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Everything posted by HossC

  1. It's probably 2 years too late, but here's my version of the Boars Nest sign. I did it because I was thinking of getting it printed on a T-shirt. The artwork is all in outline, so it could easily be cut in vinyl, or scaled large for printing. You'll see I used it for my avatar. PM me if it's any use.
  2. Hi there. I've just put up 2 crosswords on the Trivia forum which I hope you'll like. On the 2nd one I wasn't sure whether the answer to 37 across was (10) or (6,4) - you're the only person who can tell me:) - Regards, Hoss.

  3. Thanks for putting me in your friends - I hope to make many more. Crossword #2 is now up - even if you don't get a chance to try it, can you let me know if the grids are showing up ok?

  4. It was finished, so it may as well be here:). CLUES Across 1. Last name of doctor before Doc. Appleby (9). 4. Guest actor best known as Eugene Tackleberry in the Police Academy films (5,4). 8. Boss Hogg's relationship to Hughie (5). 10. Uncle Jesse drives one of these (6,5). 11 & 14 across. One of Boss's properties that's been a casino amongst other things (6,6). 12. When it's not on the road, the General is doing this through the air (6). 14. See 11 across. 15. See 3 down. 16. Mill ____ ____ - one of the addresses given for the Dukes' farm (4,4). 18. Hazzard business also run by post mistress Miz Tisdale (3,7). 21. Colour of Daisy's 26 down (6). 23. Stuntman uncle of Gary and father of Craig R. (4,6). 25. See 19 down. 28. Boss Hogg had to stay at the Dukes' farm when he was this for the Persecution (7). 29. Country singer who appeared in 'Good Neighbors, Duke' (4,5). 32. The Duke boys are always violating this by leaving Hazzard (6). 33. Hazzard's general store (11). 35. Sign outside the door of The Boars Nest - knowing Boss it's watered down and warm (4,4). 37. HazzardNet's 'Supreme Superior Commander' (10). 38. Last name of Sheriff played twice by Dick Sargent (4). 39. First name of Hazzard's (crazy) mechanic (6). 40. One of filming locations in Georgia used in early episodes (7). 41. A woman and her twin cause the Dukes this in season 6 (7). Down 2. Short name for a police officer (3). 3 & 15 across. Episode from season 4 (8,4) 4. HazzardNet game started by RogerDuke - Duke or ____ (4). 5. Soft, grassy edge of the road (5). 6. See 16 down. 7. If Boss tried his schemes anywhere else they would cause one of these (7). 9 & 35 down. Stand-in sheriff played by Clifton James (6,5). 11. Last name of Sheriff 'Spike' (6). 12. 'Opening Night at The Boars Nest' was this episode (5). 13. Last name of guest actor Robert (one of my favourite cameos - see post elsewhere) (4). 16 & 6 down. Popular make and model of patrol car (8,4). 17. Type of Cadillac owned by Boss Hogg (2,5). 19 & 25 across. NASCAR driver who came to Hazzard (twice) (4,10). 20. First name of Lucifer's driver (3). 22. This crock got passed around in an episode of season 3 (10). 24. Stand-in Sheriff played by James Hampton (6,4). 26. 1974 Plymouth driven by Daisy before the Jeep (4,6). 27. Dukes of Hazzard creator (2,7). 30. First name of missing country singer whose last name is Lynn (7). 31. Last name of actress Elinor who was in 'The Sound of Music - Hazzard Style' (7). 34. Bo loses this in 'My Son, Bo Hogg' (6). 35. See 9 down. 36. Another name for the farming locations or way of life seen on Dukes of Hazzard (5).
  5. Sorry for duplicating, but I posted this online so everyone should be able to see it even if they're not a member.
  6. Hi Roger - I've tried fixing the crossword for you - hope you give it a try. You even get a name check in one of the clues in the second one I've just finished (will post soon). Also thanks for replying to my posts - I've only been a member 2 weeks and I'm a Hazzardite already!

