks to look at all the decorations. “Wow, this all looks amazing, I hardly recognize the place,” Luke said. Dixie agreed, "Are we in the right place?" She hugged Daisy. Lulu stood up from her place at Boss Hogg's table, Congratulations! Now, as mine and Jefferson's gift to you all, ... the beer’s on the house tonight." Boss Hogg nearly choked on his cigar. This was the biggest crowd he'd had in the place in years. The Dukes and Davenports alike had a good laugh at JD's reaction. Miss Lulu wasn't done yet, "And, as far as ya'll are concerned, Rosco, Enos and Cletus have the night off." Luke and Dixie thanked Lulu and Boss, who was about to eat his cigar. Jesse declared, "Well, thank you both. Shouldn't we get this party started? It's way too quiet in here." Jeb, Coy and Vance all took the hint as they sat their beers away from their two younger cousins and headed toward the mic. The band began to play as Daisy and a couple other Boar’s Nest waitresses started getting drinks for everybody. With each glass of free beer that Boss saw, his mood got lower and lower. “One for the bride, one for the groom,” Daisy said, sitting a beer in front of Luke and Dixie. “Thanks Daisy,” both said. Dixie touched the mug of beer to her lips, appearing to take a sip. Just then, she spotted her friend Debbie from work step into the bar, looking around for her. Dixie sat her mug down and crossed to meet her friend. Just as Dixie had introduced Debbie, Luke's smokerjumper crew and the girls from payroll showed up. Again introductions were made and drinks ordered. Just then, Dixie spotted her mother step in the door. BL looked up and saw her Aunt Katherine, even though BL hadn’t seen her in a very long time, BL knew who the lady was, she was the only woman there wearing heels and pearls. Telling Bo she’d be right back, BL went to say hello, it was the distraction she’d been looking for, so noone noticed she wasn’t drinking her beer, “Aunt Katherine glad you could make it,” BL said, hugging her aunt’s neck briefly. “Brandy Lou, is that you?” Katherine asked rhetorically, because she knew BL was the only other girl in the Davenport family “My goodness you look just like your mother.” “Thank you,” BL said as the band played the first notes of Mama He’s Crazy by the Judds, "that's my cue, see ya later Aunt Katherine,” BL said, hurrying over to the stage to sing with Daisy. Katherine then spotted her oldest with his cousins at a table near the door. "Cooter, aren't you even gonna greet your own Mother?" "Yes, ma'am. I was just telling LB and BB that very thing, but I didn't want to interrupt yours and BL’s talk." Cooter said, hugging his mother. "My, my, my how you boys have all grown up on me. Now son, can you find your sister and my new son-in-law in all this?" Cooter smiled, "Yes, ma'am, I sure can. Hold the fort down, fellas." Cooter weaved his way over to where the Duke cousins' tables were near the stage, sitting at the end, Luke held Dixie’s hand across the table. Dixie and Luke stood up, Dixie giving Katherine a hug, “mom, this is Luke Duke my husband,” Dixie said. “I remember Luke, from when he was just a little boy. Hello Luke, my you certainly have grown into a handsome young man,” Katherine replied. “Hello Mrs. Davenport. Thank you ma’am,” Luke said. “Dixie, we’ll get together for a long talk later, I’m staying at the hotel,” Katherine said. the last bit, hoping to see more of her son as well,while in town. Excusing herself, so the newlyweds could enjoy their party, Katherine went over to Jesse Duke’s table “hello Jesse, may I sit with you?” Katherine greeted Jesse, a mutual friend of hers and Luther. “Well I’ll be….Katherine Davenport, of course you can sit with me,” Jesse said, getting up and pulling out a chair. Dixie caught Daisy on her way to take drink orders to the bar, "Remember, I'm only giving ya’ll 2 hours in this dress. “I remember just let me get these drinks and I’ll get things rolling,” Daisy said. Going over to the bar she put in the order, taking the tray of drinks, Daisy left 3 with Cooter, LB and BB. Taking the rest back to the Duke cousins table. Going up on stage when the band finished playing she spoke into the mic “it’s time for the father/daughter dance.” As Luther met Dixie on the dance floor, Luke went up on stage, the band began to play and Luke sang Stealing Cinderella by Chuck Wicks. The music began to play, Dixie knew the song immediately but had missed Luke heading to the small stage and taking the mic until she heard his voice begin to sing. Just as the song lyrics indicated, Dixie looked up at her father as they began to dance. It was obvious that her father had heard the song or was listening intently to its words as Luke sang the words about viewing the pictures of his bride as a child. Luther knew he had very similar pictures in his own living room. When Luke sang the words about being prince charming in Dixie's eyes, he knew truer words had never been spoken as well as being just some fella trying to steal Cinderella, in her dad's eyes. When Luke got to the part that says, he gives me a hard time, but I can't blame the fella and him being the one who was stealing Cinderella there wasn't a dry eye in the room when Luther Davenport turned to Luke and motioned him to the floor, officially turning his daughter over to him on the dance floor. Over the past couple of days, Luther had been having a hard time about Dixie's elopement but had talked to