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Brian Coltrane

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Posts posted by Brian Coltrane

  1. Miss Dixie, this arguement is never moot, because both cars are outrageous cheats. KITT is a little more fantastic in the options package, I'll grant ya....but how many "real" Dodge Chargers can jump over a river, or a barn, and land intact without missing a beat of the chase?

    I guess it comes down to which one suspends disbelief ( not to mention itself, in mid-air ) better. I'd have to say the General is more believable of the two. We only have to buy the landing. We don't have to get into the molecular bonded shell or the microwave jammer or any of that other crap.

    Meanwhile, back in reality, I have a car with talents like invisible oil leaks ( undetectable by any mechanic, but nonetheless splattering my driveway) and the magic gas tank, which is always on " E. "


  2. Authenticity of the promotion has been verified.

    Side note to BamaM...hello, it's posted on a bar site, so we shoulda took it as gospel? Dude, I thought you were more jaded than that. HEH! But in all seriousness, we just do our best to make sure our friends and neighbors are getting accurate info. Didn't want somebody to drive to NY and then be disappointed, ya know.

    Like me, 'cause I just might enter! I can sing with the worst of 'em.....


  3. Cooter did not have a dog on the show. However, one of his baseball caps said "DOG" on it. Also, Ben Jones has some promo photos of him and Flash, so maybe that lends itself to the confusion.

    I think Flash was everybody's dog in Hazzard, even though she belonged to Rosco. Heh!


  4. Bein' the unofficial forecaster of What May Come ....lemme check the magic 8-ball here..... *shake shake shake *


    I'd give it 30% odds right now, which is pretty strong, all considered. The main problem is, WB would be dealing with yet another cast - it would be far too expensive on cast payroll alone, to use the same faces as the big-screen flick.

    However, Paramount has used umpteen different casts in various Star Trek incarnations, with good success.

    Yet, a spinoff series from Knight Rider fared horribly, when NBC attempted a new cast and concept with "Team Knight Rider."

    Divia is right in that the biggest motivator for WB would be the salability of any new Dukes series. And it would probably hit the same corporate objections as the original - probably worse, given today's intolerance of the rebel flag. But if the movie slips under radar with it -- then who knows? The popularity of the Dukes cannot be denied. The sales of the original series DVD, the CMT ratings, and the predictable upcoming movie success, will be a little hard to ignore...even for the most jaded anti-Duke execs.


  5. Well, ol' Bamamedial's got a point...I don't think any of us posted it. Tho' Meadowmufn did bring up the news article to MaryAnne and I, and we both took immediate inaction. ( I know how excited MaryAnne is about Jessica's contribution to the soundtrack, so I kinda figured she'd put up somethin' about it. )


  6. The creator of the Dukes of Hazzard is Gy Waldron. Jerry Rushing did have influence, though. Ya see, before the Dukes, Waldron was working on a movie called "Moonrunners." He consulted with Jerry Rushing for the real-life experience Rushing had as a bootlegger. Rushing served as a technical advisor for the film and did some of the stunt driving.

    When the Dukes began production, Rushing continued to serve as an advisor, and in fact played Ace Parker in the episode, "Repo Men."


  7. Rodgers, you named my favorite fight scene, right there. Carnival of Thrills, Bo. vs. Luke. Yeeehaaa!

    I dug it, because as much as most of us love our own family members, there are times we just wanna strangle 'em. But afterwards, we feel like hell. Seeing conflict - and genuine anger - between the Dukes gave the show some depth.

    Now, back to the question of the best fight vs. bad guys...I like the boxing scene from "And in This Corner, Luke Duke." Granted, it was an "official" kind of fight, but we got to see Luke get his hash pounded for awhile before he turned it loose with a few terrific wallops. (Earlier in the same ep, the fight in the Boar's Nest was decent too.)

    Most Duke vs. bad guy fights are short, decisive battles, so for my money, I like the ones that aren't a 1-2-3- out.

    But to disagree with you on one point - you said you didn't like it when the Dukes merely obtained a villian's surrender without roughin' 'em up a bit. Well, that's the heck of bein' a good guy! Plus, I suppose with bein' on probation, they had to be careful about beating people up.


  8. Susan,

    My heartfelt sympathies to both you and your family.