  7. I've tried inserting a link to the attached image - it works for me as long as I'm logged in - hope this works for everyone else.
  8. The tricky bit comes near the end when you've got loads of Dukes words in, and you need to fill the gaps. In usual crosswords the compilers can choose any words - I was trying to keep to the theme which means there are a couple of clues with slightly tenuous links, and a couple of easy ones too. It pops up ok on my computer when I click the thumbnail - have you tried right-clicking the thumbnail and choosing "Open Link in New Window/Tab"? - I've tried this successfully in Internet Explorer 8 and Firefox (3.6.7) - maybe other people could let me know if they are having problems, I will have to find another way to post it. Anyway, glad you liked it and thanks for the feedback - I have another ready to go if this one proves popular.
  9. Original, hands down. The newer film was alright, but why call it the Italian Job when the plot bears no relation to the original - at least Gone in 60 (Sixty) Seconds had some similarities. Would it have done so well if they'd had to think of a new title? In the original you get a car chase that lasts half the film, and includes loads of impressive stunts that are all done for real by Rémy Julienne and team. You also get Michael Caine saying 'you're only supposed to blow the bloody doors off' and that ending ... what more could you ask for? Maybe it's because I'm English - the original is a very English film with the likes of Noel Coward and Benny Hill accompanying Michael Caine (a man, like Sean Connery, who uses the same accent no matter what part he plays).
  10. I enjoyed both of them. For those who haven't seen it, Eleanor in the original movie was a yellow 1973 Mach 1 Mustang (actually a '71 dressed to look like a '73). Both films involve stealing lots of cars to order, but I think that only one scene is copied directly in the newer film - the one with the drugs being blown away by the exhaust (not seen it for a while - jump in if I'm wrong). H.B. Halicki wrote, directed and starred in the original, as well as owning most of the cars used and doing his own stunts. He injured his back during one stunt that went wrong, but liked the footage and kept it in the movie. Amazingly the car is still drivable despite being severly battered. Sadly he died when a water tower stunt went wrong while filming the sequel in 1989. If you've read my post in the hobbies section of the forum you will see I have 1:18 models of both Eleanors. If the choice was between the cars, I'd take the '67 in the newer film.
  11. Hope you give my trivia crossword a try - I have credited you in the post.

