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Hobie Hartkins

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Everything posted by Hobie Hartkins

  1. Enos' room at the boarding house was an apartment ....in a way.....
  2. You are doing a great job Meadow! I like the new look! ( Of course everything looks red to me....lol.... not really..... but remember that one?) Hazzard County is my favorite place in the world and The Dukes of Hazzard is my favorite show of all time. The only show,where I can watch the same episode, over and over, w/out getting tired of it! Hopefully the Lord will let me into Heaven and it will be something like Hazzard! Hey, I have a question, esp. for the veterans of the forum ( Hard core fans)......am I the only one who watches TDOH and falls asleep to them and hasn't seen the latter part of some episodes in a long time? LOL....I think it's like reading a story book to a kid. It's comforting and sends me right off to sleep!
  3. I really don't see the resemblance!
  4. I was thinking the SAME thing! " You're unlucky because we can always step outside!" GOOFY!! Also stupid, remember how Bo was going to make the jump and when he was about to do it, Luke was going to " Ride shotgun" with him, so he could keep his eye on the speed, etc. so Bo could concentrate on the jump!! THAT was weak! How about shooting his chances in the foot, by adding a couple hundred pounds to the weight of the car? Dumb!!! This whole episode with its goofiness and stupidity, makes you wonder about the writers! This one and Dr. Jekyl and Mr. duke are my two least favorite!
  5. I agree, Strange Visitor was a stretch and stupid, but I also didn't like Carnival of Thrills where Bo and Luke fight and it's also probably the corniest episode. Also, I didn't like Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Duke. I didn't like Luke going off on everybody! I haven't seen those two that much!
  6. Thanks Lizzy! I hope to see you " in town " soon! ( Unless you want to come by the car lot.....I've got a nice little red buggy for sale! ( They all look red to my eyes!)
  7. How come when I click on " New posts", nothing ever comes up?? Just a question for smarter minds than mine, here in Hazzard! .
  8. You got that right Roger!! Just think....nobody argues, they have the same opinion you do, you can leave your car, house etc. open and nobody messes with anything, etc.! Everything's a lot slower/simpler!
  9. I really haven't gotten a chance to be on here in a while. I tell my wife sometimes that I'm going to " The Land" and she knows what I mean. I'm going to lay down and watch TV/doze and go to Hazzard in my mind. This is the land where everybody knows me and I know them and we all agree on everything! The place I could easily spend eternity! It's like Jimmy Best said once, it's a place that reminds you of where you grew up or where you wish you had grown up!
  10. I think the General could beat the Trans Am but I'm pretty sure that Porsche could beat ALL of those cars!!
  11. Congratulations Mark! Come by the car lot sometime and I'll give a sip of sh, sh, shine! ( ohhhh....you never waste a taste!)
  12. The General all the way!! I bet he could outrun The Trans Am too!!
  13. KITT was a neat car and the show was a pretty good one, but come on.....it was mostly unreal and in REAL life the General could kick KITT'S butt!!
  14. Try WD-40 and soak it real good and let it sit for a while before trying to take it off.
  15. Welcome to Hazzard! Glad to have you!!
  16. My favorite, in no certain order, are: 1. Wayne's World 2. Smokey and the Bandit 3. Outlaw Josie Wales 4. First 3 Star Wars ( The first 3 put out in public) 5. Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure (and the other one too..lol!)
  17. Jerry (Hubbard- real last name) Reed didn't live that far from me when I was in Franklin Tn. He used to live in Brentwood ( Same county, different town). He called one of the country radio stations in Nashville, when he was real big and Smokey and the Bandit first came out and told the DJ, that he would give him an interview, if he wanted. The DJ laughed at him and didn't believe that it was really him, no matter how hard Jerry tried to convince him. The next day, when the DJ got to work, the manager of the station met him in the lobby and told him, " The next time somebody calls this station, claiming to be Jerry Reed, you need to believe him!" LOL!!
  18. There's no end to the stupidity of the brainwashed, mindless cattle!!! I tried to write TV Land but I couldn't find a contact addy! I think we should find an addy and bring their server down with so many complaints!!
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