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Hobie Hartkins

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Everything posted by Hobie Hartkins

  1. The General all the way!! I bet he could outrun The Trans Am too!!
  2. KITT was a neat car and the show was a pretty good one, but come on.....it was mostly unreal and in REAL life the General could kick KITT'S butt!!
  3. Try WD-40 and soak it real good and let it sit for a while before trying to take it off.
  4. Welcome to Hazzard! Glad to have you!!
  5. My favorite, in no certain order, are: 1. Wayne's World 2. Smokey and the Bandit 3. Outlaw Josie Wales 4. First 3 Star Wars ( The first 3 put out in public) 5. Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure (and the other one too..lol!)
  6. Jerry (Hubbard- real last name) Reed didn't live that far from me when I was in Franklin Tn. He used to live in Brentwood ( Same county, different town). He called one of the country radio stations in Nashville, when he was real big and Smokey and the Bandit first came out and told the DJ, that he would give him an interview, if he wanted. The DJ laughed at him and didn't believe that it was really him, no matter how hard Jerry tried to convince him. The next day, when the DJ got to work, the manager of the station met him in the lobby and told him, " The next time somebody calls this station, claiming to be Jerry Reed, you need to believe him!" LOL!!
  7. There's no end to the stupidity of the brainwashed, mindless cattle!!! I tried to write TV Land but I couldn't find a contact addy! I think we should find an addy and bring their server down with so many complaints!!
  8. Things in this country have really gone into the crapper! I think ALL fans should stay away from the races and I guarantee you, the flag would be back in 2-3 races! Money talks and B.S.....especially this kind.....walks!! ( BOYCOTT NASCAR!!!)
  9. Welcome to the board. I was in high school when the Dukes got going and we weren't old enough to drive yet ( Freshman, sophmore years), so Friday night and the Dukes were the big thing for us!!
  10. Gum Balls ( Rosco said he was going to turn his " Gum Balls on")
  11. Some people aren't happy unless they're trying to stir something up! ( I know....i'm married to one!) These people aren't happy unless they have something going, something stirred up! They hate peace and won't settle for keeping things calm!
  12. What happened to CMT?? Are they too good to carry the show anymore? I just found out about this and I'm all for it!!
  13. Only your enemy wants to take your gun....nobody else cares.....think about it! The reason other countries have been invaded and conquered, by their enemies or their own government, is because its citizenry didn't have guns! This is the same reason a tyrannical government doesn't want you to have guns! As far as the flag goes.....how stupid can so many people be? The south had more slaves than anybody and that was still only 2% of the population! Ever hear the expression, " He sold me down the river!" ,meaning someone betrayed you? The Yankees bought the slaves from Jews, who went to Africa and bought them from other Africans and brought them over here. When the Yankees couldn't get any work out of them, because it was so cold ( These Africans were just off the boat, not acclimatized like Africans today), they didn't want to lose the money they invested, so they put them on rafts and sailed them down the Mississippi to the south and sold them to Southerners. Hence, " They sold me down the river!" America had slaves until 1878. The Emancipatiuon Proclamtion did NOT free all the slaves!! It only freed those in the south, in 1865 at the end of the war, which Lincoln wanted to do, to punish the south for trying to secede. So, the American flag represented slavery from 1776-1878, and the Confederate flag represented slavery from 1861-1865. Hmmm.......somethin's not right here..... THE ENTIRE WAR WAS OVER THE SAME THING PEOPLE IN THE U.S.A. HAVE BEEN FIGHTING ABOUT EVER SINCE THIS COUNTRY STARTED!! IT WAS ABOUT WHETHER WE SHOULD HAVE A SMALL LOCAL GOVERNMENT ( STRONG STATE GOVERNMENT) OR A STRONG, BIG FEDERAL GOVERNMENT ( A BIG BROTHER GOVERNMENT). THE WAR WAS NOT ABOUT SLAVERY!!!!! IT WAS ABOUT STATE'S RIGHTS!! Unfortunately, the winner writes the history books and in this case that was the Federal government....the Yankees!!
  14. Well Meadow....imitation is the sincerest form of flattery! ( Remember that???)
  15. Yes, there are a few others....I'd say about half a dozen or so that I don't hardly ever watch.....for the same reason...but some I see a lot ( Two Too Many Roscos!)
  16. Rosco....sometimes he acted like a clown!...lol!!
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