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Brian Coltrane

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Posts posted by Brian Coltrane

  1. Man, that sucks. It also takes the air outta one of my better rants. Ah well.....

    I'd say that without the flag on the car - it's not worth the gain of the location. To me, there is more authenticity in the event, if the car actually looks like the General Lee in full uniform. (Oops, the car name might offend somebody, better omit those letters on the roof too. )

  2. Snaplesugar, there's no such thang as "normal." Get that concept outta yer head now, and you'll be fine. :D

    That bein' said...here's my amatuer dream analysis for ya. If time allows, I'll throw in your horoscope for the weekend and include yer lucky lottery numbers. And yes, I'm makin' all this up, so take it for what it's worth.

    Your dream speaks of suppressed desires and emotions, which were hidden until an external, traumatic event allowed you to confess them. In other words, no matter who the love object was - whether it's Cooter, or some cute guy at Starbuck's - you wouldn't feel right about admitting your feelings, let alone acting on them, without a catalyst of some sort.

    There are several strong emotions expressed in your dream. Grief, fear, joy, passion. The dream wasn't about what happened...it was about how you felt. This indicates that you may be struggling with unresolved issues concerning a personal decision of some kind. While you may be using logic to decide your next move, your heart wants to make itself heard in this matter.

    So that's my front-porch psychoanalysis. Awright, onto yer Hazzard Horoscope!

    You want something new in your life, and this week you find it. Just make sure it's what you really want.

    Now, yer lucky-shmucky lottery numbers!! (Disclaimer: If you're too young to play the lottery, save these for a few years. Ya nevah know! )

    18 35 27 3 46 10

    Now, if you actually win the lottery with these, let me know because I'll expect my fifty-percent of fifty-percent of fifty-percent.


  3. Snaplesugar, there's no such thang as "normal." Get that concept outta yer head now, and you'll be fine. :D

    That bein' said...here's my amatuer dream analysis for ya. If time allows, I'll throw in your horoscope for the weekend and include yer lucky lottery numbers. And yes, I'm makin' all this up, so take it for what it's worth.

    Your dream speaks of suppressed desires and emotions, which were hidden until an external, traumatic event allowed you to confess them. In other words, no matter who the love object was - whether it's Cooter, or some cute guy at Starbuck's - you wouldn't feel right about admitting your feelings, let alone acting on them, without a catalyst of some sort.

    There are several strong emotions expressed in your dream. Grief, fear, joy, passion. The dream wasn't about what happened...it was about how you felt. This indicates that you may be struggling with unresolved issues concerning a personal decision of some kind. While you may be using logic to decide your next move, your heart wants to make itself heard in this matter.

    So that's my front-porch psychoanalysis. Awright, onto yer Hazzard Horoscope!

    You want something new in your life, and this week you find it. Just make sure it's what you really want.

    Now, yer lucky-shmucky lottery numbers!! (Disclaimer: If you're too young to play the lottery, save these for a few years. Ya nevah know! )

    18 35 27 3 46 10

    Now, if you actually win the lottery with these, let me know because I'll expect my fifty-percent of fifty-percent of fifty-percent.


  4. Thanks for the info, Dale. I gotta comment on something you said earlier:

    The jump will be done without the flag (unless the protests prevail). Goes to show how society really does degrade over time. People have no tolerance for "good ol' boys" anymore. Stinking hypocrites.

    This is crazy. MTV is afraid of offending somebody with the rebel flag on the car jump? Say what?!

    This doesn't make sense in the least, as the rebel flag on the General is visible in Jessica's video. For that matter, it's visible every @#$%& night on CMT when they air the original Dukes eps. Amazingly, there has been no adverse policial consequence to CMT, or to Jessica Simpson.

    *paging MTV, HazzardNet paging MTV* MTV, will ya'll PLEASE gitcher heads outta yer rear ends about the flag? Good grits n' gravy, after years of creative acheivements like "Beavis and Butthead" , not to mention videos that could double as soft porn, you're worried about this? Oh my GOD this flag might be objectionable!!!

    Hell, what on yer channel ain't?


  5. Thanks for the info, Dale. I gotta comment on something you said earlier:

    The jump will be done without the flag (unless the protests prevail). Goes to show how society really does degrade over time. People have no tolerance for "good ol' boys" anymore. Stinking hypocrites.

    This is crazy. MTV is afraid of offending somebody with the rebel flag on the car jump? Say what?!

