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Skipper Duke

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Everything posted by Skipper Duke

  1. (Season 2(1965-1966 and Season 3 1966-1967 color episodes 37-98 "The Skipper Brave and Sure" theme song scene.)
  2. (Season 1 Goodnight Sweet Skipper scene.) Skipper is sleepwalking, reliving his old Guadalcanal days of when he turned a radio into a transmitter.
  3. (Season 3 The Loaded Goat) Barney:"What's that?" Andy:"Jimmy's rope. He was here alright. What's more, he had lunch here too. Well, Hutch said he'd eat just about anything. Looks like he was right." Barney:"You mean that-" Andy:"Somewhere wanderin' loose around Mayberry is a loaded goat."
  4. (Season 2 Smile You're On Mars Camera) Gilligan is cooking glue in a pot over a fire to be used for repairing the broken Mars camera lens. Skipper:"Oh never mind stirring it anymore Gilligan! For goodness sakes, you're gonna make butter out of it!"
  5. (Season 3 Ring Around Gilligan robbing Fort K-Nox scene.) I used a broom as the bamboo rake/gun prop, as I did in the Season 2 Feed the Kitty ones as the bamboo pole and spear.
  6. (Season 5 The Hazzardgate Tape) Uncle Jesse:(at Boss Hogg's house, getting mad at his truck when it won't start for him to help Coy and Vance chase Boss Sharkey's boys Norton and Janco. "Dang blasted you truck!"(Smacks the wheel.)
  7. (Season 3 Ring Around Gilligan scene.) Professor:"The same person who passed out these rings must be the same practical joker who put that sign up!" All the castaways see the sign on Gilligan & Skipper's hut that reads FORT K-NOX. All:(Turn towards Gilligan ready to kill him. All:"Gilligan!!" Gilligan is saved by the "Boing" of Dr. Boris Balinkoff's mind controlling ring as he calls the castaways just at that critical moment as they are moving in on Gilligan.
  8. (Season 2 Feed the Kitty) scene. Skipper:"I guess I turned out to be an expert juggler all for nothing!" Gilligan:"Come on Skipper! You didn't turn out to be an expert juggler at all!" Skipper:"Oh yeah!? Watch this Gilligan!"(bends down and picks up 3 coconuts. Starts juggling them. Stops and looks confused.) Gilligan:"What's a matter Skipper?" Skipper:"Well, I've had sworn I had 3 coconuts."(Looks up, one was lodged up in a tree, comes down smacking him on the head. He looks dazed, and stumbles sideways and backwards as we fade out to end credits.) I used a Grape Fruit as a Coconut for this re-creation as I have with others cuz I didn't have Coconuts.
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