    Don't be too harsh on yourself about not seeing your grandfather more. You didn't expect to lose him....and I'm sure he didn't expect to be called away that suddenly, either. It's nobody's fault.

    It was sweet of you to honor your grandfather by watching the baseball game. There is something else you can do, too. Show your grandmother some extra love and attention....your grandfather's passing is going to be hardest on her. And in spending more time with your grandmother, or calling her more often, or sending more letters - you will be honoring your grandfather's memory.

    Grief is something hard to deal with...because it's the force of love we feel for someone, combined with the sorrow of losing them. I'm no counselor or anything. But one way I've gotten through strong grief is by concentrating on the people I love.

    Take care and God bless,


  9. Responding to Scott, from a few posts up.... who actually said "on this site, there should be no complaining...."

    Man, I hope you didn't mean "HazzardNet" as in "this site" because we've got a long history of havin' vocal opinions. Before the movie, we used to complain about some of the episodes, and Coy and Vance, and other websites, and each other. Heck, you shoulda heard us when TNN cancelled the Dukes reruns a few years ago. So hopefully, none of you movie makin' folks are gonna take things personally. We rant, therefore we are. ( Actually, you should be more worried if we were completely apathetic and weren't stirred up about it at all. )

    I agree that the stunts look awesome. And I'll admit that the jokes in the trailer seem amusing after three or four beers. But cold sober, the T&A jokes aren't even clever. The "Revenge of the Nerds" ( or equal B movie of your choice) had better dialogue than this, and I'll beat up on that all day. May something bounce up into the undercarriage of the writers and lodge there awkwardly.

    That aside, I think the division of opinion in the fandom is over a core concept that nobody making this film stopped to consider.

    You are messing with the very definition of something we love dearly. For example: You can take away a kid's favorite toy, and take it apart to try and make it better. You can take away some parts and add others. You can make it fancier. You can make it faster. You can make it more exciting.

    But you could hand that same toy back to the kid when you're done, and have him disappointed, because somethin' he loved and cherished doesn't look or feel the same anymore. Doesn't mean it won't get played with....but why couldn't things have been rebuilt more true, to that which was?

    In that analogy, I'm referencing not only the casting, but the personas and image of the characters. Maybe we've been using the term "casting"

    too broadly when talking about what we don't dig. We'll recognize the General Lee - at least by the 2nd half of the film, after ya'll are done apologizing for the rebel flag, if you ain't already cut that scene. But we won't recognize the people as being the Dukes we know - not even in spirit. (exception being Willie Nelson as Jesse.)

    I'm sure the movie will be cool for the car stunts and the action. Never a doubt there. But regarding the rest - the movie will probably be something less than it could have been. It all depends on what Hazzard County is, by definition, to the viewer.


  10. I'm taking a Magic 8-Ball guess here. I figure they might package season 5 & 6 together. Then, they can easily roll out Season 7 as a stand-alone... and then they'll package the Whole Darn Thing in a Super Collector's Set so we'll end up buying them all over again. Heck, if they threw in a toy General Lee or somethin', we probably would.


  11. No official poster yet. I've been checking Warner Bros website with some frequency...and they're talking about everything BUT the Dukes of Hazzard movie on their own company site. Makes ya wonder.

    Good news is, with all the movie spywitness reports we've been getting from Scott-cop and Bamamedia and a buncha other folks, somebody will probably clue us in soon.

    I ranted about this on another thread, but I'll bring it up here, too. I can't figure out why it would take 'em this long to come up with a movie poster. I mean...hello, show a picture of the General Lee in mid-jump, and add the movie logo. Walla! Done! Presto!

    My magic 8-ball guess, however, is that they're trying to use Jessica on the poster, and they're probably hashing out how many more millions she outta be paid for 'dat. I dunno....


  12. Ya know, Warner Bros still does not have a Dukes movie poster on their own website. Mind you, they've got a poster for Harry Potter and the Goblet of Whatever, which ain't in theaters until November. What the heck is with that?

    The only Dukes movie posters I've seen on the net to date, are fan-created posters. Some of which cannot be represented here, for reasons of family audience and good taste.

    I don't know what Major Decision could be holding up WB with the official movie poster. Let's see, what to put on it....oh, maybe a General Lee in flight?! Duuuh!!!


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