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Skipper Duke

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Everything posted by Skipper Duke

  1. (Season 2 Agonized Labor) Mr. Howell:"Would you like a taste the Moon Capitan?" Skipper:"Was is it!?" Mr. Howell:"It's a magnificent combination of a unique cuisine from zee master chef!" Skipper:"Oh, never mind all that static Mr. Howell! What is it!?" Mr. Howell: Seaweed soup!"
  2. Daisy Duke:"Enos? Where's Boss Hogg an' Rosco?" Deputy Enos Strate:"At yer farm." Daisy Duke:"Thank you Enos. That might be a new record."
  3. (Season 1 Irresistible Andy) Opie Taylor:"You a desperate hunter, Miss Ellie?" Ellie Walker:"Not really." Opie Taylor:"'Cause I know where you can get yourself a possum." Ellie Walker:"No thanks sweetie. Right now, I'm on the trail of a baboon!"
  4. (Season 2 Agonized Labor) Gilligan:"Skipper? What's soup de jour?" Skipper:"Gilligan, everybody knows what soup de jour is! For goodness sakes, those are the simplest words in the world!"Gilligan:" You don't know either?" Skipper:"Gilligan, I do too! I just don't wanna show off. Tell him what it is Professor." Professor:"Soup of the day."
  5. (Season 5 Otis Sues the County) Otis:"Boy, I sure would hate to have to fill out a form every time I fell down. Wouldn't leave me much time for drinkin'!"
  6. (Season 3 Uncle Boss, filmed in Season 2) Rosco:"Well, you see Boss, one minute they were there, then poof, the next minute they were gone." Boss Hogg:"You mean, you drove right by 'em without seein' 'em don't you? Because you can't tell grits from gumdrops can you!?" Rosco:"Grits are the white with the-"
  7. (Season 2 The Jinx) Barney:"Fly away buzzard fly away crow way down south where the winds don’t blow rub your nose and give two winks and save us from this awful jinx."
  8. (Season 1 Ellie Comes to Town) Emma Brand:"Sheriff, I come to report a murder." Andy:"A murder?" Emma:"That's right." Andy:"Somebody's been murdered?" Emma:"Yes." Andy:"Who?" Emma:"Me!" Andy :"You?" Emma:"Yes, and I'll tell you who done it! That lady druggist, that's who!" Andy:"Miss Walker?" Emma:"She's the one. Now, Sheriff, go arrest her. Do your duty." Andy:"Well, now, Emma, they's...they's just the teensiest little technicality involved here. You ain't quite dead yet."
  9. Cousin Roger Duke... Right you are!
  10. (Season 1 The Big Gold Strike) Skipper:(falling into gold mine)"Oop dope dope awwww!!" Gilligan:"Hi, Skipper. Glad you dropped in." Skipper:"Gilligan. Ooh. What is that?" Gilligan:"A one-pound diamond ring." Skipper:"So that's what you've been up to. You've got a diamond mine." Gilligan:"No, that belongs to Missus Howell." Skipper:"What are you doing down here?" Gilligan:"Well, I--" Skipper:"What's all this stuff all over the walls?" Gilligan:"Gold." Skipper:"Gold?" Professor:"Gold?" Ginger/Mary Ann:"Gold?" Gilligan has an "Oh s***" look on his face, as he realizes he let the cat out of the bag, revealing Mr. Howell's secret.
  11. (Season 4 Citizen's Arrest) Gomer:"You can just go up an alley and holler fish!!"
  12. Some funny quotes(From the 8/26/87 interview) Skipper:"They're supposed to send somebody up to fix the TV. It's already 12:30, and I still don't have television. I mean, what the h*** kind of hotel is that?" Skipper:"Me and my cohorts will try and read this g**d*** thing!" Skipper:(after signing boat paddle for woman who asked him to sign it for her.)"There! Can you read that? It says "Ernest Borgnine of McHale's Navy."
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