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Brian Coltrane

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Posts posted by Brian Coltrane

  1. Howdy, Dixie Lee -

    We're not all that formal about it. There's a chat topic at the bottom of the forums page. Usually when folks are thinking about a get-together, somebody posts a date and time, and whoever wants to show up, can show up.

    Go ahead and organize one, if you'd like.


  2. Let me throw in my own worthless input to this question:

    Nope, ain't seen the Enos series nowhere.

    The Enos series lasted one season, 18 episodes, and I'm not sure if that season was ever rerun. I'm fairly positive it never hit syndication.

    Ironically, the Dukes of Hazzard cartoon made it to 20 episodes, even with 16 of them featuring animations of Coy and Vance. ( the cartoon versions being more popular than the live actors, apparently.)

    In fact, I've found copies of the cartoon series on ebay before. But in years of searching for the Enos series, I've had no luck either.

    Let us know if you find it, 'cause we're interested too!


  3. I think there's a long list of reasons the Dukes will never be forgotten. I'll narrow it down to a few here.

    The image of the General Lee itself is unforgettable. As stunning as the General is, though, I don't think the car ever was the single enduring reason for the show's success.

    The Dukes epitomized what it meant to have family, and to have friends who were like family. We felt ourselves drawn into that sense of community. There was a rapport between the cast members that made it easy for the audience to feel connected.

    Hazzard defines what we'd like home to feel like. Warm, friendly, fun, with just enough excitement to keep us busy between lunch and dinnertime. A place where everyone knows you, and where you know every road and shortcut and speedtrap.

    Hazzard County has been recreated over the years through fan clubs, DukesFest, and heck yes, even websites. Not to mention the incredible number of cars that have been painted orange with an "01", or have had Dixie horns installed.

    Hazzard will never be forgotten, because we've never left it....


  4. Yeah, it's a fun show. I happened to find a couple video tapes of it the other night, so it's fresh on my mind. And sometimes there would be a good pun or a one-liner in there.

    Mike, while fleeing with the rest of the band from a homicidal lunatic: "I think we should split up."

    Mickey, Peter, and Davy: "AAAHH!! No!! What about the "hey hey we're the Monkees?! We can't split up!!"

    Heh heh!


  5. I got all fired up once and tried a hood slide across my '67 Chevy. I had it waxed, figured it was no big deal.

    I slid halfway across, rolled the rest of the way, and then fell off the side of the car in a heap. Good thing I was parked in the grass at the time.

    I tried crawling through the window once and bein' smooth about it. My foot got hung up in the steering wheel and I hit the horn. I dove in sideways and laid down flat in the seat in the hopes that nobody looked to see what the hell was going on.

    They sure make it look easy on tv, don't they? @#$%&*.


  6. Howdy Divia, welcome to HazzardNet.

    Ya know, when news of Jessica's audition for Daisy first hit the press...was over a year ago, now...I was willing to give her a chance. Jessica seemed to really want the role, and she was making the most of her southern, good ol' gal image.

    Now I'll reserve my judgment until I see the movie, but from the reports we heard from the set, I've gotta wonder if she bit off more than she could chew. Could explain why she's been so cranky. That, or Jessica's true colors are comin' out....and they ain't orange n' black.

    Still, it'll sell a lot of posters.


  7. Okay, you might ask what the heck The Monkees could have in common with the Dukes of Hazzard. The answer is: not a darn thing! But there is a car worth mentioning in this show.

    Does anyone remember the Monkeemobile? This was a red convertable GTO with a white top. It had a cut-out hood with half the engine sticking up out of it. What a machine. Sadly, it was never shown off as much as it should have been. ( And I don't think Davy Jones could see over the dash to drive it.)

    I wonder whatever became of that car.


  8. You know you watch too much Dukes of Hazzard when....

    Your chuckle sounds a lot like Rosco's, even when you're not trying to imitate him. ( KHEE! )

    You develop the appetite of Boss Hogg.

    You have a criminal record with the Department of Motor Vehicles.

    Some of your best friends are mechanics.

    Your car has a name and a personality to go with it.

    You answer your phone with, "Breaker one, breaker one, might be crazy but I ain't dumb...."

    You end your phone calls with any of these:

    "That's a big ten-four, little fat buddy!"

