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Brian Coltrane

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Posts posted by Brian Coltrane

  1. Howdy Snicker.

    Since I mighta been the one who deleted your post, I'll try to explain as well.

    People who post about somebody else's site, in the interest of saying "lookit this, lookit that ".... is more objective, than a webmaster himself joining HNet for no other reason than to say, "Hey, come look at ME."

    Sometimes, we'll let it slide if it seems like more of a personal site, or hobby page, whatever. And yeah, we're human and this is subjective, so it's not always black n' white. I'll be the first to admit that HazzardNet ain't a perfect democracy. (Or confederacy, for that matter.)

    Often, we have to make a quick judgement call, based upon the perceived authenticity and relative worth of the link/post in question. And when in doubt - we will always make the call in favor of HazzardNet's protection, and that of our users. So don't take it personally.

    If you have any other questions, feel free to send me a Private Message, or use the Contact Us link on the homepage.

    Thank ya,


  2. Nicely put, Cousin Dave. I agree with you on the whole, but I'll admit I'm going to see the movie for the hell of it. I'm thinking that the hype of the movie will spark new interest in the original Dukes. Kind of a residual effect. After all, the Starsky & Hutch movie of last year was basically a parody of the original show - but it didn't hurt the orignal show one bit.

    Oh, and welcome to HazzardNet! I used to know of a "Cousin Dave" from CA, years n' years ago. Not sure if you're one and the same, but at any rate - good to have ya here.


  3. Hey!! You can't vote me out, because that's more democratic than how we normally handle things around heah.

    MaryAnne usually just fires me. O' course, that's puttin' things more like "The Apprentice" and less like "Survivor."



    Clever title pending

    outcome of this thread

  4. Awright, havin' read this thread over, and having reviewed some of the other posts by a certain party....it looks like for some reason, this one just blew way outta porportion. Ain't nothin' more contagious than temper.

    Yeah, it's a free Confederacy, and sometimes somebody will say something deliberately abrasive just to stir things up. We've seen our share of firebrands roll through town. They eventually get bored and move on.

    At HazzardNet, we strive to conduct ourselves a little bit better, as to make a more enjoyable experience for all. Simply speakin', there's a limit to how far into the tank we'll let things drop.

    For now, I just made a very minor edit on one objectionable term. Thanks to all who brought this fracas to our attention.



    HazzardNet Moderator

    Content Editor

    Forum Nazi

  5. There's no telling what the actual movie will have in it. Scripts get redone, scenes get cut. Tho' it's unrealistic to expect that WB will not include todays' brand of humor in this movie.

    Anyone who saw the movie version of "Starsky & Hutch" this last year, knows just how far from the original these things can go.

    I rented "Super Troopers" recently because it's by the same director who's involved with the Dukes movie. It didn't fill me with optimisim.

    I'd recommend you rent and watch both of the above movies, to be fully prepared for what the Dukes movie could be like.

    And then - after yer coronary - remember that they can do crazy stuff with the new movie, but the original series will always remain. (And the original series only has episodes like "Strange Visitor to Hazzard" and "Robot P. Coltrane" to live down.)

    So, no worries.


  6. It's a free confederacy, Dukefan. Lots of folks got different opinions, and the Forums allow everybody scream somethin' from the rooftop. Here's mine:


    Ah, much better. I'm refreshed. Anyhow, don't take anything too much to heart. Any new Dukes stuff automatically promotes the original by way of publicity. New Dukes, old Dukes, Coy and Vance....somehow, Hazzard endures.


  7. Brian watched angrily as Rosco turned the mustang back towards Hazzard. The change in the Sheriff's eyes had come too late to mean much to Brian. It was clear to that his help, and his very presence, wasn't wanted...ever again. Worse, Rosco had not trusted Brian enough to let him ride to exile on his own, even though MaryAnne's safety could be at stake.

    It was more than Brian could swallow. "DAMN YOUR BADGE!!" He yelled at the Sheriff's back. Damascus, upset by the temper and volume in his rider's voice, reared up and bawled a protest of his own.

    Brian regained control of the large horse, and turned him away, kicking Damascus into a gallop. Despite every instinct that was pulling at his black-clad heart, Brian forced himself to ride in the opposite direction of Hazzard. In facing the ordered exile, he was giving a last act of lawfulness...proving that he would have obeyed, whether or not Rosco had escorted him the full distance.

    And so Brian left behind all that mattered to him. He filled the emptiness with thoughts of Chet Duke....and revenge. If the rustler had caused any harm to MaryAnne, it would be one more reason to give him the slowest death imaginable.

    (Cue anybody!)

  8. One of my favorite Enos moments, is in "Ghost of General Lee." Rosco shows Enos the "haunted" General Lee in the impound garage....and Enos blurts out this one:

    "AAAHH!! General Lee is one of them spook-talkin' mediums!!"

