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Brian Coltrane

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Posts posted by Brian Coltrane

  1. *hearing no remorse in MaryAnne's voice, nods back curtly and walks away, already making a mental checklist of things that must be done before tomorrow. Glances over to sees Daney, Min and Hilary watching departure. Stops for a moment, standing in silence, considering each face. A dark-eyed glance sweeps over the gathering, conveying an expression to each of them...a combination of hope...and possible farewell.*

  2. *sees the cold determination in MaryAnne's blue eyes, and gives a slow nod.*

    "I never thought it would come to this...but then part of me ain't surprised. I suppose it was inevitable."

    *turns to the watching townfolk* "Y'all can watch, place bets, what have ya. Let Hilary out so she can get her money's worth. But none, and I mean NONE of ya, get to interfere. MaryAnne and I are gonna go into this thing with honor...and I'm gonna ask ya'll to respect it with honor. "

    *takes another breath, looks over shoulder at MaryAnne* "I'm gonna put my affairs in order...and I'd suggest you do the same. As far as the time and place....make it outside, behind the Boar's Nest, tomorrow."

    *waits for agreement, hoping against hope MaryAnne finds some way to reconsider....*

  3. *takes a deep breath, realizing that there's no backing down...for either Coltrane. Looks away for a moment, wondering if pride and honor is really worth the price...*

    *after a few heavy heartbeats, returns gaze to MaryAnne.* "I guess each of us have somethin' to prove, cousin. For once and for all. If you're bringing your gun, I'm sure as hell bringing mine. We'll find out which one of us gets a chance to draw."

    *stares at the Deputy, waits for reaction...*

  4. *Watches commotion out of corner of eyes, but keeps concentration on the Deputy."

    "Awright...have it as you will, cousin. I agree to no outside interference, no help for either of us. No cheatin'." *crosses jacket-covered heart*

    "Just one thing I think needs to be clear. Exactly how far do you want this thing to go, MaryAnne? Were you serious about that ticket to hell, as ya so quaintly put it?"

  5. *winces as jacket is thown back, puts it on again. Reaches down for deputy hat. Picks it up, and looks at it with a little regret.*

    If you're sure about this duel, MaryAnne....then so am I.

    *whaps MaryAnne over the head with the hat, then shoves it into her arms.*

    Awright, we've agreed to a senseless duel. Now by 'high stakes', I'm trusting you meant needlepoint at twenty paces, or somethin' yer usual speed.

  6. *Focuses dark eyes on MaryAnne, then looks down at the hat. Slowly takes off black leather jacket, folds it neatly over one arm...and then in a return gesture of throwing the gauntlet, tosses the jacket down at the Deputy's feet.*

    Deputy, if you're gonna challenge me, then you're going to have to be willing to play for big stakes. I've suffered my share of insults from the Hazzard County Sheriff's Department. And from you.

    *glares at MaryAnne* You started this. But I'll bet you ain't got the guts to FINISH it.

  7. MaryAnne, if you were crazy enough to volunteer for the task of my dispoal...you'd have no better luck than anybody else who's ever tried it. Why kid yerself?

    There's a reason why I'm THE number one bad guy in these parts. Reformed or otherwise. Hell, the only reason I don't kick yer uniformed posterior more often, is because you're my cousin, and I have a certain amount of sympathy for ya.

    Not that it'll save your rear end if you really get on my nerves, tho'.

  8. (And now, my carefully-considered reply to MaryAnne's last remark)

    Awright, Deputy...I'm glad your calander is clear as of January 2nd...'cause then you won't be missin' out on anything when I SHOOT YOU FIRST!!

    Unless I'm presented with any real good reason NOT to...which by the looks of the bloodthirsty crowd around here, ain't likely to happen.

