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Brian Coltrane

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Posts posted by Brian Coltrane

  1. Ol' Granny from the Beverly Hillbillies woulda been a good match for Uncle Jesse, don't ya think?

    Reckon the Duke boys woulda behaved themselves under that roof. How'd you like to face both of them elders some idle Saturday night when ya come staggerin' home at 3 a.m.? Heh!


  2. Ecto! I sent you a PM about the video. It's officious, we'd love to host it for ya, and we'll give you full credit for the creation, of course. This way, it can remain available for HNet users to enjoy without you going broke on the bandwidth.

    Reply to the PM and we'll finish the details. If you wanna make some more videos, we'll be happy to host 'em!


  3. Fonzi, I think I have noticed that. Seemed like they did some post editing-edits.

    MaryAnne, those are some great Smokey & the Bandit vid caps. I'm startin' to think we're gonna lose ya to the Smokey & Bandit fandom...you're probably buildin' "BanditNet" in yer spare time.

    Or in your case, that would be SmokeyNet.



  4. Ecto, that is excellent work! Thank ya for sharing it with all of us. We've seen some cool stuff posted over the years, but this takes the blue ribbon.

    Definately wanna get a high-res copy for myself. I'd like to see of some way to archive it on HNet for the enjoyment of all. Our own bandwidth costs are considerable, though, so I'd have to consult first with my esteemed, tech-smart peers.

    Meanwhile, thanks again. That was great!


  5. Stonewall, we just figured it was better to have too many Forums on the Boards, than to have people too Bored with the Forums. Heh heh.

    Actually, I should clean up the Movie section. This area was originally meant as the Dukes movie topics only, but it's gone all over the map. Such as with threads like this one, of yers. :wink:

    I'll put it on my list of Things to Get Somebody Else to Do.


  6. I thought Snake Harmon from the episode "Jude Emery" was a cool bad guy. He had charisma. And of course, he had snakes. It's always a bonus when the villian has some sorta weird quirk that makes 'em stand out.

    Jason Steele from "Ten Million Dollar Sheriff" is probably my next vote. He had more going on in the smarts department than most of the bad guys who drifted through Hazzard.

    And the next batch have the distinction of being in two different Dukes eps. The Beaudrys ( Pa, Milo and Sledge ) were stereotypical hillbillies with a complete absence of decency. I found them refreshing. I think Daisy had some of her best moments in those episodes; in one, she smashes Milo over the head with a beer pitcher to make a point; in the other, she beats on Milo with a broom to defend her cousins.

    One thing's for sure, bad guys in Hazzard never had an easy time of it.


  7. Jamanda, you're both kinda right. Earlier in the same episode, Enos is wearing his uniform - and then for the wedding scene, he's wearing a tux.

    Interesting side note - at one time or another throughout the show, we get to see just about everybody in a suit or tux, at least once.

    Rosco wore a white tuxedo in the ep, "Mrs. Rosco P. Coltrane." He also spiffed himself up with a green, outlandish western suit in "Ten Million Dollar Sheriff." And in "Witness for the Persecution", he imitates Boss's taste in fashion, by strutting around in a white suit and Stetson.

    Uncle Jesse wore a black suit in "Ghost of General Lee." He also wore a suit when pretending to be a high-stakes gambler in "Route 7-11."

    Cooter wore a suit in "Ghost of General Lee". Cooter also wore a suit during a scene of "The Canterbury Crock."

    Bo and Luke wore grey suits or tuxes in "Enos and Daisy's Wedding."

    Daisy didn't need to spiff herself up very much to look good - but she pulled out all the stops with the evening gown she wore in "Route 7-11". She also had a funky black dress in "Too Many Rosco's" that is memorable.


  8. I think the ability to tell the squad cards apart is due to some bizarre, natural sense that is held by members of the Hazzard County Sheriff's Department.

    Kinda like how Dukes can do a hood slide.

    The truest test of this extra-sensory cop thang would be to crush all of the police cruisers beyond recognition - and then stack them in a random order. I'm willing to bet each cop could still pick out the cruiser that belonged to them.

    My kind of science. Heh heh. *CRUNCH*


  9. Well, that was one of the better compositional efforts I've seen on the topic.

    I think this debate over the flag will never end. It's always gonna offend some people, while inspiring others. The misuse of the flag by hate groups, unfortunately, has gone a long way towards it being cast as a racist symbol.

    Everything offends somebody. Ask a Native American of the Dakotas how they feel about Mount Rushmore, for example. Nothing like having the faces of four white Presidents overlooking the land where your ancestors were slaughtered wholesale.

    Back to the Dukes aspect.....there's just one response that I would offer to that imdb post. Namely:

    It's just a movie.


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