Cooter, Jesse, and also Bill Mccormick, who had gone a long way in changing his anger to acceptance. Daisy went back up on stage after the song ended and Luther and Dixie went back to their tables. “Now Luke and Mrs. Davenport will have a dance, then Dixie and Uncle Jesse.” Luke went over to where Katherine sat with his Uncle Jesse, holding out his hand like he was about to escort a queen or someone equally important onto the dance floor “Mrs. Davenport.” Katherine accepted Luke’s hand, the two of them returning to the dance floor. The band played a slow song,when the song ended Luke escorted Katherine back to the table, thanking her for the dance. After the two were seated, the band began to play another song, Jesse came over meeting Dixie at the edge of the dance floor. Dixie slipped her hand through Jesse’s offered elbow leading her to the center of the dance floor, where he took her hand in his and began to move them around the floor, ‘old school’ style. At the end, Daisy again went to the mic, “Now it’s time for the bride and groom’s first dance.” The band began to play Forever and Ever, Amen by Randy Travis. Luke took Dixie in his arms and sang along for only her as he looked lovingly into her eyes. The next song was Rumor by Clay Walker. Luke held Dixie in his arms, several other couples joined them on the Dance floor, including Bo and BL, after the song finished the band began playing, Me and My Gang by Rascal Flatts. Cooter stood saying “hold down the fort fellas, I’ll be back in a few minutes.” Going over to the Duke cousins table where Daisy and Jeremiah and Jeb sat “hey Daisy want to dance?” Cooter asked. “I’d love to Cooter,” Daisy replied. They left the two youngest alone. The boys had been eyeballing the Carver girls all evening but hadn't gotten the courage up to ask them to dance. After a few songs, Daisy let Jeb know that the food was ready. Dixie and Luke were first through the line, followed by family, friends, and others that were at the Boars Nest. Daisy and BL also fixed plates for LB, BB, and Cooter, who were stationed at the door for any uninvited trouble. There was chicken salad, egg salad, and potted meat sandwiches cut into four pieces, chips, dip, fruit with fruit dip, two punch bowls of ginger ale and sherbet punch. Dixie raved about the punch, "Oh, Lord. Who made the punch? I haven't had this since 4-H meetings at Mrs. Hightowers." Lulu beamed, "That's who made this." "I've got to get over to thank her for coming out." Dixie said. "She is over with Miz Tisdale." Lulu said. Dixie made plans to go see the lady before she left as she filled a cup of the punch before anyone got any ideas about spiking it. Dixie found BL and handed her a cup of punch “taste this, what does it remind you of?” Taking a sip BL’s eyes closed and a smile crossed her lips “Mrs, Hightower’s 4-H meetings,” “That’s who made it, Miss Lulu said,” Dixie replied. “I didn’t even know she was here, I’ll go say hi in a bit before she leaves” BL said. After Luke and Dixie had finished eating, Daisy sat two chairs beside the booth up front that had gifts stacked in both seats and on the table. “Dixie, Luke ya’ll come up here, it's time to open gifts,” Daisy said. In the meantime BL had been making room at the bar to put the cake. The gift opening was underway as expected. The couple had opened 3 irons, 4 toasters, 6 coffeemakers and many cards. Then they got to the gifts from closer friends and relatives. Dixie opened a box with a very sheer trimmed in lace teddy. Jed and Jeremiah's mother jumped up, trying to cover both teens' eyes at the same time. Pauline nearly got the vapors! Next, Luke was about to open a gift from Dobro Doolin, Brodie, and Cooter. Dobro had even moved up to an empty chair near the couple for the moment. Luke had no idea who the gift was from but was addressed to him. With the paper off, he cautiously opened the box. Inside there was a RIP card on top of several familiar boxes with a note that said 'For all Lucky Night's on top of several girly books with a note that said 'For ALL the Unlucky Nights'. Luke was quick to only take out the card and close the box but not before Some folks sitting close by had seen at least part of the gift. Dobro, Brodie and Cooter all were about to bust a gut at Luke’s reaction. LB and BB couldn’t see what was in the box, just Luke’s reaction. “What was it?” LB asked. “Must have been rattlesnakes, the way Luke was acting,” BB said. Still chuckling Cooter told them what the contents were, setting both his cousins to snickering. The people sitting close were either amused (on the part of the men anyway) or shocked at the vulgar (at least in their opinion)gift. Jed and Jeremiah had seen books with girls on them and small boxes that were not familiar to them. Bessy saw and recognized the boxes of various condoms. She quickly looked away. Pauline also saw and recognized the boxes and gasped. Jed asked, "What was it?" Bessie tried to hush the teen. Jeremiah said, "I didn't see either. That's not fair. They showed the toasters.” “Hush you two,” Bessie scolded. Elbert tried not to sigh out loud, he wished his wife would see the boys were growing up and it was time to loosen the apron strings a little. It was no wonder she got along with Pauline so well, Jeb would have been still attached to his Mama’s apron strings, if the boy hadn’t spent his summers with Jesse and got to do things during those teen years. Again Daisy took the