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Skipper Duke

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Everything posted by Skipper Duke

  1. Bandit:"I can't lie to you Sheriff. You're to good of a man. Look over your left shoulder." Sheriff Buford T. Justice:"Oooof!" Bandit:"We're on our way to Boston to get some Clam Chowder. Bye bye!" Sheriff Buford T. Justice:"I'm not giving up! I'm not giving up!"
  2. (Season 3 The Kidnapper) Gilligan:"Did he sign it?" Skipper:"Kidnappers don't sign ransom notes!"
  3. My Tribute to James Best(Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane) Rosco:"Flash we'll wait fer those Duke Boys to race thru the pearly gates, and then daddy will cuff 'em and stuff 'em! I love it I love it Velvet Ears!"
  4. Cousin Roger Duke... Pammy still looks good at 54 years old.
  5. Cousin Roger Duke... Why the wow reaction?
  6. Cousin Roger Duke... I know her. She was a Charlie's Angel. Farrah Fawcett!
  7. (Season 4 The Sound of Music Hazzard Style) Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane:"Now you stay here cuz daddy will be back in a Flaysh Flaysh! Git it Flaysh Flaysh?"
  8. Skipper:"Gilligan. What are you hiding?" Gilligan:"Me hiding? Where what what what hiding who what what what hiding who... Skipper, I got a confession to make. I got a stuck foot." Skipper:"I thought so." Gilligan:"Please help me huh Skipper?" Skipper:"Yes Gilligan I'll help you. But remember, when you've done something wrong don't try to hide it." Gilligan:"I'll remember."
  9. (Beep beep beep) Sheriff Buford T. Justice:"Shut yo a** and that goes for the 2 monks too!"
  10. Bandit:"I can turn 'em on but I can't turn 'em off."
  11. Jr.:"Daddy my face is all white!" Sheriff Buford T. Justice"Well, put on a little lipstick and I'll drop you off at a gay bar!"
  12. (Season 4 Trouble at Cooter's) Luke Duke:"Uncle Shepard the boys in blue are on our tail again. Can you stake out Rhuebottom's for us, and find out where them stolen furs go?" Uncle Jesse Duke:"I'm yer man, and I'm on my way."
  13. boys in blue as Luke called 'em in Season 4 Trobule at Cooter's. "Uncle Shepard the boys in blue are on our tail again. Can you stake out Rhuebottom's for us, and find out where them stolen furs go?" "I'm yer man and I'm on my way."
  14. Jr.:"What's that daddy?" Sheriff Buford T. Justice:"Oh. That must be one of those new Japanese sports cars. Howdy!"(Guy on hospital bed rolling down road):"Swamp Fever! Swamp Fever!" Sheriff Buford T. Justice:"Swamp Fever? Damned if I know where it is! I'm new around here myself. If I weren’t in high speed pursuit I’d have that bum and his Sukiyaki bicycle in the clink for driving on the wrong side of the road!"
  15. (Season 2 You've Been Disconnected) Skipper:"But Professor the red one must be a direct line to Moscow." Professor:"Skipper, I told you telephone lines simply don't work that way."
  16. Sheriff Buford T. Justice:"You woman's lib suuumb****"
  17. (Season 2 You've Been Disconnected) Skipper:"He said "Hello" in Hawaiian. They're gonna rob a bank!" Gilligan:(cutting wire)"Don't worry Skipper! I know how to stop 'em. There! Now they can't talk to each other." Skipper:"Gilligan, what's to prevent 'em from talking to each other on that wire?"(points to another wire) (Gilligan cuts that wire too) Skipper:"You break another wire, I'll break your neck."
  18. Any other men here have crush on Pamela Anderson?
  19. Remembering the great Alan Hale Jr. on his too soon passing in 1990 at the age of 68.RIP.
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