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Everything posted by K-Duke15
Lol we are!!! The world is right again
So I'm back after like 2 years or something. Not exactly sure why I strayed away but I'm back now. I hope to be a little more active and just may get more of my fanfiction worked on again. They have been such slow works in progress. Well I guess I've had a couple big things happen. Been working still. Cutting hair. Think I had just started when I went away. I'm still with the same company. Had switched stores in the same franchise but come Saturday I will be joining a different franchise. My benefits will be better and as well as the environment. Pay is also better which is always a plus. The best change: I've found myself my own good ol' boy. Like literally my own. When I met him he had a mid 2000s silver charger. Come this past February though he got himself an orange 2017 challenger with a black stripe down the middle of the hood. I technically have my own General Lee. I haven't driven him but man can he handle the road. Funny enough my guy drives just like a Duke boy. Well, without the jumping the car and everything. It's incredible how all that came around. Just my luck. I'm sure very few, if anyone, would remember me. I hope everyone has been doing well. If anything cool has happened, I'd love to hear. Everyone have a happy September almost October.
I've started to think that owning a gun is a smart thing here in the US. That's only because we have a couple under our roof. There should be a little better rules about getting guns but since the beginning, we've had the right to bare arms. It just seems to in this time and place, more mental disorders are around. In my opinion, i feel that they are the reasons for the shootings we have. Many people who own guns are smart about them but there are some that are mentally incapable to own one. Some are also too careless to own one. So yes, maybe we need a little stricter percussion when getting a gun. The the own flag thing, it just bugs me how people can't let go of the past. We dealt with it when it was big. We need to be dealing with what is happening now.
I'm pretty sure most, if not all of us have seen to issues involving the confederate flag. Well if you're like me, it's angered you. Not too long ago, Ben Jones made a post that expresses how I and many other fans feel about this issue. Bellow is what he posted. I debated on sharing it but I did and I'm proud of it. This is exactly how I feel. Those people against the flag may try to bring us down but we won't give up. (Small note. Sorry the picture is so small. If you guys want, I can do a reply with this quoted in it.)
I agree with you so much. I wish I had TV Land and CMT to watch Dukes but I will hopefully have all the seasons on DVD soon. At least we have Cooter's Place to get some merchandise if we want them. And I honestly don't see why we should be punished for this. So many emotions are spurred in me because of this. Anger being the biggest.
This whole thing just irritates me so much. People can't keep the past in the past. Why are we bringing up something bad that happened long ago and trying to make it something again today? Why don't we just focus of the problems we have now?
How 'bout we get some Wopat going? "Hey Little Sister" ~ Tom Wopat
Got my things today. It's nice having a physical copy of it. If you look at the picture closely, the backdrop behind the cd in the sweatshirt I got along with it. (sorry it's sideways. It wanted to be like that I guess)
If any of you listen to Spotify (a music listening website) then the album is on there. I've listened to it and I love it. It has some jazz sounds to it and a lot of the songs have a smooth sound to them. There are also a couple tracks that are about 30 seconds of John and Tom talking and making comments to each other.
I would have ordered it off of Amazon but it was cheaper on Cooter's Place. I also bought a sweatshirt off of there to which made ordering it better.
Will do. I should hopefully get it Wednesday or Thursday.
Who all has pre-ordered or will order Tom and John's Christmas album. I pre-ordered my copy from Cooter's Place just a couple hours ago. I'm so excited for it.
I completely forgot about giving an update. It was awesome. I want to go again. We got free posters which I will put a picture on in a little bit. My dad and I also got a picture with Darth Vader which I will also post. We got me a certificate saying that it was my first game and we also got free tickets to see the hall of fame they got which was really cool. We won 4 to 3 I think in the 9th inning. I got a tad burned but the view was perfect. It wasn't my dad's first game though since a year or two ago, he did the fireworks for a game and was on the very top of the stadium. All in all, it was a great time and I think I've become a baseball fan. (We also made it onto the big screen about 3-4 times)
I should have posted this a couple days ago when I got the tickets but I'm going to my first baseball game tomorrow. I got two free tickets for having straight As in school. The Reds are playing the Brewers and it's also Star Wars weekend which makes it cooler. Likely it will be warm and won't rain.
Alrighty, here we go again. I'm back with some more pictures. Trust me when I say that the card is like this in real life. For some reason the coloring is off on the actual card. We all know this photo shot. But you just gotta love seeing a picture of John (or Tom when it comes up ) Tom and Cathy. I know someone on here knows when and where this was taken. Lovable Cletus. "Carnival Of Thrills" after the big jump happened I think.
I know it's not a job like that but I always feel bad about it. Just like with my fanfictions. I've neglected them and I'm trying so hard to put something up. And lucky for you, I should be able to get some more pictures up in just a little bit. I promise that I will get it up before I go to bed tonight (I'm also loving the View Master pictures. They were the coolest things to have and I bet it would have been even cooler to own some Duke slides for it.)
I'm so sorry Roth. I've been meaning to get some new pictures up for a while now. School has just taken over (becoming a cosmetologist is a lot of work) and we moved a couple weeks ago and still getting stuff put away. I will get stuff up soon though because my spring break starts Friday. Hope y'all can survive till then PS ~ This will be one of the pictures I will be posting. I remember coming across it in my stack.
Nice detective work, Roth. I probably could figure a lot of this stuff out but I only own season 5 and now see the other seasons on CMT. And it's not a problem. I love sharing these. Here's the other Luke sticker which is the same as the last. This means that the next cards are from the set that I have the most of. (Sorry it's sideways. Didn't really realize it till just now and really don't feel like fixing it since you all have seen it before.) "Carnival of Thrills" jump. It kind of hurts seeing how it's landing. John giving a supermodel look. I think this was after a few seasons. Definitely a photo shoot but I can't remember which. I have seen this photo or one like it on Roth's thread. Can ya help out, Roth?
We know this is season 4 since both Cletus and Bo are in the picture. I know I've seen this episode but I can't think of what it is. What a picture to say that to. Yet another General jump. This one looks familiar too.
I think the picture is from this jump. It was just taken at that beginning angle. The more you look between the picture and the gif you can see how they are the same.
That stinks. I truly didn't know my mom had these till she told me. She was looking at something online and it made her think of them. If she told me earlier then these might have been up sooner
This and the first one have to be from the same season. Daisy's hair looks that same but I can't remember what season it looked like this. From "And In This Corner, Luke Duke." I feel like this is from the first season though it's hard to tell with jumps like this.
That's awesome work, Hoss. It looks like it's from the show now.