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Brian Coltrane

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Posts posted by Brian Coltrane

  1. Actually, it looked like Ernie's post was first, by the date and time stamp - and if I'm wrong on who posted what first, forgive me. After readin' 'em all, I'm as confused as anybody.

    I deleted the other two soundtrack threads. ( My housekeeping ain't been too good lately, I'll admit it. )

    Credit goes to both Jeff and Evil Ernie for posting the sountrack info.

    Thank ya much!


  2. Actually, it looked like Ernie's post was first, by the date and time stamp - and if I'm wrong on who posted what first, forgive me. After readin' 'em all, I'm as confused as anybody.

    I deleted the other two soundtrack threads. ( My housekeeping ain't been too good lately, I'll admit it. )

    Credit goes to both Jeff and Evil Ernie for posting the sountrack info.

    Thank ya much!


  3. In addition to Soft Rock, Alternative Rock, Classic Rock and Hard Rock, there's also Progressive Rock, Country Rock, Jazz Rock, Avante Guarde(sp?) Rock and Plymouth Rock.

    Plymouth Rock ?! Somebody is a smartass. BAHA!

    The Rolling Stones had a line that went, "I know it's only rock n' roll, but I like it !" So much for it bein' only rock n' roll nowadays.


  4. Creed and Jackyl are good bands, and yeah I dig AC/DC, and Aerosmith, too....hell, I might as well admit it, I also like Pearl Jam. Gun and Roses have a few good tunes. My faves there would be "Civil War" and "November Rain."

    In the blue-collar rock and roll department, I'd say Cheap Trick is my favorite. Their concerts have energy like ya wouldn't believe.

    Everybody's definition of "Metal" vs. "Hard Rock" vs. "Classic Rock" can vary. I remember way back when, there was "Rock" vs. "Pop" and that was about it! Now there's Rock, Soft Rock, Alternative Rock, Classic Rock, Hard Rock, Metal....hey, what's the difference between Metal and Acid Rock? Did they drop the term "Acid Rock" when I wasn't paying attention, because of the drug connotations, or is that term still around? I can't keep up.


  5. When I'm chock full of angst, there's nothin' like some nice, crunchy metal. In no particular order, I dig:

    Rob Zombie



    Iron Maiden

    Nine Inch Nails ( ain't metal, technically, but it's keepin' in the spirit.)

    Also enjoying AudioSlave and Greenday's latest.

    My musical tastes are diverse, but this fits those edgy moods.


  6. You're welcome, Cap'n. Actually, credit goes to dukesran1 for bringing the issue up. This article was pretty well buried, and I have a feeling WB was doing it's best to keep it out of circulation. It's also possible that media silence by the plaintiff is a part of the settlement, so this may be the only tidbit to be found.

    I would reveal the exact media source that supplied the article, but I don't want to get 'em in trouble, in case such a gag order exists.

    What's interesting to ponder, is what the creator/writer of Moonrunners gets out of all this, if anything. ( Who was Gy Waldron. Creative input was also given by Jerry Rushing.) The suit was brought to court by the producer of the Moonrunners movie, Robert (Bob) Clark. I'm not sure how the legal ownership of Moonrunners breaks down between those three gentlemen, so I've no idea if Waldron and Rushing are happy men at the moment.

    Just for kicks, here's some history from 1975:

    "Made for just $360,000.00, Moonrunners earned approximately eight million. Waldron and Clark were able to reimburse their investors, but did not receive any of the box-office profits."


  7. Shaking his head at the well-meant suggestions, Brian gave his answer. "I can't risk goin' to the blacksmith's shop. I saw those two Duke mavericks headin' over there just a few minutes ago, and the last thang I need is for them to spot me. The way ah see it....I have to ride and find out what happened to MaryAnne. Ain't gonna be no hidin' in town and waitin' for news."

    Pausing, Brian gave a sincere, sober look at each of the ladies. "And ah'd rather not have y'all take any more risks on my account. If Chet did anythin' dire that he needs to hide, it'd be damn dangerous for either of ya'll to go ridin' up to 'em. You're probably safer heah than anyplace...and you just might pick up some news from the customers."

    Giving Min a gentlemanly bow, Brian added a kiss to the back of her hand. "And I do hope to return as a customer mahself." He straightned up, gave her a half-smile, and pulled himself away from her.

    He walked close to the bar as he moved for the door. Abruptly, he halted his bootsteps, faced Chance, and saluted her with a nod and a touch to his hat brim.

    "Wish me luck," he asked quietly. His dark eyes lingered upon Chance for a moment longer....and then he turned away and strode quickly through the swinging doors of the saloon. In less than a minute, the sound of a neighing horse and the drumming of hoofbeats announced his full departure.

    (cue anybody!)

  8. Yeah, ain't it the truth? They're too paranoid to show the rebel flag in any poster or official online thing, for fear of offending somebody, but they don't mind sneakin' around a contract. Ya figure they'd check the fine print on this stuff before tryin' to put together a movie. Gee, OOPS!!

    The legal defense they attempted is nothin' short of a Hogg tactic. They think the plantiff shoulda sued earlier ? What the hell.

    If I was the plantiff, I woulda had my attorneys all lined up...and I woulda waited until after the movie had ran full box office circulation and was well on it's way to DVD, and had racked up millions. Then, I woulda dusted off my copy of the contract and said, "Oh, lookie heah. My oh my, looks like I do have a stake in this revenue. See ya in court, Warner Boys!"

    I'm sure they covered that revenue sharing in the settlement, though. Probably worked it out to fifty percent of fifty percent of fifty percent.


