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Brian Coltrane

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Posts posted by Brian Coltrane

  1. Absolutely, there were episodes where Boss showed great affection for his wife. Episode "Lulu's Gone Away," for one.

    But it's equally true that Boss talked down on Lulu in the early episodes. However, he also showered Rosco with insults throughout the series...yet when the chips were down, he showed a lot of mush for his erstwhile brother-in-law with badge.

    Therefore, I'd say Boss's womanizing and complaining was just his exterior; deep down inside, he gave a rip but it took a lot to show it.

    Of course the movie ain't gonna get into that kind of character depth - ya can only do so much in 90 minutes - so we'll see the "exterior" of the base persona, without the offsetting facets that the series allowed to develop.


  2. I can only guess that they picked up a bunch of Caprices on the cheap at an auction or something. Given that most of them were doomed for the salvage yard after five minutes of filming, I can't see 'em spendin' a bundle here.

    Just to throw this in, I don't dig the police uniforms, either. Pretty bland.


  3. Howdy ya'll -

    This is pretty cool, and we'll put it up on our homepage soon. We'll also include it in our next overdue Newsletter. Meanwhile, here's the scoop:

    Discovery Channel’s new show “Pop Nation†is looking for pop culture collectors (extreme and amateur) as well as buyers of these collectables.

    I am working on a television episode and a sports episode. We are focusing on the era from 1960’s to late 1980’s. We are filming in 4 cities over the next few months including LA, Baltimore, Austin and Portland.

    If you or anyone you know is interested in showing off their collection, having an item appraised or buying items, please let me know. For our extreme collectors, we want to visit their homes/etc. where they house their collection.

    This show (Dukes of Hazzard) is a staple in pop culture and we have to include a fan/collector from it. If you have a mailing list or web site that you can pass this along on it would be extremely helpful. They can either contact me directly at this email or go to:


    There, they can register for one of the events.

    Thanks for your time and any help that you can provide would be a

    tremendous help.

    Debbie Levin

    Associate Producer

    Discovery Channel’s “Pop Nationâ€

  4. The action scenes look like a full-throttle hellride. That much of it rocks.

    The characterizations still fall short. Bo Duke in a Led Zepplin t-shirt? BAHAHAHAHA!! Rock ON with yer bad self, Bo. Stairway to where??

    Willie looked cool, though. Burt still looks like Burt, no matter what character he plays. Man, I'd laugh my head off if he's behind the wheel of a Trans-Am at any point in this film.

    I still think this movie will require a 3-beer toxify before viewing, just to get through the insipid dialogue. But when viewed from an alternate-universe perspective, it might be interesting to see Bo and Luke as edgy, wayward, rebels-without-a-clue. They're grittier, nastier, and dumber, but when their main purpose in the movie is to get shook around in the car like two peanuts in a tin can, who cares?


  5. All this carryin' on is gonna make me blush. But thank ya.

    Honestly, the more I leave the place alone, the better it does. Ain't much to moderate!

    And if nobody is fighting with me, then I've gotta come up with actual contributions to current topics, which is infinately tougher.



  6. The 04/29 issue of USA Today quotes Aug 05 release date. It seems the box office timing was based on the competition, given the other lineups for that weekend:

    "Broken Flowers" (Bill Murray)

    "Cry Wolf" (Julian Morris)

    "Junebug" (Embeth Davidtz)

    "The Pink Panther" (Steve Martin)

    "2046" (Gong Li )

    What's coincidental to note, is "Junebug" at least has something to do with the South. Spoiler per IMDB reads:

    "A dealer in "outsider" art travels from Chicago to North Carolina to meet her new in-laws, challenging the equilibrium of this middle class Southern home. "

    Okay, so "Junebug" ain't gonna be a white-knuckle action flick. But the release timing is complimentary to the Dukes movie, given the southern settings and cultural aspects. Not a bad move on WB's part, all considered.


  7. Howdy, Retroboy -

    Sorry if we missed your email. Sometimes it comes in pretty heavy and we get backlogged. Or we get distracted by things like a really good episode of Dukes of Hazzard being on.

    Anyhow, I don't think MeadowMufn would mind if you put a link up to HazzardNet on yer site. Nice of ya, actually.

    However, we can't write the Dukes content for your site. (We get backlogged enuff just tryin' to hold our own. And hell, ain't you bein' just a little lazy? :wink: )

    But, we'll leave your post up, and maybe one of the kind folks around here will help ya out. ( So long as nothin' is "borrowed" from HNet's content without permission, or we'd have to cuff and stuff somebody. )

    Good luck with the site!


