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Skipper Duke

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Everything posted by Skipper Duke

  1. The Real Gilligan's Island(2005-2006)
  2. The Andy Griffith Show Reunion: Return to Mayberry(1986)
  3. Rescue From Gilligan's Island(1978) The Castaways On Gilligan's Island(1979) The Harlem Globetrotters On Gilligan's Island(1981)
  4. (Season 6 Too Many Roscos)Boss Hogg:"Enos! Arrest him!" Enos:"Possum on a gum bush Mr. Hogg! Which Rosco do you want me to arrest!? There's 2 of 'em!" Boss Hogg:"Holy Hannah! There are 2 Roscos!"
  5. Cousin Roger... WJ:"The Hazzard Coffin Works. It was part of Boss's cradle to the grave social security plan for himself. Most Hazzard babies were born in Boss's hospital. They grew up and financed their homes and cars at Boss's bank. And in the end, they were laid to rest in one of Boss's caskets. After being overcharged every step along the way."
  6. (Season 5 Big Daddy)Waylon Jennings:"When Boss found out that that wanted license plate was now on the General Lee, he was as happy as a rat trapped in a corn crib. Because he'd have to eat his way out."
  7. Cousin Roger I think you're right and it is.
  8. The makers of Alan Hale Jr.'s Yacht Captain Skipper Hat Cap for the 1st Reunion Rescue From Gilligan's Island(1978)was Midway Cap Co. Chicago USA. It's The Cruiser Cap model style not Aristocrat Cap model style. www.midwaycapcompany.com
  9. P.S. Lancaster Uniform Cap Co. also made Alan Hale Jr.'s Yacht Captain Skipper Hat Cap for 2 of the 3 Reunion movies, The Castaways On Gilligan's Island(1979)and The Harlem Globetrotters On Gilligan's Island(1981).
  10. (Season 2 Mrs. & Mrs.???)Mr. Howell:"Is she burning?" Gilligan:"She certainly is. I spilled some coffee on her."
  11. (Season 2 Mr. & Mrs.???)Professor:"Gilligan, he doesn't look jealous." Gilligan:"How can you tell? All he's doin' is starin' at Ginger."
  12. (Season 7 Opening Night at the Boars Nest)Boss Hogg:"Take off that stupid dunce cap!" Rosco:"It's not a dunce cap, Boss." Boss Hogg:"Oh no? Then how come the dunce is wearin' it!?"
  13. (Season 1 Double Sting)Wendell:"These people are crazy!"
  14. Any idea y'all why other Dukes of Hazzard websites www.hazzardonline.com and www.dukefarm.com etc have gone defunct?
  15. Luke Comstock:"What's goin' on Sheriff? What's all this?" Andy:"Oh. Well, Luke. This here is our Mayberry knot tyin' class. It meets here every Tuesday. That's a real nice one you got there, boys!"
  16. Skipper:"Watubi, I didn't think you were going make it." Gilligan:(as Watubi)"Neither did I."
  17. R. I. P. Lancaster Uniform Cap Co. Los Angeles CA.(1929-2011). Makers of the original Yacht Captain Skipper Hat Caps worn by Alan Hale Jr.(Captain Skipper Jonas Grumby)in the original series 3 seasons 1964-1967(98 episodes).
  18. (Season 3 The Producer)Harold Heccuba:"I do not tolerate negative thinking! Do you wanna know why? Because it's negative!"
  19. (Season 2 Days of Shine and Roses)Rosco:Doing crossword puzzle "Hey Boss? What's a five letter word fer dunce?" Boss Hogg:"R. O. S. C. O.!"
  20. Season 1(The Guitar Player)Jim Lindsey:"I'd rather be arrested by you folks than anybody I know."
  21. Season 1(How to Be a Hero)Gilligan:"Skipper! Skipper! Skipper!" Skipper:"See what I mean? He can't even pick coconuts by himself!"
  22. (Season 3 The Hack of Hazzard)Harry Ray:"Man, those 2 guys just drove off with all of our goods!" J. J. Sunday:"Relax. The way that Sheriff was eye ballin' us, that certificate is safer where it's at. When our car is ready, we'll go pick it up."
  23. He's my favorite Cousin Roger. And Waylon Jennings, Willie Nelson, Garth Brooks and Johnny Paycheck.
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