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Brian Coltrane

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Posts posted by Brian Coltrane

  1. I somehow don't see "Bewitched" as being a strategic threat worth working around. But in any case, it sure looks like WB is jockeying for position with the Dukes release.

    Maybe we should hold a raffle on "Guess the Movie Release Date." Kind of like a football pool. Everybody pick a square! We'd probably get some real misinformation all over the internet with that one. Heh heh.


  2. I wouldn't worry. Rumor has it the movie soundtrack is still in production, and when that's done, the editing will get finished. Far as the release date goes, the single-biggest deciding factor, is...... whatever weekend will probably make the most money. They'll strategize the Dukes movie release to try and hit optimum timing. A strong release is everthing; word-of-mouth reviews can either help a movie or hurt it, so it's essential to capture the biggest possible audience out of the gate.

    Remember, too, that the Season 3 DVD is supposed to have a free movie ticket in it. The DVD is coming out in late May, so that tells me the movie can't come out all that far behind it. Then again, the movie can't come out so very soon after the DVD, that it's already out of theatres by the time some folks have got around to buying it.

    I'm willing to bet that we'll see a trailer and theatre previews closer to Memorial Day, right around when the 3rd season DVD is coming out. My Magic 8-ball guess is that the Dukes movie might hit around the 4th of July. Meanwhile, they'll keep us guessing, keep the buzz going, but not give out much detail. I think WB is on to the fact that there's some mixed feelings in the fandom, and they're not gonna give us anything to freak out about too far in advance. But if they show us some cool previews on the 3rd season DVD...that could drive some momentum, and get everybody primed for the box office release.

    As usual, I could be wrong, but this is my gut guess for what it's worth.


  3. I've had the honor of meeting several members of the original Dukes cast, like many of y'all. But the most famous person I ever met outside of the Dukes world, was Sam Walton, the founder of Wal-Mart.

    This is goin' back a number of years. I was wandering around a new Wal-Mart store, carrying a huge bag of cat food in one arm, when this old dude in a suit and a Wal-Mart cap, stops me in an aisle. He takes note of the fact that I'm not using a cart, and that I seem to have found the single bargain I was after in the entire store. He says to me, "You must have a big ole' cat."

    For the life of me, I didn't know what the heck to think. Then he says, "I'm Sam Walton. Thank you for shopping at my store." He gave me a handshake and a smile, and then walked off with his entourage. He was there for the grand opening, and seemed to be having the time of his life in the process.

    I'm not here to give a commerical for the place, but ol' Sam left an impression on me.


  4. To: Bama, ol' buddy...

    you think i'm a teen? that's flattering considering i'm going on 30 yrs old. Jessica simpson s a beautiful person, your idea of beauty of severely warped to call her ugly.

    Holy crow...30?!? My sympathies. Awright, I retract the "adolescent" remark, we'll just leave it as ordinary dementia.

    Anyhow, I never said Jessica was ugly. I did, however, call her acting ability into question. That being said, I've made it pretty clear that I'm giving the new movie, and it's cast, an honest chance. Meantime, the original cast has my highest regard.

    You can have your opinion, and I can have mine. Disparaging remarks, though, will be answered with disparaging remarks. All depends on the kind of dialogue you want to have.


  5. Yo, Bama:

    how could the cast be better? is it because you want some brunette with plastics boobs to play daisy? or would yolu rather have old, wrinkled up, half dead wash ups in this movie?

    You're always ready with a spitball, ain'tcha. Well, having considered the introspective analysis you've offered - I'd have to say that the most artificial thing about Jessica is her acting. My preferences for Daisy's role have more to do with the authentic representation of the original character, rather than any crude comparison of body parts. Admittedly, my perspective on casting is different than yours, as I'm not struggling with adolescent dementia.

    I'm also of the opinion, that if you put the original Dukes cast in the movie, next to the new cast....the originals would steal the show, wrinkles, dimples, warts n' all. I know you'll be shocked someday when you too, grow older, and you can legally have your first beer. Time plays no favorites...you can only hope it treats you as kindly, as it's treated them.


  6. That being said, you'd think they could afford to leak out some more!

    Still nothing on WB's own website. My only other theory, is that they're afraid to put too much advance stuff out, for fear of backlash about the flag, or who-knows-what. That, or there's some sticky contractual thing that's being worked out yet. The latter being the most likely.


  7. I've seen bootleg copies of this movie for sale at drag strips and swap meets, but it hasn't exactly popped up at Walmart yet. I caught this flick on TV, a long time ago. I remember it having an anti-government, "down with the fuzz" theme. But I can't remember what the plot was, as far as the whole trucker rebellion went. Was it because of the proposed 55 mph speed limit? Was it because of a toll-bridge? Was it because Coors wasn't available in that neck of the woods? (wrong movie. Heh!)

    I do remember the song pretty well, by C.W. McCall. The lyrics might end up under our Music topics in the near future.


  8. Darned if somebody didn't bust us on a patrol car misquote in our FAQ's. We're gonna update those as soon as we can. Meantime, here is the info Maxim provided, regarding make n' models used for Hazzard County patrol cars.

    HazzardNet FAQ:

    "Rosco, Enos and Cletus's patrol cars -- The cars that were used from the third season on were late 70's Plymouth Fury's ('78 and '79's like above). The first couple of seasons had AMC's, mid 70's Fury's and Dodge Monaco's were used as well."

    Correction as supplied by Maxim:

    There was no 1979 Fury. The body style for Fury's like in that picture (B-bodies) were from '75 to '78. The Dodge Monaco's had that body style from '77 to '78. The Dodge Coronets had that style from '71 to '76.

    In 1980 there was an R-body Gran Fury. Like in 1979; 1981 was "Furyless". In 1982 we got the boxy M-body Gran Fury's that I am sure you are familiar with; its Dodge twin was the Diplomat. Those continued until 1989 and were the last Mopar RWD cars (not counting Vipers) as well as the last of the Mopar "squad cars".

    We couldn't have said it better, Maxim. ( and we didn't! ) Thanks for the detail!


  9. I've noticed a few of the switcheroos with the cars, but it sounds like you've got 'em all nailed. ( I never caught the one about the truck bed. ) But now that you've pointed it out, I'll be looking for it on the eps.

    I'm not surprised that that the cars kept getting switched around with sloppy film editing, n' such. After all, they tried swapping Coy and Vance for Bo and Luke, and we weren't supposed to notice that, either.


  10. Howdy there, welcome to HazzardNet!

    Thank you for the good information. I've seen more and more Hazzard County patrol car replicas appearing at DukesFest shindigs. I've also seen some "Mayberry" units at various car shows. There's definately a growing interest in building these cars.

    There's getting to be enough Hazzard County patrol cars out there, to have an entire "RoscoFest". Heh heh.


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