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Hobie Hartkins

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Everything posted by Hobie Hartkins

  1. That last picture is from "Coy vs. Vance", which I have, but I've only watched some of the episodes a couple 3 times, because I just don't like them, like "Carnival of Thrills". When the two cousins ( Bo, Luke/Coy, Vance ) fight, I don't like it, esp. when it seems goofy!
  2. His daughter was in an episode ....Bonnie May? I can't remember his daughter's name...Also, what was his dog's name...hint: It's the only episode that showed his house or where he lived!
  3. Same here!! LOL!! Evert time i'm in the chat room nobo9dy is there....Twilight Zone Time!...do do do do do do do do! LOL!!
  4. Helicopter! ( Hey, a Chopper is also a helicopter!)
  5. Yes! Rest in Peace and know that you are greatly missed! You left us far too soon " Cousin"! Perhaps one day, we will meet again, on the streets that have no name!
  6. I have the DVDs but there is just something fun about watching on TV This is true, especially with the High Definition we have now!! Welcome Mirabella and Stelth ( Ft. Liquordale is one of my favorite places....for obvious reasons! LOL!!
  7. Roth, You are a plethora of information! I am VERY impressed!! Thanks a lot! Next time you're near the car lot, stop on in and I'll give you a Mason Jar full of shine! ( I still have some sitting here next to my comp., that I haven't finished yet, from WAY back....I really need to try it again now, because I squeezed a lemon in it and let it sit and age!)
  8. Who was the preacher in " People's Choice", who was marrying the town Register ( I'm blanking on his name!) to Mabel Wooster? I just saw him playing an old, half crippled/senile, codger, in a Magnum P.I. show!
  9. Hobie, you have that car for sale again? Yes! I try to get as much money for one car as possible. It's " Hogganomics" or called " Re-loaning!" ( I'm sure I don't have to explain those terms to you, since you're a fellow Hazzardite! )
  10. Stop on by the car lot sometime...I might have a piece or two I could give ya! ( But they all look red to my eyes...!!)
  11. Yes, Ms. Riverton Co. is pretty hot stuff!! Maybe they didn't credit her, is because she didn't do any speaking??
  12. Excellent find!! ( Although I could've told you about ol' Cutty...we go wayyyy back! )
  13. Oscar the Grouch! ( The green monster that lives in a trash can on Sesame Street!)
  14. President ( He was our president down here!)
  15. Nathan Bedford Forrest ( like Lee, an officer in the Confederacy!)
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