stage. “Now we’ll cut the cake and have the wedding toasts,” Daisy announced. Luke and Dixie took their place behind the bar. Jesse poured each a glass of ‘shine in crystal champagne glass (Katherine’s glass wasn’t as full as the others, she didn’t approve of moonshine). He then poured a glass for anyone else who wanted one. “Friends and neighbors if you would raise your glasses in a toast to the newlyweds,” Jesse said a few words, concluding his toast with, "welcome to the family Dixie”. Dixie touched her lips to the glass then sat it back on the bar. After the toasts, Dixie picked up the cake knife, Luke put his hand on hers and together they cut the cake, Dixie then put a slice of the devil’s food cake on a plate, Dixie and Luke each took the traditional smaller piece to feed to the other. For only Luke to hear, Dixie said, "Do it and die!" Luke replied, "Challenge accepted." Each eased the piece of cake toward the other. Both would trust their lives to the other, yet right now neither fully trusted the other not to totally smear the cake in the others face. The gathered crowd of friends and loved ones each egged them on.... As Dixie eased the cake closer to Luke's mouth, she whispered, "Luke." Luke grinned widely as he also eased the cake toward his bride. Both ended up easing the cake into each other's mouth while managing to each smear the slightest bit of the icing on the other's nose. Daisy went back up on stage announcing “now we’ll have the bouquet toss then the garter toss. All you unmarried ladies gather round.” The women all gathered near the stage, the bachelors all moved aside. The ladies hurried toward the small stage where Dixie had a small bouquet made just for this purpose. Miz Tisdale had made sure that she had a place right up front. Daisy slipped down into the crowd of single girls. Dixie managed a quick glance, turned around and tossed the bouquet. Even if she had planned it, she couldn't have thrown the bouquet truer. It landed right in BL's open hands. BL stared at the bouquet a moment, then called out teasing “You planned that, didn't you?” Dixie shrugged her shoulders and grinned “maybe I did, maybe I didn’t,” Dixie said. Daisy went back up on stage “alright fellas your turn,” Daisy said. Most of the bachelors were slow moving toward Daisy and Luke. "Come on over here, fellas." Daisy called again. She looked at Uncle Jesse for help. Jesse said, "Now, boys, get on up there. It's all in good fun." LB, BB, and Cooter claimed to be busy. "Yall can be unbusy for two minutes." Luke said. The group had assembled when Miz Tisdale nudged Jesse, "Wait a minute. Jesse, get on up there." Jesse started to protest when all his boys turned on him saying, "Yeah, Uncle Jesse. It's all in good fun. Come on up." Seeing he had lost the battle, he made his way up front, "This is for you young people." He huffed. Jesse saw Clyde Davenport still sitting in back with Rosco. "Alright, now, Clyde. You, Rosco and Enos come on up here too." Jed and Jeremiah had also managed to get up front when Bessie saw them, "Hold it. you two get out of there." Everyone was assuring Bessie the boys were fine. Daisy said, "OK, now ya’ll get ready to catch." Dixie put her foot in the chair somebody had put on the stage. Luke pulled up Dixie’s long skirt, to just above her knee then went ‘fishing’, after a few minutes, the blue and white lace garter appeared, then down her leg. Dixie had placed her hand on the thin skirt to keep it from going any further and had the good graces to blush just a mite at Luke’s fishing for the garter she had put for him just above her knee. Luke took a quick glance at the single men, turned around and said, "Alright guys, one, two, three..." He tossed the garter behind him into the rather large crowd of family and friends. Bo had turned his attention to the younger boys trying to decide whether they should move or stay when he was thumped right upside his head. Reaction was to grab whatever just hit him. Then he saw it was the garter..... Bo looked down at the garter in his hand and then thought about BL catching the bouquet, was it just a coincidence or was he being given a message. Daisy got on stage for one last announcement “I have one last thing to say, then I’ll turn it back over to the band. Ladies when you leave, feel free to take a centerpiece with you. Thank you all for coming and a big thank you to Miss Lulu Hogg and the ladies aid for decorating everything so pretty and making the delicious food. Thank you Becky Lynn, the cake was beautiful and yummy. Miss Agnes all the flowers are beautiful. Now I’ll hush,” Daisy said. As Daisy walked by, Dixie stopped her, "So can I put my jeans on now?" Daisy enjoyed wearing dresses at times and had to roll her eyes and laugh. "If you must." Luke was already standing. "I'll get your bag. Hey, Bo, give me a hand and we'll put everything in the truck." Bo joined Luke getting all the presents and keepsakes safely to the truck so that a couple of tables could be freed up for customers. Dixie got her bag and headed for the restroom to change. BL went over to Jesse before he left, which no doubt would be soon. Bessie was already chomping at the bit to get Jeremiah and Jed out of there before it was just another Friday night at the bar. “Uncle Jesse, will you stop by my house on your way home and pick up Sadie? She’s home alone,” BL asked, she didn’t want to say anything that her Aunt might make a disapproving face