    This doesn't make sense in the least, as the rebel flag on the General is visible in Jessica's video. For that matter, it's visible every @#$%& night on CMT when they air the original Dukes eps. Amazingly, there has been no adverse policial consequence to CMT, or to Jessica Simpson.

    *paging MTV, HazzardNet paging MTV* MTV, will ya'll PLEASE gitcher heads outta yer rear ends about the flag? Good grits n' gravy, after years of creative acheivements like "Beavis and Butthead" , not to mention videos that could double as soft porn, you're worried about this? Oh my GOD this flag might be objectionable!!!

    Hell, what on yer channel ain't?


  6. During our recovery from a technical issue. Everything is restored except for the Image Gallery, and that will be taken care of next week. Meanwhile, we apologize for the temporary disruption and appreciate y'all bearin' with us. A few lights may still flicker here n' there, but trust us, the place is as sturdy as ever. ( Ain't that a comfort? Heh.)

    While the cause of the mechanical failure is still being investigated, early reports indicate that MaryAnne's inappropriate use of a bottle rocket played a signifigant role.


  7. During our recovery from a technical issue. Everything is restored except for the Image Gallery, and that will be taken care of next week. Meanwhile, we apologize for the temporary disruption and appreciate y'all bearin' with us. A few lights may still flicker here n' there, but trust us, the place is as sturdy as ever. ( Ain't that a comfort? Heh.)

    While the cause of the mechanical failure is still being investigated, early reports indicate that MaryAnne's inappropriate use of a bottle rocket played a signifigant role.


  8. For workin' triple overtime to restore HazzardNet, after the most horrendous crash we've had in our history. You took the place from smoking ruins, to business as usual , in just about 24 hours, give r' take.

    You gave up your holiday, along with a good deal of sleep, to do it.

    Sometimes I forget - or take for granted - the technical side of this place, until somethin' goes wrong. HazzardNet has survived hostile attacks by hackers, it has survived MaryAnne, ( j/k ! ) and it has survived server disruptions and hardware failures. Thank you for the ongoin' work you've put into the machinery here...for several years. It's been too long since I've said it...but you are appreciated and respected.



  9. For workin' triple overtime to restore HazzardNet, after the most horrendous crash we've had in our history. You took the place from smoking ruins, to business as usual , in just about 24 hours, give r' take.

    You gave up your holiday, along with a good deal of sleep, to do it.

    Sometimes I forget - or take for granted - the technical side of this place, until somethin' goes wrong. HazzardNet has survived hostile attacks by hackers, it has survived MaryAnne, ( j/k ! ) and it has survived server disruptions and hardware failures. Thank you for the ongoin' work you've put into the machinery here...for several years. It's been too long since I've said it...but you are appreciated and respected.



  10. The damned black-clad desperado was, at that moment, riding hell-bent into the wrong conclusion. Clouds of dust kicked up from the galloping hooves of Damascus as Brian followed the wind-swept trail. Deep down inside, he knew that too much time seperated him from MaryAnne and Chet. Whatever had happened, he told himself, he was too late. Far too late. All he could do was try and pick up the pieces.

    MaryAnne had intended to take Chet two miles out of town, in the opposite direction from Brian's own exile. Knowing this, Brian followed the logical course, seeing the faded evidence of side-by-side hoofprints ahead of him. Deeper hoofprints, of a horse ridden in a hurry, were running a parellel track. Made by Rosco's mustang, no doubt.

    Suspecting that the worst had befallen his kin, Brian wasn't about to ride headlong into the same fate. Not when he had revenge to deliver. And so he veered off the trail and skirted towards the woods, cutting a wide loop towards the all-important two-mile mark where hell must have broken loose, if not before.

    It was by a fickle twist of Coltrane luck, that Brian's route brought him near the blackened crater of earth where Chet's dynamite had landed. Two horses lay motionless on their sides; two riders, thrown from their mounts, were face down in the dirt. Vultures and insects covered the carcasses, and Damascus squealed in alarm at the heavy, putrid scent of sun-warmed death.

    Such was the repelling sight and smell of carnage, that Brian had no will to force his horse closer. The vultures lifted their necks to glare back hatefully at the intrusion of their meal, wings hunched and spread over their feast.

    Brian's mind, on a detatched, criminal level, surmised that it was likely that the remains of the Hazzard law rested beneath the mound of scavenger birds. He could not bring himself any closer to be sure. He wanted to be wrong...