    "I'm gone!"

    "Keep between the ditches!"

    You plan your vacation around DukesFest.

    Your best friends are Dukes fans too!



  9. Misty, in case yer curious - the topic of the flag has been one of the longest-running discussions in the Dukes fandom. Here on HNet, we've had many threads on it over the years. Someday I should put them all in one pile for easy reference.

    Meantime, if you're curious about prior posts on the same subject, there is another topic called "General Lee with No Flag?" on page 2 of the movie forums. (scroll down to the bottom of the Movie topics, the page numbers are in the lower right.)

    Welcome to HazzardNet, by the way!


  10. The post by 426General explains it already, but I'm gonna echo it with some more detail.

    The history of this car, from what I've heard, is this. It was "Lee 1 ", the first General built for the show. It was jumped in Covington, GA, off of a ramp in the town square. (The scene appears in the opening credits of each episode, where the General appears to be ramping up a mound of dirt.)

    The car landed hard, and that was it for Lee 1's active duty. However, the wrecked Charger was repainted green and used in the episode "Repo Men." In the story, it was a car wrecked by Richard Petty, and the Dukes try to buy it from Ace Parker in order to salvage the engine.

    After this episode was filmed, Lee 1 was uncerimoniously hauled off to a junkyard in Georgia, where it would rust in peace for the next 25 years r' so.

    About 3 years ago, a car club proprietor from Indiana went on a holy quest to find Lee 1. He found it, and reportedly paid around $500 for it. Lee 1 was proudly hauled to Cooter's Place, at that time in Sperryville VA, to show off at a DukesFest.

    A few months later, Lee 1 was sold on ebay for something around $25,000, if I recall right. (Part of the value is reportedly in the certificate of authenticity from Warner Bros, which was obtained prior to sale. The car is said to be beyond restoration.)

    So today, Lee 1 enjoys a much more dignified retirement.


  11. Howdy there! Welcome to HazzardNet.

    In the episode "Welcome Back Bo & Luke," Bo and Luke return to Hazzard because they're homesick...and they also show off a big trophy, indicacting that they accomplished what they'd set out to do.

    Coy and Vance take the opportunity to head home, to care for a sick relative. ( I don't remember if it's an aunt, uncle, or both.)

    This transition took all of five minutes, and the rest of the episode carried on as if Bo and Luke had never left Hazzard. ( A fact for which many of us were grateful. Heh heh!)


  12. Eddiemunster, thank ya for the kind words. While it's true we get some riff-raff in here once in awhile, the vast majority of folk are very cool and easy to get along with.

    Yeah, there's work involved in keepin' the place going, but it's a fun kind of work. ( Even if I didn't moderate here, I'd be hanging around all the time anyway.)

    Besides, the team behind HazzardNet's daily operation, have been good friends for a long time. Someday, we'll get around to posting a History page about the orgins and evolutions of it all. We've had our share of fun and angst - and there's been times we've winged fry pans at each other's heads. But through it all, we've remained family. We enjoy it here, and nothing makes us happier than knowing y'all enjoy it too.



  13. Howdy!

    HazzardNet is enjoying some great new people as we continue to grow. But with that, every now and then, comes the occassional stray bullet that's out to cause trouble.

    If y'all see any posts that are obnoxious and inflammatory - don't panic. Most of all - don't react and take the bait. Report it to us via a Pirvate Message or email and we'll take care of it.

    Without attention and reaction, the disruptive types eventually get bored and wander off, looking for other message boards to annoy.

    Thanks to all of you who reported past problems, and help keep an eye on the place. Much appreciated!


  14. I'm also partial to that episode as one of my favorites. I agree that the Atlanta scenes appear authentic; the "Mellow Mushroom" pizza chain has been referenced by a few HazzardNet folk in the past.

    But at this time, it beats the heck outta me what Atlanta streets were used in the filming. It's possible that the Georgia Film Commission could give an answer; if time allows I'll see what we can dig up.


  15. No confirmation on this yet, but I heard Season 4 is scheduled for a September release. From there it's gonna get interesting, as Season 5 is the Coy and Vance era. There is speculation that Season 4 will be the last seasonal release. (Nobody panic, this info has not been verified, this is just some front-porch gossip.)


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