    Moments later, when the haunted General Lee deliberately plows into Rosco's parked patrol car, we get Rosco's reaction:

    "Ghost or no ghost, that's county property!!"

  9. I've gotta disagree with ol' Renoman. ( welcome to HazzardNet, by the way! ) I don't think Ben is in it for just the money. I'm not denying that he makes some. But I've been fortunate enough to speak with him on quite a few occassions, and I can honestly say this: You don't have to be a "paying customer" to get Ben's time.

    If you took any of the Dukes shindigs since 1999 through present, and you broke it down by the numbers of how many people he talked to, shook hands with, or stood still for a picture...there's no way in hell it's "all about the money." For every one person that buys a little something, there's five more who just want to say hello and meet him. And that's alright with Ben. I think he enjoys the attention and enjoys people. Frankly, if he didn't enjoy it, there's no amount of money that would be enough for the time he puts in.

    I've been kinda riled by a few of the opinions I've seen, suggesting that "nobody cares about the original cast." Well, next time you're at a DukesFest, count the people in line, eh?

    Meanwhile, I will be among the first in line for the new Dukes movie, and I hope the new cast represent themselves, and the show, to the best of their ability. And hell....I hope they will be out there signing autographs and shaking hands, 25 years later. We'll see.


  10. Brian's own ride to exile was filled with tension. Damascus could sense the pensive mood of his rider, and the large black horse walked restlessly, tossing his head, prancing, and fighting the riens. When Damascus nudged a wide flank into Rosco's horse and caused the mustang to dance away nervously, the Sheriff turned an irritated glare to Brian.

    "Just how much sugar did you feed that horse?" Rosco grumbled.

    "All of it," Brian sighed. "Wasn't mah idea...."

    The Sheriff frowned and lasped back into silence, keeping a rigid posture and a grim expression. There had been no real conversation on the trail, and the tension was making an unpleasant task even more onerous.

    Reading Rosco's mood all too well, Brian made no effort to talk his way out of anything. Yet every step the horses took away from town, was adding more weight to his heart. He couldn't get the taunting image of Chet's face out of his mind; and MaryAnne was alone with the ruslter. Alone, and in a direction probably far from his own....

    Insight hit Brian so fast, he rocked back in the saddle and Damascus came to a rearing halt. Brian looked over his shoulder, looking past Rosco, squinting into the distance. Of course he could see nothing of MaryAnne...but he knew exactly where she was leading Chet.

    "Git movin'," Rosco ordered.

    "Sheriff...." Brian said abruptly. "MaryAnne had you take me in the exact opposite direction she was takin' Chet, in order to put the most distance between us. Which means....you're damn near 4 miles out from where she is...and she's alone with that polecat!"

    Rosco's chest heaved with a sigh of admission, but his hard blue eyes didn't change. "I said, git movin'."

    "Alex is double-escorted by the Strates, and he's a smart enuff drifter not to pull anythin' stupid. But Chet --"

    "MOVE, BOY!" Rosco added his pearl-handled Colt .38 to the discussion. The business end of the gun waved warningly.

    Brian turned back around in the saddle and faced the direction of exile once more, moving Damascus forward. But his words didn't stop. "You're worried about her too. That's why you're bein' such a rattlesnake! Dammit Sheriff.... turn around and ride to MaryAnne. Let me g'wan alone. I ain't the biggest worry on yer mind and you know it."

    (Double cue to MaryAnne! You got somethin' cookin' with Chet...and I'm leaving Rosco's decision to you in this scene!)

  11. The answer sent a hot thrill through Brian's blood. It wasn't a safe answer for any lady to give; clearly this woman enjoyed playing with fire. Just like he did.

    There were opportunities in life that only came around once. Brian knew that if he didn't claim this woman now, he'd never catch her again. That much was clear in the way she was leaning over her bike...daring him to up the ante.

    And so he moved around her, and swung one leg over the bike, setting himself in behind her. He sat closely, his own jacket creaking slighty as he shifted his weight, fitting himself snugly against the back of her body. He kept his hands off her...for now...but he leaned forward, speaking with a low drawl into her ear, his breath stirring a wisp of that blonde, silky hair.

    "In that case....ah'd love to go for a ride."

    (cue Chance)

  12. I don't have good details on this one, I'm hoping Cap'n Redneck can help me out. It was mentioned on another thread and this is a wild flick worth mentioning here.

    First of all, the getaway car in this flick is a black Charger, and I believe it's a '69 or '68. This is another 70's-era movie that was a cross between an action/crime flick and massive car chase. I recall it being violent for the day; but by today's standards it's probably a creampuff.

    The singular feature of this film that gives it my recommendation, is the shock ending. I think the first time I caught this flick on TV, I literally jumped at the ending. And then the credits roll, and you're just sitting there like..."aaaaaaauigh!!" Or at least I was. Still, it was cool, and one of the best "twists" in scriptwriting that I've seen to this day.


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