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Everything posted by HossC

  1. The well known one in 'One Armed Bandits' is the banner at the end where they spell Rosco as "Roscoe": In the close-ups there is a balloon in the way so you can't see the mistake: You may be right about bad spellers on the crew. If you check out The Patrol Cars in Pictures thread you'll see that US Marshal was often spelled "US Marshall". Also, in the Bad Spell of Jesse! thread you'll see that Jesse's name was spelled "Jessie" at least twice.
  2. I didn't know that the soundstage car was a '68 - be fair, there aren't a lot of '68 styling cues in the image I had to work with . Here's a couple from 'Daisy's Song'. In the first picture Bo is in the Road Runner while Luke is driving Ms. Mabel's RV. Two patrols are seen racing towards their location, yet when Bo crashes through this gate the patrol cars are visible in the background. One is moving slightly, the other is completely stationary. The front of the blue Chevy Chevette is just visible above the windshield of the Road Runner - it is also stationary. Immediately after this the patrol cars are hot on their heels. Towards the end of the episode Ms. Mabel and her girls arrive in their RV to distract the music pirates. When the RV enters the field it has a large hand-made banner on the side. When it comes to rest, and for the remainder of the scene, the banner has been changed. It still seems to have the same misspelled message ("WELCOME SINDICATE PIRATS TO HAZZARD COUNTY"), but the writing is different. In the version below the lettering is heavier and more rounded. It looks like this later scene was filmed with artificial lighting (see reflection to the right of the RV's door), and may even have been a different day.
  3. Excellent find, but the title of the movie is actually It Happened One Night ("A Night to Remember" was a 1958 movie about the Titanic disaster). The whole movie is on YouTube - the scene we're talking about starts at about 23:17. It Happened One Night
  4. Sweetwater is the same as Hazzard, but with 'Sheriff' under the star instead of 'Hazzard County'. I can't make out any detail on the badge of the ATF car in 'Follow That Still', although the one from 'Hughie Hogg Strikes Again' looks very similar to this:


    I'm sure you can do the State Penitentiary badge yourself - it's just plain black text (something like Arial bold).

    As for the others, I may do them if I get a good screengrab.

  5. I thought you were using IE 7 to post, but wanted to upgrade to 8. You never said that 7 didn't work!.

  6. Can you download Firefox or Chrome?.

  7. You're obviously not familiar 'The Barbarian Sublimation' episode of 'The Big Bang Theory':

    Sheldon Cooper: Sheldor back on line.

    Penny: What's AFK?

    Sheldon Cooper: AFK. Away from keyboard.

    Penny: Oh, I see.

    Sheldon Cooper: What does that stand for?

    Penny: Oh, I see?

    Sheldon Cooper: Yes, but what does it stand for?

  8. Sorry - I was AFK when you sent your message. The normal way to get a CD out is to find the small hole on the front of the drive and stick something like a paper clip into it. You probably didn't need to know that as it sounds like you're sorted :).

  9. I've watched the scene a couple of times and no county is given. All the balladeer says is:

    "The most reinforced person in Hazzard was Ms. Mabel, the Mobile Madame."


    "Ms. Mabel's party girls roamed Hazzard in a fancy RV camper."

    After they hear that the cops are on the way Bo says "You were going to move outside of Hazzard County, anyway."

    The cops are obviously not from Hazzard becasue they have to stop at the Hazzard county line. Their cars are the same off-white as the Atlanta cars (probably the same cars), but I think they have a Hazzard-style star on the doors. You never get to see the badges, only the 'Sheriff' sign on the trunk.

    The scene at the end is in Hazzard.

  10. I've never managed to work out the detail on the bottom of the Roseville badge, so I'm not sure whether you'll find it usable.

    I am going to concetrate on finishing the Patrol Cars in Pictures when I have the time. If I find any more logos that are possible for me to do along the way I'll let you know.

  11. Well spotted Brad. The 'slammer' car is a red '61 Mercury: The car Luke is driving in the close-ups is clearly an orange '69 Charger (sounds familiar ):
  12. Happy Birthday MaryAnne :).

  13. It sure does look like Bubba's going to enjoy owning and driving his own General. Congratulations to him for winning The Masters in a great play-off. With an extra $1,440,000 in the bank he can now afford to get gauges working .
  14. Ah - the good old days of loose expansion cards :). Glad that your back up and running, at least to some extent. Hope to chat tomorrow.

  15. I'll probably be around. What time did you have in mind?.
  16. I've been watching 'The Masters' golf tournament for the last couple of days, so my mind was already on Georgia and unsurprisingly Dukes. Then tonight they've been showing a lot of Bubba Watson, so I went to Google to see what he's been up to since his recent purchase. I found the following video of Bubba showing NASCAR driver Carl Edwards around LEE 1 and even taking him for a spin: I also found a slideshow of Bubba talking with golf commentator David Feherty that includes some pictures of LEE 1. There's meant to be a video of the interview that includes The General, but the website just gave an error when I clicked on the link. If it becomes available again I'll post a link. Bubba Watson Interviewed on Feherty
  17. Will you get a mail delivery tomorrow?.

  18. HossC

    Signs of Hazzard

    I was flicking through 'Coy vs. Vance' the other day when I remembered to do some screengrabs of the Baxley Sisters' van. Here's my version of the sign on the side. It looks like the motorbikes were done by the same person who did them on the Carnival of Thrills poster - they're similar, but not the same (that would make things too easy ). The color choices seems a bit strange; blue and green used to be a frowned upon combination and the red and blue stripes are much darker than the red and blue in the logo.
  19. He can always pop over to the Irish Boar's Nest. Pubs here are shut tomorrow (Good Friday), but it's the only day other than Christmas day that they shut. Most will open as usual on Sunday. Happy Birthday for Sunday, John.
  20. Whoever it was that said computers would make our lives easier had obviously never used one before ;). I hope the XP disk works out for you. It would be great if you were up and running by the weekend.

  21. Yeah - I still have the older logos. I'm assuming you need them larger than the ones I've posted in Fan Art. I'll collect together the ones on your list that I've done and hopefully PM them to you at the weekend.

  22. The Chip Away could be a BIOS virus which you might be able to cure with by flashing the BIOS from a floppy. It might also be a warning that you were trying to alter the MBR if it occurred when you were upgrading to 98 SE. I hope yo find some sort of solution soon.

    Sorry about your landlady's dog :(.

  23. How's the upgrade going?.

  24. Well done Val. I hope you get a chance to drop by again soon.
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