  9. That link was funky, but I dug around and found the original article. It's true there was a suit and that it was settled. Here's the dirt:

    Inside Move: WB avoids legal 'Hazzard'

    "Dukes' flees court case

    For a little while, at least, a federal judge told Warner Bros. to cancel the release of "The Dukes of Hazzard" and impound any copies of the film.

    Preliminary injunction was issued last Friday in a suit brought by producer Robert B. Clark. Warners bought TV rights to his obscure 1975 film "Moonrunners" when the studio originally made the "Hazzard" TV skein.

    Clark alleged nothing in the original 1978 contract gave Warners the right to also make a movie. In issuing such a far-reaching order, Judge Gary Allen Feess agreed.

    "Plaintiffs have shown a likelihood that they will be able to prove at trial that they have an ownership interest in 'The Dukes of Hazzard' film," Feess wrote.

    Suit has since been settled, but legal sources not involved in the case said Warners likely paid a pretty penny to settle.

    Marc Toberoff, who represented the plaintiffs, said, "The parties have reached a settlement of all claims in the litigation. The terms of that settlement are confidential."

    Warners spokeswoman Stacy Ivers said, "The suit has been settled."

    In his decision, Feess directed pointed comments at the Warners legal department. Studio had claimed that the plaintiffs had waited too long before filing their lawsuit. "The Court," Feess wrote, "finds it a little ironic that Warner Bros., with a staff of lawyers and possession of voluminous materials specifically describing the limitations on the rights it obtained in 'The Moonrunners,' complains that the writers who were cut out of the current project should have given earlier notice of their copyright claim."

    Date in print: Fri., Jun. 24, 2005, Los Angeles

  10. Christopher Nelson, a/k/a "Slick", was awarded the $100,000 contract by CMT to be the voice of the Dukes of Hazzard fandom. As the VP of the Dukes of Hazzard Institute of CMT, he has little to do other than watch the Dukes, write a blog, and smile for the camera. It's a job that anybody would love to have - and let's be honest, it's a job that just about anybody could probably do. And so when Nelson was announced as the winner, the HazzardNet staff gave a collective shrug and wished him well.

    Since that time, we have been made aware of some details that cause us to seriously question CMT's choice. We will share these details as objectively and factually as possible.

    Disclaimer: I myself applied for the position. No bias is intended, but I wanted to be honest there.

    This editorial is a work in progress. Given the volume of information, it ain't possible to nail everything in one post. But here is the statement that started it all, that gave some creditibility to the rumblings we heard from other fans:

    "Most of the planks in Slick's "campaign platform" could be considered offensive to a significant number of people, so we'll just share one... "Legalize prostitution as long as it's in an RV..." and leave it at that." - CNN

    Let's look at that statement again. "Offensive to a signfigant number of people."

    How and why, then, did this guy get the job? And how "offensive" is offensive?

    Another question to explore, is one I recently posted on the Dukes Institute board:

    "Did this dude even belong to any Dukes fan clubs, yahoo groups, or message boards of any kind, before this gig? Just curious. I'll give the guy a chance but it sounds like there's some questions on the credentials. I mean, ANYBODY would become an instant Dukes fan for $100,000. If this dude had zero involvment with the fandom on any level prior to this gig...how can we buy the "contributions" he's gonna make to the promotion of the show? "

    And so we open the can of worms.


  11. Just wanted to wish a good Father's Day to all the dads here. Of all the things a person can do for a living, there is no job more important, or more challenging, than being a parent.

    I heard somethin' at a Native American gathering today, that is worth sharing. I'm going to repeat it the best I can:

    "We all have many fathers. We are the product of generations of ancestors. Mothers and fathers who endured hardships, traveled great miles, and fought many wars so that we could be born."

    "We who are fathers today cannot know the path that our childern will walk. We can only make our sons and daughters strong for the journey. We can guide them but it is up to them to choose their steps. Fathers, choose your own path wisely so your children will know their way."


  12. As he listened to the information, Brian's eyes widened, and an expression of pained dismay carved itself upon his face. "Dammit...." he whispered low. "...Could be too late...to help MaryAnne."

    He pushed himself away from the bar, turning to pace a few restless steps. The emotion welled up within him, a cross between abject despair and a terrible anger. The latter took hold upon him and called for action. "Ya'll stay heah," he said to the women who listened. "Ah'm gonna find Chet Duke. And when I do...."

    The black-clad outlaw turned, dark eyes smouldering. "...ah'm gonna drag that rustler through three miles of rock at a slow trot. Then, ah'm gonna gut-shoot 'em. After that, ah'm gonna put a stick o' dynamite in each of his ears and shove another one up his posterior. And THEN ah'm gonna blow that @#$%&*# to kingdom come!!"

    (cue Chance/Min)

  13. Welcome to HazzardNet! Thanks for the info. The site is kinda fun, gotta admit - the sound effects and background music held my attention for awhile. Heh heh.

    On the build a car thang....I wonder why it is, you can put together a General Lee with everything but a rebel flag?


  14. Wish they woulda shown more of the car. Anyhow, for those of y'all lookin' for more, here's a schedule thang that I shamelessly ripped off from Jessica's site:

    These Boots Are Made For Walkin' Video!

    Go behind the scenes and check out Jessica Simpson's new video, "These Boots Are Made For Walkin'". Tune in to MTV's Making the Video on 6/15 @ 11:00 AM; 6/16@ 1:00 PM; 6/17 @ 1:00 AM; 6/19 @ 11:00 AM; 6/20 @ 11:00 AM; and 6/20 @ 12:00 AM. Please check your local listings.

    You can also catch the video on MTV's TRL on Wednesday, June 15th.

    (Check yer local listings for times in yer area!)

    The video is viewable in full from Jessica's website. Thanks for posting the link, Fathead!


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