    ...but in his heart, he was already convinced. He bowed his head, removed his hat, and closed his blurring eyes to the sight.

    (cue anyone!)

  11. The damned black-clad desperado was, at that moment, riding hell-bent into the wrong conclusion. Clouds of dust kicked up from the galloping hooves of Damascus as Brian followed the wind-swept trail. Deep down inside, he knew that too much time seperated him from MaryAnne and Chet. Whatever had happened, he told himself, he was too late. Far too late. All he could do was try and pick up the pieces.

    MaryAnne had intended to take Chet two miles out of town, in the opposite direction from Brian's own exile. Knowing this, Brian followed the logical course, seeing the faded evidence of side-by-side hoofprints ahead of him. Deeper hoofprints, of a horse ridden in a hurry, were running a parellel track. Made by Rosco's mustang, no doubt.

    Suspecting that the worst had befallen his kin, Brian wasn't about to ride headlong into the same fate. Not when he had revenge to deliver. And so he veered off the trail and skirted towards the woods, cutting a wide loop towards the all-important two-mile mark where hell must have broken loose, if not before.

    It was by a fickle twist of Coltrane luck, that Brian's route brought him near the blackened crater of earth where Chet's dynamite had landed. Two horses lay motionless on their sides; two riders, thrown from their mounts, were face down in the dirt. Vultures and insects covered the carcasses, and Damascus squealed in alarm at the heavy, putrid scent of sun-warmed death.

    Such was the repelling sight and smell of carnage, that Brian had no will to force his horse closer. The vultures lifted their necks to glare back hatefully at the intrusion of their meal, wings hunched and spread over their feast.

    Brian's mind, on a detatched, criminal level, surmised that it was likely that the remains of the Hazzard law rested beneath the mound of scavenger birds. He could not bring himself any closer to be sure. He wanted to be wrong...

    ...but in his heart, he was already convinced. He bowed his head, removed his hat, and closed his blurring eyes to the sight.

    (cue anyone!)

  12. Ya know, back when I posted the friendly, "good for him" message above, there....and put the congratulations in our newsletter...I didn't know what I do now.

    I've been struggling with whether or not to post any more about it. I started a topic on the VP controversy a couple weeks ago, but I've been holding back. Would stirring things up do any good? No. Is it going to change anything? Nope. Will it be any consolation to the folks who applied and didn't get so far as a simple phone interview? Heck no.

    Will it make a buncha folks irritated, if not mad as hell? You betcha.

    Not to mention, such an editorial foray could be easily written off as "sour grapes" by those who support the VP selection. (Which, at last count, was at least six people.)

    Most importantly... do I wanna create any bad vibes between CMT and HazzardNet? No, no no no no. (We're on good terms with 'em and I'd love to keep it that way.)

    Yet....HazzardNet's first and foremost purpose and obligation is to the FANS. Not to the media. We have served the media in various capacities over the years, but our day-to-day reason for bein', is right here, with y'all. HNet wasn't built to please some corporate muckety-mucks.

    Of course, the corporate muckety-mucks could squash us like a bug. To protect HazzardNet from any strife, I've even considered resigning from the site and putting up an independent blog about the whole issue. Naturally, I hated that idea, so I figured I'd just shut up, drop the subject, and carry on.


  13. Ya know, back when I posted the friendly, "good for him" message above, there....and put the congratulations in our newsletter...I didn't know what I do now.

    I've been struggling with whether or not to post any more about it. I started a topic on the VP controversy a couple weeks ago, but I've been holding back. Would stirring things up do any good? No. Is it going to change anything? Nope. Will it be any consolation to the folks who applied and didn't get so far as a simple phone interview? Heck no.

    Will it make a buncha folks irritated, if not mad as hell? You betcha.

    Not to mention, such an editorial foray could be easily written off as "sour grapes" by those who support the VP selection. (Which, at last count, was at least six people.)

    Most importantly... do I wanna create any bad vibes between CMT and HazzardNet? No, no no no no. (We're on good terms with 'em and I'd love to keep it that way.)

    Yet....HazzardNet's first and foremost purpose and obligation is to the FANS. Not to the media. We have served the media in various capacities over the years, but our day-to-day reason for bein', is right here, with y'all. HNet wasn't built to please some corporate muckety-mucks.

    Of course, the corporate muckety-mucks could squash us like a bug. To protect HazzardNet from any strife, I've even considered resigning from the site and putting up an independent blog about the whole issue. Naturally, I hated that idea, so I figured I'd just shut up, drop the subject, and carry on.