about. Jesse replied, "Well, sure I will, and the boys here can keep her company." "Thank you, Uncle Jesse." BL said. Jesse was just about to tell her that he wasn't her uncle until she gave him a hug and a peck on his cheek. “Hey Bo, will you get my bag out of Daisy’s car please?” BL asked Bo on his and Luke’s way out, each with an armload of gifts. BL didn’t mind wearing dresses as much as Dixie but was more comfortable climbing in and out General Lee’s window in jeans or shorts. “Sure darlin,” Bo answered. When Bo and Luke came back in, Bo handed BL her bag. BL followed Dixie to the restroom. Dixie had slid her jeans on and skirt off almost in the same motion. "That feels so much better." She said as she tucked her blouse in her jeans, then gave her hair a quick brush through. BL grinned and shook head, having just come through the restroom door, in time to hear Dixie’s words.Changing into jeans, button up shirt and her boots, BL felt better herself, she had managed to keep her white blouse clean but wasn’t going to try all night. Her feet felt better now, she didn’t know how Daisy wore heels to work, a couple of hours and her feet were killing her “much better.” BL ran her fingers through her hair. Katherine saw Dixie come out of the restroom in jeans and was completely appalled, the least Dixie could do was stay dressed for the occasion until the reception was over and everyone had gone. "Thank you, Darlin'," Dixie said as she sat her bag down on the table and hugged Luke as he stood to let her back in her seat and prepared to take the bag back out. As Dixie and Luke passed each other, Luke returned her hug by wrapping his arms around her waist, "Feel better?" "Yep, I feel like me now. Dresses. Yuck. Pooh!" Dixie said much like she had at age three. In Luke's mind he heard her protests about 'not being three' that she had made so many times long about the age of fifteen. He could not help but nearly die laughing right there. BL came back shortly after Dixie. Bo got up to let her back in her seat across from Dixie, taking her bag “We’ll go put these bags back in the vehicles,” Bo said. “Thanks,” BL said, giving Bo a peck on the lips. “I think I’ll go back to my room at the hotel, it was a long drive in,” Katherine said. “Let me walk you to your car, I’m fixin’ to head home, my brothers and sisters in-law will be wondering where I am,” Jesse said. Unknown by any of them, trouble was coming in one door as they were going out the other. “Look what the cat just dragged in,” LB said to his cousin. Cooter and BB looked over at the door, seeing Ernie Ledbetter, all three Davenports headed his way, “You need to leave Ledbetter, this is a private party and you wasn’t invited,” LB said. “Gazette said whole county was invited and I ain’t leaving,” Earnie replied menacingly. “Then I guess we’ll have to escort you out,” BB said. With BB holding onto one arm and Cooter the other, they did just that, right back out the same door he’d come in. Elbert, Bessie and the boys were in the vehicle but had not pulled out of the Boars Nest lot when a commotion was heard near the front door of the bar. Wearing wide grins, Cooter, LB and BB none to gently escorted Ernie outside and dared him to buck them. Jed was the mouthpiece, "Wow! Dad, what is going on?” “Looks like those guys have a problem and come outside to settle it,” Elbert answered his son, pulling out of the parking lot before said settlement got underway. “Listen Ledbetter, we don’t want no trouble but you gotta leave,” BB said. “You gonna make me?” Ernie sneered. “I will if I have to,” BB replied,cracking his knuckles. On Ernie’s other side, Cooter growled like a feral dog. BALLADEER: Normally, Ernie would have built his ego up with alcohol before starting trouble. Facing the three Davenport men this early in the night, he had not been drinking yet. It was not missed that he was outnumbered three to one. Outside Ernie was still weighing the odds and they just weren’t in his favor, “fine, this ain’t the only place to get a drink,” Ernie grumbled and stalked back to his car, throwing rocks as he spun out. The Davenport men went back inside, just as Jeb was announcing the last dance. Going over to sit with the rest. All that was left now was the two waitresses that were working, the usual Friday night patrons and the Duke and Davenport cousins, Debbie and the smokejumpers. The band began playing All My Rowdy Friends Are Coming Over Tonight by Hank Williams Jr. Luke and Dixie bid the others goodbye, promising to see the others at the Duke Farm. Jeb, Coy, Vance and the others packed up their equipment in record time. Dixie's friend, Debbie and Luke’s team of Smokejumpers were all heading back to the farm with the other cousins. Once in the truck, Luke headed the truck up toward Hounddog lake away from the planned destination. "Where are we going?" Dixie asked after riding several minutes. "Up by the lake." Luke said innocently. Dixie nodded, "OK, but why?" Luke put his arm around her, "Two reasons, our cousins want to get there before we do." "And the other reason?" Dixie asked with a grin. Luke replied, "I thought maybe we could balance the checkbook or something." Bo handed BL his keys, shocking her because it was usually like pulling teeth to get Bo to let someone besides Luke drive the General “you better drive, I wouldn’t put it past Rosco to think now the reception’s over we’re all fair game again and he knows I drank more