  8. The thundering hooves of Damascus pounded the dry earth, as horse and rider continued the flight from Hazzard. The distant, faded rumble of a far-off explosion abruptly rolled through the air, almost escaping Brian's notice. But long stretches of living on the lam made Brian's sense keenly aware. Even from miles away, he knew the difference in sound between dynamite, cannons, stampedes, and storms.

    Against his own will, Brian gradually pulled back on the horse's reins, slowing Damascus to a walk. He turned the horse around to face Hazzard, which was now a good three miles away.

    The Sheriff was no longer in sight, having disappeared behind the low, sloping hills. It was just Brian, his horse...and his conscience. Angered by the circumstances and by MaryAnne's decree, he had been ready to ride clear to hell without a backwards glance. But now, the cold grip of doubt was squeezing his soul.

    Tracking Chet down was still high on his list. But making sure MaryAnne had returned safely from her mission seemed damn important just now.

    "@#$%&*...." Brian cursed. To return to Hazzard was to take an awful risk. The law might reward his concern with a length of rope.

    Then again, if something happened to the law, there was no quicker way to find out the truth. Maybe he could sneak in, find out what he needed to know, and get the hell out before anyone discovered him. And that would put him that much closer to tracking Chet's trail, or hooking back up with Alex.

    "Ah, hell.......HYAAAAH!!" Brian gave Damascus a light kick, and the black horse leapt into a renewed gallop, ears forward and nostrils flaring. To the simple mind of the horse, heading back towards town meant one thing. *Sugar!*

    (Cue anyone!)

  9. Earlier in this thread, somebody mentioned that WB was actually showing confidence in this movie project, contrary to how they've normally treated the Dukes. ( I'm too lazy to quote the exact line, it's back there someplace.) Anyhow, if anything scares the hell outta me about the movie - it's that, right there. If WB rued the day they financed the project, I'd be more optimistic.

    Still, the official Warner Bros. website says nothing - diddly-squat, nada, zero, zip, zilch - about the Dukes movie. No poster. No release date. No promo for the Dukes under the "Coming Soon." In fact, doing a search for "Dukes of Hazzard" on WB own site, yields...you guessed it, nothin'! Except for a bunch of merchandising ads for the usual crap. Not even a link to the "official" movie site for the wallpaper and buddy icons. ( And even there, none of those look like anyone spent a lot of time making them.)

    I figured we'd start seeing the General Lee on a box of Corn Flakes or something by now.

    So, if WB truly has confidence in this movie - ya'd think they'd start makin' a little noise.


  10. Howdy, Officer Barbrady! Welcome to HazzardNet.

    You picked a great topic to chime in on. I think "busted frame" takes the prize for the most hazzard-ous vehicular condition, while driving.

    I've driven old cars for the majority of my life, so I've always got one more for the "You know your car is old, when..."

    ...when the trunk lock breaks, and the trunk lid abruptly flies open while you're driving, and refuses to stay down for anything. All other motorists assume you haven't noticed this and proceed to wave and honk for your attention all the way home.


  11. At the sight of the two-gun cowboy and the deputy leveling a Winchester rifle, BlackJack hauled his horse around in a wide circle, changing direction. His two surviving accomplices did the same, turning tail. Running down fleeing prey was one thing; fighting a battle open-range without cover was another. The rifle's range was superior to any pistol, and its accuracy would change the odds to the defender's favor.

    Timing was everything, and it was time to run and regroup. So much for the plans to take the Hazzard law unaware. BlackJack cursed between his teeth and spurred his horse to retreat. His compatriots galloped beside him, unquestioning.

    Suddenly, another rider was noticed in their path. A roving saddlebum on a Buckskin horse had been coming up on their back, and with the gang's abrupt retreat, was now coming in head-on. By the expression on the drifter's face, BlackJack knew the hapless rider was seeing spades in the deck.

    BlackJack flashed an oil-slicked smile and raised his pistol, leveling it just above his horse's ears. He cocked the hammer back and fired, controlling his horse by brute strength as the beast shied from the gunfire. The hat of the drifter blew clean off from the bullet, but the blonde head was unharmed. For the moment. BlackJack's pistol remained leveled and the hammer was cocked back a second time, aimed lower, taking point between the drifter's eyes. He called out a command. "TURN AROUND AND RIDE WITH US, BOY, OR YOU'LL TASTE YOUR OWN BLOOD!"

    And so BlackJack made his recruitment offer to the drifter. There was only one correct answer....

    (Cue Alex! )

  12. S'awright, we're all cool. I know that JBama01 ain't the same as bamamediamafia - nor do we take any particular user to represent their state as a whole.

    And I've got nothin' against bamamedia. He's been merrily posting away some interesting stuff about joblo.com. Once in awhile, he's taken a potshot at me, but so have a few others over the years. When people get bored, sometimes they'll fight with the moderator for something to do. Ain't no big deal.

    Thanks ya'll -


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