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Skipper Duke

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Everything posted by Skipper Duke

  1. (Season 1 Goodbye, Old Paint) Professor:"Skipper?" Skipper:"Not now Professor. I'm gonna throw this big ape out on his ears!" Professor:"Skipper I gotta talk to you!" Skipper:"Alright Professor. Dubov, you better be here when I get back!" Dubov:"Don't worry. Dubov gonna be here, when you don't come back!" Skipper:"Ooop!"(Smashes his head on bamboo hut doorway beam.) Dubov:"Watch your head, rollie pollie!" Skipper:(Angry face. Finally makes his way outside the hut.)"What is it Professor?!" Professor:"Skipper, you've gotta be nice to him." Skipper:"Gimme one good reason!" Gilligan:"He's got a transmitter!" Skipper:"That's a good reason!"(a pillow is chucked out of the hut, hits Skipper in the face, messes up his hat. He becomes more increasingly angry.) Professor:"Skipper! Control yourself!" Skipper:(Mock smile. Points to his face.)"I'm smiling! I'm smiling!"
  2. OPOSSUM on a gumbush(What Enos always says)
  3. (Season 1 Goodbye, Old Paint) Skipper:(In top hammock napping. Sees Dubov enter the hut.)"Hello and goodbye!" Dubov:"You sure don't be very friendly!" Skipper:"If you wanna be friends, that's fine with me. Just don't order me around, that's all!" Dubov:"Nice place you got here." Skipper:"Thanks." Dubov:"It is now Dubov's." Skipper jumps up the top hammock where he was napping.)"IT IS NOW WHAT?!"
  4. (Rescue From Gilligan's Island 1978) Producer:"I'm paying you a fortune to make this picture, and you'll make it my way!" Ginger:(Throws costume at him.)"Well, if you want it your way, you wear it!"
  5. (Season 1 Goodbye, Old Paint) (Gilligan painting Skipper. He misses the canvas, and literally paints the Skipper 's face.) Skipper:(Angrily.)"Yes Gilligan! It's me, and it's very funny!"
  6. (Season 1 Goodbye, Old Paint) Dubov:"Nincoompoopers, it's upside down!"
  7. (Season 1 Goodbye, Old Paint) Ginger:"Belly dancer?! I'm not stripper!" Dubov:"Belly dancer! Who said anything stripper?" Professor:"Ginger, he means Bali dancer from the island of Bali." Ginger:"Well, why didn't he say so?!" Dubov:"I did. I said "Belly dancer!"
  8. MR. Winkle(Who runs the Hazzard Dog Pound.)
  9. (Rescue From Gilligan's Island 1978) Producer:"You were on that island to long! This, this is modern writing. As modern as today's newspaper!" Ginger:"Well, then, use it to wrap fish!"
  10. (Rescue From Gilligan's Island 1978) Ginger:"Would you let your wife wear this?" Producer:"Which wife?" Ginger:"Your daughter!" Producer:"Now that's hitting below the belt!" Ginger:"That's the problem. There's nothing below the belt, it's all above it!"
  11. (Rescue From Gilligan's Island 1978) Gilligan:"And how 'bout that robot? R2D2." Skipper:"Well, there's nothing dirty in that!" Gilligan:"R2D2 is a four letter word!"
  12. Gilligan's Island fans... In The Castaways On Gilligan's Island, when it says SAME ISLAND NEXT YEAR it means 1980 in the story since the movie is 1979?
  13. Hogg's ICE House
  14. Sick
  15. Yeah the original Hazzard County was used as the town of Crystal Lake.
  16. Did you know Macy's Department Store owners were on the Titanic?
  17. I have a plan for Gilligan's Island. I am planning to create fanfiction stories about the hotel. I will pick up where The Globetrotters ended. Do y'all have some ideas for me of who I can write about to stay at the hotel as guests?
  18. I'm outta reactions so ❤️
  19. (The Dukes of Hazzard Soundtrack album Good Ol' Boys) Boss Hogg:"Howdy folks. My name is Hogg. J. D. Hogg that is. Uh. Jefferson Davis Hogg that is. And let's just say I run Hazzard County. You know how to get to Hazzard County don't you? Just head South from anywhere in the good ol' US of A and you'll run right smack into my neck of the woods. And if you're lookin' to do business, uh, any kind of business down here, I'm the one to see. Just ask for Boss. I'll be waitin' to hear from you. I'm open to anything."
  20. Thanks Meadowmufn. I panicked when the site went away.
  21. (Rosco & Enos playing cards in Season 2 Dukes Meet Cale Yarborough) Rosco:"You got a jack?" Enos:"No sir. Go fish!" Rosco:"Enos, you don't go fish in Rummy, you dummy!"
  22. (Season 4 Ten Million Dollar Sheriff) Waylon Jennings:"That bounty hunter didn't waste no time before testin' the boys. An' his first move was pretty slick, fer a city boy." Luke Duke:"Hey! Are you crazy?!" Bo Duke:"You know Luke, I think he did that deliberate." Luke Duke:"Yeah. Well, I guess it's time to show him there ain't no room fer hot an' run drivers in Hazzard." Bo Duke:"Yeah-hoo! Git 'im Luke!" Waylon Jennings:"Ya see, Bo an' Luke because of their probation ain't supposed to leave Hazzard without permission. An' bein' chased by a bounty man don't come close to bein' permission." Jason Steele:"John Law from you-know-who. You ready to go fishin'?" Sheriff Little:"Oh, if I could find me a couple of suckers worth catchin'." Jason Steele:"It's all part of the plan, I'm baitin' the hook now. They cross that state line, you reel 'em in." Sheriff Little:"That's a big 10-4." Luke Duke:"Fairly matter, I'm just gettin' warned up." Bo Duke:"Luke, the county line!!" Waylon Jennings:"If they cross that line, it's goodbye to the ladies, an' hello six months hard time!" Bo Duke:"That was close! Another couple feet we'd have been across the county line." Luke Duke:"With the Chickasaw Sheriff waitin' for us. If I didn't know better, I'd swear that hit an' run driver was tryin' to bait us. Tryin' to make us break our probation."
  23. You're welcome Garrett.
  24. I'm outta reactions. But I'm sad for you Cousin Garrett.
  25. “Dusty, I am not the Bandit. The Bandit is the Bandit. The only man in the world who thinks I'm the Ban....” - Cledus Snow, 1983. (Smokey and the Bandit III)
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