than a couple watered down beers,” Bo said. “You’re right,” BL said, getting behind the wheel. At the Duke farm Daisy had Cooter, Coy, Vance, Jeb, LB and BB putting up some extra decorations she had, while she, BL and Dixie’s friend Debbie set up a table with leftover goodies, punch and shine. “If ya’ll are ok here, I’m gonna fix up the loft for Luke and Dixie, to sorta have their own bedroom,” Daisy said to BL and Debbie. “We got this, right BL?” Debbie said. “Yep,” BL answered. While the barn hummed busily, Jed and Jeremiah were still ‘watching’ Sadie, a job they didn’t seem to mind. Sadie was keeping the boys busy under the lights between the house and the barn. Bessie had seen all the young people's rides pull in by the barn but not the newlyweds. "Jesse, didn't I hear Luke tell the others that he and his bride would be here tonight." Jesse calmly said, "That's what I heard." "The others have been here awhile now." Bessie remarked. The boys had come to the porch for a drink. Elbert said much of what Jesse was thinking, "Bessie, they are newlyweds." Bessie turned about ten shades of red. Jed asked, "Dad, what does being a newlywed mean?" Jeremiah replied, "That they are newly married, dummy." "That wasn't nice." Elbert said. "I know that," Jed said, "But, what does that have to do with Luke not being here already?" Jesse was giving Elbert a grin, waiting to see just how he handled the youngins. Elbert thought to himself ‘one day he was going to have a long talk with his boys without their mother present.’ Giving Jed a stern look he said, “don’t backtalk.” Jesse nearly laughed but caught himself, he remembered these days. The younger boys asking questions and the older thinking they were dumb for not figuring it out or just plain knowing. Out in the barn, Daisy called down from the loft, to the other women “Ya’ll ladies come up and see.” Daisy had used the leftover decorations and a couple sleeping bags to make a romantic hideaway in the loft. “This looks great, they will love it,” BL said. A few clothes wrinkled later, Luke and Dixie pulled up to the barn. They both waved to the adults on the porch as they headed into the barn. Seeing Sadie heading to the barn, Jed asked, "Can we go out now?" Bessie and Pauline both said together, "Go get cleaned up and put your pajamas on." Elbert's look to John and Jesse was nearly pleading for help. Jesse spoke soft but firm. "Run on out there boys. We'll be along to check on ya directly." Elbert added, "You heard Uncle Jesse. Run along." They did. Bessie said, "I'll never get them in the house for a bath and pajamas now." Jesse said, "They can shower before breakfast." Luke and Dixie had barely stepped inside the barn when Sadie and the boys entered on their heels." "Wow! I've never seen this place look so good." Dixie said. Before Luke could say anything, Bo had put a pint Mason jar of clear liquid in his hand. BL leaned down picking up Sadie before she could accidentally destroy something in her excitement leftover from playing with the boys. “Oh no, you're not getting a chance to mess up all this hard work,” BL said to the squirming dog. “You should see the loft,” BL said to the couple. Bo said, "She's fine. It's a barn. She can't hurt anything." He petted Sadie's head. “If you say so,” BL replied, sitting a calmer dog down. Sadie was still eager to meet all the new people in the barn and went from person to person sniffing shoes. Daisy said, "We got all the leftovers for snacks tonight. There was even punch left over. We fixed ya’ll a place up in the loft." Luke took a long drink of the shine. "I was waiting to get back here before I had more than a taste of this." Jed asked, "Why would you wait to get back here to drink water?" Luke gave the teen a grin, "Son, it's far from being water." Bo added, "Yeah, that there moonshine is likely older than you both." “So," Jed shrugged. “One whiff of this stuff, once knocked a lady revenuer flat on her fanny,” Luke replied. BL was quite sure had Bo and Luke’s Aunts and Uncles not been on the porch still, this would end in the youngest Duke’s being given a taste. Jeremiah asked the question, "Can we try?" Luke replied, "It's way too early for all that, but maybe if you can keep a secret and stay awake." Vance replied, "Them stay awake, they can do it." Jeb added, "Well boys, if you ever want to have any dealings with moonshine, you have to be able to keep a secret. That is rule one." "Through ten," added Coy. Luke took another long drink, "Ya know Bo, these three may have finally learned." Debbie innocently asked Dixie, "Is that really moonshine?" Dixie assured her that it really was. The moonshine helped the censoring (or lack of it) in the stories that were being shared, some of which were giving the teens ideas. “Hey BL, Dixie, Daisy, Jeb remember when Mrs. Simpson thought the tardy bell was the end of study hall and dismissed everybody? Or when we went joy riding in the driver’s ed car Bo said. The others nodded, Jeb adding “we got a week’s unscheduled ‘vacation’ for that caper.” BALLADEER: That was the year Jeb lived in Hazzard, because he and Pauline kept butting heads. Bo added, "Yeah, but remember Uncle Jesse put us to work that week since we didn't have to get up early for school." Jeb took a healthy drink of shine, "I'd still rather carry bags of sugar and corn up a mountain for an all night cook than sit in a classroom." Jed was catching on a bit, "Wait, ya’ll got to stay