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Hobie Hartkins

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Everything posted by Hobie Hartkins

  1. Some words are hard because they are local words that proper English wouldn't translate to a foreign language ( like " YEE HAA!!")
  2. Floor ... ( I'm tore up from the floor up!)
  3. Welcome to Hazzard! Hugger Orange gets my vote...although it all looks red to my eyes! ( Remember that episode?)
  4. The HD looks better than ever, but they have edited the shows!! I wish they would show them in full!!....oh....yea...L.S. Pritchard is HOT!! She can repo MY farm ANY day!!
  5. That's what happens when you get a Yankee from New York trying to ACT like a Redneck! It happens on T.V. but NOT in real life!! You put a REAL redneck behind that wheel and he would beat that rice burner!!
  6. Hey There! Good to have you!
  7. Happy Birthday Boss!!
  8. Happy belated Birthday to Rick and Tailgator!! God Bless!!
  9. Thanks! You too Meadow!!
  10. Offroad
  11. WOW!! Thanks for that one! I had forgotton about " Dynamite" magazine! That was way back in the day!!
  12. I didn't see that. It's a shame it doesn't have the flag. SHAME??? Call it what it is....B.S.!! They are cowards for backing down....kind of like when Cracker Barrel was going to take Duck Dynasty out of their stores, but then....!! COWARDS!! GET ON AND STAY ON THE RIGHT SIDE AND NEVER NEVER BACK DOWN!! The Dukes and DUCK Dynasty are 100% RIGHT ON!!
  13. Hope you guys had a Merry Christmas and I hope you get to feeling better Muffin!
  14. Happy late birthday! I was lost on the back 40 and just got back! Sorry! But happy Birthday!
  15. Well... Here in the Netherlands we don't have them. in the 80s I believe we did go from Longjohns (those one piece things from just above the feet to the shoulder) to those small triangle things with a tank top. So i never seen them. Oh yes! I know all about that stuff! Being poor and living in the country when I was young, I learned about all of that when winter time came! Nothing keeps you as warm as LongJohns, or as my cousin and wife call them, " Long Handles"
  16. That "Type of shirt" looks like a type of thermal underwear! LOL!! ( poor white people like me know these things!...LOL!!)
  17. VERY Cool!! IF...they leave it on!!
  18. Heavy Metal
  19. She used to be a famous chef who cooked stuff in her kitchen on T. V. Granola
  20. Julia Childs
  21. Oh yes! This has always been an iconic favorite!!
  22. oddly enough, and I didn't realize this until years later, my two VERY favorite cars are the 1987 Toyota Corolla GTS coupe ( The one with pop up lights) AND the 1987 Mercedes 450 SEL with winshield wipers on the headlights!!
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