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Brian Coltrane

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Posts posted by Brian Coltrane

  1. A point I'd like to add to that, is the fact the most boring part of many new cars is the dashboard....and that's what you spend the most time lookin' at! Doesn't matter how cool the car looks on the outside, when you're spending upwards of thirty grand to stare at a dashboard that hasn't signifigantly changed in appearance since 1984.

    This again is where Ford got it right, pains me to admit it. The new Mustangs have the retro large-dial dashes. Authentic styling, with a few modern extras.

    Whereas I'll bet ya dollars to dixie cups that the new "Charger" has a dashboard that looks amazingly like the Dodge Intrepid dash. So, for anyone who spent five years driving an Intrepid, and is about to trade it in for a Charger...things will look pretty much the same from where yer sittin' !


  2. What can I say, we're a shy bunch. Heh heh.

    I usually wander into the chatroom once each night to make sure it's still standing. Most times, it's empty. Other times, I just missed somebody going in or coming out. Your best bet is to post an invite, give a date and time, and leave the door open. If the chat has a theme or specific discussion in mind, post that too.

    Sometimes it helps to be a little sensational about it, to draw a crowd. Somethin' like..."Tonight, in the HazzardNet Chatroom!! Brian reveals childhood traumas involving an orange skateboard and an ill-fated dare to jump a shopping cart!! Be there at 8 pm Eastern to laugh in his face!!"


  3. We don't have a regular Chat schedule. ( We ain't that organized, plus we're lazy.) Usually if somebody wants to organize a chat, they just post the date and time, and whoever wants to show up, does.

    Not all chats are moderated ( have I mentioned we're lazy?) so it's about as casual as you can get.

    Once in awhile, if the HazzardNet staff is startin' to get lonesome, we'll post a chat time ourselves. Normally, our chats fall on a Saturday night. Meanwhile, feel welcome to bring friends into the chatroom anytime.


  4. It seems all the production lines are the same these days; I guess it's too expensive for any factory to crank out something truly different. And the less car body, the less materials, I suppose. Ostensibly that would mean a cheaper car, but that doesn't appear to apply.

    Talk about cars with no nose or tail....I've been disappointed with the modern Chevy Impala lines. The last version looked like a mid-sized Honda, like you said. I don't expect modern cars to look exactly like their ancestoral models, but jeeze. ( And being the owner of a '67, when I see an Impala without a nose or tail, it looks just plain wrong.)

    I have to admit that Ford actually did a decent job with the recent Mustang line, making it look authentic to the namesake. But this modern Charger is just a (censored) up Dodge Intrepid.


  5. The cheapest I have seen any 69 Charger lately, was at a swap meet in the Midwest a few years ago. The car was trailered in as a restoration in progress, that was being sold "as is." It had a non-running motor and a halfway decent body, but the interior was hell and the dash panel was gone. They wanted eight thousand for it. I didn't have that kind of cash on me, or I would have grabbed it in a heartbeat.

  6. Having read all the thoughts here, I'd definately like to see LEE-1 restored. I'm kinda of the opinion that if it can be done...it should be done.

    It would say something for the enduring quality of all things Duke. Not to mention, that the car would probably become the most holy artifact in the Dukes fandom, if it ain't already.


  7. There was a black Charger in "The Fast and the Furious" movie, which didn't appear until towards the end...only to be smashed pretty bad. (Broke my heart to see it, too.)

    Another fine black Charger is in the old movie "Bullit". The movie itself isn't that hot, but it's worth renting for the chase scene. I tend to fast forward to the chase and skip the rest of the flick. If I recall correctly, the Charger ends up being incinerated by crashing into some gas pumps.

    And there was also a black Charger in the original "Cannonball" movie. (which had no affiliation with the later "Cannonball Run." ) This Charger also suffers ill fortune, by careening over the edge of an incomplete freeway.

    Ya know, upon reflection....it's a damn good thing the Dukes painted the General orange, given the track record for black Chargers.


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