out all night because you got suspended? Vance answered, "Yes, but those nights were hard work." Jeremiah asked, "How old were ya'll when you got to go help?" Luke replied, "About the time we could follow Uncle Jesse up a mountain." “I didn’t enjoy my week, I would have rather been at school,” Daisy said. “Why???” Jeremiah asked, he couldn’t imagine anyone wanting to go to school. “Because I had to scrub every inch of the house,” Daisy replied. and then added, "By myself, while the guys got to do all the outside stuff." BL added, "The cabinet shop got a good cleaning that week.There wasn’t one speck of sawdust on the shop floor at night, I had to sweep after everybody went home after work," Dixie also remembered the week. Jed asked, "What did you have to do?" Dixie shrugged, "I had to go to the garage with my Dad." Luke gave her a look, "And ended up riding with me on parts runs to keep you out of trouble." Dixie replied, "Something like that." “How come me and Daisy were the only ones that didn’t get to have any fun that week?” BL asked. “Honey lugging those big bags of corn and such up a mountain is hard work, even if it’s in the fresh air,” Coy replied. “Remember when we got caught making a run?” Jeb asked, looking at Bo and Luke. Luke nodded ‘yes’, he remembered like it was yesterday. “What happened?” Jed and Jeremiah both asked. "Tonight? Really?" Luke asked. Bo groaned a little at the question, too. BALLADEER: You see friends them boys were a team, so when they got caught, each blamed themselves. Jeb knew he had owned the blame for years. Cooter said, "Yeah, tonight. I never did get the whole story." Dixie was sitting in Luke's arms against hay bales. She whispered, "Me either." Luke looked at his near empty jar of shine and said, "It's gonna take more than this." He finished it in one swallow. None of the Davenport cousins had gotten the whole story and they wanted to know as bad as the boys. LB refilled Luke’s jar with the gallon jug they had opened. “Everything was going fine at first, Jeb was running blocker, he ran up on a road block, set up by the feds and they had Rosco helping them. He knew Jeb was a Duke so, Jeb was shook down but the car was clean,” Luke said then took a long drink of shine. "Agents Buchannon and Andy Roach didn't know Jeb, but they knew Tilley. And knew if Tilley was out, there was a Duke run that night. They got out of there quick and hit the other roads. Bo was in this old Ford of mine heading down route 7-11. When Agent Roach got in behind him, Bo swung off the road into the creek up through the rocks. By that time he yelled at me that he was getting a flat, I turned back to run interference. When I got to him, the tire was completely flat...." Luke and Bo looked at each other before Luke continued, "I tried to get Bo to trade me vehicles and get out of there.... before we knew it, Agent Roach was in front of us and Buchannon behind us." Jed asked, "So, how did Jeb get caught?" All three looked at each other, Luke let Jeb answer that. "We started the run together. We finished it together." Jeb said. Jeremiah asked, "So, Bo would have been the only one caught?" "Wait, ya'll. Who had the shine?" Cooter asked. Bo replied, "I did, that was the first time they let me run it." Bo and Jeb had refilled their jars at some point in the story but Bo had finished his in one swallow, remembering being trapped between agents Roach and Bucannon. Jeb polished his own shine off, after his explanation of how he got caught too. Coy looked at the teens with a serious expression, rules of shine making or running, 11-20 DON’T get caught!” ”Cute,” Bo, Luke and Jeb said together. About that time the older adults walked In the barn, “We’s about to turn in but thought we’d check to see if ya’ll needed anything first,” Jesse said. “Jed, Jeremiah are you sure you don’t want to sleep in the house?” Bessie said she was still not thrilled with the idea of the teens staying in the barn. “Now Bessie, let them be. You heard Jesse they’ll be fine,” Elbert reasoned with his wife. Sighing Bessie said no more about it. Bidding the young folk goodnight, the elder Dukes left the barn. After a few minutes went by, BL got off the hay bale she was sitting on. “I’m going to take Sadie for a quick walk,” BL said. “Ya’ll want some company?” Bo asked, they hadn’t had a chance to be alone much tonight, except the drive from the Boar’s Nest. BL had just planned to see if the elder Dukes were in bed yet, while Sadie did her business but a moonlit stroll sounded peaceful. “Yeah,” BL answered Bo. The two left the others behind, some with questions about the two. Jed and Jeremiah were complaining to Vance and Coy about Bessie wanting them to change into pajamas to sleep in the barn. The older cousins were trying to explain to the younger ones that Bessie wasn't used to them camping in the barn. The younger ones felt far too old to be in pajamas in front of the ladies. It took Jeb to tell them that if his mother had her way, that he'd be in footed pajamas alongside them. Everyone pictured that in their minds and had a good laugh. BL and Bo walked in the clearing behind the barn while Sadie darted here and there, never going too far,(she was afraid of the dark, if a dog can be; even though it was a full moon.) “BL can I ask you something?” Bo said. “Sure Bo,” BL replied. “Have you thought about settling down? I mean even if there’s no baby,” Bo asked then continued before BL could