  14. Darrel, I've actually traveled to Georgia to see the filming locations. They consist of the Covington town square, a rural junkyard, a general store that has since been remodeled, a former police dept building, the original Boar's Nest, and what used to be the Duke farm.

    I can tell ya that nothing on the CD is probably worth your hard-earned cash. While the locations are of historical note to any die-hard Dukes fan, I almost wish I'd never seen the original Boar's Nest building, back in 1999. (It had not been actively used as a bar for many years.) To see the state of virtual abandonment and disrepair it was in, was depressing.

    The general store that had been used for a scene in "Mary Kaye's Baby" had been remodeled enough, that you really couldn't get a sense recognition from the place.

    The Covington town square is neat, as the courthouse is the most timeless element of the original area. But I'm not sure how much can be said about a few locations that were used in a handful of episodes. In some cases, yer better off with the fantasy than the reality.

    Tho' if you're burnin' with curiousity and the CD's are cheap enuff, go ahead. T-Bell sells a lot of Dukes related merchandise on ebay. He does ship merchandise as promised...though some of his merchandise is unofficial in it's orgin. (Not like he's the only one who peddles homemade Dukes stuff. Just an FYI, buyer discretion is advised on ebay as a whole.)


  15. Darrel, I've actually traveled to Georgia to see the filming locations. They consist of the Covington town square, a rural junkyard, a general store that has since been remodeled, a former police dept building, the original Boar's Nest, and what used to be the Duke farm.

    I can tell ya that nothing on the CD is probably worth your hard-earned cash. While the locations are of historical note to any die-hard Dukes fan, I almost wish I'd never seen the original Boar's Nest building, back in 1999. (It had not been actively used as a bar for many years.) To see the state of virtual abandonment and disrepair it was in, was depressing.

    The general store that had been used for a scene in "Mary Kaye's Baby" had been remodeled enough, that you really couldn't get a sense recognition from the place.

    The Covington town square is neat, as the courthouse is the most timeless element of the original area. But I'm not sure how much can be said about a few locations that were used in a handful of episodes. In some cases, yer better off with the fantasy than the reality.

    Tho' if you're burnin' with curiousity and the CD's are cheap enuff, go ahead. T-Bell sells a lot of Dukes related merchandise on ebay. He does ship merchandise as promised...though some of his merchandise is unofficial in it's orgin. (Not like he's the only one who peddles homemade Dukes stuff. Just an FYI, buyer discretion is advised on ebay as a whole.)


  16. So much for WB keeping a lid on that one! Guess they didn't have a gag order on the terms of the settlement after all. As a few days had passed since we first caught wind of this, I almost thought they were gonna keep it off the radar. Guess you can't hide a 17 million hit to the pocketbook!

    Don't feel too bad for WB, though. They'll rake that back in, and more, the first weekend the movie is released.

    Whoda thunk "Moonrunners" would be worth this much money, about 30 years later? Boy, it pays to save yer receipts!

    Thanks for posting the articles!


  17. So much for WB keeping a lid on that one! Guess they didn't have a gag order on the terms of the settlement after all. As a few days had passed since we first caught wind of this, I almost thought they were gonna keep it off the radar. Guess you can't hide a 17 million hit to the pocketbook!

    Don't feel too bad for WB, though. They'll rake that back in, and more, the first weekend the movie is released.

    Whoda thunk "Moonrunners" would be worth this much money, about 30 years later? Boy, it pays to save yer receipts!

    Thanks for posting the articles!


  18. It was from awhile back. The USA Today contacted us for a statement on the Dukes movie back in April. We gave one, and we got a teeny little mention in their paper. ( I think it was the April 29th issue. )

    We also had 15 seconds of fame when the CMT Dukes special aired in February; the HNet staff names were included in the closing credits. ( We had supplied some content for the program.)

    But mostly, we try to keep ourselves low-key. We get into enough trouble right here!


  19. It was from awhile back. The USA Today contacted us for a statement on the Dukes movie back in April. We gave one, and we got a teeny little mention in their paper. ( I think it was the April 29th issue. )

    We also had 15 seconds of fame when the CMT Dukes special aired in February; the HNet staff names were included in the closing credits. ( We had supplied some content for the program.)

    But mostly, we try to keep ourselves low-key. We get into enough trouble right here!


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