    MUAHAHAHAHA!!!! :p

  9. Reply to Mad Max: Boy howdy, you got Duke sympathies there, don't ya? Well, it coulda been worse.

    Like poor Sandra. Nah, you ain't related to a Hogg, Sandra, - but per your quiz score, you are leanin' heavily towards Coltrane temperment! While that's a mixed blessing, it does assure you an interesting life.

    I'm considerin' makin' another quiz. "Aptitude Test For The Hazzard County Sheriff's Department." KHEEHAHAHA!!!


  10. I had fun puttin' it together. Glad ya'll enjoyed it!

    I tested positive for Coltrane, btw. KHEE! It looks like we all hit pretty close to our "character traits" with the outcomes, eh? ( Vicki, I had no idea you had any Strate genetic programming in ya! And Essy, I didn't have any Tizdale specifics in here, but it makes sense that if there were any, it would come out as a combination of Strate and Davenport.)

    Now, the interesting thing is that there is not a Hogg among the lot of us. Of course, the Deputy hasn't posted her results yet.

    ( Just kidding, MaryAnne!! Don't shoot me. ROFL.)

  11. Take the Hazzard Personality Quiz! Find out if you are a daring Duke, a greedy Hogg, a sneaky Coltrane, a loyal Davenport, or a reliable Strate! Select ONE answer from each of the following questions, then total your score for the revealin' insight to your inner Hazzardite!

    1) The thing MOST important to you is:

    a. Money

    b. Family honor

    c. Self-Survival

    d. Helping others

    e. Having fun

    2) You're in an all-out car chase against your arch adversary, when suddenly they lose control of the car and wipe out. Do you:

    a. Chortle with glee, gloat, and do a dance

    b. Go back and make sure everybody's okay

    c. Thank your lucky stars it didn't happen to you

    d. Radio for help, just in case it's worse than it looks

    e. Rate the crash on a scale of 1 to 10, congratulate survivors

    3) You find a sack full of money and have no idea where it came from. What do you do?

    a. Count it

    b. Turn it in to the authorities

    c. Suspect it could be counterfeit or stolen

    d. Ask around to see if anyone reported losing it

    e. Share it with your friends, buy a round at the Boar's Nest

    4) You feel good about yourself because:

    a. You're wealthy

    b. You've got a happy home

    c. You've made it this far

    d. You've done nice things for people

    e. You're crazy

    5) You're in big trouble and about to be in serious danger. The only people that can help you are your sworn enemies. Do you:

    a. Shamelessly beg for their aid

    b. Ask for help without really expecting any

    c. Write your Last Will and Testament

    d. This isn't a problem, because you have no sworn enemies

    e. Remind everyone that you fix their cars

    6) You've got some free time. Do you occupy yourself by:

    a. eating

    b. driving/fishing/skinny dipping

    c. sneakin' a snooze

    d. volunteering for extra work

    e. hangin' out with friends

    7) It feels perfectly natural for you to say which of the following?

    a. You're fired!

    b. Yeehaaa!

    c. Khee!

    d. Possum on a gumbush!

    e. I might be crazy but I ain't dumb!

    8) How do you feel about lying to somebody?

    a. completely comfortable

    b. you never lie

    c. it all depends, ya see

    d. you couldn't live with yourself

    e. you'd do it to protect somebody


    If you chose mosty "a" - you're a conniving Hogg!

    If you chose mostly "b" - you're definitely Duke material!

    If you chose mostly "c" - you're a genuine Coltrane!

    If you chose mostly "d" - you're a Strate for sure!

    If you chose mostly "e" - you're a Davenport at heart!

    If you got a real mix of answers - you're a first cousin to some and a second cousin to others!

  12. Fanfic chat? Is this like...group therapy for writers? (sign me up!) Heh heh!

    I think it's a great idea. Many of us have met in small chats of ones and twos, but it would be a lot of fun to mingle en masse. The more the merrier.

    I may not be able to make Saturday's gig, but I'll shoot for Wednesday. (Though I'm naturally shy and reserved and may not have much to say.)


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