say anything. “I see how happy Luke is and I’m kinda envious.” “I know what you mean, I've been watching Dixie and Luke too, for that matter and I ain’t seen neither this happy in a long time,” BL replied. “I guess we better get back to the barn, before they all begin to wonder where we are,” BL said, not really answering Bo’s question. So they headed back, Bo let go of BL’s hand going toward the house, checking to make sure Aunt Bessie was in bed, before the older cousins introduced Jed and Jeremiah to moonshine. “C’mon Sadie,” BL called, patting the side of her leg. Heading back to the barn, they met back up with Bo as he was nearly back to the barn, giving Luke and Vance a nod of all clear, since they had been the ones to give the two youngest the ok, to sample the moonshine. A look was exchanged between Bo, Luke and Vance with Luke holding his right pointer finger and thumb close together. Vance returned the jester with his fingers a bit further apart. Debbie asked Dixie, "What are they up to?" "No good." Dixie replied. "That much, I got." Debbie replied. Vance had two jelly jar glasses with a small amount of shine in each. He walked over to the younger boys and extended the glasses. "Easy, it's not water". The boys took the glasses and not wanting to look like a baby, Jed took a healthy drink and promptly had a coughing fit. Vance gave his young cousin a few thumps on the back. “I told you to take it easy, this stuff ain’t water,” Vance gave Jed a smug look. “You, Coy and the other boy cousins drink it like it is. Shoot even Daisy drinks it” Jed said. “We’re used to it, we all had that same reaction as you, first time we drank it,” Vance replied. Jeremiah had seen his brother’s actions and reactions and was taking Vance’s warning to heart a bit more, taking only normal sized swallows. “Hey, how about some pickin',” LB said. “Our guitars are in the house,” Luke replied. “No they ain’t, Daisy told me to get ‘em before you and Dixie got here,” Bo pointed at the guitar cases. Getting their guitars Bo and Luke played and sang, Mama’s Don’t Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Cowboys, by Waylon Jennings. After a couple more songs Bo asked Jeb and Vance did ”ya’ll bring your fiddles?” Reaching behind the hay bales they were sitting on, they picked up the cases, “what’s your pleasure?” Vance asked. Bo answered with just what he expected, he’d played it many times with Jeb, Devil went down to Georgia, by Hank Willams Jr. was soon ringing through the old barn. Jeb decided now was perfect for the song he’d wanted to do all night, Two Pink Lines by Eric Church. Luke nearly spit out the shine in his mouth but managed to swallow only to wind up having a coughing fit. Bo got up to get a refill, trying to act normal. Jeremiah and Jed went over to Bo, Jed held out his jelly glass “Can we have a little more, that wasn’t bad.” Bo looked to where Luke was still trying to recover “I guess a little won’t hurt,” he gave them each what they’d had before. BL looked over in time to see the youngest Dukes walk away with their ‘prize’, she muttered under her breath, seeing this it would likely be the start of something bad. A couple more songs and Bo said “BL, you ready to sing that song for the happy couple?” Everybody thought they were about to hear a love song, that is until BL started to sing the first words of Rockin Years by Dolly Parton and Ricky Van Shelton. When Bo started singing, Dixie and Luke began enjoying the song, right up until BL kicked in on the chorus, getting to the line, "Rockin' chairs, rockin' babies, rock-a-bye, rock of ages..." Dixie looked at Luke and for more than once wished she had her own jar of shine instead of just taking Luke's jar from time to time, touching it to her lips as if she were sipping it. Luke was giving Bo a look for his choice of songs. Dixie whispered in Luke's ear, "I'm gonna kill them." After they finished the song, Bo suggested, "Why don't ya'll sing us something?" Luke felt that may just be safer. "Alright, what do you want us to sing?" Jeb unthinking about the whole story of the song, suggested, "How about that one ya’ll used to sing that used to annoy Dixie's dad?" As he began to play Jacob's Ladder. All was good until Dixie remembered the verse she was already into, "It'll be five years September Since her daddy found a ladder and a note on her windowsill He swore he'd never forgive them But nothin' melts a heart like a grandchild will Now she climbs up on his knee Says, "Grandpa, tell a story, the one about me" He thinks back and his eyes shine Says, "Listen Child, once upon a time" BALLADEER: They had even been tricked into singing songs themselves with baby and children references! Leaving Louisiana in the broad daylight by the Oak Ridge Boys was the next song the older Duke boys played, by now Jed and Jeremiah felt like they had as much chance with the ladies as the older guys (after convincing Bo. Coy and Jeb to all give them a refill). Jed walked up to BL “wanna dance?” Jed asked. “I’d love to,” BL replied, smiling at the boy. Halfway through the song BL felt Jed’s hand slide off her lower back onto her behind, removing the hand BL scolded, “Jed Duke, shame on you. What would your Mama say! Jed slurred his words a might, "My Mama ain't here, baby." “Your older cousins are though,” BL said. “So,”Jed replied cockily. “So, you ever seen one of them do what you just did?” BL said. She had seen the guys get wandering