  12. It's over 2 years since Redneck girl 01 put up a crossword in the Hobbies section, so I thought I'd give it a try. I've tried not to duplicate too many answers with the previous crossword - obviously there will be some easy answers, but hopefully there are at least 1 or 2 to get you thinking. If I've goofed up any clues or numbers please let me know - it's my first crossword, and it's now after midnight here so I'm not as wide awake as I should be when checking it. Grid is below the clues as an attachment. I will post solution in a week or so, or when concensus demands. CLUES Across 3. Rosco's rank (7). 5. See 13 down. 6. Guest county singer Tammy (7). 8. Widow's ____, Hazzard landmark (4). 9. Friend of the Dukes who tricked the boys into delivering illegal firearms (5,5). 12. Surname of Hazzard's post mistress (7). 15. Actor who played Cletus Hogg (4,5). 18 & 4 down. Duke's friend who faked his own death (5,5). 20. Location of County Historical Society Museum and JulieDuke (8,4). 21. If you missed DoH the first time 'round, catch them here (6). 22. Boss Hogg tried to foreclose on Uncle Jesse's one of these (8) 23. See 35 across. 24 & 34 down. Private detective with his girls from season 2 (5,5). 26. First name of Sheriff 'Spike' Loomis (6). 28. Boss hypnotizes Luke to say this to General Lee (7). 31. Boss Hogg's out of town bar/restaurant and office (3,5,4). 33. First name of actress who played Hazzard's post mistress (5). 35 & 23 across. And in that corner, Luke's boxing opponent (7,3). 36 & 10 down. Part-time registrar and chief teller of the Hazzard Bank (5,6). 38. Type of flag on the General's roof (11). 39. Thieves with one arm? (7). 40 & 27 down. Company that made the Dukes of Hazzard (2nd word is abbreviation) (6,4). 41. See 29 down. 42. Hobie Harkins sells this type of cars (4). Down 1. Alternate first name used for Mabel Tillingham at the phone company (6). 2. Lulu Hogg's equality campaign in Share and Share Alike (4). 4. See 18 across. 5. Uncle Jesse used to make this - Boss still does (9). 7. Actor who played Les Sloane in The Runaway and Col. Decker in The A-Team (5,7). 8. What the Duke boys need to go fishing (6). 9. See 25 down. 10. See 36 across. 11. Surname of country singer Loretta who needed to be found (4). 13 & 5 across. Actor who played Vance Duke (11,5). 14. Country singer Johnny told Boss to 'Take This Job And Shove It' (8). 16. Along with Plymouth Fury, most commonly used make & model of patrol car (5,6). 17. First name of Cooter's cousin from season 2 (10). 19. Type of car stolen by Cooter in season 1 (9). 21. Uncle Jesse is (was) a member of this troublesome group of senior citizens (5,7). 25 & 9 down. Actor who played Enos Strate (5,7). 27. See 40 across. 29 & 41 across. Flash's breed (6,5). 30. Boss hypnotizes Daisy to believe she is this to Carter Stewart's fortune (7). 32. First name of actor who played Coy Duke (5). 34. See 24 across. 37. The Green Machine in season 5 was this (4).
  13. Saw this on my travels in Ireland. This type of road is known as a boreen (from the Irish bóithrín, meaning a small road). They are narrow, country roads that are covered in Tarmac, but often have grass growing down the middle. The sign is "No overtaking".
  14. If you remember, at the beginning of that episode Rosco was filling in his diary and trying to lie about how much Boss pays him - every time he exagerated the amount Flash would bark until he finally got realistic. With all Boss's schemes in it, no wonder Flash hated the diary.
  15. I'd like to see Rosco catch the Dukes if they were driving that. By the way, there's another Dukes connection on this page - directly below John's picture is Ernie Hudson who played Avery in Dear Diary in season 4.
  16. Good film, I watched it recently. Capt_Redneck was correct in identifying the main car as a '69 Dodge Charger, but 3 cars were used: 1969 Charger R/T; 1969 Charger (non-R/T); 1968 Charger. I think the '68 was only shown from the front, but the car clearly loses its split grille in some scenes.
  17. Thought I'd put up a couple of pics of Sorrell before he became Boss Hogg. The first is from a Dukes book I have. In 1962 he played the title role in the musical (stage production) of 'Fiorello!'. The second is from one of his 2 appearances as Gen. Wilson Spaulding Barker in the first season of MASH in 1972.
  18. On the DVD commentary John mentions the balloons were put in front of the banner to cover something up, but he couldn't remember what.
  19. Couldn't wait - it's been bugging me that I couldn't find John ever since I found out he was in SATB (Ben and Sonny are a lot easier to spot). Got home, found DVD, then searched this forum and found MaryAnne had posted some screenshots from SATB a few years ago, but sadly they're not there anymore. So I had to resort to Google which took me to CGLFC's website for the answer. These are grabs off my DVD which is from the region 2 Pursuit Pack. Despite the guy in the white shirt looking like Bo, John is apparently the guy in the dark shirt with the black cowboy hat on (thanks for the pointers dukefan1, I'm sure you knew that already). That's another of life's great mysteries solved - I think I need a lie down now:).
  20. Tell me about it. One of my relatives from Barnsley moved to France and married a Frenchman. The kids were raised speaking French and English, but when they started learning English at school their teacher couldn't understand their broad Yorkshire accents, so they virtually had to start from scratch:).
  21. I know it's not sunny daylight 100% of the time - if it never rained, how would the Hazzard carwash ever fill up:). I was generalising a bit, but in the main you have to admit 'sunny daylight' covers most of the episodes. I stand to be corrected, but I don't remember seeing the General's headlights on (until one of the recent films), and only saw the covers raised occasionally. Of course Repo Men was one of the episodes filmed in Georgia, so rain was more likely.
  22. I've known for a while that John was in SATB - I think he mentions it on one of the DVD extras - but never managed to spot him. Now I know which scene to look in I'll dig the DVD out and watch it again (after I get to the end of DoH season 4 - it'll give me time to prepare for Coy and Vance:)). Are there any screen grabs of his appearance on this site? - I'm fairly new here, and ploughing through the threads as quickly as I can.
  23. Afraid it's a soft-top - the one from The Spy Who Shagged Me. Box doesn't give a year, and the net gives it anywhere from '65-'67. According to IMCDb the car in the movie was a 1966 Chevrolet Corvette Sting Ray [C2]. The Mako Shark is another soft-top, and from '61, but it's the gorgeously detailed AutoArt version. Forgot to mention in original post, I also have a model of a 1955 Chevy 3100 pickup. It came in Teal, but I'm in the process of converting it to the beige truck Clint Eastwood drove in Every Which Way But Loose complete with toolbox, new mirrors, seat and bumpers. It's my first custom job, and it's on the back burner at present. Maybe I'll get back to it after the summer.
  24. Well they managed to find room for the nearby Pencil Museum (www.pencilmuseum.co.uk if there are non-believers out there). Didn't have time to visit it as I wanted to go to the house used as Uncle Monty's cottage in 'Withnail and I' just down the road in Shap - it was sold a couple of months later. Also stocked up on Kendal Mint Cake. I was born in Dorset (think there's another forum member from that neck of the woods) but am Yorkshire on my father's side, and visited the Barnsley area regularly when I was younger. Just remembered - I actually visited Barnsley and Sheffield on the way back from Keswick.
  25. Didn't know whether to post this here or in Hobbies - I'm sure the forum mods can move it if they wish. Since getting CorelDraw I've been playing around with vector-based artwork, and thought I'd have a crack at General Lee. It's still work-in-progress as I keep thinking of details to add/change. Basically it's a mixture of styles - crossed flags from Geogia episodes, wider nudge bar, red Georgia plates, headrests from Lee 1, white letter tyres etc., but being vector-based they're all easily changable. If anyone has Corel or Illustrator and is interested, please PM me and i'll email you a copy. Alternatively I could send a PDF if you just want a print out (if anyone has 1.65Mb of online storage they could make it downloadable). I've included a couple of smallish jpegs to look at. If you spot any glaring errors, please let me know (politely) - constructive feedback is always appreciated. I've also done the Boars Nest sign, and am currently working on a single view of a Plymouth Fury Hazzard sheriff's car. Non DoH cars I've done (all single view) are: 1966 Mustang; 1970 El Camino; Starsky & Hutch Torino (1/2 finished); Christine (nearly finished).
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