hands, even been on the receiving end of Bo’s many times but she wasn’t about to tell Jed that. Jed huffed, "Nah, Mama thinks we are too little to hang out with them. But, I ain't little Darlin', that I can prove." Jeremiah piped up, "Yeah, he is, but I sure ain't." Jeremiah had been gazing at Luke’s woman team member, Lisa, from afar, all evening but after sampling some of Jesse’s shine he was feeling pretty confident as he swaggered over to Lisa “hey beautiful, where have you been hiding?” Jeremiah said with a wink. “Making a living, “ Lisa said, trying not to hurt Luke’s little cousin’s feelings. Jeremiah wasn’t taking Lisa’s subtle hint and replied “call me sometime” Lisa saw that she was going to have to be a little less subtle “Jeremiah I’m too old for you.” BL saw Jeremiah was hitting on Luke’s co-worker "oh Lord,” BL made a beeline to where Bo, Coy, Jeb, BB, LB and Cooter were all ganged up, talking cars and motocross no doubt. “I don’t mean to interrupt you fellas but you three, better rein in the boys, their feeling their cheerio’s after Jesse’s shine,” BL said, pointing at the three Duke men, then at Jeremiah still trying to hit on Lisa. "Surely that little sip Vance gave them wouldn't do anything." Jeb said. Bo replied, "Yeah, that's why I gave them just another taste." Coy replied, "You did? I did, too." Jeb looked over at Jed, still trying for Debbie's attention, "Ut-oh." He said, knowing he had also refilled them. He frowned. He had intentions of talking to Dixie's friend himself. Bo asked, trying to figure out how much shine the kids had drunk, "You didn't too?" Jeb frowned, "Ya'll never told me no." “Your Aunt Bessie’s gonna skin all 5 of you alive and Uncle Jesse will help and possibly Pauline too,” BL said. “Thanks BL, we needed that” Bo said. Bo did what Bo had done since he was two and had any problem. He looked over where Luke was at. Luke had a drink in one hand, and Dixie curled to him in the other. 'Dang!' Bo thought. He needed Luke, but he wasn't about to disturb him. “C’mon lets reign ‘em in,” Bo said unenthusiastically, rounding up the youngest of the cousins was not how he’d planned to spend the night. So Bo, Coy and Jeb went in the direction of the boys, who were still hitting on the ladies who were atleast 15 years older. Jeb went up to where Jed and Debbie were standing as Coy went over to Lisa and Jeremiah. Bo stayed at the ready to help either side if necessary. The boys were feeling froggy and weren't about to give up on their ‘missions’, giving their older cousins the ‘prize’. After Vance had given the boys their first drinks, he had made his way over to Casey in classic Duke style. He had taken her a jar of shine and planned to introduce her to it and himself. Cooter spotted trouble but didn't want Luke or Dixie to have to deal with it. He walked over to LB and BB, then nodded toward the young men and the older cousins. BB and LB were moving toward the bunch. Cooter moved to Luke, "Yall need to take a stroll”. Things were going quite nicely as they sipped their shine while getting to know each other. Vance and Casey were chatting and were just about to take a walk, when Vance saw Luke and Dixie leave. Vance was halfway tempted to take Casey out to get a little air anyway but felt he should watch the boys, even though there were plenty of eyes, with the other older cousins around. LB and BB went to where Jed, Jeremiah, Coy and Jeb had moved over to a corner, having a heated discussion by the look of the younger boys red faces. “Let us see if we can talk to them,” LB said for Coy and Jeb only. Coy was feeling a little cocky too, but backed off, "Sure, he's not listening to me." Outside, Dixie melted in Luke's arms as she let out a long sigh. Luke asked, "That bad?" "Just been tense all day. Worried about Daddy. About everyone being here and being under a microscope." Dixie tried to explain. "We can still go home." Luke said. Dixie shook her head 'no', "Not on your life. You guys haven't all been together in forever. You enjoy them. Besides, I hope they think I'm a bit tipsy by now." Luke pulled her closer, "Well, I'm tipsy enough for the, .." He lowered his voice, "three of us." LB and BB sat the teens on a haybale “what’s the problem fellas?” LB asked patiently. “Those sidewinders was trying to steal those girls and make us look like babies!” Jeremiah fumed. “Yeah!” Jed said. “Nah, they was just being neighborly,” BB said. After the boys simmered down, the alcohol started making them drift toward sleep. By the time Luke and Dixie came back to the barn, the young teens were asleep. Jeb and Debbie, Vance and Casey, Bo and BL and Coy and Lisa had paired off having nice talks, while LB, BB, Cooter and the rest of Luke's team were drinking and telling one tale or another about Luke or Dixie, mostly Luke. Daisy was with Ryan, one of Luke’s younger team members. Soon everyone started heading to find a place to bed down for the night, what was left of it anyway. Luke and Dixie went up to their little love nest, which Daisy had fixed for them. The smokejumpers grabbed their gear and set up near the back of the barn, Cooter, LB,BB,Coy,Vance and Jeb stationed themselves close to the teen boys incase they woke up and still felt their cheerios. Daisy and Debbie found a couple empty spots, leaving just Bo and BL. “Over here darlin,” Bo led BL to a corner away from the rest for some privacy.
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